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Satyam Computer Services Ltd. (NYSE: “SAY”) is a leading global consulting and IT services company, offering a wide array of solutions customized for a range of key verticals and horizontals. From strategy consulting right through to implementing IT solutions for customers, Satyam straddles the entire IT space. It has excellent domain competencies in verticals such as Automotive, Banking & Financial Service, Insurance & Healthcare, Manufacturing, TelecomInfrastructure-Media-Entertainment-Semiconductors (TIMES). Satyam’s network spans 46 countries, across 6 continents. Over 17,600 dedicated and highly skilled IT professionals, work in development centers in India, the USA, the UK, the UAE, Canada, Hungary, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Japan and Australia and serve over 370 global companies, including over 139 Fortune 500 corporations. Click to read more about interview at Satyam comments on this company 21 Responses to “Satyam” 1.

Vasu went through a job interview and said: 1) 1. value of N and! K is100 2.N is divided by K and the integer part of the quotient is stored in I. 3. N is divided by K and the reminder is stored in K 4. I is multiplied by itself to get the new value of I

5. if the value of I and J are equal then N is printed 6. add 1 to N 7. if the value of N exceeds 999 then stop. 8. go to step 2 The result of the above logic is a) 124, 248, 369 ….b) 101 , 204, 309, …..c) 111, 222, 333, …d) none ans. (b) 2) 1. Sony =0 2.jimmy =1 3.Add jimmy to sony to get new jimmy 4. add sony to jimmy to get new jimmy. 5. if jimmy is equal to 34 then stop 6. go to step 3 What is the value of Sony when the logic terminates. a) 15 b) 18 c) 21 d) none ans:d(check) 3) get the cost of the iteam (C) 1.get the no of iteams (N) 2.multiply N by C to get total cost (TC) 3.if Tc is above 10000 then discount (d)= 5% 4. if TC is less than 10000 but more then 5000 and C is above 85 then D=4.5 % 5. if Tc is less than 5000 and C>65 and N>50 then D=4% What will be te discount if 40 iteams were purchased each costing Rs 58′ a)5% b) 4.5% c) 4% d)none ans:d(check) 4) the average age of a class of 45 is 20 years. the age of the teacher is 30 years. the the average age of the 45 peaple together is 1.j=z * l /* here * means multiplication*/

2.m=j+ 30 3.z= 20 4.r=m/(l+1) 5.l=45 the above logic represents the solution of the given problem. the correct sequence is a)5-3-1-4-2 b)5-3-1-2-4 c)5-3-2-1-4 d)none ans:b(check) 5) 1.k=10 2.add 1 to k to get the value of z 3.p= quotient of z divided by 10 and some statements are there… 8. Go to 2 the result of the above steps is a)11,22,33,…..b)21,32,33,..c)12,23,24…d)none ans! …(b) 6) A long flow chat FN=10—–> k=10—–> divide FN by K and …… ….. the number of values that are printed are a) 9 b) 19 c) 29 d)none ans (a) 7) 1. cost of iteam C= Rs 50 2. total cost TC= 0 3.number of iteams purchased =1 4.TC= TC+C 5.if the reminder of N divided by 5 is 0 then reduce Rs. 10 from C 6.increase the value of N by 1 using the above rule, how much money should one pay after buying 12 iteams a)480 b) 510c)540 d) none ans…..(b) check the answer. 8)flow chat every applicants takes 3 tests. the candidate is

selected if he/she secures 80 % above in the aggregate and 75% and above atleast two testes. all tests are evaluated to 100 marks. C=0——> Get T1,T2,T3——> Is T1>74……… …………………………. if a candidate scores 96, 78, 68 in the three testes going by the above logic, his result will be a! ns…(b) selected 9)flow chat R=8 and J= 5 ———> print R——L= R+j ………. the out put of the above logic is ans …. (d) none 10)flow chat N= 100 ——-> D=INT(N/100) ——> K=reminder (N/100) ………….> print N if the no like 244, 514,136 etc are to printed from the above logic , the ? should be replaced with … ans.d(check)….. ***11) 1. let the value of FN be 1 2. let the value of A be 2 3.Let the new value of FN be FN multiplied by A and add 1 to it. 4.Write the value of FN 5.If the value written is more than 777 then stop 6.————————— 7.go to step 3 if the expected out put from the above logic is 3,10,41,206,1237, then the statement in the line 6 should be (a)let the value of A be A multiplied by A (b) add A to A (c)add 1 to A (d) ! none

ans…….(c) add 1 to a **12)flow chat N=2—-> R= N+1, ——–> print J—-> N=N+1— N>9 ? J=N x R. | ^ &n! bsp; no | |————————————————the result of the above logic is (a)6,8,14… (b)6,12,20,30 …… (c)6,12,18,24…(d)none ans…..(b) ***13) the followig qualification are necessary for recruitment of a librarian . the candidate must 1. have master degree in library science with at least 55% mark. 2.have one year specialization in IT 3.have at least 10 yrs experience in university In case the candidate 4.has 15 yrs experience in college ,the case may be reffered to vice chancellor 5.has obtained less than 55% marks but has 13 yrs university ,the case may be to resistrar 6.has PHD in library sc./documentation,the conditin 1 may be waived. gopal brahma has been deputy librarian of SLC university since 1982 and

has a master degree! in library sc.with 53 % . given the above rules and Gopal’s information,Gopal should be (a)selected (b) rejected (C) referred to V-C (d) none ans…..d:none(chek) ***14).flow chart ans:a ***15> 1.R=2 2.J=R*R-R 3.R=R+1 4.K=R*R-R 5.print K-J 6.let J=K 7.if R.8 then stop 8.go to 3 the result of the above logic is (a)4,9,16,25…. (b)4,6,8,10…. (c)4,4,4,4…. (d)none ans (b)(check) **16>flow chart is remainder of N=66—->D=N/2—>N=D+1——> N/2=0 ——>stop ^! | | |no !; |- —————| after how much iteration will the above logic terminate (a)8 (b)6 (c)7 (d) none ans.(d) check **17. 1.T=1 2.T1=T*1000 3.T2=T+1 4.T3=T2*100 5.T4=T2+1

