Lab Guide Training V2.0.pdf

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 6,392
  • Pages: 36
Lab Overview NOTE: Configuration management for the lab is controlled through a mix of ZTP, eAPI, Python, and Perl, scripting, all of which relies on the following configurations to function:

• Do not change or remove the Management IP address. • Do not change or remove the eAPI configuration. • Do not change or remove the Script or Class users. • Do not change or remove the login banner. • Do not change or remove the hostname. • Do not add/change a password to the admin user. • Do not add/change an enable secret password. Lab Description The lab network is constructed such that every pair of leaf switches is connected to the spine switches in the following topology:


Lab Access (Ravello Systems) The lab network is based on virtual machines using Ravello Systems’ solution combined with Arista’s virtual switch vEOS solution running on the virtual machines. Essentially the instructor(administrator) created several virtual machines using Ravello and loaded them with vEOS software image from Arista networks (topology shown above) so they became virtual Arista switches, then the instructor assigns these switches to each student, so each student will have a lab network with multiple switches to practice EOS commands and implement various networking solutions. In our class, the instructor will first create the lab networks (this process is called token creation) and assigns to each student, this will be a URL format and each student will get a different one. To access the lab, students need to access(SSH) the virtual machine called “LabAccess” then use LabAccess as a jump server to ssh to all the VMs(or access through direct console) Here are the steps: 1, After clicking the provided URL link (please use chrome if you can), students will see this:

2, Public IP address was provided on the left top corner of the host called “LabAccess”, students can use this information to initiate the remote access procedure using hyperterminal software such as SecureCRT. Take above snapshot for an example: // port 22 so it is SSH Username and password are both arista



Students can now make selections based on the menu. To toggle between sessions, type “exit”. Please note that these are the console sessions of each VM. Students can also use SSH to access each VM if they preferred, to do so, simply selecting “10. Shell(bash)” and then use SSH to access each box (as shown below). In this way students could create multiple sessions without toggling between console sessions, which is preferred by some folks. However default configuration does NOT have SSH enabled, student would have to configure SSH to use this direct access method. switch>en switch #conf t switch (config)#management ssh switch (config-mgmt-ssh)#no shut switch (config-mgmt-ssh)#end switch # Please note the ip address range of management interface(ma1) for each switch is 192.168.0.X (10-----15 If you are unsure of the specific IP address, kindly use above “Device Menu” to connect to each switch to find out (show interface ma1) Please DO NOT change/delete this management IP address.


This concludes the lab access procedure part. Note: All the VMs are loaded with Arista vEOS, the only difference between vEOS and EOS running in a physical switch is that vEOS does not have hardware dataplane and the bridging and routing capabilities are emulated in software. IP ACL, NAT, DirectFlow, LANZ, “platform” commands would NOT be available on vEOS.


Lab#1 // EOS CLI Fundamentals Lab Objectives: In this activity you will: • Execute a number of commands on the CLI • Interact with the BASH shell and navigate the Linux file structure • Using FastCli execute a CLI command from BASH • Configure your switch to send email and send yourself a test email TASK 1: Test drive the CLI Step 1 Execute the following CLI commands on your switch to familiarize yourself with the config. show show show show

run lldp neighbors interfaces status connected ip route

Step 2 Explore the aliases HINT: use the “show run section alias” to view the aliases that are already configured. Step 3 Use the “show run section interface ethernet” command to view the running configuration of each interface. student-20# show run section interface ethernet interface Ethernet1 description [ ESXi ] ! interface Ethernet2 description [ Agile Port ] shutdown !

Step 4 Configure an interface descripton named “This is NOT a link to the spine” on interface Ethernet 2 student-20# conf student-20(config)# int Et2 student-20(config-if-Et10)#description This is NOT a link to the spine student-20(config-if-Et10)#

Step 5 Use the “show run section spine” command to view your change.


student-20(config-if-Et10)# sh run section spine interface Ethernet10 description This is NOT a link to the spine ! interface Ethernet21 description [ Spine-1 ] ! interface Ethernet22 description [ Spine-2 ] student-20(config-if-Et10)# exit student-20(config)#

HINT: Notice how “show run section” displayed other sections of the configuration. This command can be extremely useful. Step 6: Generate a custom syslog using the “send log message” command. Make the syslog say “I like this feature” student-20(config)# send log message I like this feature student-20(config)#

Step 7: Use the “show log last 5 min” command to view your custom syslog. NOTE: You could also grep for a string in your custom syslog using the “show log | grep” command. student-20(config)# sh log last 5 min Feb 3 02:22:07 student-20 Cli: %SYS-6-LOGMSG_INFO: Message from admin on vty3 ( I like this feature student-20(config)#

Step 8: Configure your switch to send email and then send yourself an email. (This is just a command practice, the actual email function will not work) student-20(config)# email student-20(config-email)# from-user [email protected] student-20(config-email)# server student-20(config-email)# end student-20# show tech | email [email protected]

