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  • Pages: 39
Renal Function Testing Dr. Liu The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhengzhou University

“Urine”: Element of Nature 

In ancient times, before the existence of any alphabet, it was common to use symbols to denote important known elements of nature.

Outline  

Review physiology Methods to evaluate kidney function 

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)   

 

Inulin Creatinine Cystatin C

Protein Urea and Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)

Examples of diseases and their corresponding lab results.

Nephron Physiology I 

Glomerulus (5): filters plasma water (~170-200 L/ 24 hrs ultrafiltrate pass) 

Size 

<50 KD gets filtered  

Charge 

Basement membrane has negative charge 

Electrolytes Small molecules

Negative charged molecules can hardly pass  Albumin  Most plasma proteins Positive charged molecules can pass easily  Light chain Ig

Shape 

Linear molecules pass through faster than globular molecules of equal MW

Nephron Physiology II 

Proximal Tubule (4) 

Reabsorb (isotonic) 

Secrete 

Water, Cl-, K+, HCO3-, PO4-, Ca2+ proteins, urea, uric acid, amino acids, glucose, and carbohydrates H+, NH4+, uric acid

Loop of Henle (1 & 2) 

Descending Limb 

Reabsorb water (hypertonic)

Ascending Limb 

Reabsorb Na+ and Cl- (hypotonic)

Nephron Physiology III 

Distal Tubule (6) 

Reabsorb and secrete   

Reabsorbs Water - ADH present Reabsorbs Na+ - Aldosterone present Ion exchange - Na+, H+, HCO3-, and NH4+ to maintain acid/ base balance Reabsorb/secrete K+

Collecting Duct (not shown) 

Reabsorb and secrete  

See Distal Tubule Reabsorb urea

Tests of Renal Function 

Practical evaluation of kidney status in renal disease includes examining…  

1.) the nephron functions of glomerular filtration. 2.) the secretory capacity for particular endogenous and exogenous compounds. 3.) the kidney’s resorptive capacity for water and electrolytes as manifested by the urine-concentrating ability of the kidneys.

Glomerular Filtration Rate Inulin Creatinine Cystatin C

Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) 

Rate (mL/min) that substances are filtered through the glomeruli. 

Estimate GFR by measuring the clearance of a small molecule that … 

Rate (mL/min) = Kf [GHP – (CP + GOP)] Kf = Hydraulic permeability x surface area GHP = Glomerular hydrostatic pressure CP = Capillary pressure GOP = Glomerular Oncotic Pressure

Depends on hydrostatic and oncotic pressures along the afferent arteriole and across the glomerular filter.

Is freely filtered by glomeruli. Has a clearance dependent only on glomerular filtration. Is not secreted or reabsorbed by the tubules. Has a stable production rate.

GFR: Gold Standard 

“Gold Standard” – inulin  

Exogenous polysaccharide cleared by renal filtration Administered to patient 

Bolus injection 

Constant infusion (to get steady state concentration) 

Measure the plasma disappearance curve

Collect a blood sample and timed urine samples during this period

Disadvantages: time consuming, patient inconvenience, small amount of extrarenal clearance (0.83 mL/min/10 kg) Chourasia MK and Jain SK. Pharm Pharmaceut Sci ( 6(1):33-66, 2003.

Creatine and Creatinine 

Creatine 


Synthesized from glycine, arginine, and S-adenosyl-methionine in the liver. Stored in muscle as part of the energy pool as phosphocreatine, which is used in muscle contraction.

Creatinine  

Synthesized from creatine. Release from muscle into the circulation is relatively constant at 1–2% each day of the total creatine pool.

GFR: Creatinine 

Is it freely filtered by glomeruli? Yes 

 

Does its clearance depend only on glomerular filtration? Yes Is it reabsorbed or secreted by the tubules? No/Yes  

MW: Only 113 Daltons (0.113KD)

Not reabsorbed Small amount (7-10%) secreted; increases with increasing plasma levels

Does it have a stable production rate? Yes  

Serum creatinine level is directly proportional to muscle mass. The serum creatinine level should remain constant and normal with normal renal excretory function.

