L4, 1.3 Independent & Dependent Clauses

  • May 2020
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Download & View L4, 1.3 Independent & Dependent Clauses as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 331
  • Pages: 12
Pages 162-164

A clause is a group of words that have a minimum of one subject and one verb.

   

ecology is a science because I am hungry if you want to we go swimming

Independent Clauses  

   

S + V [+ O] Expresses a complete thought

The sun rose. Coffee is good in the morning. Eight A.M. is too early! Computers make life easier.

Dependent Clause 

Begins with a subordinator, such as When  While  If  That  Who  After  Although  Because 

Also called a sentence fragment  Incomplete sentence  Does not express a complete thought  MUST begin with a subordinator 

although I had breakfast  unless you pay for classes  who I met yesterday at orientation  whenever she eats chocolate  until I buy a car  as soon as he finds his keys 

I will go to the grocery as soon as I find my keys.  Before seven o’clock every morning, Khalid runs two miles.  The EELI teachers always have meetings so that they can talk about grades.  Because the dog bites, the family returned it to the store. 

3. Jet lag affects most long-distance travelers 

4. Which is simply the urge to sleep at inappropriate times 



5. During long journeys through several time zones, the body’s inner clock is disrupted

7. Also, changes in work schedules can cause jet lag 


9. Although there is no sure way to prevent jet lag 


Pages 292-95

Using the charts on pages 292-95, write 15 sentences.  Each sentence must use a different subordinating word.  Vary the order 

 

Dependent  Independent Independent  Dependent

Read/Review 164-75  Tomorrow’s discussion: 

Sentence Types Simple Sentences  Compound Sentences  Complex Sentences  Compound-Complex Sentences 

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