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KKS Lecture Transcript -Caitanya Caritamrita 4.182 30th June 2002 parT 2

If there is in our inner core of our heart some other feeling then we are battling with ourselves in devotional service which is the normal state that most of us are experiancing, the conditioned state of devotional service. So this conditioned state of devotional service is a struggle, because many times we find a contradiction in our heart. So somehow or other we can serve, then we can make a lot of

advancement and especially serving the vaishnavas, we can make the most advancement, especially the senior vaishnavas, that is the recommended process. Yes there is no real… there is no alternative because other than Krishna Consciousness what is there?... There is nothing there. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was totally transcendental and in his pastimes His every single act was taken as mercy by the devotees.

Whether he was kind upon them by speaking gentle words or whether he was chastising them, the devotees were accepting it as the mercy of the Lord. When Lord Nityananda kicked Sivanenda Sena in the Chest, Lord Nityananda had been waiting a long time and Sivanenda Sena was suppose to arrange passage on the road passed the ..toll post..something like that…something like the customs, not exactly that but similar, you have to pay tax, a toll..yeah.yeah So anyway they had to wait there and Lord Nityananda had to wait there very long because somehow or other because Sivanendea Sena took very long to arrange the payment….so when he came back finally Lord Nityananada was so upset that he said “what is this?you are keeping us waiting all this time” He kicked him in the chest. Full on kick…Bang!

And then Sivanda sena, he was very happy “Lord Nityananda has kicked me in the chest” but his cousin Sri Kantha was very upset, very upset that how could He do this to my uncle this is outrageous, no respect at all , he worked so hard and this is what he got, this is a spiritual personality. So, but the cousin or nephew, I think it was the nephew, the nephew was in ..Maya, he was in illusion he didn’t understand the mercy of Lord Nityananda. So in this way we take it like that, that somehow or other whatever comes, whether it is gentle or strong, the mercy of the Lord is coming in various ways, somehow or other, to bring us to that point where we have to surrender and it is, it is like that. Yeah this chapter is very exalted and it has many many important descriptions about Rasa Lila, about the nature of the exchanges between Krishna and the Gopis. Prabhupada, of course felt that we should not really spend too much time and energy on discussing all these topics because one has to first purify, the inner chamber of the heart and only when that is done one can understand these

pastimes properly, otherwise it is difficult, therefore I am inclined to go to next chapter, which begins to describe the glories of Lord Nityananada.

Because it is said that Radha Krishna, it is said…sansktrit… Without the Lotus feet of lord Nityananda one can not approach Radha and Krishna so therefore it is explained here that Lord Nityananada is the Supreme Personality of Godhead whose opulence is wonderful and unlimited. By His will even a fool can understand his identity, This is the only way that we can ever be Krishna conscious, by the mercy of Krishna and therefore

our process is based on devotional service on pleasing Krishna with service and then Krishna will reveal himself.

Without Krishna revealing Himself one can not know Krishan…Sanskrit… Because the Problem is the Lord has covered himself, He has covered himself from all the conditioned souls. We are all here in the material world and say that the Lord is invisible, we can not see Him and we can not perceive Him. How do you know that Krishna really exists and how do you know that He is God.. It is difficult. Because Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and He can only be known when He reveals Himself to His surrendered devotee, that is the process , now it is to be understood that Lord Chaitanya of all incarnations is most merciful, most magnanimous … Namo Maha Vadanyaya….so Lord Chaitanya is giving out the

mercy to everyone but yet, Lord Nityananda is still more inclined to the lowest kind of men, because Lord Nityananda is the ..preacher. Lord Nityananda has received the order by Lord Chaitanya to preach. Lord Nityananda is the First Sankirtana Devotee Who is is going door to door and Who is is approaching all kinds of people and somehow or other trying to get people to take to Krishna consciousness.

Lord Nityananda particularly has to deal with all kinds of fallen conditioned souls, He is out on the field, on sankirtana, He is the Original Sankirtana Devotee.

Lord Nityananda approaches Jagai and Madhai. And Jagai and Madhai were undoubtedly the most sinful personalities one could imagine……...It is described that Yamaraja was having a hard time with these two brothers because to keep a record

of their sinful activities was casing a lot of problem for the administration.

Yamaraja has Citragupta.



Citragupta is incharge of keeping the files and there were so many files that Citragupta didn’t have

any more place to store them and the messengers that worked for Citragupta run up and down to bring messages about sinful activities that are being performed by various living entities and the messengers were falling exhausted. So in this way Yamaraja was without a doubt, was having great difficulties with these two brothers… Jagai and Madhai… And then somehow or other they were delivered by the mercy of Gaura Nitai………contd tomo