Kpds Toefl Uds Vocabulary

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A ABANDON Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech

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Abandon (v) Give up (v) , leave (v), desert (v), forsake (v) Keep, retain, continue, uphold, maintain. Terketmek, bırakmak, vazgeçmek. She had abandoned painting. Resim yapmayı bıraktı. The party abandoned some of its policies. Parti bazı ilkelerinden vazgeçti. Abandonment (n) abandoned (adj)

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Abate (v) Diminish, decrease, reduce, lessen, lower Intensify, increase, extend, enhance Azalmak, dinmek. The storm had abated. Fırtına dindi. Nothing can abate his energy. Hiçbir şey onun enerjisini azaltamaz. Abatement (n)

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Abduct (v) kidnap, seize, drag away Restore, reinstate. Kaçırmak. They abducted the little innocent girl. Onlar küçük, masum kızı kaçırdılar. Abduction (n), abductor (n)

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Abhor (v) Hate, detest, disgust, loathe, dislike. Like, enjoy, keen, desire, admire. Nefret etmek. He abhors living that small cottage. O küçük kulübede yaşamaktan nefret ediyor. Abhorrer (n), abhorrence (n), abhorrent (adj)

ABATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech ABDUCT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ABHOR Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


ABIDE BY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Abide by (v) Obey, comply with, accept, keep, conform to, stick to Reject, refuse, disobey, break Uymak, kabul etmek, bağlı kalmak. You had better abide by the rules. Kurallara uysan iyi edersin. Abiding (adj), abidingly (adv)

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Ability (n) Skill, talent, gift, knack, capability, competence. Inability, incompetence. Yetenek, kabiliyet. She has the ability to play the guitar. O gitar çalabiliyor, çalabilme yeteneğine sahip. Able (v)

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Abolish (v) Put end, eradicate, annul, destroy. Maimtain, keep, confirm, promote. Ortadan kaldırmak, son vermek. The new government abolished unnecassary regulations. Yeni hükümet gereksiz düzenlemeleri kaldırdı. Abolishable (adj), abolisher (n), abolishment (n)

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Abound (v) Be plentiful, be rich; team, multiply, flourish. Lessen, decrease, die, decay, fall. Bol, dolu, çok olmak. Venice abounds in famous hotels. Venedik ünlü otellerle doludur. Abundant (adj).

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Abrupt (adj) Sudden, unexpected, hasty. Foreseen, expected. Ani, beklenmeyen. His abrupt reaction surprised us all. Onun ani tepkisi hepimizi şaşırttı. Abruptly (adv). abruptness (n).

ABILITY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ABOLISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ABOUND Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ABRUPT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


ABSOLUTE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Absolute (adj) Certain,definite, utter. Partial, qualified, limited, conditional. Kesin, mutlak, otoriter. A patient needs absolute confidence and trust in a doctor. Bir hasta doktorda mutlak (kesin) güvene ihtiyaç duyar. Absoluteness (n) absolutization or absolutisation (n) absolutize or absolutise (v), absolutely (adv)

ABSORB Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Absorb (v) : Take in, suck up (liquid, knowledge), soak up, use up (time). : Send out, throw off, emit, disperse. : Emmek, içine çekmek. : Plants absorb carbon dioxide. : Bitkiler karbondioksidi emerler. : absorbability (n), absorbable (adj) , absorbing (adj). ,absorbedly (adv), absorber (n) absorbingly (adv)

ABSTAIN FROM Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech

: Abstain from (v). : Refrain from, restrain from , avoid. : Indulge, yield to, gratify. : Çekimser kalmak, uzak durmak. :The doctor advised him that he abstain from cakes and sweets. : Doktor şeker ve pastalardan uzak durmasını tavsiye etti. :The president abstained from mentioning the issue. : Başkan meseleden bahsetmekten kaçındı. : abstainer (n)

ABSURD Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Absurd (adj) Highly unreasonable, illogical, ridiculous, ludicrous. Reasonable, logical, sensible, rational. Saçma. The belief that the earth is flat is absurd. Dünyanın düz olduğu inancı saçmadır. Absurdity (n), absurdness (n). absurdly (adv)

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Abundant (adj) Plentiful, in large quantities, abounding, teeming, replete. Scarce, insufficient, bare, impoverished. Bol, bereketli.

ABUNDANT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Cheap consumer goods are abundant in this area. : Bu bölgede ucuz tüketici malları boldur. : Abundantly (adv). abundance (n)

ABUSE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Abuse (v) Misuse, harm, maltreat, exploit, malign, damage. Protect, cherish, shield, care for, look after. Kötüye kullanma, suistimal etme, zarar verme. She is continually abusing her authority. Yetkisini sürekli kötüye kullanıyor. Abuser n.

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Accede (v) Assent or agree to, accept, comply, approve. Decline, oppose, refuse, reject, dissent. Kabul etmek, onaylamak, razı olmak. He acceded to our offer. Teklifimizi kabul etti.

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Accelerate (v) Increase in rate, amount, extent speed up, go faster Delay, impede, hinder, drag, obstruct. Hızlanmak, hızlandırmak. The government is to accelerate its privatisation programme. Hükümetin özelleştirme programını hızlandırması lazım. Acceleration (n). accelerator (n). accelerative (adj)

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Accept (v) Consent to receive, assent, comply, approve. Reject, refuse, turn down. Kabul etmek. I offered her an apology, yet she wouldn't accept it. Ondan özürdiledim ancak kabul etmedi. Acceptance (n),acceptant (adj). acceptor (also accepter) (n)

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Accessible (adj) Reachable, approachable, adequate, satisfactory. Unreachable, far, unavaliable, unaccessible. Ulaşılabilir, erişilebilir. The president is always accessible to those seeking help. Başkan yardım arayışında olanlara her zaman açıktır. The problem is that drugs are very accessible Problem şu ki uyuşturuculara kolayca ulaşılabiliyor.

ACCEDE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation ACCELERATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ACCEPT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ACCESSIBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation


Part of speech


ACCLAIM Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Acclaim (v) Praise, extol, commend, congratulate. Criticize, denounce, condemn. Övmek. Though it was acclaimed, the novel did not sell well. Övülmesine rağmen kitap iyi satmadı. Acclamation n.

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Accompany (v) Go with; escort, attend, follow. Abandon, leave, quit, desert. Eşlik etmek. Would you like me to accompany you? Size eşlik etmemi ister misiniz? Depression is always accompanied by insomnia. Depresyon her zaman uykusuzluğu beraberinde getirir. accomplice (n) accompanying (adj)

ACCOMPANY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech ACCOMPLISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Accomplish (v) : Achieve, perform, complete, succeed in doing. : Fail. : Başarmak. : He accomplished the mission in less than five minutes. : Beş dakikadan önce görevini yaptı (başarılı şekilde yerine getirdi). : Accomplished (adj) accomplishment (n)

ACCORDINGLY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Accordingly (adv) Appropriately, consequently, therefore, hence. Inconsistently, conversely. Uygun şekilde, bu nedenle, -e bağlı olarak. She's an expert in her field, and iswell- paid accordingly. İşinde uzman, buna bağlı olarak da iyi maaş alıyor. Accord (n), accord (v)


ACCOUNT FOR Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech

: Account for (v) : Be responsible for, explain, form. : Irresponsible for, not explain. : Oluşturmak, hesap vermek, sorumlu olmak. : The accountant has been able to account for every penny of expense. : Muhasebeci giderin her kuruşunun hesabını verdi. : Women account for the vast majority of our customers. : Müşterilerimizin çoğunluğunu bayanlar oluşturmaktadır. : Accountable adj

ACCUMULATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech

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Accumulate (v) Gather, collect, pile, store. Seperate, disperse, dissipate, scatter, waste. Birikmek, biriktirmek. A thick layer of dust has accumulated in the room. Odada kalın bir toz tabakası birikti. Overnight, the snow accumulated too much. Gece boyunca çok fazla kar birikti. accumulation (n), accumulative (adj), accumulatively (adv).

ACCURATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Accurate (adj) : Correct, careful, precise; lacking errors, exact. : Incorrect, wrong, vague, inexact, imprecise. : Doğru, tam. : She gave an accurate description of the thieves. :Hırsızların doğru tasvirini yaptı. : Accuracy (n), accurately (adv).

ACCUSE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Accuse (v) Blame, charge, indict, reproach. Discharge, defend, release. Suçlamak. Are you accusing me of lying? Beni yalan söylemekle mi suçluyorsun? Accused (adj) , accuser (n), accusation (n), accusingly (adv)

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Accustomed to (v) Be used to, addicted to. Be unfamiliar to, feel strange, odd. Alışkın.

ACCUSTOMED TO Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: The army accustomed him to discipline. : Askerlik onu disipline alıştırdı. : Accustom (v)

ACHIEVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Achieve (v) : Succeed, accomplish, attain, acquire, gain, earn. : Fail, neglect, spoil, lose. : Başarmak, üstesinden gelmek. : I've been working all day, but I feel as if I've achieved nothing. : Tüm gün çalıştım ancak hiçbirşey yapmamışım gibi hissediyorum. : Achievable (adj) achiever (n), achievement (n).

ACKNOWLEDGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Acknowledge (v), Recognize, accept, admit, confess. Disclaim, deny, ignore, repudiate. Kabul etmek, itiraf etmek. They refused to acknowledge the new government. Yeni hükümetin varlığını kabul etmeyi reddettiler. Acknowledgeable (adj), acknowledgment (n)

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Acquire (v) Gain, obtain, earn, win, attain, achieve, get. Lose, surrender, miss. Elde etmek. He began to acquire a reputation during the 16th century. 16.yüzyılda ün kazanmaya başladı. Acquirable (adj), acquirer (n). acquisition (n)

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Acute (adj) Penetrating, critical, serious, sharp, intense, severely. Dull, heavy. Keskin, ciddi, şiddetli. The two roads meet at an acute angle. İki yol keskin bir noktada birleşiyor. Acutely (adv), acuteness (n).

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Adamant (adj) Resolute, obstinate, unyielding. Yielding, easy-going. Kararlı, vazgeçmeyen, inatçı. The prime minister is adamant that he will not resign. Başbakan istifa etmemekte kararlı.

ACQUIRE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ACUTE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ADAMANT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation


Part of speech

: Adamance (n) adamantine (adj) adamantly (adv)

ADDICTED Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech

: Addicted (adj) : Dependant, attached, inclined, devoted. : Averse, unaccustomed, indisposed. : Bağımlı, kendini kaptıran. : I know that if I start watching a soap opera I immediately become addicted. : Biliyorum ki eğer bir dizi izlemeye başlarsam hemen kendimi kaptırıcam. : He is a chocolate/shopping addict. : O bir çikolata bağımlısı. : Addict (n), addiction (n), addictive (adj)

ADEQUATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech

: Adequate (adj) : Competent, sufficient, capable, satisfactory, enough. : Inferior, useless, incompetent, useless, insufficient. : Yeterli. : I didn't have adequate time to prepare. : Hazırlanmak ıcın yeterı kadar vaktim olmadı. : Is there any language adequate to describe my feelings? : Duygularımı ifade etmeye yetecek herhangi bir dil var mı? :Adequately (adv), adequacy (n)

ADHERE TO Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Adhere to (v) Stick to, be attached, comply with. Distant, remote, detached, violate. Yapışık, bağlı. She adhered to her principles throughout her life. Hayatı boyunca prensiplerine bağlı kalmıştır. Adherent (adj), adherence (n), adhesive (adj) adhesively (adv)

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Adjourn (v) / (n) Postpone, delay, defer, suspend, interrupt. Complete, terminate. Ertelemek, ara vermek. The meeting was adjourned until Tuesday. Toplantı salıya kadar ertelendi. Adjournment (n)

ADJOURN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


ADJUST Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech

: Adjust (v) : Set, regulate, mend, repair, fix, arrange, adapt. : Disturb, confuse, break down. : Ayarlamak, düzenlemek, kurmak, tamir etmek. : If the chair is too high you can adjust it to suit you. : Eğer sandalye çok yüksekse kendine göre ayarlayabilirsin. : As a teacher you have to adjust your methods to suit the needs of slower children learners. : Bir öğretmen olarak metodlarını yavaş öğrenen öğrencilerin ihtiyaçlarına göre düzenlemelisin. : Adjustment (n), adjustable (adj), adjustability (n), adjuster (n), adjustment (n)

ADMIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech

: Admit (v) : Receive, accept, acknowlwedge, approve, confess. : Exclude, deny, reject, refuse. : Kabul etmek, itiraf etmek. : She admitted (that) she had made a mistake. : Hata yaptığını kabul etti. : At first he denied stealing the money but he later admitted (to) it. : ilk başta parayı çaldığını inkar etti ancak sonradan itiraf etti. :Admission (n), admittedly (adv)

ADMONISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech

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Admonish (v) Scold, reprimand, rebuke. Appreciate, adore, admire. Azarlamak. His mother admonished him for eating too quickly. Çok hızlı yediği için annesi onu azarladı. Her teacher admonished her to work harder for her exams. Hocası sınavları için daha çok çalışaması için onu azarladı. Admonishment (n), admonition (n), admonitory (adj)

ADOPT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech

: Adopt (v) : Assume, approve, accept, foster, support : Reject, deny, abandon, : Benimsemek, kabul etmek, evlat edinmek : They've adopted a baby girl. : Küçük bir kız çoçuğu evlat edindiler. : I think it's time to adopt a different strategy :Sanırım farklı bir strateji izlemenin (benimsemenin) zamanı geldi. : Adoption (n


ADVANCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech

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Advance (v) Proceed, progress, promote, improve, rise, increase. Regress, decrease, recession. İlerlemek, gelişim göstermek. The troops advanced on the city. Birlikler şehire doğru ilerlediler. He's doing his best to advance his own career. Kariyerini geliştirmek için elinden geleni yapıyor. Advancement (n), advance (n)

ADVERSE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech

: Adverse (adj) : Harmful, unfavorable, opposite, contrary. : Favorable, fortunate, lucky. : Negatif, ters, kötü, olumsuz. : The match has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions. : Kötü hava koşulları nedeniyle maç ertelendi. : So far the drug is thought not to have any adverse effects. :Şu ana kadar ilacın olumsuz bir etkisi olduğu düşünülmüyor. :Adversity (n)

ADVOCATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Advocate (v) : Support, suggest, counsel, recommend, back up. : Accuse, blame, charge. : Savunmak, destek olmak. : Mr.Williams is a conservative who advocates fewer government control on business. : Mr.Williams hükümetin iş üzerinde daha az kontrolü olması gerektiğini savunan bir muhafazakardır. : Advocate (n).

AFFECT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Affect (v) Influence, change, transform, modify, alter, impress, Etkilemek. Both buildings were badly affected by the fire. Her iki bina da yangından kötü etkilendi. Effect (n)


AFFILIATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Affiliate (with) (v) Associate, connect, incorporate. Seperate, dissociate. Bağlamak, ilişkilendirmek, ilişki içinde olmak. The school is affiliated with a national association. Okul ulusal bir kuruluş ile bağlantı içinde. Affiliation (n). affinity (n).

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Affluent (adj) Rich, wealthy, prosperous, well-off. Poor, unwealthy, recessed. Zengin, gelişmiş. Affluent nations always have the power. Zengin ülkeler her zaman gücü elinde tutar.. Affluence (n)

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Aggravate (v) Worsen, intensify, provoke, deteriorate. Diminish, lessen, flourish. Kötüleştirmek, şiddetlendirmek. The treatment only aggravated the condition. Tedavi durumu daha kötü hale getirdi. Aggravating (adj). aggravation (n)

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Ailment (n) Illness, desease, complaint. Health, peace. Hastalık. Nurses can treat minor ailments themselves. Hemşireler önemsiz hastalıkları kendileri tedavi edebilirler. Ailing (adj)

AFFLUENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech AGGRAVATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech AILMENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ALERT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Alert (adj) : Wary, watchful, cautious, attentive, ready. : Slow, lazy, oblivious. : Dikkatli. : Parents should be alert to sudden changes in children's behaviour. : Anne babalar çocukların davranışlarındaki ani değişikliklere karşı tetikte (dikkatli) olmalılar. : Alert (v)


ALIENATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech

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Alienate (v) Seperate, estrange, disaffect Conciliate, bring together Uzaklaştırmak, yabancılaştırmak The changes to the newspaper have alienated its readers Gazetedeki değişiklikler okuyucularını soğuttu. (yabancılaştırdı) Disagreements can alienate children from their families. Anlaşmazlıklar çocukları ailelerinden uzaklaştırabilir. Alien (n), alienation (n).

ALLEGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Allege (v) : Claim, assert, charge. : Contradict, refute, deny, disprove. : Iddia etmek, suçlamak. : The men allege that the police forced them to make false confessions. : Adamlar polislerin kendilerini yanlış ifade vermeye zorladığını iddia ettiler. : Allegation (n)

ALLOCATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Allocate (v) : Assign, allot, set apart, divide. : Withold, retain. : Ayırmak, tahsis etmek. : The government is allocating 10 million dollars for health education. : Hükümet sağlık eğitimi için 10 milyon dolar ayıracak. : Allocation (n)

ALLOW Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Part of speech

: Allow (v) : Let, permit, authorize. : Forbid, prohibit, disapprove. : Izin vermek, müsade etmek. : Red Cross staff were allowed access to the prison for the first time a few days ago. : Kızılay personelinin hapishaneye girmelerine ilk defa birkaç gün önce izin verildi. : Allowance (n).


ALLURE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Allure (v) Attract, entice, seduce, charm. Repel, dissuade, push away. Etkilemek, çekmek. This game allures most of the children. Bu oyun birçok çocuğun ilgisini çekiyor. Alluring (adj).

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Alter (v) Change, modify, shift, convert. Conserve, preserve, keep. Değiştirmek. We've had to alter some of our plans. Bazı planlarımızı değiştirmek zorunda kaldık. Alteration (n)

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Altitude(n) Height, elevation, ascent. Depth. Yükseklik. We are currently flying at an altitude of 15 000 metres. Şu anda 15 000 metre yükseklikte uçuyoruz.

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Amass (v) Accumulate, gather up, heap up. Disperse, scatter, waste, dissipate. Biriktirmek, toplamak. She has amassed a huge fortune through her novels. Romanları sayesinde büyük servet yaptı ( biriktirdi) Amasser (n).

ALTER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ALTITUDE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation AMASS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech AMBIGUOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Ambiguous (adj) : Doubtful, dubious, enclear, uncertain, indefinite, vague, obscure. : Obvious, plain, clear, lucid. : Belirsiz, kararsız. : The government has been ambiguous on this issue. : Hükümet bu konu üzerinde hala net değil (belirsiz). : Ambiguity (n) ambigiously (adv).


AMBITION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Ambition (n) Desire, aspiration, goal, objective, aim, target. Vain, futile. Hırs, istek, hedef, amaç. He has already achieved his main ambition in life. Hayattaki amacına (hedefine) çoktan ulaştı. Ambitious (adj).

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Amnesty (n) Pardon. Blame, accuse, charge. Genel af. Most prisoners were freed under the terms of the amnesty. Çoğu mahkum genel af şartlarına göre serbest bırakıldı.

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Ample (adj) Abundant, plentiful, extensive, generous, spacious. Scarce, insufficient, inadequate. Bol, bereketli. There's ample evidence that proves his quilt. Onun suçlu olduğunu kanıtlayan bir sürü delil mevcut. Amplify (v).

AMNESTY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation AMPLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ANCIENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: Ancient (adj) : Antique, old, obsolete, aged, old-fashioned. : Modern, fresh, new. : Eski. : The people of this tribe have lived in this valley since ancient times. : Bu kabilenin insanları eski zamanlardan beri bu vadide yaşamaktalar.

ANGUISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Anguish (n) Pain, torture, torment, misery Ease, pleasure Acı, ızdırap Because of her anguish she forgot to leave a message Acısı yüzünden mesaj bırakmayı unuttu. Anguished (adj).


ANNIHILATION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Annihilation (n) Extermination, eradication, destruction, non-being Existence, being Yok olma, yıkılma, yok etme The annihilation of the city by the bomb will never be forgotten. Şehrin bombalama nedeniyle yok olması hiç unutulmayacak. Annihilate (v)

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Annual (adj) Yearly,every year, once a year Daily, weekly Yıllık Companies publish annual reports to inform the public Şirketler halkı bilgilendirmek amacıyla yıllık raporlar yayınlarlar Annually (adv). annualized (adj).

ANNUAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ANNUL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Annul (v) : Cancel, repeal, revoke, call off, : Confirm, establish : İptal etmek, kabul edilmemek, geçersiz sayılmak (evlilik, yasa vs) : His second marriage was annulled since he never divorced his first wife. : İlk karısından boşanmadığı için ikinci evliliği kabul edilmedi. : Annulment (n)

ANTICIPATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Anticipate (v) Expect, await, foresee, forecast, Unforesee, unexpect Beklemek, ummak They anticipate having several applications for the job. İş için birçok başvuru olacağını umuyorlar. Anticipation (n)

ANXIOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Anxious (adj) : Worried, concerned, troubled, apprehensive : Calm, confident, cool : Endişeli, kaygılı : The drought has made farmers anxious about the harvest. : Kuraklık çiftçileri ürünleri konusunda kaygılandırdı (endişelendirdi) :Anxiety (n)


APATHY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Apathy (n) Unconcern, no feeling, indifference, insensibility Sensitiveness, feeling, passion, vehemence, emotion İlgisizlik, umursamazlık There is widespread apathy among students Öğrenciler arasında yaygın bir ilgisizlik var. Apathetic (adj)

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Appaling (adj) Terrifying, shocking, frightful, dreadful, awful Reassuring Korkutucu, ürkütücü Prisoners are being kept in the most appalling conditions Mahkumlar ürkütücü koşullarda tutuluyorlar. Appal v. appalled adj.

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Apparent (adj) Obvious, clear, noticable, Actual, real Görünürde, belli olan Her unhappiness was apparent to everyone Mutsuzluğu herkesçe görülüyordu. Apparently (adv)

APPALING Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech APPARENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Part of speech APPEAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Appeal (v) : Invoke, attract, provoke attention, interest, captivate, : Protest, be indifferent : İlgisini çekmek : I think what appeals to me about his painting is the colours he uses : Sanırım onun resimlerinde bana çekici gelen şey kullandığı renkler. : Appealing (adj). appeal (n)

APPEASE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: Appease (v) : Calm down, pacify, soothe, reconcile : Aggravate : Yatıştırmak, teskin etmek : She claimed that the government had changed the law in order to appease their critics. : O, hükümetin eleştirileri yatıştırmak için yasayı değiştirdiğini iddia etti.


Part of speech

:Appeasement (n).

APPOINT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Appoint (v) Assign, allot, direct, Withold, cancel Atamak He's been appointed (as) director of the publishing division Yayın bölümünün direktörü olarak atandı. Appointment (n)

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Appraise (v) Assess, evaluate, estimate, value, rate Undervalue, discard Değerlendirmek, değer biçmek The experts will appraise the individuals’ needs. Uzmanlar bireylerin ihtiyaçlarını değerlendirecekler. Appraisal (n)

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Appreciate (v) Admire, understand, esteem, value highly, respect Undervalue, misjudge, depreciate Takdir etmek, beğenmek, anlamak We really appreciate all the support you gave us last weekend Geçen haftasonu gösterdiğiniz desteği takdir ediyoruz. Appreciable (adj)

APPRAISE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech APPRECIATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech APPREHENSION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Apprehension (n) : Anxiety, fear, dread, concern : Confidence, braveness : Endişe, korku : It's normal to feel a little apprehension before starting a new job : Yeni bir işe başlamadan biraz korku yaşamak normaldir. : Apprehensive (adj)

APPROPRIATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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Appropriate adj Suitable, proper, fitting Irrelevant, improper Uygun Is this film appropriate for small children? Bu film küçük çocuklar için uygunmu?


Part of speech

: Appropriately (adv), appropriateness (n).

APPROVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Approve (v) Support, endorse, back up, favor Condemn, repudiate, dislike Onaylamak I thoroughly approve of what the government is doing Hükümetin yaptıklarını tamamıyla onaylıyorum. Approval (n).

APT (TO) Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Apt (adj) : Likely, prone, liable, inclined, suitable : Unlikely : Eğilimli olmak, eğiliminde olmak : The kitchen roof is apt to leak when it rains : Yağmur yağınca mutfağın çatısı büyük olasılıkla akar (akmaya meyillidir) : Aptly (adv). aptness (n). (uygunluk)

APTITUDE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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Aptitude (n) Ability, talent, gift, knack, tendency, Awkwardness Yetenek We will take your personal aptitudes and abilities into account Kişisel yeteneklerini ve becerilerini dikkate alacağız.

