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A Glimpse of KERALA



Annotated by OP. VERMA


KERALA JYOTTSHA Ist House—6th House Royal combinations—Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga — Yogas for wealth and happiness—Yogas for prosperity— Prosperity and poverty—Diseases of eye, ear and mouth—Loss of wealth— Diplomacy— Knowledge of scriptures— Quality of food. Yogas for coboms and relations with them—Yogas for conveyances— Mother's age, character and death— Hidden treasure—Houses and property— Illegitimate child—Destruction of progeny—Diseases and enemies—Results of the 6th house. 7th House—12,h House Marriage when?—Married life— Number of wives—Sexuality and loose morals — Long, medium and short life— Death of parents — Yoga for royalty— Sources of income—Relations with father —Profession—Charitable disposition



vagabond—Diseases of ear—Ketu in iiIh house—Emancipation—State after death—Expenses KERALA SUTRAS Judgement of twelve houses— Happiness in life—Lagna lord with other planets—Karakas of various houses —Yogas for comfortable life—Sorrows in life etc.


GOPALA RATNAKARA Good and bad results of houses— Constitution, colour and stature— Satvika, rajasika and t amasika nature— Constitution of eyes—Blindness— Wealth and sources—Multiplicity of eyes —Foolishness—Barrenness— Abortions —Watery accidents.




FROM THEANNOTATOR Sri N.N. Krisna Rao, the astrologer and scholar from Mumbai, collected many classics on astrology from South India and after editing important points, translated them into English. Here are the three important works of Kerala astrology. In the original classics, the slokas were not in order. Sri Krisna Rao serialised the slokas and thus did a yeoman's work. We have tried to enrich the original translation by adding important notes and quotations from the other famous classics. Points of contradiction have been elaborated and majority opinion has been upheld. The example charts have been added in support of the principles. There is enough material in the book for the beginners to consolidate their knowledge and comprehend the principles. The advanced students will find the book useful in the sense that there is enough material for research purposes and something new can be churned out in the form of principles. We suppose our readers will be enlightened by these illuminating pearls of Kerala astrology. The publishers M/s. Ranjan Publications have presented this unique work in a decent manner. Hence they also deserve our thanks. O.P. Verma


FIRSTHOUSE (1) In a birth horoscope the trikonas or trine houses are the abode of Laxmi, the goddess of wealth and the kendras or quadrants are the abode of Vishnu, the god of existence. The trikonas bestow wealth by one's own merits and the kendras are the seat of material gains or prosperity. Therefore the combinations or relations of lords of trikonas and kendras bestow royal life or Rajayoga on the native. Notes—Two planets are related when (a) they aspect each other, (b) one planet aspects the other planet, (c) the two planets are in each other's signs, (d) the two planets are in each other's nakshatras (constellations), (e) the two planets are in kendras or quadrants to each other. (2) If in the same sign or rasi one planet is debilitated or neecha and the other planet is exalted or uchcha, then the neecha planet loses his debilitation according to Maharishi Parasara and Maharishi Vashishta.


A Glimpse of

Notes : — If Mercury and Venus are in Pisces, then Mercury loses his debilitation because he is with exalted Venus, thus Mercury bestows good results. (3) If a planet is debilitated, then he loses his debilitation, if his lord of debilitation or exaltation is in a kendra or quadrant from the ascendant or Lagna. Thus the planet loses his maleficence. Note: — 'PhalaDeepika' (7/26) says in this respect—


-l I si ft 'chntqtff TNTT


If a planet is debilitated at birth, then (i)

if the lord of debilitation sign is in a kendra from the Lagna or

(ii) if the lord of his debilitation sign is in a quadrant from the Moon or (hi) if the exaltation lord of this debilitated planet is in kendra from the Lagna or (iv) if the exaltation lord of this debilitated planet is in a kendra from the Moon, the debilitation of this planet is cancelled by any one of these conditions and the native enjoys Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga. 'PhalaDeepika' (7/27) again says-

If the exaltation and debilitation lords of the debilitated planet are in quadrants to each other then it is a Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga. See "Phala Deepika" translated by Dr. G.S. Kapoor, published by M/S Ranjan Publications, 16 An sari Road, New Delhi - 2

Kerala Astrology


Again 'Phala Deepika' says (7/28) -

If the debilitation lord of a planet aspects this debilitated planet then it is a rajayoga called Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga. It is not as good in the 6,8 or 12 house as is in an auspicious house. (4) The native gets wealth and prosperity after the age of 16 years, if the Lagna lord is in the sign of a benefic planet aspected by or conjoined to another benefic planet. (5) The native becomes prosperous and wealthy after the age of 20 years, if the Lagna lord is in the 2nd or the 10th house and the 2nd lord is in the ascendant or Lagna. (6) The native becomes prosperous and wealthy after the age of 30 years if the strong Lagna lord or his navamsa lord is in his sign of exaltation, in a quadrant or in the 11th house. (7) The native enjoys prosperity and wealth throughout life if the Lagna lord is in his own navamsa, in his exaltation navamsa, in vargottama or in a friend's navamsa and is also influenced by a benefic planet. (8) The native does not enjoy long life, if any planet other than the Lagna lord is exalted. (9) The native is of mediocre wealth if any planet other than the 9th lord is exalted. (10) The native enjoys prosperity, fame, honour, wealth and estates if the Lagna lord is in his extreme exaltation degrees, is in a quadrant or trine and is aspected by or conjoined with a benefic or the Lagna lord conjoined with


A Glimpse of

the 10th lord is in his own sign. The chart No. 1 is a good example of this combination. Ketn


Mer XJup 4 MarsX 2 Sat


Rahi^^^ 1 Ketu ^

Sir Mirza Ismail Ex-Minister of Mysore State CHART NO.l Sun Venus Rahu


Notes—The combinations at (8) and (9) do not seem to apply by any angle and we do not agree to them. (11) If there is a strong malefic planet in the Lagna lord's sign of debilitation or in thel2th to the Lagna then the native passes his whole life away from his birth place. (12) If the Lagna lord is in his friend's sign, own sign or exaltation sign and is aspected by a planet also in one of these states, the native passes his life at his native place. Notes—The combinations at (11) and (12) have enough reasons for their usefulness.

SECOND HOUSE (1) The 2nd house signifies constitution of the face, right eye, vocal ability, education, wisdom, gold, ability to learn mantras etc. (2) The 2nd lord conjunct the 10th lord and both posited in the 5th house, then the native is a rich man. (3) The native is wealthy if the Lagna is Gemini or Virgo and Mercury in the Lagna is aspected by or conjoined to Venus and Saturn. (4) The native is wealthy if the Lagna is Sagittarius or Pisces and Jupiter there is aspected by or conjoined to the Sun and Mars. (5) The native is wealthy if the Lagna is Capricorn or Aquarius and Saturn is there, aspected by or conjoined to Mercury and Venus. (6) The native is wealthy if the Lagna is Taurus or Libra and Venus is there, aspected by or conjoined to Saturn and Mars. Notes — In all the above combinations the Lagna lord, the 2nd lord and the lords of the trikonas or trines are functional. We know that trikonas or trines are the seat of Laxmi, the goddess of wealth.


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(7) If the 2nd lord, the 9th lord and the 11th lord are in quadrants from the Moon, while Venus is the 2nd and 9th lord, then the native is the king of an empire. Notes:—The combination (7) can occur for Virgo Lagna only where the 9th and the 2nd lord is Venus and the llthlord is the Moon. (8) If the 2nd lord is exalted or in own sign in a quadrant aspected by a benefic, then the native not only commands honour and prestige but his face also glitters like a lotus flower. Here is the chart No.2 clearly showing the yoga told at (8) and in this chart of Pt. Moti Lai Nehru, the grand Sat 5 Jup 4

Ketu 3


Mars v 2

Sun Mer 1 Venus

Lagna Jup CHART NO. 2 Sat

Moon \ 12

10 ' 9 Rahu


father of Smt. Indira Gandhi, exalted 2nd lord is in the 10th with Venus. It is well known that he was handsome and commanded prestige and honour. (9) The native becomes wealthy by his own endeavours and effortsif there is exchange of signs between the Lagna lord and the 2nd lord. (10) If the Lagna and the Lagna lord both are in chara or cardinal signs, then the native may earn through foreign contacts.

Kerala Astrology


Notes—The yoga at (10) might had been true in olden times but now a days it rarely gives such an earning. Therefore this yoga seems to be a hypothetical product. (11) If the Lagna and the Lagna lord both are in sthira or fixed signs, then the native may earn in his own country. (12) The native is financially well off if the 2nd lord, the planet in the 2nd house, the planet aspecting the 2nd house and Jupiter, the karaka of 2nd house, all are strong. (13) If the two planets in the yoga at (12) are strong and the two are weak or all the four are weak, then there is no fructification of the combination or yoga. (14) If the 2nd lord with a malefic is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house or the 2nd lord is in a malefic sign aspected by a malefic, then the native possesses a low. financial status. (15) If the planets in the 2nd house, the planets aspecting the 2nd house or the 2nd lord, then in their dasa when the dasa lord contacts Jupiter, the native is benefitted financially. (16) The native is wealthy if the 2nd lord is in the 2nd house, the Lagna lord is in the Lagna and the 11th lord is in the 11th house. (17) The native gets a lot of wealth if the 2nd lord and the 11th lord exchange Rasis or signs and these planets are in friendly, own or exaltation signs. (18) The native is wealthy if the 2nd and 11th lords exchange signs or the 2nd and 11th lords are in quadrants or trines.


A Glimpse of

Chart No. 3 is of famous singer Lata Mangeshker. Here the 2nd lord is in the 5th house in exaltation and the 11th

Jup 2

Moon 4 ,

Rahu 1

Lagna Jup 12 Moon

Venus 5





N \ Sun Mars Mer/ Ketu 7

Sat 8


lord is in the Lagna. She has earned a lot of wealth by the magic of her voice. (19) The native is poor if the lords of the 2nd and the 11th houses conjoin two malefics. (20) (a) If the 2nd and the 3rd lords with Rahu are in the 7th, then the native suffers from throat diseases. (b) The native is poor if the Sun and Saturn are in the 2nd house. (c) Saturn and Mars in the 2nd make the native a prey to many diseases. (21) The native suffers of toothache and the diseases of teeth and tongue if the 2nd lord with Rahu or with the dispositor of Rahu is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house. (22) The native suffers of eye ailments if the 2nd lord is with Venus and related to the Lagna lord, occupies the 6th, 8th or 12th house. (23) The native suffers in the eyes due to the wrath of the rulers if Venus and Saturn are in the Lagna.

Kerala Astrology


(24) The native suffers of ear ailments if the 2nd lord and Mars are in the ascendant. (25) The native has vocal defects or is dumb if the 2nd lord and Jupiter are combust. (26) If the 2nd and the 12th lords exchange signs and the 11th lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, then the native loses his wealth. (27) The native loses his wealth if the 2nd lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the 12th lord is in the 2nd house and the 11th lord is also in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house. (28) The native has cohabitation with as many women, as many strong planets are with the 2nd or the 9th lord. (29) There is death of as many wives, as many evil planets are with the 2nd or the 7th lord conjoined with Venus and are in the 6th, 8th or 12th house. (30) The native is dumb or stammers if the 2nd lord conjoined with the malefics and devoid of benefic aspects, is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house. If the 2nd lord is in friendly, own or exaltation sign in these houses then there is no such defect. Here is the chart No.4 of a dumb man. The 2nd house is occupied by the evil planets aspected by Saturn while .Mars \ Rahuy \7 /

sJup Sat XVenus/ ^ /At


Sun Moon Mer Jup Veuus Saturn Lagna


A Glimpse of

the 2nd lord and karaka-Jupiter are in the 12th with Saturn. (31) The native is endowed with vocal and political ability if the 2nd lord with the benefics is in a quadrant or trine and is aspected by the bcncfic planets. (32) If the 2nd lord and Mercury are in quadrants, then the native is a successful diplomat and prolific speaker. Here is the chart No.5 of Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak who was a clever speaker with mesmerising vocal ability. Mer


Sun 4 Venus

6 > Ketu

' 2 Moon

Jup Rahu


CHART NO. 5 8 ^ Mars

Lagna Sun Venus

/12 /Jup Rahu oo


The 2nd lord is in the Lagna with Venus aspected by Jupiter. Here is one more chart No. 6 of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, the first Home Minister of independent India. Here Rahu 12

Moon v 2 ,



11 Mars 10 Sat

Jup Sun Ketu 6

Mer Venus


Sun Mer Venus Jupiter


Kerala Astrology


the 2nd lord Venus with Mercury is in a quadrant, so he was a clever diplomat and forceful speaker. (33) The native is a proficient astronomer if Mercury is exalted in the 2nd house with Jupiter in the Lagna and Saturn in the 8th house. (34) The native is an expert mathematician if Mercury is the lord the 2nd house, Jupiter is in a quadrant or trine and Venus is in his exaltation sign. (35) The native is a proficient speaker or pleader if Jupiter or Venus is exalted or in his moola trikona sign in aspect of the Sun and Mars. (36) The native is a melodious singer if the 2nd lord and Jupiter in strength are aspected by the Sun and Venus. (37) The native has knowledge of six type of scriptures if the 2nd lord is in own navamsa and is in a quadrant with or aspected by Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and the full Moon. (38) The native is well versed in Vedic knowledge if Jupiter is in a quadrant or trine conjoined with or aspected by Venus, Mercury and the strong Moon. (39) The native dines in silver utensils if the 2nd lord is in a quadrant conjoined with Venus and the strong Moon. (40) The native dines in steel or iron utensils if the Lagna and the 2nd lord has any link with Saturn. Notes —yoga (40) could had been effective in olden days (41) The native consumes low quality food if Mars in the 2nd house is aspected by the malefics. (42) The native consumes delicious food and drinks if the benefics are in the 2nd house and the 2nd lord is conjoined to or aspected by the benefics or the 2nd house is aspected by the benefics.


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(43) The native seeks food from others or depends on others for the food if the 2nd lord is in an enemy sign or in his sign of debilitation or he is aspected by debilitated planets. Here is the chart No.7 of a beggar which illustrates this yoga. The 2nd lord is debilitated and Saturn, Venus and Mars are in the 2nd house. Jupiter and the Moon did not help him, perhaps due to non-commencement of their dasas in his life time. Sat Mar&/ \ \Vemis/ \5/ JuP 6

4 y\ / \ Moon / Sun \

' 2 Ketu


7 Mer Rahu



Lagna Jup Moon Mars Sat Venus

(44) The native dines at death rituals or at the offerings to the forefathers if the 2nd lord is Saturn or the 2nd lord is conjunct Saturn or the 2nd lord is aspected by debilitated Saturn. Notes - The above combination (44) is doubtful as for Sagittarius and Capricorn ascendants, where 2nd lord is Saturn. (45) The native offers food to others at his own expense if the 2nd lord is conjunct Jupiter or Venus or strong benefics aspect the 2nd lord.

THIRD HOUSE (1) The third house signifies courage, bravery, food, coborns, ability for leadership, glow, right ear etc. (2) If the 3rd lord is in the 10th house with the 8th lord there is increase in the number of coborns. (3) Brothers are born before sisters if the 3rd lord is in the 11th house with the 5th lord. (4) Brothers are born prior to sisters if the 3rd lord is with the 8th and 5th lords. (5) The native does have brothers and sisters if the 3rd lord or Mars is in his exaltation, own or friendly sign or the 3rd lord is in the Lagna identical with Aries or Scorpio. (6) There is only one elder brother if Venus is in the 3rd house and the 3rd lord is in a quadrant conjoined with Mars and Saturn. (7) The number of coborns is identical with the navamsas crossed by Mars, by the 3rd lord or by the 3rd house cusp. (8) There are many coborns if the beneftcs are in the 3rd house or the 3rd lord conjoined with the benefics is in a quadrant or trine house.


