Kitchen Rudders - Their Inventor And Some Applications

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KITCHEN RUDDERS THEIR INVENTOR and SOME APPLICATIONS This document is essentially a supplement to "Kitchen Rudders Going Full Circle", which can be found online on at it, amongst other things, containing drawings and details of an installation fitted in a 1966-built 40-foot long GRP-hulled Keith Nelson launch which was put up for sale in the late autumn of 2009. Contrary to the persuasions of many writers and texts, 'Jack' Kitchen was NOT an Admiral in The Royal Navy, nor was his surname 'Kitchener', that 'Kitchener' the one famous for his 1914 WWI recruitment poster and he, Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener KG, KP, GCB, OM, GCSI, GCMG, GCIE, ADC, PC, lost at sea on June 5, 1916 whilst en route to the Russian port of Arkhangelsk aboard HMS "Hampshire", she striking a mine laid by the newly-launched German U-boat U-75, commanded by Curt Beitzen and sinking west of The Orkney Islands, Kitchener, his staff and 643 of the crew of 655 drowning or dying of exposure and Kitchener's body never found.


John George Aulsebrook Kitchen John George Aulsebrook Kitchen was born at 54 Cropper's Hill, Eccleston, St. Helens, in Lancashire, on November 4, 1869, his father, William Henry Aulsebrook Kitchen, described as an 'agent' and his Portuguese mother, Ellen Teresa Francisca Kitchen (neé Joza), Kitchen seemingly moving later to 28 Rose Grove, Manchester, he then serving his time with an unidentified engineering firm there. In January 1897, Kitchen married Sarah Isobel Garnett (1876 - 1969) in Windermere's Carver Memorial (Congregational) Church, Sarah's father a florist and nurseryman with gardens at Rayrigg Road, Bowness-on-Windermere, the couple living initially in Manchester's Alexandra Park but soon moving to Heathwaite, Windermere and, when The Lune Valley Motor Carriage Works was started in 1903, moving to Lancaster, first to Aldcliffe Road and then to 7 Rose Bank, Scotforth. Then, in 1921 and The Lune Valley Motor Carriage Works, founded in 1903, running down, the Kitchens moved to Storrs Park, Bowness-on-Windermere and the Kitchens building 'Brookfield', near the Ferry Nab, a separate garage, with a workshop above., satisfying Kitchen's interests. The Kitchens had no children, Sarah Kitchen's neice, Daisy Garnett, living with them at 'Brookfield' till 1926, when she married Frank D. Hoggarth, a tobacco and snuff manufacturer, the Hogarths, at least after Frank's retiral, living in Kendal and, they then 'down-sizing' and moving to a smaller house, Daisy, thinking no one interested and space limited, throwing out a lot of Kitchen's papers and, apart from his actual patent applications themselves, no trace now exists of any of Kitchen's own papers or drawings, Kitchen lodging 175 'Provisional Patent Applications' between 1891 and 1936 and carrying 118 of them through to completion. Kitchen, he and his wife described as being both slightly below medium height, who had a moustache, smoked a pipe or occasional cigar and did not drink, was a man of warmth and charm, a man with a sense of humour and a liking for the odd practical joke, a friendly man who was liked by everyone, even by those who had lost money investing in some of his failed ideas. In 1903, Kitchen entered business in Lancaster with one Ludlow Patton Perkins, they trading initially as The Lune Valley Motor Carriage Works and then, in 1906, moving to Lancaster's Wheatfield Street, trading as The Lune Valley Engineering Company, the banks taking over in 1920, a liquidator appointed in 1924 and the company finally dissolved in 1929. Perkins, who died in 1928 at the age of 56, had an interesting ancestry for his greatgrandfather, Jacob Perkins, born in 1776 in Newburyport, Massachussets, had returned to 2

