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Unit 1 The Pursuit of Happiness Listening and Note Taking Integrated Task 1 1. 20 2. residents 3. terms 4. labeled 5. formal 6. political 7. occupations 8. foreigners 9. chose 10. deny Integrated Task 2 1. a low opinion of the benefits 2. intense commitment to their marriages 3. reluctance to divorce 4. report violence in their marriages. 5. be associated with important psychological benefits.

Listening and Discussing Passage One 1. The correlation between income and happiness is surprisingly weak. (indeed, virtually insignificant) 2. The second piece of pie, or the second $50,000, never tastes as good as the first. So as far as happiness is concerned, it hardly matters whether one drives a BMW or , like so many of the Scots, walks or rides a bus. 3. They are only slightly happier than average. Four in five of the 49 people responding to the survey agreed that “ Money can increase OR decrease happiness, depending on how it is used”. And some were indeed unhappy. 4. Money could not undo misery caused by her children’s problems. 5. Most people do not exhibit long-term emotional depression. Remarkably, most eventually recover a near-normal level of day-to-day happiness. Passage Two 1. People who are happy view the world as safer. They seem more cooperative, make decisions more easily, rate job applicants more favorably, and report greater satisfaction with their whole lives. People in gloomy mood may find life depressing. 2. Most admitted having considered suicide after their injury. About a year later, only 10 percent of them rated their quality of life as poor; most described it as good or excellent. 3. They have adapted to the sad news. 4. They expected their lives would be denied by a negative decision. Actually, 5 to 10 years later, those denied are not noticeably unhappier than those who were awarded tenure. 5. We often overestimate the long-term emotional impact of very bad news and underestimated our capacity to adapt. Listening Short Conversations 1-5 CBCCD 6-10 BCDAA 11-15 BABBD 16-20 ADABD Passage 1 1-5 DCBDB Passage 2 6-10 BADDB Passage 3 11-15 DBACD

Unit 2 My Teacher, My Salvation Listening and Note-taking Integrated Task 1 1. 54,000 2. 1975 3. tool 4. foresight 5. cost-effective 6. investment 7. business 8. best-seller 9 donated 10. $24 billion Integrated Task 2 1. mathematical calculations on the blackboards. 2. had developed into mental disorder. 3. recovered from his mental disease. 4. games such as chess or poker. 5. dominant tool for analyzing economic. Listening and Discussing Passage 1 1. Einstein obtained his doctorate at the University of Zurich and evolved the special theory of relativity during this period. 2. Because he was able to make preliminary predictions about how a ray of light from a distant star, passing near the Sun, would appear to be bent slightly, in the direction of the Sun. This would be highly significant, as it would lead to the first experimental evidence in favor of his theory. 3. For his work in theoretical physics, notably on the photoelectric effect, he was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. 4. The Nazi government deprived him of his property and his German citizenship. 5. In 1944, Einstein made a contribution to the war effort by hand writing his 1905 paper on special relativity and putting it up for auction. It raised six million dollars. Passage 2 1. Socrates 2. In the Academy, Plato taught mathematics and philosophy until his death. 3. Plato was always concerned with the fundamental philosophical problem of working out a theory of the art of living and knowing. 4. Both of them were convinced of the ultimately harmonious structure of the universe. 5. His goal was to show the rational relationship between the soul, the state, and the cosmos. Listening Short Conversations 1-5 DCABA  6-10 CACDC 11-15 BDDCA 16-20 CADAB Passage 1 ABBCB Passage 2 BDCCD Passage 3 CDCBA

Unit 3 Human In the Amazon- A Long-Lost History Comes to Light Listening and Note-Taking Integrated Task 1 1. triumphed 2. standards 3. issued 4. reduction 5. business 6. costs 7. overseas 8. family farm 9 squeezing 10. conventional Integrated Task 2 1. 10 times what the permit required 2. rather than every six months 3. a room for work to be done. 4. known or suspected to cause cancer 5. 5,116 of 6,332 major facilities

Listening and Discussing Integrated Task Passage 1 1. Because of the worst food crisis in Southern African, they have to eat wild leaves and pig food. 2. Because much of American corn and soy is genetically modified .Zambia’s president calls the stuff “poison” and refuses to import it. 3. Americans have eating GM foods for seven years, without detectable harm. And compared with the clear and immediate danger posed by starvation, the possibility of being poisoned by GM foods seems rather remote. 4. African countries such as Zambia earn much of their hard currency from agricultural exports to rich countries. And their tastes matter enormously in Africa. 5. Tesco promises that there are no GM products in its own-brand food. It checks its suppliers to make sure they behave accordingly, and has samples of foods tested for traces of DNA that would indicate that some of the ingredients have been genetically modified. Passage 2 1. It would push up fuel costs but help the country meet targets under the Kyoto Climate Change Agreement. 2. Coal users would be big losers, whose costs would jump 19 percent. 3. They Kyoto Protocol requires developed countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by around 5 percent of 1990 levels on average between the first commitment periods of 20082012. 4. The United States has refused to approve the protocol because it does not similarly bind developing countries. 5. The United States, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

Listening Short Conversations 1-5 DCABD 6-10 CADAC 11-15 BBCBC 16-20 ABACC Passage 1 ABDAB Passage 2 BACDB Passage 3 BDCAB

Unit 4 An Encounter With Wolves Listening and Note-Taking Integrated Task 1 1. endangered 2. 1,551 3. conservation 4. wild 5. global 6. human factors 7. staff 8. profit 9. tourism 10 .focus on Integrated Task 2 1. search for gold 2. recently helped some companies 3. who was part of the team 4. than the other rocks. 5. all over the world Listening and Discussing Passage 1 1. The land is 5,400 square miles and the marine territory is about 100,000 square miles. 2. Most people come to the Bahamas for tour for its clear waters and its abundant and varied marine life. 3. Almost 5 % of the world’s coral reefs are located hear, an amount even larger than Australia’s Great Barrier Reef 4. Because the Bahamas is an island nation, there are only two native mammals-the raccoon and the hutia. 5. There are 12 government-funded national parks protecting every kind of habitat that the islands possess. Passage 2 1. Owls are used to deliver messages to other people much like pigeons used to do. 2. Because owls will be abandoned or released into the outdoors here they most likely starved to death when people realize the difficulty of keeping an owl as a pet. 3. The concern has been an issue mainly in Great Brain, where it is legal to buy and keep owls. In the United States, keeping owls as pet is illegal under most circumstances due to the protection under various federal, state, and local laws. 4. They consider the Alaska refuge as one of the world’s most primitive habitats for many wildlife species including owls. The refuge and the precious wildlife would be lost if it is opened to oil drilling. 5. Visitors can learn more about various birds as well as write President Bush a letter asking him not to drill for oil in the Arctic.

Listening Short Conversations 1-5 DBBBC 6-10 ABCDA 11-15 CADCD 16-20 BABBB Passage 1 DDBCB Passage 2 CABAA Passage 3 ACACA

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