Kindred Spirit: Winter 2009

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Winter 2009 Vol. 33 No. 3

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The Gospel and the Jewish People Dallas Theological Seminary’s mission is to glorify God by equipping godly servant-leaders for the proclamation of His Word and the building up of the body of Christ worldwide. KINDRED SPIRIT Winter 2009 Vol. 33, No. 3 ISSN 1092–7492 © 2009. All rights reserved. Published three times a year by Dallas Theological Seminary 3909 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75204 Dr. Mark L. Bailey, President Dr. Mark M. Yarbrough, Vice President of Communications Sandra L. Glahn, Editor-in-Chief Keith D. Yates, Director of Creative Services and Publications Dr. Roy B. Zuck, Copy and Theological Editor Debbie J. Stevenson, Production Manager Kelley M. Mathews, Copy Editing Service Israel photos from iStock SUBSCRIBE Subscriptions are free of charge to addresses in the United States. Call 800-DTS-WORD or 214-824-3094 and ask for the Kindred Spirit subscription office, sign up online at, or write to the address below. EMAIL For information about Dallas Seminary’s graduate degree programs: [email protected] To correspond by email: [email protected] To submit articles, request reprints, or make comments: [email protected] DONATIONS For information on how you can support the ministry of Dallas Seminary call 214-841-3720. KS ONLINE/SUBMISSIONS To download writers’ guidelines or to view Kindred Spirit online visit POSTMASTER Email address changes to [email protected], or send to: Dallas Theological Seminary Kindred Spirit 3909 Swiss Avenue Dallas, Texas 75204. Unless noted otherwise, Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.


n our last issue of Kindred Spirit we considered God’s heart for the Arab people and promised to follow that discussion with a look at God’s heart for Jewish people. The issue you hold in your hands explores that very topic. A boy inserts a prayer Several months ago I joined a number of other request into the Wailing Wall evangelical leaders in considering what Scripture reveals in Jerusalem. as God’s heart for the Jewish people and how evangelicals should view Jewish-Christian relations. In the end I joined an esteemed group of leaders in signing a public statement prepared by the World Evangelical Alliance. Here’s what we affirmed: As evangelical Christians, we want to express our genuine friendship and love for the Jewish people. We sadly acknowledge that church history has been marred with anti-Semitic words and deeds; and that at times when the Jewish people were in great peril, the church did far less than it should have. • We pledge our commitment to be loving friends and to stand against such injustice in our generation. At the same time, we want to be transparent in affirming that we believe the most loving and scriptural expression of our friendship toward Jewish people, and to anyone we call friend, is to forthrightly share the love of God in the person of Jesus Christ. • We believe that it is only through Jesus that all people can receive eternal life. If Jesus is not the Messiah of the Jewish people, He cannot be the Savior of the world (Acts 4:12). We recognize that it is good and right for those with specialized knowledge, history, and skills to use these gifts to introduce individuals to the Messiah, and that includes those ministries specifically directed to the Jewish people (1 Corinthians 9:20–22). • We deplore the use of deception or coercion in evangelism; however, we reject the notion that it is deceptive for followers of Jesus Christ who were born Jewish to continue to identify as Jews (Romans 11:1).  • We want to make it clear that, as evangelical Christians, we do not wish to offend our Jewish friends by the above statements; but we are compelled by our faith and commitment to the Scriptures to stand by these principles. It is out of our profound respect for Jewish people that we seek to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them, and encourage others to do the same, for we believe that salvation is found only in Jesus, the Messiah of Israel and Savior of the world. This is just one of many examples of the church reaffirming her commitment to her own roots. As my friend, the late Dr. Harold Hoehner, said, “The gospel is for all—Jew or Gentile. We want Jews to see the Messiah has come to save them from eternal separation from Him and to enjoy Him forever.” God’s heart for Israel is the same as His heart for all people: that they might know Jesus Christ and make Him known. n —Dr. Mark L. Bailey


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C ONTENTS Winter 2009 VOL. 33, NO. 3

God’s Heart for the Jewish People

Heart for Israel 4 God’s Listen in as DTS president Dr. Mark Bailey, the late Dr. Harold Hoehner, and Jewish Christian Dr. Darrell Bock discuss Jewish evangelism and a biblical perspective on the nation of Israel.

“God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never be!” —Romans 11:1


Embracing the Jewishness in your Congregation

Jewish Christian Steven Ger talks about ways the church can celebrate the continued existence of the “remnant of Israel” as a wonderful example of God’s grace and faithfulness.

Uncommon Friendship 14 AAnJewish teen and a middle-aged Gentile living in Israel describe their journey together as friends and ultimately as brothers.

Kindred Spirit Online Coming in December: “My Advice This Christmas” by Dr. Charles R. Swindoll

Also Coming in December: Link: To the DTS Dialogue on Jewish Evangelism Today Article: “Coping with Grief,” by Dr. Roy B. Zuck Coming in January: Book Excerpts: “To the Jew First in the New Millennium,” from To the Jew First, by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum “Coming to Terms with Faith and Values,” from Your Intercultural Marriage: A Guide to a Healthy, Happy Relationship, by Marla Alupoaicei Coming in February: Article: “Israel: Encounter God as Storyteller II,” by Sandra Glahn

Kindred Spirit


God’s Hear Last year before Dr. Harold Hoehner’s untimely death, DTS president Dr. Mark Bailey sat down with him and Dr. Darrell Bock to talk about God’s heart for Jewish people. The conversation included a discussion about Jewish evangelism as well as having a biblical perspective on the nation of Israel. Dr. Hoehner served on the board of Jews for Jesus. Dr. Bock, who is of Jewish descent, served—as he continues to do—on the board of Chosen People Ministries. Both organizations focus on reaching Jewish people. The complete conversation is available in audio on the DTS website. Here are some highlights of that discussion.


