Killing In The Name Of Religion

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ing to eyewitnesses, the police, the factory


The shocking murder of a Hindu worker has been met by official apathy.

administration and the security guards

remained silent spectators throughout. “The unruly mob kept crying out, ‘Maro, kafir ko maro’ (kill the infidel). When I passed by, I saw Jagdish lying on the ground – taking his last breath. I overheard someone saying he wanted to burn his body,” says an eyewitness in an interview with Newsline. Jagdish Kumar, a member of the scheduled Hindu castes, was one of eight siblings of a family who had migrated to Karachi two years ago in search of better employment opportunities. He lived with his brother-in-law, Om Prakash, in

By Salam Dharejo


overty compelled us to send Jagdish to earn a higher wage in Karachi. In return, I received his dead body. I don’t understand why he was killed

in such a brutal manner,” says a bereaved Pirbhu ji, the father of Jagdish Kumar, while talking to Newsline from Mirpurkhas. Jagdish, a 27-year-old Hindu worker at Nova Leather Industries Private Limited, was killed on the premises of the leather factory by his co-workers on suspicion of blasphemy, in the presence of police as well as security guards. Jagdish had been working in the stretching department at Nova Leather for the past year. According to his co-workers, he was having an affair with a Muslim girl who worked in the same department. The other Muslim workers of the department, mainly Waqas, Usman and Hashim, were not too happy with Jagdish’s relationship with the Muslim girl and allegedly threatened him with dire consequences if he didn’t end it. As a result, Jagdish missed two days of work. On April 8, when Jagdish returned to work, he got into a quarrel with the abovementioned co-workers, but the matter was supposedly resolved at 10 a.m. by Mr Noshaba, the supervisor of the department. Soon, however, rumours began to circulate about the supposed blasphemous remarks Jagdish was said to have passed


against the Prophet (PBUH). Consequently, a group of workers entered the department and started attacking Jagdish. Realising the severity of the incident, Aslam Gujar, the security incharge, informed Naeem, one of the security personnel, who took Jagdish into the security room at 11.45 a.m. and contacted the police to help control the situation. A police mobile from the Korangi station arrived at 12.30 p.m. to find the situation already out of control: angry workers had broken the iron gate of the security room, dragged Jagdish out and began beating him with heavy iron rods, hammers and scissors. Meanwhile, accord-

Marvari Mohalla, Lyari Town. Large communities, mainly comprising scheduled caste Hindus from Tharparkar, move to Karachi to find employment. In Korangi,

Silent spectator: The police has done little to investigate the murder of Jagdish Kumar (inset).

thousands of Hindu workers are currently employed in different factories and provide cheap labour to the industry. Nova Leather, which is located in the Korangi Industrial Area, employs over 7,000 workers, out of which 50 are Hindu. After the recent incident, however, most of

Newsline May 2008 | 67

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the Hindu workers have refused to come to

because if I pursue the case it may turn

parents of the victim, I have been informed

work and have confined themselves to their

into a clash between the two religions,”

that they aren’t ready to register a case

homes in fear of retaliation from religious

says Pirbhu ji. Prakash, meanwhile, blames

and do not want to pursue the matter.”

groups. “Our parents are terrified and don’t

the media. “We have been victimised by

According to Ram, he brought up the issue

allow us to go out anywhere. I used to work

the media which highlighted the murder

of passing a legislation to protect the mi-

at Nova Leather but now I fear for my life,”

of Jagdish and reported that he was killed

norities in his meeting with Prime Minister

says Ram. Due to the increasing religious

on suspicion of blasphemy,” he says.

Yousuf Raza Gillani, who, in turn, supported

extremism in the city, many Hindu workers

“Consequently, we are terrified to register

Ram’s ideas and has consented to work on

have changed their names. “My original

a case for fear of reaction from religious

legislation regarding blasphemy. However,

name is Jeevat but factory workers know


neither the prime minister nor the chief

me as Javed,” says one worker in an interview with Newsline. “I find that minority workers feel threat-

However, it isn’t just Jagdish’s family

minister have issued a judicial inquiry re-

that fears the religious groups, but also

garding the murder. Meanwhile, some mul-

the trade unionists in Korangi. “We cannot

lahs believe it is kosher to kill in the name of

ened, so they hide their original names and

demonstrate against the

castes from employers, co-workers and

murder of Jagdish be-

even the community/neighbourhood they

cause we fear retaliation

Bhutto, the leader of

live in. Members of the scheduled castes

and severe consequences

Jamaat-e-Islami, stated, “I

living in the urban areas are losing their

from religious parties,”

have read about the inci-

identity by changing their names, as well

says an active trade union

dent in the newspapers, but

as the language they speak,” says Amar

leader in Korangi.

I don’t have detailed infor-

Guriro, a journalist for an English daily. Although three people who were

religon. Maulana Asadullah

Indifference on the

mation about it. However,

part of the provincial

according to the Shariat,

supposedly involved in the murder have

government regarding the

a person can be punished

been arrested, the police are reluctant to

case shows how minori-

by the public if suspected

investigate the case. No action has been

ties, especially scheduled

of blasphemy.” Muhammed

A police mobile from the Korangi station arrived at 12.30 p.m. to find the situation already out of control: angry workers had broken the iron gate of the security room, dragged Jagdish out and began beating him with heavy iron rods, hammers and scissors. Meanwhile, according to eyewitnesses, the police, factory administration and security guards remained silent spectators throughout.

Sarwat Qadri, the president of Sunni Tehreek, who also claimed he didn’t have detailed information regarding the incident, was of the view that someone who has committed blasphemy against the Prophet (PBUH) in the presence of three witnesses can justifiably be killed. “We have been living in the same neighbourhood for generations and I have never been discriminated by Muslims on the basis of religion. How can Jagdish, who has socialised with Muslims, commit blasphemy against the Prophet, for whom we have the utmost respect? In my heart, I know that my son did not commit a sin and he was innocent.” says Pirbhu ji. Unfortunately, religious harmony in the country is fast disappearing, and intoler-

taken against the police officials who

castes, are neglected in the corridors of

ance in the shape of sectarian violence

failed to protect Jagdish from the angry

power. Three weeks after the murder of

and religious differences is rearing its ugly

mob. According to the police, as Jagdish’s

Jagdish, the family is yet to be contacted

head. Minority groups, who are already

parents haven’t filed an FIR against the

by a government official. “Not a single

socially neglected and economically de-

factory or the workers, they are unable

government representative has called on

prived, believe they have become vulner-

to arrest more suspects. The family’s

us to convey their condolences,” says Om

able targets. Why has no one from among

reluctance to file a formal complaint arises

Prakash. When the provincial minister for

the political leadership spoken out against

not out of indifference, but because of the

minority affairs Daya Ram, an upper caste

the atrocious crime committed on the

possible consequences: “I will not register

Hindu, was contacted regarding the issue,

premises of Nova Leather? Their silence is

a case against the murderers of my son

he stated, “Though I haven’t met with the

deafening. n

68 | Newsline May 2008

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