Kumpulan Kode Program C++

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 944
  • Pages: 9
PROGRAM BERAT BADAN IDEAL (BMI) #include <stdio.h> #include void main() { int BB,TB1; float TB2; float BBI,BMI; mulai: printf("\t# HITUNG BERAT BADAN IDEAL #\n"); printf("\t# BODY MASS INDEX CALCULATION #\n\n"); printf("BERAT BADAN(kg) =\n"); scanf("%d",&BB); printf("TINGGI BADAN(cm)(ex:180) =\n"); scanf("%d",&TB1); printf("TINGGI BADAN(m)(ex:1.80) =\n"); scanf("%f",&TB2); printf("========================================\n"); BMI=BB/(TB2*TB2); BBI=(TB1-100)*90/100; printf("BERAT IDEAL ANDA = %f\n",BBI); printf("BODY MASS INDEX ANDA = %f\n",BMI); if (BMI<18.5 && BMI>=0) {printf("KETERANGAN = UNDER WEIGHT\n\n");} else if (BMI>=18.5 && BMI<25) {printf("KETERANGAN = NORMAL\n\n");} else if (BMI>=25 && BMI<30) {printf("KETERANGAN = OVER WEIGHT\n\n");} else if (BMI>=30) {printf("KETERANGAN = OBESITAS\n\n");} else {printf("KETERANGAN = ERROR ON INPUT NUMBER\n\n");} printf("ULANGI PERHITUNGAN ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; }

PROGRAM NILAI KELULUSAN #include <stdio.h> #include void main() { int nilai; int nm; mulai: printf("\tUJI KELULUSAN\n\n"); printf("Masukan Nilai UN anda = "); scanf("%d", &nilai); printf("Masukan Nilai Minimal Kelulusan = "); scanf("%d", &nm); printf("====================================\n\n"); if (nilai>=nm && nilai<=100) { printf("SELAMAT ANDA LULUS !!!\n\n"); } else if (nilai>=0 && nilai
PROGRAM RUMUS TENSES #include<stdio.h> #include void main() { int a,b; mulai: printf("\t*TENSES FORMULA*\n\n"); printf("================================\n\n"); printf("Pilihan :\n"); printf("1. PRESENT TENSE\n"); printf("2. PAST TENSE\n"); printf("3. FUTURE TENSE\n"); printf("4. PAST FUTURE TENSE\n\n");

printf("MASUKAN PILIHAN ANDA :"); scanf("%d", &a); printf("================================\n\n"); if (a>0 && a<2) {printf("PILIH KONDISI :\n\n"); printf("1. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE\n"); printf("2. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE\n"); printf("3. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE\n"); printf("4. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE\n\n"); printf("MASUKAN PILIHAN ANDA :"); scanf("%d",&b); clrscr(); if (b>0 && b<2) { printf("===================================\n"); printf("#SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n"); printf("\tsubject + verbI\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tI go to campus almost every day.\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else if (b>1 && b<3) { printf("===================================\n"); printf("#PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n");

printf("\tSubject + TO BE(am, is, are) + verbI+ing\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tWe are studying English now.\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else if (b>2 && b<4) { printf("===================================\n"); printf("#PRESENT PERFECT TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n"); printf("\tSubject + have/has + verbIII\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tI have written letter\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else if (b>3 && b<5) { printf("===================================\n"); printf("#PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n"); printf("\tSubject + have/has + been + verbI+ing\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tShe has been staying at my house this year.\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else {printf("===================================\n"); printf("\t\tERROR\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } } else if (a>1 && a<3) {printf("PILIH KONDISI :\n\n"); printf("1. SIMPLE PAST TENSE\n");

printf("2. PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE\n"); printf("3. PAST PERFECT TENSE\n"); printf("4. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE\n\n"); printf("MASUKAN PILIHAN ANDA :"); scanf("%d",&b); clrscr(); if (b>0 && b<2) { printf("===================================\n"); printf("#SIMPLE PAST TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n"); printf("\tsubject + verbII\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tI went to Indralaya yesterday.\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else if (b>1 && b<3) { printf("===================================\n"); printf("#PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n"); printf("\tSubject + was/were + verbI+ing\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tI was writing letter.\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else if (b>2 && b<4) { printf("===================================\n"); printf("#PAST PERFECT TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n"); printf("\tSubject + had + verbIII\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tWe had gone to campus.\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else if (b>3 && b<5) {

printf("===================================\n"); printf("#PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n"); printf("\tSubject + had + been + verbI+ing\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tYou had been studying English.\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else {printf("===================================\n"); printf("\t\tERROR\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } } else if (a>2 && a<4) {printf("PILIH KONDISI :\n\n"); printf("1. SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE\n"); printf("2. FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE\n"); printf("3. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE\n"); printf("4. FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE\n\n"); printf("MASUKAN PILIHAN ANDA :"); scanf("%d",&b); clrscr(); if (b>0 && b<2) { printf("===================================\n"); printf("#SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n"); printf("\tsubject + will/shall + verbI\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tI will post the letter.\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else if (b>1 && b<3) { printf("===================================\n"); printf("#FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n");

printf("\tSubject + will/shall + be + verbI+ing\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tI will be writing at seven o'clock tomorrow.\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else if (b>2 && b<4) { printf("===================================\n"); printf("#FUTURE PERFECT TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n"); printf("\tSubject + will/shall + have + verbIII\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tHE will have gone to campus.\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else if (b>3 && b<5) { printf("===================================\n"); printf("#FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n"); printf("\tSubject + will/shall + have + been + verbI+ing\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tI will have been swimming.\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else {printf("===================================\n"); printf("\t\tERROR\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } } else if (a>3 && a<5) {printf("PILIH KONDISI :\n\n"); printf("1. PAST FUTURE TENSE\n");

printf("2. PAST FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE\n"); printf("3. PAST FUTURE PERFECT TENSE\n"); printf("4. PAST FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE\n\n"); printf("MASUKAN PILIHAN ANDA :"); scanf("%d",&b); clrscr(); if (b>0 && b<2) { printf("===================================\n"); printf("#PAST FUTURE TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n"); printf("\tsubject + would/should + verbI\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tI would go to Indralaya the following day.\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else if (b>1 && b<3) { printf("===================================\n"); printf("#PAST FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n"); printf("\tSubject + would/should + be + verbI+ing\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tWe should be going to campus.\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else if (b>2 && b<4) { printf("===================================\n"); printf("#PAST FUTURE PERFECT TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n"); printf("\tSubject + would/should + have + verbIII\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tShe would have written letter.\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else if (b>3 && b<5) {

printf("===================================\n"); printf("#PAST FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE#\n\n"); printf("rumus :\n"); printf("\tSubject + would/should + have + been + verbI+ing\n"); printf("Ex :\n"); printf("\tI would have been studying English for nine years.\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } else {printf("===================================\n"); printf("\t\tERROR\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } } else {clrscr(); printf("===================================\n"); printf("\t\tERROR\n"); printf("===================================\n"); printf("Ulangi ?"); getch(); clrscr(); goto mulai; } }

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