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t forIsrael Dr. Bailey: Some people believe the Jews do not need to be evangelized. Why is that? Dr. Hoehner: Part of it goes back to the Holocaust. People wonder, “What right do you have to try to tell us about Jesus when you did such a terrible thing to us as a Jewish people?” The second factor is the era of pluralism.

Dr. Bailey: So from the Jewish perspective, they don’t think they should be, or need to be, evangelized by Christians. In a Christianity Today article Rabbi Yeheil Poupko is quoted as saying, “The basis of interfaith conversation must be mutual, sacred rejection—a clear understanding of the irreconcilable differences between the faith communities.” Yet in terms of pluralism some recent movements are saying we don’t need to evangelize the Jews. Dr. Bock: Some try to give a theological explanation, saying God made a dual-covenant commitment with His people. First, God made the original covenant with the Jews, put in place permanently as reflected in the Mosaic Covenant, and feeding back into the Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis 12. Second, there is the outreach to the Gentiles through Jesus Christ.

The attempt is to keep these separate. This is a popular view in a lot of European theology. Also when it comes to Jewish matters, a shadow of the Holocaust hovers. There is a large collective guilt—and, I might say, a justified guilt—over how a largely “Christian” Europe handled the Jewish people. There’s a desire to avoid repeating the same mistakes, so out of respect, people have backed off proselytizing in Jewish communities. Dr. Hoehner: Dr. Ottfried Hofius at Tübingen University doesn’t like the dual covenant because it looks like a “special way.” But he says, “What we have to realize is that all Israel will be saved in the future,” based on Romans 11:26. “Therefore, we don’t need to witness to them today.” I call his view not the “special way” but the “special day” view. It’s the idea that we’re not responsible to witness to the Jews. Yet I would argue that it’s not that we’re singling them out. Every person, of whatever nation, needs to be evangelized. Dr. Bock: Right. No single group is being “targeted.” We all need what Jesus has to offer. The gospel goes to all nations, Jew and Gentile included. What’s odd about the dual-covenant view is that if it were really held by the early church, why did Paul enter cities continued

Kindred Spirit


and go straight to the synagogues? He could’ve just headed to the agora and evangelized all the nonJews. Dr. Bailey: One of the ironies of history is that at one time the question was whether one could be a Gentile and be a Christian. Now the question is whether one can be a Jew and be a Christian— even asked by some who hold to dispensational theology. One preacher in Texas out of love for the land of Israel believes that friendship with Israel politically is more important: “We don’t want to offend them by witnessing to them, because we want to be their friend.” Dr. Bock: If we eliminated all the books of the New Testament that refer to Christ being preached to the Jews, I’m not sure we’d have much of the New Testament left. The view we’re describing stems from the fact that we have a historical disconnect from the real roots of Christianity, which came out of Judaism and said Christ is Israel’s Messiah. Dr. Hoehner: Acts 1:8 says, “Jerusalem and Judea first.” If the Jews didn’t need the message, why go to Jerusalem, Judea, and then Samaria and then to the uttermost part of the earth? You’d think they’d say, “No, go first to the Gentile nations. They need Christ; we don’t.” Dr. Bailey: Jesus thought Nicodemus needed to be born again; as a Jew he needed regeneration. Dr. Bock: In one sense you could say witnessing to a Jewish person is an act of intolerance if you believe it’s inappropriate for anyone to say one religious expression is more beneficial than another. And that is generally the way our society tends to view intolerance. But the flipside is that

Golan Heights at Hachula Valley


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God has revealed through Jesus Christ a way for all people. Jesus is nondiscriminatory. He reaches out to all nations and all people. As a result the gospel goes to anyone and everyone who will respond. There are no special recipients of the gospel. Dr. Bailey: Both of you work with organizations that focus on Jewish evangelism. Is there a place for Jewish culture in a believing Jewish community, or do Jewish converts to Christianity need to abandon that culture to act more like other Christians? Dr. Bock: This is where the Book of Acts helps us. The earliest church was a deeply Jewishly oriented community in Jerusalem. James led there. And even in a decision like that of the Jerusalem Council, instructions were sent out to all the churches to be sensitive in contexts where predominately Jewish populations could be affected by the way evangelism was done. The New Testament allowed for more freedom in form; we tend to want to homogenize everyone. Also, if a Jewish person wants to reach Jewish people by living in a way that honors his or her Jewish roots while sharing Christ, I don’t think the Bible suggests there’s a problem. In other areas we have African-American congregations and Korean congregations—minorities at a sociological level seeking to retain their own ethic identities. These congregations, of course, should not become excessively separate or fail to identify with the rest of the body of Christ. Dr. Hoehner: First Corinthians 10:30 admonishes us not to offend the Jew, the Gentile, or the church. This verse refers to Jews and Gentiles who don’t know Messiah, and the

church is composed of believing Jews and Gentiles. It’s not that a cat becomes a dog or a dog becomes a cat, but that a cat and a dog each becomes a horse. It’s a whole new person. That’s not to say, as Dr. Bock has mentioned, that they’re homogenized—that there are no distinctions. We should honor these as long as people don’t try to foist practices on other Christians, saying they have to follow that group’s practices. Dr. Bock: There’s an important principle about the church here that dispensationalism offers: In this new community that Christ has formed, Jew and Gentile are reconciled. Anyone who knows the history of Jews and Gentiles in the Second Temple period knows hostility existed between the two groups. That a societal structure could exist in which enemies function alongside one another under God made a terrific public statement about the reconciliation God creates. Some of the most enjoyable events on our DTS campus happen when international communities plan chapel services in which minority groups worship in their own styles. It’s informative and refreshing to see different styles of engagement with God. Dr. Bailey: If someone wants to keep a kosher kitchen and traditions, when does that violate doctrine—or does it? Dr. Bock: The question is why? Scripture allows two standards. One comes out of a missionary concern, and the other is the principle of the individual conscience, when a person says, “I’m a Jewish Christian, but if I exercise freedom, my conscience doesn’t feel I’m honoring God.” Paul talks about this, and he doesn’t tell the weak person to be strong. He says if you can’t do that in good conscience, then don’t do it. continued