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(9) There are many coborns if the 3rd lord in vargottama occupies the trine or quadrant, conjoined with or aspected by the benefics or the 3rd lord is in a benefic sign or navamsa. (10) The native does have coborns if the 3rd lord is exalted and Mars, the karaka is in a quadrant conjoined or aspected by a benefic. (11) The native is the 2nd issue of his parents if the Sun is the 3rd house lord and is conjoined with the lord of a quadrant from the 3rd house. (12) The native is the 2nd issue of his parents if the Moon is the 3rd house lord and is exalted or in the 7th house. (13) The native has many coborns if the 3rd lord is in a quadrant and exalted Mars with Jupiter is in a trikona or trine house. (14) The native has more brothers and less sisters if (a) Mars and the 3rd lord are in male signs or male navamsas, (b) Mars and the 3rd lord are in Gemini or Virgo and conjunct or aspected by the Sun, Mars or Jupiter, (c) the Sun is in the 3rd house. (15) The native has three elder coborns if Mars is with Rahu and the 3rd lord is debilitated. (16) The native has more sisters if Mars, the 3rd lord and the 3rd house are in female signs and female navamsas. The native has the only sister if these three are in female signs and eunuch navamsas (Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius). (17) Coborns are destroyed if Mars and the 3rd lord are in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses. If both are in malefic signs

Kerala Astrology


only, not in the 6th, 8th, or the 12th houses, then only coboms younger to the native are destroyed. (18) Coborns are definitely destroyed if the malefics are in the 3rd house and the 3rd lord is debilitated and these two are not aspected by or conjoined with the benefics. (19) It is hard to have any cobom if the 3rd lord is a female planet (the Moon, Venus), in a female sign or is in the invisible half of the chart (1st to 7th house) aspected by or conjoined with a malefic. (20) The native keeps life long harmonious relations with coboms if the Lagna lord and the 3rd lord are conjunct, aspect each other or exchange signs. (21) The native does not have coborns if the 3rd house lord and the 4th house lord are conjunct in the 4th house and aspected by the malefics. (22) There is birth of brothers if the 3rd house lord and the 4th house lord are in the 3rd house and one of them is exalted. (23) The native is devoid of coboms if Rahu or Saturn is in the 3rd house and the 3rd house lord is in the 6th, 8th > or 12th house. (24) The native has few coboms if Mars is in an evil sign and the 3rd house lord is in the invisible half (1st to 7th house) of the natal chart.

FOURTH HOUSE (1) The fourth house signifies own house, relatives, birth place, mother, mental strength of the native, comforts, happiness, conveyances, heart, meals, places of rest etc. (2) If the 4th lord conjunct with the Lagna lord is in a quadrant and is aspected by the 5th lord, the native gets horses for riding. (3) The native gets a chariot drawn by animals if the 4th lord is in the 9th house conjunct with or aspected by the benefics. (4) The native gets conveyances at the age of 32 years if the Sun is in the 4th, the 4th lord is exalted and Venus is related to both of them. (5) The native gets conveyances at the age of 12 years if the lord of the 9th house and the 4th lord are in the 11th house. (6) The native gets horses for riding if the Moon being the 4th lord is in the 3rd or 4th house and is conjunct Venus. (7) The native gets a conveyance dragged by the human beings if the 4th lord is debilitated, Venus is combust and Jupiter is conjunct Rahu.

Kerala Astrology


(8) The native owns conveyances if Venus and the 5 th lord together are in a benefic sign or aspected by a benefic planet. (9) The native gets horses as conveyance if the 4th lord is in the Lagna conjoined with the Moon sign lord. (10) The native gets a chariot if the 4th lord is with Venus. If the 4th lord is with Jupiter, the native gets a fast moving vehicle. (11) The native has three kind of conveyances horses, chariot and the fast moving vehicle if the Moon and the 4th lord are conjunct with Venus or Jupiter or strongly aspected by the two. (12) The native gets a wrecked vehicle if the 4th lord in the 12th house is aspected by the 9th house lord. (13) The native enjoys conveyances for a long time if the 4th lord and Jupiter are in the 9th house conjunct or aspected by a benefic planet. (14) The native gets horses as conveyance if the Moon and the 4th lord are in the Lagna. (15) The native gets horses for riding if benefic signs fall in the 2nd and the 4th houses and the Moon conjunct a benefic is in one of these houses. (16) The native gets a conveyance dragged by the human beings if (a) the 4th lord with the Moon is in the Lagna and aspected by Venus. (b) the Lagna lord and the 4th lord are conjunct. (c) the 4th lord is in the Lagna aspected by Venus. (17) The native enjoys chariot and horses if the Moon, Venus and the 4th lord are conjunct the Lagna lord.


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(18) The native gets a fast moving vehicle if Jupiter, the Moon and the 4th lord together are in a quadrant or trine. (19) The native gets a fine conveyance and all kinds of comforts if the exalted Moon is in a quadrant. This yoga is present in the chart No.8 of Herald Wilson the Ex-Prime Minister of Britain. ' \Mars / \ Ketu/ \4 / Sat 5 yK. \/ Moon /X 2

\ /






CHART NO. 8 Lagna

Venus \ Rahu\Mer /jup 1 10 \/ 12 (20) The native has a fast moving vehicle if the 4th lord is conjunct Jupiter. (21) The native gets horses as conveyance if Jupiter or Venus as the lord of the 4th house is in a quadrant and is aspected by the Moon. (22) The native gets a high class conveyance if the exalted Moon is the 4th house lord. Notes - For fast moving vehicles the readers may interpret as a motor car or an aeroplane in modern times. (23) The native's mother gets full life span if the benefics are in the 4th house and the 4th lord is in his own or exaltation sign.

Kerala Astrology


(24) The native's mother enjoys full life span if Jupiter, the Moon or the 4th lord is there in the 4th house or aspects it. (25) The native's mother dies soon after his birth if the afflicted Moon is in the 4th house and the 4th lord is debilitated. (26) The native's mother does not have a long life span if the Moon is hemmed between the male lies, the 4th lord is conjunct with or aspected by the malefics and the malefics are in the 4th house without any bcncfic aspect. (27) The native's mother does not have a long life if the weak Moon is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house and the Sun and Mars are in the 4th house. (28) The mother may die when Saturn and Jupiter in transit cross over or trine to the remainder of the Moon's degrees minus the Sun's degrees. (29) The native's mother's character is questionable if (a) Saturn and the 6th lord are in the 4th house. (b) The Moon, Saturn and the 6th lord related with Rahu are together in a sign. (30) The native's parents are not long lived if the Sun, the Moon, the 4th and 9th lords together are in the 8th house. The same results follow if the Sun is not conjunct but only aspects the combination. (31) Deduct the degrees of the 3rd lord from the Lagna lord and note the constellation of the remainder. When Saturn crosses over that constellation in transit, brother of the native passes away. (32) The native's brother dies when in transit Saturn crosses over the remainder of Mars minus the 3rd lord.


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(33) The native is endowed with property and animal wealth if Mars is in the 11th house and the 11th lord is aspected by a benefic planet. (34) The native resides away from his birth place if Mercury is in the 8th house, the 4th lord is debilitated and the karaka or significator of the 4th house is in the 12th house. (35) The native is the poorest among his relatives if the 6th lord with the 8th lord is in the 9th and the 9th lord is weak. (36) The native achieves the hidden wealth or buried treasure if the 2nd lord with the 4th lord is in the 9th house aspected by a benefic planet. (37) The native is benefitted by the hidden wealth or buried treasure if the 11th and the 2nd lords are in the 4th and the benefic 4th lord is in a benefic sign. (38) The native gets a palace if the strong 4th lord with a benefic is in the 3rd house and the Lagna lord is also dignified. (39) The native has valuable animals and property if the 1st and the 4th lords exchange signs and both are aspected by the benefics. (40) The native owns horses and elephants if any one of Rahu, Mars and Ketu is with Venus and the Moon. (41) The native commands respect among the relatives if the 4th lord is with or aspected by the benefics and the Moon is strong. (42) The native is monetarily benefitted and gets property from his brother if the navamsa lord of the 4th lord is in the 4th or the 4th lord or karaka of the 12th (Saturn)

Kerala Astrology


is in the 4th house conjunct Mars. (43) The native owns a large estate if the 4th lord is with the 2nd or the 11th lord. The yoga is present in the chart No.9 which is the chart of a famous land lord.


/ Jup \



r jXAlars 4 Moon. Sun / 7 RahuX^ K Venus/ \


Sun Venus Rahu


(44) The planets in the 4th, the 4th lord, the planets aspecting the 4th house and the strength of karaka of the 4th house decide the quality and the volume of the property, conveyances, comforts, contentment and mental peace, the native acquires. (45) The native effortlessly gains property if the Lagna lord or the 4th lord is in the ascendant. (46) The gain of property is delayed if the strong 4th lord is in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house. (47) The property of the native is sold if the 4th lord is in art enemy sign or in debilitation and the 2nd lord is in the 12th. (48) The native owns many houses if the dispositor of Mars is in the 4th with the 4th lord.


A Glimpse of Chart No. 10 is of a native who owns many houses.

Sat Mars \ 1 / Mer 8 Sun. Jup

Rahu v 4 CHART NO. 10

9 Venus Moon Ketu 10 y








Mer lv,er

Sat Mars

La na


(49) The native gets the throne if Lagna lord, the 4th lord and the 9th lord are in the 9th house and the 10th lord aspects the Lagna at the same time. (50) The native is extremely lucky and prosperous if the 4th and the 9th lords are in the 11th house or they aspect the 4th house. Here is the chart No. 11 of princess Annie of England. Here the 4th and the 9th lords Saturn and Mercury are in the 11th conjunct the 11th lord giving impetus to the combination. Ketu



Mars 7 10

Jup 11

Rahu 12

. /Mer \/Moon /\$ Sun \sat Venus 4

Venus CHART NO. 11

Lagna Mars

Kerala Astrology


(51) The native is honoured like the kings if the 4th lord with the 9th lord is in the Lagna and both are aspected by Jupiter. Chart No. 12 is of Ex-President Johnson of United States. / Sun\ / Moon \ Mars 5 Mer

Rahu Venus Venus

\ Jup / CHART NO. 12

Kelu 9 ,

11 10

Sat 12

Here the 4th and the 9th lord Mars is in the Lagna with Jupiter. (52) The native enjoys ornaments, conveyances and all comforts if the full Moon and Venus are in a kendra or trikona. If they are in Sagittarius or Pisces and the Moon is aspected by Jupiter then the native has plenty of red gem ornaments, goods of comfort, clothes and conveyances etc. (53) For progeny the houses 5th, 7th, 9th and Jupiter should be judged. (54) Wisdom is judged from the 5th house, progeny is judged from the 5th and the 9th houses and the Sun. For conveyances we should judge the 5th, 7th and 9th houses. (55) The native observes enemity with his parents if the Lagna lord and the 4th lord are in the 8th or the 12th house and the 8th and the 12th house lords are in the Lagna.

FIFTHHOUSE (1) The progeny, wisdom, knowledge, mantra, minister, adviser, soul, wise actions should be judged from the 5th house, (2) The native will have five children if the 5th lord with the 9th lord is in the 10th house. (3) The native will have one son and one daughter only if the 5th lord is in his exaltation sign with the Lagna lord. (4) The native will have 10 children if Jupiter is conjunct with or aspected by the benefics even if the malefics are in the 4th and 6th, and the 5th lord is in the 8th house. X Notes—The important point here is that even though the 5th house and its lord are spoilt but the karaka of children, Jupiter is giving enough number of progeny by being influenced by benefics and occupying a quadrant or trine, (5) The native has nine children if Jupiter is at fifth degree in Cancer, that is, in extreme exaltation, the 2nd lord is with Rahu and the 9th lord is in the 9th house. (6) The native has seven children if Jupiter is in the Lagna, the 5th lord is strong and the 2nd lord is in the 10th house.

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(7) The native has two twins out of seven children if Saturn is in the 9th and the 9th lord is in the 5th house. (8) The native has only one son if Jupiter is in the 5th, the Sun is in the 5th to Jupiter and Rahu is in the 5th to Saturn. (9) The native begets six children and girls in these do not survive if the 2nd and the 5th lords exchange signs. (10) If the 5th house falls in the signs of Jupiter, Venus or Mercury and one of these planets is there, then the native begets children according to the strength of the planet in the 5th house. (11) The native begets child through an unmarried other caste woman if the 5th lord is in the 8th and Saturn with Rahu is in the 5th house. (12) The result at (11) also happens if the 5th lord is in the 5th house with Rahu, not aspected by the Moon or Jupiter. (13) The native gets a son at the age of 24 years if Jupiter is in the 9th and Venus is in the 9th to Jupiter and the Lagna lord is also strong. (14) The native gets the child soon after marriage if Venus is in the 9th and the Sun is in the 7th house from Venus. (15) The native gets children from his 3rd wife if there is a malefic in the 5th house and Saturn is in the 5th house from Jupiter. (16) The native adopts a child if a weak benefic is in the 5th house unaspected by the 5th lord. (17) The native adopts a child if the Sun is in an enemy sign in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house. (18) The native does beget progeny if Mars in Aries, Leo, Scorpio or Pisces is aspected by Jupiter.


A Glimpse of

Notes—Mars in the 5th aborts or destroys children but in the end the native succeeds due to the aspect of Jupiter and thus, resorting to remedial measures. Aries and Scorpio happen to be own signs of Mars and when Leo and Pisces are on the 5th cusp, Mars is the Lagna lord and he refrains from doing the mischief. Let us study the chart No. 13, where Mars as Lagna lord is in the 5th with Jupiter. The native has four healthy Sun Venu v 2 er.


Lagna Rahu V 11

Moon 4

Sat 10

Sun Venus Mercury


Mars Ketu Jup/

children and none was destroyed. (19) The native does get children if the strong 5th lord is in the 7th to the 5th house unaspected by any malefic. (20) If (i) the 5th house (ii) Jupiter and (iii) the 5th lord be in benefic signs or conjoined with or aspected by the benefics, then the native is blessed with prospering children. If all are weak and influenced by the malefics the progeny is destroyed. (21) There will be progeny if the 5th house is aspected by the benefics or the 5th lord is aspected by Jupiter. (22) If the Lagna lord is in the 5th house and the 5th lord and Jupiter are strong then the native does get progeny. (23) If Jupiter is in Pisces then progeny will be less in number if Jupiter is in Sagittarius then children will be weak

Kerala Astrology and less in number and if Jupiter is in Aquarius or Cancer then progeny will be denied. Notes—These combinations can only be judged by experience. Jupiter in Cancer however gives children. Pt. Moti Lai Nehru, the father of Late Prime Minister Jawahar Lai Nehru had Jupiter in Cancer. (24) The native gets good and fortunate children if the exalted 5th lord is in a quadrant or trine and is related to Jupiter some way. (25) The children are destroyed if Mars is in the 5th and the Lagna lord is in the 4th house. (26) If Venus or the Moon being lord of the 5th house is in a female sign or navamsa then progeny is denied. (27) The native does not get progeny if there are evil planets in the 5th house and the 5th lord is hemmed between the evil planets devoid of any benefic aspect or conjunction. (28) The native does not get progeny if the 5th cusp falls in the sign of Saturn or Mercury or these planets are in the 5th house or aspect it. These yogas are doubtful. See chart No.14. In this chart Sun Venus Mer Moon S.



y/Sun Venus

Mer \/

Moon 4



34A Glimpse of the 5th lord Saturn is in the 8th house thus aspecting the 5th house. The native was blessed with three sons and the two survived. Here Jupiter is strong and the 5th lord is aspecting his own house. (29) The native does not get progeny if (i) from Jupiter (ii) from the Lagna and (iii) from the Moon, there are evil planets in the 5th house devoid of the benefic aspects or conjunctions. (30) The native does not get children if (i) the benefic sign falls at the cusp of the 5th house and Saturn is there or aspects it (ii) Capricorn or Aquarius falls at the cusp of the 5th house and Saturn is there or aspects it. Notes—These yogas do not seem to be logically correct as we have seen in the chart above. (31) The native does not get progeny in spite of marrying again and again if the lords of the 2nd and the 5th houses are defeated in the planetary war or they are in the 5th house aspected by the malefics. (32) The native's wife gets progeny by cohabiting the other male if the native has yoga at (31) in his chart, but his wife has yogas for progeny with Mercury or the 5th lord in the 5th aspected by the lord of the sixth house. Notes - This yoga should be judged for its practical utility. (33) Progeny is destroyed if the lords of the 5th and the 8th houses exchange signs and both are devoid of benefic aspects. (34) Progeny is destroyed if the 5th lord is conjunct with or aspected by the malefics along with the 5th house hemmed between the malefics and both devoid of any benefic influence.

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See the chart No. 15 where the 5th lord is in the 12th aspected by Jupiter but with the Sun and Mars. The native Lagna Ketu


Moon 12 Rahu 9 Jup 8

Chart No 15 Sat 11


had two issues but neither of them could survive. The 5th lord is in 8th from the 5th in conjunction to the Sun and Mars and Jupiter is also aspected by the Sun and Mars. Thus the lord of the 5th and the karaka of the 5th both are afflicted. (35) The issue is a son if the male 5th lord is situated in a male sign. Similarly the issue is a daughter if the female 5th lord is in a female sign. (36) The native worships the deities of the other religions if Venus and the Moon are in the 5th and Jupiter is in the 9th house. (37) If there is a planet in the 5th, the native worships goddess Durga. If the Sun is in the 5th, the native worships god Shiva. The native worships goddess Yakshini if the Moon is in the 5th house. (38) The native should not marry a barren woman, lean and weak woman, a woman who has not started menstruating, ill woman, a woman without periods, hard hearted woman and a bulky woman, because these cannot give him progenial pleasures.

