Knowing Our Mind Power

  • May 2020
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How to unleash your subconscious mind power from scratch Whenever we buy something new, we will usually study the user manual to find out how to use that piece of equipment. However, when it comes to our mind, nobody seems to concern about how our minds work. The truth is we have not one but three minds, and when we master the art of using these three minds, we will master our lives. Since history, those who have put these three minds into proper use have achieved great results. Some of these people include Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, Napoleon Hill and Andrew Carnegie. Recent examples of those who have used these three minds effectively are Brian Tracy, Bill Gates, Bob proctor and many What I want to emphasize here is the fact that you have within you the power to create anything you want, and the storehouse of this power is your subconscious mind. Gerry Robert, author of The Millionaire Mindset and my mentor, used the Captain and Crew analogy to explain the relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the Captain and the subconscious mind is the Crew. The subconscious mind (Crew) listens to the instructions given by the conscious mind (Captain), and obediently brings the instructions into reality. One important thing to note is the Crew is not capable of formulating its own thinking. If the Captain fails to give specific instruction to the Crew, the Crew will just take ANY instruction passed to it and bring it to reality. (Read this statement again.) Joseph Murphy, author of “The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind”, illustrated that you are the Gardener and your subconscious mind is the fertile Soil. Your subconscious mind is capable to growing all kinds of seeds (seeds of thought) that you sow The seeds are planted based on your habitual thinking. So if you want apple fruits (the effect), you have to plant apple seeds (the cause). This is also the law of cause and effect. If you want to change your external conditions (the effect), you have to change your cause, which is your seed of thought. Unfortunately, most people try to change their conditions by working on those conditions. They fail to realize that an apple is still an apple. Regardless of how hard they work on it, it will not turn into an orange. What they need to do instead is to start planting orange seeds. During a Brian Tracy seminar, he said something which I remembered vividly: "Thoughts are Causes, Conditions are Effect" Change the cause and you change the effect. Change your thoughts and you change your conditions.

Mind Power Explained Secrets of your conscious, subconscious and super conscious mind Conscious, subconscious and super conscious mind power. Confused? Not after you've read this article! Your mind power is more powerful than what you think. Read this: "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen." - Ralph Waldo Emerson What I'm going to share with you here is not some metaphysical or new age theories. It is what Napoleon Hill has been emphasizing on. It is an important part in the entire success philosophy.

How many minds do we have? Technically speaking, each of us only has one mind. But this one mind has 3 parts to it: conscious mind, subconscious mind and super conscious mind. The first two minds are within us, but the super conscious mind is without. It is the mind of our extended self.

Conscious mind power Your conscious mind is the only part of your mind that thinks. That's why most people use their conscious mind power to solve problems and to achieve their goals. However, the conscious mind power is limited, as compared to the subconscious mind power and super conscious mind power. The most important conscious mind power is the power to decide. It has the power to decide what information to enter into your subconscious mind, but most people are not exercising this power. Instead, they let rubbish enters their subconscious mind and thus garbage in, garbage out. Your conscious mind also has the power to reprogram your subconscious mind, mainly through repetition. For instance, remember the first time you learnt to drive a car, when you had to consciously think of which paddle to step and which gear to shift? But now, you no longer have to consciously think of these actions. They have become automatic, i.e. you are able to do it subconsciously. Through repetition, you have programmed your subconscious mind. Once it is in your subconscious, it becomes automatic. While it’s true for driving a car, it is also true for achieving success in life!

Subconscious mind power Your subconscious mind plays many different roles in your life. As far as I know, we can classify its functions into 5 different areas. 1. It maintains and balances the well-being of our body. That's why our body is self-healing in nature. It has the power to heal any form of diseases you can think of. It is the fundamental of all so-called alternative therapies. 2. It protects us and sometimes our love ones, from emergencies or dangers. 3. It is the mega-memory bank. It stores all our past experiences. 4. It is like a magnet. It has the power to attract things that resonate with its beliefs. 5. It is like radar. It sends and receives information to and from the super conscious mind. This is the function that we are going to discuss further in this article.

The relationship between the conscious, subconscious and super conscious mind looks something like this.

Your conscious mind is connected to your subconscious mind, which in turn is connected to the super conscious mind. Same goes for my mind as well as anyone's mind. From the diagram, you can see that we are all connected at the super conscious level, through our individual's subconscious mind. The conscious mind is not connected directly to the super conscious mind. We rely on our subconscious mind to send and receive information to and from the super conscious. As your conscious mind impresses your desire upon your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind will impress it upon the super conscious mind which will then conspire to make it happen, as what Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen".

Super conscious mind power Napoleon Hill called it the Infinite Intelligence. Scientists call it the Universal Mind. Some books or metaphysics gurus sum everything up as the Unconscious Mind. The term Super conscious Mind is widely used by Brian Tracy. How is it called is not important. What’s important is what it can do for you.

These are what I know about the super conscious mind. - There is only one super conscious mind (the Universal Mind), to which all of our minds are connected to. - It helps you to make good decision, since it has Infinite Intelligence. It has all the answers you want, including tomorrow’s share price! - It is the source of all true invention. Great inventors like Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein have mastered the technique of receiving great ideas from the super conscious mind. Where else you think they get all their innovative ideas from? - It helps you achieve your goals. This is the function that I will talk more in the next paragraph. The super conscious mind is like a mega computer that orchestrates the activities in every little computer connected to it. By impressing your goal upon your subconscious mind, your super conscious will respond accordingly. The right people will start appearing in your life, opportunities will come and lessons will be provided to strengthen you if necessary. Everything will be set in motion to help you achieve your desire. Once you truly understand the super conscious mind power, you will realize that success is not a function of luck.

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