6.T5=T4*10 7.T6=T4+1 8.T7=T1+T3+T6+T5 9.print T7 10.T=T+1 11.if T10 hint: k=3,j=2…… Q19) flowchart ans:a)200 Q20) flowchart ans:a)21 Q21) flowchart ans:a)10 (confirm the question) q22) flowchart ans:c(4x+8y) q23) ans:c)4-6-5-1-3-2 q24)flowchart ans:b(17) q25)a person distribute his pen among four friends in the ratio 1/3,1/4,1/5,1/6….. ans:b(minimum he should have) Q26) 1.let the value of N be 10 2.divide N by 10 to give quotient (Q) remainder(R) 3.diff=R-Q 4.if diff=1 then 6 5.go to step 7 6.display the value of N 7.add 1 to N

8.if N .49,increase the value of INTRGER (A/B) by 1 (A)1,3,2,5,4(B)1,3,2,4,5(C)1,2,3,5,4(D) none ans:a(1,3,2,5,4) Q31)A cistren is filled by 9 hours……. ans:a)90 hours Q32) ans:c(42) Q33) flowchart ans:d(none) **34> When madan said that he was burn on 31-9-83,everybody laughed.the logical sequence of steps involved in reduculing madan’s statement r given below 1.if the day of birth is >Y(month of birth)then wrong 2.since 1983 is not a leap year february has 28 days 3. store 31,28,31,….31 in an array y(12) 4.month of birth is not less than 1 and not greater than 12, therefore month of birth is valid the right sequence of steps is a)3-1-4-2 b)3-2-4-1 c)3-2-1-4 d)none ans:b(check) 35). the logic to! convert a 3 digit number to a word is given, Ex 123 should be written as One Two Three

1. accept the number N 2. if N 999 go to step 1 3. Split N into hundreds(H), Tens (T), & Units(U) 4. Store words zero,one,two,……. in array W(10) 5. print W(H),W(T),W(U) 6. Stop The above logic is a) incomplete b) complete c) complete but inefficient d)none ans: b 36) given a number which is more than 99 but less than 1000, the logical sequence of steps to say how many hundreds, tens & units are in the given number is given below.identify the logical order. 1.get the number N 2.write quotient and the words ‘tens’ 3.write the remainder and the words “units’ 4.write the quotient and the word “hundred” 5.divide the number N by 100 and get the quotiient and remainder 6.divide the remainder by 10 giving the quitient and remainder (a) 1,5,6,2,3,4 (b)1,5,4,3,2,6 (c) 1,5,4,6! ,2,3(d) none ans.c **37. step of toffees in hand (TIH)=2 of picks (NOP) = 1 3. Multiply TIH by 2 4. Add 1 to NOP 5. If NOP is less than 4 then step 3 6. Print TIH 7. Stop The value of TIH at the end of execution of logic is a) 16 b) 24 c)30 d)None ans: a

Q38) flowchart ans:b (1,2,4,8,16,32,32,16,8,4,2,1) Q39) flowchart ans:b(2) Q40) ans:a)17 Q41) ans:b(6 days) Q42) flowchart ans:b(I=468 , II=468) Q43) the logical sequence of steps to calculate the average of N nos is given below 1.let the sum(S) of N nos be zero 2.get the value of N 3.let the value of A be N 4.add N to S 5.add 1 to A 6.if A is not = N then go to 4 7. compute average by dividingS by N the abouve logic is (a)correct(b)incorrect(c)inadequate data(d)none ans:b(incorrect) Q44) indet! ify the correct logical order to write ur name in reverse order 1.count the no of alphabets in ur name(L) 2.if L=0 stop 3.rerduce the value of L by 1 4.write the lth character 5.transfer control to the step where the value of L is reduce (a)1,4,3,5,2(B) 1,4,3,2,5 (c)1,3,4,2,5, (d) none

ans:d //b(14325) //a(1,4,3,5,2) **45. six girls A,B,C,D,E & F have 10 marbles each. a & B take 4 marbles each from D & E respectively. C gives 3 marbles to F who in turn gives 2 marbles to D & 4 marbles to E. E takes back the marbles she had given to B and gives them to C. The equations r given below 1. A=A+4 2. B=B+4 3. D=D-4 4. E=E-4 5. F=F+3 6. F=F-2 7. F=F-4 8. C=C-3 9. D=D+2 10. E=E+4 11. B=B-4 1! 2. C=C+4 The above sequence of steps are a)Complete b)Incomplete c)Incorrect d)none ans:b 46. Subtract 3 from the number X. Multiply the result by 3, Add 3 & then divide this result by 3. The final result is ans:a a) X-2 b)X+2 c)X+1 d) X 47. Given a sentence which has only lower case letters and which ends with a period (.), you r asked to count the number of vowels & consonants. The logical sequence of steps r given below. Arrange

them in correct order. 1. If character = a,e,i,o or u increse VC by 1 else increase CC by 1. 2. Print VC,CC 3. Read a character 4. If character read is . then go to print VC,CC 5. Go to read a character 6. Stop 7. Initialise VC & CC to 0 ur logical sequence of steps r a)7,3,4,1,5,2,6 b)7,4,3,1,2,5,6 c)7,3,4,! 5,1,2,6 d)none ans:c 48. 1.number of units consumed(NUC) = Closing reading Opening reading 2. if NUC is less than 100 units then 5 3. if NUC is less than 200 units then 6 4. if NUC is less than 300 units then 7 5. CHARGE=NUC 6.CHARGE = 100+(NUC-100)*2 7.CHARGE=300 +(NUC -200)*3 8. Print CHARGE if the opening reading is 785 and the Closing reading is 865, CHARGE is a)80 b)60 c)-60 d)None ans:a // d Q49) ans: c)3,7,1,2,5,6,4 Q50) flowchart ans:b(prints multiplication table from 1 to 10) 2.