SIXTHHOUSE (1) The sixth house signifies enemy, thief, cuts, bruises, regression, disease, stomach ailments, pickles and gems etc. (2) The Sun in the 6th gives head injury, the Moon on the face. Mars on ears, Mercury below naval, Venus in the eyes, Saturn arthritis, Rahu-Ketu stomach disorders and Jupiter in the 6th keeps the native hale and hearty. The native suffers from venereal diseases if the Lagna is Gemini or Virgo and is aspected by the Moon, or Mercury is in the Lagna. (3) The native suffers from boils and wounds if a malefic is with the 6th lord in the Lagna. If this yoga falls in the 5th house, this also happens to the native's children or father. If in the 4th, to mother; if in the 7th, to wife; if in the 3rd, to brother; in the 9th, to maternal uncle; if in the 11th, to elder brother. If this yoga falls in the 8th house the native suffers from various ailments. (4) The native suffers from diseases in the Mahadasas and Bhuktis of the planets posited in the 6th house, the 6th lord and the planets aspecting the 6th house and he has to face enemity and obstacles also. (5) The native has danger to his life from (a) fever if the 1st, 6th and 8th lords are conjunct the Sun,

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(b) water if the planets at (a) are conjunct the Moon, (c) hurt of weapon if the planets at (a) are conjunct Mars, (d) skin disease if the planets at (a) are conjunct Mercury, (e) excess of bile if the planets at (a) are conjunct Jupiter, (1) wife if the planets at (a) are conjunct Venus, (g) prostitutes and veneral diseases (V.D.) if conjunct Saturn, (h) laziness if the planets at (a) are conjunct RahuKetu. (6) If the malefics are in the 6th, the enemies increase and the native gets hurt from them. If the benefics are in the 6th house, enemies are defeated. (7) Increase of enemies, sufferingfromthem and hurts are the results if the 6th lord, the planets in the 6th and the planets aspecting the 6th are debilitated, retrograde or eclipsed. (8) The native's father has to face obstacles difficulties and unrest if the 6th house is occupied by the Sun; the same results to mother if the Moon is in the 6th; to brother if Mars; to maternal uncle if Mercury; to progeny if Jupiter; to wife if Venus and to the servants if Saturn is in the 6th house. Notes—Let us see what the other classics opine Brihat Jataka The native is strong if the Sun is in the 6th; but he gets defeated from his enemies. The Moon gives many enemies and the native is weak and suffers from stomach ailments.


A Glimpse of

Mars gives results like the Sun. Mercury does not give enemies. Jupiter and Venus give results like Mercury. Saturn gives results identical to the Sun. Saravali The native is extremely sexy, voracious eater, strong, rich, king or like the king if the Sun is in the 6th; if the Moon, stomach ailments; the weak Moon, short lived; if Mars, extremely sexy, great appetite, big, healthy and better among his fellow men. If Mercury is in the 6th, then the native wins in the debate and war, is free from diseases, lazy, speaks foul and is insulted. Jupiter in the 6th makes one less sexy with less appetite, insulted, weak, lazy, famous due to wife and conquers his enemies. Venus in the 6th makes one stick to women, has many enemies, without prosperity and a low person. Saturn in the 6th makes one sexy, handsome, courageous, wicked, voracious eater, sinful and fond of low acts. We can look into other classics also for clarifications. (9) If the lords of the 6th and the 11th exchange signs, the native suffers losses in gambling and speculation in his 31st or 48th year. (10) The native suffers from tuberculosis in his 26th year if the Moon, Rahu and Saturn are in the 6th and the Lagna lord is in the 12th. (11) The native suffers from stomach ailments in his 3rd or 12th year if 6th and the 12th lords exchange signs. (12) The native suffersfromleukaemia in his 55th year if the Moon and Rahu are in the 6th house. (13) The native suffers from leprosy in his neck and head if the Lagna lord, Mercury and Saturn are in the 6th house.

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(14) The native suffers from paralysis in his 3rd year if Rahu is in the 6th and Saturn is in the 6th house therefrom. (15) The native suffers from dehydration or extreme thirst in his 15th or 35th year if Saturn is in the 6th and Mars is in the 8th or the 12th house. (16) The native suffers from diseases due to extreme heat if the 8th lord is with Rahu and the 8th lord's dispositor is in the 8th house. (17) The native suffers of dog-bite in his 10th or 19th year if the Lagna lord is in the 6th with the 6th lord. (18) The native suffers or gets hurt due to animals in his 8th year if the 8th lord is in the 6th house and the 12th lord is in the Lagna.

SEVENTHHOUSE (1) The 7th house signifies lost wealth, curd, milk, music, renunciation, travel, anus, wife, wedded life, etc. (2) If the 7th lord is in a benefic sign and Venus in his own or exaltation sign, the native gets married at a tender age. (3) If the Sun is in the 7th and 7th lord is with Venus then the native marries at 7th or 11th year of age. (4) If Venus is in the 2nd and the 7th lord in the 11th, the native marries at 10th or 16th year of age. (5) If Venus is in a quadrant from the Lagna and the Lagna lord is in Capricorn or Aquarius, the native marries at 11th year of age. (6) If Venus is in a quadrant and Saturn is in the 7th from Venus, the native marries in his 12th or 20th year. (7) If Venus is in 7th to the Moon and Saturn is in 7th to Venus, the native marries in his 18th year. (8) If the Lagna lord and the 7th lord exchange signs, the native marries in his 14th or 20th year (9) If the 7th lord is in the 11th house and the Lagna lord is in the 10th house, the native marries in his 27th or 30th year.

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(10) If Venus is in the 7th or 9th and the 7th lord is in the 7th to Venus, the native marries in his 27th or 30th year. (11) If Saturn is in the 8th house and the Lagna lord is with Venus, the native marries in his 33rd year. (12) If Venus is in the 5th house and Rahu in the 11th, the native marries at 17th or 32nd year of his age. (13) If Venus is in the 5th house and the 5th lord is in the 9th house, the native marries at 22nd or 27th year of age. (14) If the 8th lord is in the 8th and the Lagna lord is with Venus, the native marries at 25th or 33rd year of age. (15) The marriage takes place, when (a) in transit, Jupiter crosses the natal sign of the Lagna lord or the 7th lord; (b) the transiting Jupiter crosses the natal Moon's constellation. (16) Marriage can take place in the dasa of following planets (a) the dispositor of Venus, (h) the 10th house lord, (c) the 8th house lord, (d) the planet conjunct the 7th lord, (e) the planet occupying the 7th house. (17) The native has five wives if the 7th lord with the 5th lord is in the Lagna and is aspected by the 12th lord (In modern times this yoga indicates loose morals). (18) The native has five wives if the 7th lord with the 5th lord is in the 11th house and is aspected by the 3rd house lord. (19) The native has many wives if Venus is in Pisces,


A Glimpse of

Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius and the dispositor of Venus is exalted. (20) The native cohabits with many wives if the 7th lord is exalted or is in the fixed sign and is aspected by Venus or a benefic. (21) The native has only one wife if Venus is the 2nd lord and the 7th lord is in a trine or quadrant or in his own or exaltation sign. (22) The native has many wives if the 7th lord is in a quadrant or trine and also aspects the 2nd or the 7th house. (23) The native marries thrice if more than one malefics are in the 2nd or the 7th lord is with the malefics. Notes - This yoga indicates that the native remarries after the death of first or previous wife. (24) The native has many wives if the 7th lord being in his own or exaltation sign is in a quadrant or trine. (25) There is loss of as many wives as many evil planets are in the 2nd or the 7th house. The native cohabits as many wives as many benefic planets are with the 2nd or the 7th lord. (26) The native loses his wife if the 7th lord is in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house and Venus is debilitated. In this yoga the native may not even be married. (27) The native dies immediately after the death of his wife if Venus is in the 8th and the 8th lord is in the 7th house. (28) The native's wife dies when he is of 33 years of age if the 7th lord is debilitated and Venus is in the 8th house. (29) The native's wife has well proportioned sex organs if Venus or Jupiter is the 7th lord and is in strength.

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If the 7th lord is in between Mercury and Saturn then her vagina is narrow. (30) The native's wife is from a noble family if the 7th lord is in a benefic sign and navamsa. If the 7th lord is in malefic sign and navamsa then the results are contrary. (31) The native's wife is well cultured, if the 7th lord is in a benefic sign and Venus is in the 2nd and both are strong. (32) The native gets beautiful and dutiful wife if his 7th lord is in a quadrant aspected by a benefic or is in a benefic navamsa or in a benefic sign. (33) The native's wife is of questionable character if the 7th lord with the 6th lord is in Lagna and aspected by Rahu. (34) The native's wife does not obey him if the 7th lord with the 8th lord is in the 12th aspected by Rahu. (35) The native's wife is of questionable character if the 7th lord is in a Martian or Saturnian sign and Mars or Saturn whoever he may be, is in the 7th house. (36) The native satisfies his sexual lust by unnatural means or by different methods of performing the sex act if Venus is in Aries or Scorpio or in these navamsas. (37) The same result follows if Venus is in Capricorn or Aquarius or in these navamsas along with Saturn and aspected by the Moon. (38) The same result follows if (a) the 7th lord with Venus is in Taurus or Libra, (b) the 2nd lord with Venus is in Taurus or Libra, (c) Mars with the 7th lord is in the 7th house.


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(39) The native does not enjoy the sexual comforts of the marital life if Saturn is in the 7th, the 7th lord is in the 12th and Venus is devoid of strength. (40) The native never enjoys married life if the 7th lord is debilitated or is in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house aspected by a malefic along with the malefics occupying or aspecting the 7th house. (41) The native marries again if Mars is in the 7th, 8th or the 12th and the 7th lord is in the invisible half of the chart. (42) The native cohabits other women than his wife if the 2nd, 6th or the 7th lord and Venus is in the Lagna with a malefic. (43) The native is of loose morals or a debauchee if the 7th, 6th and the 4th lords together are in the 9th house. (44) The wife destroys the family or kills the husband if in the native's chart debilitated Mercury is in the 7th and the 7th lord is with malefic/malefics, in malefic divisions, in the 8th or the 12th or is hemmed between the malefics. (45) The native gets benefic results (a) in the beginning of the benefic associated planet's dasa; (b) in the middle of dasa of a benefic planet with the malefics; (c) in the end of dasa of the malefic planet in the benefic sign; (d) in the whole dasa of the benefic situated in the benefic sign.

EIGHTHHOUSE (1) The eighth house signifies short life, middle life, long life, place of death, meals and private parts of the body. (2) None of the yoga for longevity applies to the children upto 12 years of age. Therefore parents should look after them cautiously. There are three types of balarishta or infant mortality — (a) Previous sins of the parents for which children had to suffer. (b) Weakness of the planets in the charts of children. (c) Inharmonious placements of the planets at birth. The parents should follow the remedial measures prescribed in the texts of astrology and should also get their children treated medically. (3) Yogas for longevity are YOGA (a) Venus in the Lagna and all the benefics and Jupiter in quadrants.


120 years

A Glimpse of The 1st and the 8th lords in cardinal signs or one of the two in a fixed sign and the other in common.

Above 100 years

The malefics in the 3rd, 6th, 11th and the benefics in the quadrants/trines and the Lagna lord is strong.

Above 100 years

Venus in Lagna, the Moon in the 7th and Jupiter in a quadrant to Venus.

Above 100 years

Saturn in the 7th to the Sun, Mars in the 7th to the Moon and the 8th house aspected by the benefics.

100 years

The 8th and the 12th lords together in a quadrant.

100 years

The Lagna lord exalted, the 8th lord in the 11th, and Jupiter in the 8th house.

70-100 years

Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in the quadrants.

70-100 years

All the malefics in the 3rd, 6th and the 11th houses. The Lagna in a fixed sign, the Lagna lord in a cardinal sign, the dispositor of the Lagna lord in the Lagna. The 8th lord in the 5th and the Lagna lord in the 8th and one of the two is with or aspected by Jupiter.

70-100 years t,

70-100 years

70-100 years

Kerala Astrology 0) Exchange of signs between the 8th and the 12th lords. (m)The 8th lord in the 12th and the 12th lord in the 9th. (n) The lOthlord in the 8th, the 8th lord in a friendly sign and the benefics in the 2nd and the 5th houses.


70-100 years 70-100 years

70-100 years

(o) The Lagna, in a cardinal sign, the Lagna lord in a fixed sign and the Lagna lord's dispositor in the Lagna. (P) The exalted 8th lord in the Lagna or the 11th house.

70-100 years 80 years

(q) Jupiter in a quadrant, a benefic in Lagna and the 2nd and the 8th aspected by the benefics.

80 years

(r) The 8th lord in the 3rd, the Lagna lord in the 8th and one of them conjunct with or aspected by the benefics.

75 years

(s) The Sun in the 8th unrelated to Saturn and conjunct with or aspected by Rahu.

74 years

pj Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in the 2nd, 3rd and/or the 11th houses.

Less than 70 years

(u) If the Lagna lord and 8th lord are in a cardinal sign or one of them in a fixed sign or both of them are in common signs.

Less than 70 years

A Glimpse of (v) The 9th lord with the 8th lord in the 10th aspected by Rahu. The 9th lord with the 8th lord in the 10th unaspected by Rahu.

below 50 years

50 years

(x) The 2nd lord with the 12th lord in a quadrant aspected by Saturn.

below 40 years

(y) The 3rd lord with or aspected by the two malefics (the 3rd is also house of longevity).

32 years

(z) If out of the Lagna lord and the 8th lord, one is in a cardinal sign and the other in a common.

below 32 years

Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in the 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th or the 12th house (questionable).

below 32 years

(4) The years of death (a) The 8th lord in the Lagna aspected by Rahu.

in the 5 th year

(b) The 7th and the 9th lords in the 8th house.

in the 7 th year

(c) The 7th and the 8 th lords in the 5th aspected by Rahu.

in the 8 th year

(5) The native can die in the following dasas and bhuktis — (a) In the eighth lord's dasa and bhukti if the 8th lord is in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house.

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(b) In the dasa of Saturn's dispositor and the bhukti of the 8th lord. (c) In the dasa of the 10th lord's dispositor and the bhukti of Rahu. (d) In the dasa and bhukti of Lagna lord if it falls at birth. (e) In the dasa of the weakest planet with the Lagna or the 8th lord posited in a quadrant or trine. (f) If Saturn is in the 8th, then in his or the Lagna lord's dasa. (g) If the 7th and the 8th lords exchange signs, then in the 8th lord's dasa and bhukti of the 7th lord. (h) If the 8th and the 9th lords are in the 11th then in the dasa and bhukti of one of the two. (6) If Jupiter is in the 7th combust or debilitated and Saturn aspects the Lagna, then the native is short lived. Notes—The 2nd and the 7th lords are the classical marakas or death inflicting planets and it is surprising the author has not said any thing about the two. (7) If the 5th lord is conjunct some planets, add the dasa years of the 5th lord and the other planets and divide it by 12, note the remainder. If the 5th lord is alone, divide his years by 12, note the remainder. In both the cases the remainder points the year of death of the parents, or count the sign from Aries for the remainder, the dasa of the lord of that sign is fatal for the parents. Note - Our experience does not approve the above results. (8) If the 9th lord is conjunct with Rahu in a sign, the father of the native dies in that sign lord's dasa.


A Glimpse of

(9) If a benefic planet is conjunct with Rahu, then the parents of the native may die in this benefic planet's dasa. Note—We are unable to catch up this, perhaps this is peculiar to Kerala Astrology. (10) If the Sun is in the 5th or the 9th and Saturn dasa is current at birth, then the native's father may die in this dasa. (11) Count (i) from the Lagna (ii) from the sign where the 9th lord is or (iii) from the sign where the 5th lord is, to the sign where the 8th lord is and divide it by 3. If the remainder is 1, then infer that the father of the native is not alive. If the remainder is 2 or 3, then the father is alive. As example we take the chart No.16. VS






Jup \ 6 Sun 7\ Moons. Venus,/ Mary


Mars Venus Moon

Sun Jup Mer

In this chart the 8th lord from the Lagna is in the 8th. Counting from the Lagna, the number is 8 which divided by 3 gives 2 as remainder. This shows the fatherof the native at birth was alive which is correct. The 9th lord is Saturn, who is also the 8th lord, therefore the number is 1, which is indivisible by 3 or the remainder can be taken as 1. Therefore the result is not correct. The fatherof the native was alive at his birth and is still alive.