NOTE: The “show tech | email [email protected]” is only an example! Replace with the command of your choosing and a valid email address. TASK 2: Enter BASH and get familiar with the Linux kernel. Step 1 Enter bash on your switch- Type “bash”. To exit bash type “exit”. Student-05# bash


Arista Networks EOS shell [admin@Student-05 ~]$

Step 2 Show the interfaces on the switch using the “ifconfig –a” command. [admin@Student-05 ~]$ ifconfig -a cpu

Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1C:73:68:D7:F7 UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:9216 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)


Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1C:73:68:D7:F7 UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:9214 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:21357 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:2724658 (2.5 MiB)


Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1C:73:68:D7:F7 UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:9214 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)


Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1C:73:68:D7:F7 UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:9214 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

Step 3 Issue the “top” command. Inspect the output including items such as the load average, % CPU and % MEM for processes, etc. Break out of top by typing “control-c”. admin@Student-05 ~]$ top top - 00:58:47 up 11:31, 3 users, load average: 0.04, 0.05, 0.10 Tasks: 204 total, 1 running, 203 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie Cpu(s): 3.6%us, 1.7%sy, 0.0%ni, 94.7%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st Mem: 4017112k total, 2101608k used, 1915504k free, 164552k buffers Swap: 0k total, 0k used, 0k free, 1328684k cached PID USER 1936 root FocalPointV2 1662 root 1745 root AgentMonitor

PR 20

NI 0

VIRT RES 824m 135m

SHR S %CPU %MEM 86m S 3.3 3.5

20 20

0 0

434m 145m 388m 46m

84m S 15m S

1.0 1.0


3.7 1.2

TIME+ COMMAND 22:33.40 6:37.61 Sysdb 6:30.97

1661 root worker 1244 admin




36m 3448 S



2:54.15 ProcMgr-







0:06.00 Cli

26m S

TASK 3: Use the FastCLI tool to run a CLI command from BASH. Step 1 Using the “FastCLI” command, from bash, issue the CLI command “show interface status”. [admin@Student-05 ~]$ FastCli -c 'show interfaces status' Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Type Et1 [ ESXi ] connected 1 a-full 1000BASE-T Et2 notconnect 1 full Present

Speed a-1G 10G Not

Step 2 Issue the same command and redirect the output to a file named “show_int_stat.txt”. [admin@Student-05 ~]$ FastCli -c 'show interfaces status' > sh_int_stat.txt [admin@Student-05 ~]$

Step 3 Verify your file was created. [admin@Student-05 ~]$ ls sh_int_stat.txt

End of lab


Lab#2 // Multi-Chassis LAG (MLAG) Lab Objectives: In this lab you will: • Configure Multi-chassis LAG (MLAG) and observe its operation in steady state Diagram:

Configure MLAG on the two Spine switches using the following criteria 1. Confirm MLAG Heartbeats are permitted in the switch control plane ACL. 1. show ip access-lists default-control-plane-acl 2. Configure the MLAG Peer Link. 1. config 2. interface eth1 3. switchport 4. switchport mode trunk 5. channel-group 10 mode active 6. interface port-channel 10 7. switchport 8. switchport mode trunk 3. Configure the MLAG VLAN (both Layer 2 and Layer 3). 1. vlan 4094


2. trunk group mlagpeer 3. interface port-channel 10 4. switchport trunk group mlagpeer 5. exit 6. no spanning-tree vlan 4094 7. interface vlan 4094 8. description MLAG Peer Link 9. ip address <match drawing> 10. ping <match drawing to ping MLAG neighbor IP address> 4. Define the MLAG Domain. 1. mlag 2. local-interface vlan 4094 3. peer-address <match drawing> 4. peer-link port-channel 10 5. domain-id mlag01 5. Configure MLAG member ports 1. int eth2-3 2. switchport 3. switchport mode trunk 4. channel-group 12 mode active 5. interface port-channel 12 6. switchport 7. switchport mode trunk 8. mlag 12 6. Verify MLAG operation 1. show mlag 2. show mlag detail 3. show mlag interfaces 7. Verify switching operation 1. show interface status 2. show lldp nei 8. Configure MLAG member ports 1. int eth4-5 2. switchport 3. switchport mode trunk 4. channel-group 34 mode active 5. interface port-channel 34 6. switchport 7. switchport mode trunk 8. mlag 34 9. Verify MLAG operation 1. show mlag 2. show mlag detail 3. show mlag interfaces