England in 1819 and had worked on a high pressure steam engine in 1822, a steam device for projecting musket balls in 1825 and then, in 1834, had made a working model and patented a refrigerating machine based on that invented by Dr Cullen in 1755, Jacob Perkins credited with making the first 'vapour-compression freezing machine'. Rather temptingly for Perkins, the Wheatfield Street Works were immediately to the east of the bridge over the main Euston to Carlisle railway line, Lancaster's County Hotel to the west and Perkins regular transit of the railway bridge reportedly contributing to health problems and an earlier than expected demise. Whatever the case about Perkins, Kitchen was recognised as a good employer, leaving his car outside the works for the local boys to play around and taking them out for trips around the town in it, a BIG deal to the children of that early age of the motor car. Whilst Kitchen had taken out some patents for 'motor and steam vehicle products', twenty of these patents concerned with tyres, others for fluid pressure brakes, air and fluid pumps, acetylene-powered vehicle lamps, steam-powered bicycles and tricycles and motor car radiators, 'The Lune Valley' companies were firmly focused on the design and production of steam boilers and 'portable field cookers', Kitchen patenting a self-heating can for preserved foods in 1914 and, The War Office disinterested, 'the war over by Christmas', the idea pursued by the Americans, 'self-heating cans' becoming part of the standard emergency rations issue in WWII, though the principle not necessarily by then credited to Kitchen. Able to raise steam very quickly, the Lune Valley and other similar boilers soon became standard in the steam pinnaces of the British and other 'Commonwealth' navies, the manufacture of the 'Lune Valley' boilers licensed to Simpson Strickland and Company of Dartmouth in 1906, Kitchen's own interest in cooking leading him to cook grilled food underneath his steam launch's boiler burner flame while steaming round Lake Windermere perhaps giving him the idea for a 'portable field cooker' using an adaptation of the boat's 'Lune Valley' burner. The Lune Valley company established in 1903, Kitchen had begun testing out boilers on Lake Windermere, Bowness-on-Windermere boatbuilders Borwick Brothers early involved in Kitchen's experiments, these watched with interest by Isaac Henry Storey (1854 - 1925), a director of Storey Bros. & Co., a well-known firm of printed linoleum manufacturers in Lancaster. Storey, reportedly a quiet man, quite like Kitchen in character, who lived at Loughrigg Brow, Ambleside and had similar interests to Kitchen's, was also particularly interested in wireless telegraphy and carrying out experiments on controlling boats by radio, some experiments being carried out on his Windermere sailing yacht, the "Electra", named before Marconi's gave that name to his own 1904-built yacht. Whilst in 1898, at an exhibition in New York's Madison Square Garden, Nikola Tesla (1856 1943), the mechanical and electrical engineer, had demonstrated how he could control a small boat by sending signals, on different frequencies, to its different controls, a U.S. patent obtained on his inventions on November 8, 1898 and, in 1903, Leonardo Torres y Quevedo (1852 - 1936), the Spanish airship designer and engineer, had obtained a patent, in France, Spain, Britain and The United States, for his Telekino , demonstrated that year at The Paris Academy of Science, the Telekino, a robot that executed commands transmitted by electromagnetic waves, it seemingly The World's first apparatus for radio control.


