Lab 5

  • April 2020
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Problem Definition Paper Running Head: DELINQUENCY CASES

Delinquency Cases by Sex and Race LarRy Cosey Tuskegee University SOWK 300 Ms. McArthur


Problem Definition Paper


Abstract In this Problem Definition Paper I will be discussing the problem of delinquency. In the later part of the paper I will review charts that I have researched and compare my data. The will also be segments of my opinion in the paragraphs below. I will define the term delinquency so it is clear what exactly will be discussed. The paper will also inform my audience on who is more likely to be victimized. There are a group of charts that should be reviewed also while reading my paper to better explain my research and show my findings.

Problem Definition Paper 1. Problem Identification The general problem that is depicted in my table is the amount of delinquency cases and the rates are listed by sex and race.

2. Problem Description Delinquency, as reported by, is any misdeed, offense or misdemeanor. This act can disrupt society and that is why it is labeled as a problem. This topic is starting to emerge as an even bigger problem in the America today because the economy is doing poorly and individuals are resulting to anything for survival. In African American neighborhoods delinquency has become a problem because the younger generations are following the lead that their elders have set for them. This has become on big cycle for African American men. I believe it is not stopping propagation for them but it is leading to a weaker culture because the men do not know anything better to do. My ideas for lessening this problem is by having more activities in the communities so that the children have something to do besides getting into mischievous activities and as for the older delinquents they must learn that they provide examples for younger people. Some type of trade school or skills workshop should be hosted close to the neighborhoods with extreme problems in delinquency.

3. Findings A) Magnitude: I) How large or severe is the problem? This problem of delinquency is rather severe and always unwanted so no matter what the numbers show this issue still is a burden to society. When examining Table 1 labeled Criminal Victimization, Numbers, Rates, and Percent


Problem Definition Paper


Change, by type of Crime, 2005 and 2007, on page one of the table document, you can observe that the delinquency rates have in fact decreased since 2005. The amount of decrease is small but in this case any type of improvement is a great improvement. Rape and simple assault do not follow the trend of decrease but they are not much higher than the rates that were checked in the previous years. II) How many people are affected? In this situation all people are affected no matter the numbers or percentages because there is no guarantee that anyone is safe from offenders. On Table 6 labeled Victim and Offender Relationship, 2007, shown on page six, there is a chart showing victim and offenders relationships. After viewing these statistics I found that most all incidents with women were committed by someone that was not a stranger. The category of non-stranger includes intimates, relatives, and friends. The only difference in results was with robbery because the number of incidents with robbery by strangers occurred more than with non-strangers but the number was so close that the percentages are still the same. With males the results are complete opposite because all their offenders are strangers and rape and simple assault has occurred with non-strangers. III) What are the costs of the problem expressed in terms of money, morbidity, or mortality? I researched the crimes committed while using weapons. In Table 7 labeled Presence of Weapons in Violence Incidents, 2007, located on page seven, it shows that most researched incidents occurred without using weapons. This statement does not hold true in cases of robbery and I believe this to be true because when you rob an individual you need something to put fear into that person or you are liable to be challenged or attacked. B) Scope: I) How widespread is the problem? This problem is very widespread because it

Problem Definition Paper


has happened all over society to all types of individuals. As I stated previously people commit acts of crime or be delinquent mostly to survive. In the paragraph located on page six, it states that about 46% of all violent crimes were reported to police and that 37% of property crime was reported. This means there is an abundance of crime going unreported. I believe this could be due to the fear that an offender may come back and commit the crime again or even worse harm the victim. II) What percentages of selected populations are affected? In table 5 Property and Crime Rates, by household and income, 2007, located on page five, there are listings of the sizes of households and their incomes to see if there was any correlation. I believe when individuals commit crimes they are unaware of the exact income an individual receives they go off of how the individual looks our the quality of their possessions. The table shows that victims of crimes usually make less than 7,500 and the average household that is victimized is over six people. C) Changes: How has the problem varied or changed over time? As I stated before there has been a decrease in delinquency since 2005 to 2007. The decrease has been small so there are no major changes in society. D) Disparities: Are the differences in the problem in terms of race, sex, age, SES, sexual orientation, or disability? On Table 4 labeled Rates of Violent Crime, located on page four, it states that more women are victimized. I was surprised that there was only a difference in 8 million between the males and females. Also the chart revealed that most victims are white. The age range with the most victims is 35-49. The region of which these studies took place was not listed but crime happens all over so I do not believe that it makes that much of a difference where you live. If an individual is disabled it would be easier for them to be victimized and the sexual orientation could also have an affect on the victim.

Problem Definition Paper


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