10. Verify switching operation 1. show interface status 2. show lldp nei Configure MLAG on the Leaf1 and Leaf2 switches using the following criteria 11. Configure Port-channels on Leafs 1. int eth1 2. switchport 3. switchport mode trunk 4. channel-group 10 mode active 5. interface port-channel 10 6. switchport 7. switchport mode trunk 12. Verify MLAG operation 1. show mlag 2. show mlag detail 3. show mlag interfaces 13. Verify switching operation 1. show interface status 2. show lldp nei 3. show interfaces trunk 14. Configure the MLAG VLAN (both Layer 2 and Layer 3). 1. vlan 4094 2. trunk group mlagpeer 3. interface port-channel 10 4. switchport trunk group mlagpeer 5. exit 6. no spanning-tree vlan 4094 7. interface vlan 4094 8. description MLAG Peer Link 9. ip address <match drawing> 10. ping <match drawing to ping MLAG neighbor IP address> 15. Define the MLAG Domain. 1. mlag 2. local-interface vlan 4094 3. peer-address <match drawing> 4. peer-link port-channel 10 5. domain-id mlag12 16. Configure Port-channels on Leafs 1. int eth2-3 2. switchport 3. switchport mode trunk 4. channel-group 12 mode active 5. interface port-channel 12 6. switchport


7. switchport mode trunk 8. mlag 12 17. Verify MLAG operation 1. show mlag 2. show mlag detail 3. show mlag interfaces 18. Verify switching operation 1. show interface status 2. show lldp nei 3. show interfaces trunk Configure MLAG on the Leaf3 and Leaf4 switches using the following criteria 19. Configure Port-channels on Leafs 1. int eth1 2. channel-group 10 mode active 3. interface port-channel 10 4. switchport mode trunk 5. show interface status 20. Verify MLAG operation 1. show mlag 2. show mlag detail 3. show mlag interfaces 21. Verify switching operation 1. show interface status 2. show lldp nei 3. show interfaces trunk 22. Configure the MLAG VLAN (both Layer 2 and Layer 3). 1. vlan 4094 2. trunk group mlagpeer 3. interface port-channel 10 4. switchport trunk group mlagpeer 5. exit 6. no spanning-tree vlan 4094 7. interface vlan 4094 8. description MLAG Peer Link 9. ip address <match drawing> 10. ping <match drawing to ping MLAG neighbor IP address> 23. Define the MLAG Domain. 1. mlag 2. local-interface vlan 4094 3. peer-address <match drawing> 4. peer-link port-channel 10 5. domain-id mlag34


24. Configure Port-channels on Leafs 1. int eth2-3 2. channel-group 34 mode active 3. interface port-channel 34 4. switchport mode trunk 5. mlag 34 6. show interface status 25. Verify MLAG operation 1. show mlag 2. show mlag detail 3. show mlag interfaces 26. Verify switching operation 1. show interface status 2. show lldp nei 3. show interfaces trunk Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Mlag: %FWK-3-SOCKET_CLOSE_REMOTE: Connection to Mlag (pid:1404) at tbt:// closed by peer (EOF) Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Mlag: %FWK-3-SELOR_PEER_CLOSED: Peer closed socket connection. (tbt:// (pid:1404)) Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Mlag: %MLAG-3-STATE_INACTIVE_CONNECTION_CLOSED: MLAG is inactive with peer because the TCP session was closed Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Mlag: %MLAG-6-INTF_UNESTABLISHED: Interface Port-Channel1 is no longer in MLAG 1. Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Mlag: %MLAG-6-INTF_UNESTABLISHED: Interface Port-Channel10 is no longer in MLAG 10. Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-ROOTCHANGE: Root changed for instance Vl11: new root interface is (none), new root bridge mac address is 02:1c:73:19:fe:c8 (this switch) Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-INTERFACE_ADD: Interface Port-Channel1 has been added to instance Vl11 Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-INTERFACE_ADD: Interface Port-Channel10 has been added to instance Vl11 Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-ROOTCHANGE: Root changed for instance Vl1: new root interface is (none), new root bridge mac address is 02:1c:73:19:fe:c8 (this switch) Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-INTERFACE_ADD: Interface Port-Channel1 has been added to instance Vl1 Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-INTERFACE_ADD: Interface Port-Channel10 has been added to instance Vl1 Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-ROOTCHANGE: Root changed for instance Vl10: new root interface is (none), new root bridge mac address is 02:1c:73:19:fe:c8 (this switch) Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-INTERFACE_ADD: Interface Port-Channel1 has been added to instance Vl10 Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-INTERFACE_ADD: Interface Port-Channel10 has been added to instance Vl10 Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-ROOTCHANGE: Root changed for instance Vl50: new root interface is (none), new root bridge mac address is 02:1c:73:19:fe:c8 (this switch) Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-INTERFACE_ADD: Interface Port-Channel1 has been added to instance Vl50


Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-INTERFACE_ADD: Interface Port-Channel10 has been added to instance Vl50 Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-ROOTCHANGE: Root changed for instance Vl50: new root interface is Port-Channel10, new root bridge mac address is 02:1c:73:1a:b5:26 Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-ROOTCHANGE: Root changed for instance Vl10: new root interface is Port-Channel10, new root bridge mac address is 00:1c:73:1a:b5:26 Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-ROOTCHANGE: Root changed for instance Vl1: new root interface is Port-Channel10, new root bridge mac address is 00:1c:73:1a:b5:26 Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-ROOTCHANGE: Root changed for instance Vl11: new root interface is Port-Channel10, new root bridge mac address is 00:1c:73:1a:b5:26 Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-INTERFACE_ADD: Interface Port-Channel50 has been added to instance Vl11 Jan 2 17:35:15 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-INTERFACE_ADD: Interface Port-Channel50 has been added to instance Vl1 Jan 2 17:35:16 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-INTERFACE_ADD: Interface Port-Channel50 has been added to instance Vl10 Jan 2 17:35:16 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-INTERFACE_ADD: Interface Port-Channel50 has been added to instance Vl50 Jan 2 17:35:16 7050S64-D2 Stp: %SPANTREE-6-INTERFACE_STATE: Interface Port-Channel50 instance Vl11 moving from discarding to forwarding Troubleshooting commands show mlag detail show mlag interface detail show mlag tunnel counter detail show lacp nei show lldp nei trace commands cd /var/log/messages cd /var/log/agents End of lab


Lab#3 // TCPdump and Mirror to EOS Lab Objectives: • Use TCPDUMP to capture control plane traffic on your switch • Use the Mirror to EOS feature to capture data plane traffic on your switch. TASK 1: Use TCPDUMP to capture various control plane traffic on your switch Step 1 Use TCPDUMP to capture all control plane traffic in/out of interface Ethernet 2. Spine1# bash tcpdump -i et2 tcpdump: WARNING: et19: no IPv4 address assigned tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode listening on et19, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes 03:28:18.889472 00:1c:73:40:27:34 (oui Arista Networks) > 01:80:c2:00:00:00 (oui Unknown), 802.3, length 119: LLC, dsap STP (0x42) Individual, ssap STP (0x42) Command, ctrl 0x03: STP 802.1s, Rapid STP, CIST Flags [Proposal, Learn, Forward, Agreement], length 102

Step 2 Use TCPDUMP to capture only packets to/from your MLAG peer’s IP address. Spine1# bash tcpdump -nei any host X.X.X.X tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode listening on any, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked), capture size 65535 bytes 03:31:40.958859 In 00:1c:73:68:d2:7b ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 89: > Flags [P.], seq 2859282953:2859282974, ack 2454782164, win 124, options [nop,nop,TS val 95460474 ecr 95907066], length 21 03:31:40.958914 Out 00:1c:73:40:27:21 ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 68: > Flags [.], ack 21, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 95907566 ecr 95460474], length 0
omitted> Step 3 Use TCPDUMP capture the LACP packets on an interface in port-channel 1000. Spine1# bash tcpdump -nevvi et2 ether dst host 01:80:c2:00:00:02 tcpdump: WARNING: et23: no IPv4 address assigned tcpdump: listening on et23, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes 03:33:25.058390 00:1c:73:40:27:38 > 01:80:c2:00:00:02, ethertype Slow Protocols (0x8809), length 124: LACPv1, length 110 Actor Information TLV (0x01), length 20 System 00:1c:73:40:27:21, System Priority 32768, Key 1000, Port 23, Port Priority 32768 State Flags [Activity, Aggregation, Synchronization, Collecting, Distributing]


0x0000: 8000 001c 7340 2721 03e8 8000 0017 3d00 0x0010: 0000 Partner Information TLV (0x02), length 20 System 00:1c:73:68:d2:7b, System Priority 32768, Key 1000, Port 23, Port Priority 32768 State Flags [Activity, Aggregation, Synchronization, Collecting, Distributing]

TASK 2: Use Mirror to EOS to capture data plane traffic on your switch Step 1 Create a monitor session with the source interface of et19 and destionation “cpu” Spine1# conf student-20(config)# monitor session sniff source ethernet 2 both student-20(config)# monitor session sniff destination cpu

Step 2 Use the “show monitor session” command to view the newly created “mirror” kernel interface. Spine1(config)# sh monitor session Session sniff -----------------------Source Ports: Both:


Destination Ports: Cpu :

active (mirror0)


Step 3 TCPDUMP on the mirror interface (Currently vEOS in our lab does not support mirror interface, so we just practice the commands) Spine1(config)# bash tcpdump -i mirror0 tcpdump: WARNING: mirror1: no IPv4 address assigned tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode listening on mirror1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes 04:09:51.989495 00:1c:73:40:27:34 (oui Arista Networks) > 01:80:c2:00:00:00 (oui Unknown), 802.3, length 119: LLC, dsap STP (0x42) Individual, ssap STP (0x42) Command, ctrl 0x03: STP 802.1s, Rapid STP, CIST Flags [Proposal, Learn, Forward, Agreement]

End of Lab



Lab#4 // VMTracer Configuration

Log into the Ravello Systems portal as per Student Assignment. HTTP to the public IP address assigned to the jumphost server. Click on either CVP to open the CloudVision page, or vCenter to open the vCenter Server page.