“One mistake is to equate the modern secular state of Israel with Israel, the people of God. For those with this point of view, no matter what Israel does, it’s considered OK. Yet on this we all agree: If the present nation of Israel isn’t the nation to come, it’s the foundation for it. The account of the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 37 describes Jews who are alive physically but not spiritually. The text says they will come to life as a miraculous act of God. We’ve got the bones—we just need the Spirit.” —Dr. Eugene Merrill, Distinguished Professor of Old Testament Studies at DTS

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Dr. Hoehner: Often this is more difficult for a Jewish person than for a Gentile. God commanded the Jews to be circumcised, to keep the Sabbath, and abstain from eating pork—and all of a sudden in the new era He says, “No, don’t call eating pork unclean.” This is something Gentiles may not have to face. Yet Acts 15:3–5 records that some Pharisees who became Christians said it was necessary for the Gentiles to be circumcised.

Jesus is the Messiah.” He said there has always been a godly remnant, which includes himself. If God is finished with Israel, what of the prophecy that Israel will be saved?

Dr. Bock: The view you mention is sometimes called replacement theology—the idea that the church has replaced Israel because Israel forfeited her place by rejecting Messiah. Replacement theology has a variety of expressions. But I think all would say everyone should be evangelized. Dr. Bailey: So we would say it’s fine for a Yet many who hold this view tend to step back Jewish Christian to keep one’s Jewishness for from Jewish evangelism. They think, “They’re a testimony, for cultural identification, and for like everyone else, so we won’t be particularly cultural heritage and appreciation? concerned about them, but we also know they had their chance and blew it.” Interestingly Dr. Bock: And even for a sense of one’s identity. If some advocates of replacement theology read a person says, “I’m a Jewish Christian”—and both Romans 9–11 just as Dr. Hoehner did. There is this expectation that God will someday finally draw of those words count—“and that’s how I express masses of Jewish people to respond, and Paul’s my faithfulness to God,” if they do it in good hope of that is expressed clearly in Romans 11. conscience, recognizing there’s nothing “saving” about it, it’s perfectly appropriate. Dr. Hoehner: Replacement theology has been carried out by the Nazis. They said to the Jews, Dr. Bailey: How would you speak to those who “You are the Christ-haters. God is through with believe Israel’s opportunity has passed? you.” Jewish people sometimes say, “Look at what you Christians did with the Holocaust.” Yet I Dr. Hoehner: You see it already in Romans. certainly think the Nazi party could not be called Paul said in Romans 9:3, in essence, “I’d rather “Christian”! Also in the present day a prominent have one Jew”—himself—“in hell than all my church here in Dallas had a seminar on Romans kinsmen in hell.” What a pastoral concern Paul that covered Romans 1–8 and 12–16. But they has for these people! He knows they’re being disobedient, thinking “just like I was disobedient. completely left out Romans 9–11. Not until the Damascus Road did I finally realize


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Dr. Bock: Of course there is a history to some of this. There has been a tendency as the church moved away from its Jewish roots after the later second century and even in the Reformation period to ostracize the Jewish community, which led to the rise of anti-Semitism. The church is guilty; it’s something we need to face up to. You can read it in some of the most prominent of the Reformers. I was in the birthplace of Martin Luther in a German museum dedicated to his life when I came to a section dedicated to his writings against Jews. I read some of what he wrote, and I thought, “If he said that on the radio today, we’d have action by the Anti-Defamation League and a few others.” That kind of thinking is the poison that led to the Holocaust. Dr. Hoehner: I could not agree more. Christians have not had a good record on their treatment of Jews. I think of the medieval times, the Inquisition, the Crusades. We’ve had a bad record in that way. Dr. Bailey: It’s important in our conversations to admit that, and in essence to voice repentance on behalf of previous generations of Christians. Dr. Bock: Another way to get at it is this: When you share Christ and a Jewish person asks, “Why are you sharing with me, knowing what my faith is,” our response would be, “I’m not sharing with you anything different from what I’d share with any other person. It’s what changed my life, and I share it because my love for you is so great.”