GFR: Renal Clearance “Renal Clearance”: volume of plasma from which a substance is completely removed per unit time. In steady state, rate in = rate out

 

Rate in = (volume/time)plasma x concentrationplasma

Rate out = (volume/time)urine x concentrationurine

(volume/time)plasma x conc.plasma = (volume/time)urine x conc.urine (volume/time)plasma = ((volume/time)urine x conc.urine )/ conc.plasma (volume/time)plasma = renal clearance

GFR: Creatinine Clearance Ccrea =

(Ucrea ) x (V) ______________ x 1.73/BSA (Pcrea ) x (t)

Ccrea = Clearance in mL of plasma cleared of creatinine per minute (mL/min) Ucrea = Urinary concentration of creatinine V = Volume of urine (mL) Pcrea = Plasma concentration of creatinine = Body Surface Area (m2): estimated from nomograms or formulas using height and weight tBSA = time to collect urine (min) 1.73 = defined standard BSA (m2)

Creatinine: Analytical Techniques 

Coupled enzymatic assays 

Creatininase – series of four enzymatic steps; measure decrease of NADH absorbance at 340 nm 

Poor sensitivity, poor precision, high reagent cost

Creatininase and Creatinase – series of three enzymatic steps that form peroxide; the 4th step measures peroxide, which can be done in a variety of ways including forming colored products Creatinine Deaminase – a series of four enzymatic steps that form peroxide; the 5th step measures peroxide.

* Enzymatic methods usually used in dry chemistry systems, like Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics’ Vitros® 950 at CHRMC.

GFR: Cockroft and Gault Equation 

Data needed: Plasma creatinine, age, weight, height, and sex

Cockroft and Gault Equation: GFR (ml/min/1.73 m2) = 2.12K x [140 – age] x W Pcrea x BSA where K = 0.85 for women and 1.00 for men age = years W = weight (kg) Pcrea = serum or plasma creatinine BSA = Body Surface Area (m 2) based on weight and height

GFR: MDRD Prediction Equation 

Recommended by NKDEP over other GFR calculations. Data needed: Plasma creatinine, age, sex, and race (weight and height not needed since normalized to average adult surface area)

MDRD equation for adults:

GFR (ml/min/1.73 m2) = 186 x (Pcre )-1.154 x (Age)-0.203 x (0.742 if female) x (1.210 if African American) 

Disadvantage: This is most accurate for GFRs 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 or less. Advantage of these type of formulas: No need for 24 hour urine collection.

GFR: Creatinine Clearance 

Limitations  

Difficult in obtaining an adequate 24hr urine collection. Varying amounts of creatinine are secreted into the urine at the proximal tubule. The elderly and young children normally have LOWER creatinine, which can mask renal disease in these patients. Creatinine is increased with diets high in meat and and exercise. Poor sensitivity and specificity

Cystatin C   

Low MW weight protein A potent and abundant inhibitor of cysteine proteases Measured by immunoassay 

Latex particle-enhanced turbidimetric or nephelometric immunoassay

Serum concentration is not influenced by muscle mass, diet, or apparently, by sex.

GFR: Cystatin C 

Is it freely filtered by glomeruli? Yes 

 

MW: Only 13 KD and high pI(9.2)

Does its clearance depend only on glomerular filtration? Yes Is it reabsorbed or secreted by the tubules? No Does it have a stable production rate? Yes 

Synthesized by all nucleated cells GFR Marker ? Yes, a very good one!!

GFR: Cystatin C vs. Creatinine 

0 1

0.5 1-specificity

Sensitivity = TP/(TP+FN) Specificity = TN/(FP+TN)

Nonparametric ROC plots were constructed to assess the diagnostic accuracy of serum concentrations of cystatin C and creatinine in distinguishing between normal and reduced GFR (<80 mL/min/1.73 m2) in 51 patients with various renal conditions (From Kyhse-Andersen J, et. al. Clin Chem. 40: 1921, 1994).

Protein and Nonprotein Nitrogenous Compounds Proteins Urea Blood Urea Nitrogen

Protein and Proteinuria 

 

In healthy kidneys, the glomerulus retains proteins >50KD, partially retains proteins between 5 and 50 KD, and freely filters proteins <5 KD. Since the plasma albumin concentration is greater than other proteins and its mass is 66KD, a small amount in the urine is normal. In normal urine, total protein is 30% albumin, 30% immunoglobulins, and 40% Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein. Proteinuria is an increase of protein in the urine.  

Increased filtered load Decreased tubular reabsorptive capacity

Proteinuria – Increased Filtered Load 

Increased filtered load: saturation of tubular reabsorptive capacity with essentially normal tubular function 

Glomerular Proteinuria 

Glomerular permeability increased  

Inflammation or basement membrane damage High MW Proteins (Albumin or IgG) in urine

Overflow Proteinuria 

Selective increase of low MW proteins.  

Suggests production rate has increased (plasma levels higher). Example: Bence Jones proteins in Multiple Myeloma

Proteinuria – Decreased Tubular Reabsorptive Capacity 

Damaged tubular function with essentially normal glomerular permeability 

Proximal tubular damage  

Decreased nephron number 

Toxic agents (ie., drugs, heavy metals) or anoxia [Low MW proteins] > [Albumin] in urine Conditions like chronic renal failure can cause a decrease in nephron number. Increase in protein load per nephron

Enzymuria 

Damage to tubular cells causes increased cell lysis and release of enzymes (ALP, LH, and NAG). [Low MW proteins] > [Albumin] in urine

Proteinuria 

Relative ratio of low and high proteins can help determine pathology of disease.  

