Kingdom Revival

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October 9, 2009


Preaching at succate Halle in Jersusalem, Israel. In the background: Old Jerusalem pictured to the left. Mount zion on the right. Succate Halle is a 24 hour house of prayer `

Germany, Israel, and beyond..... the kingdom is invading this world by Josh Stevens

! Hello friends and family! At your reading of this I pray you are prosperous and in good health. I have good news! We are living in the greatest revival the world has ever known! More people are being saved and healed today then at any time ever before in the history of this planet! People are regularly being raised from the dead all around this globe, and “the gospel of the Kingdom” math 24:14 is being preached all around the world! If all you are seeing is what is wrong with this world, you are tuned into the wrong news station.... Sure there are plenty of things going wrong (which there have been since the fall) but there is way more going right! Iʼm convinced we need to start a news channel that just reports on “good news” I wanted to write to just share with you what I'm seeing God do around the globe as i've had the opportunity to travel a lot in the past year. ! For those of you that donʼt know, Iʼve recently graduated from the school of ministry at bethel church in redding california and Iʼm currently doing an internship/ mentorship for Joaquin Evans who is the head of the healing department here1at our church; which includes the

healing rooms and the Hem of His Garment healing schools, pastor on call, etc. Just an amazing man, that had a great impact on me when I was in first year school of ministry. I feel so much favor and blessing to call him a friend and to be able to partner with him in ministry and really learn and receive the great depth of wisdom, revelation and anointing he carryʼs. I traveled with him all through second year, and have just continued the relationship with him and we are doing a lot more traveling as we do “healing schools” for pastors and leaders all over the country and all over the world. I mainly just want to share with you the incredible things we have got to see and do on these trips. As well as traveling with Joaquin I have also received personal invitations to other places that I have got to do, releasing miracles, seeing people saved, and equipping the saints for the work of ministry! ! I got invited to travel to Germany this summer for 2 weeks to do a 5 day conference with 3 other people (including one of my best friends Kris) with an african congregation of people from Ghana Africa! there was about 3 or 4

churchʼs that came together all for this event and prior to us coming they had experienced very little of what is common to us here at bethel but they were so hungry for more of God and His presence. We saw hundreds and hundreds of miracles in the streets and in services, people saved in divine encounters on the streets. One of my favorite things was a russian family that we met that lived close to the church and saw people experiencing God and were curious at what was happening so they invited me and kris over for dinner. None of them new God as russia is an atheistic country but you could tell they were hungry for what was “real”. We begin to share about Gods love and His power as their hunger drew it out. We shared about miracles and words of knowledge and one of them asked “do you see anything for any of us?” as we responded.... “as a matter of fact you have a problem with your left hip! stand up, the power of God is touching you” The woman stood up and was instantly healed without even laying hands on her! From there it just broke out, me and kris begin to call out there conditions across the table and the power

KINGDOMREVIVAL October 9, 2009

Revival invades hamburg, Germany of God was instantly healing them..... they were all astonished at the mighty things God was doing and one of them broke down and was saved right on the spot! She told us with deep conviction and tears in her eyes after she had been saved and healed “You must come to russia, the people have to know these things!” it was a powerful encounter with these people as we saw several of them healed of different conditions and get to experience the Love of God tangibly for the first time in their lives! It really broke my heart for how many people are out there that are just waiting to hear that God is good and that He really does love them..... There are so many people just waiting for the goodness of God to be displayed. Even the atheist is hungry..... He just wants whatʼs real! Our whole goal going out all over the world doing this is not only that we would bring people to the Lord like this but that we would equip people to walk in the same grace and power that God has given us! Everywhere we go we are seeing it too! One of the guys in this church who had never seen a miracle before through his hands got to lay hands on a woman who had a completely deaf ear that opened up instantly! I got to pray for a woman over the phone who couldnʼt make it to the meeting and I specifically told her friend not to tell me what was wrong with her so that the Lord would show us, and I began to call out different problems on her body and pain started leaving.... then God showed me a picture of her in a wheelchair and that she had MS.... and i was like “are you in a wheelchair? do you have MS?” and she freaked out! She started getting all this feeling

Pictured right

The Jewish quarter in old

Jerusalem. Far right:

The outside of the upper room....