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Arbitrary (adj) Random, chance, dictatorial Reasoned, considerate Resgele, keyfi, otoriter What guided your decision or was it arbitrary? Senin kararını ne yönlendirdi, ya da keyfi karar mı verdin? Arbitrate (v). arbitration (n)

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Arise from (v) Originate from, proceed, spring, ascend, go up End, sink, fall -den doğmak, kaynaklanmak Are there any matters arising from the last meeting? Son toplantıdan ortaya çıkan herhangi bir problem var mı?

ARBITRARY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ARISE (FROM) Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation


ARROGANT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Arrogant (adj) Conceited, self-admiring, egoistic Humble, modest Kendini beğenmiş, kibirli She is both very arrogant and very rude. Hem kendini çok beğenmiş hem de çok kaba. Arrogance (n).

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Artificial (adj) Unnaturalunreal, synthetic Natural, genuine Yapay, doğal olmayan Her smile was rather artificial. Gülümseyişi oldukça yapmacıktı. Artificiality (n). artificially (adv)

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Ascend (v) Go up, climb, rise, mount, aspire Descend, fall, sink Yükselmek, çıkmak The divers have begun to ascend to the surface of the water Dalgıçlar suyun yüzeyine çıkmaya başladılar. Ascent (n)

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Aspire (v) Desire, long, hope, wish Be unwilling, be reluctant Arzu etmek, istemek Few people who aspire to fame ever achieve it. Ünlü olmayı isteyen çok az kişi başarılı olur. Aspiration (n)

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Assault (n) Attack, invasion, charge, agression Resistance, defence Saldırma The assault on a police officer made us all sad. Polis memuruna yapılan saldırı hepimizi üzdü. Assail (v).

ARTIFICIAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ASCEND Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ASPIRE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ASSAULT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


ASSEMBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Assemble (v) Compile, come together, meet, convene Disperse, scatter, apart Biraraya gelmek, toplamak We assembled in the meeting room after lunch Öğle yemeğinden sonra toplantı odasında biraraya geldik. Assembly (n)

ASSERT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Assert (v) : Declare, claim, maintain, affirm, : Keep silent : İleri sürmek, iddia etmek : The Allies asserted their right to move freely between the two borders. : Müttefikler iki sınır arasında serbest dolaşma haklarının olduğunu iddia ettiler. : Assertion (n)

ASSESS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Assess (v) : Evaluate, appraise, value : Not commmenting : Değerlendirmek : Examinations are not the only means of assessing students' ability : Sınavlar öğrencilerin yeteneklerini değerlendirmede tek araç değillerdir. : Assessment (n).

ASSET Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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asset (n) advantage, benefit, possession harm, deficit kazanç, mal varlığı, artı yön Knowledge of languages is a real asset in this sort of work Böyle bir işte yabancı dil bilmek gerçekten bir avantajdır.

ASSIGN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: Assign (v) : Allocate, allot, appoint, arrange : Use up, comsume all : Ayırmak, tahsis etmek, yüklemek : UN troops were assigned the task of rebuilding the hospital. : Birleşmiş milletler birliklerine hastaneyi yeniden inşa etme görevi verildi.


Part of speech

: Assignment (n)

ASSOCIATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Associate (v) Connect, relate, link, join, combine Disconnect İlişkilendirmek, bağlantı kurmak Most people associate this brand with good quality. Birçok kişi bu markayı iyi kalite ile bağdaştırır. Associate (n). assocation (n)

ASSUME Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Assume (v) : Presume, suppose, take for granted, postulate : Varsaymak : Let's assume (that) they're coming and make plans on that basis : Geldiklerini varsayalım ve ona göre planlar yapalım. : Assumption (n).

ASSURE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Assure (v) : Ensure, guarantee, warrant, promise : Deny, doubt : Garanti vermek, temin etmek : The mechanic assured him (that) the car would be ready the next day. : Tamirci arabanın ertesi gün hazır olacağını temin etti (garanti verdi) : Assurance (n).

ASTONISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Astonish (v) Amaze, startle, perplex, astound, Bore Şaşırtmak They were astonished when I announced I was pregnant. Hamile olduğumu söyleyince şaşırdılar. Astonishment (n).

ASYLUM Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition

: Asylum (n) : Shelter, protection : Sığınak, barınak, akıl hastanesi


Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation

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He was seeking for political asylum Siyasi iltica arayışındaydı. He was sent to asylum for treatment. Tedavi için akıl hastanesine gönderildi.

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Attach (v) Connect, join, fasten, tie, bind Detach Bağlamak, iliştirmek I attached a photo to my application form Başvuru formuma bir fotoğraf ekledim. Attachment (n).

: : : : :

Attitude (n) Manner, stance, posture, aspect, regard Tavır It's very difficult to change people's attitudes. İnsanların tavırlarını değiştirmek çok zordur.

ATTACH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ATTITUDE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation ATTRIBUTE (TO) Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Attribute (v) : Ascribe, assign, refer, associate, connect : Disconnect, seperate : Atfetmek, -e bağlamak : The doctors have attributed the cause of the illness to an unknown virus. : Doktorlar hastalığın nedenini bilinmeyen bir virüse bağladılar. : Attribute (n) Attribution (n).attributable (adj)

AUGMENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Augment (v) Increase, launch, rise, go up Decrease, fall Artırmak He had to find an extra work to augment his income. Gelirini artırmak için ek bir iş bulmak zorunda kaldı Augmentation (n)

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Austere (adj) Severe, serious, strict, stern, hard, harsh, rigid Soft, indulgent Sert, ciddi, katı He had experiened an austere childhood during the war Savaş sırasında zor bir çocukluk dönemi geçirdi. Austerity (n).

AUSTERE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


AVAILABLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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Available (adj) Accessible, obtainable Unavailable, unaccessible, vulnerable Mümkün, elde edilebilir It is vital that food is made available to the famine areas Açlık olan bölgelerde yiyecek elde edilebilmesi çok önemlidir. Availability (n).

AVERT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech

: Avert (v) : Avoid, prevent, turn away : Stabilize : Önlemek, yönünü değiştirmek : I averted my gaze/eyes while he dressed : O giyinirken gözlerimi çevirdim. : It is not always easy to avert economic collapse :Ekonomik çöküşü engellemek her zaman kolay değildir. : Avertible (adj)

AWKWARD Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Example sentence 2) Translation Part of speech

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Awkward (adj) Clumsy, uncomfortable, not easy to deal with Easy to deal with, clever, handy Beceriksiz, uğraşılması zor, zor It's an awkward corner to drive round Dönülmesi zor bir virajdı. It was an wakward situation. Uğraşılması zor bir durumdu. Awkwardly (adv). awkwardness (n).

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ban (v) prohibit, forbid, not allow let, allow yasaklamak, müsade etmemek The film was banned in several countries Film birçok ülkede yasaklandı. ban n.

B BAN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


BANKRUPT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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bankrupt (adj) penniless, ruined rich, wealthy iflas etmek The recession has led to many small businesses going bankrupt Ekonomik durgunluk küçük şirketlerin iflasına neden oldu. bankrupt v. , bankruptcy n.

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barely (adv) hardly, scarcely often, generally zorlukla, güçlükle, nadir, hemen hemen hiç I can barely hear you. Seni hemen hemen hiç duyamıyorum.

BARELY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation BARGAIN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Part of speech

: bargain (v) : negotiate : buy, purchase immediately : pazarlık yapmak, görüşmek : Unions bargain with employers for better rates of pay each year : Sendikalar her sene işçilerle daha iyi oranlar için pazarlık yaparlar : bargain (n)

BATTLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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battle (n) fight, war, conflict peace and quiet kavga, çatışma, savaş Her only brother was killed in battle Tek kardeşi savaşta öldürüldü.

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bear (v) stand, endure, tolerate can’t stand dayanmak, tahammül etmek I can't bear being bored Sıkıntıya dayanamıyorum (gelemiyorum) He couldn't bear to see the dog in pain Köpeği acı içinde görmeye dayanamadı. bearable (adj)

BEAR Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Example Sentence Translation Part of speech


BEAT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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beat (v) defeat, strike, hit lose yenmek, bozguna uğratmak They saw him beating his dog with a stick Onu köpeğine sopayla vururken gördüler. beaten adj. beater n. beating n.

BENEFICIAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: beneficial (adj) : useful : useless, futile : faydalı : The improvement in sales figures had a beneficial effect on the company : Satışlardaki artış şirket üzerined olumlu (faydalı) etki yarattı. : benefit n.

BETRAY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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betray (v) deceive, to be disloyal loyal, to be honest ihanet etmek He was accused of betraying his country during the war Savaşta ülkesine ihanet etmekle suçlandı. betrayal n.

: : : : : : :

bewilder (v) confuse, astonish not affect şaşırtmak, şaşırmak, hayrete düşürmek The instructions completely bewildered me. Açıklamalar tamamıyla kafamı karıştırdı. bewildered adj, bewildering adj.

: : : : : : :

bias (n) prejudice, prejudgement being objective, unprejudiced önyargı There was clear evidence of a strong bias against her. Ona karşı önyargı olduğuna dair açık kanıtlar vardı. bias v. biased adj.

BEWILDER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech BIAS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


BLEAK Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Part of speech

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bleak (adj) hopeless, gloomy hopeful, optimistic, promising karamsar, kötü The economic situation is very bleak. Ekonomik durum hiç içaçıcı değil. bleakness n.

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bloom (v) blossom, flower açmak, ürün vermek These flowers will bloom all through the summer. Bu çiçekler yaz boyunca çiçek açarlar. bloom n. blooming adj.

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bluntly (adv) frankly, honestly, directly indirectly, by implying açık, dürüst bir şekilde To put it bluntly, you have to improve your English. Açık olmak gerekirse, İngilizceni geliştirmek zorundasın. blunt adj.

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boom (v) boost, increase, expand, develop decrease, abate, subside artmak The textile industry is booming Tekstil sektörü genişliyor. boom n.

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bother (v) trouble relief sıkıntı vermek, zahmet vermek Don't bother making the bed - I'll do it later Yatağı yapmakla zahmet etme, ben sonra yaparım. bother n

BLOOM Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Part of speech BLUNTLY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech BOOM Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech BOTHER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


BOUND Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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bound adj inevitable, unavoidable avoidable zorunlu, kaçınılmaz You're bound to feel nervous about your interview Mülakatında kaçınılmaz şekilde gergin olacaksın.

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breed (v) produce, nourish, nurture kill, extinct çiftleş(tir)mek Most birds breed in the spring. Çoğu kuş baharda çiftleşir. breed n. breeder n. breeding n.

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bribery (n) corruption rüşvet The company was always rife with bribery Şirketde rüşvet sürekli mevcuttu. bribe v bribe n

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brilliant (adj) clever, smart, intelligent stupid, idiot zeki, dahice The idea was quite brilliant Fikir dahiceydi. Her mother was a brilliant journalist. Annesi başarılı bir gazeteciydi. brilliantly adv. brilliance n.

: : : : : : : :

burden (noun) load, strain ağır yük (soyut) She's totally a burden to me. Kesinlikle bana yük oluyor. Buying a house often places financial burden on young couples Ev almak genç çiftler üzerinde ekonomik bir yük oluşturur. burden v burdensome adj.

BREED Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech BRIBERY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech BRILLIANT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Translation Part of speech BURDEN Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Example sentence Translation Part of speech


BUSTLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: bustle (n) : movement, vividness : recession, stability : hareketlilik, canlılık : I sat in a café and watched the (hustle and) bustle of the street outside : Bir kafede oturdum ve caddedeki hareketliliği izledim. : bustle v. bustling adj.

C CALAMITY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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calamity (n) disaster, catastrophe prosperity, well-being felaket the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity. Tüm şehir çare bulunamayan felaketten etkilendi. calamitous adj., calamitously adv.

CANCEL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: cancel (v) : call off, annul, revoke, abandon : resume : iptal etmek : They've had to cancel tomorrow's football match because of the bad weather : Kötü hava yüzünden yarınki maçı iptal etmek zorunda kaldılar. : cancellation n.

CASE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: case (n) : condition, situation : durum, vaka : I wouldn't normally agree but it will be an exception in this case. : Normalde kabul etmezdim ama bu durumda bir istisna olacak.

CAUTIOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym

: cautious (adj) : careful, attentive


Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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incautious tedbirli, ihtiyatlı He's a cautious driver Tedbirli bir sürücüdür. caution n.

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cease (v) stop continue, keep durmak, durdurmak The company has decided to cease all operations Şirket tüm faaliyetleri durdurma kararı aldı. cease n. ceaseless adj.

: : : : :

census (n) counting, demography nüfus sayımı We have a census in this country every ten years. Bu ülkede her on yılda bir nüfus sayımı yapılır.

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challenge (v) defy pass meydan okumak The player challanged his opponents Oyuncu rakiplerine meydan okudu. challenge n. challenging adj.

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charge with sth (v) accuse of, blame for retreat, acquit suçlamak She is charged with murdering her husband Eşini öldürmekle suçlanıyor. charge n.

: : : : : :

charity (n) assistance, help yardım, vakıf People tend to give money to charity during Ramadan Ramazan boyunca insnalar yardım kuruluşlarına para verirler. charitable adj.

CEASE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech CENSUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation CHALLENGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech CHARGE WITH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech CHARITY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


CHEAT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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cheat (v) copy, deceive, swindle, trick to be honest, to be frank kopya çekmek, aldatmak She cheated in the test by copying from the boy in front Önündeki çocuktan bakarak testte kopya çekti. cheat n.

: : : : : :

cherish (v) value, relish, enjoy too much hate, detest, not enjoy keyfini çıkartmak She cherishes her 1967 Cadillac. 1967 model Cadillac arabasına çok değer verir.

CHERISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation CHIEF Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: chief (adj) : main, principal, leading : minor, inferior : başlıca : The chief problem we have in the area now is the spread of disease : Şu anda bölgedeki asıl problem hastalığın yayılması. : chiefly adv.

CIRCUMSTANTIAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

circumstantial (adj) secondary, indirect initial, first, direct ikinci derecede, ikinci planda, kesin olmayan The case against her was circumstantial. Onun aleyhine olan dava kesın kanıtlar içermiyordu.

: : : : : : :

cite (v) mention, talk about, refer to keep silent. bahsetmek The lawyer cited two similar cases Avukat bnnzer iki olaydan bahsetti. citation n.

CITE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


CLARIFY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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clarify (v) make it clear, explain confuse, muddle açıklamak The position of all shareholders will be clarified next month Tüm ortakların durumu önümüzdeki ay açıklanacak. clarification n. clarity n.

CLARITY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: clarity (n) : clearness, lucidity, precision : obscurity : açıklık : She was phoning from Australia, but I was amazed at the clarity of her voice. : Avustralya’dan arıyordu ancak sesinin netliği beni şaşırttı. : clarify v. clarification n.

CLIENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

client customer, consumer producer, manufacturer müşteri, müvekkil Mr Black has been a client of this firm for many years Mr.Black bu şirketin yıllardır müşterisidir. clientele n.

CLUMSY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: clumsy (adj) : awkward, unskilled : talented, gifted : beceriksiz, yeteneksiz, zayıf : That's the third glass you've smashed this week, - you're so clumsy! : Bu hafta kırdıgın üçüncü bardak, çok sakarsın ! : clumsily adv. clumsiness n.

COERCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: coerce (v) : force, compel : persuade, coax : zorlamak : He is thought to be coerced into making a confession about the crime. : Cinayet konusunda itirafa zorlanıldığı düşünülüyor. : coercion n, coercive adj.


COGNITIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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cognition (adj) connected with thinking physical bilişsel Some of her cognitive functions have been impaired Bazı bilişsel fonksiyonları zarar gördü. cognition (n)

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coherent (adj) connected, consistent, rational irrational, rembling, loose mantıklı, birleşik, kendinde When she calmed down, she was more coherentin her speech. Sakinleştiğinde daha mantıklı konuştu. coherence n. coherently adv.

: : : : : : :

cohesive (adj) unified, interconnected apart, seperate birleştirici, yapıştırıcı Cohesive forces have played an important role in the victory. Birleşmiş güçler zaferde önemli rol oynadılar. cohesion n.

: : : : : : :

coincide (verb) (with) happen together, match, correspond, agree clash tesadüfi çakışmak Our views coincide on a range of subjects Birçok konuda fikirlerimiz birleşiyor. coincidence n.

: : : : : : :

collaborate (v) with work together, cooperate work individually işbirliği yapmak, beraber çalışmak Two writers collaborated on the script for the film Film senaryosu için iki yazar birlikte çalıştılar. collaboration n.

COHERENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech COHESIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech COINCIDE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech COLLABORATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech COLLAPSE Vocabulary Item

: collapse (v)


Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

fall down erect, build up çökmek, yıkılmak Thousands of buildings collapsed in the earthquake Depremde binlerce bina yıkıldı. collapse n.

COLLIDE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: collide (v) with : crash, strike, bump into : çarpışmak :The two lorries collided at the crossroads : İki kamyon kavşakta çarpıştı. : collision n.

COMBUSTIBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

combustible (adj) burning yanıcı Wood and coal are both combustible substances Ahşap ve kömür her ikisi de yanıcı maddelerdir. combustion adj.

COMMEMORATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: commemorate (v) : celebrate, honor : forget : anmak, hatırlamak : A statue has been built to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the poet's birthday : Şairin 100. doğumgününü anmak için bir heykel dikildi. : commemoration n. commemorative adj.

COMMENCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

commence (v) start, begin finish, end başlamak, başlatmak We will commence building work in August of next year. İnşaata önümüzdeki yıl Ağustos ayında başlayacağız. commencement n.

COMMEND Vocabulary Item

: commend (v)


Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

praise, extol, acclaim look down on, humiliate övmek For a low-budget film, it has much to commend it Düşük bütçeli bir filme göre övülecek çok yanı var. commendable adj commendably adv commendation n

COMMERCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: commerce (n) : trade, traffic, business, exchange : ticaret : The world of commerce and industry is improving day by day. : Ticaret ve iş dünyası günden güne gelişiyor. : commercial adj commercialize v commercialized adj. commercialization n. commercialism n. commercially adv.

COMMIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

commit (v) perform, assign, carry out He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn't commit (suç) işlemek He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn't commit İşlemediği bir suç nedeniyle hapise girdi. commitment n.

: : : : : : :

common (adj) shared, private, distinctive, unusual ortak, yaygın English has some features common to many languages İngilizce’nin birçok dille ortak olan özellikleri vardır. common n.

COMMON Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech COMPARE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: compare (v) : match, relate, correspond, : contrast : karşılaştırmak : This road is quite busy compared to/with ours. : Bizimki ile karşılaştırıldığında bu yol oldukça yoğun. :comparable adj, comparative adj, comparativelyadv comparison


COMPASSION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

compassion (n) sympathy, tenderness, kindness, pity, mercy cruelty, harshness merhamet, acıma I was hoping she might show a little compassion. Az da olsa merhamet gösterebileceğini umuyordum. compassionate adj compassionately adv.

: : : : : : :

compatible (adj) (with) harmonious, agreeable disagreeable uyumlu The new system will be compatible with existing equipment. Yeni sistem mevcut malzemelerle uyumlu olacak. compatibility

: : : : : : :

compel (v) force volunteer to. zorlamak I felt morally compelled to help Yardım etmeye vicdanen zorunlu hissettim. compulsion n.

COMPATIBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech COMPEL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech COMPENSATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: compensate (v) : make up for : give harm. : telafi etmek, bedelini ödemek : The authorities promised to compensate for the price rise. : Yetkililer fiyat artışını telafi edeceklerine dair söz verdiler. : compensation n compensatory adj. compensative adj. compensator n

COMPETE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence

: compete (v) (with/against) : race : share, participate : yarışmak, mücadele içinde olmak : Kangaroos compete with sheep for sparse supplies of food and water


Translation Part of speech

: Kangurular az miktardaki su ve yiyecek kaynakları için koyunlarla rekabet ederşer. : competence n. competent adj. competently adv. competition n. competitive adj.

COMPILE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

compile (v) collect, gather, accumulate, assemble distribute toplamak, biraraya getirmek It took ten years to compile the book. Kitabı toplamak (biraraya getirmek) 10 yıl aldı. compiler n.

: : : : : : :

comply (verb) (with) abide by, obey violate, resist uymak He had no choice but to comply with the rules. Kurallara uymaktan başka hiçbir şansı yoktu. compliance n.

COMPLY WITH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

COMPREHEND Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: comprehend (v) : understand, apprehend : misunderstand : anlamak : I just cannot comprehend your attitude : Tavrını anlayamıyorum. : comprehension (n) comprehensible adj. comprehensive adj. comprehensively adv. comprehensiveness n.

COMPRISE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

comprise (v) consist of, be composed of , made up of exclude oluşmak The book comprises 350 pages. Kitap 350 sayfadan oluşuyor. comprisable adj.

WHICH WORD? comprise / compose / consist of / constitute / make up / include?


When you want to mention the different parts that something is formed from, you can say that something comprises, consists of, is composed of or is made up of a number of different things: “The committee comprises/consists of two lawyers, two journalists and a teacher.” Komite iki avukat iki gazateci ve bir öğretmenden oluşuyor. You can also say is comprised of, though this use is often avoided in written English. It is not correct to use comprises of or is composed by /from. When you mention first all the parts that together form the whole, constitute, compose and make up are used. “Two lawyers, two journalists and a head teacher compose/constitute the committee.” Komiteyi iki avukat, iki gazeteci ve bir öğretmen oluşturuyor. Comprise can be used in this way but is less common. You use include if you only mention some of the parts: “The committee includes two lawyers.” Komite iki avukattan oluşuyor (içeriyor) These verbs are not used in the progressive tenses.

COMPROMISE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

compromise (v) agree on sth disagree uzlaşmak The two sides reached a compromise by bargaining İki taraf pazarlık yaparak anlaşmaya vardılar. compromiser n. compromisingly adv.

: : : : : : :

compulsion (n) force, urge persuasion, coaxing zorlama He was under compulsion when he was forced to talk. Konuşmaya zorlandığında baskı altındaydı (zorlandı) compulse

: : : :

compulsory (adj) obligatory, mandatory optional, voluntary zorunlu

COMPULSION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech COMPULSORY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: In East Germany learning Russian was compulsory. : Doğu Almanya’da Rusça öğrenmek zorunluydu. : compelsive adj. compulsorily adv. compulsoriness n.

CONCEDE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

concede (v) admit, accept refuse, reject, deny kabul etmek The student conceded that his term-papar was inadequate Öğrenci dönem ödevinin yetersiz olduğunu kabul etti. concession n. conceder n.

Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech CONCERN

: : : : : : :

conceive of (v) imagine, think of, visualize, perceive cannot imagine algılamak, düşünmek, tasavvur etmek I just cannot even conceive of that quantity of money together. O miktarda parayı birarada düşünemiyorum. conceivable adj.

Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

concern (v) be related, interest not related, irrelevant ilgilenmek, ilgili olmak You had better not concern yourself with my problems. Benim problemlerimle ilgilenmesen iyi olur. concerned adj. concerning prep.


CONCESSION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: concession (n) : compromise, giving in : keep sth private : imtiyaz, hak, ödün, taviz : The government has granted concessions to three private telephone companies : Hükümet üç telefon şirketine imtiyaz tanımayı garanti etti. : concessional adj. concessionary adj.

CONCISELY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

concisely (adv) briefly, shortly, in brief in detail kısaca, öz He has written his report clearly and concisely. Raporunu kısa ve öz bir şekilde yazdı.


Part of speech

: concise adj. conciseness n.

CONCLUSIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: conclusive adj. : decisive, undisputable : inconclusive, vague, uncertain : kesin, kati, tartışılmaz : They claim there is no conclusive evidence that any murders take place. : Herhangi bir cinayetin olduğuna dair kesin kanıt olmadığını iddia ettiler. : conclusively adv. conclusiveness n.

CONCRETE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

conrete (adj) tangible, real abstract somut, elle tutulur, beton There is no concrete evidence against her. Onun aleyhine somut bir kanıt yok. concretely adv. concreteness n

: : : : : : :

concurrent (adj) simultaneous at different times aynı anda, paralel Galerie St Etienne is holding three concurrent exhibitions. Galerie St Etienne aynı anda üç sergi düzenliyor. concurrently adv.

: : : : : : :

condemn (v) denounce praise, approve, denounce kınamak, yermek The terrorist actions have been condemned Terör eylemleri kınandı. condemnable adj. condemnation n. condemnatory adj.

CONCURRENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech CONDEMN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech CONDENSE


Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

condense (v) compress, compact expand, amplify yoğunlaştırmak Water vapour in the air condenses into fog. Havadaki su buharı yoğunlaşıp sise dönüşür. condensation

: : : : : : :

confidential (adj) secret, intimate public gizli All information will be treated as strictly confidential Tüm bilgiler tamamiyle gizli kalmalıdır. confidentially adv. confidentiality n.

: : : : : :

confine (v) limit, restrict release, free sınırlamak Please confine your use of the telephone to business calls Lütfen iş görüşmelerinizdeki telefon kullanımını sınırlandırın.

CONFIDENTIAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech CONFINE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation CONFIRM Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: confirm (v) : verify, substantiate : cancel, deny, reject : doğrulamak, teyit etmek : Six people have confirmed that they will be attending and ten haven't replied yet : 6 kişi katılacaklarını teyit ettiler ama 10 kişi henüz cevap vermedi. : confirmation n.

CONFLICT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

conflict (n) hostility agreement anlaşmazlık, çatışma There was a lot of conflict between him and his father Babasıyla arasında çok fazla anlaşmazlık vardı. conflicting adj.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

conform (v) obey, comply with, abide by violate, dissent, disagree uymak At our school, you are required to conform the Okulumuzda kurallara uymak zorundasınız. conformity n. conformist n.

: : : : : : :

confront (v) face up to, encounter, oppose escape karşılaşmak As she left the court, she was confronted by angry crowds Mahkemeyi terkederken kızgın kalabalıkla karşılaştı. confrontation n.

: : : : : : :

conquer (v) occupy yield, withdraw fethetmek, işgal etmek England were conquered by the Normans in 1066 İngiltere toprakları 1066’da Normanlar tarafından işgal edildi. conqueror n. conquest n.

: : : : : : :

consecutive (adj) successive, sequential discontinuous ard arda, birbirini takiben This is the fifth consecutive weekend that I've spent working Bu çalışarak geçirdiğim ardarda 5. haftasonu. consecutively adv.

: : : : : :

consensus (n) agreement disagreement genel anlaşma Could we reach a consensus on this matter? Bu sorun üzerinde anlaşmaya varabilecekmiyiz?


CONFRONT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech CONQUER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech CONSECUTIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech CONSENSUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation CONSENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym

: consent (n) : agreement, acceptance : refuse, decline


Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : :

razı olma, kabullenme They can't publish your name without your consent Senin rızan olmadan ismini yayınlayamazlar. consent v.

CONSEQUENCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: consequence (n) : result, effect : cause : sonuç, etki : if you insist on eating so much, you'll have to take the consequences! : Çok yemek yemekte ısrar edersen,sonuçlarına katlanmak zorunda olacaksın. : consequent adj. consequently adv.

CONSERVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: conserve (v) : preserve, protect : neglect, destroy : korumak, muhafaza etmek : The nationalists are very keen to conserve their customs and language : : conservation n. conservationist n.

CONSIDERABLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

considerable (adj) significant, substantial, great little, insignificant, triffling büyük, önemli derecede The fire caused considerable damage to the church. Yangın kilisede büyük ölçüde hasara sebep oldu. considerably adv.

: : : : : : :

considerate (adj) thoughtful indifferent düşünceli, ince ruhlu It wasn't very considerate of you to drink all the milk Sütün hepsini içmen düşünceli bir davranış değildi. consideration n. consider v.

: : : :

consistent (adj) steady, constant inconsistent, incompatible sürekli , istikrarlı, tutarlı

CONSIDERATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech CONSISTENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Her work is sometimes good, but the problem is she's not consistent. : Çalışması bazen iyi ama sorun onun istikrarlı olmaması. : consistency n. consistently adv.

CONSOLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: console (v) : comfort : distress, hurt : teselli etmek, rahatlatmak : Andy tried to console her, but she kept saying it was all her own fault : Andy onu teselli etmeye çalıştı fakat o tamamiyle kendi hatası olduğunu söylemeye devam etti. : consolation n.

CONSOLIDATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

consolidate (v) strenghten, fortify weaken, dissect güçlendirmek, sağlamlaştırmak She hoped that marriage would consolidate their relationship Evliliğin, ilişkilerini kuvvetlendireceğini umuyordu. consolidation n.

: : : : :

conspiracy (n) intrigue, trickery entrika, söylenti I think there was a conspiracy to keep me out of the committee Bence, beni komitenin dışında tutmak için bir entrika vardı.

CONSPIRACY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation CONSTITUTE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

constitute (v) compose, make up, form destroy, collapse oluşturmak The under-18s constitute nearly 25% of the town's population 18 yaş altındakiler kasaba nüfusunun yaklaşık % 25 ini oluşturuyor. : constitution n. n

CONSTRAIN Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition

: constrain (v) : force, compel, oblige, limit : zorlamak, baskı altına almak, sınırlamak


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: The country's progress was constrained by a leader who refused to look forward : Ülkenin gelişimi, ileriyi göremeyen bir lider yüzünden sınırlandı. : constraint n. constrained adj.

CONSUME Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

consume (v) use up, deplete produce, manufacture tüketmek He consumes vast quantities of chips with every meal. Her öğünde çok fazla miktarda cips tüketiyor. consumption n.

: : : : : : :

contain (v) consist of, include, consist of exclude içermek I've lost a file containing a lot of important documents Çok önemli belgeleri içeren bir dosyayı kaybettim. container n. containerize v.

: : : : : : :

contaminate (v) pollute purify, cleanse kirletmek Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste Sahilin büyük bölümü nükleer atık nedeniyle kirlendi. contamination

CONTAIN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech CONTAMINATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech CONTEMPLATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: contemplate : think of, consider : düşünmek, tasarlamak I'm contemplating going abroad for a year : Bir yıllığına yurt dışına çıkmayı düşünüyorum. : contemplation n.

CONTEMPORARY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: contemporary (adj) : modern : old-fashioned, ancient : çağdaş : Most of the writers he was contemporary with were interested in the same subjects : Çağdaşı olduğu yazarların çoğu aynı konularla ilgilendi.


Part of speech

: contemporary n.

CONTEMPT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

contempt (n) abhorance, disdain respect, admire aşağılama, küçük görme At school she had complete contempt for all her teachers contemptible

CONTEND Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: contend : claim, assert, allege, maintain : iddia etmek, öne sürmek : The lawyer contended (that) her client had never been near the scene of the crime :

CONTENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

content (adj) satisfied, pleased, contended dissatisfied hoşnut, memnun He seems fairly content with (his) life.

: : : : : : :

contentious (adj) controversial clear, concise, undisputed tartışmalı, çelişkili She has some rather contentious views on education

: : : : : :

contest (v) challenge, dispute, compete for yarışmak, mücadele etmek The medal is being keenly contested by eight gymnasts

content n. contented adj contentedly adv.

CONTENTIOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

contention n. contentiousness n.

CONTEST Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

contest n.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

contradict (v) counter, oppose, accept, aksini söylemek, çelişmek He kept contradicting himself when we were arguing

: : : : : : :

contrive (v) invent, devise, manage fail icat etmek, yaratmak Somehow she contrived to get tickets for the concert

: : : : : : :

controversial (adj) debatable, arguable undebetable, undisputed çelişkili, tartışmalı The book was on a very controversial issue.

: : : : : : :

convene (v) meet, assemble dismiss toplanmak The council will be convening on the morning of the 25th.

: : : : : : :

convenient (adj) suitable, appropriate inconvenient, useless, awkward uygun, elverişli What time would it be convenient for me to come round

contradiction n.

CONTRIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

contrivance n.

CONTROVERSIAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

controversy n.

CONVENE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

convention n.

CONVENIENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

conveniently adv. convenience n.

CONVERT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym

: convert (v) : turn into, alter, change, transform : keep stable


Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: dönüştürmek, değiştirmek : He converted to (= starting believing in) Catholicism when he got married : : convert n. conversion n.

CONVEY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

convey (v) carry, transfer, move taşımak, nakletmek Could you convey a message to Mr Merrick for me, please?

: : : : : : :

convict (v) (of) find guilty acquit mahkum etmek, tutuklamak He has twice been convicted of robbery/arson

: : : : : :

convince (v) persuade, win over, bring round deter ikna etmek He managed to convince the jury of his innocence

: : : : : :

cope with (v) deal with, manage, get by ignore başa çıkmak, uğraşmak It must be difficult to cope with three small children and a job

conveyance n.

CONVICT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

conviction n.

CONVINCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: convinced

COPE WITH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation CORPORATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: corporate (adj) : commercial : individual : ticari, şirkete ait : All adults take corporate responsibility for the upbringing of the tribe's children :


Part of speech

: corporation n.

CORRESPONDING Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: corresponding (adj) : equivalent, matching, parallel : irrelevant : denk, tekabül eden : As the course becomes more difficult, there's usually a corresponding drop in attendance : : correspond v. correspondence n. correspondingly adv.

CORROBORATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

corroborate (v) confirm, back up, sıpport refuse, reject, invalidate doğrulamak, teyit etmek Recent research seems to corroborate his theory. corroboration n.

CORRUPT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: corrupt (adj) : dishonest, immoral : honest, virtuous : rüşvet alan, ahlaksız : The whole system was corrupt - every official she approached wanted money before helping her. : : corruption n. corrupt v. corruptible adj.

COURAGEOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

courageous (adj) brave, bold, daring coward, timid, fearful cesur, cesaretli It was a courageous decision to resign.

: : : : :

course (n) route, way, direction, drift seyir, akış, yol, yön The pilot avoided a collision by changing course

courage (n)

COURSE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation


CRAFT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

craft (n) talent, ability, gift, knack beceri, hüner the craft of furniture making is very difficult.

: : : : : : :

credible (adj) believable unbeliavable, incredible, unlikely inanılabilir They haven't produced any credible evidence for convicting him

craft v. craftsman n.

CREDIBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

credibly adv.

CREEP Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: creep (v) : crawl, sneak, wriggle : run, walk : sürünmek The spider crept up the wall. : : creeping adj

CRUCIAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

crucial (adj) important, vital, significant trivial, unimportant önemli It is crucial that the problem is tackled immediately. crucially adv.

CRUDE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: crude : raw, unrefined, unprocessed, simple : refined, processed : ham, işlenmemiş The soldiers used crude weapons : : crudely adv. crudeness n.


CRUEL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: cruel (adj) : brutal, merciless, pitiless : merciful, gentle : zalim, acımasız, merhametsiz Children can be very cruel to each other : : cruelty n.

CULMINATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: culminate (v) : reach the top : come to the bottom, fall : zirveye ulaşmak : Their many years of research have finally culminated in a cure for the disease. : : culmination n.

CULPRIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

culprit (n) guilty, cause, reason, criminal innocent suçlu Police hope the public will help them find the culprits

: : : : : : :

cultivate (v) refine, make it ready for crops deteriorate, make worse toprağı işlemek Most of the land there is too poor to cultivate

: : : : : : :

cure (v) treat, heal, find remedy make worse, get ill tedavi etmek, iyileştirmek At one time the doctors couldn't cure TB/cure people of TB

CULTIVATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

cultivation n.

CURE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

cure n.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

curb (v) control, check indulge kontrol altına almak The Government should act to curb tax evasion.

: : : : : : :

curiosity (n) interest, inquisitive being indifferent merak, ilgi I'm burning with curiosity - you must tell me who's won

: : : : : : :

curtail (v) reduce, decrease, abate, lessen increase, enhance azaltmak, kısaltmak The last government severely curtailed trade union rights.

: : : : : : :

custody (n) confinement, jail release nezaret, velayet The mother got/received custody (of the child).

curb n.

CURIOSITY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

curious adj.

CURTAIL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

curtailment n.

CUSTODY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

custodial adj.

D 51

DAMAGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

damage (n) harm, injury benefit zarar, ziyan Many buildings were badly damaged during the war

: : : : : : :

daring (adj) brave, bold, courageous, dauntless coward cesaretli, cüretkar She was wearing a rather daring (= sexually exciting) skirt

: : : : : : :

dawn (n). sunrise sunset, end şafak, gündoğuşu We left as dawn was breaking

: : : : : :

dazzle (v) impress, astonish, surprise, perplex şaşırtmak, etkilemek I was dazzled by his charm and good looks

: : : :

deal (n) agreement disagreement anlaşma, uzlaşma

damages (tazminat) n.

DARING Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

dare v.

DAWN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

dawn v.

DAZZLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

dazzling adj.

DEAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition


Example sentence 1) Translation Part of speech

: I'll make/do a deal with you - you wash the car and I'll let you use it tonight : : dealer n.

DEAL WITH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: deal with (v) : cope with, handle, tackle : : başetmek, ele almak : Her new film deals with the relationship between a woman and her sick daughter :

7. DEBATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

debate (n) discussion, arguement agreement tartışma Education is the current focus of public debate debatable adj.

8. DECADE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: decade (n) : a 10-year period : on yıl : :

9. DECADENCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

decadence (n) corruption çürüme, bozulma Western decadence affected the whole world.

: : : :

deceit (n) deception, fraud, cheating honesty, sincerity aldatma

decay v.

DECEIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: When the newspapers published the full story, all his earlier deceits were revealed : : deceitful adj.

DECENCY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: decency (n) : morality, propriety, modesty : indecency : uygunluk, edepli olma : She didn't even have the decency to apologize : :decent adj. decently adv.

DECENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

decent (n) appropriate, suitable, proper improper, uygun Everyone should be entitled to a decent wage/standard of living

: : : : : : :

deception (n) deceiving, dishonesty, trickery honesty aldatma, hilekarlık He was found guilty of obtaining money by deception

: : : : : : :

decline (v) decrease, fall, refuse increase, accept düşüş, azalma, reddetme His interest in the project declined after his wife died

: : : : : :

decree (v) declare, rule, command kararlaştırmak The local council has decreed that the hospital should close

decency n. decently adv.

DECEPTION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

deceive v.

DECLINE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

decline n.

15. DECREE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

decree (n)


DEDICATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

dedicate (v) (to) devote (to) desecrate adamak He has dedicated his life to scientific research. dedication n.

DEDUCE FROM Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: deduce from (v) : infer from : guess, predict : çıkarım yapmak : The police have deduced that he must have left his apartment yesterday evening : : deduction n.

DEFEAT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

defeat (v) beat, overcome win, gain yenmek, bozguna uğratmak If we can defeat the Italian team, we'll be through to the final

: : : : : : :

defect (n) fault, error perfection kusur, eksiklik There are so many defects in our education system

: : : : : : :

defer (v) put off, postpone hurry, hasten, quicken ertelemek Can we defer making a decision until next week

defeat n.

DEFECT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

defective adj.

DEFER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

deferment n.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: defy (v) : challenge, dare, oppose : cower, shrink : meydan okumak : A few workers have defied the majority decision and gone into work despite the strike : : defiance n.

DEFICIENCY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

deficiency (n) inadequacy, insufficiency, lack abundance, plenty, profusion eksiklik Pregnant women often suffer from iron deficiency

: : : : : : :

definite (adj) specific, particular, exact, precise vague, ambiguous, kesin, belirgin The date for the meeting is now definite: 5th March.

: : : : : : :

delay (v) defer, put off, postpone advance, hasten geciktirmek My plane was delayed by an hour

deficit n.

DEFINITE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

definitive adj. definitely adv.

DELAY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

delay n. delayed adj.

DELIBERATELY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: deliberately (adv) : intentionally, on purpose : accidentally, by chance : kasıtlı, bilerek : I'm sure he says these things deliberately (= intentionally) to annoy me. : : deliberate (adj) deliberation n.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: delicate (adj) : fragile, subtle : coarse, thick, strong : kırılgan, ince, zarif : Delicate plants need to be kept in a greenhouse during the winter : : delicacy n.

DELINQUENCY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

delinquency (n) misdeed, misconduct innocence suçluluk There is a high rate of juvenile delinquency in this area delinquent adj.

DELINEATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: delineate (v) : describe, portray : mispresent, exaggerate : tasvir etmek, betimlemek : The main characters are clearly delineated in the first chapter of the book : : delineation n.

DELUSION Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

delusion (n) illusion, fallacy, deception yanılma, hile He's under the delusion that he will be promoted this year delusive adj. delusively adv.

DEMOLISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym

: demolish (v) : destroy, pull down, collapse : erect, build, construct


Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: yıkmak, çökertmek : A number of houses were demolished so that the supermarket could be built : : demolition n.

DEMONSTRATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: demonstrate (v) : show, display, indicate : hide, disprove : göstermek : These problems demonstrate the importance of strategic planning : : demonstration n.

DENOUNCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: denounce (v) : condemn : praise : kınamak : The government's economic policy has been denounced on all sides : : denunciation n.

DENSITY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

density (n) solidity, massiveness being sparse or scattered yoğunluk The area has a high/low population density

: : : : : : :

depart (v) leave, set off arrive, come ayrılmak The train for London departs from Platform 2

: : : :

depict show, represent, draw hide göstermek

dense adj.

DEPART Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

departure n.

DEPICT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Her paintings depict the lives of ordinary people in the last century : : depiction n.

DEPLETE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: deplete (v) : use up, consume, exhaust : produce, manufacture : tüketmek : If we continue to deplete the Earth's natural esources, we will cause serious damage to the environment : : depletion n.

DEPLORE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

deplore (v) regret, feel sorry feel happy, be pleased üzüntü duymak We deeply deplore the loss of life.

: : : : : : :

depreciate (v) decline in value appreciate değer kaybet(tir)mek Our car depreciated (by) £1500 in the first year we owned it. Arabamız aldığımız ilk yıl 1500 pound değer kaybetti. depreciation n.

: : : : : : :

deprive (v) (of) take away provide, supply yoksun bırakmak You can't function properly when you're deprived of sleep. Uykudan yoksun kaldığında normal hareket edemezsin. deprivation n.

: : : : : :

descend (v) drop, fall, go down ascend inmek, alçalmak Jane descended the stairs Jane merdivenlerden indi.

deplorable adj deplorably adv.

DEPRECIATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech DEPRIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech DESCEND Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation


Part of speech

: descent n.

DESCENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : :

descent (n) ancestry, origin soy, köken She's a woman of mixed/French descent O Fransız soyundan bir bayandır.

: : : : : : :

desert (v) abandon, give up arrive, hug terketmek He deserted his wife and family for another woman Başka bir kadın için karısını ve ailesini terketti. deserted adj. desertion n.

: : : : : : :

deserve (v) merit, to be entitled to lose, miss haketmek, layık olmak I hope they get the punishment they deserve. Umarım hakettikleri cezayı alırlar. deserved adj. deservedly adv. deserving adj.

: : : : : : :

despair (v) lose all hope endure umudunu yitirmek Don't despair! We'll find a way out! Umudunu kaybetme ! Bir çıkış yolu bulacağız. despair n.

: : : : : : :

despise (v) look down on, scorn, dislike appraise, respect, regard aşağılamak, küçümsemek She despised him for the way he treated her sister Kızkardeşine davranma tarzından dolayı onu aşağıladı. despicable adj. despicably adv.

DESERT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech DESERVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

DESPAIR Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech DESPISE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


DESTINY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

destiny (n) fate, lot, fortune kader The destiny of our nation depends on this vote! Milletimizin kaderi bu oylara bağlıdır. destination n.

: : : : : : :

detect (v) notice, discover, distinguish ignore farketmek, tespit etmek Some sounds cannot be detected by the human ear. Bazı sesler insan kulağı tarafından ayırt edilemez. detection n. detectable adj. detection n. detector

DETECT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech DETENTION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: detention (n) : arrest, custody : release : gözaltına alma : The detention of the suspect by the police was not as difficult as it was expected : Şüphelinin polis tarafından gözaltına alınması beklendiği kadar zor olmadı. : detain v. detainee n. detention n.

DETER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: deter (v) (from) : discourage, dissuade : encourage : caydırmak : High prices are deterring many young people from buying houses : Yüksek fiyatlar birçok genç insanı ev almaktan caydırıyor. : deterrence n.

DETERIORATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

deteriorate (v) get worse improve kötüleşmek, bozulmak The political situation in the region has deteriorated rapidly Bölgedeki siyasi durum hızla bozuldu. deterioration n.


DETERMINE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

determine (v) decide, ascertain vacillate, waver karar vermek People should be allowed to determine their own future İnsanların kendi geleceklerine karar vermelerine izin verilmelidir. : determination n.

DETRIMENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: detriment (n) (of) : harm, damage : benefit, remedy, improvement : zarar, ziyan : Are you sure that I can follow this diet without detriment to my health? : Bu diyeti sağlığıma zarar vermeden uygulayabileceğime eminmisiniz? : detrimental adj

DEVASTATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: devastate (v) : destroy, wreck, ruin : build up, erect, restore : yıkmak, tahrip etmek : The villages of thousands of people were devastated; therefore they fled to the mountains. : : devastating adj. devastated adj. devastation n.

DEVIATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: deviate (v) : move away, diverge : adhere, coincide, converge : sapmak, yön değiştirmek : The recent pattern of weather deviates from the norm for this time of year. :


Part of speech

: deviation n.

DEVOID Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

devoid (adj) (of) lacking full, supplied, provided yoksun Their apartment is devoid of all comforts

: : : : : : :

devout (adj) religious irreligious, indifferent dindar He is a devout churchgoer

DEVOUT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

devoutly adv. devoutness n.

DIFFERENTIATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: differentiate (v) : discriminate, distinguish : unite, generalize : ayırtetmek : We do not differentiate between our workers on the basis of their background or ethnic origin. : : differentiation n.

DIFFUSE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

diffuse (v) scatter, spread assemble, draw yaymak Oxygen diffuses from the lungs into the bloodstream

: : : : : : :

dilate (v) expand, enlarge minimize, compress genişlemek The pupils of the eyes dilate as darkness increases

diffusion n. diffuse adj.

DILATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech



DILEMMA Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: dilemma (n) : controversy : ikilem, çelişki : The President is clearly in a dilemma about/over how to tackle the crisis. :

DILIGENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

diligent (adj) hardworking, studious, industrious lazy, çalışkan Their lawyer was extremely diligent in preparing their case.

: : : : : : :

dim (adj) not bright, darkish bright karanlık, loş He sat in a dim corner of the waiting-room

diligence n.

DIM Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

dim v. dimly adv. dimness n.

DIMINISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: diminish (v) : decrease, abate, allay, subside : increase, magnify, expand : azal(t)mak : We've seen our house diminish greatly/sharply/substantially in value over the last six months : : diminution n.

DISASTER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

disaster (n) calamity, catastrophe prosperity, blessing felaket This is one of the worst natural disasters ever to befall the are disastrous adj.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

discern (v) perceive, notice, see neglect, miss, overlook algılamak I could just discern a figure in the darkness

: : : : : : :

discrepancy (n) difference, inconsistency similarity tutarsızlık, farklılık There is some discrepancy between the two accounts

: : : : : : :

discreet (adj) wise, discerning, considerate careless, reckless, foolish ayrı, belirgin, akıllı, gizli The family made discreet enquiries about his background

: : : : : : :

discriminate (v) differentiate, distinguish She felt she had been discriminated against because of her age. ayırdetmek She felt she had been discriminated against because of her age.

: : : :

disdain (n) scorn, despise, disregard respect, admire küçümseme, hor görme

discernible adj. discernibly adv.

DISCREPANCY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

discrepant adj.

DISCREET Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


DISCRIMINATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

discrimination n. discriminatory n.

DISDAIN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: He regards the political process with disdain : : disdainful (adj)

68. DISMAY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

dismay (v) discourage, appall, frighten encourage korkutmak, cesaretini kırmak The supporters watched in/with dismay as their team lost 6-0

: : : : : : :

dismiss (v) fire, sack employ, recruit kovmak He has been dismissed from his job for incompetence

: : : : : :

disparity (n) difference, gap the disparity between rich and poor is growing farklılık

dismay n.

DISMISS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

dismissal n.

DISPARITY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation DISPENSE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: dispense (v) (with) : do without : have, possess, own : -sız yapmak : They've had to dispense with a lot of luxuries since Mike lost his job :



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

disperse (v) scatter, dispel, diffuse gather, collect, concentrate dağıtmak, dağılmak When the rain came down the crowds started to disperse dispersal n. dispersion n.

DISPLAY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: display (v) : show, exhibit, portray : hide : göstermek, sergilemek : The British traditionally tend not to display much emotion in public : : display n.

DISPOSE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: dispose (v) (of) : throw out, get rid of, discard : absorb, take in : atmak, kurtulmak, yenmek : It took a mere five minutes for the world champion to dispose of (= defeat) his opponent : : disposal n.

DISPUTE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

dispute (v) debate, argue grant, relinguish tartışmak The circumstances of her death have been hotly disputed.

: : : : : : :

disrupt (v) interrupt, break, disturb, upset keep in order aksatmak, bozmak A heavy fall of snow had disrupted the city's transport system

disputed adj. disputable adj. disputation n.

DISRUPT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

disruption n. disruptive adj.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

dissolve (v) melt, thaw, solidify eritmek Nitric acid will dissolve most animal tissue

: : : : : : :

distinctive (adj) unique, distinguishing indefinite, vague belirgin, ayrı She's got a very distinctive voice

DISTINCTIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

distinction n.

DISTINGUISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: distinguish (v) : differentiate : unite : ayırt etmek, ayırmak : I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Spanish from Portuguese : : distinguished adj.

DIVERGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: diverge (v) : deviate, move away : join, converge : sapmak, yön değiştirmek : They walked along the road together until they reached the village, but then their paths diverged. : : divergence n. divergent adj

DIVERT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

divert (v) distract, deviate, shift yön değiştirmek Our flight had to be diverted to Stansted because of the storm. deviersion n.

DIVINE Vocabulary Item

: divine (adj)


Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : :

godlike, heavenly human, earthly ilahi, tanrısal Some fans seem to regard footballers as divine beings

Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech DONATE

: : : : : : :

dominate (v) manage, rule smb be inferior baskın olma hakim olmak He refuses to let others speak and dominates every meeting

Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence

: donate (v) : give, contribute : take, get,obtain : bağış yapmak : An anonymous businesswoman donated one million dollars to the charity : : donation n.


Translation Part of speech

dominating adj. domination n.

DRASTIC Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: drastic (adj) : radical, far-reaching : known, usual : köklü, sert The government must take drastic measures : : drastically adv.

DRAWBACK Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: drawback (n) : pitfall, shortcoming, disadvantage, obstacle : advantage, merit, plus : kusur, sakınca : One of the drawbacks of living with someone is having to share a bathroom :

DROUGHT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: drought (n) : dry season : wet season, precipitation. : kuraklık This year (a) severe drought has ruined the crops. :


DULL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: dull (adj) : boring, tedious : enjoyable, entertaining : sıkıcı He's pleasant enough, but deadly dull (= very boring). : : dullness n. dully adv.

DURABLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: durable (adj) : long-lasting, strong, enduring : perishable : dayanıklı The machines have to be made of durable materials : : durability

DWARF Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: dwarf (n) : very short person : tall : cüce Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is known by everybody. : : dwarf v.

DWELL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: dwell (v) (on) : live, inhabit : visit : yaşamak, yerleşmek She dwelt in remote parts of Asia for many years. : : dweller n. dwelling n.

DWINDLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition

: : : :

dwindle (v) decrease, diminish, alleviate, diminish grow, increase azalmak


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: The community has dwindled to a tenth of its former size in the last two years. : : dwindling adj.

E EASE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: ease (v) : make easier, facilitate, lessen, alleviate : aggravate : kolaylaştırmak, azal(t)mak These pills should ease the pain : : ease n.

EDIBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: edible (adj) : can be eaten : inedible : yenilebilir :Only the leaves of the plant are edible :

EFFECT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: effect (n) : influence, impact : etki : The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the environment. : : affect v. effective adj. effectively adv.

EFFICIENCY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: efficiency (n) : effectiveness : ineffectiveness, incompetence : verimlilik, etkili olma : What is so impressive about their society is the efficiency of the public services. :


Part of speech

: efficient adj.

EJECT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

eject (v) force out, evict retain, absorb, take in çıkartmak The coffee machine suddenly ejected a handful of coins. ejection n.

ELABORATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: elaborate (adj) : detailed, complicated, intricate : simple, unadorned : ayrıntılı, karmaşık : They're making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding. : : elaboration n. elaborately adv.

ELEVATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

elevate (v) raise, heighten, lift up lower,degrade yükseltmek The platform was elevated by means of hydraulic legs

: : : : : :

elicit (v) obtain, get, extract, evoke, draw out gve away, donate almak, elde etmek, ortaya çıkarmak They were able to elicit the support of the public

: : : : : : :

eligible (adj) suitable, appropriate ineligible, ordinary uygun Only people over 18 are eligible to vote.

elevator n.

ELICIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation ELIGIBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

eligibility n.


ELIMINATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: eliminate (v) : get rid of, eradicate, do away with : recruit, employ : ortadan kaldırmak, elemek He was eliminated in the third round of the competition : : elimination n.

ELUDE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: elude (v) : escape, evade, avoid : achieve, obtain : sıyırmak The gold medal continues to elude her. :

EMANCIPATED Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: emancipated (v) : liberated, free : captivate : özgür, serbest : The twenties and sixties are often regarded as the most emancipated decades. : : emancipate v. emancipation n.

EMBARK Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: embark (v) (on) : start, initiate : finish, end : başlamak We're embarking upon a new project later this year. :

EMBEZZLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: embezzle (v) : steal : donate, give away : zimmetine geçirmek She embezzled thousands of dollars from the charity : : embezzlement n. embezzler n.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: embody (v) : symbolize, stand for, represent : exclude : simgelemek, temsil etmek She embodied good sportsmanship on the playing field : : embodiment n.

EMERGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: emerge (v) (from) : develope out of, come out, appear : disappear, depart : ortaya çıkmak, -den gelişmek The Prince emerged unscathed from the scandal. : : emergence n. emerging adj.

EMINENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: eminent (adj) : famous, well-known, reputed, prominent : notorious, mediocre : seçkin, ünlü, bilinen He is though to be an eminent historian : : eminence n.

EMIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: emit (v) : release, send out, give out : absorb, retain, withhold : yaymak, çıkarmak, salıvermek : The machine emits a high-pitched sound when you press the button. : : emission n.

EMPHASIZE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: emphasize (v) : stress : understate : vurgulamak : I'd just like to emphasize how important it is for people to learn foreign languages : : emphasis n.

EMPIRICAL Vocabulary Item

: empirical (adj)


Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: experimental, empirical : deneysel : This theory needs to be backed up with solid empirical data/evidence. : : empirically adv. empiricism n. empiricist n.

ENCOUNTER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

encounter (v) face, confront escape karşılaşmak When did you first encounter these difficulties?

: : : : : : :

endeavor (v) strive, try hard ignore çaba göstermek Engineers are endeavouring to locate the source of the problem

ENDEAVOR Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

endeavor n.

ENDORSE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: endorse (v) : approve, ratify, support : doğrulamak, onaylamak, desteklemek : I fully endorse everything the Chairperson has said. : :endorsement n.

ENDOW Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: endow (v) : grant, provide, supply : deprive, strip : bağışlamak, vermek : This hospital was endowed by the citizens of Strasbourg in the 16th century. : : endowment n.


ENDURE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

endure (v) bear, tolerate, put up with can’t stand, can’t bear dayanmak, katlanmak She's had to endure three painful operations on her leg. endurance n.

ENHANCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: enhance (v) : increase, improve : decrease, diminish : artırmak : These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation/image. : : enhancement n. enhancer n.

ENLIGHTEN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

enlighten (v) shed light on darken aydınlatmak I don't understand this. Could you enlighten me?

: : : : : : :

enormous (adj) tremendous, vast tiny, small büyük, devhassa He earns an enormous salary.

: : : : :

ensure (v) make sure, secure neglect temin etmek, sağlamak The airline is taking steps to ensure safety on its aircraft.

enlightened adj. enlightenment n.

ENORMOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

enormously adv. enormousness n.

ENSURE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence


ENTAIL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

entail (v) require, necessitate prevent, nullify gerektirmek Such a large investment inevitably entails some risk

ENTERPRISE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: enterprise (n) : venture, project : girişim, teşebbüs : Don't forget this is a commercial enterprise - we're here to make money : : enterprising adj.

ENTHUSIASTIC Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: enthusiastic (adj) : eager, earnest : unwilling, reluctant : istekli, hevesli : You don't seem very enthusiastic about the party - don't you want to go tonight? : : enthusiastically adv. enthusiasm n.

ENTIRE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

entire (adj) whole, complete partial, incomplete, broken bütün, tüm He'd spent the entire journey asleep

: : : : : : :

entitle (v) warrant, give right to disable, disqualify hak vermek, yetki vermek Being unemployed entitles you to free medical treatment

entirely (adv)

ENTITLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

entitled adj.


ENTREPRENEUR Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: entrepreneur (n) : capitalist, industrialist : girişimci, yatırımcı : He was one of the entrepreneurs of the eighties who made their money in property : : entrepreneurial adj.

EPIDEMIC Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

epidemic (adj) prevalent, widespread, rampant

: : : : : :

Equip (v) furnish, supply

: : : : : :

era (n) age, period

salgın Poverty in this country has reached epidemic proportions epidemic n.

EQUIP Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

donatmak It's going to cost $4 million to equip the hospital.

ERA Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

çağ, dönem The fall of the Berlin wall marked the end of an era.

ERADICATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: eradicate (v) : get rid of, wipe out, eliminate : : yok etmek, kökünü kazmak : The disease which once claimed millions of lives has now been eradicated. : : eradication n.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

erect (v) build up, put up dikmek, inşa etmek The soldiers had erected barricades to protect themselves. erection n.

ERRONEOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: erroneous (adj) : incorrect, wrong : perfect : hatalı an erroneous belief : : error n. erroneously adv.

ERUDITE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: erudite : knowlegable, learned : illiterate, ignorant : bilgili :He's the author of an erudite book on Scottish history : : erudition n.

ERUPT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: erupt (v) : explode, emit, break out : patlamak, püskürtmek : Since the volcano last erupted, many houses have been built in a dangerous position on its slopes : : eruption n.

ESCALATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: escalate (v) : increase, intensify : decrease, diminish, allay : tırmanmak, artmak His financial problems escalated after he became unemployed : : escalation n.

ESSENCE Vocabulary Item Synonym

: essence (n) : basic nature, essential quality


Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: öz, esas : vanilla essence is my favourite :

ESSENTIAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

essential (adj) necessary, indispensible unnecesary, redundant gerekli, vazgeçilemeyen Government support will be essential if the project is to succeed

: : : : : : :

establish (v) found, set up demolish, destruct kurmak brewery was established in 1822.

: : : : : : :

esteem (n) respect, regard disrespect saygı There has been a drop in public esteem for teachers

: : : : : : :

eternal (adj) infinite, endless temporary, sonsuz, bitmeyen Will you two never stop your eternal arguing

: : : :

evacuate (v) empty seize, occupy, fill boşaltmak, tahliye etmek

essential n.

ESTABLISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

establishment n.

ESTEEM Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

esteem v.

ETERNAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

eternally adv.

EVACUATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: The police evacuated the village shortly before the explosion : : evacuation n.

EVADE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

evade (v) escape, avoid stay, keep standstill kaçırmak, kurtulmak Just give me an answer and stop evading the question! evasion n.

EVALUATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: evaluate (v) : assess, appraise : ignore : değerlendirmek : It's impossible to evaluate these results without knowing more about the research methods employed. : : evaluation n. evaluative adj.

EVAPORATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: evaporate (v) : vanish, dissolve, disappear : solidify, harden : buharlaşmak, yok olmak : Plants keep cool during the summer by evaporating water from their leaves. : : evaporation n.

EVASIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence

: evasive (adj) : elusive : straightforward : kaçamaklı : By the time the pilot realised how close the plane was to the building, it was too late to take evasive action


Translation Part of speech

: : evade v. evasion n. evasively adv.

EVENTUAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: eventual (adj) : ultimate, final, consequent : initial, first : son, nihai : Although the original budget for the project was $1 billion, the eventual cost is likely to be 50% higher : : eventually adv.

EVIDENCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: evidence (n) : proof : disproof, concealment : kanıt, delil : The police have found no evidence of a terrorist link with the murder : : evidenced adj.

EVOKE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

evoke (v) bring to mind, remind prevent, stop akla getirmek, hatırlatmak That smell always evokes memories of my old school

: : : : : : :

evolve (v) develop perish, deteriorate gelişmek, geliştirmek Bacteria are evolving resistance to antibiotics.

: : : : : : :

exact (adj) correct, precise vague, ambigious, indefinite tam, kesin The exact time of the accident was 2.43 pm

evocation n. evocative adj. evocatively adv.

EVOLVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

evolution n. evolutionary adj.

EXACT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

exactly (adv)


EXAGGERATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: exaggerate (v) : overstate : understate, minimize : abartmak : I'm not exaggerating - it was the worst meal I've ever eaten in my life. : : exaggeration n.

EXCAVATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: excavate (v) : dig, dig up : inter, bury : kazmak : Tintagel Castle, the reputed birthplace of King Arthur, is being excavated professionally for the first time in more than 50 years : : excavation n.

EXCEED Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: exceed (v) : surpass, surmount : fall behind : aşmak, geçmek : The success of our campaign has exceeded our wildest expectations : : exceeding adj.

EXCLUDE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: exclude (v) : rule out, keep out, leave out : include : hariç bırakmak, dışlamak : Microbes must, as far as possible, be excluded from the room during an operation. : : exclusion n.


EXCLUSIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

exclusive (adj) speacial, private, unique common, shared özel, seçkin This room is for the exclusive use of guests excvlusively adv.

EXECUTE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: execute (v) : carry out, implement : neglect : uygulamak, yerine getirmek : to execute a deal/plan : :executive adj. executive n.

EXERT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: exert (v) : use, make use of, utilize : relax, rest : kullanmak : Some managers exert considerable pressure on their staff to work extra hours without being paid : : exertion n.

EXHAUST Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

exhaust (v) tire, use up, deplete refresh, invigorate yormak, tüketmek The long journey exhausted the children.

: : : : : : :

exhilarate (v) enliven, invigorate depress, unnerve canlandırmak, keyif vermek

exhausted adj. exhaustion n.

EXHILARATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

exhilaration n.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

exhort (v) encourage, stimulate dissuade, warn tavsiye etmek The governor exhorted the prisoners not to riot exhortation n.

EXPECTANCY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: expectancy (n) : expectation, hope, anticipation : : beklenti : Life expectancy in Europe has increased greatly in the 20th century : : expect v.

EXPEDITION Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: expedition (n) : special journey, trip : sefer : Scott died while he was on an expedition to the Antarctic in 1912. : : expeditionary adj.

EXPEL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

expel (v) dismiss recruit kovmak, atmak My brother was expelled from school for bad behaviour

: : : : : : :

expend (v) use up, exhaust conserve, preserve harcamak, masraf yapmak Governments expend a lot of resources on war

EXPEND Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

expenditure n.

EXPIRE Vocabulary Item

: expire (v)


Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: end : start, begin : süresi dolmak, sona ermek : The contract between the two companies will expire at the end of the year. : : expiration n.

EXPLICIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

explicit (adj) clear, unambiguous implicit açık, yalın I gave her very explicit directions how to get here explicitly adv. explicitness n.

EXPLODE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: explode (v) : go off : patlamak, infilak etmek : A bomb exploded at one of London's busiest railway stations this morning. : : explosion n. expolisive n.

EXPLOIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

exploit (v) misuse, abuse utilize sömürmek, faydalanmak Laws exist to stop companies exploiting their employees

: : : : : :

explore (v) research, investigate, probe araştırmak, tetkik yapmak The best way to explore the countryside is on foot

exploitation n. exploitable adj.

EXPLORE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

exploration n.

EXPOSE (TO) Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition

: expose (v) (to) : subject to, make liable : maruz bırakmak


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: It is feared that people living near the power station may have been exposed to radiation. : : exposure n.

EXTEND Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

extend (v) stretch, prolong shorten uzatmak The path extends (= continues) beyond the end of the road. extension n.

EXTERMINATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: exterminate (v) : destroy, eradicate : establish, found, invent : yok etmek : Millions of Jewish people were exterminated in concentration camps in the Second World War : : extermination n.

EXTINCT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

extinct (adj) vanished, died out survive soyu tükenmiş, yok olmuş There is concern that the giant panda will soon become extinct

: : : : : : :

extravagant (adj) excessive, lavish stingy, mean müsrif, aşırı harcama yapan the extravagant lifestyle of a movie star

: : : :

extremely (adj) enormously, tremendously tiny, little aşırı derecede, büyük ölçüde

extinction n.

EXTRAVAGANT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

extravagantly adv. extravagance n.

EXTREMELY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: She's extremely beautiful : : extreme adj.

F FABRIC Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : :

fabric (n) structure doku dress fabric

: : : : :

facilitate (v) make it easy, ease make sth difficult kolaylaştırmak The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs

FACILITATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence


Translation Part of speech

: : facility n.

FAIRLY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Part of speech

: : : : : :

fairly (adv) equitably, justly subjectively adil şekilde The money was not distributed fairly.

: : : : : : :

faith (n) belief, conviction, confidence, trust distrust, disbelief inanç, güven Even in the bad times she never lost her faith

: : : : : : :

fake (adj) false, imitation real sahte Experts revealed that the painting was a fake

: : : : : : :

fallacy (n) false notion, deception, mistake truth, fact yanılgı, yanılsama It is a common fallacy that women are worse drivers than men.

: : : : : : :

familiar (adj) acquainted strange aşina, tanıdık There were one or two familiar faces

FAITH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


FAKE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

fake adj. faker n.

FALLACY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

fallible adj.

FAMILIAR Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

familiarity n.


FAMINE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

famine (n) starvation, shortage of food gönül açlık There were reports of refugees dying of famine

: : : : : : :

fancy (v) imagine, suppose

: : : : : :

far-fetched (adj) incredible, fantastic, unbelievable credible inanılmaz, gerçekten uzak He told us a a far-fetched idea/story

FANCY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

hayal etmek He fancies himself as a bit of a singer fancied adj. fancy n. fanciful adj. fancifully adv.

FAR-FETCHED Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

FAR-REACHING Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: far-reaching (adj) : extensive, broad, comprehensive : simple : geniş kapsamlı : These new laws will have far-reaching benefits for all working mothers. :

FASCINATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

fascinate (v) charm bore büyülemek Anything to do with aeroplanes and flying fascinates him


Part of speech

: fascinating adj.

FATAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

fatal (adj) mortal, deadly beneficial ölümcül This illness is fatal in almost all cases

: : : : : : :

fatigue (n) extreme tiredness, exhaustion freshness, vigour aşırı yorgunluk, bitkinlik She was suffering from fatigue and a stress-related illness.

: : : : : : :

favorable (adj) suitable, approving unfavourable elverişli, uygun We have had a favourable response to the plan so far

: : : : : : :

feasible (adj) possible, probable impossible münkün, yapılabilir It may be feasible to clone human beings, but is it ethical?


FATIGUE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

fatigue v. fatigued adj.

FAVORABLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

favour v.

FEASIBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

feasibly adv. feasibility n.

FEATURE Vocabulary Item Synonym

: feature (n) : propertyy, trait, characteristic


Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: özellik : The town's main features are its beautiful mosque and ancient marketplace. : : feature v.

FERTILE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

fertile (adj) productive, rich, fruitful, prolific unproductive, fruitless verimli, üretken

: : : : :

fetch (v) go and bring

: : : : : :

fever (n) high temperature yüksek ateş He's got a headache and a slight fever

fertility n. fertilize v.

FETCH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence

alıp getirmek, kapmak I have to fetch my mother from the station

FEVER Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

fevered adj. feverish adj.

FINITE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: finite (adj) : limited, restricted : infinite, limited : sınırlı, kısıtlı : The funds available for the health service are finite and we cannot afford to waste money. :

FIRM Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence

: : : : :

firm (adj) stiff, rigid soft, tender sert, katı These pears are still too firm to eat.


Translation Part of speech

: : firmly adv.

FLAIR Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

flair (n) ability, talent, gift, knack yetenek He has a flair for languages. flair adj.

FLATTER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: flatter (v) : compliment, praise : insult : övmek, övünmek : I knew he was only flattering me because he wanted to borrow some money. : : flattery n.

FLOURISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: flourish (v) : prosper, grow, thrive : fail, decline : gelişmek, büyümek : My tomatoes are flourishing this summer - it must be the warm weather. : : flourishing adj.

FLUCTUATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

fluctuate (v) go up and down, wave persist, stand fast dalgalanmak Vegetable prices fluctuate according to the season

: : : :

forbid (v) prohibit, ban, not allow allow, let yasaklamak

fluctuation n.

FORBID Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: The law forbids the sale of cigarettes to people under the age of 16 : : forbidden (adj)

FORECAST Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

forecast (v) predict, foresee tahmin etmek Snow has been forecast for tonight

: : : : : :

foresee (v) foretell, see ahead öngörmek I don't foresee any difficulties so long as we keep within budget

: : : : : : :

forgery (n) counterfeiting, being fake honesty sahte, sahtekarlık He increased his income by forgery.

: : : : : : :

formidable (adj) challenging, difficult, invincible susceptible, vulnerable sert, sağlam, yenilmez, dayanıklı a formidable adversary/enemy/opponent

: : : : : :

foster (v) encourage, nurture discourage teşvik etmek I'm trying to foster an interest in classical music in my children.

forecast n.

FORESEE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

foresight n.

FORGERY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

forge v. forger n.

FORMIDABLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

formidably adv.

FOSTER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation


FRACTION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

fraction (n) bit, tiny portion whole, total küçük parça ¼ and 0.25 are different ways of representing the same fraction

: : : : : : :

fragile (adj) delicate formidable kırılabilir, hassas Be careful with that vase - it's very fragile

fractional adj.

FRAGILE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

fragility n.

FRUSTRATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: frustrate (v) : disappoint : cheer up, entertain : hayal kırıklığına uğratmak, üzmek : It frustrates me that I'm not able to put any of my ideas into practice : : frustration n. frustrated adj. frustrating adj.

FULFILL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: fulfill (v) : execute, carry out, implement : neglect, ignore, falsify : yerine getirmek : School fails if it does not fulfil the needs/requirements of its pupils : : fulfilling adj. fulfillment n.

FURNISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

furnish (v) provide, supply withhold, withdraw donatmak, sağlamak They've furnished the room very simply. furnished adj. furnishings n.


FURIOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

furious (adj) angry calm kızgın I was late and he was furious with me

: : : : : : :

futile (adj) vain, without result fertile, worthwhile boşuna, nafile All my attempts to cheer her up proved futile.

: : : : : :

gauge (v) measure, estimate, evaluate ölçmek, tahmin etmek Use a thermometer to gauge the temperature

fury n.

FUTILE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

futility n.

G GAUGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

gauge n.

GAZE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: gaze (n) : stare, look : ignore, glance : bakış :He spends hours gazing out of the window when he should be working : : gaze v.

GENEROUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

generous (adj) open-handed mean, stingy cömert It was most generous of you to lend me the money generosity n.


GENOCIDE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: genocide (n) : massacre : katliam, soykırım victims of genocide : : genocidal

GENUINE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

genuine (adj) real, authentic fake, counterfeit gerçek, hakiki If it is a genuine Michelangelo drawing, it will sell for millions genuinely adv. genuineness n.

GIFT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: gift (n) : knack, ability, talent, skill : inability, weakness : yetenek He has a gift for languages. : : gift n. (hediye), gifted adj.

GIGANTIC Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

gigantic (adj) massive, immense tiny, minute devhasa, çok büyük The cost has been gigantic

: : : : : :

glance (n) brief look, quick view hızlı bakış, göz atma She took/cast a glance at her watch

gigantically adv.

GLANCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

glance v.

GLITTER Vocabulary Item Synonym

: glitter (v) : shine


Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: ışıldamak :Her diamond necklace glittered brilliantly under the spotlights. : : glitter n. glittering adj.

GLOOMY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

gloomy (adj) dark, pessimistic. encouraging, cheerful, happy karamsar, karanlık The cemetery is a gloomy place.

: : : : : : :

glorious (adj) splendid, brilliant, dazzling unknown, dull, awful şanlı, parlak a glorious victory

gloom n. gloomily adv.

GLORIOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

gloriously adv.

GOODS Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: goods (n) : commodity, property : mal, mülk, eşya The house insurance will not cover your personal goods :

GORGEOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

gorgeous (adj) impressive, splendid ugly büyüleyici, harika The bride looked gorgeous.

: : : : :

graceful (adj) attractive, charming awkward, ugly hoş, çekici graceful movements

gorgeously adv.

GRACEFUL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence




GRADUAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: gradual (adj) : step by step : sudden, immediate : aşama aşama, yavaş yavaş : There has been a gradual improvement in our sales figures over the last two years. : : gradually (adv)

GRANT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

grant (n) scholarship, funding, allowance burs They gave/awarded her a grant to study abroad for one year. grant v.

GRASP Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Part of speech

: grasp (v) : snatch, grab, perceive : loose, release : kapmak, algılamak, kavramak : We must grasp every opportunity to strengthen economic ties with other countries : : grasp n.

GRATEFUL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: grateful (adj) : thankful, appreciative : ungrateful : minnettar : If you could get that report finished by Thursday I'd be very grateful : : gratefully adv.

GRATIFY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym

: gratify (v) : please, satisfy : displease


Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: memnun etmek, tatmin etmek He was gratified to see how well his students had done : : gratification n.

GRATITUDE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: gratitude (n) : appreciation, gratefulness : resentment : şükran, minnettarlık She sent them a present to show/express her gratitude :

GRAVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: grave (adj) : serious, crucial, solemn, severe : trivial, unimportant : ciddi, önemli a grave situation : : gravity n.

GREED Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: greed (adj) : insatiable : satiable : açgözlü, doyumsuz : I don't know why I'm eating more - it's not hunger, it's just greed! : : greedy adj.

GRIEF Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: grief (n) : sorrow, sadness : joy, delight, happiness : üzüntü, kader Her grief at her son's death was terrible : : grievance n

GRIEVANCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition

: : : :

grievance (n) complaint benefit, priviledge yakınma, şikayet


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: A special committee has been appointed to handle prisoners' grievances : : grief n.

