Knowledge Through Time

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,664
  • Pages: 4
KNOWLEDGE THROUGH TIME INTRODUCTION: How does learning become more entertaining and more appealing than the usual way? Learning shouldn’t be forced to an individual; it mustn’t be limited and should be detailed so that it would be fully understood by the particular person. An entertaining way to teach is through a series of stories. Such as this story that you’ll read after this short introduction of mine. Generally, it is about the daily life of an ordinary person together with his companions in solving their everyday problems with appropriate solutions. Each character has his own field of knowledge where he/she specialize. The story is entitled as ‘Knowledge through Time’ because it is a realistic travel through time and through which the characters will be able to learn a lot of knowledge from the past, present and the future. Join them as they do their part in their community and you’ll be able to understand their personality through reading.

CHATER ONE: BORN RIVALS In the greatest and most poplar university in tech-zone which is Advanced Mind University (AMU), a series of life-changing events are currently occurring. The university is heavily dense with thousands of brilliant students and magnificent professors. In June 10, 2250 A.D, one of the major events is occurring, an election is nearly beginning but before that, the leaders of each 3 groups will give their winning speech to the public: Principal: Before we start the event for today, the 3 candidates will give their propositions. Now, may I call on Juanico Del Flamingo, the candidate for leadership in the Money-rific party and the only inheritor of the richest family in tech-zone, the Flamingo’s. Juanico: Good morning to all inferior humans and some who are poorer than me. I as the honored son of the richest personality in our dear continent wanted you to know that I shall meet some certain demands in accordance to the repairing and improving all facility with my very own large money and not only that I shall give gifts to everyone who will be loyal to me. We already know that most of our facility are already “ancient” and do not function well anymore. Remember without ME there would be zero financial assistance to AMU. I also want to tell you that anyone who has financial problems is welcome to come to me and 100% I shall help you. So, I have to order you all to vote for me and my money-rific wallet as the new president of Master Brain Administration even my rivals. Remember money, remember me. Principal: Then the next candidate to be called is the eldest son of the family of scientist and known as ‘science shaper’ because of his great achievements in science.

He is the chosen candidate of Experienced Leader party. Let me call on the former leader of MBA for two consecutive years, Rechz Highflier. Rechz: Fresh and clean day to every one of us. I as a pupil of knowledge and as a concerned citizen in our very own supercity, Naturelock am purely giving my whole life for doing my very best in every service that I’m entitled with. I think all of you knows that I am a nature-lover that is why I want to concentrate on natural problems and other related subjects. We all know that the nature in our very own city is not natural anymore that it is purely artificial and so I want to create rules in maintaining and improving our environment in a natural way. I also want to establish unions that would care for our city, Naturelock and even for nature itself. I have been a leader for two consecutive years already, so please choose me again as your experienced leader of this university, AMU. Principal: May I call on the last but not the least candidate, the younger brother of Rechz Highflier, Rocketjet. He is called the “impossible breaker” because the word “impossible” is nowhere to be found in his vocabulary and for him there is nothing impossible in the world. Rocketjet: Good morning to our beloved professors, hard-working officials, brilliant co-students and to our Great AMU. I am an ordinary person with the perception of neutrality. I do not see people as diff. individuals with diff. status but as unique individuals with unique personalities. I know that there are plenty of challenges and problems that we face in our daily life some are huge while some are minute. I shall make priority to the general problems faced by most of the public and I and my companions will give possible and the best solution we can give that would benefit most of us. I know I am new to this career and as a new face in the University, I do not have experience neither influential charisma to anyone among you but I do have my word, courage and capability of being a leader of AMU and I just need your cooperation, full support and most especially your trust. That is all and I hope all of you shall be enlightened to choose the best-suited for the position. Principal: Well that is all the hopeful candidates of MBA. After 3 days you will all be notified of the result of the election. So let us now begin the official election. After 3 days in the Highflier’s Mansion, an aromatic smell filled the house. Sheirley, the younger sister of the Highflier brothers was cooking fried omelet with plenty of seasonings and her specialty, nutritious salad with crunchy fried chicken. Rechz who was by that time was taking care of his mini-natural garden filled with endangered species of wild plants realized he needs to read his book about crisis faced by planet Earth meanwhile Rocketjet was busy checking his website for suggestions about their environment and the everyday problems met by the people of Naturelock and also planned to read about the same book that Rechz planned to read about. After sometime, the two brothers went to their small library where both coincidentally met and they started their “cold” talk. Rechz: Jet, I know we have been competitors in several instances but I think you already know that my hope will never be “extinct”. (Seriously) Rocketjet: Me either, even though we don’t have mutual understanding like the others……biologically we are still brothers right?