Vasu went through a job interview and said: gd topic: it will be same for all groups

on a mid may at about 10 a.m. ur plane crashed at a desert at rajsthan.u r at 70 miles from ur destinatin.u r along with two pilot and u r in simple dresses,road shoes and every one has a handkerchif. the temp at the hill foot is about 113 f. u r provided with 15 articles and u have to choose to whom u will give more priority in order to reach ur destination..accordingly u have to serial 15 articles. aricles indivisual score team score 1. flashlight(4 battery) —–9——2. magnetic compass —-2– —3.area map —3— —– coat –6—— —– 5.sun glass -5—– —– 6.cosmatic mirror –7– —7.water bottle –4— —– —15– —– 9.parachute –1— —– 10.a book entitled with desert animals —14—– 11.plastic rain coat —9-

—12.jack knife –8– —13. 14. 15. so u have to fill up the remaining in which way i’ve filled up.they give u 10 min to read the case study and then 5 min oto fill up the 2nd column.then disscision will go on &a final conclusion will be drawn at the end that u’ve to fill up in 3rd column. best of luck. bye although i qualified the written but i could not clear the g.d. i’m sending the qps below.DON”T WORRY THE QN NOS R IN EXACT SERIAL (qns acording to qn no, butt we written it here &there).i’m also giving the some ans .u better check it once again. ************************************************************8 ——— —————————————————————– 1) 1. value of N and K is100 2.N is divided by K and the integer part of the quotient is stored in I. 3. N is divided by K and the reminder is stored in K 4. I is multiplied by itself to get the new value of I 5. if the value of I and J are equal then N is printed 6. add 1 to N 7. if the value of N exceeds 999 then stop. 8. go to step 2 The result of the above logic is a) 124, 248, 369 ….b) 101 , 204, 309, …..c) 111, 222, 333, …d) none ans. (b) 2) 1. Sony =0

2.jimmy =1 3.Add jimmy to sony to get new jimmy 4. add sony to jimmy to get new jimmy. 5. if jimmy is equal to 34 then stop 6. go to step 3 What is the value of Sony when the logic terminates. a) 15 b) 18 c) 21 d) none ans:d(check) 3) get the cost of the iteam (C) 1.get the no of iteams (N) 2.multiply N by C to get total cost (TC) 3.if Tc is above 10000 then discount (d)= 5% 4. if TC is less than 10000 but more then 5000 and C is above 85 then D=4.5 % 5. if Tc is less than 5000 and C>65 and N>50 then D=4% What will be te discount if 40 iteams were purchased each costing Rs 58′ a)5% b) 4.5% c) 4% d)none ans:d(check) 4) the average age of a class of 45 is 20 years. the age of the teacher is 30 years. the the average age of the 45 peaple together is 1.j=z * l /* here * means multiplication*/ 2.m=j+ 30 3.z= 20 4.r=m/(l+1) 5.l=45 the above logic represents the solution of the given problem. the correct sequence is a)5-3-1-4-2 b)5-3-1-2-4 c)5-3-2-1-4 d)none ans:b(check) 5) 1.k=10 2.add 1 to k to get the value of z 3.p= quotient of z divided by 10 and some statements are there… 8. Go to 2 the result of the above steps is a)11,22,33,…..b)21,32,33,..c)12,23,24…d)none

ans…(b) 6) A long flow chat FN=10—–> k=10—–> divide FN by K and …… …. the number of values that are printed are a) 9 b) 19 c) 29 d)none ans (a) 7) 1. cost of iteam C= Rs 50 2. total cost TC= 0 3.number of iteams purchased =1 4.TC= TC+C 5.if the reminder of N divided by 5 is 0 then reduce Rs. 10 from C 6.increase the value of N by 1 using the above rule, how much money should one pay after buying 12 iteams a)480 b) 510c)540 d) none ans…..(d) check the answer. 8)flow chat every applicants takes 3 tests. the candidate is selected if he/she secures 80 % above in the aggregate and 75% and above atleast two testes. all tests are evaluated to 100 marks. C=0——> Get T1,T2,T3——> Is T1>74……… ………………………… if a candidate scores 96, 78, 68 in the three testes going by the above logic, his result will be ans…(b) selected 9)flow chat R=8 and J= 5 ———> print R——L= R+j ……… the out put of the above logic is ans …. (d) none 10)flow chat N= 100 ——-> D=INT(N/100) ——> K=reminder (N/100) …………> print N if the no like 244, 514,136 etc are to printed from the above logic , the ? should be replaced with … ans.d(check)….. ***11)

1. let the value of FN be 1 2. let the value of A be 2 3.Let the new value of FN be FN multiplied by A and add 1 to it. 4.Write the value of FN 5.If the value written is more than 777 then stop 6.————————— 7.go to step 3 if the expected out put from the above logic is 3,10,41,206,1237, then the statement in the line 6 should be (a)let the value of A be A multiplied by A (b) add A to A (c)add 1 to A (d) none ans…….(c) add 1 to a **12)flow chat N=2—-> R= N+1, ——–> print J—-> N=N+1— N>9 ? J=N x R. | ^ no | |————————————————the result of the above logic is (a)6,8,14… (b)6,12,20,30 …… (c)6,12,18,24…(d)none ans…..(b) ***13) the followig qualification are necessary for recruitment of a librarian . the candidate must 1. have master degree in library science with at least 55% mark. 2.have one year specialization in IT 3.have at least 10 yrs experience in university In case the candidate 4.has 15 yrs experience in college ,the case may be reffered to vice chancellor 5.has obtained less than 55% marks but has 13 yrs university ,the case may be to resistrar 6.has PHD in library sc./documentation,the conditin 1 may be waived.

