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kiss dake ja kaesanai chapter 2 right to left scans by: miyoko translation by: bittersweetness proofread by: ippy 042 too cute 2nd kiss 043 not translated 044 not translated 045 panel 1: sfx: door opens excuse me, ayumi-chan--(i didn't realize you were----) panel 2: [this is] sfx: grab panel 3: sfx: water flowing tricked you !<3 panel 4: it�s... shou?! sfx: kyaaaa (turning red) how did you... sfx: paku-paku panel 5: it�s very normal for a guy to go to his girlfriend's house to play... don�t be so surprised; now, let's make love! 046 panel 1: don�t... panel 2: don�t touch me!! sfx: punch [my boyfriend is shou. he's younger than me. but, i still get teased by him a lot!] panel 3:

sfx: annoyed 047 panel 1: kyoko, aren't we going out? what kind of attitude is that?! (so angry!) okay! okay! my sister is really pure!<3 panel 2: kyo-chan, you don't need to adjust so much just for that player. shou just can't be helped. (hahaha) (ignore ignore) ayumi-chan~~~~ don�t call me a player!! two words not translated!! (don�t give her strange ideas.) panel 3: sorry, shou. don't be mad at ayumi-chan... sfx: peek panel 4: then, please don�t believe all the stuff he just said!! (just now...i wasn't) (playing around with you!!) i... i don't mean it like that... (just now?) panel 5: (actually...) i... ...don't really like being chased after so strongly all of a sudden. 048 panel 1: so...i hope that you'll be able to patiently wait for me... panel 2: she doesn't want me, the prince of the idol division, to chase after her?! igarashi shou, for the first time in 15 years sfx: ga-----n was rejected! panel 3: shou... are you...angry?

sfx: oropanel 2: (it's so difficult, so difficult-----) (hohoho---) sfx: daradaradara panel 5: sfx: humph (ah!) 049 panel 1: it doesn't matter; i get it. eh! panel 2: if i don't touch you, but stand next to you, is that okay? yes! yes! of course!! panel 3: since i won't touch you, then i�m going to stay here tonight. that�s okay, right? what?! panel 4: you just said i could, didn't you? (your parents are working, so they won't be back.) sfx: smile panel 5: he�s smiling with his mouth but not his eyes. scary!! of...of course you can... 050 of course you can't! sfx: chi-----n. panel 2: wh-wh-what... what should i do? in order to avoid shou, i mindlessly told a lie; i didn't think that... he�d stay over---sfx: waaa---n panel 3: [but i can't say...]

[that from that day on...] panel 4: sfx: doki doki doki i can't stop thinking about his lips!! (i really am...a pervert!) (sweet, soft, and shiny) 051 panel 1: sfx: blood rushes to face (wah-----) if he touches me, not only will i get weird thoughts. i won't know what my body will turn into! panel 2: ah--! [maybe if i let him know how perverted my thoughts are, he'll become really disgusted.] (whoa!) (you�re such a pervert!) sfx: face pales (heehee!) panel 3: sfx: kii definitely, definitely, have to hide it from him! panel 4: (uhn~~~~~) [i have to let this pass by peacefully!] (right,) shou! did you really mean what you said just now? ah? you said you wouldn't touch kyo-chan---panel 5: of course i meant it---(oh, how unexpected.) 052 i definitely will not touch her first! sfx: grin

panel 2: (i knew he had a hidden motive.) panel 3: sfx: chopping panel 4: ah--- i guess cooking really is the only thing that can help me calm down--sfx: sfx: sfx: sfx:

pa totatatatan zasasa

sign: kyo-chan's break panel 5: i�ll just keep going like this, eat dinner, and go to sleep right away. then, no one will notice. <3 notice what? 053 panel 1: speak of the devil. sfx: shocked shou. no! panel 2: does this have anything to do with you rejecting me? sfx: teku-teku-teku sfx: pa eh? i didn't say i didn't want you or anything, did i? (okay--- let's cut some of this up----) panel 3: ...really... hmph, whatever. sfx: suwa-- (gets closer) 054 hey! shou, you're too close! i didn't touch you or anything. just keep cooking. panel 2: bu-but... his lips are so close. sfx: dokun~ (heartbeat)

panel 3: what are you making? sfx: dokun~ (heartbeat) panel 4: [i really want him to�] panel 5: [�kiss me.] sfx: doku----n kyoko---? 055 panel 1: ah! sfx: ga (cut) panel 2: ahhhhh--i cut myself! panel 2: uwah! i cut my finger! it hurts! it hurts!!! sfx: pipipi- (swing, swing) (baka!!) what are you doing?! don't swing your arm around like that! but�but... panel 4: sfx: grab 056 shou... panel 2: sfx: lick panel 3: ah... panel 4: what is it, kyoko? panel 5: can it be that you're getting turned on? sfx: toku.... 057 panel 1: sfx: pa i... i am not!

