Lab Overview NOTE: Configuration management for the lab is controlled through a mix of ZTP, eAPI, Python, and Perl, scripting, all of which relies on the following configurations to function:
• Do not change or remove the Management IP address. • Do not change or remove the eAPI configuration. • Do not change or remove the Script or Class users. • Do not change or remove the login banner. • Do not change or remove the hostname. • Do not add/change a password to the admin user. • Do not add/change an enable secret password. Lab Description The lab network is constructed such that every pair of leaf switches is connected to the spine switches in the following topology:
Lab Access (Ravello Systems) The lab network is based on virtual machines using Ravello Systems’ solution combined with Arista’s virtual switch vEOS solution running on the virtual machines. Essentially the instructor(administrator) created several virtual machines using Ravello and loaded them with vEOS software image from Arista networks (topology shown above) so they became virtual Arista switches, then the instructor assigns these switches to each student, so each student will have a lab network with multiple switches to practice EOS commands and implement various networking solutions. In our class, the instructor will first create the lab networks (this process is called token creation) and assigns to each student, this will be a URL format and each student will get a different one. To access the lab, students need to access(SSH) the virtual machine called “LabAccess” then use LabAccess as a jump server to ssh to all the VMs(or access through direct console) Here are the steps: 1, After clicking the provided URL link (please use chrome if you can), students will see this:
2, Public IP address was provided on the left top corner of the host called “LabAccess”, students can use this information to initiate the remote access procedure using hyperterminal software such as SecureCRT. Take above snapshot for an example: // port 22 so it is SSH Username and password are both arista
Students can now make selections based on the menu. To toggle between sessions, type “exit”. Please note that these are the console sessions of each VM. Students can also use SSH to access each VM if they preferred, to do so, simply selecting “10. Shell(bash)” and then use SSH to access each box (as shown below). In this way students could create multiple sessions without toggling between console sessions, which is preferred by some folks. However default configuration does NOT have SSH enabled, student would have to configure SSH to use this direct access method. switch>en switch #conf t switch (config)#management ssh switch (config-mgmt-ssh)#no shut switch (config-mgmt-ssh)#end switch # Please note the ip address range of management interface(ma1) for each switch is 192.168.0.X (10-----15 If you are unsure of the specific IP address, kindly use above “Device Menu” to connect to each switch to find out (show interface ma1) Please DO NOT change/delete this management IP address.
This concludes the lab access procedure part. Note: All the VMs are loaded with Arista vEOS, the only difference between vEOS and EOS running in a physical switch is that vEOS does not have hardware dataplane and the bridging and routing capabilities are emulated in software. IP ACL, NAT, DirectFlow, LANZ, “platform” commands would NOT be available on vEOS.
Lab#1 // EOS CLI Fundamentals Lab Objectives: In this activity you will: • Execute a number of commands on the CLI • Interact with the BASH shell and navigate the Linux file structure • Using FastCli execute a CLI command from BASH • Configure your switch to send email and send yourself a test email TASK 1: Test drive the CLI Step 1 Execute the following CLI commands on your switch to familiarize yourself with the config. show show show show
run lldp neighbors interfaces status connected ip route
Step 2 Explore the aliases HINT: use the “show run section alias” to view the aliases that are already configured. Step 3 Use the “show run section interface ethernet” command to view the running configuration of each interface. student-20# show run section interface ethernet interface Ethernet1 description [ ESXi ] ! interface Ethernet2 description [ Agile Port ] shutdown !