gopal brahma has been deputy librarian of SLC university since 1982 and has a master degree in library sc.with 53 % . given the above rules and Gopal’s information,Gopal should be (a)selected (b) rejected (C) referred to V-C (d) none ans…..d:none(chek) ***14).flow chart ans:a ***15> 1.R=2 2.J=R*R-R 3.R=R+1 4.K=R*R-R 5.print K-J 6.let J=K 7.if R.8 then stop 8.go to 3 the result of the above logic is (a)4,9,16,25…. (b)4,6,8,10…. (c)4,4,4,4…. (d)none ans (b)(check) **16>flow chart is remainder of N=66—->D=N/2—>N=D+1——> N/2=0 ——>stop ^ | | |no |- —————| after how much iteration will the above logic terminate (a)8 (b)6 (c)7 (d) none ans.(d) check **17. 1.T=1 2.T1=T*1000 3.T2=T+1 4.T3=T2*100 5.T4=T2+1 6.T5=T4*10 7.T6=T4+1 8.T7=T1+T3+T6+T5 9.print T7 10.T=T+1 11.if T10 hint: k=3,j=2…… Q19)

flowchart ans:a)200 Q20) flowchart ans:a)21 Q21) flowchart ans:a)10 (confirm the question) q22) flowchart ans:c(4x+8y) q23) ans:c)4-6-5-1-3-2 q24)flowchart ans:b(17) q25)a person distribute his pen among four friends in the ratio 1/3,1/4,1/5,1/6….. ans:b(minimum he should have) Q26) 1.let the value of N be 10 2.divide N by 10 to give quotient (Q) remainder(R) 3.diff=R-Q 4.if diff=1 then 6 5.go to step 7 6.display the value of N 7.add 1 to N 8.if N .49,increase the value of INTRGER (A/B) by 1 (A)1,3,2,5,4(B)1,3,2,4,5(C)1,2,3,5,4(D) none ans:a(1,3,2,5,4)

Q31)A cistren is filled by 9 hours……. ans:a)90 hours Q32) ans:c(42) Q33) flowchart ans:d(none) **34> When madan said that he was burn on 31-9-83,everybody laughed.the logical sequence of steps involved in reduculing madan’s statement r given below 1.if the day of birth is >Y(month of birth)then wrong 2.since 1983 is not a leap year february has 28 days 3. store 31,28,31,….31 in an array y(12) 4.month of birth is not less than 1 and not greater than 12, therefore month of birth is valid the right sequence of steps is a)3-1-4-2 b)3-2-4-1 c)3-2-1-4 d)none ans:b(check) 35). the logic to convert a 3 digit number to a word is given, Ex 123 should be written as One Two Three 1. accept the number N 2. if N 999 go to step 1 3. Split N into hundreds(H), Tens (T), & Units(U) 4. Store words zero,one,two,……. in array W(10) 5. print W(H),W(T),W(U)

6. Stop The above logic is a) incomplete b) complete c) complete but inefficient d)none ans: b 36) given a number which is more than 99 but less than 1000, the logical sequence of steps to say how many hundreds, tens & units are in the given number is given below.identify the logical order. 1.get the number N 2.write quotient and the words ‘tens’ 3.write the remainder and the words “units’ 4.write the quotient and the word “hundred” 5.divide the number N by 100 and get the quotiient and remainder 6.divide the remainder by 10 giving the quitient and remainder (a) 1,5,6,2,3,4 (b)1,5,4,3,2,6 (c) 1,5,4,6,2,3(d) none ans.c **37. step of toffees in hand (TIH)=2 of picks (NOP) = 1 3. Multiply TIH by 2 4. Add 1 to NOP 5. If NOP is less than 4 then step 3 6. Print TIH 7. Stop The value of TIH at the end of execution of logic is a) 16 b) 24 c)30 d)None ans: a Q38) flowchart ans:b (1,2,4,8,16,32,32,16,8,4,2,1) Q39) flowchart ans:b(2)

Q40) ans:a)17 Q41) ans:b(6 days) Q42) flowchart ans:b(I=468 , II=468) Q43) the logical sequence of steps to calculate the average of N nos is given below 1.let the sum(S) of N nos be zero 2.get the value of N 3.let the value of A be N 4.add N to S 5.add 1 to A 6.if A is not = N then go to 4 7. compute average by dividingS by N the abouve logic is (a)correct(b)incorrect(c)inadequate data(d)none ans:b(incorrect) Q44) indetify the correct logical order to write ur name in reverse order 1.count the no of alphabets in ur name(L) 2.if L=0 stop 3.rerduce the value of L by 1 4.write the lth character 5.transfer control to the step where the value of L is reduce (a)1,4,3,5,2(B) 1,4,3,2,5 (c)1,3,4,2,5, (d) none ans:a(1,4,3,5,2) **45. six girls A,B,C,D,E & F have 10 marbles each. a & B take 4 marbles each from D & E respectively. C gives 3 marbles to F who in turn gives 2

marbles to D & 4 marbles to E. E takes back the marbles she had given to B and gives them to C. The equations r given below 1. A=A+4 2. B=B+4 3. D=D-4 4. E=E-4 5. F=F+3 6. F=F-2 7. F=F-4 8. C=C-3 9. D=D+2 10. E=E+4 11. B=B-4 12. C=C+4 The above sequence of steps are a)Complete b)Incomplete c)Incorrect d)none ans:b 46. Subtract 3 from the number X. Multiply the result by 3, Add 3 & then divide this result by 3. The final result is ans:a a) X-2 b)X+2 c)X+1 d) X 47. Given a sentence which has only lower case letters and which ends with a period (.), you r asked to count the number of vowels & consonants. The logical sequence of steps r given below. Arrange them in correct order. 1. If character = a,e,i,o or u increse VC by 1 else increase CC by 1. 2. Print VC,CC 3. Read a character 4. If character read is . then go to print VC,CC 5. Go to read a character 6. Stop 7. Initialise VC & CC to 0