GRIM Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

grim (adj) gloomy, bleak, pessimistic promising, optimistic karamsar The future looks grim

: : : : : : :

groundless (adj) baseless, without basis well-founded yersiz, dayanaksız My fears turned out to be groundless.

: : : : : : :

grumble (v) complain show gratitude şikayet etmek She spent the evening grumbling to me about her job

: : : : : : :

guilt (n) crime, offence innocence suç Both suspects admitted their guilt to the police

grimly adv. grimness n.

GROUNDLESS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

ground n. ground v.

GRUMBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

grumble n. grumbler n.

GUILT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence 1) Translation Part of speech

guilty adj.


H HAMPER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: hamper (v) : prevent, hinder, impede : facilitate : engellemek : Fierce storms have been hampering rescue efforts and there is now little chance of finding more survivors :

HANDLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

handle (v) deal with, manage, direct ele almak, baş etmek I thought he handled the situation very well

: : : : : :

hazard (n) danger tehlike The busy traffic entrance was a hazard to pedestrians

: : : : : : :

haphazard (adj) random, chance intended ,deliberate tesadüfi He tackled the problem in a typically haphazard manner

: : : :

happen to (v) do sth by chance şans eseri bir şey yapmak, karşılaşmak I happened to him when I was shopping.

handler n.

HAZARD Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

hazardous adj.

HAPHAZARD Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

haphazardly adv.

HAPPEN TO Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence



: Alışveriş yaparken onunla karşılaştım.

HARASS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

harass (v) bother, pester relieve taciz etmek Stop harassing me! Beni taciz etmeyi bırak. harassed adj. harassment n.

: : : : : :

hardly (adv) barely, scarcely, almost not often, almost always hemen hemen hiç He hardly ate anything/He ate hardly anything Neredeyse hiç birşey yemedi.

HARDLY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation HARSH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: harsh (adj) : severe, pitiless : gentle,kind : acımasız, sert, haşin : We thought the punishment was rather harsh for such a minor offence : : harshly adv. harshness n.

HASTY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

hasty (adj) hurried, speedy slow,deliberate acele, hızlı He warned against making hasty decisions Acele kararlar vermeye karşı onu uyardı. hastily adv. hasten v.

HERITAGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence

: heritage (n) : legacy, inheritance : miras : These monuments are a vital part of the cultural heritage of South America.




HINDER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: hinder (v) : hamper, prevent, impede, obstruct : facilitate : engellemek : High winds have hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze. : : hindrance n.

HITHERTO Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: hitherto (adv) : up till now, yet : şu ana kadar : Mira has revealed hitherto unsuspected talents on the cricket pitch :

HOLY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

holy (adj) sacred wicked,profane kutsal holy scriptures/rites

: : : : : : :

horizontal (adj) parallel, flat vertical yatay Keep the patient horizontal with the feet slightly raised

: : : : : : :

hostile (adj) unfriendly friendly düşmanca, karşı I'm not hostile to (= against) the idea of change as such.

holiness n.

HORIZONTAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

horizontally adv.

HOSTILE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

hostility n.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

humble (adj) modest proud,arrogant alçakgönüllü He's very humble about his success

: : : : : : :

humid (adj) damp, moist, wet dry nemli New York is very hot and humid in the summer

humble v.

HUMID Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

humidity n.

HUMILIATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: humiliate (v) : degrade, disgrace : honor : küçük düşürmek, aşağılamak : How could you humiliate me by questioning my judgment in front of everyone like that? : : humiliated adj. humiliation n.

HUMOR Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

humor (n) joking seriousness mizah He's got a great sense of humour Çok geniş bir mizah anlayışı var. humorist n. humorous adj.

20. HURRICANE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: hurricane (n) : storm : kasırga : The state of Florida was hit by a hurricane that did serious damage : Florida eyaletinde ciddi zararlara yol açan bir kasırga meydana geldi.


I IDENTICAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

identical (adj) same different benzer, aynı The two rooms were virtually identical

: : : : : : :

idle (adj) unoccupied occupied başı boş, aylak Half these factories now stand idle

: : : : : : :

ignore (v) disregard, overlook notice, recognize önemsememek, aldırmamak How can the government ignore the wishes of the majority? Hükümet çoğunluğun isteklerini nasıl görmezden gelebilir? ignorance n.

: : : : : :

illegible (adj) cannot be read legible okunaksız His writing is almost illegible Yazısı neredeyse okunmuyor

identically adv.

IDLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

idleness n. idler n. idly adv.

IGNORE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ILLEGIBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation


Part of speech

:illegibly adv.

ILLICIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

illicit (adj) illegal, unlawful legal yasa dışı The illicit trade in stolen vehicles Çalıntı arabalardaki yasadışı ticaret. illicitly adv.

: : : : : : :

illiterate (adj) unable to read and write literate cahil, okuma yazma bilmeyen A surprising percentage of the population are illiterate Nüfusun dikkat çekici bir oranı okuma yazma bilmiyor. illiterate n. illiteracy n.

: : : : : : :

illuminate (v) clarify darken,obscure açıklamak an article which illuminates the issues at stake

: : : : : : :

illusion (n) deception, mirage reality yanılgı He had no illusions about his talents as a singer. Bir şarkıcı olarak yetenekleriyle ilgili hiçbir şüphesi yoktu. illusionist n.

ILLITERATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ILLUMINATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

illuminating adj. illumination n.

ILLUSION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech ILLUSTRATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence

: illustrate (v) : explain, clarify : confuse,mystify : örneklerle açıklamak : The lecturer illustrated his point with a diagram on the blackboard


Translation Part of speech

: Öğretmen konuyu tahtada bir diyagramla açıkladı. : illustration n. illustrative adj.

IMMINENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

imminent (adj) approaching distant yaklaşan A strike is imminent Bir grev yakın. imminence n.

IMMUNE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: immune (adj) : resistant, protected : bağışıklık kazanmış : Most people who've had chicken pox once are immune to it for the rest of their lives : : immunization n.

IMPACT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: impact (n) : effect, collision : dissuade : etki, çarpma : The impact of the crash reduced the car to a third of its original length : Çarpmanın etkisi arabayı orjinal uzunluğundan üçte biri oranında küçülttü. : impact v. impacted adj.

IMPAIR Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: impair (v) : spoil, worsen, damage, harm : repair,improve : bozmak, zarar vermek : A recurring knee injury may have impaired his chances of winning the tournament : Dizindeki sakatlığın nüksetmesi turnuvayı kazanma şansını etkilemiş olabilir. : impaired adj. impairment n.


IMPEDE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: impede (v) : prevent, hinder, hamper : help,encourage : engel olmak : Although he's shy, it certainly hasn't impeded his career in any way : Çekingen olsada, bu kariyerine direkt olarak etki etmedi. : impediment n. impedimenta n.

IMPERATIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: imperative (adj) : urgent : trivial : acil : It's imperative to act now before the problem gets really serious. : Sorun daha da ciddi hale gelmeden acilen harekete geçmek gerek . : imperative n.

IMPLEMENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

implement (v) carry out, execute uygulamak The changes to the national health system will be implemented next year. Ulusal sağlık sistemindeki değişiklikler gelecek yıl uygulanacak. implement n.

: : : : : : :

implicate (v) connect, associate disconnect ilişkilendirmek, bağlantı kurmak Have they any evidence to implicate him in the robbery? Soygunu onunla ilişkilendirmek için kanıtları var mı? implication n.

: : : : : : :

imply (v) say indirectly, hint declare ima etmek Are you implying (that) I'm fat? Şişman olduğumu mu ima ediyorsun? implication n. implied adj. implication n.

IMPLICATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech IMPLY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech IMPOSE


Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

impose (v) place on, lay upon remove, lift empoze etmek Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes Son zamanlarda sigaraya çok yüksek oranda vergi kondu. imposition n.

IMPOTENCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : :

impotence (n) inability, powerlessness ability,strength iktidarsızlık, güçsüzlük Impotence is a serious problem which men encounter frequently. : İktidarsızlık erkeklerin sık maruz kaldığı ciddi bir sorundur. : impotent adj.

IMPOVERISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

impoverish (v) make poor, deprive enrich fakirleştirmek Excessive farming had impoverished the soil Aşırı tarım toprağı fakirleştirdi. impoverished adj. impoverishment n.

IMPRESS Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: impress (v) : affect, influence : etkilemek : He tried to impress me with his extensive knowledge of wine : Şarap konsundaki geniş bilgisiyle beni etkilemeye çalıştı. : impressive adj. impressed adj.

IMPULSIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

impulsive (adj) instinctive, intuitive, sudden cautious,reluctant ani, içgüdüsel Don't be so impulsive - think before you act Çok ani hareket etme-Harekete gemeden önce düşün. impulsively adv. impulse v.

INADEQUATE Vocabulary Item

: inadequate (adj)


Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: insufficient, deficient : adequate, enough : yetersiz : This work is woefully (= extremely) inadequate - you'll have to do it again. : Bu çalışma çok yetersiz.Tekrar yapmak zorunda kalacaksın. : inadequately adv. inadequacy n.

INADVERTENTLY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: inadvertently (adv) : unintentionally, involuntarily : voluntarily : istemeyerek : All authors need to be wary of inadvertent copying of other people's ideas. : Bütün yazarlar diğer insanların fikirlerini istemeyerekte olsa kopya etmekten uzak durmaları gerekir. : inadvertent adj. inadvertence n.

INBORN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

inborn (adj) innate unnatural doğuştan gelen She seems to have an inborn talent for physics. Fiziğe karşı doğuştan gelen bir yeteneği varmış gibi görünüyor.

: : : : : : :

incentive (n) motivation, encouragement deterrrent,disincentive teşvik, motivasyon Bonus payments provide an incentive to work harder. İkramiyeler daha fazla çalışmak için motivasyon sağlyor incentivize v.

: : : : : : :

incline (n) slope indispose,disincline eğim, meyil

INCENTIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech INCLINE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

inclination n incline v. inclined adj.

INCREDIBLE Vocabulary Item

: incredible (adj)


Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : :

unbeliavable awful,believable inanılmaz It seems incredible that no one foresaw the crisis Krizi kimsenin önceden farkedememesi inanılmaz gibi görünüyor. : incredibly adv.

INDEFINITELY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: indefinitely (adv) : forever : süresiz biçimde, sonsuza dek : : :

INDICT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: indict (v) : accuse, blame : suçlamak : Five people were indicted for making and selling counterfeit currency. : :indictable adj indictment n

INDIFFERENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: indifferent (adj) : uninterested : interested : ilgisiz, kayıtsız : Why don't you vote - how can you be so indifferent (to what is going on)! : : indifference n.

INDISPENSIBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

indispensible (adj) necessary, essential dispensible vazgeçilemez, gerekli This book is an indispensable resource for researchers. indispensability noun [U]

INDUCE Vocabulary Item Synonym

: induce (v) : persuade, tempt, bring about, cause


Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : ikna olmak, neden olmak : Nothing could induce me (= I definitely cannot be persuaded) to climb a mountain/ride a bike. : : inducement noun induction noun

INDULGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: indulge (v) (in) : enjoy too much, give in too much : thwart,disappoint : kendini kaptırmak, müptela olmak : The soccer fans indulged their patriotism, waving flags and singing songs. : : indulgence n. indulgent adjective indulgently adverb

INEPT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

inept (adj) inappropriate, appropriate,suitable uygun olmayan He was criticized for his inept handling of the situation Sorunu uygun olmayan bir şekilde ele almasından dolayı eleştirildi. : ineptitude (n.)

INFER Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

infer (v) conclude, deduce çıkarım yapmak I inferred from her expression that she wanted to leave. Açıklamasından gitmek istediğini çıkardım. inference n.

: : : : : :

inferior (adj) lower, subordinate superior,excellent aşağı, alt derece These products are inferior to those we bought last year. Bu ürünler geçen yıl aldıklarımıza göre çok kötü.

INFERIOR Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation


Part of speech

: inferiority n.

INFINITE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

infinite (adj) unlimited, endless limited,restricted sonsuz, sınırsız The universe is theoretically infinite.

: : : : : : :

inflict (v) impose, cause, bring about remove neden olmak, -e uğratmak These new bullets are capable of inflicting massive injuries.

: : : : : : :

influence (v) affect prevent,hinder etkilemek At the time she was under the influence of her father.



INFLICT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech



INFLUENCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

influence n. influential


INFLUX Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: influx (n) : flood, arrival : akın etme, akış : Turkey is expecting an influx of several thousand refugees over the next few days. :

INFRINGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

infringe (v) break, violate, disobey keep çiğnemek, ihlal etmek They infringed building regulations İmar planını ihlal ettiler. infringement n.

INGENIOUS Vocabulary Item

: ingenious (adj)


Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: clever, creative, highly skilled : unskillful,uninventive : hünerli, marifetli, akıllı : Johnny is so ingenious - he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials. : : ingenuity n.

INHABIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: inhabit (v) : live on : yaşamak : These remote islands are inhabited only by birds and small animals. : Bu uzak adalarda sadece kuşlar ve küçük hayvanlar yaşar. : inhabitant noun inhabitable adjective

INHERENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

inherent (adj) inborn incidental doğal, doğuştan gelen I have an inherent distrust of lawyers. Avukatlara karşı doğuştan gelen bir güvensizliğim var. inherently adv.

: : : : : : :

inherit (v) receive, derive from a death bequeath miras almak, kalıtım yoluyla elde etmek Who will inherit the house when he dies? Öldüğünde evi kime miras kalacak? inheritance n. inheritor n.

INHERIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech INHIBIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: inhibit (v) : prevent, hamper : help : engel olmak This drug inhibits the growth of tumours. : Bu ilaç tümörlerin büyümesine engel oluyor. : inhibited adj. inhibition n.

INITIAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym

: initial (adj) : first, beginning : last,final


Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: İlk,öncelikli :Initial reports say that seven people have died, though this has not yet been confirmed. : İlk haberler yedi kişinin öldüğünü söylüyor ama bu henüz doğrulanmadı. : initially adv.

INITIATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

initiate (v) start, begin end,finish başlatmak Who initiated the violence? Kavgayı kim başlattı? initiation n.

: : : : : : :

inborn (adj) inborn, inherited incidental doğuştan gelen Cyril's most impressive quality was his innate goodness. Cyrill’in en etkileyici özelliği doğuştan gelen iyiliğiydi. innately adv.

: : : : : : :

innovative (adj) inventive, original conservative yenilikçi The fashion industry is always desperate to innovate. Moda endüstrisi yeniliklere daima açıktır. innovate v. innovation n.

: : : : : :

inquire (v) ask, investigate sormak, soruşturmak "Where are we going?" he inquired politely. Nazikçe ‘Nereye gidiyoruz?’ diye sordu. inquiry n.

: : : :

inquisitive (adj) curious, inquiring uninterested meraklı

INNATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech INNOVATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech INQUIRE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech INQUISITIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: She could see inquisitive faces looking out from the windows next door. : Yan daireden dışarı bakan meraklı yüzleri görebiliyordu. : inquisitively adverb inquisitiveness noun

INSANE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

insane (adj) crazy, mad sane,sensible çılgın, deli I sometimes think I'm going insane Bazen delirmeye başladığımı düşünüyorum. insanity n.

: : : : : : :

inspire (v) motivate, encourage disencourage ilham vermek The captain's heroic effort inspired them with determination.

INSPIRE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

inspiration n.

INSTILL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: instill (v) : fill, inspire : extract : aşılamak : It is part of a teacher's job to instil confidence in his or her students. : Öğrencilerine güven aşılamak öğretmenin işinin bir parçasıdır.

INSTINCT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

instinct (n) natural feeling, impulse reason içgüdü It is instinct that tells the birds when to begin their migration. Kuşlara ne zaman göç edeceklerini söyleyen içgüdüleridir. instinctive adj.

: : : : : :

insult (v) offend honor aşağılamak, hakaret etmek She made several insults about my appearance. Benim görünüşüme karşı birkaç hakaret etti.

INSULT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation


Part of speech

: insult n. insulting adjective



INSURMOUNTABLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

intangible (adj) formidable, overwhelming surmountable aşırı, çok büyük This small country is faced with an insurmountable debt. Bu küçük ülke aşırı bir borçla karşı karşıya.

: : : : : : :

intangible (adj) untouchable touchable dokunulmaz She has that intangible quality which you might call charisma.

INTANGIBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


noun intangibly


INTENSE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: intense (adj) : extreme, intensified : mild, relaxed : yoğun : He suddenly felt an intense pain in his back. : Aniden sırtında büyük bir acı hissetti. : intensify v. intensely adv. intensity n. intensifier intensify v. intensification n.


INTENTIONAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

intentional (adj) deliberate, on purpose, planned casual,accidental kasıtlı Did you leave his name out by accident or was it intentional? İsmini kasıtlı mı yoksa kazara mı çıkardın? intend v intent noun intention noun intention noun

INTERACT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: interact (v) : act on each other : etkileşimde bulunmak : Dominique's teacher says that she interacts well with the other children. : Dominique’in öğretmeni diğer çocuklarla iyi bir etkileşim içinde olduğunu söylüyor.


Part of speech

: interaction

n. interactive

adj. interactively adverb

INTERFERE WITH Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : :

interfere with (v) prevent, inhibit engel olmak Even a low level of noise interferes with my concentration. Düşük seviyedeki bir gürültü bile konsantre olmaı engeller.

: : : : : :

interfere in (v) intervene in karışmak, müdahale etmek Interfering in other people's relationships is always a mistake. Diğer insanların ilişlilerine karışmak her zaman bir hatadır. interference n.

INTERFERE IN Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech INTERIM Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: interim (adj) : provisional : geçici : An interim government was set up for the period before the country's first free election. :Ülkenin ilk özgür seçimlerinden önce geçici bir hükümet kuruldu. : interim (n.)

INTERMITTENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: intermittent (adj) : periodic : continuous : aralıklı : Although she made intermittent movie appearances, she was essentially a stage actress. : Sinemada ara ara görünse de gerçekte bir sahne sanatçısıydı. : intermittently adverb

INTERPRET Vocabulary Item

: interpret (v)


Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: elucidate, explain : misconceive,falsify : yorumlamak : If Shakespeare's plays are to reach a large audience they need to be interpreted in a modern style. : Eğer Shakespeare’in oyunları geniş bir kitleye ulaşacaksa, modern bir tarzda yorumlanmaları gerekmektedir. : interpretation n. interpreter noun

INTERROGATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: interrogate (v) : question : sorgulamak : Thousands of dissidents have been interrogated or imprisoned in recent weeks. : : interrogation n. interrogator n.

INTERVAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: interval n. : break, gap : continuity : ara : We see each other at regular intervals - usually about once a month. : Belirli aralıklarla görüşüyoruz.-genelde aydabir.

INTERVENE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: intervene (n) : interfere : müdahale etmek, araya girmek : The Minister intervened personally to stop the museum being closed. : Bakan müzenin kapanmasını durdurmak için bizzat müdahale etti. : intervention n. interventionist adj. interventionism n.

INTIMACY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

intimacy (n) closeness, sincerity distance yakınlık, samimiyet Intimacy between teachers and students is not recommended. Öğretmen ve öğrenciler arasında samimiyet pek önerilmez. intimate adj. intimately adverb intimate adjective



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: intimidate (v) : scare, frighten, threaten : encourage : korkutmak : They were intimidated into accepting a pay cut by the threat of losing their jobs. : : intimidated adj. intimidation n. intimidating adj.

INTRINSIC Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

intrinsic (adj) inherent, inborn, basic extrinsic içten gelen Maths is an intrinsic part of the school curriculum. intrinsically adv.

INTRUDE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: intrude (v) : infringe : izinsiz girmek : I didn't realise your husband was here, Dr Jones - I hope I'm not intruding. : : intrusion n. intruder noun intrusive adjective

INTUITION Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: intuition (n) : instinctive knowledge : sezgi : I can't explain how I knew - I just had an intuition that you'd been involved in an accident. : : intuitive adj. intuit verbintuitively adverb

INVADE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: invade (v) : occupy, enter by force : abandon : istila etmek : Concentrations of troops near the border look set to invade within the next few days. : : invader noun invasion noun invasive Adjective

INVALID Vocabulary Item

: invalid (adj)


Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

unacceptable, null valid geçersiz I'm afraid your driving licence is invalid in Eastern Europe.

: : : : : :

invariably (v) always, constantly momentarily,instantly değişmez şekilde, daima, sürekli The train is invariably late. Tren sürekli gecikir.

invalidate v. invalidation n. invalidity n.

INVARIABLY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation INVESTIGATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: investigate (v) : look into, explore : araştırmak : We are of course investigating how an error like this could have occurred. : : investigation n. investigative adj. investigator noun

INVOLVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: involve (v) : include, require : exclude : içermek, gerektirmek : I prefer teaching methods that actively involve students in learning : : involvement noun

IRRELEVANT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: irrelevant (adj) : impertinent : relevant : ilgisiz, alakasız : These documents are largely irrelevant to the present investigation. : : irrelevance noun irrelevantly adverb

IRREVERSIBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition

: : : :

irreversible (adj) irreperable reversible geri dönüşü olmayan


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Smoking has caused irreversible damage to his lungs. : : irreversibly adverb

IRRIGATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

irrigate (v) water sulamak

: : : : : : :

irritate (v) anger, annoy cheer up kızdırmak After a while her behaviour really began to irritate me.

: : : : : : : :

isolate (v) seperate, segregate unify soyutlamak, ayırmak associate,unite

irrigation n.

IRRITATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

irritated adj. irritant n. irritating adj. irritatingly adv.

ISOLATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Translation Part of speech

isolation n.

J JEOPARDIZE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: jeopardize (v) : endanger : protect : tehlikeye atmak : She knew that by failing her exams she could jeopardize her whole future. : : jeopardy n.

JUST Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition

: : : :

just (adj) fair unjust,unlawful adil


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: The judge's sentence was perfectly just in the circumstances : : justice n.

JUSTICE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: justice (n) : fairness, equity : injustice,unfairness : adalet : There's no justice in the world when people can be made to suffer like that. : : justifiable adj. justify v.

JUSTIFY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: justify (v) : vindicate : condemn : haklı göstermek : It was the only thing that I could do - I don't have to justify myself to anyone. : : justification n.

JUVENILE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

juvenile (n) young person, teenager mature,adult genç kişi

: : : : : : :

keen (adj) eager, willing, acute apathetic istekli, düşkün They were very keen to start work as soon as possible.



K KEEN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

keenness noun


KIDNAP Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: kidnap (v) : abduct : free,liberate : insan kaçırmak : The wife of a businessman has been kidnapped from her home in Surrey. : :

KNACK Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

knack (n) ability, talent inability,awkwardness yetenek She has the knack of making people feel comfortable.

: : : : : : :

lack (n) deficiency,shortness plenty,abundance yoksun olmak Her only problem is lack of confidence.

L. LACK OF Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

lack noun lacking


LATENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: latent (adj) : hidden, concealed : visible,apparent : gizli : We're trying to bring out the latent artistic talents that many people possess without realising it. : : latency noun


LAUNCH Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

launch (v) start, begin, set off başlamak, fırlatmak The airline will launch its new transatlantic service next month.

: : : : : : :

lay (v) put down lift up koymak She laid the baby on the bed.

: : : : : :

layer (n) stratum tabaka A thick layer of clay lies over the sandstone.

: : : : : :

legacy (n) inheritance, bequest miras An elderly cousin had left her a small legacy.

: : : : : : :

legend (n) folk, tale, myth fact,truth efsane She is writing a thesis on Irish legend and mythology.

launch noun

LAY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

LAYER Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

layer verb layered adjective

LEGACY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech LEGEND Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

legendary adjective


LEGIBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

legible (adj) well-written illegible okunaklı, okunabilir Her handwriting is barely legible.

: : : : : :

legislate (v) make laws, enforce laws yasa yapmak They promised to legislate against cigarette advertising.

: : : : : : :

legitimate (adj) legal, lawful illegal,illegitimate yasal The army must give power back to the legitimate government.

legibly adverb

LEGISLATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

legislation n. legislative adjective

LEGITIMATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

legitimacy n. legitimize v. legitimately adverb

LETHAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: lethal (adj) : fatal, deadly : safe : öldürücü : In the car the police found guns, knives and other lethal weapons : : lethally adverb

LIABILITY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

liability (n) debt, responsibility, inclination, proneness irresponsibility borç, sorumluluk, eğilim He denies any liability for the damage caused. liable adj.


LIKELY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

likely (adj) probable, possible unlikely,improbable olası, muhtemel Do remind me because I'm likely to forget.

LITERACY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: literacy (n) : ability to read and write : illiteracy : okur yazarlık : Far more resources are needed to improve adult literacy. : :literate (adj.)

