
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,488
  • Pages: 2
I am here to tell my story of how our local cps kidnapped our children and lied to us. sometime in april of 2004 cps recieved a call that we were abusing our 2 small children then 3 and 1.5yrs and how i was pregnant with 3rd child and was abusing my health. my 3rd child was born june 1 2004. cps was in our life and they kept saying we were doing things wrong with our kids. there were several times when we were not home and they swear we were. one day in november of 2004 we had our kids at preschool but got a call that our daughter was sick so we picked her up and when we got home she took a nap and so did we. about an hr later i heard someone in my house which i thought it was a friend but to discover it was cps. they opened my door to my home and claimed it was ajar when we know it wasnt. . on dec 3 2004 we had a hearing cause they said we were not compliant with them and they had no intentions of taking our children so we dropped our children off at day care and went to the hearing. i will admit our home was cluttered but they made it sound bad when it wasnt. at the hearing they told us we had 30 days to prove our self or they would take our kids. we left got home at like 1pm or so. did some cleaning and at 2pm we went to the day care to get our oldest but low and behold the state already had custody of our 3 small children. they told us it was for a few weeks which turned into months. in late january i found out i was pregnant with my 4th child. we had visitation with our children threw an agency called auberlee's. they were very strict with us but we did as they all wanted including cps at our first 6mth review they said we werent doing anything they wanted meanwhile we had proof we did but it did not matter to them. our 4th child was born sept 1 2005 with alot of health problems. he finally came home october 28th 2005 almost 2 mths after he was born. our house was clean but to them not clean enough. they said we were doing good with our baby except for the house. well from october to march of 2006 he was in the hospital 4 times for his asthma or pneomina. the one lady that was supervising our visits said that they were taking custody of the baby cause they had the older 3 already but he was not allowed to go to the same family who had the older 3. o and i forgot to mention when they took our kids they did not contact any family member at all. i took my baby to a drs appt for his 6mth check up and right then and there they took my baby from us. as time progressed we had to be cpr certified, have a car and so much more. when auberlee was talking about unsupervised visits cps closed the case and opened it threw spectrum. things were going good until my 2yr old son came to a visit with a cut on his head and i usually made a huge deal of it and when i said he has a gash my 4yr old son said no mommy daddy llyod hit him in the head with a racket. WTH the guy heard him say it and when brought up to the foster parents they said he was lying. how does a 4 yr old lie???? well things were going good however at another one of our reviews they gave us bad rap meanwhile the one lady who first started supervising our vists from auberlee became a friend shhhh. well she said that she wrote a report but her supervisor didnt like it cause it was all good stuff the supervisor rewrote the report where it was all bad and made her sign it. so at the hearing we were doomed. well in august of 2006 my lil boy not evena year old had to have baby teeth pulled and some filled cause while the foster mom was on phone with other foster mom he played superman and jumped of kitchen table but yet they let that slide. from the time they had him at 6mths to a year old he was in the hospital more times than he was at home for one thing or another.they said they took him cause he was 6mths old and weighed 12lbs meanwhile he had problems and the dr knew this but was on thier side. At christmas 2006 the guy from spectrum was talking about unsupervised visits and once again they change our worker to someone from carol huges i did not like this guy cause he worked with my dad a long time ago and compared us to him not to mention he was related to my half sister and her mother and when i requested a new worker for conflict of intrest i was denied. well this guy was a complete jerk the whole time we had him and always knitpicked about something well a few mths later my sister was telling me some stuff that the guy told her and her mom and i knew she wasnt lying as it was stuff he said about our home and parenting when confronted infront of our cps worker he flipped a wig and threatened to sue us for slander so we had nothing. .in march of 2007 i find out my lil boy had to have stitches in his chin cause he supposedly got excited when the foster dad came home and jumped up and down and hit it on the chair. again its excused.well right after one of our visits we were told they were planning on terminating our rights with the older 3 children but we had a fighting chance for the baby. yes i was upset but didnt think anything of it well in may of 2007 i got a letter in the mail stating they were going for termination of all 4 children. i cried my eyes out. well we were talking to our family and stuff getting advice to see what we can do but my sister screwed it up for us. june 21st 2007 i voulenteered to watch

my 2 nieces who at time was 3yrs and almost 2yrs. well 3 yr old barely talked called me dip and never said anything about my husband. well she went to the bathroom and said her pee pee hurt and it was red so i called their mother and told her. she said she has been red for a few days and that she put a&d ointment on her and i said i was putting diaper rash cream on and she was ok with it. well the next day she calls me up saying she had to take her 3 yr old to the hospital cause my husband sexually touched her. WTH he was not left alone with the girls at all. i was so upset she would accuse him but didnt think anything of it cause the cop that investigated him didnt take a dna sample or nothing from him. our termination hearing was scheduled in early sept. we went in winning our little butts off until the gurdian ad litem and cps attorney mentioned the accuastion. wait a minute how can they use that when there was no proof??? well they did and the judge went in their favor and forced us to terminate our parental rights to all 4 children at the time 5yrs, 4yrs, 3yrs and 2 yrs. we had our last visit with them sept 7th 2007 at which was the very last time we saw our children =( i do see pics of older 3 but nothing about the baby or nothing but after the hearing the baby has had stitches in his arm, ear, and mouth and has had one of his kidneys removed=( he was also diagnosed with autism. and the worse thing is the older 3 have not seen the baby since the last day of our visit. too top it off in february of 2008 my sisters brother was arrested for child porn. what would that tell you. but wait my 4 yr old son lied about his little brother getting hit in the head but yet a 3yr old that barely talked is telling the truth about being touched not to mention she said her dauighter told her we made her watch porn meanwhile we have no porn in our home and her brother gets arrested for child porn. hmmmmmmmm

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