Ksmith Dre Mi 2019

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  • Words: 3,035
  • Pages: 14
Revised 10/2018

D-RE: REPORT OF EVALUATION Circle appropriate action:


Merit Increase



Triennial post-tenure review

*Summary Sheet must also be completed.

Section I: Background Information A. Name

Kendra L. Smith





Date of appointment Faculty Appointment (circle one on your right)

8/16/2006 Tenure track Tenure (evaluate all areas)

Pre-tenure track Non-tenure track (evaluate only teaching (evaluate teaching and SCAR) and SCAR or service)

B. Date of this evaluation:

C. Rank:



D. Period of time covered by the evaluation: from 1/2017 to 12/2018 (time since last reappointment, MI, triennial, or promotion) E. Documentation of Performance in ASL (UF Handbook, p. 32-34) ASLPI Rating: 4.1

Date of ASLPI: 3/26/2010

Date of Faculty Classroom Discourse Observation (if applicable): 2/9/2011

Date(s) of Student Rating of Instructor’s Classroom Communication: Summer 2017December 2018

Documentation of ASL development (include semesters and years) (UF Handbook p. 33-34):

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F. Does faculty member being evaluated hold a joint appointment with a separate administrative unit at Gallaudet or have administrative responsibilities external to the department (e.g., RSIA, a second academic department, etc.?) YES NO (Circle one) If yes, write an explanation and attach it to this form.

Section II: Teaching

From UF Handbook, p. 22: Teaching competence includes both expertise in the discipline as well as the ability to clearly communicate knowledge from that discipline. Effective communication in teaching is separate from and in addition to competency in ASL and Classroom Discourse as outlined in UF Handbook, pp. 32-33. University-wide requirements for teaching include: adherence to the university-required instructional time for each course, providing students a clear and complete syllabus for each course (as specified by Legislative Councils), demonstrate rigor in academic expectations, selecting instructional materials and bilingual teaching approaches that satisfy the needs of a diverse student population with multiple learning styles, accessibility and responsiveness to students’ individual academic needs, regular assessment of students’ work, providing students timely and appropriate feedback, and designing new courses or re-design existing courses if necessary.

A. List of courses taught during evaluation period: Credits

# enrolled

Two course release from teaching (as chair)-Spring and Fall Spring COU 720.01 Introduction to Research for Counselors



Summer COU 795.01 Special Topics: RSA Seminar



Fall COU 708.01 Counseling for Wellness and Human Development





Two course release from teaching (as chair)-Spring and Fall Spring COU 720.01 Introduction to Research for Counselors COU 720.OL2 Introduction to Research for Counselors COU 742.01 Practicum in Mental Health Counseling Summer COU 765.01 Crisis & Trauma Counseling COU 721.01 Foundations in Helping Skills

3 9 3 2 4 (took on 2 supervisees to reduce other faculty’s load) unpaid overload 2 4

9 4

Fall COU 708.01 Counseling for Wellness and Human Development 3 6 COU 792.01 Internship I in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 8 4 (took on group supervision to reduce other faculty’s load) unpaid overload

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B. List of other teaching-related activities (e.g., dissertation committees, course development, unique features, etc.) during the evaluation period: Teaches Existing Course for First Time • COU 721.01 Summer 2018

C. Sources used in determining the rating: (check all that apply) __x___self-report _______classroom observation

___x__peers _____personal observation

__x___students _______ others

D. Narrative:



1) receives a majority of four or higher numerical ratings on all Final Course Evaluation Forms from students;

See portfolio

2) initiates one new elective course for students during the evaluation time period; 3) teaches an existing course within the Department that she/he has not personally offered in the past three years;

COU 721 (summer 2018)

4) receives outstanding or excellent ratings of teaching performance on the Classroom Observation Form by two or more faculty members who have observed classroom performance during the evaluation period; 5) teaches an overload course for no pay;