.... then God showed me a picture of her in a wheelchair and that she had MS.... and i was like “are you in a wheelchair? do you have MS?” and she freaked out! Hamburg, Germany

August 2009

back to her legs and her toes and started moving parts of her body that she couldnʼt before.... all the pain had left.... and the cool part was that the lady that had me call her was her physical therapist so she confirmed all the stuff that happened the next week and the doctors were astonished at her recovery all of sudden! So Germany was off the charts incredible! Signs and wonders were happening.... one of the services went 7 hours as the glory just fell and people were getting healed all throughout the room, we had creative miracles happen, blind eyes, deaf ears, and everything you can imagine happen! Most of all our hearts were so connected with these people and what they carried! We had an opportunity to get on the radio and release healing to people all over the world through very specific words of knowledge as me and kris were both having many visions of what God was doing.... We heard of tumors dissolving, deaf ears opening, and many more things God did during that time, it was amazing!!! ! From Germany me and Kris flew to Israel and met up with Joaquin to do ministry there in Jerusalem! It

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was my first time there and I must say that it is quite a place to go! We just experienced so much of Gods love and goodness being in the place that Jesus walked the earth. Joaquin got to speak at a big conference there that was on God TV, along with Heidi baker and several other awesome men and women of God. We were there supporting Joaquin doing ministry from the front and seeing people get healed throughout the whole place. We activated many people who had never seen miracles through their own hands get instantly activating seeing deaf ears open up, tumors dissolve, and many more outrageous miracles! My favorite part of the trip when we were in the jewish quarter one afternoon and just started to see healing break out amongst the Jewish people as we got words of knowledge and we would tell them “the God of Israel told us you have this problem and He wants to heal you” One guy had chronic knee problems and was instantly healed and with this astonished look on his face we told him “Yeshua (Jesus in hebrew) is Messiah” This is what we did the whole time and the Jewish people that hadnʼt believed in Jesus were blown away after the “God of Israel” healed them and then we told them, “Jesus is the Messiah!” so for about 45 minutes it broke out there with all kinds of healing and demonstrations of Gods goodness which led us to the historical site of the upper room where the Holy Spirit was first poured out on all flesh and God set up His tabernacle in us, giving us the same Power that Jesus had as He walked the earth! While we were in the upper room just experiencing Gods goodness and glory someone came up to Joaquin from this group of about 40 Koreans and recognized him from bethel church and new we saw miracles regularly so he asked for prayer for healing and his whole group watched as the power of God came upon him and he fell unto the floor and received healing. Joaquin turned to us and said “its on, start calling out words of knowledge!” for the next hour and half we called out words of knowledge, saw deaf ears open, people healed of back problems, neck problems, people get delivered of demons, people fall on the ground and shake as the power of God hit them and people just

“the God of Israel told us you have this problem and He wants to heal you...... Jesus is Messiah” Pictured to the left: The temple mount: Joaquin, Josh, Kris

experienced Gods goodness!! it was absolutely surreal! One of the coolest parts is that they were doing a documentary and had 4 cameras filming all of it! Other groups were coming in and asking “are you guys having a healing meeting? will you pray for me?” It was such a cool experience to be in the Upper Room where the Holy Spirit was first poured out and to see Him show up again in power!!! ! One of the last things I got to do in Jerusalem was speak at a 24 hour house of prayer as Joaquin gave me his speaking spot there so that I could minister. It was such an honor to be able to do that and the Holy Spirit showed up and people got activated in the gifts of the Spirit as well as tons of people getting healed and a jewish girl who it was her first time to a Christian church got healed sitting in her chair as i called out a word of knowledge for healing and the power of God fell on her and touched her! It was such a blessing getting to see people saved and healed and to see Jesus get what he paid for on the cross while i was in the same place Jesus ministered! ! After Israel we had a few weeks off to relax back here in redding before we did another trip to Dallas texas for a Hem of His Garment Healing school. I got to be apart of just an amazing team of pastors from our church that got to teach and activate other pastors and leaders and other

believers into the miraculous! The first night I had called out a condition with the left wrist and nearly 10-15 people responded almost all in one section and there were two of them that actually had cancerous tumors in their left wrist! God is so good.... we saw so many people healed of so many things.... its almost too hard to try to even count, but suffice it to say we saw hundreds and hundreds of miracles! One really cool one was a lady who had a 6 year old at home with severe Cerebral palsy whoʼs been in a wheelchair all her life and as we were praying for the mom at church her daughter at home had the audible voice of God speaking to her for over an hour about the specific places in her body that He was healing in her brain and all throughout her!!! and this was a 6 year old!!! the mom was so astonished and amazed. I got to pray for a woman who had been prayed for “many” times in her words and was a bit discouraged for deafness in one of her ears.... well within moments Jesus showed up and did what He does best and popped that thing open like popcorn! they were both in tears as she could hear perfect! They came to me the next day and were like “she can hear everything now; she hears the alarm clock going off, and can hear the tv with no problem and on and on... It was just cool to see how much it meant to them that God would do something like that for them! Iʼm just convinced