Dr. Bailey: How do we as theologians challenge other Christians? Just because we believe God has a purpose for the Jews, that doesn’t mean we support everything the modern state of Israel does. How do we keep the biblical and theological discussion on track without it getting hijacked by the contemporary political conflicts in the Middle East? Dr. Hoehner: Israel’s government as a whole is secular. When Israel does something wrong, when there’s an injustice, it is wrong. If a person in Gaza does an injustice, that’s wrong. If an American does an injustice, it’s wrong too. The Jews are God’s chosen people. Yet God does not say, “Since you’re My people, you can do anything you want.” Historically when they sinned, God sent them into captivity in Babylon. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it. So while we may be loyal to Israel as a nation, that doesn’t mean everything Israel does is right. Dr. Bock: The Bible says God is no respecter of persons. When we look at the Middle East, the ethical standards God desires are applied equally to everyone. Our standard should be to pursue justice and righteousness, which God expects of everyone. Dr. Bailey: God didn’t call us to support all the political agendas. He did call us to be a blessing to all nations. And one of the best ways to bless the descendants of Abraham is to share the gospel. n

Sea of Galilee

Kindred Spirit


Embracing the in Your Congre By Steven C. Ger


Jewish person’s Jewishness is, by definition, conferred by circumstance of birth. For most Jewish believers, to ignore this God-given distinction is to disparage the rich heritage God has bestowed on us to share with the world. While the church consists of believing Jews and Gentiles together in a new creation (Gal. 6:15; Eph. 3:6), most Christians think of today’s church as existing of only Gentiles. So when friends in the church speak of Jewish believers assimilating into the larger “Christian” culture, they usually mean a “Gentile” culture. Rather than downplaying the Jewishness of fellow believers, the church should celebrate the continued existence of the “remnant of Israel” as a wonderful example of God’s grace and faithfulness. We should revel in our distinctions because our unity is that much more captivating to the observing world. How interesting is a monochromatic tapestry? So, what can our churches do to embrace Jewishness? Here are some suggestions. • Pray for the salvation of the Jewish people. • Activate programs and creative ideas for Jewish evangelism. The Jewish community in America and abroad is still a largely unreached people group, despite their historic and cultural nearness to the gospel. • Support Jewish missions and teaching ministries. • Go to Israel and invite fellow church members to join you. Experiencing the land promised to the chosen people can greatly enhance a believer’s love and concern for the Jewish people.


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• Celebrate the messianic fulfillment of a Jewish festival such as Passover or Tabernacles. Host a Passover seder. • Encourage the Jewish believers in your congregation. These believers often feel “out of sync” with their Gentile siblings. They are often a tiny minority of one or only a few and perceive themselves as living between two worlds. • Create and implement a bar mitzvah/bat mitzvah celebration within the church for Jewish believing thirteen-year-olds. Confirmation catechisms and the like need not substitute for following the biblical customs of our ancestors.

Jewishness regation

Among the


he liturgy of most church traditions, of “high” or “low” orientation, is replete with substitutions, equivalents, and copies of traditional Hebrew customs and ceremonies. If the ancient Jewish customs are shadows of things to come and they all have their essence in Christ Himself (Col. 2:16–17), their enactment can only be of benefit to the church (Eph. 4:12–13). A great example of God’s historic and ongoing faithfulness is to be found in the preservation of a believing remnant. From the times of the patriarchs through the coming future tribulation, God has sovereignly preserved a remnant of Jews who trust in Him to keep His promises and bring His program to completion (Rom. 9–11). The enduring, organic, and growing remnant of Israel, the very Israel of God, shines as a luminous beacon of God’s faithfulness throughout history, past, present, and future. n

Steven Ger (ThM, 1994), a Jewish Christ-follower, is director of Sojourner Ministries, whose vision is to explore the Jewish heart of Christianity.



y grandparents were orthodox Jews from Russia and Hungary, emigrating to America around 1900. I was born in Los Angeles, and as a boy I went with my grandmother to synagogue on Yom Kippur. It was a conservative synagogue, and I was taught we were waiting for Messiah. Like most Jewish boys and girls, I went through three years of training for my bar mitzvah at age thirteen. As I grew, I continued to excell in athletics, eventually co-captaining the 1966 UCLA Rose Bowl championship team. But as a young boy my mom said I could stop studying at the synagogue with the rabbis, and she would bring books for me to study at home. She did, but I didn’t get into those books till ten years later. In college I received a Bible and learned of Isaiah 53 and how Jesus had to die for sin. Two things solidified the decision for me. First, Jesus said He died and offered forgiveness as a free gift. In everything I’d ever wanted— sports, future grad school, marriage, family, promotions —I had to be good enough. If I was not good enough, I would not get it. But this was different. This was free. Second, I had the offer of everlasting life. Jesus said He would never leave me or forsake me. I went home and found the material a Jewish evangelist had given me eight years earlier. I read it and got down on my knees. I said, “OK, Jesus. I believe you are the Jewish Messiah. You died for me. And I accept you as my Lord and Savior.” I knew it was true. That was forty-three years ago, and I still know. —Dr. Barry Leventhal (ThM 1972; PhD, 1982), former professor at Dallas Seminary and current dean of Southern Evangelical Seminary.

Kindred Spirit


Among the



was born in 1943 in Siberia, Russia, after my Jewish father—falsely accused of being a Nazi spy when he fled Poland from Hitler—was released from a Communist prison. With the help of the Israeli underground in 1947, our family escaped from behind the Iron Curtain to Germany, where we were confined to British Displaced Persons camps. There I received Orthodox Jewish training from my father before the family emigrated to New York in 1951. Before our release, however, we were befriended by a Lutheran minister. This contact eventually led me and my mother to the New York headquarters of the American Board of Missions to the Jews (ABMJ). Five years later at age thirteen, I placed my faith in Jesus the Messiah. —Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum (ThM, 1971), directs Ariel Ministries, “a worldwide ministry proclaiming the gospel to the Jew first and also the Gentile.”

Dr. Ronald B. Allen recommends these books for people visiting Israel: • 1 and 2 Samuel and the Gospel of Matthew • The Source, by James Michener • The Haj, by Leon Uris • My Country, by Abba Eban • O Jerusalem, Collins and LaPierre

Dr. Eugene Merrill’s favorite Israel guidebook: The Holy Land: An Oxford Archeological Guide.