Spring 2018: provided individual supervision to 2 students in COU 742

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6) participates in a doctoral dissertation committee during the evaluation time period without release time; 7) supervises a master’s thesis during the evaluation time period without release time; 8) offers an Independent Study to a student during the evaluation time period without release time; 9) supervises more than six students in a practicum or internship (or conducts the group supervision) semester during the evaluation time period without additional pay or release time; 10) creates and implements a unique course assignment/task during the evaluation period that requires time, effort, and is in line with the mission of the Department without release time; 11) provides unique services to a student with either special needs (when accommodations exceed the OSWD recommendations) or who is an international student; 12) makes significant changes to courses and curriculum that originates from feedback from students that consumes a great deal of time and effort; 13) provides unique prescriptive feedback to student(s) in supervision that consumes additional time and can be documented; 14) takes significant steps during the evaluation time period to improve expertise in courses taught by accomplishing one of the following: attending a 2-3 day workshop to glean new material, take a formal course at a university or college, take an on-line course; or some other significant pedagogical activity. Attendance at a conference would not be appropriate to justify this achievement. Additional documented faculty initiative that is in line with the current goals of the DOC and/or teaching service to our students will be considered.

Fall 2018: provided group supervision to 4 students in COU 792 (in support of colleague who was teaching COU 792)

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Other teaching accomplishments not covered in 1-14 above.

Rating: (circle one)





Section III: Scholarship/Creative Activity/Research (SCAR) From UF Handbook, p. 23: A faculty member must be professionally active in a specific academic discipline or allied fields. Examples of professional activities include: • Attending professional meetings in the field, • Participating in professional organizations and activities, • Demonstrating knowledge of current developments in the field through a variety of scholarly activities such as writing and signing for professional publications, • Presenting at professional conferences and professional workshops, • Dissemination of at least one scholarly or creative product (e.g., a scholarly publication, presentation of a creative product, submission of a grant proposal) to the field every three years, • Progress in executing research, scholarship or a creative activity agenda. Faculty are expected to produce at least one scholarly product (e.g., a scholarly publication, presentation of a creative product, submission of a grant proposal) triennially. The range of acceptable scholarly or creative products will be determined by the faculty of the programs and/or departments.

A. List of scholarly, creative, research activities conducted during evaluation period: Publications of Books, Chapters, Articles in Published Works Smith, K. L. (2017). Self-care practices and the professional self. Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation, 16:3-4, 186-203. Work on Grants Principal Investigator for U.S. Department of Education Grant No. H129Q150001, “Long-Term Training of Mental Health Counselors Working with Language and Learning Challenged Deaf Clients”, 2017 and 2018 Presentations at Internationally or Nationally Refereed Conferences “Working with Women Who Have Breast Cancer,” presented at ADARA conference, Indianapolis, IN, April 2018 Eminence Measures Permission for use of authored work, 2 requests in 2018 (see documentation in Scholarship folder) Other Forms of Scholarship 1. Attended 3-day ADARA Conferences, 2017 and 2018 2. Attended ACE Leadership Academy for Department Chairs, July 19-20, 2017 3. ACES Conference Proposal Reviewer, February 2017 4. National conference presentation proposal reviewer: ACES 5. Maintains professional licensure in DC and MD Page 5 of 14

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6. Maintains professional certifications: Approved Clinical Supervisor 7. Maintains professional membership in ACA, ACES, ADARA, AMCD

B. Sources used in determining the rating: (check all that apply) __x___self-report


_____personal observation


C. Narrative:



1. Publication of research-based articles in refereed journals a. Journals for counselors and counselor educators b. Journals for school personnel c. Journals for audiences of policy makers and administrators A cumulative publication record (completed, accepted, in progress) with evidence of a continuing flow of research or scholarly output is highly valued by our Department. (Note: Listings of work “in progress” should be eliminated from all tenure reviews beyond the fourth year and all promotion reviews beyond the Assistant Professor level or equivalent. Work accepted, submitted, or under contract should continue to be listed in all portfolios.) Equal value will be given both to publications where the faculty member is first or sole author, and to collaborative projects where the faculty member contributed significantly to the project. Interdisciplinary work and integration of students into the research effort as part of their education are especially to be given credit.

