CC2433 Basic Health Assessment and Clinical Skills Laboratory 1 Outline Laboratory 1 Case Scenario Mrs. Tam is suffering from chest pain and vomiting and she is admitted to the medical ward. You are the nurse in-charge for Mrs. Tam. After you pick up the call from the emergency department, what do you need to prepare? 1) Arrange the bed for Mrs. Tam. 2) Make the bed from occupied bed to unoccupied bed. 3) Prepare the necessary equipments for the admission of Mrs. Tam. 4) Admission of the clients:______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 5) Nursing Process:_____________________________________________________ 5) Take the vital signs:____________________________________________ 6) General survey 6) Interview the client • Notes for interviewers: o Communication skills: internal factors and external factors o 9 types of examiner responses o 10 traps of interviewing o 7 types of nonverbal behaviors o Analysis of symptoms 7) Physical Examination o Inspection o Palpation o Percussion o Auscultation