Numerous faculty members recommend:

DTS PhD student Todd Bolen’s ten-CD set of Holy Land pictures, available through

Dr. Merrill Digs Israel After nine years of being unable to excavate Khirbet el-Maqatir because of its location near Palestinian cities in Israel, the Associates of Biblical Research has resumed work on the site under the direction of Bryant Wood. Wood believes that the site may be the city of Ai destroyed by Joshua in the Israelite conquest of the land (Josh. 7–8). Efforts this past summer focused on the west, south, and east walls, and several structures inside the fortress. On the east, our own Dr. Eugene Merrill discovered a pavement that may be a section of a ring road that circled the site inside the fortress wall. One of the guest volunteers working in Dr. Wood’s square found a large section of a pithos (a large storage jar) rim and neck, which can be accurately dated to the 15th century B.C., the time of the Conquest.

Coping with Grief The death of a loved one is a horrendous jolt. No one welcomes the demise of a wife, husband, child, parent, or sibling. The absence of a person with whom you have shared many years of life is excruciatingly painful; it is difficult to describe and hard for others to understand. And yet death is inevitable. “Man is destined to die” (Heb. 9:27). And as Moses wrote poetically, our years “quickly pass and we fly away” (Ps. 90:10). My wife, Dottie, died fourteen months ago. Trying to adjust to life without her, after fifty-four years of married life, has been exceedingly difficult. If you have lost a close loved one, you know how that person’s absence has created an indescribably lonely void. In my tract, Coping with Grief, I suggest nine steps I encourage you to follow as you seek to live with your grief. You can find it at www.dts. edu/ks. —Dr. Roy B. Zuck, editor, Bibliotheca Sacra, and Senior Professor of Bible Exposition Emeritus at DTS


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Campus NEWS visit

JOIN DTS FOR THESE EVENTS Travel with Dallas Theological Seminary • English Reformation and Early Church History Tour May 18–June 1, 2010 • Holy Land Tour March 4–19, 2011

Conferences from the Howard G. Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership The Electronic Gospel: How Technology Shapes Our Faith Learn to engage technology with discernment, creativity, and purpose as you articulate the gospel in a digital age. Keynote speaker Shane Hipps is pastor of Trinity Mennonite Church, a missional, urban, Anabaptist congregation in Phoenix. Shane is the author of Flickering Pixels: How Technology Shapes Your Faith. Three breakout sessions will feature John Dyer, Director of DTS Web Development; Scott McClellan, Editor of Collide Magazine; and Bill Buchanan, Communications Director at Irving (Texas) Bible Church. The conference will be held February 8, 2010, at DTS. The $85 can’t be anything other than cost includes lunch. a Jew. I am part of a people,

Among the


Connections and Conversations: Exploring Life Together as Ministry Wives The 2010 Wives of Men in Ministry Retreat will feature Susie Hawkins, who has served as Director of Women’s Ministry at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, and has taught Bible studies for business women. Susie is the author of From One Ministry Wife to Another. This conference will be held April 11–13, 2010, at the Pine Cove Conference Center in Tyler, Texas. The $160 price includes lodging, meals, and an optional counseling or mentoring session. After March 22, the fee increases to $185. Visit for more information and to register for these conferences.


even if many of my people choose to disassociate with me. My grandparents were from the same shtetls in Europe as other Jews. My parents were as observant or nonobservant as other New York Jewish families. It’s true that I was raised to believe that Jesus was not part of the “Jewish experience.” But Jesus became part of my experience. As a result I find it possible to be both Jewish and Christian. I still don’t have a Christmas tree in my home and I don’t hunt for Easter eggs. But my Jewish celebrations have been expanded to include the New Testament teachings. When I have a seder, I incorporate the belief that Jesus is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. When I fast on Yom Kippur, I do so knowing that my name is already written in the Book of Life—the Lamb’s book of life. —Susan Perlman, DTS board member and Associate Executive Director of Jews for Jesus. The Lusanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism provides an index of 2009 papers, including a media summary by Susan Perlman. You can read it at

Kindred Spirit


An Uncommon In the past ten years New Age festivals have sprung up in Israel offering a variety of religious expressions from Hare Krishna to Shanti to Jesus. The festivals have provided the National Evangelism Committee (NEC)—the evangelistic arm of messianic congregations in Israel— opportunities to set up a shop in which to offer the New Testament and other books. At one such festival David* received a New Testament. Later he met “Noam” Hendren (ThM, 1980), a friend of his teen-aged daughter. Here David and Noam tell the story of the uncommon friendship that developed. David*: I was called over to a stand by a bearded fellow with a heavy accent, whom I heard calling, “Friend! Come over and have a free book!” When he handed me a copy of the New Testament, I tried to resist. He insisted on giving it to me for free, and by the time I heard him read me John 1:1–14, I was thinking, “How many guys have ever read the New Testament in Hebrew?” I took it out of interest in religion, philosophy, and the desire to do or touch something new. Noam: A regular visitor to our home, David occasionally asked me questions about the New Testament. Within a couple of months his questions turned more serious, and four years ago we began to meet weekly for several hours. We started by focusing on the plan of God using the Old Testament only, but David also had other, more philosophical questions. It quickly became clear that he was serious, asking the kinds of questions that get to the core objections that concern Jews. One of David’s first questions was, “I don’t know what to do with this business of Jesus being God. I don’t see how that fits in with being a Jewish person.” That is probably the fundamental stumbling block for any Jewish person considering the *Not his real name.


