validation controls:validation : means ensuring proper entry of data applicable to textbox. -> in asp3.0 manual coding is required to perform validations this is avoided in by providing validation controls. -> validation controls will reduce burden on the developers and makes application development faster. -> developer will loose certain flexibility -> validation controls will support client side validation or server side validation. -> validation controls are browser dependent towards client side validation this is supported by only internet explorer. required field validator:-> it doesnot allow textbox blank. range validator:-> it will validate textbox data within a particular range. compare validator:-> it supports 3 types of validations. 1)data type checking -> comparing textbox data with datatype. 2)comparing textbox data with constant using relational operator. 3)comparing 2 textboxes using relational operator. regular expression validator:-> it will validate textbox date with a particular expression. *\d(5)-> 5 digit number\ *\d(1,5)-> 1 to 5 digit number *\d(5)->5 char string *[a-z][5]->chars in the range of a-c. *[a,e,i,o,u]{5} *-------> the four validation controls can be used to client side or server side. custom validation control:-
-> it supports client side validation and server side validation. -> the developer should provide logic for validation. validation summary control:-> it will display all the error messages at one place.