ur logical sequence of steps r a)7,3,4,1,5,2,6 b)7,4,3,1,2,5,6 c)7,3,4,5,1,2,6 d)none ans:c 48. 1.number of units consumed(NUC) = Closing reading - Opening reading 2. if NUC is less than 100 units then 5 3. if NUC is less than 200 units then 6 4. if NUC is less than 300 units then 7 5. CHARGE=NUC 6.CHARGE = 100+(NUC-100)*2 7.CHARGE=300 +(NUC -200)*3 8. Print CHARGE if the opening reading is 785 and the Closing reading is 865, CHARGE is a)80 b)60 c)-60 d)None ans: d Q49) ans: c)3,7,1,2,5,6,4 Q50) flowchart ans:b(prints multiplication table from 1 to 10) 3.

sunil patnaik went through a job interview and said: Hi satyam group, i have read all of y r questions. i find that it is very much essential for us. plz send more info so that if we go through it then it will be helpful for us.


Raju went through a job interview and said: ANTONYMS ——— 1)disregarded A) heed 2) GRE book pg no. 407 13-16 para ie:in a certain society…. 3)GRE ………….446, 8th quest A) 1 4)GRE…………..487, 8th…..

5)……………..488, 14th…… 6)……………..513, 4 &8 ….. 7) if A+B+C+D is a +ve no’s then a) one must be +ve no’s b) two ………….. c)three …………. d)all ……………. 8) GRE pg no.586 32nd qst. 9)if x+y =3 and y/x=2 then y= a)0 b) 1/2 c)1 d)3/2 e)2 17) how many squares with sides 1/2 inch long are needed to cover a rectangle that is 4 feet long & 6feet wide a)24 b)96 c)3456 d)13824 e)14266 18)GMAT 439 passage 1 with question 1to9 on pg.440-441 excluding GMAT pg.442 passage. 2 excluding q.nos.11, 15. 20) successive discounts of 20% and 15% are equal to a single discount of ; a)30% b) 32% c)34% d) 35% e)36% ans) 32% if x/y =4 and y is not ‘0′ what % of ‘x’ is ‘2x-y’ ans:175% if x=y=2z and xyz =256 then x= ans: 8 23)if 2x-y=4 then 6x-y is ans:12 1-8 q’s on bus route. a b c d e a x 8 15 20 7 b 6 x 9 13 21 c 10 12 x 3 11 d 9 1 18 x 5 e 3 4 17 14 x where x is starting point.a&e are first and last stations.and b,c,d are intermediate stations. fig’s are no. of passengers.cost of ticket is 0.7Rs /pass. between any successive stations. based on this few q’s were given. the fig’s are not correct. q’s like total no.of onward journey. Rest of q’s are 2 statements were given. u have to answer they are correct or not .littlebit easy. section3 ——– simple q’s from r.s agarwal_quantitative apt.

1.1/10power18 - 1/10power20 …..value? 2.pipes-leaking-cisterns. paper2 ———— 1.general awareness.2. 1.father of computers 2.expand HTML,DMA,FAT,LAN,WAN,FDDetc’s first micropro…a.pentium b.pentiumproetc 4.1024(dec)convert to hexa&octal 5.first 6..motorola’s processor name? 7.windows_NT expand 8.simple programs on pascal&c 9.diff between 8087,8086 (which is latest vers.) 10.some basic q’s on GUI. 11.q’s on IBMpc program on finding factorial 5.

J Tushar Xavier went through a job interview and said: Hi, I am Tushar and I attended the Campus Interview for Satyam at Anna University on 09-Apr-2005. I got placed in Satyam Computer Services Ltd. and hence I would like to give a brief description of the entire process. Its generally a 2-day process. The First day is the conduction of the Logical Ability and Verbal Ability test. There is a 1/4 negative marking for every wrong answer in the Logical ability test and thus my advice is to avoid guesses. Each of logical and verbal ability test is of 30 minutes duration ( a total of 1 hour duration). You can even share your time (say 40 mins. for Logical Ability and 20 mins. for Verbal Ability). There is no negative marking for the Verbal Ability paper. You are given 15 Logical ability questions and 30 Verbal Ability questions. You may even attempt only 7-8 Logical Ability questions as I has done so, but mind you that the answers need to be surely correct and just a guess. If you are short listed (i.e., got selected) through this logical and verbal ability test then you would be most probably called for the very next day for the conduction of Group Discussion (GD), then the subsequent Technical and HR Interview. The spot GD topic would not be much difficult in nature. My tip to you is not to start the discussion but be the second talker so that you can find a strong point to talk for in opposition to the one who has started the discussion. Once you have cleared the GD you would be asked to fill up the Resume and then called for the Combined Technical and HR interview. This is the last round and the most easiest round to clear. The things they expect are:Basic Concepts; Grasping Knowledge; Communication Skills; and

Achievement Orientation. They don’t expect any other thing other than the above four points. For this my tip to you is that Be confident but do not openly show/reveal that you are confident. Moreover try to show that you are a polite and an humble person. That’s it and there is no need for you to keep your fingers crossed as you would be sure by now that you are selected. I got selected and so would you. All The Best guys and gals. Any queries, please mail me at [email protected] Thank You for this opportunity. Bye. 6.

tejash patel went through a job interview and said: you are call me for interview of which subject.