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gospel. I took David through the Old Testament, showing how it presents the Messiah as God coming in human flesh. We met for about two months. As we worked through these topics, it became clear that David really understood the gospel. He was no longer raising common objections. He was satisfied that we were talking about the truth. David: Noam and I sat mostly at the same spot in a small city park. Our meeting grew longer from one sitting to another, and we found many books, movies, stories, and ideas in our common interests. We would spend two or three hours going through the Old Testament, and then another couple hours talking about other things. Apart from being a teacher or mentor, Noam became a friend as well. Three things attracted me to Noam as a mentor. First, he answered my questions. Second, he seemed to know a lot—I mean a lot—and I appreciate that. That sort of knowledge attracts me, especially when it is dispensed in the way Noam does it. He does not presume to know so much. Third, the friendship that grew between us was also a factor for me. Noam invited me into his home, and with his family he has shown me true care, welcome, and love.

on Friendship Noam: I could see that David was leaning toward faith in Yeshua, so I knew I needed to warn him. “David, before you make any decisions, you need to know that, here in the Land, putting your faith in Yeshua is not going to score you any points. It could bring a lot of problems with family, rejection from friends, and people will think you’ve joined a cult. You really need to count the cost, because there could be negative ramifications.” He looked at me and said, “I’m sorry, it’s too late. I already believe that Yeshua is the Messiah!” David: After every sitting with Noam, I would end up sitting with a friend over a game of chess discussing what I’d just learned. We spent the time trying together to batter down the ideas and notions Noam introduced. I played both “batterer” and defender, and we found it harder to batter down those ideas—whether ideas concerning God or ideas concerning science and thought. Noam’s family also had an influence on my decision. In spite of what they believed, they seemed “sane.” And they were much more than that—they really had a light in them that was shining in my face. In them there was the kind of testimony that people often teach about—that someone will look on a believer and say, “There’s something different about you. I want to have what you have.” Noam: After serving in the army like all Israeli high school graduates, David now helps lead the youth group at our messianic congregation. We continue to meet to discuss questions and issues. He’s a natural student, so he pursues knowledge on his own. He’s like an adopted son. David: After finishing my three-year service to the country, I’ve signed up this year for studies at the Israel College of the Bible [where Noam teaches] for the one-year program, with the intention of moving on to one of the country’s universities next year. I hope to study history, Hebrew, or perhaps even archaeology, and then go back to

my real interest, which is Bible and theology. I’m grateful for Noam being my mentor and for God’s work in intentionally putting us together. From early on I too desired to become a teacher and help others understand more, and see their hunger and thirst for truth grow. I’ve had a huge privilege (which I realized only later, when people expressed their envy) of spending three years as Noam’s “private student.” I’ve learned a lot from him, and not just from what he said verbally. n

Ken “Noam” Hendren (ThM, 1980)


s a junior high student, Ken Hendren came to faith in Jesus. The unbelief of his mostly Jewish classmates spurred his desire to share the Lord with Jewish people. He eventually pursued ancient Near Eastern civilization studies at UCLA, which included a year at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He returned home, met Joan—a Jewish believer—and married the following year. They moved to Dallas to complete Ken’s education at DTS, and upon graduation nearly thirty years ago, they moved to Israel and began their ministry there. The Hendrens became Israeli citizens in 1982, and their two daughters were born in the Land. Ken, now known as Noam, serves as cochairman of the National Evangelism Committee. He teaches at Israel College of the Bible and is involved in discipleship and evangelistic leadership. He pastored a congregation for fourteen years, during which time many Israelis—native-born and immigrants—came to saving faith in Yeshua as Messiah. He is the author of HaIsh HaHu (“That Man”) on the life of Yeshua in its Jewish context. Published in both Russian and Hebrew, it is used widely in evangelistic follow-up and discipleship. You may contact Noam at [email protected].

Kindred Spirit


New Resources from the Seminary Family • The Facts on the Bible • The Facts on the Masonic Lodge • The Facts on the Mormon Church • The Facts on Roman Catholicism • The Facts on World Religions Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon, and Dillon Burroughs (ThM, 2002) • Your Intercultural Marriage: A Guide

to a Healthy, Happy Relationship Marla Alupoaicei (ThM, 2002) • A Workbook for Intermediate Greek Dr. Herbert Bateman (ThM, 1987; PhD, 1993) • The Historical Jesus: Five Views

Dr. Darrell Bock** (ThM, 1979), contributing author • Three Views on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament Dr. Walter Kaiser, Dr. Darrell L. Bock** (ThM, 1979), and Dr. Peter Enns • Transforming for a Purpose

Anita Carman (MA[BS], 2002) with Dana Wilkerson • From Anger to Intimacy: How Forgiveness Can Transform Your Marriage Dr. Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham (MA/CE 2001) • Breakthrough: The Return of Hope to the Middle East Tom Doyle (MA[BS], 1983) • 2012: The Bible and the End of the

World • Cashless: Bible Prophecy, Economic Crisis, and the Future Financial Order Dr. Mark Hitchcock (ThM, 1991; PhD, 2005) • Living with Confidence in a Chaotic

World Dr. David Jeremiah (ThM, 1967) • A Dad-Sized Challenge: Building a

Life-Changing Relationship with Your Son Jeff Kinley (ThM, 1986) • Introduction to the Old Testament Historical Books Dr. Israel Loken** (ThM, 1996; PhD, 2001)