Though Torres, who demonstrated his invention in the presence of the king and a crowd of onlookers in Bilbao in 1906, remotely guiding a boat from the shore, would try to apply the Telekino to projectiles and torpedoes, he had to abandon the project for lack of financing. In 1904, Kitchen and Storey fitted radio controls to a 30-foot long launch, the "Bat", on Lake Windermere and too that same year, following successful demonstrations at Morecambe, Kitchen offered The Admiralty a 'steerable' radio-controlled torpedo, his offer rejected, Their Lordships of The Admiralty seemingly more interested in completing their designs for the first 'Dreadnought' battleship. Kitchen's 'steerable' torpedo, controlled by a shore-based, spark transmitter, was 'surface running', its short aerial on top acting as a 'visual locator' and guideable by an operator with a telescope 'for at least a mile', was some fifty years ahead of its time and only the 'midcentury' development of ultra short waves, highly sensitive acoustics systems and reliable tracking devices would be able to realise Kitchen's concept in practical terms, Storey, his own company prospering, going into partnership with Kitchen around 1910. After his forays on Lake Winderemere with the "Bat", his enthusiasm for all things 'watery' undampened by The Admiralty's rejection of his torpedo, Kitchen, who would develop a very high capacity steam boiler, focused his attention on the need to develop a lightweight 'reversing gear' for motor boats. In the early 1900's, reversing gearboxes for vessels propelled by internal combustion engines were as notoriously unreliable as well as they were bulky and the majority of The British Admiralty's 'picket' and 'liberty' boats continued to be fitted with steam engines, they requiring no gearboxes, which reversed by changing the engine's valve timings, The Admiralty reasoning that while small motor engines might be lighter and less bulky that their steam counterparts, any savings that might be made would be offset in these days by the need to fit them with gearboxes, the combined weight of motor engine and gearbox little different from the weight of their launches proven steam plants Even with the high-speed steam boilers, it still took time to raise steam, engines, boilers, fuel and water occupied valuable space and navies soon had to begin to focusing on the use of the internal combustion engine, its design and reliability steadily improving but the internal combustion engine unable to reverse without the use of a gearbox, that too somewhat problematic as 'hot bulb' engines were then in common use and these liable to stop when the gearbox was used to bring in astern power. Clearing weeds away from his boat's propellor one day while it was tied up at a jetty, Kitchen noticed the force of the propellor's slipstream when it was running 'full ahead' and, when he placed a wooden board in the water, astern of the propellor, the boat then too appeared to move astern, the idea of Kitchen's 'reversing rudder' born. In his original patent application, 3249/1914, Kitchen separated the control rods for each of the twin 'half-cylinder-shaped' rudders to allow them to be partially rotated either separately or together, the 'uni-directional' propellor itself rotating within the 'clam shells' to contain its slipstream but, for general ease of operation, the concentric control rods were linked to a screwed rod, controlled by a hand wheel, the boat's tiller swung to steer the boat, that arrangement adopted as standard by The Admiralty, Kitchen's first demonstration boats too were fitted with a mechanism whereby the rudders were opened and closed simply by raising and lowering a lever pivoted to the tiller, the boat, regardless of its ahead speed, stopped almost dead in its tracks.


Kitchen played his 'party trick' when he took some apprentices out on trials in Glasson Dock and, trying to sell the idea to Vickers, got little reaction about the boat's performance from their man sent to investigate until, getting fed up with the man, Kitchen headed for Bowness' landing stage at full speed and, the terrified Vickers' man holding on to the boat's thwart with both hands, Kitchen 'put on the brakes', lifting up the pivoted lever on the tiller and stopping the boat dead and then spun it round in its own length to face the other way. The solution to the problem of taking way off, especially, large tankers and bulk cargo vessels remains and, despite numerous proposals and trials, there has been little success, Kitchen's own design of rudder gear best suited to small ships, partly because of the huge pressures that would be placed on the rudder of super-ships were they to be reversed suddenly, these liable to twist and shear from their mountings and render ships unmanageable in confined seaways. Kitchen's Reversing Rudder Company was formed after The Great War, on June 5, 1919, its office in Liverpool's Royal Liver Building. Kitchen and two others, Gordon Henry Fraser and Jeames Ryder O'Halon, who are named in two later rudder gear patents and presumably also coming forward with funds, named as the company's directors and, being a small private company, little information about its affairs is on record. Though supplied to the British, Canadian, Australian and American navies, the popularity of "Kitchen Rudders" declined quickly in the 1920's as marine engines, with built-in reversing gear, though essentially expensive to manufacture and fit, became increasingly cheaper and more reliable and Kitchen's Reversing Rudder Company went into liquidation on August 1, 1929, Kitchen by then looking at the potential for adapting the rudders for aircraft use, to cut down landing distances, that idea, though never patented by Kitchen, later coming to fruition in the jet age. Despite commercial cash flow problems, Kitchen kept on inventing and his death, on March 27, 1940, was due to a freak accident, Kitchen at home in his workshop, drilling a hole with a hand-drill and, leaning on the drill's handle to increase pressure, unfortunately ruptured an internal blood vessel, the consequences fatal.

Above, in The Admiralty-adopted control arrangement, as the screwed rod is rotated by the hand wheel, the nut moves towards the hand wheel and the operating rods rotate to open the 'clam shell' rudders, the boat steered to port or starboard by the tiller and the 'clam shell' rudders moving with the tiller.


By discarding the centuries-old rudder 'plate' and fitting twin curved-plate connical 'shields' to a two section, 'male-to-female', rudder stock, to control the directional flow(s) of water around the boat's propellor, Kitchen, without the need for any weighty and costly engine gearbox, was able to give an ordinary, single screw, an even greater degree of manoeuvrability that that possessed by any twin screw boat, even today.