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Counting from the 5th lord the number is 4, which gives remainder 1 which also gives incorrect result. Below is another chart No. 17, where the 8th lord is in the 9th house.

Moon 7

Venus Rahu

/Mars ,5 Mer Nz CHART NO. 17

Venus \Rahu

Lagna Moon

Counting from the Lagna, the number is 9, which divided by 3 gives 0 as remainder. We don't have any clue for 0. The 5th lord is in the 6th. Therefore the number is 4 which gives remainder 1. The result is incorrect, as the father of the native was alive at his birth. The 9th lord is in the 11th, therefore the number is 11. So the remainder is 2, which gives the correct answer. We deduce from these examples that the principles enunciated are not fully correct. (12) For finding the aliveness of mother, count from the tenanted sign of the 4th lord to the sign of the 8th lord and proceed as told at (11). Note —Readers may work on some charts for the efficacy of this principle. (13) If Mars dasa is the 5th from the birth dasa or Jupiter's is the 6th or Saturn's is the 4th or Rahu's is the


A Glimpse of

5th, then the native may die in that dasa. (14) The life span is short up to 32nd year, from 32 to 70 years it is medium life span, above 70 it is full life span and above 100 it is grand life span. (15) Scholars estimate the life span from the yogas present in the chart and from the dasas and bhuktis. There is no definite method to assess the life span Note—The author is correct here as is said WTfa




(1) The ninth house signifies father, preceptor, grand children,-emotions, good qualities of the native, worship, meditation, leadership, sacrifices, religion, maternal uncle, fate etc. (2) If Jupiter is in the 9th, the 9th lord in a quadrant and the Lagna lord is strong, then the native is highly prosperous. As an example we look at the following chart No. 18 of Maharaja Bhawani Singh of Jaipur, where the above yoga is present in full potential.

(3) If there is sign exchange between the 9th and the 11th lords, the native prospers like the waxing Moon.


A Glimpse of

(4) If Jupiter and the 3rd lord are in the 9th house, the native prospers after the 20th year of age. (5) If Venus in deep exaltation is conjunct the 9th lord and the Moon is in the 9th, then the native is highly prosperous and lucky. (6) If the Lagna lord is in the 9th, the 9th lord is in the 11th and Jupiter in the 7th, the native is extremely rich and has comforts of all types of conveyances. (7) If the 9th lord is strong and the Sun is aspected by a benefic, the native's good luck descends through his father. (8) If the 9th lord is aspected by a benefic and this benefic is in a benefic navamsa and associated with the 3rd lord, the native prospers through his brothers. (9) If Mercury is in deep exaltation and the 9th lord is in the 9th, the native is prosperous after 36 years of age. (10) If the 4th lord is in the 9th, Jupiter and Venus are in benefic signs and the 9th lord is in 1st, 5th or the 9th house, the native enjoys fast moving conveyances. (11) If the 4th lord or Jupiter is with a benefic in the 9th in a benefic sign, the native enjoys conveyances. Chart No. 19 is of the famous actor Shivaji Ganeshan of South India. The 4th lord Venus in the 9th in own sign is with Mercury and aspected by Jupiter. Moon vlO >

12 Jup 1




11 Lagna Rahu 2

Mars 3 /


Sat 8 Ketu / 7 Mer Venus Sun 6

Moon Sat Ketu

Mer Venus


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(12) If the Moon with a benefic is in a benefic sign in the 2nd or the 4th house, the native enjoys and owns conveyances. (13) If Jupiter and the 4th lord with a malefic are in a malefic sign in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house then the native does not own conveyances. (14) If the 9th lord is in the 11th, Venus in the 9th and Jupiter in a quadrant, the native prospers through his father. (15) If Mars and Ketu are in the 2nd or the 9th and the 9th lord is in Capricorn or Aquarius, the father of the native is extremely poor. (16) The native will never be prosperous, if the 9th lord or 9th house is related to more than one malefics and the 9th lord is weaker than the Lagna lord. (17 to 22) Following yogas indicate the native's age, at the time of the death of his father — Yoga

Year of death of father

(a) The Lagna lord in the 8th and the 8th lord in the 9th house.

2nd or 12th year

(b) If the Sun being 9th lord is conjunct Mars and Saturn.

5th year

(c) The Sun conjunct Rahu and Saturn in the 9th house.

7th or 19th year

(d) The Sun and Saturn in the 3rd house.

8th or 25th year

(e) Saturn in the 2nd and the Sun in the 8th house. (f) The 9th lord in debilitation and his dispositor in the 9th house.

21st, 26th or 31 st year

26th or 31st year


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(23) If the 9th lord or the Sun is aspected by a malefic and also conjunct Saturn or some malefic, the native dies soon after birth. (24) The same result follows if the 9th lord or the Sun is in debilitation or cruel navamsa and conjunct Saturn. (25) The same result follows if the 9th and the 4th lords are in the invisible half of the natal chart and are conjunct with or aspected by malefics without any benefic aspects and the Lagna lord is weak. (26) If the Lagna lord and the 7th lord are in quadrants/trines and their dispositors are in the Lagna, the father of the native dies soon after the native's birth. Notes—We are unable to understand the logic behind the yoga at (26). (27) If the Lagna lord, the 4th lord and the 9th lord are in quadrants/trines, the parents of the native die in their dasa bhukties. (28) If the Sun in deep exaltation is related to the 9th lord and Jupiter, the native worships his father. See the chart No. 20. The Sun is in exaltation and is conjunct the Lagna and the 9th lord in a quadrant aspected by Jupiter. We have seen the native abusing his fathermany times, perhaps due to the aspect of Saturn on the Sun and Mars being in Taums. Sun Venus Mer

Mars I

Moon CHART NO. 20 \ / Sun MooirixQvier 1 12

\Venus/Mars \ / 2

Lagna Sat

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(29) If the Sun is in a trine to the Lagna (in 5th or 9th) and is conjunct or aspected by Jupiter, the native worships his father. (30) If the 9th lord is a benefic, the Sun is strong and the benefics are in the 9th, the native enjoys the patronage of his father for a long period. (31) If the 9th house is between the benefics and is tenanted or aspected by Venus, Mercury or Jupiter, the native enjoys the grace of his father for a long period. (32) If the 9th lord is in the deep exaltation, Jupiter is in the 9th and Venus in the 4th, the father of the native enjoys complete longevity. (33) If Venus conjunct a benefic is in a benefic sign, the native is benefitted monetarily in the dasa of the 9th lord and the bhukti of Venus. (34) If the 11th lord is in the 4th aspected by the benefics, the native gets a heavy amount of money effortlessly. Notes—This may be by some speculative deals. (35) If the 7th lord associated with a benefic is in a benefic sign, the native enjoys high class comforts. Chart No. 21 is of famous cine-luminary Dilip Kumar, where the 7th lord is in Jupiter's sign, in conjunction with Lagna Ketu

Moon 10

CHART NO. 21 Moon 9

\/ XVenus 8 \JUP , Mei\

Jup Venus Venn

Sun Mer

Rahu Mars


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Jupiter. This yoga is fully present in this chart. (36) If the 9th lord and Jupiter in a benefic sign or navamasa are in the 10th aspected by a benefic, the native is wealthy and noble person. (37) If the Lagna of the native is the 6th, 8th or the 12th sign of his father, then there exists enemity from the native towards the father. If the Lagna of the native is the 2nd or the 10th from the Lagna of the father, then there is harmony. (38) If the lord of the 3rd conjunct the 5th lord is in the invisible half of the chart, the native is breast fed by a woman other than his mother. (39) The native is issueless inspite of many marriages if the 5th, 7th and the 9th lords are in malefic signs, weak, in the 6th, 8th or the 12th and none of them aspects his own signs. Note—This yoga seeks attention of our readers. (40) The native is issueless if the 5th lord is in a malefic sign aspected by Saturn, though he may be strong being aspected by a benefic. (41) If the Lagna lord, the 6th lord and Saturn together are in a quadrant/trine, then in their dasa-bhuktis the native may be imprisoned.

TENTH HOUSE (1) Ability, profession, state, prestige and honour, place of residence, fame, charitable disposition, travels, means of earning etc. are judged from the tenth house. (2) If the Lagna and the 10th lord are in these houses and one of the two is exalted, the native can achieve a lot through his endeavours. Notes—This yoga can only be present in Virgo and Sagittarius Lagnas. Late-President Dr. Radhakrishnan's chart has exalted Mercury in Lagna and he rose to such a position due to his literary endeavours. (3) If the 10th lord is conjunct the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Mercury, the native earns through the king, government or rich persons. If the 10th lord is conjunct Jupiter the native earns through the king or government. If the 10th lord is conjunct Saturn he may earn through Mlechhas (the persons of low caste or other religions). If the 10th lord is conjunct Rahu, the native may become rich by unscrupulous means. (4) If the Sun is in the 10th or conjunct Mars and the 10th lord is in a quadrant, the native is an authority to punish cruelly the culprits. (Perhaps the native may be a judicial officer). (5) The native is superbly wise, who performs


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auspicious and charitable deeds if Venus in strength is in the 10th, the Lagna lord is also strong and Saturn is exalted. The chart No.22 below is of Vinoba Bhave where Venus is in the 10th with exalted 10th lord, the Lagna and the 10th lords are also exalted. 10

Moon Sat 7

Rahu 11 / r Venus Mars 6 N*. Mer


CHART NO. 22 Sun

Jup 4

Moon 2


Mars Venus Mer


(6) The native is of charitable disposition, if the 10th lord in own sign is in quadrant/trine and aspected by or conjunct to Jupiter. See the following chart No.23 of Dr. Radhakrishnan where the exalted 10th lord is conjunct Jupiter in the Lagna. \

/ \


Sat \/ \5/Rahu Mars^jup 6 Mer^venns


Venus Rahu Sun Moon

Ketu 10 ,

12 11

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(7) The native does many auspicious deeds, if the 10th and the Lagna lords are in the Lagna and the Moon is in a quadrant/trine. (8) The native does auspicious and charitable works, if only Mercury is exalted not the 10th lord. (9) The native is of charitable and humble disposition, if Mercury and Rahu are in the 10th even though the exalted 10th lord is in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house. (10) The native is charitable and humble, if exalted Mercury is the 10th lord. If the 10th lord is with a weak planet, the native faces down- trends professionally. (11) The native performs grand yajnas, if the 2nd and 10th lords and Mercury are dignified. (12) The native is highly charitable, if the 6th lord is in the 10th and the 10th lord is conjunct Saturn in a quadrant/ trine. (13) If any five, four or two strong planets are in quadrants/trines they bestow auspiciousness to the native. (14) The native gives a lot in charities if the navamsa lord of the 10th is related to the 6th lord or Saturn. Same are the results if the 10th house or its lord is aspected by a benefic or the 10th house is aspected or tenanted by the Sun. (15) The native is a vagabond, without any profession if the 10th lord is in a malefic sign and Saturn in the 10th is conjunct a debilitated planet. (16) The native is mischievous if the 10th and the 8th lords exchange signs and one of the two is conjunct a malefic. (17) The native is highly sexy and lascivious if the 10th lord is in the 2nd aspected by Saturn and Mars and the 7th lord is under malefic influences.


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(18) The native takes a dip in holy rivers like the Ganges if Rahu or the Moon is in the 10th house. (19) The native surely has a dip in the Ganges if the full Moon and Jupiter are in the 10th house in a watery sign. (20) The native bathes in the Ganges if the 9th lord is in a quadrant aspected by the benefics. (21) The native is famous if the 10th and 11th lords exchange signs and one of them is aspected by a benefic. (22) The native is devoid of fame if the 10th lord is hemmed between malefics or aspected by a malefic. The native is ill famed if the Sun with Saturn is in the 10th house. (23) The native achieves super spiritual enlightenment if the 10th lord is a benefic aspected by another benefic. The chart No .24 is of Maharishi Ramana where the 10th lord the Moon is aspected by Jupiter (the karaka of wisdom) and the Sun (the Atmakaraka). \Sat Mer, Venus

Sun\ 8 / 9 X Rahu/ \



Lagna /n




(24) The native is constantly on tours if the 10th lord is in a cardinal navamsa. Fixed navamsa does not make one to travel and in common navamsa the results are mixed.

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Note—The above yoga may be inferred in the context of profession. The travels may be on professional demands otherwise one has to be at his job in a city daily by some means of travel. (25) If the exalted 10th lord is conjunct Jupiter and the 9th lord is in the 10th, the native is of charitable disposition, prosperous and self proud. (26) The native leads a comfortable life, if the Lagna lord is in the quadrant other than the Lagna. Here is the chart No.25 of Swami Sivananda where this yoga is present. The native foundextreme pleasures in \Sun Mer/


\5/ Sat \ Venus><Mars 4


/ / 2



/ \ Rahu X \ / Jup \ / \ / j Moon \


Lagna Mars Sat Rahu Sun Mer Venus

deep meditation and yoga practices. (27) If the lords of the 4th, 5th and the 10th are together in one sign aspected by the Lagna lord, the native is valorous landlord and enjoys prosperity. (28) The native renounces the world if all the seven planets are in one sign. (Sun to Saturn).

ELEVENTH HOUSE (1) Monetary gains, profit, income, left ear, left leg, income from various sources etc. are to be judged from the 11th house. (2) If the planet in the 11th is exalted, in own sign or friendly sign then there are various sources of income. (3) The native gains from the father or paternal relatives if the Sun is in the 11th house. If the Moon, through mother and maternal relatives. If Mars, through brothers and courage. If Mercury, through maternal uncle, wisdom or logical approach. If Jupiter, the native gains through persons in authority, through religious deeds or study. If Venus, through women or through silver or pearl trading. Saturn gives money by servants or by employing people. Notes - These terms may be used in present context. (4) The native gains from the person of the caste of the planet in the 11th or the planet aspecting the 11th house. (a) Royal planets-The Sun/Moon, gains from the king/ government. (b) Priestly planets-]upiter/Yenus, gains through priests or Brahmins. (c) Trading planet-Mercury, business or traders.



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(d) Low caste planets-Mars /Saturn, gains through low caste people or Mlechhas. Notes — Authorities on Astrology consider Mars a warrior planet. Above indicated castes should be interpreted professionally, not by the caste of birth. (5) The Sun gives gains through distant relatives, the Moon through mother and maternal relatives, Mars from enemies. Mercury from maternal uncles or traders, Jupiter through religious scriptures or religious activities, Venus through women, poetry, acting and music and Saturn gives gains through servants and agricultural pursuits. (6) A benefic in the 11th gives income by the codified means. A malefic in the 11th induces the native to earn through the cruel and unscrupulous means. The native adops fair as well as foul means to earn money. A strong benefic in the 11th makes one wealthy by providing various means of livelihood. (7) If the lords of the 2nd, 11th and the Lagna and the planets aspecting these houses are benefics, the native earns money in a codified manner and spends the money for charitable and social cause. If these planets are weak, defeated in war, combust or debilitated in the sign or navamsa, the native is poor. (8) If the Moon or the Sun is the lord of the llthhouse and is strong, the native is like a king. If Mars is in the 11th, the native gets wealth through elder brother or agricultural pursuits. Mercury in the 11th gives the wealth through education or relatives; if it is Venus through wife and precious gem stones and the Saturn gives earning through low caste people. (9) If the 11th lord is in a quadrant/trine from the Lagna or some malefic is in the 11th and these planets are exalted or in own signs, the native is extremely wealthy.


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For wealth we should not only judge from the Lagna and 11th house but also by considering the sign occupied by Jupiter as Lagna because Jupiter is the karaka of wealth. Here are some of the quotations of "Sarvartha Chintamani" how the native gets wealth or earns — (i) The native gets wealth from his father if the Sun is in the 10th from the Moon or the Lagna; from the mother if the Moon is in the 10th from the Sun or the Lagna; from enemies if Mars is in the 10th from the Lagna or the Moon (Whoever is strong); from friends if Mercury is in the 10th from the Moon or Lagna; from elder brothers if Jupiter is in the lOthfrom the Lagna or the Moon; from women if Venus and from servants or low caste people if Saturn is in the 10th from the Moon or the Lagna. (ii) The native gets monetary gains from the sources mentioned, in the dasa and bhukti of these planets. If more than one planets are in the 10th house then the native gains in the dasas/bhuktis of all those planets. (iii) If none of the planets is in the 10th from the Lagna, the Sun and the Moon, then consider for the gains the lord of the 10th sign and the navamsa he is placed in. If the 10th lord or his navamsa lord is(a) The Sun-The native has monetary gains or earnings through medicine, gold, water, travel for the cause of war, ships, gems, pearls, gamble, speculation, advisory capacity or counselling etc. (b) The Moon-The native earns by the trade of precious goods, agriculture, theatrical activities, grace of authorities, trading of cloth etc. (c) Mars-The native earns through dealings in metals and tools, businesses involving fire and heat, promoting

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quarrels, acts of bravery, theft or black marketing etc. (d) Mercury-The native earns by arts or drawing, writing books, flower garlands, theatre business, recitation of religious texts, astrology, business of flowers, teaching etc. (e) Jupiter-The native earns by consultancy, officiating at government offices, the grace of learned and preachers, teaching, pilgrimage, religious lecturing etc. (f) Venus-The native earns by the sale-purchase of precious gems, gold, trade of cattle and flowers, trade of sweets and milk, from the grace of rich women etc. (g) Saturn-The native earns by the low grade professions, trade of wood or leather, craftsmanship, killing birds and animals, labouring, creating discord and quarrel etc.