** Denotes DTS faculty member


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Some intercultural and interracial marriages in the Bible: Joseph and Asenath Moses and Zipporah Samson and Delilah Boaz and Ruth David and Bathsheba Solomon and the Shulamite woman Ahasuerus and Esther —Marla Alupoaicei, Your Intercultural Marriage People are most comfortable with others who look like them, act like them, and think like them. That’s all well and good if you are surrounded by people who are just like you, but what if you’re not? What about those times and places where you’re different from the others? Do you ever feel like your community or culture is constantly playing a game of “one of these things is not like the others,” and the “one” they always pick out is you? —Anita Carman with Dana Wilkerson, Transforming for a Purpose One young leader in Israel’s West Bank says, “If you work in the Middle East and you want to bring Jesus to Muslims, fear cannot be a part of your vocabulary. If you live in fear, you cannot serve Christ there.” I believe that to be true. That’s why I am thrilled and hopeful about the church in the Middle East. The “no fear” attitude is everywhere. —Tom Doyle, Breakthrough: The Return of Hope in the Middle East While it is essential to understand as much as we can about Bible prophecy, we must never get so focused on the future and end-time events that we lose sight of today’s Christless society. Every person who is a Christian needs to pray for open doors of opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others and the boldness to seize those opportunities. In difficult times many people who otherwise might be closed to the truth about Jesus might suddenly display a surprising openness to spiritual issues. May the Holy Spirit energize us and awaken us to be sensitive to the open doors all around us. —Mark Hitchcock, Cashless: Bible Prophecy, Economic Chaos, and the Future Financial Order In a recent book evangelical pastor Dr. David Jeremiah looked at ten biblical evidences related to Christ’s second coming. His new book, Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, was released in October bolstered by live rallies and a presence on social networking sites. When asked by Publishers Weekly, “What’s changed in the world since your last book?” Dr. Jeremiah answered, “I think what’s happened more than anything else is that the average person has totally lost confidence in the things they used to hold themselves together. There’s an awful lot of angst, anxiety, concern, and some fear. There’s an awful lot of anger, too. This is the most unusual experience I’ve had, and I’ve never seen anything like this.”

• Archaeology and the Bible

In virtually every recorded encounter of Jesus and a woman, He broke tradition and violated the customs and laws of His day. How radical Jesus must have been! As far as we know, He told only two people that they had great faith—and one of them was a non-Jewish woman (see Matt. 15:21–28). Did you know that it was women who financially underwrote the ministry of Jesus, making it possible for the disciples to travel, eat, and lodge (see Luke 8:3)? And some of these loyal female followers of Christ were there at the cross, following Him all the way to the end. Risking ridicule, imprisonment, and even death, they were not ashamed to be publicly identified with Him…. Some of these women were the first to see Jesus risen from the dead (see John 19:25; 20:11–17). Do you see a message here? A pattern? This clearly demonstrates how Jesus viewed women in the context of an oppressive culture. —Jeff Kinley, A Dad-Sized Challenge: Building a Life-Changing Relationship with Your Son

• Middle East Conflict: What You Need to Know • Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah’s Witnesses Dr. Ron Rhodes (ThM, 1983; ThD, 1986)

Based on Genesis 40, where Joseph interprets two prisoners’ dreams: Lord, may I act graciously to all people, even if they are not grateful to me. Lord, I believe the predictions (prophecy) You have given concerning the coming of Christ and the destruction of the earth. Help me to live righteously because Jesus is coming back again. Lord, remind me to be grateful to all those who do kind deeds for me. Lord, I thank you for the example of Joseph who did right even when people around him lied and were ungrateful. —Elmer Towns, Praying Genesis

• Praying from Exodus and Leviticus • Praying from Numbers and Deuteronomy • Praying Genesis • Praying for Your Second Chance • • Praying Your Way Out of Bondage Dr. Elmer Towns (ThM, 1958)

“Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them” (Heb 7:25, NIV)…. Would you like to have a faithful prayer warrior pray you through your trials? Here is one who knows all your struggles, sorrows, sufferings, and frustrations. Even your thoughts. Christ lives to intercede for us, His brothers and sisters. Because of His complete work on the cross, we are saved. Because of His continuous intercession for us, that finished work is always up to date. Our connection to Him is doubly ensured and assured. —Gordon Van Rooy, Nuggets for the Golden Years Elihu encouraged Job to respond in faith and accept the fact that God knew what was going on in his life. Job’s suffering was his opportunity to glorify God. Elihu also affirmed that God will deal justly with the wicked, but He often delays punishment because He desires the redemption of all people. It is not Job’s prerogative to question God’s use of prosperity or adversity in the lives of human beings. Elihu had brought Job to a place where the questions he thought were so important became insignificant in the light of the presence of God. —Larry Waters, The Contribution of the Speeches of Elihu

• Teach Us to Number Our Days David Roper (ThM, 1961) • Jesus Nation Dr. Joseph Stowell (ThM, 1970) • Creative Crossings: Navigating

21st Century Contextualization Dr. Florence Tan (MA[BS], 1986; ThM, 1990; DMin, 1992)

• Nuggets for the Golden Years Dr. Gordon Van Rooy (ThM, 1949; PhD, 1964) • This Strange Jesus

Dr. Daniel B. Wallace** (ThM, 1979; PhD, 1995) and Ed Komoszewski (ThM, 2000) • Connected: You and God in the Psalms Peter Wallace (ThM, 1984) • The Contribution of the Speeches of Elihu to the Argument about Suffering in the Book of Job Dr. Larry Waters ** (Ph.D., 1998) • The Cambridge Introduction to Biblical Hebrew, with CD-ROM Dr. Brian L. Webster ** • You Were Born for This Dr. Bruce Wilkinson (ThM, 1974) • The Speaker’s Quote Book, Revised

and Expanded Dr. Roy B. Zuck** (ThM, 1957; ThD, 1961) NEW TRACTS • Coping with Grief • Is the World Coming to an End? Dr. Roy B. Zuck** (ThM, 1957; ThD,

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Taking the Word around the World

Members of Dallas Theological Seminary’s full-time faculty will minister at these locations in the months ahead.