KINGDOMREVIVAL October 9, 2009

Nicaragua experiences the Kingdom

September 2009 hat God is extremely good and just loves to heal and estore bodies, souls, and spirits! The more I just rest in what He did on the cross the more I start to see stuff appen when I release His goodness to those around me. A big part of why we do these Healing schools is to rain and equip leaders; so we had the idea, “why donʼt we ust take them straight out onto the missions field to put into ractice what they have been learning?” So thats what we id, and I was asked to co-lead a short trip with my friend Randy Castle to Nicaragua to get our group activated and ee peoples lives touched! Guess what? It happened! God ust continues to show up when we go for it. In just 3 short ays of ministry we saw many people saved and many eople healed in meetings and on the streets! We saw deaf ars open, cancerous tumors dissolve and tons more! One ight i was preaching at an outdoor open air meeting in a eighborhood and I was sharing the testimony of a deaf ear pening in Israel and while i was sharing the testimony I eard God say “Iʼm doing it again right now” so i spoke out nd said “in fact I feel like God is doing that right now and omeone's ear just opened up; wave at me if that is you” Sure enough this man in the front row starts waving and omes up with tears as his left ear had been 100% deaf and ust popped open as I was sharing the testimony!!! We saw extreme breakthrough out in public as I rought different people with me to practice hearing God nd getting words of knowledge for people He wanted to ouch. People were amazed and astonished as we would all out there specific condition and they would be totally ealed right on the spot. The pastors son who had never otten a word of knowledge for healing starting getting them with me and literally took off after a woman after i had emonstrated how to do it and asked her if she had the roblem and was totally healed after he prayed!! I love to ake people out and do street evangelism and show them ow easy it really is when your just opened to being used, ause God just wants to touch people! Heʼs just waiting for omeone to believe what He said about us doing the same works as Jesus did- john 14:12.... “for those who believe” We donʼt just have to be the pastor or evangelist.... ccording to Jesus we just have to BELIEVE! we were walking into a service with a few of our eam members when randy got a word of knowledge for this ady in the house next to the church.... her back got totally ealed so she called for one of her other family members to ome out who had a hernia and some other stomach roblems. When we prayed he felt it starting to shrink back n and it get all soft as God was touching it as well as his ain leave him! While we were praying for him we were alling out other peoples conditions that lived there as God ust began to show us specifically what was wrong with eople. We had a little break out of miracles in this house ust on the way to a service, it was amazing! What was ven more amazing was that guy we prayed for with the ernia told us he had been praying just that morning and God showed him that He was sending angles to his house! ʼs always fun to be the answer to peoples prayers! So 4 itʼs been great getting more and more xperience leading teams, preaching, and teaching in

churches.... God has opened up so many opportunities for me and the favor just keeps increasing! I leave for nebraska in a few short weeks for a healing conference, then onto texas again in december. We travel to New Zealand for a school there in february; Iʼm leading my own trip to mexico city in march and bringing a team of 30; South africa in april, and then most likely leading a mission trip to the iris base following our school there. I also am getting the opportunity to help teach a class in the first year school of ministry with Joaquin starting in december, which I'm really excited about. ! I definitely would love your prayer support as I am looking to put together a team of people that pray and intercede for these strategic trips I am making. God has really been speaking to me about the value of prayer covering so if this interests you, send me an email and let me know. Iʼm planning on sending out emails of specific ways to pray for these specific trips and i would LOVE to have people who really have a heart for intercession to get behind me and start sowing into the harvest that we are seeing on these trips; if God puts that on your heart please let me know :) ! Also if any of you would like to sown into the ministry I am doing financially I could use that too!!! thanks for taking the time to read, I hope you have been encouraged and blessed. I plan to send one of these out a couple times a year and then the rest of the time, I will be posting the updates, pictures, and videos on my website at : Blessings! Josh Stevens

Kingdom Revival If you would like to donate and help see revival spread across the globe email me at:

[email protected]

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