panel 2: you�re lying. you obviously want me to touch you. (you�re acting so rash; something must be up.) hmm... panel 3: enough------i did not lie. this place is really dangerous, so please get out!! (right, right, right---) panel 4: ah! (i forgot...) what is it?! (what else is there?) panel 5: make sure you bandage your left hand properly. 058 panel 1: sfx: dokin panel 2: sfx: dokin [i guess i really do like shou.] sfx: dokin sfx: dokin panel 3: [so, i really don't want him to hate me!] kyo-chan, your cooking is great. panel 4: right, shou? it�s really good, right? (i often get to eat it.) hehehe uhn---sfx: munch, munch panel 5: ah... thank you. (hehe) 059 panel 1: sfx: chira.

panel 2: (kyo-chan's cooking is even better than mom's----) you really like your sister, huh? panel 4: sfx: kaaa (turning red) panel 5: [i'm watching him again!] panel 7: ----kyoko. 060 panel 1: eh? what�s wrong? panel 2: sfx: thump 061 panel 2: sfx: dokupanel 3: you eat just like a little child. 062 panel 1: shou...! panel 2: i didn't directly touch you. panel 4: wuu...! (crying) 063 panel 1: shou is an idiot! i hate you! kyoko! sfx: bang panel 2: you went too far this time, shou! panel 4: sfx: bosu (hitting the pillow) shou is an idiot! what was he doing?! 064 panel 1: [the feeling of the tip of his tongue�]

panel 2: sfx: ha- (breathing) [shou's body heat...] sfx: doki panel 3: sfx: dokun mmm...! [so hot�] [it hurts.] [i can't hide it when he touches me anymore!] panel 4: [it�s so strange; my heart is actually beating faster.] 065 panel 1: sfx: gi- (shocked) panel 2: eh? panel 3: sfx: dokin when did you...? sfx: dokin panel 4: sfx: dokin 066 panel 1: uhn... just now... panel 2: sfx: cough, cough panel 3: leave at once! panel 4: hey! wait! listen up... sfx: grab 067 panel 2: eh? 068

panel 1: sfx: ba ah! what.... (�am i doing?) panel 2: sfx: dokun, dokun, dokun panel 3: this is why i said... 069 panel 1: shou is an idiot!! sfx: don it�s because of you that i'm like this!! panel 2: i wasn't like this before. but ever since you kissed me, panel 3: i�ve been getting stranger and stranger! 070 panel 1: my eyes are glued to your lips or your body, and i keep thinking about making love and stuff. panel 2: i�ve been trying so hard to hide it, in order to stop you from hating me! sfx: don

don (hitting him)

panel 3: sfx: hold panel 4: che---why were you taking out your anger on me? sfx: fuu--- (breathing out) you... sfx: shock wuu... 071 panel 1: super cute!

panel 2: eh? 072 panel 1: let me tell you... it�s because you like me that you feel like that, so just say that you want to know me better! sfx: surprised panel 2: sfx: muttering what the... and i thought that you would really hate me. panel 3: shou... (what are you muttering about?) sfx: doki(so cute-----) panel 4: nothing... now~~~ sfx: ahem really...? 073 panel 1: so, i�m not strange? shou, you don't hate me? panel 2: how could i, stupid? panel 3: sfx: ho shou... so anyways... 074 my thoughts are even more vivid. do you want to know? sfx: grin (niyari) sfx: doki panel 2: sfx: inching forwards

(heheheheh) no! don�t! sfx: pi----n sfx: has a very bad feeling sfx: gradually moving backwards sfx: doki doki panel 3: it�s okay. the night's long anyway, so i have lots of time to teach you! i don't want to~~~~~~~ (a very strange expression!!) 075 igarashi shou family members: father, mother, older sister birthday: november 3, 1989 blood type: o zodiac: scorpion height: 171cm weight: 54kg shoe size: 26cm type of girl i like: someone who doesn't discriminate favorite colors: red and black favorite foods: strawberries and kyoko habit: resting my chin on my hand weakness: kyoko treasure: kyoko and myself what i wear to sleep: nothing at all charming points: everything favorite line: that's the best! recently bought item: shoes graph: from top, going clockwise: physical strength, intelligence, logic, instinct, humor bottom square: self-assessment: [i�m a good man. there's no one better than me. (he�s serious)] kyoko's assessment: [i like a gentleman who likes to make people do what he wants them to... he's really handsome and dominating when we're making love. but, shou? why do you always want to do it without caring about the situation at all? (face turns red) hmph~!] ayumi's assessment: [what----? what are you talking about?! you can do anything, but don't something bad! i really don't pity you! but when she falls for it; it's not bad! (laughs) the audience will find it really interesting---!]