2. Publication of books, chapters, or articles in published works

2017 JSWDR: Self-Care Practices and the Professional Self

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3. Presentations at Internationally and/or Nationally-Refereed Conferences 4. Work on grants 5. Innovative Development of Activities Directly Benefiting Students and/or the Field

2018 ADARA Conference, Indianapolis, IN: Breast Cancer RSA H129Q150001, 2017 and 2018

As evidenced by the Department’s mission statement, the Department faculty are committed to the instruction and education of their students, and/or professionals in the field. Thus, the Department values the authorship of innovative methods, techniques, and activities, which may include non-print media designed for instruction or clinical practice; new methods of teaching established courses/programs; history of course and/or curriculum development; development of instructional computer software; authorship of an on-line or distance learning course; and innovative assessment methods and/or instructional tools. 6. Doctoral Studies and Dissertation [For PreTenure Track Faculty only]

It is recognized that the primary focus of pre-tenure track faculty members is on successful completion of their terminal degree. During the period from hire to degree completion, all work products of the faculty member’s program of studies will be considered for evaluation as scholarly activities. During each evaluation period it is expected the faculty member will demonstrate continued progress toward completion of the degree.

7. Professional Development The Department recognizes the value of keeping abreast of current trends in the fields represented by the faculty. Professional development may include completion of additional or supplementary course work; achievement of additional licensure or certification; attendance at conferences, seminars, or workshops for purposes of professional development and professional

Attended ACE Leadership Academy for Department Chairs, July 2017 Attended ADARA conference 2017 and 2018

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network building; and membership in professional organizations. 8. Eminence Measures Recognition of a faculty member’s achievements and reputation by others in the field is valued by the Department. Such measures include invited editorships; professional honors/awards for scholarship or professional activity; citations of published work by other professionals; citations or interviews by the media; invited exhibitions and/or performances; and appointment or election as an officer in a professional organization. 9. Other forms of scholarship Faculty are encouraged to present evidence of scholarship that has not been identified in items 1 through 7 above, with rationale, for the committee’s consideration. Examples include creative accomplishments; consultation and other related services to government agencies, professional associations, and educational institutions; role as referee of manuscripts, journals, and grant proposals; development of an empirically-supported theoretical perspective in the practice of counseling; program evaluation for schools or clinical agencies; preparation of an accreditation self-study, interim report, or program review report; serving on dissertation committees.

D. Rating: (circle one)


2018: 2 requests to use publications for training by outside professionals

Proposal reviewer for ACES conference, 2017 Maintained professional licensure, MD & DC Maintained professional memberships: ADARA, ACA, ACES, AMCD




Revised 10/2018

Section IV: Service

From UF Handbook, p. 23: A faculty member must actively participate in at least one academic or professional service activity on behalf of the University. Such service activity may be provided to: • Students (e.g. academic advising, sponsoring of student activities), • The academic program or department (e.g. service on committees, participating in department academic assessment activities, evaluating peers, coordinating multi-section courses), • The University (e.g. faculty committees, evaluating administrators, participating in public relations activities, recruitment, outreach), • The deaf community, and/or • Professional organizations (e.g. committee participation or leadership responsibilities). From UF Handbook, p. 31: The faculty of the program and/or department shall determine what is satisfactory professional or academic service. In addition, a faculty member shall participate in program or department and University meetings and activities (e.g. attending University faculty meetings and commencement).

A. List of service activities engaged in during evaluation period:

Department Service 2018: 1. Department chairperson (all semesters) 2. Department representative for Academic Affairs Web development (all semesters) 3. CEU coordinator for Department-sponsored continuing education (all semesters) 4. Department representative on Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) committee (spring & fall) 2017: 1. Department chairperson (all semesters) 2. Department representative for Academic Affairs Web Development (all semesters) 3. CEU coordinator for Department-sponsored continuing education (all semesters) University Service 2018: Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee, spring and fall 2018 2017: Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee, spring and fall 2017 Professional Service 2017: Proposal reviewer, Association of Counselor Education and Supervision 2017 conference Page 9 of 14

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B. Sources used in determining the rating: (check all that apply) __x___self-report


_____personal observation


C. Narrative:

Acceptable Service Activities


Faculty service is not limited to the activities identified in this document. The following activities are a list of service activities that have been acceptable in recent years. Times change and new service populations and activities will be born. Departmental Service 1) revision of program requirements; 2) department and program evaluation and assessment; 3) maintenance and on-going development of department web-site;

All semesters 2017-2018

4) outreach and recruitment,

On-going outreach to potential applicants who contact the Department

5) conference planning, 6), coordinating comprehensive examinations 7) accreditation preparation. A faculty member can identify added department school service activities with justification. It should be noted that directorship of a program, by itself is not a criteria for department service. Faculty members who assume the position of director receive release time of one course per semester for assuming this responsibility.