For this VM Tracer lab, lets click on the vCenter page and enter root/vmware

Added to our topology will be two VMware 5.5 ESXi servers. For this lab we will configure VM Tracer on Leaf1 and Leaf3, run show vmtracer commands to verify these real-time changes.

1. Configure VM Tracer session on Leaf1 and Leaf3 switches. The vmtracer sessions just talk to vCenter via management interface of the switch (ma1) config t vmtracer session ATD url username root password vmware


2. Eth5 on Leaf1 and Leaf3 connected to the ESXi host. Configure this port on both switches as an VM Tracer enabled port. int eth5 vmtracer vmware-esx 3. Verify your config show vmtracer session ATD show run sec vmtracer

4. Once you’ve verified the sessionState of your session is Connected, run show vmtracer ? commands to gain visibility of your vCenter environment from the switch. Some commands to try are… show show show show show

vmtracer vmtracer vmtracer vmtracer vmtracer

session interface eth5 vm vm detail interface host

5. (optional) Log Leaf1 and type in the command watch diff show vmtracer vm. Now, log into vCenter and migrate (vMotion) DSL-1 from ESXi-1 to ESXi-2 by right clicking the vm and selecting Migrate. Notice the state of the DSL-1 vm change as well as seeing it removed from the show command.

6. (optional) if you have time, create a new VM on one of the hosts. Notice once you’ve created the vm it will appear in the show vmtracer vm command.


Lab Objectives: • • •

Lab#5 // BGP Lab

Establish a BGP session between your switch and the spine switches Advertise and accept routes to/from the spine switches Configure and confirm BGP multi-path


Removing the previous L2 labs configuration If working in the Full Lab and have configured Layer 2, we need to tear that out and configure Layer 3 between the Spines and Leafs 1. On each device, remove the Leaf/Spine Layer 2 configurations 1. Spine 1 and Spine 2 1. no mlag configuration 2. no int po10 3. no int po12 4. no int po34 5. int eth1 6. shut


7. no int vlan 4094 8. spanning-tree vlan 4094

2. Leaf 1 and Leaf 2 1. no int po12 3. Leaf 3 and Leaf 4 2. no int po34

Configure eBGP on the Spine switches using the following criteria 1. Based on the diagram, turn on BGP and configure the neighbor relationships 1. Spine 1 1. int eth2 2. no switchport 3. ip add 4. int eth3 5. no switchport 6. ip add 7. int eth4 8. no switchport 9. ip add 10. int eth5 11. no switchport 12. ip add 13. sh ip int brief 14. sh run sec bgp (verify BGP is not running) 15. config 16. interface loop0 17. ip add 18. router bgp 65001 19. router-id 20. bgp log-neighbor-changes 21. nei remote-as 65101 22. nei remote-as 65102 23. nei remote-as 65103 24. nei remote-as 65104 25. sh run sec bgp (verify bgp configuration) 2. Spine 2 1. int eth2 2. no switchport 3. ip add 4. int eth3 5. no switchport 6. ip add 7. int eth4 8. no switchport 9. ip add 10. int eth5 11. no switchport 12. ip add 21

13. sh ip int brief 14. sh run sec bgp (verify BGP is not running) 15. config 16. interface loop0 17. ip add 18. router bgp 65002 19. router-id 20. bgp log-neighbor-changes 21. nei remote-as 65101 22. nei remote-as 65102 23. nei remote-as 65103 24. nei remote-as 65104 25. sh run sec bgp (verify bgp configuration) Configure eBGP on the Leaf switches using the following criteria 1. Based on the diagram, turn on BGP and configure the neighbor relationships 1. Leaf 1 1. int eth2 2. no switchport 3. ip add 4. int eth3 5. no switchport 6. ip add 7. sh ip int brief 8. interface loop0 9. ip add 10. router bgp 65101 11. router-id 12. bgp log-neighbor-changes 13. nei remote-as 65001 14. nei remote-as 65002 15. sh run sec bgp (verify bgp configuration) 16. sh ip bgp sum (verify BGP neighbors moved to Estab) 2. Leaf 2 1. int eth2 2. no switchport 3. ip add 4. int eth3 5. no switchport 6. ip add 7. sh ip int brief 8. interface loop0 9. ip add 10. router bgp 65102 11. router-id 12. bgp log-neighbor-changes 13. nei remote-as 65001 14. nei remote-as 65002 22