Praveen went through a job interview and said: 1 XML ? deployment descriptor ejbjar.xml + serverspecific xml file Which is then Packed in a jar ? file together with bean classes. Beans are packaged into EJB JAR file , Manifest file is used to list EJB?s and jar file holdin… 2 Why not to use free J2EE servers? ?no technical support ?harder to use (no graphical user interface …) ?no integration to development tools (for example, Jbuilder) ?Bugs? Other problems during project? 3 When to use which bean? Entity beans are effective when application wants to access one row at a time. If many rows needs to be fetched, using session beans can be better alternative Java class (for example, Integer). En… 4 When to choose EJB? Server will be heavy loaded : ?Distribution of servers helps to achieve better performance. Server should have replica for the case of failure of one server: ?Replication is invisible to t… 5 What is Synchornize? Synchronize is a technique by which a particular block is made accessible only by a single instance at any time. (OR) When two or more objects try to access a resource, the method of letting in one ob… 6 What is HashMap and Map? Map is Interface and Hashmap is class that implements that and its not serialized HashMap is non serialized and Hashtable is serialized. 7 What is enterprise bean? Server side reusable java component Offers services that are hard to

implement by the programmer Sun: Enterprise Bean architecture is a component architecture for the deployment and development of… 8 What is difference between StateFul and Stateless Session Bean? A Stateful Session Bean is a bean that is designed to service business processes that span multiple method requests or transactions. Stateful Session beans retain state on behalf of an individual clie… 9 What is difference between BeanMangedPersistance and ContainerMangedPersistance? CMP: Tx behaviour in beans are defined in transaction attributes of the methods BMP: Programmers has to write a code that implements Tx behaviour to the bean class. Tuned CMP entity beans offe… 10 what are pass by reference and passby value? Pass By Reference means the passing the address itself rather than passing the value. Passby Value means passing a copy of the value to be passed. 11 Session Bean Developer programs three classes: ?Home interface, contains methods for creating (and locating for entity beans) bean instances. ?Remote interface, contains business methods the bean offers. Associated with a client and keeps states for a client Entity Beans > Represents some entity in persistent storage such as a database 18 Explain J2EE Arch? Normally, thinclient multitiered applications are hard to write because they involve many lines of intricate code to handle transaction and state management, multithreading, resource pooling, and othe… 19 Explain DOM and SAX Parser? DOM parser is one which makes the entire XML passed as a tree Structure and will have it in memory. Any modification can be done to the XML. SAX parser is one which triggers predefined events when… 20 Explain different way of using thread? : The thread could be implemented by using runnable interface or by inheriting from the Thread class. The former is more advantageous, ?cause when you are going for multiple inheritance..the only interf… 21 Entity Beans Represents one row in the database: ?Easy way to access database ?business logic concept to manipulate data. Container managed persistence vs. bean managed persistence: Programmer … 22 Draw and explain MVC architecture?

MVC Architecture is Module ViewController Architecture. Controller is the one which controls the flow of application / services the requests from the View. Module is the other layer which performs… 23 Difference between Vector and ArrayList? Vector is serialized whereas arraylist is not 24 Difference between Swing and Awt? AWT are heavyweight componenets. Swings are lightweight components. Hence swing works faster than AWT. 25 Difference between HashMap and HashTable? The HashMap class is roughly equivalent to Hashtable, except that it is unsynchronized and permits nulls. (HashMap allows null values as key and value whereas Hashtable doesnt allow). HashMap does not… 26 Difference between forward(request,response) and SendRedirect(url) in Servlet? With Forward, request & response would be passed to the destination URL which should be relative means that the destination URL shud be within a servlet context). Also, after executing forward met… 27 Alternative:Tuxedo Tuxedo is a middleware that offers scalability services and transaction monitors. C or C++ based. Can be used with Java client by classes in JOLT package offered by BEA. Faster thatNJ2EE serve… 8.

shankar went through a job interview and said: Hi, Urgent, I would like to know the interview questions with satyam computers in oracle and asp. Regards, Sankar S


PARAMITA went through a job interview and said: I WANT TO DOWNLOAD SATYAM QUES OF PREV YEAR.

10. Bharat

Batra went through a job interview and said:

I would like to get employed in Satyam to brighten my future. Pls tell me what i have to do to get job in satyam. i am MCA 76% and currently employed in HCL Infosystems.

11. prabha

shaw went through a job interview and said:

I m preparing 4 satyam campus interview.Please pray 4 meand also help me if u have any knowledge about satyam. 12. Surjit

Gantyat went through a job interview and said:

Hi,Can any body please let me know,is Satyam recruiting .net professionals.if so Please tell me how to apply for that and if there is any walkin for .net guys. 13. Archana

went through a job interview and said:

the Off-campus process consisted of, 1)Written [aptitude and verbal] 2)Group Discussion 3)Intterview [HR and Technical combined] inthe written test consisted of two papers, one for aptitude and other verbal,,aptitude cosisted of 15 ques and 30 mins..with 1/4 negative marking and the cut-off was 8…verbal consisted of 30 ques and 30 had synonyms,antonyms,comprehension,idoms and picking od one out…the test was easy and i did i well…sorry i dont remember the questions… in Group discussions there were 16 groups with 10 people in each..for 10 mins…the topics were 1. Should ganguly be the captain.. 2. dress code necessary for college or not.. GD necessary in recruiting process…etc…hte GD was easy and i managed it well…just be confident and fluent in english,,,u’ll get pass thro GD… The Interview was more HR than technical..they asked abt me ,my family back ground , project and abt my native ooty….they gave me chance to ask questions… iasked 3 questions… 1. Where’ll i be placed? 2. Which environment’ll i work? 2. My role in the organisation? 14. Sahithya

went through a job interview and said:

hi frens! I got through the written test and I am preparing for the GDs. Plz help me by giving tips . Thanx , bye…….. 15. madhu

went through a job interview and said:

hello i want tonow about satyam fresher’s placement critera, written and interview questions tahnk you madhu 16. mahita

went through a job interview and said:

hi, i am student from ECE. and i am all set to face my first set of interveiws. i would b very greatful if i could get some details of wipro,CTS,CSC and what do these companies deal etc.i did go through the introduction given but feel that i need bit case anyone is in a position to help i would be ver greatful. thanking u, mahita 17. Pramod

went through a job interview and said:

I.) Written paper- 15 que…….30 min……easy… are the few that i remember 1,2) two que wer on series were easy …. one of the que had two sereis mixed and answer was 22 3,4) two questions were from critical reasoning….ie. a passage of 4 lines was given and the conclusion or the assumption in the passage was asked for… 5.)if a Hemisphere anda sphere have equal voulumesthen what would be the ratio of their radius? 6.) if you increase the length of the Recatangle by X% then by what % do you needto reduce the breadth to keep the are same?