Graduate School Service

Represents the Department in web development (all semesters 2017-2018) Represents the Department on Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) Committee (all semesters 2017-2018) CEU sponsor for Department

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1) membership on Council for Graduate Education 2) membership on the faculty governance team; 3) membership on PEP-C or PEP-D 4) mentoring programs for students, staff, faculty; 5) membership or assistance with student organization/committees; 6) consultant to other departments on matters of school and mental health counseling (more than one meeting). A faculty member can identify added graduate school service activities with justification.

University Service 1) membership on the Faculty Senate, 2) membership on a Standing Committee of the Faculty Senate,

Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2017-2018

3) University mentoring programs for students, staff, faculty; 4) membership or assistance with student organization/committees. A faculty member can identify added University service activities with justification.

Deaf Community Service 1) professional development training; 2) membership on Advisory Boards including but not limited to ADARA, NAD, NCDA; 3) advisor/consultant to a School or educational program for the Deaf; 4) advisor/consultant to a mental health agency for the Deaf; 5) officer or committee member for a local, national, or international organization. A faculty member can identify added Deaf Page 11 of


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Community service activities with justification.

Professional Service 1) providing extensive consulting services (more than one contact) to individuals, groups and the community, 2) supervision services (without pay) to a local agency, 3) membership on Board of Trustees; 4) serving on local, regional, or national committees of organizations including but not limited to ACA, AMHCA, ASCA, ACES, DCCA; 5) assisting with the organization of local conferences; 6) officers, editors or referees; to local, state and/or national governmental and advisory boards, agencies, commissions.

Conference proposal reviewer, 2017, ACES Conference

A faculty member can identify added local community service activities with justification Other Service not covered above

D. Rating: (circle one)





Section V: Rating Summary and Calculation of Points Three areas of evaluation Unsatisfactory = 0 points Satisfactory = 1 point Commendable = 2 points Outstanding = 3 points ASL Proficiency For MI, Promotion, and Tenure: ASLPI target score of 3 Note: For MI, Promotion, and Tenure, target ASLPI rating of 3 is expected. Additional documentation must be provided if the rating is below the expected score, and is also strongly encouraged if the level is 3 or above. (UF Handbook p. 24.)

Areas of Evaluation


Merit Points

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1. 2. 3. 4.

Teaching Scholarship/creative activity/research Service ASL Development/Proficiency 1. ASLPI date: 2. CDO date: 3. Student Rating of Classroom Communication date: 4. Efforts to improve ASL and classroom discourse



Section VI: Personnel Action Criteria

Merit Increase - 6 Levels (4-9 points) Satisfactory in all categories; at least commendable in one area (teaching, SCAR and/or service); must earn the following points: Tenured & Tenure-track: 4-9 points Pre-tenure track: 3-6 points Non-tenure track: 3-6 points

Promotion Tenured & Tenure-track: at least 6 points; no unsatisfactory ratings in any of the four categories of evaluation. Pre-tenure track: at least 4 points; no unsatisfactory ratings in any of the four categories of evaluation. Non-tenure track: A total of at least 4 points in teaching and service or scholarship; no unsatisfactory ratings in any of the four categories of evaluation.

Tenure At least 6 points or higher; no unsatisfactory rating in the cumulative evaluation for tenure in any area and demonstrate ASL and classroom discourse competence.

(UF Handbook, pp. 30-31)

Section VII: Summary/Recommendations

Narrative highlighting recommendations for continued development as a faculty member and prospects for future personnel action:

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Section VIII: Recommendations

Based on this evaluation and the criteria for personnel actions summarized above, the following action is recommended: (Check where appropriate)

____ Reappointment

____ Non-reappointment

____ Tenure

____ Dismissal

____ Merit Increase/Triennial: (Number Points Earned: _____ ) ____ Promotion to new Rank: ______________________


Date ________________________

Faculty member comments (optional):

Faculty Member²

Date ______________________

¹ If this evaluation pertains to a department Chair, the Dean or other department member designated by the Dean will prepare and sign the form. ² A faculty member’s signature does not necessarily indicate agreement with the contents of the evaluation.

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