????: Freezing serious conversation!!!! (Loud) Both were surprised and turned their sight towards the source of the familiar sound and there stood beautifully their younger sister. Sheirley: I thought I told you both not to talk like strangers, didn’t I? (Hastily went between the two and pinched their nearest ear from her) Both: Ouch!!! Sheirley!!! Stop it!!! Sheirley: You both promised. Why are you two always like that… (Makes pitiful face) Both: Sorry…ma’am…. Sheirley: Oh!...forget it. I have finished cooking. So, let us eat…join me. Come on! (Instantly change mood and ran downstairs) Both stared at each other with a smile and together laugh like close best friends. Both walked downstairs eager to see the most magnificent masterpiece, Shierley’s aromatic recipe. Sheirley acts as their understanding parent, loving sister and energetic chef and musician. Both know how great she is in cooking and also in singing. Rechz who is a nature-lover, is really different from his brother Jet who is a hi-tech person. At the dining room, the brothers saw their younger sister arranging their breakfast with well-arrange utensils for eating. They also heard her singing the melody sang by their mother “Blessings from God”. Their mother 2 years ago went to Benjamine, an artificial continent .According to their mother, she would study for cultural behavior of the people but ever since they didn’t have anymore contact from her. Sheirley: (music) I am blessed by an angel…(music) Rocketjet: Sheirley, do you remember again…you know (seriously) Rechz: That was a beautiful song, right? But aren’t we…here to eat?...for our survival, right? Sheirly: Don’t be shy. Eat all you can. Oh! Today is the day the result will be announced, right? Good for you two. Rocketjet: Well, you are right but systematically, we have to pray first. After they finished the prayer and ate their delicious breakfast, the three excitedly went to AMU and while on the road they saw lots of people boasting the materials they got from the Flamingo family and according to what they heard the people states that the higher the money, the more loyal the people are. Of course, they didn’t understand what they meant but soon they will. At the opening ceremony, the principal will start to state the result of the election meanwhile the three candidates namely; Rechz, Rocketjet and Juanico are preparing themselves and was ready to hear who will win. The two brothers was expecting that either any of them will win and they were sure that Juanico will never win. Juanico: ……hehehehe….(sound that is very sure and devil-like)

Rocketjet: ….hmmm… strange why are you laughing like a mechanical clown with greedy voice of evil? Rechz: It sounds like you already know what the result of the “battle of the fittest” election. Juanico: Just see… I have plenty friends you know…so, I am sure that I shall win. Don’t even think of winning. (Surely said) Rechz and Jet: hmmm….(Doubtful) And so at last, the principal started her speech and students of AMU kept silent for the revelation of the new leader of MBA. Principal: AMU has been a well-known and respected university in the whole tech-zone. I am proud that our AMU has brilliant, fine students and who are born leaders of the future. Three have tried their luck with a purpose of creating a better society and leadership than before. I am standing here in front of you as the principal who have the authority and privilege to declare the new leader of MBA for the year 2250. He gathered almost 80% of the total votes in the election. May I break the suspense now? He is….Juan…!!nico?!.. (Surprised).It is Juanico…(don’t believe)

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