TWELFTH HOUSE (1) Expenditure, sins, abode to the hell or heaven, left eye, being handicapped, imprisonment, etc. are to be considered from the twelfth house. (2) If Jupiter in the 12th is aspeeted by his dispositor a benefie, the native attains final emancipation. (3) If the 12th lord is exalted, the native attains heavens after death and goes to hell if the 12th lord is debilitated. (4) If the 12th lord is between benefics, native's soul proceeds for heavenly abode after death and if between malefics then to the hell. (5) The soul settles in the heavens after death if the 12th is aspeeted by the benefics and if by malefics then in the hell. There is rebirth if the 12th is aspeeted by the malefics as well as the benefics. (6) The native spends on immoral activities if a malefic in the 12th is aspeeted by a malefic (like gambling, sexual gratification, visiting brothels, wine and women etc.). (7) The native spends according to the karakatwa or significations of the planet in the 12th. The malefics in the 12th induce the native to spend on immoral acts. (8) The native suffers monetary loss through women, if female planets (Venus, the Moon) are in the 12th and if

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male planets are there then through men folk. (9) The monetary loss is through the caste and class of planets in the 12th house. (10) The lord of a particular house, its karaka, the planet in the house and the planet aspecting that particular house, if all the four are strong, there is boost in the results of that house. Notes — Following are the karakas or significators of 12 houses. (1) The Sun, (2) Jupiter, (3) Mars, (4) The Moon and Mercury, (5) Jupiter (6) Saturn and Mars, (7) Venus, (8) Saturn, (9) The Sun and Jupiter, (10) The Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury, (11) Jupiter, (12) Saturn. (11) If the planets described at (10) are weak or debilitated, the results of that particular house are partially destroyed. (12) The birth chart is the mirror of auspicious or inauspicious future trends. If a person does not have the birth chart he is the like a room without light.

SOME MIXED COMBINATIONS (1) The native wins over his enemies if Libra, Sagittarius or Pisces rise with Saturn therein. (2) Only the planets in 2,3,4,5,7,9,10 and 11 houses are capable of creating Rajayogas. (3) Planets in 6,8 and 12 houses cause slavery. Notes — If in 6, 7 and 8 houses are Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, a very powerful Lagnadhi yoga is caused. If the benefics are in the 6, 7 and 8 houses from the Moon, a very beneficial Chandradhi-yoga is caused. (4) If the Lagna lord is in the 6th and the 6th lord is conjunct the 10th lord, the native is wealthy and is honoured by the king or the government. (5) If the Lagna lord and llthlord exchange signs and Venus is in the 5th or 9th, the native is extremely famous and honoured by the rulers or government. (6) If the Lagna is common sign and its lord is in a cardinal sign and the lord of that cardinal sign is in the Lagna, the native is learned and honoured by the rulers. (7) The native is given an ear even in the court of the king, if Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct or aspect each other.

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(8) The native leads a comfortable married life if Venus is in the Lagna and Jupiter in the 7th house. (9) If the Moon is in the 7th and her dispositor is in a quadrant /trine with Venus, the native enjoys many kinds of conveyances. (10) The native is short lived, if the debilitated Lagna lord is aspected by Saturn and combust Jupiter is in the 7th house. (11) If Saturn (in exaltation navamsa) is in 8th to the 9th lord, the anscestral property of the native recedes. (12) If as the 2nd lord Venus is with Rahu or Ketu, the property of the native is destroyed. (13) If the 2nd and the 6th lords exchange signs or they are in the 6th, the wealth is considerably lost. (14) If the combust or debilitated 10th lord is in the 6th, 7th or the 8th house, the native's brothers are destroyed. Notes —the 10th house is the 8th to the 3rd house therefore destruction of brothers is said in yoga (14) (15) The evils of Jupiter are destroyed if Jupiter and Mercury are in the 7th house. (16) If Venus and the bright Moon are in the 2nd or the 7th (the karaka houses), the evils of Venus are destroyed. KARKATWAS OF THE PLANETS The karakatwas of the planets mentioned by Sukracharya are given here while the karakatwas of the houses have been given earlier at their respective places. Shri Krishna Rao the translator from Sanskrit to English has told that the karakatwas as given by Sri Mantri Laxmi Narayan Sastri are more exact as foundin experience, hence are given here additionally.

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Soul, enemy, ability to go ahead, forests, mountain peaks, Father.

Father, comforts from father, native's rights, religious sacrifice, religious inclinations, gold, horse, topaz, status of the native, blood, white counch, copper, medicine, leucoderma, courage, eyes, treatment.

THE MOON Mother, mind, brain, flower, water, a thread worn by Brahmins around the neck.

Mother, comfort from mother, mind, clothes, water, agriculture, women, wealth, cow, milk, sweets, pulse, cereals, precious gems, oyster, pearl, aristocratic look, white counch, goods of comfort, liquids, fruits, earth, satisfaction, scent.

MARS Truth, estate, fort, disease, wound, boils, courage, weapons, fire, self ego, higher knowledge, brother.

Brothers, comforts from brothers, post or status, physical strength, courage, summer, quarrels, logic, success in battle, goat, leucoderma, sacrifice of animals, losing the


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way in desert, abode in mountains, women, copper, gold, red coral, ruby, jail, punishment, behaviour, friend or followers, fort, weapons, poisonous insects, bamboo, sulphur, lion, leopard. MERCURY Mathematics, labour, literature, Astrology, maternal uncle, wisdom,

Satisfaction from progeny, higher knowledge, discrimination, trading, befooling others or cheating, proficiency in maths and literature, sexual satisfaction, voyage, vegetables, digestion power, dance, parrot, betel, cage, inciting quarrel, ambassador, prosperity.

JUPITER Martyrdom, fame, house hold goods, gold, progeny, clothes, vehicles, horses.

Knowledge of godhood, respect of the learned, interest, sharp knowledge and deep understanding, purifying by reciting "OM" mantra, Vishnu worship, elephant, gold, fame, education, respect and


A Qimpse of honour, success, teacher, charities, progeny, ministership, proficiency in planning, philosophy and soul. VENUS Wife, sexuality, comforts, education, vocal entertainment, dance, sweet speech, craftsmanship, Astrology, ornaments, conveyances, costly gems, coral, pearl etc.

Ministership, fame, honour at gatherings, competitiveness, comforts from women, family life, silver, white clothes, humbleness, birth of progeny, auspiciousness towards others, poet and poetry, delicious meals, going to bed, honour, act play, music, sexual comforts, fragrant flowers, enjoying comforts.

SATURN Sorrows, longevity, tools,

Jail, lonely life, hands

travels, cuffing hands and feet.

cuffing, service, slavery, govt., low acts, bad and inimical thoughts, friendship of scoundrels, impediments, forest tribes, gamble, drinking, oil, earthen wares, iron, black clothes, blanket, cruel nature, leather shoes, troubles of imprisonments, defeat, lower professions, death.

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Mohammedans, dubious nature and meaning, courage, grand father, strength, losses.

Punishment, venomous snake, untouchable, courage, false ego, burial ground, immoral relations with widows, breaking stones, digging well, holes of insects, wood cutting, incurable diseases, accident, fever, small pox, unconsciousness, foreign residence, renouncing the family, changing religion, exile, war.

KETU Delays, sleep, destruction, knowledge, final emancipation, maternal grandmother.

Renouncement, worship with superstition, deceptive nature, terrifying others, pilgrimage, sexual thoughts, quarrels, separation, dirtiness, madness, knowledge of omens, final emancipation.

KERALA SUTRAS LAGNA BHAVA (First House) (1) The body, colour, constitution, beauty, stature etc. are to be judged from the first house. (2) If the Lagna lord — (a) is in the 6th, 8th or 12th, the native does not get comforts of life and happiness, (b) is in the enemy sign, is defeated in war, in debilitation, is conjunct the malefics or combust, the native has to face sorrows, (c) is retrograde or hemmed between the malefics the native suffers from incurable diseases. (3) If the Lagna lord is in a quadrant/trine good result accrue. Similarly, if he is in exaltation, own sign, exaltation navamsa, benefic divisions, conjunct the friendly planets, in friendly sign or aspected by or conjunct benefics, the native gets good results. (4) If the Lagna lord — (a) is conjunct the strong Moon, the native has beautiful eyes, his eye sight is good, his nature is calm and his behaviour is good enough, (b) is conjunct the weak Moon the native's eyes are not beautiful.

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(c) is the conjunct Mars, the native is courageous and a warrior. He suffers from bilious ailments and gets hurt from weapons, (d) is conjunct Mercury, the native is highly educated, his face is lustrous, he is proficient in drawing plans, arts and other artistic pursuits. He succeeds in many professions. He is distinguished in mathematics, (e) is conjunct Jupiter, the native is of calm nature, his face is magnanimous and he is religious, contented, laborious, learned, of good character and will seek renouncement, (1) is conjunct Venus, the native is fond of liquid delicious diet, of wearing beautiful clothes, of music. He is of happy disposition, have interest in politics, is proud of his profession, is in good books of the rulers or government, is liked by women, is clever and likes to serve the state or government, (g) is conjunct Saturn, the native is ugly and dirty. He is puzzled before masses, engaged in low professions, likes to induce aggression in others, likes solitude, is lazy, always sleepy and looks gloomy and sorrowful, (h) is conjunct Rahu, the native does not feel obliged and is not trust worthy. He creates losses to friends and is not loyal to anyone. He takes interest in agricultural professions. (i)

is conjunct Ketu, the native likes seclusion, trades in poisonous substances and herbs, likes to deceive others, is a beggar, is ready to renounce the world and is without any fixed profession.



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Notes—The Sun is the karaka of the Lagna and the above results accrue, if these planets conjunct the Sun. For more detailed list of karkatwas of planets and significations of houses see 'Uttara Kalamrita' translated by Prof. P.S. Sastri. (5) The nature of planets in the Lagna, the nature of the Lagna lord and the planets influencing him and the Lagna, all should be considered for delineating the Lagna results. (6) Out of the Lagna, the Moon sign and the Sun sign whichever is strongest should be considered for describing the Lagna results. (7) Consider the house whose results are to be described as Lagna. For example, if the house under consideration is 7th then take 6th house of the chart for 12th house considerations of the 7th house. If the 7th lord is in the 6th, he will give bad result for the 7th house being in the 12th from the 7th house. (8) For describing the results of a house its karaka should also be judged. Take the placement of the karaka as the Lagna and judge as usual. According to 'Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra' translated by R. Santhanam published by M/s Ranjan Publications the karakas of 12 houses are Lagna

The Sun















The Moon














According to 'Jataka Parijata' the Moon and Mercury are the karakas of the 4th house. Mars and Saturn are the karakas of the 6th house. The Sun and Jupiter are the

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karakas of the 9th house. The Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury are the karakas of the 10th house. These are only the variations and in our own view 'Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra' should be more relied upon. DHANA BHAVA (Second House) (1) From the 2nd house the gains of wealth are considered along with grand family, speech, right eye and vedic knowledge etc. As said for the Lagna, the 2nd house should be judged in the same way for auspicious and inauspicious results. The main features are aspects, associations and placement of the 2nd house, the 2nd lord and the karaka Jupiter. (2) If the 2nd lord or Jupiter is conjunct the Sun etc. the results are following — The Sun-Vedic knowledge, medicinal knowledge, proficiency in valuation of gems. The Moon-Pious nature, Pauranic and historical vocabulary, tendency for religious sacrifices, oratory. Mars-Knowledge of philosophy, unreliable, warrior, addiction to theft, liar, logician, big industrial schemes. Mercury-Scarifices and offerings to goddesses, recitation of mantras, proficiency in handicrafts, professional ability. Jupiter-Grammatical ability, religious bent of mind, worship, earnings in codified manner, leadership ability, in good books of the rulers. Venus-Knowledge of medicine (to be a physician), proficiency in cooking, good worldly knowledge, interest in music and literature and proficiency.


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Saturn-Fool, low nature, sufferings from windy diseases. Rahu-Courage, knowledge of worldly affairs and means of material progress. Ketu-Foreign travel, mental bent towards tantra and mantra, cleverness, unscrupulousness. (3) If the 2nd lord is linked to the 6th, 8th or the 12th lord by any way, the eye sight is badly affected. The native has protruding eyes if Venus or the Moon is related to the 2nd lord. The eye sight is weak if related to the Sun. (4) The weak 2nd lord produces defective speech. A very weak or afflicted 2nd lord may make the native dumb. (5) The 2nd house is of family lineage. If the 2nd lord is weak, the native is unable, to enjoy the family life (the native is unable to get comforts from wife, perhaps he may even not be married). The full Moon in the 2nd gives a beautiful wife. Mars in the 2nd gives a crooked and adultrous wife. Mercury in the 2nd makes the native to adopt foul practices. Jupiter in the 2nd gives a faithful wife. Venus in the 2nd makes one extremely sexy. Saturn in the 2nd makes one to establish immoral relations with low caste women. (6) The 2nd lord in the 2nd drekkana in the 6th, 8th or 12th house causes impediments in acquiring education (This means that the 2nd house represents education). If Rahu or Ketu are in the 2nd, the education does not help the native in his profession. The planets in the 2nd, with the 2nd lord or with the karaka of the 2nd house are the clue of the source and amount of wealth the native receives.

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The number of planets in the 2nd or with the 2nd lord indicate the number of wives a native has (This yoga is not found correct in practice). BHRATRU BHAVA (Third House) (1) Scrutinize the 3rd house for brothers and sister. Notes - According to 'Phala Deepika' M/s Ranjan Publications, the 3rd should be studied for chest, right ear, army, warriorship, courage, strength and coborns. This house is also called 'Dushchikya' house. (a) The native is denied coborns if the 3rd lord and karaka Mars are in the 6th, 8th or the 12tb. conjunct the malefics. Notes - It has been experienced if benefics are in the 3rd but karaka Mars is ill placed, the coborns are there but of no good to the native. (b) The native gets comforts from coborns if the 3rd lord and Mars are in quadrants/ trines, in exaltation, own or Moolatrikona signs. Notes—The 3rd lord, the 3rd house and Mars, all the three should be in good situation to get favours from coborns. But if the 3rd lord and Mars are happily placed and malefics are in the 3rd house, the coborns are not harmonious to the native. (c) If the 3rd lord and Mars conjunct with the malefics are in quadrants/trines, there is birth of coborns followed by their death after sometime. (d) If the 3rd lord and Mars are in female signs, only female coborns are born and if these two are in male signs, only male coborns are born. If one out of the two is in male sign and the


A Glimpse of other in a female sign, both male and female coborns are born.

(2) The third house represents the coborns born after the native. The 11th house is judged for the elder coborns. If the 3rd and the 4th lords are related, the native gets a house as property. (3) If Mars or Rahu are related to the 3rd house the native is courageous and sticks honestly to the work assigned. MATRU BHAVA (Fourth House) (1) The fourth house and its karaka the Moon are studied for the mother, relatives signifiedby the 4th house, comforts, home, furniture, conveyances, society and for water in the house. For all these the 4th house from the Lagna or the Moon or the Sun should be scrutinized. The results should be studied from the strongest 4th house out of the three Lagnas. The lords of the three Lagnas and the planets they are conjunct, the planets in the 4th house, the planets aspecting these houses and their lords should also be taken for judgement. (2) If the lords of three Lagnas are the malefics or aspected by the malefics, the malefic results are experienced. If the Lagna lords are in the benefic signs aspected by the benefics, auspicious results are experienced. If the Lagna lords being in the 6th, 8th or the 12th are in enemy or debilitation signs the malefic results are experienced. If some are in the benefic and other are in the malefic signs, then malefic results are experienced for a short time. (3) The conjunction of the Moon and the 4th lord is auspicious in the Lagna, 4th or 10th house. If Rahu or Ketu join this yoga, the yoga is destroyed.