7.) if the paerimeter of an equlateral traingle , square and Circle are same then whicxh one has the maximum area. 8.) que from Work…if two ppl work on alter nate days then in how many days the work is finished? 9.) total area and the no of tiles were given the dimensions of the tiles were to be found!!!! one question of probability was also there…. results declared by 11:30am _____________________________________________________________ ___________ G.D. help on next day 11th 8:00am the topic i got was “effect of electronic media” and i didn’t get through though….the groups were made of 10 each and from most of the groups only 2 ppl were selected…. thats it as further i didn’t go ….but then interview was there…. 18. Nitin

went through a job interview and said:

i had a campus test of satyam on 11th june 2005. there are 3 rnds 1. logical aptitude test 2. gd 3. tech and hr (interview) rnd 1. there were 15 questions some questions like 1. question on simple interest. 2. question on average . 3. question on probability(RS aggarwal–> bulb question that how many bulb will be good . 4. question on verbal coding very kijn is coded as ljko 5,6. question on logical reasoning like two statements are given tell the assumption in statements.

7. a graph of company was given to find the average of four yrs profit. 8. series question n,t easy. like some series was given and series was modified four times with some logic . and one series was given find the series after four steps with applying same logic. 9. one more logical question like grouping l can,t go with p. m cant go with n. like that that was easy but tricky. 10.question on cube 11-15 some questions i didn,t read them becos they were looking lengthy suggestion for preparation do RS aggarwal but don,t rely on that too much also do IMS cat material . becos evry question was tricky. i attempt 11 questions n i cleared the test . remember there is also a upper cutoff , my friend did 15th right he was out , and mind that there is negetive marking so don,.t make guesses . attemp atleast 10-11 questions but try to be them right . even in my college a girl was seleced she had done only 6 qus but they were right . one more thing they also check accuracy for logical questions do IMS logical mannual and if possible do BARRON LOGICAL QUESTIONS . there were some direct questions from BARRONS. 2. GD TOPICS 1. dress code in college. 2. home wife of carrer woman. 3. vulgarity in movies. 4. mecy killing should be allowed or n,t . 5. extra marrital realationships.

i failed in GD ,it is totally luck. it,s totally subjective depends on pannel becos they cleared only 1-2 from each group of 10 in my group of 10 only 4 persons were speaking including me but they took only 2 i was out . wht i suggest they r n,t looking more on communication skills as comared to points on topic u speak so better to give new points to them. 19. Vaibhav

kumar went through a job interview and said:

Hello freinds, These are my friends went for satyam paper and selected as well: A combined effort of Ashok Kumar,Ashish Singh, Shashi BHushan Kumar and Sumit Kumar. Satyam Aptitude test 11 June 2005 30 min. 15 ques. 1/4 negative marking. 1. From a total of 10 bulbs 6 bulbs are working.One has to choose 3 bulbs out of them. what is the probability that all the 3 bulbs will be glowing. a) 1/6 b) 1/29 c) 1/29 d) 30/29 e) None of these. 2. A sum at a given rate of intrest becomes 1200 in 4 yrs. 2000 in 5 yrs. what was that sum. a) 2000 b) 1500 c)2500 d) 1800 e) None of the above. Ans… e) None of the above. (sum ….800) 3. Three teams J,K,L . some conditions like J is in the left of K , L is in the middle of K and L and so on. 4. Students fail in at least 2n-p subjects. n is the number of subjects. p is an integer. If total number of failures is 63. what is the number of students. 5. if STRONG is written as ——. Then ENERGY will be written as — —. 6. G,R,S are three towns. If G is North west of S. R is east of S. which city is north most.

7. Side of cube add to 4 feet. what is the volume of cube. i) 64 inch^3 ii) 128 inch^3 iii) 512 inch^3 iv) None Ans i) 64 inch^3. 8. Logical reasoning …If battery is down Razor will not work. …. 9. If tomato price is hiked by 65%. Apple price by 10%. Tomato is now dearer than apple. Some conclusions….. 10. In a chessboard of 64 squares. Pearls are to be decorated such that each corner has 1 pearl. And each side has three pearls. How many pearls will be required. 11. A number plate has 3 digits. If first digit is always 1. And rest two digits are in ascending order. Total number of differnt numbers that can be given the number plate. 12. Data interpretation. 3 pie charts and a histogram were given. What is the average ? 13. Number generator… If a given sequence was given to the number generator ,it processes the sequence as…. step 1: Multiply each number by 2. step 2: sort the numbers in ascending order. step 3: increase 1st, 3rd and 6th number by 6. step 4: again sort. step 5: add 1 to 1st, 2 to 2nd , 3 to 3rd , 5 to 4th, 7 to 5th, 11 to 6th . ( Pattern was not given only output sequence was given, you have to identify this pattern.) If given sequence is input of the number generator. What will be it’s state in step 4. 14. Odd one out. Very simple, 4 were geometric figures and last one was a zig-zag. 15. Average of 8 scores is 85. After removing the “maximum” score and next to maximum which is “maximum-2″.The average comes out to be 83.What is the maximum.

