Ko Nyi Nyi Aung

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 304
  • Pages: 1

Than Shwe – Senior General Chairman State Peace and Development Council c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs Naypyitaw Union of Myanmar Date: 11 September 2009 Nyi Nyi Aung (a) Kyaw Zaw Lwin was arrested by Burmese authorities secretly We, 1988- Generation students in Australia, express our great concerns to the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) for arrests of Nyi Nyi Aung (a) Kyaw Zaw Lwin in Burma. He was arrested by Burmese authorities upon arrival at Rangoon International Airport on Wednesday, September 3, 2009. He traveled to Rangoon on Thai Airways flight 305 after obtaining a visa from the Burmese Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand. Nyi Nyi Aung a U.S. citizen, in Burma has been struggling for the democracy in Burma since 1988. His mother, sisters and 2 brothers in law were arrested by the Burmese authorities during the September 2007 Saffron Revolution. We believed that you, the SPDC set up the plan to arrest him at arrival at the Rangoon airport because you knew his involvement of democracy. Nowadays, you are telling to the people and international communities you are progressing to democracy in Burma. If you were responsible and transparent, then tell the truth publicly to the Nation of Burma and international communities – how it was with the case of John William Yettaw. The People have a right to know what happened to him. We demand the SPDC authorities who are handling the case of Nyi Nyi Aung (a) Kyaw Zaw Lwin to make public officially as soon as possible.

The 88 Generation Students-Australia Contact:

Soe Lwin (Sydney) - [email protected] Lin Aung (Sydney) - [email protected] Zaw Naing Wynn (Canberra) – [email protected]

Copy to: U.S Embassy in Rangoon U.S Embassy in Canberra Department of Foreign affair in Australia Ms. Wa Wa Kyaw (Fiancée of Mr. Kyaw Zaw Lwin)

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