Kp Chapter Layout Sample

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 394
  • Pages: 3
Warning Signs – provides important information necessary to be projected immediately for instant impact. It’s needs to be easily understood and not busy since lives depend heavily on it. “What we need is not more information but the ability to present the right information to the right people at the right time, in the most effective and efficient form.” Horn in Baer (p 20)

Newsletter – this form of communication is used to tell day-to-day stories about any relevant information from its source. It is also used for advertising purposes. “Developments in American and European advertising had helped introduce columnar compensation into production of newspapers and periodicals.” Pg 17 Creators are restricted as to the stories they’ll tell and the products for advertising. “Creating designs from a user-centric mindset means that even though you’re aware of the clients’ communication goals – you’re also catering to the needs of the end user or audience for the piece. Pg 23

Floor Plan- a floor plan scale drawing of a horizontal section through a building at a given level; contrasts with elevation. I was taught in Architectural Design that a floor plan should be crisp, accurate, and provide the type of information necessary for its purpose and use. It’s usually drafted in pencil on grid paper, using individual squares as measurements. “The benefits of working with a grid are simple: clarity, efficiency, economy, and continuity.” Pg 22

Prescription Bottle Label – this is the smallest label I’ve seen with so much pertinent information on it. A good catalyst for identity theft. This bottle contains information about the patient, about the prescription, contact information for patient and pharmacy. It also has important labels with ready images that describe critical warnings. “…people usually respond to visually engaging design, but they can get easily lost if the design isn’t well organized.” Micki Breitenstein, Pg 17 Moreover, you can look at multiple prescription bottles, from different manufacturers, and it will bear the same exact information.

Banners – I have an image of a full 9 foot banner that displays company information. A banner is used to display quick and concise information about the product and/or company it represents. “What we need is not more information, but the ability to present the right information to the right people at the right time, in the most effective and efficient form.” Horn, pg 20

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