Albumin has replaced total protein for glomerular permeability changes. The low MW proteins (i.e., retinol-binding protein and β2-microglobulin) can be used as markers of glomerular filtration and tubular damage.

Insert table pg 1218 Tietz

Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1999. pg 1218.

Urea Protein

Urea is formed in the liver as the end product of protein catabolism.

Directly related to the metabolic function of the liver and the excretory function of the kidney.

>90% Urea excreted by the kidneys.

Proteolysis, Principally enzymatic

Amino Acids Transamination and Oxidative deamination

NH3 Enzymatic synthesis in “The Urea Cycle”

Urea  Blood Urea Nitrogen 

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) is confusing.  

1.) Sample is serum or plasma and not whole blood. 2.) BUN is in units of urea nitrogen. Urea MW = 60  2 moles of nitrogen per urea molecule N MW = 14 N:Urea = 0.467 Urea:N = 2.143 0.467

mg Urea dL

mg Urea N dL


1g 1000 mg

1g 1000 mg


mole Urea 60 g Urea

mole N 14 g N



2 moles N 1 mole Urea

1 mole Urea 2 moles N




14 g N mole N

60 g Urea mole Urea



1000 mg 1g

1000 mg 1g


Urea N (mg/dL)


Urea (mgl/dL)

Urea   

Is it freely filtered by glomeruli? Yes Does its clearance depend only on glomerular filtration? Yes Is it reabsorbed or secreted by the tubules? No/Yes  

Neither actively secreted or reabsorbed by tubules (No) 40-70% diffuses passively from the tubule in a healthy kidney to interstitium, ultimately to reenter the plasma (Yes) 

Back-diffusion dependent on urine flow rate; diffusion increases as flow rate decreases

Does it have a stable production rate? No 

Production is too dependent on several nonrenal variables 

High-protein diet, malnutrition, dehydration, hepatic synthesis, etc.

***Poor indicator of GFR – Underestimates GFR***

Clinical Utility of BUN BUN:Plasma Creatinine ratio (normal 1220)

 

Azotemia: Increased BUN 

Ratio discriminates between pre-renal, renal, or postrenal causes. 

Prerenal- diet, dehydration, and liver disease  high ratio (> 20), normal plasma creatinine renal – disease at any level of the nephron or interstitium  normal ratio, elevated BUN and plasma creatinine postrenal – obstruction to urine outflow  high ratio, elevated plasma creatinine

Low ratio: ATN, low protein diet, liver disease

Analytical Techniques: Direct 

Fearon Reaction: Urea can be measured in both plasma and urine (not used very much or at all anymore).





Diacetyl monoxime





H+, ∆

+ H2N









Diazone λmax= 540 nm

Pathophysiology and Corresponding Lab Results Glomerular Diseases Tubular Diseases

Filtration by The Healthy Glomerulus 

Glomerulus is a filter with a 50 KD MW cutoff. Only small MW proteins and molecules are filtered into the tubules.

Glomerular Diseases  

Damaged Filter.

Loss of glomeruli Damaged filter = larger molecules like albumin, Ig, and red blood cells can get through. Diseases include:   

Acute Glomerulonephritis Chronic Glomerulonephritis Nephrotic Syndrome

Glomerulonephritis Acute: rapid onset  

Often caused by infection Large, inflamed glomeruli

Chemistry Tests for Both  Elevated      

Hematuria Proteinuria (Albumin) BUN Serum creatinine Red blood cell casts (UA)

Decreased 


Chronic: long term 

Lengthy inflammation leads to scarring and loss of nephrons

Other signs or symptoms    

Sodium and water retention Anemia Hypertension CHF (sometimes)

Healthy Renal Tubules 

Function is to reabsorb and secrete molecules. Water, electrolyte, and acid-base homeostasis Damaged tubules can no longer perform these tasks well.

Tubular Disease   

Occurs to some extent in all renal diseases. In some cases, it is the predominant problem. Results… 

 

Decreased reabsorption and secretion of certain substances. Reduced urinary concentrating capability Affects acid-base balance

Examples of causes: analgesic drug or radiation toxicity, renal transplant rejection, or infections

Tubular Disease 

Lab findings include:      

Decreased GFR Decreased urinary concentrating ability Decreased metabolic acid excretion Leukocyte casts in the urine Inappropriate control of Na+ balance Increased low MW proteins in the urine

Summary 

Kidney function is evaluated in several ways. 


Estimated by measuring inulin, creatinine, or cystatin C.

Protein in the urine can evaluate both glomerular and tubular function. BUN can estimate the amount of non-protein nitrogenous metabolites in the urine.