15. sh run sec bgp (verify bgp configuration) 16. sh ip bgp sum (verify BGP neighbors moved to Estab) 3. Leaf 3 1. int eth2 2. no switchport 3. ip add 4. int eth3 5. no switchport 6. ip add 7. sh ip int brief 8. interface loop0 9. ip add 10. router bgp 65103 11. router-id 12. bgp log-neighbor-changes 13. nei remote-as 65001 14. nei remote-as 65002 15. sh run sec bgp (verify bgp configuration) 16. sh ip bgp sum (verify BGP neighbors moved to Estab) 4. Leaf 4 1. int eth2 2. no switchport 3. ip add 4. int eth3 5. no switchport 6. ip add 7. sh ip int brief 8. interface loop0 9. ip add 10. router bgp 65104 11. router-id 12. bgp log-neighbor-changes 13. nei remote-as 65001 14. nei remote-as 65002 15. sh run sec bgp (verify bgp configuration) 16. sh ip bgp sum (verify BGP neighbors moved to Estab)

We don’t have any BGP routes yet, lets spin up some networks on the Leafs CREATE SVIs as per the topology(configuration not shown here) 1. Add the following SVIs to BGP announcements each of the Leafs 1. Leaf 1 1. router bgp 65101 2. network 2. Leaf 2 1. router bgp 65102 2. network 3. Leaf 3 23

1. router bgp 65103 2. network 4. Leaf 4 1. router bgp 65104 2. network Verify all of the Spines and Leafs see these new network announcements 1. Check the BGP and IP Routing tables on each of the Spines and Leafs 1. Spine 1 1. sh ip bgp 2. sh ip route 2. Spine 2 1. sh ip bgp 2. sh ip route 3. Spine 3 1. sh ip bgp 2. sh ip route 4. Spine 4 1. sh ip bgp 2. sh ip route Turning on ECMP (Equali Cost Multi-Path) as it is off by default 1. Check the BGP and IP route tables on each of the Spines and Leafs 1. show ip bgp, show ip route and show ip route bgp 2. Why are we only seeing one next hop in the FIB? 2. Lets get more hops (sounds like we’re brewing beer) 1. On each router, jump into BGP configuration mode and add 1. maximum-paths 4 3. Check the BGP and IP route tables on each of the Spines and Leafs 1. show ip bgp, show ip route and show ip route bgp 2. Ahh, just like a good beer, we’re much hoppier now 3. And notice the new status code in the show ip bgp output BGP Troubleshooting commands show ip bgp sum show ip bgp show ip bgp nei x.x.x.x show run sec bgp show log cd /var/log/messages cd /var/log/agents End of Lab


Appendix A: BGP Route Selection Decision Process Selection step

BGP4 RFC 4271

Non-standard 1


Shortest AS_PATH Lowest ORIGIN: IGP < EGP < incomplete (e.g. redistributed static) Lowest MED Prefer locally / internally originated routes over received ones



Prefer eBGP over iBGP Smallest IGP metric to next hop BGP Multipath option


Oldest route

5 6

7 8 (RFC4456 standard) 9


Prefer locally / internally originated routes over received ones


2 3 4


Highest Weight Highest LOCAL_PREF

Prefer eBGP over iBGP Smallest IGP metric to next hop

Smallest IGP metric to next hop Prefer eBGP over iBGP

Prefer eBGP over iBGP Smallest IGP metric to next hop

Lowest BGP Originator ID, or Router ID if no Originator ID is present Smallest RR cluster list Lowest BGP peering address


Lab#6 // Virtualization Overlay with VXLAN






Eth5 .200.9/30

Eth2 .200.13/30





.200.22/30 Eth2

Lab Access Public IP = Dynamic arista/arista

CVP Mgmt IP = arista/arista






Eth4 VLAN 12















.200.30/30 Eth2



















Eth1 This interface gets shut in this lab




Eth2 This interface gets shut in this lab

Note: we’ve had intermittent connectivity with dual forwarding on a Ravello virtual switch. To avoid this issue shut down interface Ethernet4 on Leaf2 and interface Ethernet4 Leaf4 For this lab, there are two options: use the provided “vxlan” script (by making selections from the menu) to configure all but Leaf3, or alternatively, manually build the whole network via CLI. Option 1: Using the provided “vxlan” script: The “vxlan” script is composed of python code that uses the CloudVision Portal Rest API to automate the provisioning of CVP Configlets(a.k.a making configuration changes automatically) 1. In the menu interface, selection item “16. VXLAN Lab (vxlan) excludes leaf3 instead of leaf4” 1.1. Wait for 5-10 minutes for the configurations to be pushed 2. On Leaf 3; add the Loopback0 interface to the BGP advertisements 2.1. Leaf 3 router bgp 65103 network 3. Verify these addresses (and all /32 loopbacks) are advertised and received 3.1. On each Spine and Leaf show ip route bgp 4. Announce a new SVI into BGP