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(4) If the Moon and Jupiter are in one sign, the native purchases a vehicle in their dasas or he gets it some other way. (5) If auspicious yogas are formed in the Lagna, 4th, 9th or 10th house, the native gets extreme comforts and prosperity. (6) The Moon in the 4th gives happiness and comforts. Mars in the 4th, makes one look older than his age. Mercury in the 4th, creates interest in fine and beautiful clothes. Jupiter in the 4th, makes one kind at heart and the native is installed in the position of power and authority. Venus in the 4th, makes one lead a life full of enjoyments. If Saturn is in the 4th house, the native is of low life values. Notes—The author has not given results of the Sun, Rahu and Ketu in the 4th house and whatever he has given is very concise. According to 'Phala Deepika' the 4th house represents house, fields, maternal uncle, sister's son, relatives of the same family, friends, water, river and bridge. See 'Phala Deepika' by Dr. G.S. Kapoor, M/s Ranjan Publications. According to this classic various planets in the 4th house give following results — The Sun-No comforts, no relatives, no friends, no lands and house. The native loses his ancestral property and serves the king. (For Taurus Lagna, the Sun being lord of the 4th house gives good results when in the 4th house.) The Moon-Happy, fond of luxuries, emotional, good friends, good conveyances, prestigious. Mars-Without mother, friends, comforts, conveyances and estates. (This does not apply to the 4th lord and the yogakaraka Mars for Leo ascendant. Mercury-Learned, one who praises others to get his work done, one who has friends, lands, wealth and property, luxuries and comforts of all sorts.


A Glimpse of

Jupiter-Comforts from mother, friends, wife, progeny and property. Venus-Comforts from and of conveyances, good house, ornaments, clothes and articles of fragrance. Saturn-Devoid of house, prestige, mother, comforts, and be disease sticken (For Libra ascendant Saturn is yogakarka and in own house gives all kinds of comforts). Rahu (a malefic)-A fool, inflicts sorrows, with many friends; such a native is short lived and is sparingly happy. Ketu (a malefic)-Residence in other's house and loss of lands, estates, mother and happiness. One has to leave his mother land. (7) For conveyances the author gives following clues, Venus gives horse and boat, Mercury gives boat, Jupiter the four wheeled chariot, Saturn gives elephant or camel and the Moon gives chariot, the conveyance used by kings. PUTRA BHAVA (Fifth House) (1) If Jupiter, the karaka for progeny is in a quadrant or trine, there is expansion of the family. (2) If Jupiter or the 5 th lord or both(a) are in the 6th, 8th or 12th cause destruction of progeny. (b) the same result, if these planets are debilitated. (c) conjunct the 9th lord, extremely good results for progeny. (d) conjunct the 7th lord, the native acquires a position of authority. (e) conjunct the Sun and Saturn, the native succeeds after impediments. (f)

conjunct the Sunand Jupiter, there are more sons.

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(g) conjunct the weak Moon or female planets, there are more daughters. (h) conjunct Mars or Ketu, destruction of progeny. (i) conjunct Saturn, the native is less intelligent. (j)

conjunct Venus, the native is contented.

(3) Jupiter in the 5th gives goods advisory capacity. Mercury gives higher education and lust for knowledge. RIPU BHAVA (Sixth House) (1) The enemy and disease are judged from the 6th house. Normally the malefics give good results in the 6th house and the benefics harass the native. The 6th lord is called the lord of diseases. Notes - The classic 'Phala Deepika' ascribes following results to the planets in the 6th house. The Sun (A cruel)-Valorous like a king, with grandeur, famous, wealthy, winner and endowed with good qualities. The Moon (a benefic)-Short lived, less wisdom, stomach ailments, gets insult and defeat. Mars (a malefic)- Wealthy, famous, winner over enemies, valorous like a king. Mercury ( a henefic)- Lazy, harsh speech, destroyer of enemies. Jupiter (a benefic)-Destroyer of enemies, reciter of mantras, clever and gets insulted. Venus (a benefic)- Without enemies and wealth. Saturn ( a malefic)-Voracious eater, wealthy, ego conscious, destroyer of enemies. Rahu (a malefic)-Wealthy, long lived, troubled by enemies.


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Ketu (a malefic)-Generous, with good qualities, strong willed, famous, winner over enemies. From this discussion it may be inferred, though the malefics in the 6th are generally auspicious, the benefics also do not leave their beneficence completely. (2) The Sun gives diseases of the head and the brain. The Moon, Mars and Mercury cause diseases of the throat. Jupiter gives heart ailments. Venus gives venereal and urinary diseases. Saturn gives leg ailments like arthritis. Rahu and Ketu are leprotic in the 6th house. JAYA BHAVA (Seventh House) (1) From the lord of the 7th house, the planets in the 7th and the 7th sign; the nature, habits and look of the life partner can be judged. The malefics in the 7th speak of multiple marriages. (2) If Venus or the 7th lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the wife remains ill and is short lived. (3) The 7th lord also infonns about travels and progeny along with the wife. If the Sun is in the 7th or as the lord of the 7th, the wife is adultrous. The full Moon in the 7th or as the lord of the 7th gives extremely beautiful wife and if the Moon is weak, the wife is not beautiful. Mars in the 7th or as the 7th lord, the wife is adultrous. Mercury in the 7th or as the 7th lord makes wife ill natured. Jupiter in the 7th or as the 7th lord gives a loyal and good charactered wife. Saturn in the 7th or as the 7th lord or Rahu in the 7th, the wife seeks the cohabitation with other men. (4) If Venus or the 7th lord is in with benefic vargas, the wife of the native is from a wealthy family. If the above two with the benefics are in quadrants/trines, the wife gives

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birth to good sons. If the above two are in the malefic vargas, in bad houses or conjunct malefics, the native gets inauspicious results about wife and sons. (5) If the 7th house and its lord are under the influence of the malefics and its karaka is weak, the native remains unmarried. (6) If the Sun is conjunct the 7th lord or karaka Venus, the wife of the native is of reddish colour, bilious constitution with heavy voice and good conduct. If the Moon is conjunct the 7th lord or karaka Venus, the wife of the native is extremely beautiful, sweet natured and likes ornaments and good clothes. MRITYU BHAVA (Eighth House) (1) If the 8th lord and Saturn are in the bad (6th, 8th, 12th) houses, the native is short lived. Notes —It is well known that Saturn in the 8th gives long life. The 8th house is the house of longevity and the 12th to it, the 7th house is maraka house. The 8th lord in the 8th does not harm the longevity but increases it. (2) If the 8thlord and Saturn or both conjunct the Lagna lord (a benefic) or the 8th lord or Saturn are in quadrant/ trine to the Lagna lord and both are strong the native enjoys full life span. If both are moderately strong the native has medium longevity. (3) If the Lagna lord and the 8th lord are conjunct or related to each other, the death occurs due to disorders of wind, cough or bile. The disorder may be determined by the concerned planets. (4) If the Lagna lord and the 8th lord are in the 11th or trine to the Moon or Saturn, the native enjoys full life span.


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If the Lagna lord and the 8th lord are in some other house the longevity is medium. (5) If the Lagna lord, the 8th lord and the 10th lord (conjunct or related to Saturn) are in a benefic sign, the native acquires full longevity. If these planets are in exaltation, Moolatrikona or own signs and are benefics, the native dies without suffering. (6) The disease which causes death is known from the sign occupied by the strongest malefic as seen from the Lagna. Usually the planet inSthfrom the Lagna or the Moon is the indicator of the disease. (7) The Sun causes death due to high fever. The Moon causes death due to low blood quality or tuberculosis. Mars causes death due to cancer or hurt from a weapon. Mercury causes death due to throat ailments or poison. Jupiter causes death due to indigestion or cough, Venus due to excess of urine or diabetes and Saturn causes death due to windy disorders or arthritis. Rahu-Ketu cause death due to disorders of all the three humours. Notes—This is a very important issue and the author has taken it very lightly and shortly. This issue of longevity has been discussed by other celebrities at length. The reader may consult the following works in this context with advantage. 1. Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra translated by R. Santhanam. 2. Jataka Parijata translated by V. S. Sastri. 3. Phala Deepika translated by Dr. G.S. Kapoor. 4. Uttara Kalamrita translated by Prof. P.S. Sastri. All these classics are superb and are available with M/s Ranjan Publications, with complete text, translation, notes and comments in lucid English.

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BHAGYA STHANA (Ninth House) (1) The prestige, a native acquires is judged from the 9th house, the 9th lord and by the Sun, Jupiter and Venus (Whoever is strong). Notes—According to 'Phala Deepika' 9th house is judged for preceptor, deity of worship, father, worship, destiny, grand children, grand family lineage. The 9th house is also called the house of fortunes and the house of religious codes or righteousness. (2) The sign exchange between the lords of the 9th and the 10th is a very fortunate Rajayoga and the native acquires great honour and prestige. (3) Here are the results of various planets in the 9th house. The Sun-Slow but certain acquisition of fame. The Moon-Increase of knowledge and good deeds. Mars-Higher status in the society. Mercury-Sharp intellect. Jupiter-Increase of wisdom. Venus-Gains of all kinds of comforts. Saturn-A messenger or ambassador. Rahu-Ketu-Meagre fortunes. Notes—According to 'Phala Deepika' various planets give following results in the 9th house. The Sun-Devoid of paternal happiness in childhood, happiness from progeny and social contacts, worshiper of gods. The Moon-Progenial happiness and good religious conduct. Mars-Jealousy on the part of the native, even if he may have royal contacts, such a native is the killer of masses. Mercury-Learned, wealthy, religious and of good conduct. Extremely talkative and clever. Jupiter-Wealthy, has sons, famous, eager for religious activity and the minister of king.


A Glimpse of

Venus-Fortunes through the grace of king, comforts from wife, sons and friends. Saturn-Misfortunes, without wealth, without progeny, without father, irreligious, scarcity of all comforts. Rahu-Irritating speech, no charities, leader of some sect, village or town. Ketu-Ill nature, ill thoughts and ill deeds, without father and fortune, poor, ill thinker about the noble. (4) The native is not in the good books of his preceptor, if the Moon conjuncts Saturn is in the 9th house. (5) The native achieves status by his own endeavours, if Jupiter is in the 9th house. If Saturn is in the 9th, the native causes his fall due to his own deeds. Venus in the 9th under malefic influence makes one of questionable character. The native donates in charities and is of sound character if Venus is under the benefic influence in the 9th house. The native asks for other's help if the benefics are weak in the 9th being combust or debilitated. The benefics in the 9th in strength help the native to achieve final emancipation or to achieve the ability of future vision. The chart No.26 is of Maharishi Arvind. Here the exalted 9th lord Jupiter is in the Lagna with the 5th and 10thlord Mars. Sun Mej/\ \ Venus/ \ 5 / Mars 6 4 / \ Jup

Rahu < 2 CHART NO. 26

Ketu 8 , oon 9 Sat

Sun Venus Mer


10 11

Lagna Jup Mars

Sat Moon

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(6) If Jupiter the karaka of charitable and religious nature is in the 9th with the Moon, the native is known for his charitable and social disposition. (7) The native remains engaged in evil deeds, if strong malefics are in the 9th house. (8) The strong Sun in the 9th indicates a prosperous father. (9) Jupiter in the 9th strongly indicates that the native advocates untouchability and even he may be cooking his food himself. Mercury in the 9th makes one fond of delicious food. Saturn in the 9th shows that the native consumes whatever he gets to eat. (10) The chart where the 9th house is tenanted by watery planets (Venus, the Moon) and is aspected by the Sun, Mars or Mercury, the native is engaged in the expansion and preaching of some religious thought and establishes a religious institution. KARMA STHANA (Tenth House) (1) The occupation or profession of the native is judged from 10th house from the Lagna or the Moon (whoever is strong). Notes—According to 'Phala Deepika', 10th house is judged for business, position, status, honour, prestige, profession, fame, yajna, methods of earning, eagerness for the work, conduct, merits, sky and ability to rule. (2) The native adopts an honourable profession, if Jupiter or Venus is in the 10th house and he is of charitable disposition. (3) If the 10th lord related to Saturn and Mercury is in the 9th house, the native has tendency to acquire final emancipation. If these planets are in the malefic vargas or


A Glimpse of

divisions his desire remains unfulfilled. If these planets are in the cardinal sign vargas, the major part of native's life goes in travelling. If these planets are in fixed sign vargas the native remains at one place for the most part of his life. (4) If the strong 9th and the 10th lords are related to each other, the native acquires a responsible position. If there is exchange of signs between the 9th and the 10th lords or both are in their respective signs in the 9th and the 10th, the native is liked by the king and thus acquires a position of authority to rule. If the 9th and the 10th cusps fall in the vargas of their exaltation signs, the native is honoured by the high officials of other countries. If with this yoga the other planets are also exalted, the native is sure to be a king. The chart No. 27 is of first Governor-General of independent India Sri Rajgopalachari. The Lagna lord Mars

m * 10 Jun,

Sun 8 Venus

Mars \1 /


11 Sat 12 Mer 1


Moon 2

Ketu v4

Lagna Sun Venus

is in the 12th house, the 9th lord is exalted having exchange of aspects with the 10th lord the Sun. Rajaji also became the Chief Minister of the then Madras State and also the Governor of West Bengal.

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Chart No.28 is of the creator and first Governor General of Pakistan Mohammed Ali Jinnah. There is sign exchange between the 9th and the 10th lords and the Lagna lord Saturn is forming Sasa yoga in the Lagna. Moon 12 ,



Sat 11 Rahu Venus 8 Jup Ketu 5

Mars v7


Jup Venus

(5) The planets in the 10th, the 10th lord, the karaka of the 10th house and the significations of these planets (Satvika, Rajasika or Tamasika) and the sign at the 10th house decide the profession, where the native will succeed. If these planets are weak, the native faces impediments, hindrances and breaks in his profession time to time. (6) If the Sun and Mars are strongly related to the 10th house, the native can progress in defence forces and may acquire a commanding position. If Mars and Saturn are similarly related to the 10th house, the native can be in the army but cannot progress to a high position.


A Glimpse of

Chart No. 29 is of General Eisenhower, who later became President of United States. The Sun is with the 10th lord Moon. Though the Sun is debilitated but he gets cancellation for it, being in, quadrant to the Moon. The 10th house is aspected by Mars and Jupiter. Jupiter also gets cancellation of debilitation. N. Rahu / \ Mer/ \8 / ^un \ / MarsN/^ Sat 7 q / \ / \ C / \ Moon / \ CHART NO. 29

Venus Rahu

Lagna Sun Moon

(7) If Jupiter or Venus are in Cancer or Pisces, the native acquires final emancipation. If Rahu or Ketu are in the 10th in these signs, the native goes out for pilgrimage many times. AAYA STHANA (Eleventh House) According to 'Phala Deepika' the 11th house is judged for gains, income, acquisition, realisation of wishes, prosperity, praise, elder brother and sister, left ear, harmony and good news. (1) The results of various planets in the 11th house The Sun-The native is wealthy and long lived. The native is very happy and rules over many persons. The Moon-The native is a thinker, long lived, wealthy, father of sons and he keeps servants also. Mars-The native is wealthy, comfortable, brave, cultured and without sorrows.

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Mercury-The native is long lived, keeps his words, extremely wealthy and happy. Jupiter-The native is wealthy, fearless and longlived. The native acquires conveyances and has a few progeny. Venus-The native is wealthy, fond of other's women and is prosperous. Saturn-The native has earnings, is disease free, wealthy, longlived and with stable property. Rahu-The native is wealthy, longlived, with less progeny and some disease in the ear. Ketu-The native is wealthy, collects precious items, has many qualities and many items of comfort and luxury. The native achieves success in all undertakings. (2) If the lord of 11th is in an auspicious house and the karaka Jupiter is also in an auspicious house and strong, the native remains happy with strong financial status. If the 11th lord is a weak malefic the opposite results occur. (3) The sources of income may be anticipated as under — The Sun-From the king or government. The Moon-From the mother or agriculture. Mars-From brothers, estates or courageous deeds. Mercury-From business or trading. Jupiter-From writing, teaching and other social works. Venus-From women or respected occupations. Saturn-From service to others. Rahu-From the trade of horses. Ketu-From begging alms. Notes - Above discussion shows that all the planets give good results in the 11th house. Rahu in the 11th gives gains through mlechhas or people of other religion. Ketu in the 11th is also considered beneficial.


