Know Now Facts

  • October 2019
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The Know Now Foundation The Know Now Foundation (KNF) is a registered entity in the state of Arizona and is under the Plexus Worldwide, Inc., corporate umbrella. The purpose of KNF is to: 1. Accept, distribute and account for direct gifts of BCKs to KNF 2. Screen and evaluate prospective recipient organizations 3. Arrange delivery of BCK gifts to approved recipient organizations 50% Matching Gift All direct product gifts to KNF will be matched at an amount equal to 50% of the original gift. The 4 different product packages plus the Plexus 50% matching contribution creates these 4 possible product gifting options: 1. The 20 Pack + 50% matching contribution of 10 = 30 BCKs gifts 2. The 12 Pack + 50% matching contribution of 6 = 18 BCKs gifts 3. The 8 Pack + 50% matching contribution of 4 = 12 BCKs gifts 4. The 4 Pack + 50% matching contribution of 2 = 6 BCKs gifts

Breast Chek Gifts Plexus Pink Independent Ambassadors: As an option to retail sales and receiving delivery of product orders, Plexus IAs can gift their product purchase to The Know Now Foundation as follows: 1. Initial Order: Upon joining Plexus the new IA can either accept delivery of their initial product purchase or gift it to KNF 2. Autoship: Monthly autoship purchases can be automatically gifted to KNF or shipped to the purchaser KNF Ambassadors: Through the KNF Direct Purchase & Gift program, registered KNFAs can purchase BCKs at the KNF direct price of $30 each in quantities of 4, 8, 12, 20, or more, for the following purposes: 1. Direct gift to KNF: The 50% Matching Gift will apply 2. To receive delivery for personal gifting or fundraising 3. Purchases can be 1-time, monthly, or as needed 4. Purchase is required to register as a KNFA

Plexus IAs Gifting the Initial Product Order While it is suggested that a new IA accept delivery of their initial product order to familiarize themselves with the BCK product and for use in promoting their business, gifting the initial order is also an option. On the online sign-up application, towards the bottom of the page, you will find a link in the left side margin called, “About Gifting”. Upon clicking that link this text message is displayed: Your generous product gift will go to the Know Now Foundation to be distributed to health clinics, hospitals and charitable organizations where product will be gifted to women at risk who will benefit from early detection of disease or peace of mind. When you click on the Know Now Foundation link within that message, this information is displayed: The Know Now Foundation (KNF) is part of the Plexus Worldwide, Inc., corporate family. KNF is solely purposed and dedicated to working with Ambassadors to identify appropriate organizations to receive and then distribute product gifts to appropriate recipients throughout the world. Directly to the right of the “About Gifting” link the new IA is offered the option to gift their intial product purchase. All they need do is to check the box next to the line that states: By checking this box, I elect to gift my $499 or $199 product purchase. Gifting Your Autoship The setup and activation process for gifting of autoship purchases is found 2 places. 1. The Activate Autoship section of the sign-up application 2. The Home page of your Online Office On the sign-up application, in the “Activate Autoship” section (directly below “About Gifting” and the “Donating The Initial Product Order” section described above) you’ll see these 2 options: By checking this box, I agree to and Activate Autoship and GIFT MY ORDER By checking this box, I agree to and Activate Autoship and RECEIVE DELIVERY To the left of each option a “check box” is provided so that the new IA MUST choose their preference (there is no default). This process is both direct and obvious and should circumvent mistakes and misconceptions. Additionally, immediately to the left of each stated option is a link that provides further details on that choice.

When “About Gifting Autoship” is selected this message is displayed: Autoship purchase of 4 Breast Chek Kits will occur each month on the anniversary of your initial enrollment date and be gifted to The Know Now Foundation along with a 50% matching gift of 2 BCKs. Payment is collected via the credit card on record. Autoship is required to be commission qualified. When “About Receiving Autoship” is selected this message is displayed: Autoship purchase of 4 Breast Chek Kits will occur each month on the anniversary of your initial enrollment date and be shipped to your address on file. Payment is collected via the credit card on record. Autoship is required to be commission qualified. The second place where setup for autoship gifting/receiving is found is on the “Home” page of your Online Office. Upon login, if your autoship is presently setup to receive delivery, displayed in the bottom center of the Online Office “Home“ page you’ll see this information: You are currently receiving delivery of your autoship order. To change and gift to The Know Now Foundation, Click Here If you are presently gifting your autoship purchase, displayed in the bottom center of the page is this information: You are currently gifting your autoship order to The Know Now Foundation. To change to receive delivery, Click Here So, by simply reading and “clicking” your way through the text on the “Home” page of your Online Office you can easily and predictably manage your autoship preference between gifting and delivery. KNF Q&A Q: Do I have to wait until there is a recipient organization in my country to to join Plexus or gift my product? A: No. Until an appropriate recipient organization is designated in your country, gifts will be accounted for, compiled, and put on a standby status for delivery at a later date. Meanwhile, if you know of any appropriate recipient organizations in your country, please forward the required pertinent information to us for consideration. Q: How do I submit a prospective nonprofit / charity to be considered to be a KNF recipient?

