a short repertory to milk related problems compiled by dr prabhat tandon & dr Anika Tandon
source :Synthesis repertory & Complete repertory
Milk:Aversion:Mothers: Calcarea phosphorica, :Silicea;Aceticum acidum ,Borax venetaCalcarea carbonica ,Cina Maritim ,Artemisia maritima ,Phosphoricum acidum ,Antimonium crudu, Antimonium tartaricum, Bryonia alba, Lachesis, Magnesia carbonic, Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni, Natrum carbonicum, Rheum palmatum; Rheum officinale, Sabal serrulata, Stannum metallicum, Stramonium, Sulphur]
Milk:Aversion:Mothers:Child refuses mothers milk: Calcarea phosphorica ,Silicea; Silica terra ,Aceticum acidum ,Borax veneta ,Calcarea carbonica Hahnemanii ,Cina Maritima; Artemisia maritima ,Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni ,Phosphoricum acidum ,Antimonium crudum ,Bryonia alba ,Lachesis ,Magnesia carbonica ,Rheum palmatum; Rheum officinale ,Sabal serrulata ,Stannum metallicum ,Stramonium ,Sulphur
Milk:Aversion:Mothers:Child refuses mothers milk:Aphthae, with: Borax veneta
Milk : Aversion:Mothers:Child refuses mothers milk:Nurses after mouth has been moistened: Bryonia alba
Milk:Aversion:Mothers:Vomited, which is: Silicea; Silica terra
CHEST - MILK - boys, in merc.
CHEST - MILK - absent acon. Agn. alf. apis Asaf. Bell. borx. Bry. CALC. calc-sil. carb-an. card-m. Caust. cham. Chel. Coff. dulc. Form. frag. Ign. Lac-c. Lac-d. lach. lact. Lact-v. lec. medus. merc. Mill. nux-m. nux-v. ph-ac. phos. phyt. pilo. puls. rheum rhus-t. Ric. samb. Sec. Sil. spira. stict. sulph. Thyr. Urt-u. ust. x-ray yohim. ZINC.
CHEST - MILK - absent - accompanied by CHEST - MILK - absent - delivery; after acon. agn. bell. bry. CALC. Caust. cham. coff. merc. Puls. rhus-t. stict. sulph. urt-u.
CHEST - MILK - absent - night watching; from caust.
CHEST - MILK - altered bell. merc.
CHEST - MILK - bad acet-ac. AETH. asaf. Borx. bufo CALC. calc-p. carb-an. CHAM. cina crot-t. lach. lec. Merc. nat-m. nux-v. op. Ph-ac. puls. sabal SIL. stann. sulph.
CHEST - MILK - bitter phos. rheum samb. sulph.
CHEST - MILK - bloody Apis bufo Cham. hep. ip. Lyc. Merc. Phyt. Sep. Sulph.
CHEST - MILK - boys, in merc.
CHEST - MILK - cell count too high CHEST - MILK - cell count too high - accompanied by CHEST - MILK - cell count too high - accompanied by - cough tub.
CHEST - MILK - cell count too high - influenza; after suppressed tub.
CHEST - MILK - cell count too high - raw fibre in food too little sil.
CHEST - MILK - cheesy Borx. bov. Cham. Phyt.
CHEST - MILK - child refuses mother's milk CHEST - MILK - pregnancy; in women when not related to ars. Asaf. bamb-a. bell. borx. bry. calc. calc-i. carc. Cycl. ign. kola lac-c. lyc. Merc. phos. PULS. reser. rhus-t. sabin. stram. thlas. Tub. Urt-u. vip.
CHEST - MILK - suppressed - remedies to suppress milk flow asaf. borx. bry. Calc. con. Lac-c. Puls. urt-u.
CHEST - MILK - thick and tastes bad Borx. Kali-bi. lyc. Phyt.
CHEST - MILK - thin alf. asaf. Calc-p. carb-an. cham. Con. cycl. Lach. lec. lyc. merc. nux-v. sanic. Sil. Tub.
CHEST - MILK - thin - watery; and Bell. Calc. cham. Con. Iod. Merc. Plb. Puls. sulph. Tub.
CHEST - MILK - thin - watery; and - long after weaning Con.
CHEST - MILK - flowing spontaneously acon. ant-t. arn. Bell. Borx. Bry. CALC. cham. chin. Coff. Con. Iod. Kali-i. kreos. lac-c. Lach. Lyc. nux-v. Phos. Puls. rhod. Rhus-t. Sil. stann. staph. stram. ust.
CHEST - MILK - pus; containing Cham.
CHEST - MILK FEVER - fever lactation; during ACON. arn. bell. bry. calc. cham. Coff. rhus-t.