4.1. On Leaf 3; add VLAN 12, SVI VLAN 12 and announce it in BGP vlan 12 exit interface vlan 12 ip address ip virtual-router address router bgp 65103 network 4.2. Verify the network is advertised and received on each Spine show ip route bgp 5. Create the VXLAN VTEP (VTI) interfaces 5.1. Leaf 3 interface vxlan 1 vxlan source-interface loopback 0 vxlan flood vtep vxlan vlan 12 vni 1212 5.2. Verification show run interface vxlan 1 show vxlan vtep 5.3. On Leaf 3 we need to change the Host2 connection to be in VLAN 12 int eth4 switchport mode access vlan 12 5.4. Verification with show run int eth4 5.5. Verification – from Host 1 and Host 2 ping

Note: If ping fails, please check interface Eth4 on both Leaf 1 and Leaf 3. They should be configured as normal access ports in VLAN 12 6. Log into Host 1 and Host 2 and ping the other host. 6.1. Host 1 ping sh interface eth1 | grep Hardware (note the MAC address) 6.2. Host 2 ping sh interface eth1 | grep Hardware (note the MAC address) 7. Verification – on Leaf 1 and Leaf 3 7.1. Verify the MAC addresses and the associated VTEP IP show vxlan address-table 7.2. Verify the MAC address and the associated interface show mac address-table 8. Let’s run some other show commands and tests to poke around VXLAN. 8.1. On Leaf 1 and Leaf 3 issue the following command:


show interface vxlan 1 9. Start a ping on Host 1 with a long count and shut Leaf 3’s VXLAN interface 9.1. Host 1 ping repeat 1000 9.2. Leaf 3 interface vxlan 1 shut (Take note - did your pings stop getting an echo reply?) no shut (Take note - did you pings pick right back up?) 10. Troubleshooting VXLAN 10.1.

First, verify basic IP connectivity between the VTEP endpoints show ip route ping x.x.x.x source loopback 0

10.2. Verify Jumbo frames are enabled throughout your path by tracing the path between the two VTEPS and then sending pings along the way (Side Note; MTR is a useful tool for this scenario) show run interface vxlan 1 show interface vxlan 1 show vxlan address-table show mac address-table show log cd /var/log/messages cd /var/log/agents

Option 2: Manually build the whole VXLAN network (no script): 11. On Leaf 1 and Leaf 3; add the Loopback0 interface to the BGP advertisements 11.1.

Leaf 1 router bgp 65101 network


Leaf 3 router bgp 65103 network

12. Verify these addresses (and all /32 loopbacks) are advertised and received 12.1.

On each Spine and Leaf show ip route bgp

13. Enable Jumbo frames on the Layer 3 interfaces. For Arista on the Ethernet interfaces the maximum is 9214 13.1.

On Spine 1 and Spine 2: int mtu int mtu int mtu int mtu int mtu


eth1 9214 eth2 9214 eth3 9214 eth4 9214 eth5 9214

Verify MTU settings:


show ip interface brief


On Leaf 1 and Leaf 2: int mtu int mtu


eth2 9214 eth3 9214

Verify MTU settings: show ip interface brief

14. Announce a new SVI into BGP 14.1.

On Leaf 3; add VLAN 12, SVI VLAN 12 and announce it in BGP vlan 12 exit interface vlan 12 ip address ip virtual-router address router bgp 65103 network


Verify the network is advertised and received on each Spine show ip route bgp

15. Create the VXLAN VTEP interfaces (VTI) 15.1.

Leaf 1 interface vxlan 1 vxlan source-interface loopback 0 vxlan flood vtep vxlan vlan 12 vni 1212


Leaf 3 interface vxlan 1 vxlan source-interface loopback 0 vxlan flood vtep vxlan vlan 12 vni 1212


Verification show run interface vxlan 1 show vxlan vtep


On Leaf 3 we need to change the Host2 connection to be in VLAN 12 int eth4 switchport mode access vlan 12


Verification show run int eth4

16. Log into Host 1 and Host 2 and IP them into VLAN 12 16.1.

Host 1 no int po1 int eth1 no switchport ip address


ip route 0/0 16.2.

Host 2 no int po1 int eth1 no switchport ip address ip route 0/0


Verification – from Host 1 and Host 2 ping

Note: If ping fails, please check interface Eth4 on both Leaf 1 and Leaf 3. They should be configured as normal access ports in VLAN 12


Lab#7 // L2 EVPN Configuration

Note: Based on limitations in vEOS-LAB data plane, EVPN with Multi-homing via MLAG is unsupported. As such, this lab exercise will not enable MLAG. 17. In the menu interface, selection item “17. EVPN Type 2 Lab (l2evpn) excludes leaf3 instead of leaf4” 17.1.

Wait for 5-10 minutes for the configurations to be pushed

18. On Leaf 3, configure L2EVPN 18.1.

Leaf 3 set Ar-BGP service routing protocols model multi-agent


Leaf 3 Underlay Interface configurations. interface Port-Channel4 switchport mode access switchport access vlan 12 ! interface Ethernet1 shutdown ! interface Ethernet2 no switchport ip address ! interface Ethernet3 no switchport ip address


! interface Ethernet4 channel-group 4 mode active lacp rate fast ! interface Ethernet5 shutdown ! interface Loopback0 ip address ! interface Loopback1 ip address ip address secondary ! 18.3.