A Glimpse of VYAYA BHAVA (Twelfth House)

Notes:- According to 'Phala Deepika' the 12th house is to be judged for sorrows, feet, left eye, poverty, backbiting, evils, bed pleasures, expenditure and captivity or imprisonment. (1) Various planets give following results in the 12th houseThe Moon-Expenditure on wine, women and luxuries. Venus-Spends on cohabiting with women. The SuiyMars-On govt, penalties or taxes. Mercury-The native spends in business. Jupiter-The native spends for religious and charitable causes. Saturn-The native spends on gambling. Rahu-The native suffers losses on account of theft. Ketu-The native spends on poisonous substances. According to 'Phala Deepika' various planets give following results in the 12thhouse. The Sun-The native resorts to the enemity with his father and suffers from the diseases of eye. The native is without wealth and sons. The Moon-The native is lazy, insulted and sorrowful and other people feel jealousy of him. Mars-The native back-bites, is cruel, loses wife and does bad deeds. Mercury-The native is lazy, cruel, uneducated and gets insulted. Jupiter-Other people feel jealous of the native and he frequently uses foul language, is without progeny, sinful, lazy and in the service of others. Venus-The native has access to cohabitation with women and has wealth and prosperity.

Kerala Astrology Saturn-The native is bold, without wealth, devoid of son, a handicapped and fool. The native is thrown away by his enemies. Rahu-The native suffers of watery diseases and spends a lot uselessly. The native is involved in adultery. Ketu-The native is secretly involved in sinful life and spends on evil deeds. The native does not follow the rightful path and loses his wealth. The native may suffer of eye-diseases. (2) If the 12th lord is a benefic and a benefic is in the 12th house, the native rests in heavens after death and goes to hell, if both the planets are malefics. (3) If the 12th lord is exalted, in Moolatrikona or own sign aspected by the Lagna lord, the native enjoys all kinds of comforts, like cohabitation with beautiful women, delicious meals and precious clothes etc. The native is rich, owns houses and conveyances. The native is of charitable disposition and he acquires an authoritative position. If the 9th lord or Jupiter aspects the 12th lord, the native mostly spends on charities and for religious causes. If the malefics aspect the 12th lord, the native spends mostly on bad deeds. Here is the chart No. 30 of Late Prime Minister Venus \7/Sun ^^Moon / \Mer CHART NO. 30



Sun Moon

Lai Bahadur Shastri. The 12th lord is in own sign aspected by the 2nd and the 5th lord Jupiter. He was very judicious in spending.


A Glimpse of

Another chart No.31 is of an industrialist Seth Jugal Kishore Birla, the 12th lord Venus is with Jupiter. His interest in donating and spending for the religious causes is well known. sSun

Mer/ Sat y\

Sun Mer Sat

\^/Mars y,Venus / \Ketu / \Jup


Moon 9



GOPALA RATNAKARA Author- Sri Bangalore Sidhanti Shiv Shankar Sastri F^STHOUSEJ^gnaBh^^ (1) The bcnclic results of a house are realised, if the house lord is placed in the concerned house or the house is aspected by its lord or benefics. Contrarily, if in a house the malefics or the lords of the 6th, 8th or the 12th are situated, then the complete results of that house are not realised. If a house is completely sp'oilt, ho good for that house can be expected. If a house lord is debilitated, combust or in the 6th, 8th or the 12th from that house, the house gets weakened. The house lord who is exalted, in Moolatrikona sign or in own sign boosts the house he owns. Notes —These principles are generally applicable to all the houses. For judging the house results we give below some principles from ThalaDeepika' — (a) The house tenanted or aspected by the benefics give good results. The house tenanted by its lord gives good results though he may be a malefic. (b) If from the house under consideration, there are benefics in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th


A Glimpse of and the 10th, the good results of the house occur and if there are malefics in these houses from the concerned house inauspicious results occur. Mixed planets give mixed results. (c) If a house lord is in the 8th, combust, debilitated, in an enemy sign and unaspected or unassociated with the benefics, the results of that house are destroyed. This principle is applicable to both type of house lords, ie malefics or benefics. (d) The malefics in the 6th, 8th and 12th from a house, destroy the results of that house. (e) A house is harmed if its lord is placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th to it.

In contrast we cite here the slokafrom another classic 'JatakadeshMarga' —



If a house is aspected or associated with its strong malefic lord, the results of that house are inauspicious. If this malefic lord is weak, the inauspicious results are less. Most of the authorities do not agree to this. Most accepted view is that, if a house lord, be a beneftc or malefic, he joins or aspects his own house, the auspicious house results get boosted. The following sloka of 'Jatakadesh Marga' clarifies this-

dFr wm

^df 3T I I

(2) If the Lagna is aspected by or conjoined to the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus, the native is handsome. He is not handsome, if Saturn, Rahu or Ketu

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conjoin or aspect the Lagna. If both type of planets influence the Lagna, the results are of mixed character. The native may not have fair colour but his features are sharp. (3) Jupiter and Venus indicate phlegmatic constitution. Saturn and the Moon represent windy constitution and rest of the planets represent bilious constitution. The propensity of these humours can be determined in the native's constitution, if these planets are in the Lagna. (4) Following are the results of the aspects or conjunctions of various planets to the LagnaSaturn and Jupiter

Satvika nature

Mars and Rahu

Tamasika nature



Rest of the planets

Rajasika nature.

Notes —No authority declares Saturn as of Satvika nature. According to 'Brihat Jataka' 2nd chapter, sloka 7 ('Brihat Jataka' translated by Prof P.S. Sastri) the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter represent Satvika nature. Mercury and Venus represent Rajasika nature and Mars and Saturn are of Tamasika nature. According to 'Jataka Parijata' chapter 2, sloka 8, the Sun and the Moon give light. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are Tara planets. Rahu and Ketu are of Tama nature. The 26th sloka says the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter are Satvaguna, Venus and Mercury are Rajoguna and Saturn and Mars are Tamoguna planets. Ketu has been accepted by many as the significator of knowledge but according to 'Phala Deepika' 2nd chapter, sloka 35 Ketu is lean, cruel in nature and causes atrocities. He is of down caste. There is saying


Saturn and Ketu is like Mars in effects.

ie. Rahu is like


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(5) If the Lagna is conjunct the Moon or Saturn, the native is of plump body. If the Lagna is with or aspected by the Sun, Mercury or Jupiter, the native is of ordinary body. If the remaining planets are in or aspect the Lagna, the native is lean and lanky. Notes—We do not agree to the author, according to 'Phala Deepika' 2nd chapter, sloka 8-14, the Sunis of square body, his arms are big. The Moon is bulky. Mars is thin at the middle means his waist is thin. Mercury has proportionate body ie all his body limbs are proportionate. Jupiter has a strong, elevated chest, a big body, and the body parts are bulky. Saturn has long and lean body. Sloka 35 declares Rahu with a big body. Ketuhas lean body. According to 'BRIHAT JATAKA' 2nd chapter, sloka 8-11, the Sun has square body. The Moon has thin and round body. Mars is young with thin waist. Nothing is said about Mercury. Jupiter has a big body. Venus has beautiful and well proportioned body. Saturn is long and bony. (6) If the Lagna lord is exalted, in own or friendly sign and is placed in a quadrant/trine, the native achieves fame and honour. If Jupiter is in the Lagna or the 7th or in Aries, Cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn sign, the native besides being of charitable disposition, is also an honourable citizen. Notes—Such results do not occur for Jupiter unless and until he does not getNeecha Bhanga. (7) The native gets physical comforts, if the Lagna lord is a benefic or the Lagna is conjoined to or aspected by a benefic, or the Lagna lord is in a quadrant/trine identical with his exaltation, own or friendly sign. Contrary results occur, if the Lagna lord a malefic is in debilitation or enemy sign, aspected by a malefic and is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house or a malefic is in the Lagna.

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(8) If Saturn, Mercury or Ketu are in the 2nd, 5th or 7th house or aspect these houses, the native is weak in sex act or sexual performance. Notes —The 2nd and 5th houses have nothing to do with sexual performance. The 7th house and Venus are only concerned with sexual performance. The readers however can experiment with this combination. (9) If the Lagna is with or aspected by Saturn, the native suffers from gout or excessive sexual desire and he ultimately becomes weak. (10) If the Lagna is under the influence of Mars, the native suffers of hurts, wounds, small pox or fire. Mars afflicting the Lagna may also cause Prameha, a disease which causes weakening of the body due to the excessive urination. (11) If Saturn in own drekkana is in the Lagna along with Rahu and Mars, the native is lame and limps due to defective leg). (12) If three planets the Sun, the Moon and Mars collectively are in the 4th, 6th, 8th or 12th houses, aspected by a malefic or enemy planet, the native becomes deaf. Notes—These yogas can have some significance, if proved true in the light of experience, otherwise the 4th, 6th, 8th and 12th houses have nothing to do with ear. (13) If the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Saturn collectively are in the 5th house, though aspected by a benefic, there is possibility of ear or nose being amputed. (14) If Mars, Saturn and Rahu are in the 8th house, according to Kerala classic there is possibility of the nose being amputed.


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(15) If Mars in the 8th house conjoined to or aspected by Saturn, the native may die in the battle. (16) If Saturn and Jupiter together are in the 7th or 8th house, the native suffers of tuberculosis. (17) If the Lagna lord is in the Lagna or 4th house and the 9th lord in the 9th or Lagna is conjunct to or aspected by Jupiter and Venus, the native will always lead a life of prosperity. See the chart No. 32 where the 9th lord Jupiter with Venus is in the Lagna, in his exaltation sign. The Lagna lord Mars 5 Rahu 6

/Sun 2 Sat \Mer

Jup 4 Venus

Moon 7


Ketu 12

10 11



Moon is in the 4th house. The native though was born in an ordinary family became a king. The chart is full of yogas for wealth and prosperity. In Lagna Jupiter is causing Hamsa yoga. The Lagna and the 4th lords have exchanged houses. The 2nd lord Sun is in the 11th house. The 5th and 10th lord Mars is in the 2nd house. The 1st, 5th, 9th and 10th lords are not aspected by any malefic. (18) The native has small head, long stature, big teeth and curved neck, if the Sun with Rahu is in the Lagna. (19) If the 3rd lord Mars conjuncts Saturn in the Lagna, the native has two urinary orifices or the urine is passed in two streams while urinating.

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(20) If the debilitated 2nd lord in the 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th house is conjunct Jupiter or the Moon, the native is dumb. (21) If the 6th, 7th and the 12th lords are conjunct and Saturn aspects them, the native suffers of urinary diseases orV.D. (22) The native suffers of hernia, if Mars, Rahu and Saturn are in the 6th house. If Jupiter and Rahu are in the Lagna, then too he suffers of hernia. The disease can occur in the dasa of any of the above planets. (23) The native is hunch-backed if Mars and Rahu are in the Lagna. (In this disability the native is of short stature with protruding back behind the sternum. (24) If Saturn, Mars and Rahu are in the 3rd house, the native suffers of throat disorders. (25) If the Lagna and the 3rd lords are aspected by Rahu, the native is one of the twins. (26) If Rahu is in the Lagna, the Lagna lord with a malefic is in the 10th house and four planets together are in a house or sign, the native is one of the twins or thrins. Notes—It is not conceivable how these yogas of twins are formed without the 5 th lord and karaka Jupiter. Perhaps these are author's own experiences and hence do not require any logic. (27) If Rahu or Ketu is in the 8th house, the native is made to be ashamed before the public by shaving his head publically. (28) The native has leucoderma, if the Lagna is Gemini, Cancer or Virgo and the Lagna lord conjunct Rahu or Ketu is aspected by Saturn. (29) The native has some disease in his buttocks, so


A Glimpse of that he cannot sit properly. (a) If the Lagna lord conjunct Mars and Mercury is in Cancer or Gemini. (b) The Lagna lord conjunct Mars is aspected by Mercury.

(30) If the Lagna lord is in a quadrant/ trine or in his exaltation, own or friendly sign aspected by Jupiter and Venus, the native enjoys all kinds of prosperity and happiness. Given chart No.33 is of H.G. Welsh, where the exalted Lagna lord is conjunct Venus in Libra, the own sign of N. Moon \ 11 Ketii\/ 12 / \

Jup 10 Moon

Venus 7 Sat

CHART NO. 33 Sun Rahu

Mars 3

Mer 5

Lagna Jup Sat Venus

Venus. Debilitated Jupiter in the Lagna has cancellation. Sasa and Bhadra yogas are present.

SECOND HOUSE (Dhana Bhava) (1) The native loses his eye sight, if the Lagna and the 2nd lord with the Moon are in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house. If the Lagna and the 2nd lord are in the 6th, 8th or the 12th, the native loses the left eye's sight. If the above Yogas are related to Saturn, the defect is by birth. Saturn in the 12th causes the defect in the right eye. Mars in the 12th cause the defect in the left eye. (2) If the Sun and the Moon both are in the Lagna, the 2nd or the 7th house aspected by Saturn and Mars, the native loses eye sight. The Moon or Jupiter in the Lagna makes the eyes beautiful. The Sun in the 2nd causes redness in eyes. Notes—If the 2nd house and the karaka of right eye the Sun are afflicted, the right eye is affected. If the 12th house and karaka of the left eye the Moon are afflicted, the left eye is affected.


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The native of next chart No.34 became blind at the age of 5 years. The 2nd lord is conjunct the malefics in the 12th house and the 2nd house is aspected by Mars and the Sun. The karaka of right eye the Sun is spoilt by the conjunction of Mars. The 12th house representing left eye is conjunct the two malefics. The karaka of left eye the Moon is debilitated. Rahu Sat / N Mer / Venus \4//Sun /xMars 5

Jup 7 Moon 8


Rahu Sat Mer Lagna Venus

Ketu 11 Ketu 10




(3) If the 2nd lord is conjunct the Moon, the native has big and white eyes and if conjunct the Sun, then the eyes are big and reddish. (4) The native is blind if — (a) three malefics are in the 12th house, Saturn is in the 2nd and the Lagna lord is in the 6th house, (b) Saturn in Cancer is aspected or conjunct the enemy planet, (c) the Sun and the Moon in Capricorn are conjunct to or aspected by the enemy planet. (5) The native acquires wealth by theft if — (a) Rahu is in the 1st, 5th, or 9th house, (b) the debilitated 10th lord is in the 6th or 12th house,

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(c) the 11th lord in an enemy sign is in the 8th house, (d) a debilitated planet is in the 2nd house. (6) (a) If the 2nd lord is in exaltation, Moola trikona or own sign or in a quadrant is conjunct or aspected by a benefic, the native is wealthy and happy and has beautiful eyes. (b) The 2nd lord in the 8th or the 3rd makes one wealthy and happy and one has beautiful eyes. Notes—The 2nd lord from the 8th aspects the 2nd and the 2nd lord in the 3rd is happy, because of the principle of "Bhavat Bhavam". The 2nd lord in the 6th or 12th may destroy the 2nd house. (7) If the 2nd lord alone is exalted, in own sign or in a quadrant/trine, the native has only one wife. (8) If Saturn is aspected by or hemmed between the malefics in Aries, Leo or Scorpio Lagna, the arms of the native are amputed. Noted—This is a special yoga which might had been noticed by the author otherwise it has no logical relevance by any means. (9) If the exalted 2nd lord conjunct the Moon is in a quadrant, the native dines in silver utensils regularly. If in the above yoga the 2nd lord is conjunct Jupiter or Venus, the native dines in gold utensils. Notes - The inference of the above yoga is that the native is extremely rich. (10) If the 2nd lord in his exaltation or own sign is in a quadrant/trine, the native enjoys good meals and he consumes quality food in less quantity.


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(11) If the 2nd lord is in inauspicious houses or in the 3rd or 6th house in enemy sign, the native is a voracious eater. (12) If a benefic is in the 2nd and its lord is aspected by or conjunct to a benefic and the dispositor of the 2nd lord is strong, the native suddenly acquires a big amount. (13) If the 2nd and the 7th lords are conjunct to or aspected by a benefic and are in a benefic house, the native has two wives. Notes —In olden times wealthy people used to have as many wives as they could manage. (14) If the Lagna lord, 2nd lord or the 11th lord not influenced by a malefic is in a quadrant/trine or in his own or exaltation sign, the native is wealthy. (15) If Mercury being the 2nd lord is conjnunct to or aspected by Ketu, the native gets gold and valuable gems.

