Kindergarten Newsletter Sep 09

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/ Septe:nther Newsletter Hello Parents, I am so pleased to have your children in my class this school year. I look forward to growing with them and being part of their lives. Kindergarten is a fantastic year; the children grow and learn so much. One of my favorite things about teaching this age is their enthusiasm and sense of wonder. They constantly remind me of the beauty in life and simple joys. I feel honored to be in your child's life and I take the responsibility you have entrusted to me very seriously. As parents, you have the awesome responsibility of being your child's primary educator. At The Highlands, we are here to support you in this mission. I have also been blessed this school year with a room mom, Mrs. Rachel Lamberti. Our room mom will be very busy this year, (I thank you in advance for your work). If anyone else would like to help in or out of the classroom, please let one of us know. I need volunteers for the lunchroom, on Wednesday. I need someone to help with opening food items, taking kids to and from the bathroom, going to recess, and overall supervision. I also need someone to take charge of our classroom web page. At the beginning of the school year an activity fee is charged. Our roommoms will take care of collecting the fund. The fund is used to purchase party supplies, crafts for the school year, art supplies, and teaching aids. The fund will also will cover a Mother's Day gift, and a Father's Day gift. Homework will be assigned about four times a week. All homework will be sent home in the red folders. You may also find sight word lists and notes from school. Please help your child complete their own homework and return it daily in the red folder. Students have been instructed on how to turn in their homework and where to place the red folder every morning. Later, students will also be assigned reading books to read at home. Soon the children will be painting art projects in school. Every child will need a smock to wear over their uniform. An oversized T-shirt will be fine. Please have smocks in by September 14.

Sight words - Every week we will be sending home 5 sight words. The students need only to memorize the word. Flashcards are the best way to help with memorizing the words. Soon, the students will check out Library books. The books may be taken home, but are due back to the classroom on Friday. Discipline is essential in any learning environment, without discipline, order and structured learning cannot take place. Therefore, clear rules and consequences have been established and are followed by the entire lower school. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

100% respect all the time Keep hands and feet and all other objects to self Raise your hand to speak Listen and follow directions-be prepared Remain seated

Students will receive a verbal reminder of the rule they have broken, if a rule is broken again the student will be asked to move their name from green to yellow. Once on yellow the student will have a 5 minute time out and will loses their sticker for the day. If again the child breaks another rule the child will move their name to red. If on red the child may have to go and talk with our formation director or academic coordinator. A note or call may follow, documentation will be kept and parent signatures will be required. If the child is violent and in anyway injures another child you will be called to pick up your child early from school. I recognize that each child has unique needs and what works for one child might not work for another; there are many ways in which I encourage good behavior in the class. In the red folder is a sticker chart-for everyday that they stay on green they receive a sticker. Once they earn 20 stickers they get something from the classroom "Treasure Chest". I also use positive reinforcement in my classroom through the marble party jar. As a class the students must earn 100 marbles for excellent class behavior. Once they have, as a team, earned a marble party they are rewarded with an afternoon treat (i.e. movie & popcorn, playground fiesta, ice cream party).

I understand that in the beginning of a new school year you may have many questions. Please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] I will be sending home monthly newsletters and notes on occasion for reminders of special events . . Important Dates Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept.

9 Lower School Mass 8: 30 9 Parent Information Night 6:00 16 Lower School Mass 8: 30 18 Progress Reports

Oct.02 Oct. 09

Fathers Day Mass/Breakfast 8:30 - Gym Dads and Donuts 8:00

Mrs. Merrill's Wish List Stickers "Treasure Chest" items (small toys and treats) Rubber stamps and ink pads Puzzles and games Educational toys CD's or tapes of music for the children Videos for the children (Veggie Tales, Magic School Bus) Cassette tape player (used is OK) Books Books on Tape

In the Classroom Math- Writing and identifying the numbers 0-10, identifying left and right, graphing, order sets, small to large, first, second, last, most to fewest, and least to greatest. PhoniCS-Learning the letter and sound for c, a, a, d, g, q

Reading-Learning to blend and decode short vowel words, reading sentences and short stories. We will read in small groups, one-on-one, and independently. Work on vocabulary, book study, and sight words. Writing-Practicing writing their first and last name, letter formation, identifying and writing the letters Cc, 00, Aa, Dd, Gg, and Qq. Working on spacing and writing the numbers 0-10. Language Arts-defining same and different, identifying lower and uppercase, rhyming and comprehension strategies. Social Studies-Family, Johnny Apple Seed. Science-Personal Religion-God, Babel

community, fire safety, community helpers, and

hygiene, apple unit, four seasons, Fall Angels, Creation, Adam & Eve, fall of man, Noah, Tower of

Thank gou for b!ling a part of Th!l1iighland~ f'amilg. I look forward to working with gou and to having a gr!lat school g!lar. Your~ in Christ, Mr~.M!lrrill

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