Leaf 3 Add Underlay BGP configurations router bgp 65103 router-id distance bgp 20 200 200 maximum-paths 4 ecmp 4 neighbor SPINE peer-group neighbor SPINE fall-over bfd neighbor SPINE maximum-routes 12000 neighbor peer-group SPINE neighbor remote-as 65001 neighbor peer-group SPINE neighbor remote-as 65002 redistribute connected !

19. Verify Underlay 19.1.

On each leaf and spine show ip bgp summary show ip route bgp

20. On Leaf 3, build BGP Overlay router bgp 65103 neighbor SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT peer-group neighbor SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT next-hop-unchanged neighbor SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT update-source Loopback0 neighbor SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT ebgp-multihop neighbor SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT send-community extended neighbor SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT maximum-routes 0 neighbor peer-group SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT neighbor remote-as 65001 neighbor peer-group SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT neighbor remote-as 65002 ! address-family evpn neighbor activate neighbor activate ! address-family ipv4 no neighbor activate no neighbor activate


! 21. Verify overlay 21.1.

On leaf 1 and 3 show bgp evpn summary

22. Configure L2EVPN 22.1.

On Leaf 3; add VLAN 12, and vxlan1 vlan 12 ! interface Vxlan1 vxlan source-interface Loopback1 vxlan udp-port 4789 vxlan vlan 12 vni 1200 !


On Leaf 3; add mac vrf router bgp 65103 vlan 12 rd route-target both 1:12 redistribute learned !

23. Verify vxlan and L2EVPN 23.1.

On leaf 1 and 3 show interface vxlan1 show bgp evpn route-type ### Log into host 1 and ping ping Ping ping ### show bgp evpn route-type

mac-ip host 2 local interface first mac-ip


Lab#8 // L3 EVPN Configuration

Note: Based on limitations in vEOS-LAB data plane, EVPN with Multi-homing via MLAG is unsupported. As such, this lab exercise will not enable MLAG. 1. In the menu interface, selection item “18. EVPN Type 5 Lab (l3evpn) excludes leaf3 instead of leaf4” 1.1. Wait for 5-10 minutes for the configurations to be pushed 2. On Leaf 3, configure EOS to ArBGP and add loopback0 2.1. Leaf 3 set Ar-BGP service routing protocols model multi-agent 2.2. Leaf 3 Underlay Interface configurations. interface Ethernet1 shutdown ! interface Ethernet2 no switchport ip address ! interface Ethernet3 no switchport ip address ! interface Ethernet4 shutdown ! interface Ethernet5


channel-group 5 mode active ! interface Loopback0 ip address ! interface Loopback1 ip address ip address secondary ! 2.3. Leaf 3 Add Underlay BGP configurations router bgp 65103 router-id distance bgp 20 200 200 maximum-paths 4 ecmp 4 neighbor SPINE peer-group neighbor SPINE fall-over bfd neighbor SPINE maximum-routes 12000 neighbor peer-group SPINE neighbor remote-as 65001 neighbor peer-group SPINE neighbor remote-as 65002 redistribute connected ! 3. Verify Underlay 3.1. On each leaf and spine show ip bgp summary show ip route bgp 4. On Leaf 3, build BGP Overlay router bgp 65103 neighbor SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT peer-group neighbor SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT next-hop-unchanged neighbor SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT update-source Loopback0 neighbor SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT ebgp-multihop neighbor SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT send-community extended neighbor SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT maximum-routes 0 neighbor peer-group SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT neighbor remote-as 65001 neighbor peer-group SPINE-EVPN-TRANSIT neighbor remote-as 65002 ! address-family evpn neighbor activate neighbor activate ! address-family ipv4 no neighbor activate no neighbor activate ! 5. Verify overlay 5.1. On leaf 1 and 3 show bgp evpn summary


6. Configure L3EVPN 6.1. Configure vrf interfaces vlan 2003 ! interface Port-Channel5 switchport access vlan 2003 ! interface Vlan2003 mtu 9000 no autostate vrf forwarding vrf1 ip address virtual ! interface Loopback901 vrf forwarding vrf1 ip address ! 6.2. Configure the vrf vrf definition vrf1 ! ip routing vrf vrf1 ! router bgp 65103 vrf vrf1 rd route-target import 1:1001 route-target export 1:1001 redistribute connected redistribute static ! 6.3. Map vrf to vni interface Vxlan1 vxlan vrf vrf1 vni 1001 ! 7. Verify VRF 7.1. Leaf 1 and 3 show ip route vrf vrf1 (note route resolution over vni) show interface vxlan1 (note dynamic vlan to vni mapping)


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