For a complete listing of faculty travel go to

Midwest Dr. Daniel Wallace Dec 18–19 The Gospel according to Snoopy Text-Criticism Seminar, Full-Proof Ministries, Joliet, Illinois; Feb 27 Eden Prairie Assembly of God Church, Eden Prairie, Minnesota Southeast Dr. Mark Bailey Dec 20 Fellowship Bible Church of Northwest Arkansas, Rogers, Arkansas; Jan 10 First Baptist Church of Marco, Marco Island, Florida Dr. Stephen Bramer Jan 10 Bayside Community Church, Tampa, Florida Dr. Steve Strauss Feb 28 World Missions Conference, Calvary

Church, Charlotte, North Carolina Dr. Stanley Toussaint Feb 13–19 Word of Life Conference, Hudson, Florida Dr. Daniel Wallace Jan 6–9 Central Baptist Seminary of Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach, Virginia Southwest Dr. Ronald B. Allen Jan 24 Cornerstone Bible Church, Lubbock, Texas Dr. Mark Bailey Dec 6 Irving Bible Church, Irving, Texas; Dec 12 David Dean Fellowship Dinner, Dallas, Texas; Jan 17 Faith Bible Church, DeSoto, Texas Dr. Reg Grant Jan 19–22 Spiritual Life Conference, Dallas

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34


Dallas Seminary

Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas Dr. Hall Harris Dec 2 First United Methodist Church, Garland, Texas Dr. Robert Lightner Feb 15–19 Piedmont Baptist College and Graduate School, Winston-Salem, North Carolina Dr. Ramesh Richard Jan 31 Missions Conference, Dallas Bible Church, Dallas, Texas; Mar 1 Senior Leadership Symposium, Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, Texas Dr. Stanley Toussaint Mar 7–12 Bibleville Bible Conference, Alamo, Texas Dr. Daniel Wallace Jan 29–30 The Gospel According to Snoopy Text-Criticism Seminar, The Church at Lake Mead, Henderson, Nevada Dr. Timothy Warren Fridays, 7 a.m., Men’s Bible Study, Activities Center Conference Room, Cooper Aerobics Center, Dallas, Texas; Fridays, 12 p.m., Sparkman Library, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas

West Dr. Ronald B. Allen Nov 26–29  Thanksgiving Conference, Cannon Beach Conference Center, Cannon Beach, Oregon Dr. Daniel Wallace Jan15–17 Apologetics Conference, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon; Feb 19–22 Apologetics Conference, Bend, Oregon International Dr. Ronald B. Allen Mar 8–21 Bible Teacher, Israel Study Tour, Cannon Beach Conference Center Israel Study Tour, ISRAEL Dr. Stephen Bramer Mar 7–21 Tour of Israel, Insight for Living, ISRAEL Dr. Tom Constable Dec 1–4 Word of Life Bible School, Toalmas, HUNGARY Dr. Reg Grant Mar 7–21 Dramatic Presentations, Tour of Israel, Insight for Living, ISRAEL Dr. Ramesh Richard Mar 7 Grace Church, Tirana, ALBANIA; Mar 10–14 Pastors Conference and evangelistic events, Tirana, ALBANIA Dr. Daniel Wallace Mar 7–21 Tour of Israel, Insight for Living, ISRAEL

F r o m t h e C H A N C E L L OR

Thinking on Things to Come


ong-time Dallas Seminary professor Dr. J. Dwight Pentecost accepted an invitation to speak at a rather small church. They asked him to speak on prophecy. He said he would. But along with five sermons on prophecy, he planned specifically in the middle of the series to give a message that he titled, “The Loveliness of Christ.” It was to focus on the historical events that led up to the death of Christ. The five nights “Dr. P” spoke on prophecy, the place was packed. The event planners even arranged for loud speakers outside so people could sit in the cool of the evening and at least hear. Yet the night he spoke on the loveliness of Christ, the church was only about half full. All meetings received equal publicity and encouragement to attend, but the people were more interested in the future happenings than in the One the events are meant to point to. Later in his book Prophecy for Today he wrote this: “A short time ago, I took occasion to go through the New Testament to mark each reference to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and to observe the use made of that teaching about His coming. I was struck anew with the fact that almost without exception, when the coming of Christ is mentioned in the New Testament, it is followed by an exhortation to godliness and holy living. “While the study of prophecy will give us proof of the authority of the Word of God, it will also reveal the purpose of God and the power of God, and will give us the peace and assurance of God. We have missed the whole purpose of the study of prophecy if it does not conform us to the Lord Jesus Christ in our daily living.” “Part of what prophecy tells us is that God still has a future in mind for Israel. Yet an exploration of God’s heart for Israel is incomplete if we fail to ponder the apostle Paul’s conclusion when addressing the same subject: “God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all. Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! ‘Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?’ ‘Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?’ For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen” (Rom 11:32–36). Our merciful, wise, all-knowing, just, perfect, glorious God holds the future of Jews and Gentiles in His hands. Do you believe He’s good? Does your life demonstrate that you trust Him? Does your knowledge of “things to come” drive you to your knees in worship? You know how the story ends. Is that knowledge changing your life? n

“We have missed the purpose of prophecy if it does not conform us to the Lord Jesus Christ.”

—Chuck Swindoll

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Olive tree, Garden of Gethsemane

How much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree! Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! “Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?” “Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?” For from him and through him and to him are all things. —Romans 11:24, 33–36 To him be the glory forever! Amen.

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