The rudder consists of two curved metal plates mounted so that they encircle the propeller (above). The movement of the tiller to port or starboard will turn both plates to starboard or port, respectively, in the same manner as an ordinary rudder. In addition, the plates can be closed together abaft the propeller, or opened out on each side of it, by a shaft which revolves inside the rudder post and is controlled by a wheel and worm gearing on the tiller. A 'relieving spring' is fitted on each side of the tiller just before the rudder post to prevent the rudder from swinging from side to side and taking charge in a seaway. The fore end of the tiller is supported by a quadrant to which it can be clamped in any position along its arc of movement.


The propeller always moves in the ahead direction and when the rudder plates are fully opened out its normal thrust will propel the boat ahead but, if the plates are nearly closed together abaft the propeller, its ahead thrust will be neutralised by the backwash of its slipstream against the plates. If the plates are closed still further the backwash of the propeller slipstream against them will overcome the ahead thrust of the propeller and the boat will be propelled astern. Thus, by opening and closing the rudder plates the boat can be made to move ahead or astern at full, half or slow speed, or brought to a stop. The boat is steered by the tiller in the same way as if she were fitted with an ordinary rudder but, when the tiller is moved, the rudder effect of the plates is far greater and more effective at all speeds and the boat will therefore answer her helm readily whether she is stopped, or going ahead, or astern, however slowly or fast. When turning at rest the rudder will exert its greatest effect when the plates are fully closed, the tiller being worked as if the boat were going astern. The speed of the boat, ahead or astern, can be controlled by the combined use of the tiller wheels and engine throttle, or by the tiller wheel alone with the engine running at constant speed ahead and, when lying alongside, the engine is throttled down to idling speed. In describing these matters fully and for the educational benefit of others in later time, the following diagram and explanation has been found amongst others at "The thrust is due to the whole flowfield, not just the local force on the propeller. The propeller produces a narrow, high speed, jet directed at the rudder clamshells and, as it hits the 'clamshell', it slows, spreads and turns forward. The attached picture of the potential flow into an inside corner shows qualitatively what's happening. 7

"The jet from the propeller forms a wall jet along the inside of the bucket formed by the clamshells. This wall jet has tremendously more surface area than the round jet at the prop and it entrains outside flow with it. "This works like an ejector thrust augmentor, transfering some of the energy of the highspeed jet from the propeller to a larger low-speed jet coming out, backwards, from the bucket. The large amount of low-speed flow directed backwards produces more thrust than the force acting on the prop itself. "Another way to think about it is the high pressure, due to the low speed flow inside the coloured arc in the attached picture, means there's a high pressure region inside the bucket. The area of the bucket is larger than the area of the propeller so there's a net force backwards. "Both the momentum and the pressure/force balance approaches are equivalent of course, the difference is determining which one is more convenient based on what you know". (Contributed to the forum by 'tspeer'). The following series of photographs, of Kitchen's Reversing Rudder Company of Liverpool's Unit No 904, on display at The Motorboat Museum, Wat Tyler Country Park, Pitsea Hall Lane, Basildon, Essex SS16 4UH, were contributed to another website by 'haylingbillyboat'.

Kitchen Rudder head, the lower, horizontal, vee-shaped, fixed bracket would have bolted onto the boat's transom stern and the whole assembly above the bracket able to rotate, the shape of the vee-shaped fixing arm out of view as the camera is horizontally level with the bracket. 8

This photo shows the same 'tiller' area ( tiller ) as the photograph above, one now looking vertically up to the top of the shaft head (and the ceiling), looking up the main vertical axis of the assembly to where the arms and there actuating links are attached to the two 'male-tofemale' concentric rudder shafts, which run down inside the bronze tiller casting - Essentially in this photograph, one is looking aft, over the stern of the boat.

Here, the tiller area's thread and the plaque "Kitchen's Reversing Rudder Company, Liverpool, No 904", the 'Acme' thread on the shaft protected by a sheath or cover with a slot in it, to prevent the arms twisting, 'haylingbillyboat' unsure as to whether there is simply one continuous thread or two, one left handed, one right handed, moving in opposite directions.

