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  • Words: 455
  • Pages: 4
Problem Set #4

Short Answer Questions: 1. What is sensation?

2. What is perception?

3. Define “receptive field”.


4. Define “contralateral shift”.

5. What are the two types of receptors in the eye and what are their functions?

6. What is habituation?

7. What is dishabituation?


8. What is the cocktail party phenomenon?

9. What are some Gesalt principles of perception?


Multiple Choice Questions: 1. Which of the following is NOT an example of a monocular visual depth perception cue? (a) Texture gradient (b) Motion parallax (c) Interposition (d) Opponent process (e) Relative size 2. The five basic gustatory sensations that most animals possess are: (a) bitter, salty, tangy, sour, umami (b) salty, sweet, bitter, sour, umami (c) smooth, grainy, cold, hot, lukewarm (d) grain, fruit, meat, vegetable, fats (e) salty, sharp, sour, bitter, awesome 3. Cats tend to notice slight movements under low lighting conditions with greater ease than do humans; they do not, however, find it easy to distinguish colors. This is primarily due to their retinas containing, in comparison to humans (a) relatively fewer numbers of amacrine cells and relatively more bipolar cells. (b) relatively fewer number of ganglion cells and relatively more osmoreceptors. (c) relatively fewer numbers of cilia and relatively more optic nerve cells. (d) relatively fewer numbers of cones and relatively more rods. (e) relatively fewer numbers of mechanoreceptors and relatively more ossicles. 4. The Gesalt concept of perceptual continuity refers to: (a) our tendency to see objects near to each other as belonging to the same group. (b) our tendency to see objects that are closer to us as larger than objects that are farther away. (c) our tendency to see fluid or complete forms rather than irregular or incomplete ones. (d) our tendencyy to see similar-looking objects as part of the same group. (e) our tendency to see two slightly different images from each of our eyes. 5. Which of these would be the best illustration of Weber’s law? (a) At a sound intensity level of 20 decibels, most people can recognize that a sound of 22 decibels is louder, but at a level of 80 decibels, most people cannot recognize that a sound level of 82 decibels is louder. (b) At an illumination level of 40 lumens, most people can report seeing a light that is polychromatic, but cannot report seeing one that is monochromatic. (c) At a concentration of 100 parts per million, more people can taste a salty stimulus than a bitter stimulus. (d) All auditory stimuli above a certain frequency “sound” as if their frequencies are the same. (e) People cannot attend to more than a few discrete stimuli presented to a fiven sensory modality at the same time.