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  • Words: 824
  • Pages: 15
Vajikarana & Sexology Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad M.D.(Ay) COP (German), M.A, Ph.D. (Jyotish)

Vajikarana is ... • • • • • •

much times misinterpreted as Sexology intended to facilitate potent offspring Male dominate and meant for Males either to relieve penile problems to initiate sex even to get abundant semen for generating the healthy successive generation • other wise it is “Eugenics” I.e. improvement of the qualities of a race by control of inherited characteristics


• Vajikarana (Aphrodisiacs) is that which potentates a man to traffic in to women like a horse and also sustenance in the same • mainly the animal relationship example are • Chataka - (Sparrow) multiple short span conjugation with small amount of semen • Gaja - (Elephant) once in a while long time conjugation with abundant semen discharge • Vrusha - (Buffalo) regular stable seasonal conjugation with more quantity sperm (Semen) • Ashwa - (Horse) regular forceful dynamic conjugation with less qualitative semen 2

Vajikarana is ... • Long lasting since the descend of Ayurveda • it needs initial purification of the body cleansing through “Panchakarma Shodhana” • “Temptations” towards female and there by a chemical reaction occurs in the body through the buffered “Vajikarana Dravya” • the probable action is a - psycho-neuro-motor activity enhances the blood flow to the Male genitalia, so it erects and ejaculates well to produce a child



Sexology is ... • A science which is based on mutual consent, gratification, seduction and conjugal satisfaction of either gender where birth of child is not essential • Sex is other wise a materialistic pleasure of either gender, some times it is of the same gender initiated by PDE5, cGMP & NO

What is sex ... • Sex is a harmonious act of two genders with a proper understanding and desire • Sex doesn’t come easy, it depends upon health and it is not just intercourse, it is all about pleasure. • Sex is achieved by keeping fit, eating well, having a good relationship, proper communication, fine stimulus, proper arousal, perfect erection, good orgasm and timely ejaculation. • Apart from all other reasons erection plays an 5 important role.


Sex is a flame - inferno • It melts the Male and Female to get in to the action of generating the best of the best natures miraculous act of generating the new generations offspring • The sex act friction generates the flame of Orgasm & the ego burns in inferno

The saga of sex …LAPS • It starts from the womb by fondling the genitalia • knowing the sexual anatomy at the adolescence, interest generates to explore • generating the gender-maps (developmental representation - gender identity) and Love-maps (idealized Love & Lover - Affair - Program Sexoerotic activity projected either imaginary or actual) • leads to either harmonious matrimonial life or to get in to a courtesan (sex worker)


Ayurvedically -Astanga-Maidhuna the eight Sex - acts • • • • • • • •

Smarana - remembering Lover Keertana - singing for / with lover Kreeda - conjugal play with lover Prekshanam - dancing with lover Guhyabhashanam - secret seductive talk Sankalpa - psycho sex act initiation Adhyavasaya - developing enthusiasm in Kriya nivrutti - submissive withdrawal 8

Myths of sex • Ideal meal to start a romantic evening - No • Sex lead to orgasm - Not

all times Abstinence makes sex arousal - Not at all

• • Great sex the best way to prove your self No • Men always wants sex - No • Women wants more intimacy - No • Men only like super skinny women - No


• Vajikarana can be emphasized by coital pleasure and birth of child • Perfect Sex is assessed by - MSP - my sexual persona • GRISS - Golombok-Rust Inventory of sexual satisfaction • GRIMS - Golombok-Rust Inventory of Marital state • HARDS (HAR) - Hospital A&D score & Stress score • Libido score & Frequency of NPT • Penile Erection score & Penile Rigidity score • Semen Ejaculation score • Orgasm score Appraisal of Sex • Androgen deficiency score 10

Conclusion • Ayurvedic Vajikarana and Sexology are entirely different • Many times the sex act is depended upon psyche of individual • some studies states that - gene transmission of the mother is responsible of genesis of impotency in the child • Growth (mitosis) is directly proportional to the libido or sex arousal


• Vajikarana speaks of the animals which are tracked at the sex act and yields more semen especially for men • Sexology speaks of the physical conjugal fitness of female as Padmini etc to that of Sashaka etc of men • Vajikarana ultimate aim is perfect “Eugenics” • Sexology ultimate aim is perfect “Orgasm” 12

Vajikarana Vs Sexology is relatively debated with the Eugenics Vs Orgasm finally it is

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“Vajikarana Vs Sexology” A Prasad’s desk Production


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