Here one can see how the bottom bearing works, the bronze skeg and the bottom joint of the two fabricated and riveted sheet steel 'clamshell' buckets, both hard over to port and in the nearly full astern position i.e, nearly closed together - The propellor itself and the propellor shaft are missing, otherwise one would have been able to see at least part of a propellor blade in this shot. 9

This shot shows both buckets, the skeg (and the red remains of a wooden keel and hull), as well as the propellor shaft aperture - Looking closely on the right hand bucket (nearer the camera), the horizontal 'whiteish' line is in fact the lower one of the two riveted joints, each bucket made of three pieces - two curves and a straight. Looking closely at the left hand bucket, one can see the corresponding 'step' where there is a similar joint and one can also see the top joint in this left hand bucket, a very simple, 'three-piece' riveted fabrication. Unfortunately, says 'haylingbillyboat', "I did not get a very good shot of the crucial top mounting, but there is a gland and then each bucket is on its own shaft or tube, all mounted concentrically, so you have four nesting layers of tube - There is not a lot to see externally, so one has to guess at the workings - The retaining nut is missing, but obviously fitted on the threaded part of the shaft where the dab of red paint is - Again, it's not clear how the middle shaft is fixed to its bucket, must be some sort of flange I think ?"

Here is the top of the rudder, the nested tubes - gland, rudder stock, one bucket, second bucket - One can see the both buckets and the flanges joining the buckets to the shafts, the propellor shaft gland is just visible lower down.


Up at the top of the rudder stock again, looking 'notionally' forward and viewed from directly astern and showing three tubes - the outer rudder stock 'sheath', outer bucket, inner bucket, the yokes and their connecting rods and their method of fixing and the lubricating holes, in fact one of them seized solid in this case !

This shows the actual tiller itself, the perspective odd because the tiller is above the camera and the end of the screw thread spindle for the wheel which operates the 'clamshells', a small 'lathe-type' wheel, with a finger sticking out, as on a mill or lathe - The operating wheel controlling the propellor wash with the buckets - ahead, astern, 'neutral' and in between and the actual direction of the propellor wash, to turn to port or starboard etc. adjusted with the tiller, the engine always run at constant revolutions when manoeuvring and all the acceleration/deceleration is effected by the 'clamshell' buckets.

This shows the tiller itself disappearing vertically out of the picture, it looking as if it is silver soldered on to the main casting and the horizontal end of the screw thread spindle, minus its operating wheel, the threaded spindle inserted into the horizontal tiller casting and retained by a sort of gland arrangement. Three types of Royal Navy boats were fitted with "Kitcher Rudder" gear - the 36 foot 'pinnace', double-diagonally built with the steering gear at the stern, these fitted with three, solid but removable, canopies and used as work-horses in the cruisers and larger ships; the 35 foot 'motor-cutter', clinker-built, with three canvas canopies on collapsible frames and both having single screws and 4-cylinder Dorman diesel engines, the 36-foot 'pinnace' having the 'double- wheel' form of Kitchen gear, the smaller 'clamshell' operating wheel on the outside of the main steering wheel, instead of a tiller / operating wheel arrangement, as 11