A: If you know of a legitimate nonprofit, chartable organization you would like to submit for consideration, please contact us at: [email protected]. Here’s the process: 1. Before approaching the prospective organization, send us an email that includes your reasoning as to why the proposed organization would be an appropriate recipient, and a link or URL to the proposed organization’s website. 2. Once we have informed you that the proposed organization would be acceptable as a KNF recipient, confirm with the organization that they would be interested in receiving product gifts from KNF. 3. Confirm to whom they will be gifting the BCKs they receive. 4. Send us the name and contact information of the key contact person at the organization. (This information and an email link is provided at the bottom of The Know Now Foundation “Recipients” page. Q: Who is the contact for questions from recipient organizations about the Know Now Foundation? A: Questions can be submitted directly to customer service. Q: Does KNF accept cash donations? A: No. Only direct product gifts of BCKs gifted at the time of purchase are accepted. Q: Does KNF make cash donations? A: No. Q: Can I gift my product currently on hand to KNF? A: No. If you desire that your product on hand go to a charity or nonprofit organization, it would be easier and less costly for you to do that directly. Q: Are gifts to KNF tax deductible? A: Because tax laws vary from country to country, there is no one correct answer to that question. So, for your protection, we suggest you seek advice on that from a knowledgeable source in your country. Q: Is my product order immediately gifted to the recipient organization in my country? A: Gifts are shipped to recipient organizations in master cartons consisting of approximately 167 BCKs. Until enough product gifts are collected to make a master carton, a running tally is kept and gifted product is on standby to be delivered once the master carton minimum is met. Q: Can an IA request that their personally gifted BCKs go to a specific recipient?

A: KNF fully manages the gifting process including the dispersion of gifts on a national, as opposed to local, basis. However, in most cases gifts will be directed back to the general region where they originated, providing there is a KNF recipient in that locale and circumstances allow. Q: Can I personally gift my product to a local nonprofit or charity? A: Yes. IAs/KNFAs can personally (and directly) gift BCKs to any recipient of their choice. Of course, shipping the product to them will incur normal shipping charges (for IAs, shipping charges are deductible from business profit). Assuming their gift goes to a registered nonprofit, charitable organization, the IA/KNFA can obtain a receipt directly from the organization for tax purposes. Q: What proof of donation do I receive upon gifting product to KNF? A: Because of the delay between the time your product is gifted to KNF and KNF ships the master carton to the recipient, proof of donation/documentation is necessarily delayed. If required, additional documentation can be forwarded at the end of the tax year via the nonprofit recipient organization in your country, including specific identification / charitable number, etc., of the recipient organization. Q: Can I gift part of my order and receive part of my order? A: No. However, you can alternate monthly between gifting and accepting delivery and achieve the same thing. Q: How can I verify what happens to my product gifts? A: On a quarterly basis an independent accounting firm will account for and release a report to be posted on The Know Now Foundation “Home” page on the KNF website. Q: Does the recipient organization pay for shipping the kits to them? A: No Q: Can the recipient organization request BCK gifts if they know they need more on hand? A. No. Although a recipient organization would be welcome to alert KNF of their need, fulfilling their request would still depend on current gifting levels and gifts on hand. Q: How often might shipments be delivered to a recipient organization? A: Since there is no way for us to reliably project gifting activity, it’s not possible to project the flow of gifts a recipient organization. Q: I don’t understand. How does gifting make ME money? A: Just as all product purchases, the volume created by gifts purchased will be attributed to the lesser side of your You+2 position. Furthermore, full value of all product orders generates volume on which commissions and bonuses are paid.

Q: This seems to good to be true. Are you SURE it’s legal? A: While we understand the “too good to be true” reaction please know that all aspects of this (and our entire) program have been thoroughly reviewed by our MLM attorney. Network Marketing is a highly regulated industry and we strictly comply with all laws governing our program and operations. For more information review the info on our legal counsel provided on the Plexus Pink website (select “Plexus Corporate” link from the “Business Info” menu) and/or review the website and background of our legal counsel.

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