======================================== GD topics . 10 min. 10 memebers each Group. 1. Higher education in India or abroad. 2. Mercy Killing. 3. Positive impact of Wstern culture on India. 4. Younger man should marry a elder woman or not. (absolutely not…). 5. Love marriage or Arrange marriage. 6. Banning new year party safe or not. 7. Dress code in colleges. 8. Copying the west. 9. Working woman Vs House wife. 10. Should mobile phones be banned or not ? 11. Current education system. 12. Should follow western culture or not. 13. Effect of Extra marital affairs on marriage life. 20. Pramod

went through a job interview and said:

Latest Satyam paper May 2005 I. What is the missing letter? z S G P J F T L H

Q I ? A) G B) F C)E D) H E) None of these Ans:D 2. A radio when sold at a certain price gives a gain of 20%. What will be the gain percent, if sold for thrice the price? A) 260% B) 150% C) 100% D) 50% E) None of these Ans:A 3. Four young men, Raj, Prem, Ved and Ashok are friendly with four girls Sushma, Kusum, Vimla and Poonam. Sushma and Vimla are friends. Ved’s girl friend does not like Sushma and Vimla. Kusum does not care for Ved. Prem’s girl friend is friendly with Sushma. Sushma does not like Raj. Answer the following questions. With whom is Sushma friendly?

A) Kusum B) Ashok C) Raj D) Prem E) None of these Ans:B 4. Find the missing number? 16415 2503 3803 377 583 879 55 89 135 203 8 13 21 31 47 12357? A) 9 B) 11 C) 13 D) 15 E) None of these Ans:B 5. Usually when we have had an inch or more of rain in a single day, my backyard immediately has mushrooms and other forms of fungus growing in it. There are no mushrooms or fungus growing in my backyard. Which of the following

would logically complete an argument with the premises given above? I. Therefore, there has been no rain here in the past day. II. Therefore, there probably has been no rain here in the past day. III. Therefore, we have not had’more than an inch of rain here in the past day. IV. Therefore, we probably have not had more than an inch of rain here in the past day. A)I Only B)II Only C)IV Only D)II and IV Only E)None of these Ans:C 6. A m_n borrowed a sum of money and agrees to payoff by paying Rs.3150 at the end of the first year and_RsA410 at the end of the second year. If the rate of compound interest is 5% p.a., find the sum borrowed. A) Rs.7,000 B) Rs.6, 000 C) Rs.5000 D) Rs. 4000

E) None of these Ans:A 7. A group consists of equal number of men and women. Of them 10% of men and 45% of women are unemployed. If a person is randomly selected from the group. Find the probability for the selected person to be an employee. A) 29/40 B) 40/29 C)2 D) 4 E) None of these Ans:A 8. Find the perimeter of the shape below. 1 5 4 2 A)30 cm B) 15 cm C) 24 cm D) 12 cm E) None of these Ans:C 9. Mr. Srinivas Reddy Travel with bike at 30 km/hr. and reaches his college 7 minutes late. Next day he Travel with bike at 36 kmlhr. and start at the same

time, reaches his school 10 min. early. How far is the school from his house? A)36 kms B) 30 kms C) 33 kms D) 40 kms E) None of these Ans:A 10. On the first test of the semester, kiran scored a 60. On the last test of the semester, kiran scored 75. By what percent did kiran’s score improve? A)12% B) 15% C) 20% D) 25% E) None of these Ans:D 11. Ram and Shankar walk up an escalator. The escalator moves at a constant speed, but Ram takes three upward steps for every two of Shankar’s upward steps. Ram gets to the top of the escalator after having taken 25 steps, while Shankar takes 20 steps to reach the top. If the escalator were turned off, how many steps would they have to take to walk up? A) 60 B) 70 C) 50 D) 40 E) None of these Ans:C 12. Randy’s chain of used car dealership sold 16,400 cars in 1998. If the chain sold 15,744 cars in 1999, by what percent did the number of cars sold decrease? A) 1% B) 4% C) 11%

D) 40% E) None of these Ans:B 13. Find the odd one out. A) Igloo B) Bungalow C) Flat D) Showroom E) None of these Ans:D 14. Find out which of the following numbered figures does not fit into the series. The unnumbered figures on extreme left and right ‘are correct figures. Probler:n figures A)2 B) 3 C)4 D) 5 E) None of these Ans:B 15. Consider the set of numbers S = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10. You take every distinct two-element subset of S and write down the number that is larger. For example, if you take the subset 4, 6, you would write down the number 6 because it is larger than 4. What is the sum of ali of the numbers that you write down? A) 330 B) 360 C) 340 D) 380 E) None of these Ans:A 21. Sreeraman went through

a job interview and said:

1.The test just contains 15 questions(no english). 2.only 30 minutes test. 3.1 mark for correct answer and -.25 for a wrong one. IMPORTANT *Never make guesses. *Never waste a single minute once you start. *skip a question if you find it difficult.enough of easy questions are there. *Go through R.S.Agarwal *cut off was 7.5 i guess. TEST QUESTIONS ————————————— Few quetions i can remember.. 1.a tank has 2 input pipes and a leave pipe. question is to find the capacity of the tank…ANS:800 litres 2.the a few figures is given chose the odd one out. perecentage problem. ratio problem. 5.few logical reasoning prolems. 6. series problem… hint:the number on top will be the sum of the below 2 numbers +2 eg 11 (4+5=9;9+2=11)(get it) 45 7.then an octagon question(rotate it 8 times or something). answer is 5th position. sorry guys cant remember more… GD:(ten minutes) —————————————————1.topics were mercy killing 2.women rigths 3.sanya mirza make sure you are not quite… be calm and put thing across… DONOT SHOUT. give others chance to talk… for eg, At the end of your sentense say “dont you think So?” TECH AND HR interview combined… ————————————-

be very very prepared for that.. thorough with your PROJECTS. 2.OS/DMBS/SOFTWARE ENGINEERING/DATA STRUCTURES…stack ,queues,their use and examplesetc… 3.C/C++/language used in project 4.have a very good knowledge abt satyam…ceo,locations,CMM level 5, CMM fullform,what comes after cmm level 5. guys try to be formally dressed as well. look presentable…

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