previously described and illustrated and the cutter having the basic tiller and wheel arrangement. The third type of boat was the 'Slow Motor Boat' - The ' Fast Motor Boats' were twin-screw, had planing hulls and were fitted with with conventional rudder steering - The 'Slow Motor Boats' were more like the old steam picket boats, with a fixed cabin fore and aft and a central, midships, steering position and, like the 36-foot 'pinnaces' had the 'double-wheel' form of Kitchen gear wheels - The 'Slow Motor Boats' were double diagonally built, single screw and fitted generally, like the others it seems, with Dorman diesel engines. The standard power boat carried by every destroyer, frigate etc., was the 25-foot 'motor cutter', these fitted with two removable canopies, a 2-cylinder Dorman engine, reversing gear box and ordinary tiller steering. Three classes of sailing / pulling boats continued in use throughout the 1950's, the 32-foot sailing/pulling cutter, transom sterned and clinker-built, it fitted to allow double-banked oars and given a single dipping lug-sail; the 30-foot gigs, with narrow-transom sterns, carvel built, but only given a single bank of oars and fitted with a double-standing lug-sail rig and the 27foot 'Montagu' whalers, clinker built, single-banked and having a pointed stern and yawl sailing rig. Though not described in every edition of The Admiralty Manual of Seamanship, note of the "Kitchen Rudder" appears in, at least, the 1951 edition and on page 309 of the 1981 edition. Though the perceived wisdom of the navy generally taught that, as powered boats could not be relied upon to start when you wanted them, only sailing / pulling boats should be used as regular stand-by 'sea-boat', HMS "Illustrious" preferred to use one of her 35 foot 'motor cutters' as a sea-boat, her engine started at least once a watch and always going first time, the engine able to run at idling speed, without cooling water, for long enough to get the seaboat lowered and slipped from her davit falls. With the "Kitchen Rudder" system, there is no need to touch the engine throttle to change the boat's speed or change from 'ahead' to astern' and, once the boat's engine speed and load is set and fixed, one hand, usually the left, grips the tiller, or ordinary steering wheel and moves it in the ordinary way, from side to side, as needed for steering, the other hand, usually the right, is then kept in close proximity with the left hand and rotates the hand wheel, operating the 'clamshell' cones, to control the boat's speed and direction and, as explained, the operating wheel, controlling the propeller wash with the buckets - ahead, astern, 'neutral' and in between and the actual direction of the propeller wash, to turn to port or starboard etc., the boat's course further adjustable by use of the boat's tiller or ordinary steering wheel and the engine always run at constant revolutions when manoeuvring, all the acceleration/deceleration effected by the operation of the 'clamshell' buckets, it takes practice to learn how to manipulate the rudder's controls and it takes even more practice to achieve any proper level of competence. By the mid-1960's, only the navy's aircraft carriers were big enough to carry a full complement of the older types of boats, not least those with 'Kitchen' gear and it was around that time that some were supplied with new, GRP-hulled, 40+ feet long 'workboats' fitted, yet again, with 'Kitchen' gear, some of the larger 'Fleet Auxiliaries' also similarly supplied and Belfast Harbour Commissioners, in 1966, following suit, as highlighted in "Kitchen Rudders Going Full Circle", which can be found online on at and commissioning a 40-foot long GRP-hulled Keith Nelson launch, fitted with "Kitchen Rudder" gear, to act as their dock survey boat. 12

Looking at the U.S.patents, one finds two later patents to Kitchen's original, 1916, application, No 1,186,210 - Patent No 2,155,112, for Anderson's outboard engine add-on, which uses Kitchen's clam-shells to effect neutral/reverse and Patent No 4,895,093, for Dalsbo's 'improved Kitchen Rudder', which is shaped to create a rear-facing jet-like orifice. Whereas Kitchen shows a propellor just inside the leading edge of the clam-shells, but forward of the pivot point, Dalsbo locates his propellor to 'more-or-less' coincide with the pivot point and Anderson's propellor located well in front of the shells with a substantial gap between the propellor and the clam-shells, Kitchen relying on the gap between propellor and the clamshell buckets 'opening up' as water begins to be deflected backwards and Dalsbo, in contrast, redirecting water backwards, via a 'duct', below the propellor, so the gap stays the same, Anderson's outboard engine 'Kitchen' gear add-on, just that and probably less effective than the other two in practice.

Photographs of an adapted Evinrude outboard can be found in "Kitchen Rudders Going Full Circle", on at


The last of The Royal Navy boats to use 'Kitchen Gear' were phased out in the 1970's and it was therefore something of a surprise when one of them, one of the navy's 'Slow Motor Boats', complete with its original gear, after some thirty years on The Firth of Forth, made its way across Scotland by road and appeared in Kintyre in the early summer of 2008, the boat's new owner, whilst not interfering with the hull, proposing to convert the accommodation space into 'an office' ! The Royal Navy's 'Slow Motor Boats' were 'double diagonally' built, with a fixed cabin fore and aft and a central, midships, steering position and the boat here originally, in all likelihood, fitted with a Dorman diesel engine, but now fitted with a Gardner diesel, her 'double-wheel' form of 'Kitchen' gear wheels, fitted in her midships cockpit now disconnected and dismantled but, still stored aboard her.