LITTER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: litter (n) : rubbish, garbage : order,cleanliness : çöp : About 2% of fast-food packaging ends up as litter. : :litter(v)

LOATH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

loath (adj) unwilling, reluctant eager,enthusiastic isteksiz I'm loath to spend it all at once.

LOTTERY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: lottery (n) : chance game, raffle : şans oyunu, piyango : :

LOYAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence

: : : : :

loyal (adj) faithful, allegiant disloyal sadık When all her other friends deserted her, Steve remained loyal.


Translation Part of speech

: : loyalty n. loyally adverb

LUCRATIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

lucrative (adj) profitable

: : : : : : :

lure (v) attract, allure, entice remunerative cezbetmek, çekmek Supermarket chains try to lure customers with price discounts.

: : : : : : :

magnificent (adj) splendid, impressive ordinary büyüleyici They live in a magnificent Tudor house.

karlı The merger proved to be very lucrative for both companies. lucratively adverb lucrativeness noun

LURE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech



M MAGNIFICENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

magnificently adverb magnificence


MAINTAIN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: maintain (v) : keep, continue, preserve : neglect,abandon : sürdürmek, korumak : The film has maintained its position as the critics' favourite for another year. :


Part of speech

: maintenance n.

MALIGN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

malign (adj) bad, negative good,positive kötü Foreign domination had a malign influence on local politics.

: : : : :

malnutrition (n) lack of proper nutrition kötü beslenme Many of the refugees are suffering from severe malnutrition.

malignant adj. malign verb malignity noun

MALNUTRITION Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

MANDATORY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: mandatory (adj) : obligatory, compulsory, required : zorunlu : Athletes must undergo a mandatory drugs test before competing in the championship. : : mandate (n)

MANIFEST Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: manifest (v) : show, exhibit : hide,conceal : göstermek : The workers chose to manifest their dissatisfaction in a series of strikes : : manifestation n. manifest adjective manifestly adv.

MANUFACTURE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

manufacture (v) make, product üretmek, imal etmek He works for a company that manufactures car parts. manufacture noun manufacturer



MASSACRE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

massacre (n) genocide,slaughter katliam He ordered the massacre of 2, 000 women and children.

: : : : : : :

massive (adj) huge, immense small,slight büyük, kocaman They've got a massive house.

: : : : : : :

mature (adj) developed, full-grown immature,young olgun Mature male gorillas have silver-grey hairs on their backs.

massacre verb

MASSIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

massively adverb massiveness noun

MATURE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

maturity n. maturation noun

MEAN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: mean (adj) : stingy, selfish : generous : cimri : My landlord's very mean with the heating - it's only on for two hours each day. : : meanly adverb meanness noun

MEANS Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : :

means (n) way, method, araç, yol We need to find some other means of transportation.

MEASURE Vocabulary Item

: measure (n)


Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: step, precaution : önlem : : :

MEDIEVAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

medieval (adj) belonging to middle ages orta çağa ait This is a medieval painting

: : : : : : :

mediocre (adj) average,middling superior orta The film's plot is predictable and the acting is mediocre.

: : : : : :

menace (v) threaten tehdit etmek Hurricane Hugo menaced the US coast for a week.

: : : : : : :

mend (v) repair, fix damage,harm tamir etmek, onarmak The plumber came to mend the burst pipe.

MEDIOCRE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

mediocrity noun

MENACE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

menace n. menacing adjective menacingly adverb

MEND Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

mend noun mending noun

MERCHANDISE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: merchandise (n) : property, good : mal, mülk : Shoppers complained about poor quality merchandise and high prices. :


Part of speech

: merchandising noun

MERCIFUL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

merciful (adj) tender, lender, forgiving cruel,severe,pitiless merhametli, insaflı "God is merciful, " said the priest Rahip ’’Tanrı merhametlidir.’’dedi mercy v.mercifully adverb

: : : : : :

merely (adv) only, solely, just yalnızca, sadece I wasn't complaining, I merely said that I was tired. Şikayet etmiyordum. Sadece yorgun olduğumu söyledim. mere adj. merest adj.

: : : : : : :

merge (v) unite, join seperate birleşmek, evlenmek The country's two biggest banks are planning to merge. Ülkenin en büyük iki bankası birleşmeyi planlıyor. merger n.

MERELY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech MERGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech METICULOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: meticulous (adj) : careful : careless,sloppy : özenli, dikkatli : Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book. : : meticulously adv. meticulousness n.

MIGHTY Vocabulary Item

: mighty (adj)


Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

powerful, strong weak,frail güçlü In the next game they will face the mighty Redskins. Bir sonraki maçta güçlü Redskins takımıyla karşılaşacaklar. might n. mighty adverb mightily adverb

MIGRATION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: migration (n) : immigration, movement : remain,stay : göç : There was a mass migration of poverty-struck farmers into the cities. : : migratory n. migrant noun migrate verb

MIRACLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: miracle (adj) : wonder, marvel : mucize : I can't promise a miracle cure, but I think we can improve things. : : miraculous adj. miraculously adverb

MISCELLANEOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

miscellaneous (adj) various,diverse çeşitli

: : : : : : :

miserable (adj) unhappy, cheerless, awful happy sefil, mutsuz, neşesiz She's miserable living on her own.

: : : :

mishap (n) misfortune, unfortunate accident aksilik, kaza The parade was very well organised and passed without mishap

miscellany noun

MISERABLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

miserably adverb misery noun

MISHAP Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence


Translation Part of speech

: :

MITIGATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: mitigate (v) : lessen, ease : aggravate : azaltmak : It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island. : : mitigating adjective mitigation noun

MODERATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

moderate (adj) mild, reasonable extreme,immoderate ılımlı, ölçülü

: : : : : : :

modest (adj) decent, humble arrogant alçakgönüllü

moderately adv.

MODEST Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech MODIFY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: modify (v) : change, alter, shift, vary : değiştirmek : The proposals were unpopular and were only accepted in a modified form. : : modification noun

MOIST Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

moist (adj) damp, humid, wet dry rutubetli, nemli Keep the soil in the pot moist, but not too wet. moisture n. moisten verb moistness



MOMENTUM Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: momentum (n) : speed, velocity, impetus : hız, ivme : The spacecraft will fly round the Earth to gather momentum for its trip to Jupiter. : :

MOODY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

moody (adj) irritable even-tempered sinirli, asabi He can be quite moody. Çok sinirli olabilir. mood (n) moodily adverb moodiness


MORAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech MUSTER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: moral (adj) : ethical, virtuos : immoral : ahlaki : It's her moral obligation to tell the police what she knows. : : morality n. moral n. moralist n. moralistic adj. moralize v morally adv. : : : : : : :

muster (v) collect, gather, assemble disperse toplamak, biraraya getirmek

MUTINY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: mutiny (n) : revolt, rebellion : isyan : Conditions on the ship were often very bad, and crews were on the point of mutiny. : Gemideki koşullar genelde çok kötüydü ve tayfalar isyanın eşiğindeydi. : mutineer n. mutiny verb mutinous adjective



Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: mutual (adj) : reciprocal, common : karşılıklı, çift taraflı : Theirs was a partnership based on mutual respect, trust and understanding. : Onlarınki karşılıklı anlayış, güven ve saygıya dayanan bir ilişkiydi. : mutually adverb

N NAIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

naive (adj) foolish, credulous shrewe saf She was very naive to believe that he'd stay with her Onun kendisiyle yaşayacağına inanacak kadar saftı. naively adv.

: : : : : : :

neat (adj) tidy untidy temiz, düzenli She likes everything neat and tidy. Herşeyin düzenli ve temiz olmasını ister. neaten v. neatly adv.

: : : : : : :

necessary (adj) essential unnecessary gerekli He lacks the necessary skills for the job. İş için gerekli beceriler onda eksik necessitate v. necessarily adv.

NEAT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech NECESSARY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech NEGLIGIBLE


Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

negligible (adj) unimportant, insignificant important önemsiz The difference between the two products is negligible İki ürün arasındaki fark önemsiz. neglect v.

: : : : : :

negotiate (v) discuss, talk, bargain görüşmek, pazarlık yapmak The government has refused to negotiate with the strikers.

NEGOTIATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

negotiation n.

NOMINATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: nominate (v) : appoint, elect, select : withdraw : aday gösterme : President Yeltsin nominated acting prime minister Sergei Kiriyenko to head the government. : : nominee n.

NONSENSE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

nonsense (adj) irrationality sense saçmalık This report is nonsense and nothing but a waste of paper Bu haber saçma ve kağıt israfından başka birşey değil. nonsensical

NOTABLY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: notably (adv) : especially, particularly, in particular : özellikle : They have begun attracting investors, most notably big Japanese financial houses : : notable adj.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: noteworthy (adj) : remarkable, extraordinary : kayda değer : It is noteworthy that one-third of students do not pay any tuition fees : Öğrencilerin üçte birinin harç parası ödememesi kayda değer.

NOTIFY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech NOTION Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: notify (v) : inform : conceal,misinform : bildirmek, bilgilendirmek : The school is required to notify parents if their children fail to come to school. : Eğer çocukları okula gelmiyorsa okulun ebeveynleri bilgilendirmesi gerekir. : notifiable adj. notification n. : : : : : :

notion (n) idea, concept fikir I have only a vague notion of what she does for a living

: : : : : :

notorious (adj) infamous, disreputable kötü şöhreti olan The company is notorious for paying its bills late.

: : : : : : :

nourish (v) feed, nurture starve,destroy beslemek Children need plenty of good fresh food to nourish them

: : : : :

nucturnal (adj) night, dark karanlık, geceye ait Most bats are nocturnal Yarasaların çoğu gece ortaya çıkar.

notional adj.

NOTORIOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

notoriously adv.

NOURISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

nourishement n. nourishing adj.

NUCTURNAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation


NUISANCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

nuisance (n) trouble, problem pleasure, delight dert, baş belası It's such a nuisance having to rewrite those letters. Bu mektupları yazmak zorunda kalmak tam anlamıyla baş belası.

: : : : : :

nullify (v) cancel, annul, invalidate enact iptal etmek, geçersiz kılmak The state death penalty law was nullified in 1977.

: : : : : : :

nurture (v) look after, cultivate, rear neglect bakmak, beslemek, geliştirmek She wants to stay home and nurture her children. Evde kalıp çocuklarına bakmayı istiyor. nurture n.

NULLIFY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation NURTURE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech NUTRITION Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: nutrition (n) : food, nutriment, nourishment : gıda, beslenme : Good nutrition is essential if patients are to make a quick recovery :

Part of speech

: nutritious adj. nutritional adj.

O OBEDIENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence

: obedient (adj) : conformable, abiding : disrespectful : uyumlu, kurallara uyan : Students are expected to be quiet and obedient in the classroom.


Translation Part of speech

: Öğrencilerin sınıfta sessiz olmaları ve kurallara uymaları beklenir. : obey v. obediently adv. obedience n.

OBESITY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

obesity (n) fatness, plumpness şişmanlık A diet that is high in fat can lead to obesity. Yağ oranı yüksek bir beslenme obeziteye yol açabilir. obese n.

: : : : : : :

obey (v) abide by, comply with disobey, resist uymak The soldiers refused to obey (orders). Askerler emirlere itaat etmeyi reddetti. obedience(n) obedient(n)

: : : : : : :

object to (v) disapprove, protest agree itiraz etmek No-one objected when the boss said it was time to go home. Patron eve gitme zamanı dediğinde kimse itiraz etmedi. objection n. objectionable adj.

OBEY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech OBJECT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech OBLIGATION Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: obligation n. : compulsion, requirement : yükümlülük, zorunluluk : If you have not signed a contract, you are under no obligation to (= it is not necessary to) pay them any money : Sözleşme imzalamadıysan, onlara para ödeme zorunluluğun yoktur. : be obliged to v. obligatory adj.

OBLIVIOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence

: oblivious (adj) : unaware, unconscious : conscious, aware : habersiz : The government seems oblivious to the likely effects of the new legislation.


Translation Part of speech

: : obliviously adv. obliviousness n.

OBSCURE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

obscure (adj) vague, ambigious definite, clear belirsiz an obscure island in the Pacific

: : : : : :

obsess (v) preoccupy, recur in the mind saplantı haline getirmek Why are people so obsessed with money? Neden insanlar parayı bu kadar kafalarına takarlar? obsession n. obsessive adj. obsessed adj.

: : : : : : :

obsolete (adj) old-fashioned, outdated modern, current modası geçmiş, eskimiş Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented Elektrik icat edilince gaz lambalarının modası gecti.

: : : : : :

obstacle (n) barrier, obstruction, impediment support, aid engel The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road Önümüzdeki en büyük engel,yoldaki ağaç gövdesiydi.

: : : : : : :

obstinate (adj) stubborn, pliant, tractable inatçı He can be very obstinate at times Bazı zamanlar çok inatçı olabilir. obstinacy n.

obscurity n.

OBSESS Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech OBSOLETE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech OBSTACLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation OBSTINATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech OBSTRUCT


Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: obstruct (v) : block, hinder : aid, promote : engel olmak : After the earthquake many roads were obstructed by collapsed buildings. : Depremden sonra yıkık binalar yolları kapattı. : obstruction n.

OBVIATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence

: obviate (v) : prevent, hamper : önlemek : A peaceful solution would obviate the need to send a UN military force.

Turkish Definition

: Barışçıl bir çözüm, BM’nin askeri güç gönderme ihtiyacını giderebilir.

OCCUR Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: occur (v) : happen, take place : : meydana gelmek : If any of these symptoms occur while you are taking the medicine, consult your doctor immediately. : : occurence

OCCUPY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

occupy (v) inhabit, reside, lodge in

: : : : : : :

odd (adj) strange, weird, peculiar

işgal etmek The bathroom's occupied - I think John's in there occupancy n.

ODD Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

garip, tuhaf Her father was an odd man. oddity n.


ODOR Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: odor (n) : smell : : koku : Inside the room there was the unmistakable odour of sweaty feet : : odorless adj.

OFFEND Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech OFFSPRING Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: offend (v) : anger, annoy : : gücendirmek : Do you suppose it would be offending against good taste to wear a patterned tie with my striped shirt? : : offensive adj. : offspring (n) : children : : çocuklar : In the case of the guinea pig, the number of offspring varies between two and five. :

OMIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

omit (v) delete, leave out çıkarmak She was omitted from the list of contributors to the report. omission n.

ONSLAUGHT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: onslaught (n) : attack, assault : : saldırı : Scotland's onslaught on Wales in the second half of the match earned them a 4-1 victory. :



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: oppress (v) : suppress, trouble : : eziyet etmek, ezmek : For years now, the people have been oppressed by a ruthless dictator : : oppression n. oppressed adj.

OPTION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

option (n) choice, alternative, preference seçenek, tercih The best option would be to cancel the trip altogether optional adj.

OSTENSIBLY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: ostensibly (adv) : apparently, seemingly : : görünürde : He has spent the past three months in Florida, ostensibly for medical treatment, but in actual fact to avoid prosecution for a series of notorious armed robberies : : ostensible adj.

OUTCOME Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

outcome (n) result, consequence sonuç It's too early to predict the outcome of the meeting

OUTLAY Vocabulary Item Synonym

: outlay (n) : expense, expenditure


Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : masraf, harcama : For an initial outlay of £2000 to buy the equipment, you should be earning up to £500 a month if the product sells well. : : outlay v.

OUTNUMBER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

outnumber (v) greater in number

: : : : : :

outweigh (v) greater in weight

: : : : : :

overcome (v) conquer, surmount

: : : : : : :

overlap (v) cover by extension

sayıca üstün gelmek In our office, the women outnumber the men 3 to 1.

OUTWEIGH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

daha ağır basmak, daha önemli olmak The benefits of this treatment far outweigh any risks.

OVERCOME Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

aşmak, üstesinden gelmek Eventually she managed to overcome her shyness in class.

OVERLAP Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

üst üste gelmek The fence is made of panels which overlap (each other). overlap n. overlapping adj.


OVERLOOK Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

overlook (v) ignore, disregard

: : : : : : :

overriding (adj) major, principal

gözardı etmek I think there is one key fact that you have overlooked.

OVERRIDING Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

önemli ,ağır basan The government's overriding concern is to reduce inflation. override v.

OVERWHELMING Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: overwhelming (adj) : overpowering : : ezici : She felt an overwhelming urge/desire/need to tell someone about what had happened. : : overwhelmingly adv.


P PACE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: pace (n) : step, tempo : : tempo : When she thought she heard someone following her, she quickened her pace. :

PARADISE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

paradise (n) heaven cennet They believe they'll go to Paradise after they die.

PARADOX Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: paradox (n) : contradiction, inconsistency : : çelişki : It's a curious paradox that drinking a lot of water can often make you feel thirsty. : : paradoxical adj. paradoxically adv.

PARAMOUNT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition

: paramount (adj) : supreme : : son derece önemli


Example sentence Translation

: There are many priorities, but reducing the budget deficit is paramount/is of paramount importance. :

PARTIAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: partial (adj) : incomplete, biased : complete : kısmen : The general has ordered a partial withdrawal of troops from the area : : partially adv.

PASSION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

passion (n) love, desire, greed

: : : : : : :

peak (n) summit, zenith

: : : : : : :

peculiar (adj) strange, odd, weird

tutku, hırs Football arouses a good deal of passion among its supporters passionate adj.

PEAK Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

zirve Holiday flights reach a peak during August peak v. peak adj.

PECULIAR Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

tuhaf, acaip She has the most peculiar ideas. peculiarity n.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

penetrate (v) enter

: : : : : :

per (adj) one, for each

: : : : : : :

perceive (v) see, notice

: : : : : : :

perennial (adj) lasting, constant

: : : : : : :

perish (v) die out, disappear

girmek, nüfuz etmek Amazingly, the bullet did not penetrate his brain. penetration n.

PER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

-başına, tek The car was travelling at 70 miles per hour (70 mph).

PERCEIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

algılamak Bill perceived a tiny figure in the distance. perception n.

PERENNIAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

sürekli, kalıcı We face the perennial problem of not having enough money. perennially adv.

PERISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

yok olma Three hundred people perished in the earthquake perishable adj.

PERMANENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition

: permanent (adj) : perpetual, continuous : : sürekli , devam eden


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: She is looking for a permanent place to stay : : permanence n.

PERPLEX Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

perplex (v) bewilder, confuse, astonish şaşırtmak The disease has continued to perplex doctors perplexing adj. perplexity n.

PERSECUTE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: persecute (v) : abuse, maltreat : : kötü davranmak : Religious minorities were persecuted and massacred during the ten-year regime. : : persecution n. persecutor n.

PERSEVERE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: persevere (v) : persist, continue : : sebat etmek : The education director is persevering in his attempt to obtain additional funding for the school. : : perseverance n. persevering adj.

PERSIST Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

persist (v) persevere, continue ısrar etmek, devam etmek If the pain persists, consult a doctor. persistence n. persistent adj. persistently adv.

PERSPIRE Vocabulary Item Synonym

: perspire (v) : sweat


Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : terlemek : He was perspiring in his thick woollen suit : : perspiration n.

PERSUADE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

persuade (v) convince ikna etmek If she doesn't want to go, nothing you can say will persuade her persuasion n.

PERTAIN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: pertain (v) : relate to, bear upon : : ilişkili olmak : We are only interested in the parts of the proposals that pertain to local issues. : : pertinent adj.

PERVADE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: pervade (v) : spread, penetrate : : yayılmak, dağılmak : The film is a reflection of the violence that pervades American culture : : pervasive adj.

PHASE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: phase (n) : stage, period : : safha, evre : The project is only in the initial phase as yet, but it's looking quite promising : : phase v.


PLAIN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: plain (adj) : simple : : sade, yalın : We've chosen a plain carpet (= one without a pattern) and patterned curtains. : : plainly adv.

PLEDGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: pledge (n) : promise : : söz : Thousands of people made pledges (= promised to give money) to the Children in Need charity campaign. : : pledge v.

POISON Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

poison (n) venom, toxin

: : : : : : :

portray (v) represent, display

: : : : : :

pose (v) create

zehir Her drink had been laced with a deadly poison. poisonous adj.

PORTRAY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

göstermek, sergilemek The painting portrays a beautiful young woman in a blue dress

POSE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

yaratmak, oluşturmak Nuclear weapons pose a threat to everyone


POSTERITY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: posterity (n) : future generation : : gelecek nesil : Every attempt is being made to ensure that these works of art are preserved for posterity :

POTENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

potent (adj) effective, powerful

: : : : : : :

precaution n. measure, step

: : : : : : :

precipitate v. accelerate, hasten

güçlü The Berlin Wall was a potent symbol of the Cold War. potency n. potently adv.

PRECAUTION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

önlem, tedbir They failed to take the necessary precautions to avoid infection precautionary adj.

PRECIPITATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

hızlandırmak An invasion would certainly precipitate a political crisis precipitate adj. precipitately adv.

PRECIPITATION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: precipitation n. : rainfall, snow : : yağış : The forecast is for dry, cloudy weather with no precipitation expected. :


PRECISE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

precise (adj) exact, definite

: : : : : : :

predominantly (adv) mainly, chiefly

: : : : : : :

prejudice (n) bias, prejudgement

: : : : : : :

preliminary (adj) first, early, initial

kesin, kati He caught me at the precise moment that I fainted precision n. precisely adv.

PREDOMINANTLY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

başlıca, baskın şekilde She is predominantly a dancer, but she also sings. predominant adj. predominance n.

PREJUDICE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

önyargı Laws against racial prejudice must be strictly enforced. prejudiced adj.

PRELIMINARY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

ilk Preliminary results show that the vaccine is effective preliminary n.

PREREQUISITE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: prerequisite (n) : requirement, precondition : : önkoşul : Passing a written exam is a prerequisite for taking the advanced course :



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: presume (v) : : varsaymak : I presume (that) they're not coming, since they haven't replied to the invitation : : : presumably (adv)

PREVAIL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

prevail (v) abound, exist thoroughly

: : : : : :

prey (n) victim

: : : : : : :

prior to (prep) + NP before after -den önce the weeks prior to her death

hakim olmak I am sure that common sense will prevail in the end prevalence n. prevailing adj.

PREY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

av, kurban A hawk hovered in the air before swooping on its prey

PRIOR TO Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

priority n.

PRIVILEDGED Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: priviledged (adj) : : : ayrıcalıklı : I have been privileged to work with the pioneers of silicon technology. : : priviledge n.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

probe (n) exploration, investigation, inquiry araştırma an FBI probe into corruption probation n.

PROFOUND Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: profound (adj) : deep : : derin : His mother's death when he was aged six had a very profound effect on him. : : profoundly adv.

PROHIBIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

prohibit (v) ban, forbid,

: : : : : :

prolific (adj) productive, fertile, fruitful

yasaklamak Motor vehicles are prohibited from driving in the town centre prohibition n.

PROLIFIC Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

verimli, üretken He was probably the most prolific songwriter of his generation.

PROMINENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: prominent (adj) : famous, well-known : : ünlü, tanınmış : The government should be playing a more prominent role in promoting human rights : : prominently adv.

PROMISING Vocabulary Item Synonym

: promising (adj) : hopeful, encouraging


Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : gelecek vadeden : They won the award for the most promising new band of the year. : :

PROMOTE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: promote (v) : give a higher position to smb, aid, foster : : terfi etmek, ilerlemek : It has long been known that regular exercise promotes allround good health : : promoter n. promotion n.

PROMPT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

prompt (v) cause,urge, motivate, encourage

: : : : : :

property (n) possession, belonging n.

: : : : : :

proponent (n) advocate, defender

: : : : :

prospect (n) chance, likelihood, hope, expectation

sevketmek, yöneltmek, neden olmak I don't know what prompted him to leave. prompt n.

PROPERTY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

mal, mülk He owns a number of properties in the centre of London.

PROPONENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

savunucu, taraftar He is one of the leading proponents of capital punishment

PROSPECT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence

olasılık, beklenti Is there any prospect of the weather improving


Translation Part of speech

: : prospective (adj)

PROSPER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: prosper (v) : flourish, thrive : : gelişmek : A lot of microchip manufacturing companies prospered at that time. : : prosperous adj.

PROVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: prove (v) : verify, confirm : : kanıtlamak : They suspected that she'd killed him but they could never actually prove that it was her : : proof n.

PROVISION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: provision (n) : condition : : koşul : : :

PROVISIONS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

provisions (n) food, groceries

: : : : : :

provisional (adj) interim, temporary permenant geçici These dates are only provisional.

erzak, araç-gereç provisions for the journey

PROVISIONAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation


Part of speech


PRUDENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

prudent (adj) wise, sensible, cautious

: : : : : : :

punctual (adj) on time, prompt

: : : : : : :

pursue (v) follow, chase

: : : : : :

pursuit (n) search, leisure activity

akıllı, tedbirli It's always prudent to read a contract properly before signing it. prudently adv. prudence n.

PUNCTUAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

dakik He's fairly punctual punctually adv. punctuality n.

PURSUE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

takip etmek, izlemek The car was pursued by helicopters pursuer n. pursuit n.

PURSUIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

arayış, uğraş I don't have much opportunity for leisure pursuits these days.

PROS AND CONS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: pros and cons (n) : advantages and disadvantages : : artılar ve eksiler : We're just weighing up the pros and cons (= advantages and disadvantages) of moving to a bigger house. :


R RAISE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

raise (v) increase, rear, bring up, mention artırmak, yükselmek, gündeme getirmek The government plan to raise taxes.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

rampant (adj) widespread, increasing, prevalent

: : : : : : :

range (v) ( vary

: : : : : : :

rank (n) position, title, status

: : : : : : :

rare (adj) scarce

yaygın Disease is rampant in the overcrowded city.

RANGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

arasında farklılık göstermek Prices range between $50 and $250 range n.

RANK Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

mevki, makam He has just been promoted to the rank of captain rank v.

RARE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

nadir, kıt The museum is full of rare and precious treasures rarity n. rarely adv.

RASH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: rash (adj) : hasty, reckless, thoughtless : : aceleci, düşüncesiz : That was a rash decision - you didn't think about the costs involved : : rashness n. rashly adv.

REALM Vocabulary Item

: realm (n)


Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: area, region, field : : alan, saha : Her interests are in the realm of practical politics :

REAR Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: rear (v) : bring up, raise, care for : : büyütmek, yetiştirmek : The lion slowly reared its head (= lifted it up) and looked around : :

REASSURE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

reassure (v) assure, confide

: : : : : : :

rebel (v) (against) revolt, rise up

: : : : : : :

recession (n) decline, downturn, slump

güvence vermek He reassured me (that) my cheque would arrive soon. reassuring adj. reassuringly adv. reassurance n.

REBEL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

ayaklanmak The people rebelled against the harsh new government rebellious adj. rebellion n.

RECESSION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

durgunluk, gerileme The country is sliding into the depths of (a) recession recessed adj.

RECIPROCAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym

: reciprocal (adj) : mutual :


Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: işteş, karşılıklı : : : reciprocate v. reciprocally adv.

RECONCILIATION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: reconciliation (n) : agreement, settlement : : anlaşma, uzlaşma : It took hours of negotiations to bring about a reconciliation between the two sides. : : reconcile v. reconciled adj.

RECREATION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

recreation (n) leisure, pastime, amusement

Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech RECURRENCE

: : : : : : :

recruit (v) employ, enroll sack, fire, dismiss işe almak, askere almak Even young boys are now being recruited into the army.

Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence

: recurrence (n) : reappearance, repetition : : tekrarlama, nüksetme : The doctor told him to go to the hospital if there was a recurrence of his symptoms : : recur v.

eğlence His favourite recreations are golf and playing Scrabble. recreational adj.


Translation Part of speech

recruit n. recritment n.

REDUNDANT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition

: : : :

redundant (adj) unnecessary, inessential necessary gereksiz, fazla, işsiz


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: To keep the company alive, half the workforce is being made redundant : : redundancy n.

REFRAIN FROM Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

refrain from (v) abstain from, avoid doing sth

: : : : : : :

regardless of (prep) irrespective of

: : : : : : :

rehearsal (n) trial, preparation

: : : : : : :

reign (v) rule, power, govern

: : : : : : :

reinforce (v) strenghten, make stronger

kaçınmak We refrained from talking until we knew that it was safe

REGARDLESS OF Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

-e bakılmaksızın, kaideye almadan This job is open to all, regardless of previous experience. regard n. regarding adj.

REHEARSAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

deneme, prova They didn't have time for (a) rehearsal before the performance rehearse v.

REIGN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

tahtta olmak, hüküm sürmek Queen Victoria reigned over Britain from 1837 to 1901. reigning adj.

REINFORCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

güçlendirmek His behaviour merely reinforced my dislike of him. reinforcement n.


RELATIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

relative (adj) comparative göreceli, -e nispeten The amount of petrol a car uses is relative to its speed relatively adv.

RELENTLESSLY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: relentlessly (adv) : unmercifully, continuously, constantly : : amansız, sürekli şekilde : She has campaigned relentlessly for her husband's release from prison. : : relentless adj.

RELEVANT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

relevant (adj) related, pertinent

: : : : : : :

reliability (n) dependability, trustworthness

ilgili, alakalı Education should be relevant to the child's needs. relevance n.

RELIABILITY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

güvenilirlik Rolls-Royce cars are famous for their quality and reliability rely v. reliance n. reliant adj. reliable adj.

RELIEF Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition

: relief (n) : comfort, aid, : : rahatlık, ferahlama


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: Pop stars have raised millions of pounds for famine relief in Africa : : relieve v.

RELISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

relish (v) like, enjoy hoşlanmak I don't relish telling her that her son has been arrested. relish n.

RELUCTANT Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: reluctant (adj) : unwilling : : isteksiz : She persuaded her reluctant husband to take a trip to Florida with her. : reluctantly adv. reluctance n.

REMINISCENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

reminiscent (adj) remindful

: : : : : : :

render (v) make, causes to be...

hatırlatıcı That song is so reminiscent of my adolescence reminiscence n. reminisce v.

RENDER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

-mesine neden olmak New technology has rendered my old computer obsolete rendering adj.

RENOWN Vocabulary Item Synonym

: renown (n) : fame, reputation,


Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : ün, şöhret : Her renown spread across the country. : : renowned adj.

REPEAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: repeal (v) : revoke, annul : : iptal etmek : If a government repeals a law, it causes that law no longer to have any legal force. : : repeal n.

REPEL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: repel (v) : keep away, drive back : : geri püskürtmek : : :

REPENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

repent (v) regret, feel sorry

: : : : : :

reprisal (n) counter-attack

pişman olmak, üzgün hissetmek The defenders repelled the attack without losing any men. repellent n.

REPRISAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

misilleme The attack was in reprisal for the kidnapping of their leaders

REPUTATION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition

: reputation (n) : fame, prominence, renown : : ün, şöhret


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: The company has a worldwide reputation for quality : : reputable adj.

RESENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

resent (v) feel angry, feel offenden

: : : : : :

resolution (noun) decision, motion

: : : : : :

resort (to) (v) turn to, adopt

alınmak, gücenmek She bitterly resented her father's new wife resentful adj.

RESOLUTION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

karar tasarısı joint resolution

RESORT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

-e başvurmak He got hold of the money legally, without resort to violence.

RESTRAIN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: restrain (v) : restrict, check, keep under control : : kontrol altında tutmak, sınırlamak : When he started fighting, it took four police officers to restrain him : : restraint n.

RESUME Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: resume (v) : start again : : yeniden başlamak : Please resume your seats, as the performance will continue in two minutes :


Part of speech

: resumption n.

RETAIN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

retain (v) keep, maintain, preserve, hold tutmak, alıkoymak, muhafaza etmek He managed to retain his dignity throughout the performance retainer n.

RETALIATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: retaliate (v) : get revenge, strike back : : missillemede bulunmak, karşılık vermek : If someone insults you, don't retaliate as it only makes the situation worse. : : retaliation n.

RETARD Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

retard (v) delay, impede, obstruct geciktirmek A rise in interest rates would severely retard economic growth. retardant adj. retard n.

RETENTION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: retention (n) : preservation, maintenance : : muhafaza etme, koruma : The retention of old technology has slowed the company's growth : : retain v. retainer n.

RETRIEVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

retrieve (n) recover, bring back geri alma, geri getirme Computers are used to store and retrieve information efficiently. retrieval n.


REVENGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: revenge (n) : avenge, retaliate : : intikam : She took/got/exacted (her) revenge on him for leaving her by smashing up his car. : : revenge v.

REVENUE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

revenue (n) income, earnings

: : : : : : :

reversal (n) repeal, annulment

gelir, kazanç Taxes provide most of the government's revenue

REVERSAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

iptal, tersine çevirme We have suffered a couple of minor/temporary reversals reverse v. reversible adj.

REVIVAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: revival (n) : renewal, restoration : : canlandırma, hayat verme : Recently, there has been some revival of (interest in) ancient music : : revive v.

REVOKE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym

: revoke (v) : cancel, annul, repeal :


Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: iptal etmek : The authorities have revoked their original decision to allow development of this rural area. : : revocation n.

REWARD Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence : Part of speech

: : : : :

reward (n) prize ödül There's a reward for whoever finishes first. Translation

: reward v.

RIDICULOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

ridicilous (adj) absurd, funny

: : : : : : :

rigorous (adj) severe, harsh

: : : : : : :

ritual (n) ceremony

: : : : :

rival (n) opponent, competitor

gülünç, saçma It's ridiculous to expect a two-year-old to be able to read! ridicule v. ridicilously adv.

RIGOROUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

sert, şiddetli They were punished with unusual rigour rigor n.

RITUAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

dinsel tören, ayin ritual adj. rite n. ritualistic adj. ritualistically adv.

RIVAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence

rakip The companies produce rival versions of the toy


Translation Part of speech

: : rival v. rivalry n. rival adj.

ROUGHLY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

roughly (adv) approximately, nearly, almost, about, virtually exactly yaklaşık olarak There has been an increase of roughly 2.25 million Yaklaşık 2.25 milyonluk bir artış var. rough adj. rough n.

RUIN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

ruin (v) destroy, collapse create, build yıkmak, mahvetmek Huge modern hotels have ruined this once unspoilt coastline Devasa modern oteller daha önce bozulmamış sahil şeridini mahvetti. : ruined adj. ruin n.

RULE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: rule (v) : govern, reign : yönetmek, hüküm sürmek : Most modern kings and queens rule (their countries) only in a formal way, without real power. : Birçok modern kral ve kraliçe ülkelerinde mutlak güç olmaksızın formalite olarak hüküm sürüyorlar. : ruling adj. ruling n.

S SACK Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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sack (v) fire, dismiss kovmak, işten çıkartmak They sacked her for being late. Geç kaldığı için işten kovdular. sacked adj.

SACRED Vocabulary Item Synonym

: sacred (adj) : holy


Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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secular kutsal sacred relics/temples kutsal tapınaklar sacredness n.

SACRIFICE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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sacrifice (v) relinguish, abandon retain fedakarlık yapmak Many women sacrifice interesting careers for their family Birçok kadın aileleri için ilginç kariyerlerinden fedakarlk yapıyor. : sacrifice n.

SANCTION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: sanction (n) : penalty, punishment, restriction : disapproval : yaptırım : Trade/economic sanctions will only be lifted (= stopped) when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops. : Ekonomik yaptırımlar sadece mütecaviz ülkenin askerlerini çekmesiyle durdurulabilir.

SANE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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sane (adj) normal, sensible, sound insane aklı başında It was a sane (= sensible) decision and one we all respected. Akıllıca bir karardı ve hepimiz saygı duyduk. sanity n.

: : : : : :

sceptical (adj) doubtful, dubious, disbelieving undoubtful şüpheci, kuşkulu Many experts remain sceptical about/of his claims Birçok uzman kuşkulu ididalar ortaya atıyor.

SCEPTICAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation


Part of speech

: sceptic adj. scepticism n.

SCHOLAR Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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scholar (n) academic, researcher bilgin, araştırmacı Dr Miles was a distinguished scholar of Russian history. Dr Miles Rus tarihi üzerine istisnai bir araştırmacıydı. scholarly adv.

SCOPE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: scope (n) : range : kapsam : I'm afraid that problem is beyond/outside the scope of my lecture : Korkarım bu soru benim dersimin dışında : scope of:kapsam, scope for:fırsat

SCRUTINIZE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: scrutinize (v) : examine in detail : conjencture, guess : incelemek : He scrutinized the men's faces carefully/closely, trying to work out who was lying : Kimin yalan söylediğini ortaya çıkarmak için adamların yüzünü dikkatlice inceledi. : scrutiny n.

SCULPTURE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: sculpture (n) : statue : heykel : The museum has several life-sized sculptures of people and animals : Müzede insanların ve hayvanların aynı boyda birkaç heykeli var. : scuplt v.

SECULAR Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: secular (adj) : worldly : religious : laik : We live in an increasingly secular society, in which religion has less and less influence on our daily lives. : Dinin günlük hayatımızda çok az etkisinin olduğu gittikçe daha da laikleşen bir toplumda yaşıyoruz. : secularism n. secularist adj. secularize v.


SEDENTARY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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sedentary (adj) sitting, inactive active, walking oturarak, hareketsiz, masabaşı a sedentary job/occupation masabaşı iş

SEEK Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: seek (v) : look for, search for : aramak : Legal advice should be sought before you take any further action : Harekete geçmeden önce yasal bir ihbar aranmalıdır.. : seek to: çaba göstermek seeker n.

SEGREGATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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segregate (v) seperate unite ayırmak Blacks were segregated from whites in every area of life. Zenciler hayatın her alanında beyazlardan ayrı tutuldu. segregation n.

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seize (v) capture, grab

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senseless (adj) pointless, meaningless meaningful,sensible anlamsız a senseless argument anlamsız münakaşa sense n. sensible adj. sensibly adv.

SEIZE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

kavramak, yakalamak, ele geçirmek Troops yesterday seized control of the broadcasting station Askerler dün televizyon istasyonunun kontrolünü ele geçirdi. seizure n.

SENSELESS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech SENSIBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym

: sensible (adj) : reasonable, rational


Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : akıllı, mantıklı : He did not appear to be sensible of the difficulties that lay ahead. : : sensibly adv.

SENTIMENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: sentiment (n) : feeling : duygu, his : Nationalist sentiment has increased in the area since the bombing : Bombalamadan sonra bölgede milli duygular yükseldi. : sentimental adj.

SETBACK Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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setback (n) defeat, difficulty ease yenilgi, zorluk There has been a slight/temporary setback in our plans Planlarımızda geçici bir zorlukla karşı karşıyaydık.

: : : : : : :

sever (v) cut off, break join ,connect bağını kopartmak Electricity cables have been severed by the storm Elektrik telleri fırtına nedeniyle koptu. severance n.

: : : : : : :

severe (adj) serious, acute mild, flexible ciddi, sert, önemli This is a school for children with severe learning difficulties. Bu okul ciddi öğrenme zorlukları çeken öğrenciler içindir. severity n. severely adv.

SEVER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech SEVERE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech SEWAGE Vocabulary Item Synonym

: sewage (n) : manure


Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: lağım pisliği : Some cities in the world do not have proper facilities for the disposal of sewage. : Dünyanın bazı şehirlerinde pisliğin yok edilmesi için düzenli tesisler yoktur. : sewer n. sewerage n.

SHIFT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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shift (v) change, alter, modify conserve ,preserve değişmek, değiştirmek The wind is expected to shift (to the east) tomorrow. Rüzgarın yarın doğuya yönelmesi bekleniyor. shift n.

SHIPMENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: shipment (n) : delivery : sevkiyat : A shipment of urgent medical supplies is expected to arrive very soon : Acil tıbbi techizat sevkiyatının kısazamanda ulaşması bekleniyor. : ship v.

SHORTAGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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shortage (n) lack, scarcity plenty, abundance kıtlık, eksiklik There's a shortage of food and shelter in the refugee camps Göçmen kamplarında barınak ve yiyecek eksikliği var. short adj. shortness n.

: : : : : : :

shrink (v) diminish, become smaller expand,swell küçülmek, çekmek, azalmak Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature Eğer kazağını yüksek sıcaklıkta yıkarsan,çekebilir. shrinkage n.

SHRINK Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


SIGNIFICANT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: significant (adj) : crucial, vital, important : insignificant : önemli : There has been a significant increase in the number of women students in recent years. : Son yıllarda bayan öğrencilerin sayısında önemli bir artış var. : significance n. significantly adv.

SLIPPERY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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slippery (adj) icy, oily firm, safe kaygan The road was wet and slippery. Yol ıslak ve kaygandı. slip v.

SLOPE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: slope (n) : incline : deter : eğim : There's a very steep slope just before you reach the top of the mountain : Dağın zirvesine ulaşmadan önce çok dik bir eğim var. : slope v.

SLUGGISH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: sluggish (adj) : slow-moving : fast-moving : ağır işleyen, yavaş seyreden : Something is wrong with the car - the engine feels a bit sluggish. : Arabada ters giden birşey var. Motor biraz yavaş çalışıyor. : sluggishly adv. sluggishness n.

SOAR Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: soar (v) : rise, climb, mount : descend : çok yükselmek : Temperatures will soar into the forties over the weekend say the weather forecasters. : Hava tahmincileri haftasonunda sıcaklığın 40 derecelere çıkacağını söylüyor.


Part of speech

: soaring adj.

SOLACE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech SOLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech SOLIDARITY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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solace (n) comfort, consolation afflict teselli When his wife left him, he found solace in the bottle Karısı onu terkedince teselliyi içkide buldu. solace v.

: sole (adj) : only, unique : common : tek, bir tane : The sole survivor of the accident was found in the water after six hours. : Kazadan hayatta kalan tek kişi 6 saat sonra suyun içinde bulundu. : solely adv. : solidarity (n) : unity, cohesion : division : dayanışma : The lecturers joined the protest march to show solidarity with their students. : Öğretmenler,öğrencilerle dayanışma içinde olduğunu göstermek için protesto yürüyüşüne katıldı.

SOLITARY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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solitary (adj) lonely, lonesome many yalnız In the distance was a solitary building Uzaklarda tek bir bina vardı. sole adj.

SOPHISTICATED Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: sophisticated (adj) : cultivated, developed, complex : simple : görmüş geçirmiş, gelişmiş, karmaşık : I think a more sophisticated approach is needed to solve this problem : Bence bu sorunu çözmek için daha gelişmiş bir yaklaşım gerek : sophistication n.


SORT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: sort (v) : classify, arrange : sıralamak, sınıflandırmak : You can use the computer to sort the newspaper articles alphabetically, by date, or by subject. : Gazete makalelerini alfabetik yada konu olarak sınıflandırmak için bilgisayarı kullanabilirsin. : sort n.

SOVEREIGN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: sovereign (adj) : ruling, reigning : secondary : hükmeden, egemen olan : We must respect the rights of sovereign (= completely independent) states/nations to conduct their own affairs : Bağımsız ülkelerin kendi işlerini yönetme haklarına saygı duymak zorundayız. : sovereign n. soverignity n.

SPAN Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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span (n) distance, length aralık, mesafe an average life span of seventy years Yetmiş yıllık ortalama yaşam süresi span v.

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spare (adj) extra, boş yedek We've got a spare room if you want to stay overnight with us Gece bizimle kalmak istersen fazladan bir odamız mevcut spare v.

SPARE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech SPARK Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: spark (v) : generate, produce, initiate : kıvılcım vermek, başlatmak : You can start a fire by rubbing two dry pieces of wood together until it sparks. :İki kuru odun parçasını kıvılcım çıkana dek birbirine sürtersen ateş yakabilirsin. : spark n.


SPARSE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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sparse (adj) thin, bare, meager dense, thick seyrek, az Information coming out of the disaster area is sparse Felaket bölgesinden gelen bilgi az. sparsely adv. sparseness n.

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species (n) type, kind, variety tür Over a hundred species of insect are found in this area Bu bölgede yüzden fazla böcek türü bulundu.

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specify (v) identify, state, indicate belirlemek He said we should meet but didn't specify a time Buluşmamız gerektiğini söyledi ama zaman belirtmedi. specification n.

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spill (v) leak, overturn, splash about dökmek, devirmek I spilt coffee on my silk shirt. İpek gömleğime kahve döktüm. spill n. spillage n.

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spin (v) rotate, turn dönmek The Earth spins on its axis Dünya yörüngesinde döner. spin n. spinner n.

SPECIES Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

SPECIFY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech SPILL Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech SPIN Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech SPLIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition

: split (v) : divide : bölmek, ayırmak


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: The teacher split the children (up) into three groups : Öğretmen çocukları üç gruba ayırdı. : split n.

SPOIL Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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spoil (v) decay, rotten çürümek, bozulmak The dessert will spoil if you don't keep it in the fridge. Tatlıyı buzdolabına koymazsan bozulur. spoiled adj.

SPONTANEOUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: spontaneous (adj) : natural : artificial : kendiliğinden olan, doğal : His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand : Nükteleri doğaçlama gibi görünüyordu ama aslında daha önceden dikkatlice hazırlanmıştı. : spontaneously adv. spontaneity n.

SPORADIC Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: sporadic (adj) : irregular, intermittent : termittent : aralıklı : More than 100 people have been killed this year in sporadic outbursts of ethnic violence. : Etnik şiddetten kaynaklanan patlamalarda bu yıl 100 den fazla insan öldü. : sporadically adv.

SQUEEZE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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squeeze (v) press sıkıştırmak, baskı yapmak, ezmek Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the bowl. Limonu ikiye kes ve suyunu bir kaseye sık. squeezed adj.

: : : :

staggering (adj) astounding, surprising, sluggish familiar,usual şaşırtıcı, hayret veren, yavaş ilerleyen

STAGGERING Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: It costs a staggering $50 000 per week to keep the museum open to the public. : Müzeyi halka açık tutmak şaşırtıcı bir şekilde haftada 50000 dolara mal oluyor. : stagger v. staggered adj.

STAGNANT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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stagnant (adj) sluggish, inactive active durgun, hareketsiz a stagnant economy durağan bir ekonomi stagnate v. stagnation n.

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stamina (n) endurance dayanma gücü The triathlon is a great test of stamina. Triatlon büyük bir dayanma gücü testidir.

STAMINA Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation STAPLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: staple (adj) : chief, main, principal : minor, inferior : başlıca : Prices of staple foods such as wheat and vegetables have also been increasing. : Tahıl ve sebze gibi başlıca yiyecek fiyatları da artıyor. : staple n.

STARTLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: startle (v) : surprise, astonish, frighten : şaşırtmak, korkutmak : The noise of the car startled the birds and the whole flock flew up into the air. : Arabanın gürültüsü kuşları korkuttu ve tüm sürü havalandı. : startling adj.

STATIONARY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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stationary (adj) immobile, at rest mobile hareketsiz, sabit The rate of inflation has been stationary for several months Enflasyon oranı birkaç aydır sabit.


STEEP Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: steep (adj) : sharp, vertical : gradual : dik, sarp : It's a steep climb to the top of the mountain, but the view is worth it. : Dağın zirvesine kadar dik bir tırmanış var ama manzaraya değer. : steepen v. steeply adv.

STEM FROM Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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stem from (v) arise from, develope out of, originate from -den kaynaklanmak, ileri gelmek Their disagreement stemmed from a misunderstanding. Anlaşmazlıkları yanlış anlamadan kaynaklandı.

: : : : : :

stick to (v) abide by, comply with, adhere to bağlı kalmak, yapışık olmak Don’t worry ! We’ll stick to the agreement Endişelenmeyin. Anlaşmaya sadık kalacağız. sticky adj.

: : : : : : :

stiff (adj) firm, rigid, inflexible, severe flexible sert, katı This hair spray has made my hair stiff. Bu sprey saçımı sertleştirdi. stiff n. stiffen v.

STICK TO Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech STIFF Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech STIMULATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: stimulate (v) : arouse : discourage : teşvik etmek : Good teachers should ask questions that stimulate students to think. : İyi öğretmenler öğrencileri düşünmeye teşvik eden sorular sormalıdır. : stimulant adj. stimulation n. stimulus n.


STRAIN Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: strain (n) : force, exertion, burden, tension : gerilim, yük, zorlanma :The hurricane put such a strain on the bridge that it collapsed. : Kasırga köprüye o kadar baskı yaptı ki, köprü yıkıldı : strained adj.

STRATA Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: strata (n) : leyer : : tabaka : The report shows that drugs have penetrated every stratum of American society. : : stratum n. stratify v. stratification n.

STRIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: strive (v) : try, attempt : : çaba göstermek : In her writing she strove for a balance between innovation and familiar prose forms :

STUBBORN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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stubborn (adj) obstinate, inflexible inatçı They have massive rows because they're both so stubborn stubbornly adv. stubbornness n.

STUN Vocabulary Item Synonym

: stun (v) : shock, make unconscious


Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : sersemletmek, şok etmek : News of the disaster stunned people throughout the world : : stunning adj.

SUBJECT TO Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: subject to (v) : expose to : : maruz kalmak : The inquiry found that they had been subjected to unfair treatment :

SUBMISSIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: submissive (adj) : obdeient, compliant : : itaatkar, uyumlu : He was looking for a quiet submissive wife who would obey his every word. : : submissively adv. submissiveness n.

SUBMIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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submit (v) hand in, present teslim etmek, sunmak You must submit your application before January 1st. submission n.

SUBSEQUENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: subsequent (adv) : following, later : : devamındaki, bir sonraki : The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from the government : : sunsequently adv.

SUBSIDY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition

: subsidy (v) : financial support : : mali destek


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: The government is planning to abolish subsidies to farmers. : : subsidize v. subsidizer n.

SUBSISTENCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: subsistence (n) : survival, continuation : : hayatta kalma : The money is intended to provide a basic subsistence and should not be paid to someone who receives other income. : : subsist v.

SUBSTANTIAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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substantial (adj) considerable, extensive, significant

: : : : : : :

subtle (adj) delicate

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subversive (adj) rebellious

büyük, önemli She inherited a substantial fortune from her grandmother substantially adv.

SUBTLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

hassas, ince There is a subtle difference between these two plans subtly adv.

SUBVERSIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

isyankar subversive elements/groups in society subvert v. subversively adv.

SUCCEED Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: succeed (v) : follow, come after : : izlemek, yerini almak : She's been trying to pass her driving test for six years and she's finally succeeded. :


Part of speech

: succeeding adj. succession n. successive adj.

SUCCUMB Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: succumb (v) : yield in, give in : : boyun eğmek : Thousands of cows have succumbed to the disease in the past few months. :

SUMMIT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: summit (v) : zenith, top, peak : : zirve : On this day in 1784, Dr Michel Paccard and Jacques Balmat reached the summit of Mont Blanc :

SUPERFICIAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

superficial (adj) surface, shallow yüzeysel, üstünkörü I only have a superficial (= slight) knowledge of French. superficially adv.

SUPPLANT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: supplant (v) : take the placr of sth. : : yerini almak : In most offices, the typewriter has now been supplanted by the computer. :

SURMOUNT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: surmount (v) : overcome, conquer : : üstesinden gelmek : They managed to surmount all opposition/objections to their plans : : surmountable adj.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

surpass (v) exceed aşmak The book's success has surpassed everyone's expectations surpassing adj.

SURPLUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: surplus (n) : extra, excess : : fazlalık : The government has authorized the army to sell its surplus weapons. : :

SURVEILLANCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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surveillance (n) close observation, scrutiny

: : : : : : :

susceptible (adj) sensitive, impressible

gözetim, yakın takip More banks are now installing surveillance cameras

SUSCEPTIBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

hassas, duyarlı These plants are particularly susceptible to frost susceptibility n.

SUSPEND Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: suspend (v) : hang, hang up, postpone : : askıya almak, ertelemek : The ferry service has been suspended for the day because of bad weather. : : suspension n.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

sustain (v) maintain, keep sürdürmek The economy looks set to sustain its growth into next year sustainable (adj)

SUSTENANCE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: sustenance (n) : nourishment, nutrition : : beslenme : During this freezing weather, the food put out by householders is the only form of sustenance that the birds have. :

SWAMP Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

swamp (n) marsh bataklık The Everglades are an area of swamp in southern Florida swampy

SWEAT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: sweat (v) : perspire : : terlemek : It was so hot when we arrived in Tripoli that we started to sweat as soon as we got off the plane : : sweat n.

SWELL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition

: : : :

swell (v) become bigger decrease şişmek


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: It was obvious she had broken her toe, because it immediately started to swell (up). : Başparmağını kırdığı açıktı çünkü hemen şişmeye başladı. : swell n.

SWINDLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: swindle (v) : fraud : dolandırmak : They swindled local businesses out of thousands of pounds. : Yerel şirketleri binlerce paund dolandırdılar. :swindler n.

T TACTFUL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

tactful (adj) sensitive, thoughtful blundering incelik içeren, nazik Mentioning his baldness wasn't very tactful. Onun kelliğinden bahsetmen çok nazikçe değildi. tactfully adv.

TAKE FOR GRANTED Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: take for granted (v) : assume, presume : varsaymak : I didn't realize that Melanie hadn't been to college - I suppose I just took it for granted. : Melanie’nin okulda olmadığını farketmedim. sanırım orda varsaydım.

TAKE INTO ACCOUNT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : :

take into account (v) consider ignore gözönüne almak You should take into account of difficulties of a private business before you embark on : Bu işe başlamadan önce özel bir şirketin zorluklarını hesaba katmalısın.


TALENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : : :

talent (n) ability, gift, aptitude inability yetenek Her talent for music showed at an early age Onun müzik yeteneği küçük yaşlarda ortaya çıktı. talented adj.

TANGIBLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

tangible (adj) can be touched imperceptible elle tutulur, somut We need tangible evidence if we're going to take legal action Yasal olarak harekete geçmek için somut delillere iihtiyaımız var. : tangibly adv.

TEMPER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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temper (n) anger, annoyance patience öfke, huysuzluk He's got a really bad temper. Gerçekten kötü bir öfkesi var. -tempered

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temperate (adj) moderate, mild, calm extreme ılımlı, ölçülü a temperate climate ılıman iklim

TEMPERATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation TEMPORARY Vocabulary Item Synonym

: temporary (adj) : provisional, interim


Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: constant, permanent : geçici : The ceasefire will only provide a temporary solution to the crisis. : Ateşkes,krize sadece geçici bir çözüm sağlayabilir. : temporarily adv.

TEMPT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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tempt (v) allure, appeal repel, dissuade cezbetmek The offer of a free car stereo tempted her into buying a new car Bedava araba kasetçaları teklifi onu yeni bir araba almaya itti. tempting adj.

TEND Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: tend (v) : be inclined to, apt to : eğilimli olmak : We tend to get cold winters and warm, dry summers in this part of the country. : Ülkenin bu bölgesinde sıcak,kurak yazlar ve soğuk kışlar yaşamaya doğru bir eğilim var.

TENDER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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tender (adj) soft, gentle hard, tough yumuşak, şefkatli What you need is some tender loving care. İhtiyacın olan şey biraz şefkatli sevgi tenderness n.

TENET Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: tenet (n) : belief, opinion : görüş, ilke, inanç : It is a tenet of contemporary psychology that an individual's mental health is supported by having good social relationships : Bu insanın zihinsel sağlığının iyi sosyal ilişkilerle desteklendiği ile alakalı çağdaş bir psikoloji görüşüdür.

TERMINATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition

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terminate (v) end, conclude begin, start sona er(dir)mek


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: They terminated my contract in October : Sözleşmemi Ekim’de sona erdirdiler. : termination n.

TERRAIN Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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terrain (n) ground, territory bölge, arazi His car handles particularly well on rough terrain. Arabası özellikle engebeli arazilerde iyi yol tutuyor.

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testimony (n) evidence, statement ifade Some doubts have been expressed about his testimony. İfadesinde bazı şüpheler dile getirildi.

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threat (n) menace tehdit The threat of jail failed to deter him from petty crime. Cezaevi tehdidi onun önemsiz suçlar işlemesine mani olamadı. threatening adj.

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thrilling (adj) exciting boring, dull heyecan verici The book is a thrilling adventure story. Kitap heyecan verici bir macera hikayesi. thrilled adj.

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thrive (v) prosper, flourish fail,decline gelişmek, büyümek His business thrived in the years before the war. işi savaştan önceki yıllarda büyüdü. thriving adj.

TESTIMONY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation THREAT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech THRILLING Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech THRIVE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech TINY


Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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tiny (adj) very small enormous,huge çok küçük a tiny flower küçük bir çiçek

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torture (v) torment, make suffer işkence yapmak Half of the prisoners died after torture and starvation Açlık ve işkenceden sonra mahkumların yarısı öldü. torture n.

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tough (adj) severe, strict, rigid soft,weak sert, katı These toys are made from tough plastic. Bu oyuncaklar sert plastikten yapılır. toughen v. toughly adv. thoughness n.

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trace (n) sign, mark iz He attempted to cover up all the traces of his crime Cinayetin tüm izlerini kapatmaya çalıştı. trace v. traceable adj.

TORTURE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech TOUGH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech TRACE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech TRACK Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: track (v) : follow, trace : takip etmek : The military use radar satellites to track targets through clouds and at night. : Ordu,bulutların içinde ve geceleri hedefleri takip etmek için radar uydular kullanır : track n.

TRAIT Vocabulary Item Synonym

: trait (n) : property, characteristic


Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: özellik : His sense of humour is one of his better traits. : Mizah anlayışı onun en iyi özelliklerinden biridir.

TREASURE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: treasure (v) : cherish, value, prize : değer vermek : This pen that my grandfather gave me is one of my most treasured possessions : Dedemin verdiği bu kalem en değerli eşyalarımdan biridir. : treasure n. treasury n

TREATY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: treaty (n) : agreement, pack : anlaşma : We've signed/concluded a treaty with neighbouring states to limit emissions of harmful gases. : Zaralı gazların yayılmasını sınırlandırmak için komşu ülkelerle bir anlaşma imzaladık.

TREND Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: trend (n) : tendency, fashion : eğilim, moda : There's been a downward/upward trend in sales in the last few years. : Son birkaç yılda satışlarda aşağıya/yukarıya doğru bir eğilim var. : trendy adj.

TRIFLING Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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trifling (adj) trivial, unimportant, insignificant important ,significant önemsiz It was such a trifling sum of money to argue about! Tartışılmayacak kadar önemsiz bir para tutarıydı.

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triumph (n) victory, achievement, success defeat, failure zafer, başarı

TRIUMPH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: The signing of the agreement was a personal triumph for the Prime Minister. : Anlaşmanın imzalanması Başbakanın şahsi başarısıydı. : triumphant adj.

TURMOIL Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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turmoil (n) disorder, chaos, karışıklık The whole region is in turmoil. Bütün bölge karışıklık içinde.

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tyranny (n) dictatorship, despotism democracy diktatörlük This, the president promised us, was a war against tyranny Bu,başkanın söz verdiği gibi diktatörlüğe karşı bir savaştı. tyrannical adj.

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ultimate (adj) eventual, final son, nihai Infidelity is the ultimate betrayal Sadakatsizliğin sonu ihanettir. ultimately adv. ultimate n.

TYRANNY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

U ULTIMATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech UNANIMOUSLY


Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: unanimously (adv) : collectively : oy birliğiyle : All four proposals to the committee were unanimously approved. : Komiteye sunulan 4 teklifte oybirliğiyle kabul edildi. : unanimous adj. unanimity n.

UNBIASED Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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unbiased (adj) unprejudiced, fair, impartial biased önyargısız an unbiased opinion önyargısız düşünce

UNCEASING Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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unceasing (adj) perpetual, constant, continuous stative sürekli We had a fortnight of unceasing rain On beş gece durmadan yağmur yağdı. unceasingly adv.

UNDERESTIMATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: underestimate (v) : minimize, belittle : maximize : küçümsemek : One shouldn't underestimate the difficulties of getting all the political parties to the conference table : İnsan görüşme masasına tüm siyasi partileri getirmenin zorluğunu küçümsememelidir. : underestimate n.

UNDERMINE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: undermine (v) : weaken, harm : strengthen : zayıflatmak, sarsmak : The President has accused two cabinet ministers of working secretly to undermine his position/him. : Cumhurbaşkanı iki kabine üyesini kendisini zayıflatmak için gizlice çalışmakla suçladı.

UNDERTAKE Vocabulary Item Synonym

: undertake (v) : assume, take on


Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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üstlenmek, söz vermek She undertook not to publish the names of the people involved. Olaya dahil olan insanların ismini yayınlamamaya söz verdi. undertaking adj.

UNEASINESS Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: uneasiness (n) : discomfort, restlessness : huzursuzluk :Growing unease at the prospect of an election is causing fierce arguments within the party : Seçim beklentisiyle artan huzursuzluk parti içerisinde hararetli tartışmalara sebep oluyor. :uneasy adj. unease n.

UNIFICATION Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: unification (n) : union, merger : seperation : birleşme the unification of East and West Germany : Doğu ve Batı Almanya’nın birleşmesi : unify v. unified adj.

UNIFY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: unify (v) : unite, join, combine : seperate : birleştirmek : If the new leader does manage to unify his warring party it will be quite an achievement. : Yeni lider kavgalı partisini birleştirebilirse büyük bir başarı olacaktır. : unified adj. unification n.

UNILATERAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition

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unilateral (adj) one-sided multilateral tek taraflı


Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: The party leader has actually declared her support for unilateral nuclear disarmament : Parti lideri tek taraflı nükleer silahsızlanmaya karşı desteğini açıkladı. : unilaterally adv. unilateralism n.

UNIQUE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: unique (adj) : exclusive, only, single : common, ordinary : eşsiz, benzersiz : Each person's genetic code is unique except in the case of identical twins. : Tek yumurta ikizleri hariç, her insanın genetik şifresi tektir. : uniqueness n. uniquely adv.

UNPRECEDENTED Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: unprecedented (adj) : unique, unmatched : precedented : daha önce görülmemiş, eşsiz : This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale : Bu asır, daha önce görülmemiş bir çevresel tahribata tanık oldu.

UNREST Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: unrest (n) : uneasiness, restlessness : rest, peace : huzursuzluk : It is feared that the civil unrest we are now witnessing in this country could lead to full-scale civil war. : Bu aralar şahit olduğumuz halk huzursuzluğunun çok geniş bir iç savaşa yol açacağından korkuluyor.

UNSANITARY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym

: unsanitary (adj) : not clean, polluted : sanitary


Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: kirli, sağlıksız : unsanitary living conditions : sağlıksız yaşam koşulları

UNSUBSTANTIATED Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: unsubstantiated (adj) : unproven, unconfirmed : substantiated : kanıtlanmamış, onaylanmamış : They have enough evidence about unsubstantiated complaints of vandalism :

UNTAPPED Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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untapped (adj) unused, untouched tapped dokunulmamış, el sürülmemiş The country's forests are largely untapped resources.

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upheaval (n) eruption, disruption, disturbance ani değişiklik, kargaşa The long garbage strike in 1970 caused much political upheaval. 1970’deki uzun çöp grevi birçok politik kargaşaya sebep oldu.

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urgent (adj) immediate, imperative trivial acil The plumbing in this building is in urgent need of repair Bu binadaki su tesisatı acil tamir gerektiriyor. urgency n. urgently adv.

UPHEAVAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation URGENT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech UTILITY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: utility (n) : usefullness, effectiveness : futility, uselessness : yararlılık : Its basic utility lies in being able to drive where other vehicles can't go. : Bu aracın esas faydası diğer araçların gidemeyeceği yerlerde


kullanılabilmesidir UTMOST Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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utmost (adj) greatest, maximum, highest minor,lowly en üstün, azami Speed was of the utmost importance Hız en önemli şeydi. utmost n.

V. VACCINATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: vaccinate (v) : inoculate : aşı yapmak : Our children have been vaccinated for measles and other childhood diseases : Çocuklarımız kızamık ve diğer çocuk hastalıklarına karşı aşı oldular. : vaccine n. vaccination n.

VACUUM Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: vacuum (n) : empty space : occupied : boşluk : Edison knew that he had to create a vacuum inside the lightbulb : Edison ampulun içinde boşluk bırakmak zorunda olduğunu biliyordu. : vacuum v.

VAIN Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym

: vain (adj) : worthless, useless : fruitful,modest


Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: değersiz, boş, yararsız : Employers clearly hoped that the workers would stay longer, but their efforts were largely in vain (= unsuccessful). : İşverenler işçilerin daha uzun süre kalacağını umuyorlardı fakat çabalarının çoğu boşunaydı.

VENTURE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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venture (n) business enterprise tehlikeli iş His most recent business venture ended in bankruptcy. En son iş macerası iflasla sonuçlandı. venture v.

VERDICT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: verdict (n) : decision : karar, hüküm : The jury reached/returned a verdict of not guilty after six hours of deliberation : Mahkeme 6 saatlik müzakereden sonra suçlu olmadığı hükmüne vardılar.

VERGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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verge (n) edge, threshold centre,midst eşik, kenar They set up camp on the verge of the desert. Çölün kenarına kamp kurdular.

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verify (v) confirm, validate subvert,misrepresent doğrulamak Are you able to verify your account/allegation/report/theory? Teorini doğrulayabilirmisin? verification n.

VERIFY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech VERMIN


Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: vermin (n) : parasites, pest : zararlı hayvan, parazit : Flies, lice, rats, foxes and cockroaches can all be described as vermin : Sinek,bit,fare ve hamamböceği zararlı hayvan olarak nitelendirilebilir. : verminous adj.

VERSATILE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: versatile (adj) : many-skilled, ingenious : unflexible : çok yönlü : He's a very versatile young actor who's as happy in horror films as he is in TV comedies : TV dizilerinde olduğu kadar korku filmlerinde de oynamaktan mutlu olan çok yönlü bir oyuncudur. : versatility n.

VERTICAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: vertical (adj) : perpendicular : horizontal : dikey : She looked over the cliff and found she was standing at the edge of a vertical rock. : Uçurumdan aşağı bakarken dikey bir kayanın tam kenarında durduğunun farkına vardı. : vertical n. vertically adv.

VIABLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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viable (adj) feasible, possible impossible olası, yapılabilir I am afraid your plan is not commercially viable. Korkarım,planınızın ticari olarak uygulanması mümkün değil. : viability n. viably adv.

VIBRATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: vibrate (v) : shake, tremble, oscillate : rest,be still : titreşim yapmak : The whole station seemed to vibrate as the express train rushed through : Tüm istasyon sanki ekspres tren hızla gelmiş gibi titredi.


Part of speech

: vibration (n)

VICE VERSA Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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vice versa conversely, reversely, tam tersi Andy doesn't trust Kate, and vice versa Andy Kate’e güvenmiyor,Kate’de Andy’ye.

VICIOUS CYCLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: vicious cycle (n) : vicious circle : kısır döngü : Many people get caught/trapped in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain : Bir çok insan kilo alma ve verme döngüsüne yakalanmış durumda.

VICTORY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: victory (n) : win, triumph : defeat,retreat : zafer : The Redskins opened the season by scoring a resounding/stunning/impressive 25-3 victory against/over Detroit : Redskins takımı,Detroit’i parlak bir zaferle 25-3 yenerek sezonu açtılar. : victor n. victorious adj.

VIE FOR Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: vie for sth (v) : compete : yarışmak, mücadele etmek : Six candidates are currently vying for the Democratic presidential nomination. : Demokratların başkanlık adaylığı için şu anda 6 aday mücadele ediyor.

VIGOROUS Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: vigorous (adj) : powerful, energetic : weak,impotent : güçlü, enerjik : There has been vigorous opposition to the proposals for a new road : Yeni yol teklifleri için güçlü bir muhalefet var. : vigor (n) vigorously (adv)



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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vintage (adj) old, antique new eski vintage champagne/port eski şampanya/şarap vintage n.

VIOLATE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: violate (v) : break the rules : respect,honour : çiğnemek, ihlal etmek : It seems that the planes deliberately violated the cease-fire agreement : Uçaklar ateşkes anlaşmasını kasten ihlal etmiş gibi görünüyor. : violation n.

VIRTUALLY Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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virtually (adv) almost, practically, nearly directly,definitely hemen hemen, neredeyse That wine stain on my shirt has virtually disappeared Gömleğimdeki şarap lekesi neredeyse yok uldu. virtual (adj)

VOLATILITY Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: volatility (n) : instability : istikrarsızlık : The volatility of Food and fuel prices is hardly surprising in a war situation. : Yiyecek ve petrol fiyatlarının savaş durumunda istikrarsız oluşu hiç te şaşırtıcı değildir. : volatile (adj)

VOLUNTEER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: volunteer (v) : enter sth willingly : compel, force : gönüllü olmak : During the emergency many staff volunteered to work weekends. : Acil durum boyunca birçok personel hafta sonları da çalışmaya gönüllü oldular. : voluntarily adv. volunteer adj.


VULNERABLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: vulnerable (adj) : susceptible, defenceless, unprotected (adj) : defended,impregnable : korunmasız, savunmasız :Tourists are more vulnerable to attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid. : Turistler saldırıya karşı daha savunmasızdır çünkü şehrin hangi bölgesinden kaçınmaları gerektiğini bilmezler. : vulnerability n.

W WAGE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: wage (v) : conduct, carry on, embark on : yürütmek, yapmak : We have been waging a desperate campaign against the drug addicts. : Uyuşturucu bağımlılarına karşı umutsuz bir kampanya Yürütüyoruz. : wage (n)

WANDER Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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wander (v) walk about, go aimlessly,roam remain,stay dolaşmak We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city Sabahı,şehrin eski kısımlarını dolaşarak geçirdik. wander (n) wanderer (n)

WARD OFF Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: ward off (v) : prevent, hinder : önlemek : In the winter I take vitamin C to ward off colds. : Kışın soğuk algınlığını önlemek için C vitamini alırım.

WARRANT Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: warrant (v) : justify, necessitate, guarantee : invalidate : garanti etmek, haklı kılmak, gerektirmek : It's a relatively simple task that really doesn't warrant a great deal of time being spent on it. : Şu anda harcanmakta olan vakti gerektirmeyen nispeten basit bir görevdir.


Part of speech

: warrant (n)

WEALTH Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: wealth (n) : prosperity, affluence : poverty,indigence : zenginlik,servet : During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of wealth. : Başarılı bir meslek hayatı boyunca,büyük miktarda servet kazandı. : wealthy adj.

WELFARE Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: welfare (n) : well-being, prosperity, affluence : adversity,failure : refah, mutluluk : These organizations have fought very hard for the rights and welfare of immigrants. : Bu tür kuruluşlar göçmenlerin hakları ve mutluluğu için çok mücadele verdi.

WIDESPREAD Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: widespread (adj) : plenty : limited,less,narrow : yaygın, geniş çapta : Malnutrition in the region is widespread - affecting up to 78% of children under five years old. : Gıdasızlık bölgede yaygın ve beş yaşın altındaki çocukların %78 i bundan etkileniyor

WIELD Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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wield (v) employ, exercise, use, have kullanmak, sahip olmak She was confronted by a man wielding a knife Bıçaklı bir adamla karşı karşıya geldi.


WILL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

will (n) determination, decision, vacillation,indecision irade, istek After six months in hospital she began to lose the will to live Altı ay hastanede kaldıktan sonra,yaşama isteğini kaybetmeye başladı.

WIPE OUT Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: wipe out (v) : destroy : silip süpürmek : One bad harvest could wipe out all of a grower's profits for the previous two years : Çiftçinin kötü geçen bir hasat dönemi, önceki iki yılın karını silip süpürebilir.

WISDOM Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: wisdom (n) : common sense, prudence, insight : folly,idiocy,imbecility : bilgelik, akıl, sağduyu : He's got a weekly radio programme in which he dispenses wisdom (= gives his opinions) on a variety of subjects. : Çeşitli konulara tavsiyeler getirdiği haftalık bir radyo programı var. : wise adj.

WITHDRAW Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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withdraw (v) take back, pull back, extract advance, enter geri çekmek The UN has withdrawn its troops from the country BM askerlerini ülkeden geri çekti. withdrawal n.

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withold (v) reserve, hold back release,give tutmak, vermemek, korumak,saklamak

WITHOLD Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition


Example sentence Translation

: During the trial, the prosecution was accused of withholding crucial evidence from the defence : Duruşma esnasında davacı, savunma avukatları tarafından çok önemli delilleri saklamakla suçlandı.

WITHSTAND Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: : : : : :

withstand (v) stand against, resist, oppose concede,submit,acquiesce karşı koymak, dayanmak They have designed a bridge to withstand earthquakes Depreme dayanabilecek bir köprü dizayn ettiler.

WITNESS Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: witness (v) : see, observe : tanıklık yapmak,görmek : They were staying in the capital at the time of the riots and witnessed several street battles. : Ayaklanmalar sırasında başkentte oturuyorlardı ve birkaç sokak çatışmasını gördüler. : witness n.

WOULD-BE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

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would-be (adj) most likely, hopeful olası, müstakbel a would-be artist/politician/wife müstakbel sanatçı/siyasetçi/eş

WRANGLE Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: wrangle (v) : dispute, argue : tartışmak : They had been wrangling with the authorities about/over parking spaces. : Yetkililerle park alanları yüzünden tartışıyorlardı. : wrangle n. wrangling adj.



Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

: : : : : :

wreck (v) destroy, ruin preserve yıkmak, tahrip etmek The explosion shattered nearby windows and wrecked two cars Patlama yakınındaki camları paramparça etti ve iki arabaya ağır hasar verdi. : wreckage n. wreck n.

Y. YIELD Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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yield n. harvest, crop ürün, mamül The investigation yielded some unexpected results. Sorusturma beklenmeyen sonuçlar verdi. yield v.

YIELDTO Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation

: yield to (v) : give in to, accept : stand against,oppose,confront : boyun eğmek, teslim olmak : Despite renewed pressure to give up the occupied territory, they will not yield : İşgal edilen bölgeyi terketmeleri için yeniden başlayan baskılara boyun eğmeyecekler.


Z ZEAL Vocabulary Item Synonym Antonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech

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zeal (n) eagerness, enthusiasm apathy, coldness şevk, istek a zeal for money-making para kazanma arzusu zealot n. zaalous adj.

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zenith (n) peak, summit, zirve His career reached its zenith in the 1960s Meslek hayatı 1960’larda zirveye ulaştı.

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zest (n) excitement, enthusiasm, eagerness,smack keyif, neşe,heves It's wonderful to see the children's zest for life Çocukların yaşama heveslerini görmek harika. zestful adj. zestfully adv.

ZENITH Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation ZEST Vocabulary Item Synonym Turkish Definition Example sentence Translation Part of speech


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