Looking aft, from the port side

Looking through the stern opening aperture, from port to starboard, but at a slight angle, to reveal the propellor


Looking through the stern opening aperture, from port to starboard

Looking forward, from the stern, to show the assembly detail of the 'clam shells' 16

Looking forward, to show the inside detail of the port side 'clam shell' assembly

The outside of the starboard 'clam shell' bucket 17

Looking inside the assembly, from starboard to port, to show the propellor clearance between blades and the lower pivot point on the 'rudder stock' of the assembly


A final look at the assembly, from starboard to port

KLM Fokker 70 with 'reverse thrust' applied While not strictly "Kitchen Rudder" technology, the "clamshell" thrust reverser on some aircraft jet engines is an aeronautical derivative of Kitchen's invention, the two surfaces behind the engine, the 'clam shells', seen in the deployed position, diverting the engine exhaust gases and hence the thrust, forwards, the position of the aircraft's 'clam shells' corresponding 'near-exactly' to the "Kitchen Rudder" 'clam shells' in their 'Full Astern' position and some modern types of pumps and water-jet drives yet further derivative's of Kitchen's designs. The largest versions of "Kitchen Rudder" gear are reported to have been fitted to some Mississippi River 'pusher' barge tugs, these understood still to have been in the service in the 1990's but, somewhat disappointly, nobody now seems to reported anything about their service, or indeed their fate(s).


In fairly recent time, an enterprising canal narrow-boat owner has salvaged the 'Kitchen' gear from an ex-Royal Navy 25-foot 'motor cutter' and fitted it to his newly-built boat - It will be interesting to note if there are any difficulties with it, for the drawback of the 'Kitchen' gear was that it 'fouled' easily with weeds, canals not perhaps the best of environments for such an arrangement, though a least the water is shallower for anyone having to go over the side to clear the gear.

Though there are no known film clips of any Admiralty or indeed other boats fitted with "Kitchen Rudders" in action, in 2008, a Scottish instrument maker took a 1/12th scale hull model, intended for a model of a standard 50-foot long Royal Navy 'steam picket boat' and fitted it with a steam plant and "Kitchen Rudders". There is a short three minute long video showing the workings of the steam plant and rudders during a bench test at - and a near two minute long video showing the model, though like most models running somewhat faster than scaled, both circling in its own length AND 'putting the brakes on' and stopping 'near dead' from full speed also online on You Tube at No doubt Kitchen would be much amused by the video, for he and Storey were at the forefront of controlling boats by radio and, if one remembers, had fitted radio controls to a 30foot long launch, the "Bat", on Lake Windermere a full century ago, in 1904.


In August 2009, a 'Model Boats' magazine online article, 'Focus On Scale', noted that The Stirling Engine Society, demonstrating a range of 'hot-air' engines at The South West Model Engineering, Model Making and Hobbies Exhibition, at The Royal Bath and West Showground in Shepton Mallet, Somerset, had a rather sorry looking and uncompleted boat, fitted with "Kitchen Rudders", on one side of the stand.

The photograph here shows the operating servos; the smaller blue servo controlling the opening and closing of the plates giving forward and reverse and the black servo, on the right, with the extended arm, controlling the directional, port and starboard, movement. As in the case of a full-sized boat fitted with 'Kitchen' gear, the model allowed a non-reversing engine to be used, the two plates in the open position allowing the thrust from the propeller to be unimpeded and the model moving forward, the plates closed together behind the propeller, the wash being deflected towards the front of the boat and the boat then moving astern, the plates moved into the 'neutral' position, with forward thrust and reverse thrust then becoming equal, the boat then stopped and remaining motionless in the water. 21

Almost 'surreally', the February 1958 edition of the 'Model Maker' magazine came up with the idea of matching up a set of "Kitchen Rudders" to a Clyde 'puffer', the name 'Maggie' chosen to celebrate the 1954-produced film of the same name, it featuring two Clyde 'puffers', the 'Boer' and the 'Inca'. Also, listed amongst John Lambert's model boat plans is a set for a 25-foot Admiralty 'motor cutter' (L/S/93) which gives fully detailed general arrangement drawings, though no hull lines, but, includes details of "Kitchen Rudder" gear and includes some history, the scale of the drawings ½" : 1 foot and, coming 'full circle', more drawings and detail etc. can be found in the earlier document, "Kitchen Rudders Going Full Circle", which can be found online on at it, read with the document here, may provide a good engineer sufficient information to construct, or reconstruct, a full-sized, or model, set of 'Kitchen' gear which, with practice in its use, will absolutely amaze onlookers more used to watching the, often 'hapless', boat-handling skills of those using more conventional propulsion units.


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