THIRD HOUSE (Bhratru bhava) (1) If the 3rd lord is in the 2nd, 6th, 8th or 12th house, in an enemy or debilitation sign causes the yoga for the destruction of brothers. If the 3rd lord is in the 11th or there is a malefic in the 3rd house, then also this yoga is formed. Notes—It is strange how could the 3rd lord in the 11th destroys brothers as the 11th is the 9th to the 3rd house and conducive for brothers. For Libra ascendant, the 3rd lord Jupiter aspects the 3rd house, if he is in the 11th. How could he would destroy brothers ? (2) If the 3rd house, the 3rd lord, Mars and the dispositor of Mars all are afflicted, the native does not have coboms or brothers and sisters. (3) If the strong 3rd lord is conjunct a malefic, the native has step brothers. (4) The auspicious results of the 3rd house are experienced, if the 3rd lord is exalted, in own sign or in a quadrant/trine is conjunct a benefic. Notes - Mars is the karaka of the 3rd house, so he should also be strong to get maximum auspicious results.



In the following chart No. 35 the benefic 3rd lord is in the 3rd house, neither conjunct to nor aspected by the Sun Venus Mer

Moon 4



Sun \ 1 Mer Venus / / Mars \ Rahu 12



benefics. The karaka Mars is conjunct Rahu in the 6th house. In total the native had 12 brothers and sisters out of these 6 died. The coborns alive do not have harmonious relations among themselves. The cause may be assigned to the ill placement and afflictions to Mars. (5) The native has fortunate and prosperous brothers, if the exalted 3rd lord is conjunct to or aspected by a benefic. (6) If the 3rd lord is related to the 9th and the 10th lords, then according to Kerala classic brothers are well up. Given chart No. 36 is of the Ex-Vice Chancellor of

Venus\/ 1 /\

Sun 11

Mer/ 10/ /yVToon ' \9



Lagna Sun CHART NO. 36



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Allahabad University and a scholar Dr. Amar Nath Jha. The 9th and 4th lord Venus has exchanged signs with Mars. Dr. A.N. Jha, the Ex-Lt-Govemor of Delhi was younger brother of Dr. Amar Nath Jha and he was fortunate and prosperous. (7) If Rahu, Ketu, Mars or Venus are in the 3rd house brothers are courageous. If the Sun and Mercury are in the 3rd, brothers are miser and mad after something. If Saturn and Jupiter are in the 3rd, brothers are famous and gentle. Notes—The native cannot be happy from brothers' side, if the malefics are in the 3rd house. (8) If the 3rd house is conjunct or related to Mars or this house is aspected by a benefic the native gets wealth from the rulers or government. (9) The native suffersof hernia, if the Sun, Jupiter and Rahu are in the 3rd house. (10) If the male planets (The Sun, Mars and Jupiter) are in the 3rd or the male planets aspect it, there are brothers to the native and if female planets are related to the 3rd house, there are sisters to the native. Notes—Saturn, Mercury and Ketu are eunuchs. (11) If the 3rd lord is in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house or conjunct or aspected by the 6th, 8th or the 12th lords, the native lacks courage.

FOURTH HOUSE (Matru Bhava) (1) If the 4th lord is in a quadrant/trine or conjunct Venus, the native enjoys the comforts of his own conveyance. (2) The 4th lord is in the 4th or the 10th lord is in the 4th or aspects the 4th house or is conjunct the 4th lord, the native enjoys the comforts of his own conveyance. (3) If the Lagna and the 4th lords exchange signs, the results are as said above. If Jupiter and Venus are in the 4th, the native has excellent conveyances. If Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are in the 7th house and the 4th lord aspects these, the native has various types of conveyances. (4) If the 4th lord is exalted or in the 9th house, the native enjoys comforts of conveyances. (5) Some other yogas for conveyances are — (a) Venus aspects the Moon. (b) Venus and the Moon are in 3rd-llth to each other. (c) The 7th lord conjuncts Jupiter or Venus. (d) The 9th lord conjuncts the 2nd lord.

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(e) The 4th lord is conjunct the 9th lord or is in the 3rd house to the 9th lord. (6) The native keeps horse to ride with umbrella over in the following yogas — (a) The Moon in the 3rd or 4th house is aspected by a benefic. (b) The exalted Moon is conjunct the 9th lord. (7) The native has comforts of conveyances, if the 4th lord is exalted or is in quadrant/trine/llth conjunct to Jupiter. (8) The native always has comforts of conveyances, if the 4th lord is exalted and the strong Moon is in a quadrant/ trine or 11th house. Given chart No. 37 is of the late King of England George V who had all types of conveyances. The 4th lord is NVenus Ketu/N \Mer / \ Sun Nj/


/ / Lagna


Venus Mer






\/ g

yx4 xx / S \/ Rahu 7 \


conjunct to Venus in the 2nd house. The 4th house is aspected by the Lagna lord Jupiter in his own house in the 10th and Jupiter also aspects the 4th lord Mercury and the karaka of conveyances Venus. (9) If Mars is in the 4th or aspects it, the native acquires fixed assets or immovable property.


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If the 9th and/or the 10th lords are in the 4th house or aspect it the native acquires a lot of landed property. (10) If the 4th lord is conjunct a malefic or is in a malefic sign, then in the das a of the karaka of the 4th or of the 4th lord and in the bhukti of that malefic, the mother of the native dies. (11) If the karaka of mother is in the 4th or conjuncts the 4th lord and is related to the 7th lord, then in the dasa of the karaka planet and in the bhukti of the 7th lord, the mother of the native dies. Notes—The karaka of mother for the day birth is Venus and for the night birth is the Moon. (12) If the 4th and the 7th lords conjunct a malefic are in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house, the native suffers of urinary diseases. Notes —The 7th house is directly related to the urinary system, while the 4th lord has to do with the excretions from the body, therefore the 4th lord is involved. (13) If Mars is the 4th lord, conjuncts the 8th lord and is aspected by the karaka of the 4th house, the native has two mothers. Notes —This yoga applies to the natives born in Capricorn and Leo ascendants. (14) If Mars as the 11th lord is conjunct the Sun and Rahu is also conjunct to or aspects the combination, native's mother is of questionable character. (15) If the 11th lord conjunct the 4th lord is in the 11th house, the native enjoys the comforts and happiness from the mother and of conveyances. The relatives of the native are also conducive for him. (16) If Jupiter as 4th lord is in an auspicious house, the relatives of the native are prosperous. (17) If the 4th lord conjunct a malefic is in the 6th, 8th

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or 12th, the native is not wise or is without emotions. (18) If the exalted 4th lord is conjunct the 8th lord and the combination is aspected by the Lagna lord, the native has fear of some watery accident. (19) If the 4th lord is in the 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th from the Lagna lord and is conjunct the 9th and the 10th lords in the sign or navamsa, the native is famous and honoured in his own community. (20) If the 4th lord is cojunct Rahu, Saturn in the 4th is aspected by Venus or Jupiter, the native leads a secretive life.

FIFTH HOUSE (Putra Sthana) (1) The pregnancy gets destroyed if— (a) the 2nd, 5th or 7th lord hemmed between the two enemy planets is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house. (b) the 5th lord is in the enemy sign or in debilitation and the malefics are in the 9th, the woman is barren. (c) the 5th lord is conjunct a malefic. (2) According to Kerala Astrology, if the 5th and the 9th lords exchange aspects the woman is barren. Notes—We are unable to understand what principle applies here. (3) Saturn in the 5th delays conception. The Sun gives the only son. Mars aborts or gives two notorious sons. Jupiter and Venus provide 4 well cultured children. Rahu and Ketu give progeny from the unmarried beloved. Longevity of progeny depends upon the strength of the 5th lord. (4) If the 5th lord is with the male planets (The Sun, Mars and Jupiter) male issues are born and if with the female planets (Venus, Moon and Rahu) first issue is female.

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The 5th lord conjunct Mercury gives son first and then daughter or twins (one son and one daughter). If the 9th house is aspected by Jupiter, the native does have sons. Notes—It is not good to have 5th house afflicted by the malefics. In the given chart No. 38, the 5th lord is conjunct the two malefics, the Sun and Mars in the 12th house, though erMars 2 Venus / \Sun/

Lagna Ketu


Ketu 3 Moon 12 Sat 11

Rahu 9 Jup 8




the 12th is aspected by Jupiter, even then she (Venus) was not able to save the only two daughters. The first daughter was still born while the 2nd died just after birth. 'Jataka Parijata' gives following views about twins— (a) If the Moon and Venus are in even signs and Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and the Lagna are in odd signs, a son and a daughter as twins are born. If the Lagna and the Moon are in even signs and the male planets aspect these two, the twins are a male and a female. The same is the result, if strong Lagna, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury are in even signs.


A Glimpse of If the above planets and the Lagna are in common navamsa and Mercury aspects them from his own navamsa, there are three embryos in the womb. If Mercury is in the male navamsa (Gemini) aspects the above planets in common navamsa, two males and one female, if Mercury is in female navamsa (Virgo) aspects the above planets in common navamsa, two females and one male are born. If Mercury from Gemini navamsa aspects the above planets in Gemini or Sagittarius navamsa then three males are bom. If Mercury from Virgo navamsa aspects the above planets in Virgo or Pisces navamsa then three females are born, (chapter 3, sloka 24). (b) If the Lagna is last navamsa of Sagittarius and the above yogakaraka planets are in Sagittarius navamsa and the Lagna is aspected by strong Mercury and Saturn, there are more than three embryos in the womb, (chapter 3, sloka 25). (c) li Mercury from the Virgo navamsa aspects the above planets in common navantsas (3,6,9 and 12) and the Lagna, there are three embryos in the womb, two females and one male (chapter 3, sloka 26). (d) If Mercury from Gemini navamsa aspects these planets and the Lagna, then there are two males and one female. If Mercury from Gemini navamsa aspects these planets in Gemini navamsa, then there are three males (chapter 3, sloka 27).

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(e) If these planets and the Lagna are in Gemini or Virgo navamsa and are aspected by Mercury in Gemini navamsa say three males and if Mercury aspects from Virgo navamsa say three females. For more details see 'JatakaParijata' translated by V. Subramanya Sastri, of M/s Ranjan Publications. Chart No. 39 is of the native who had two male twins. The 5th is a male sign, where its lord the Sun, Mars and Moon \ 2 /



CHART NO. 39 5\ . Merv / MarSyXf Sun / \. /Venus / 6


Mercury are placed and Jupiter a male planet from a male sign aspects them. (5) First child is female if(a) the 5th lord is in the 7th house, (b) the 5th and the 7th lords are conjunct, (c) the Sthlord is in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo or Libra sign, (d) the 5th lord is aspected by Venus, the Moon and Rahu. If the 5th lord is in a male sign and is conjunct or aspected by a male planet or Jupiter is in the Lagna or the 5th house, the male issue is certain.


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(6) If the Lagna and the 5th lords are conjunct themselves and aspected by or conjunct the Moon, there is only one son. If conjunct or aspected by Venus, there is only one daughter. If conjunct or aspected by Jupiter, there is one daughter and one son. If conjunct or aspected by Ketu, there are only daughters. Notes - What principle lies behind is not known, however if there are afflictions to the 5th house, 5th lord and Jupiter, there may be hindrances in begetting progeny. It is ultimately up to the readers to decide the usefulness of these yogas. (7) If the 5th lord is in a quadrant, in the 11th, in exaltation, own sign or Moolatrikona sign and is with or aspected by a benefic, the birth of children is certain. Benefics in the 9th ascertain the birth of children. (8) If the Moon or the Sun is in the 5th or the 11th, the native is dependent on others' will. If the Lagna and the 5th lords are hemmed between the malefics same results may be predicted. (9) If the malefics are in the 5th or 7th and the 5th and 7th lords are in the malefic houses, there is possibility of pains in the heart or stomach. Notes—It is strange how the 7th lord is related to the heart or stomach and how the Moon or the Sun in the 5th or 11th makes one dependent on others.

SIXTH HOUSE (Rinu Bhava) (1) If Mars and Rahu are in the 6th, the native suffers of hydrocele (a disease where the scrotum sac is filled by some fluid). In such a yoga there is possibility of the wife to have menstrual disorders. Notes—This yoga has been found to be correct in practice. The given chart No. 40 is of a person whose wife suffered of menstrual disorders for many years and was operated upon for the same. Sun Venus Mer Moon Moon 4


Venus Sun I Legna

(2) If Ketu is in the 6th or 7th house, the native has defective lungs and spits blood mixed with sputum.


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Notes - The native can have defective lungs, if the sign Cancer, the 4th house, its lord and the Moon are related to the 6th house or its lord. (3) If the 6th house is tenanted or aspected by the benefics there is increase of the enemies. Malefics here destroy the enemies. This is a very delicate issue and the reader may consult 'PhalaDeepika' translated by Dr G.S. Kapoor, 'Brihat Jataka' by Prof. P.S. Sastri and 'SaravalV translated by R. Santhanam. However, we give much importance to 'Brihat Jataka' and reproduce the results here— If the Sun is in the 6th, the native is strong but is defeated by his enemies. The Moon in the 6th makes one weak and suffer from stomach ailments and has a lot of enemies, the native is also lazy with less power of sexual performance. Mars in the 6th is like the Sun. Mercury in the 6th makes one free of enemies. The native is also devoid of enemies, if Jupiter is in the 6th house. Saturn is like the Sun in the 6th house. (4) Rahu in the 6th causes danger of poisoning and serpent bite. Saturn causes danger of fever and theft. Mars results in piles. The Moon in the 6th creates danger from water. Jupiter here in the 6th causes diseases which continue for a long time. Diseases of bile are ascribed to Mercury in the 6th house. Venus in the 6th is the cause of distress between the husband and wife. (5) If the 6th and the 9th lords conjoin Rahu, Ketu, the native keeps illegal relations with low caste women. If the 6th lord is conjunct Saturn, the native is fond of very low caste women. If with Mercury, then the native has sexual intimacy with women of traders. If Jupiter and Venus conjoin the 6th lord, the native involves in sex act with

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women of Brahmin community. The Sun with the 6th lord is indicator of mtimacy with women of Kshatriya or warrior community. The exalted 6th lord indicated that the native has a large number of relatives. If Jupiter and Rahu are in the 2nd or 7th house, the native has relation with the wife of a sweeper like person or with a lady of that community. (6) If the 6th lord with a malefic is in the 9th house, the native suffers on account of enemies. He may attain a little prosperity. (7) The native suffers of hernia, if Jupiter and Rahu are in the 6th house. He may also protrude his anus while at stools. Following is the chart no. 41 of person who protrudes anus lining while he evacuates or passes stool, medically this condition is called piles, Sat Mars Rahu Jup



Sun CHART NO. 41

Venus 1 Mer Ketu 10


(8) If the 6th lord in the 7th house is aspected by Mars, the native downs with diseases like small pox and if aspected by Rahu, the native gets some organ amputed. If the 6th lord in the 7th is aspected by Ketu, the native is the victim of leprosy.

SEVENTH HOUSE (lava Bhava) (1) Mars and Rahu in the 7th house indicate that the native will be ousted of his caste afterhe marries the woman of other caste. If the Moon and Jupiter aspect the combination, he will be taken in after sometime. If Jupiter and the Moon are in the 7th, the native sticks to his religion strictly.^ (2) If three planets lare conjunct the 7th lord and Mars, Rahu and Venus conjunct or aspect them, the wife of the native is from other caste or the one who has been ousted of her caste. (3) If the Moon and Jupiter are in the 7th, the wife of the native is very beautiful. Saturn in the 7th gives a wife who is not beautiful and is older than the native. If the Sun and Mercury are in the 7th, the native also cohabits with the women other than his wife. Mars in the 7th makes one very sexy and the native is ready to perform the sex act with many women. If Venus is there the results are the same. Notes—The readers are referred to other classics also for more clarifications. The classics recommended are 'SaravalV, 'Brihat Jataka', 'Phala Deepkia' and 'Jataka Parijata

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(4) If the 7th lord is conjunct the 5th lord and Jupiter, the native enjoys the association of two wives and gets progeny from both of them. If the 7th lord is conjoined to Saturn and Rahu, the native has three wives, the first wife dies while delivering a child and 2nd and 3rd wives keep on aborting. If Venus in common sign is with Rahu and Mars, the native marries thrice. (5) If Venus in a fixed sign is conjunct the Sun and Mercury, the native marries twice. The first wife is barren and the second wife delivers. If Venus in a fixed sign is conjunct or aspected by Ketu, the wife dies after delivering the child. If|Venus in a fixed sign is conjunct or aspected by JupiterAtherjk are two marriages for the native. The native has three sons from the 1st wife and two daughters from the 2nd wife. (6) The native marries again after the death of his first wife if— (a) the 7th lord hemmed between the two malefics is in the 6th, 8th or 12th and is also aspected by a malefic, (b) the 7th lord is combust or debilitated, (c) the 7th lord in 9th is conjunct or aspected by a malefic and the Lagna lord is in the 12th house, (d) strong Rahu is in the 10th or 11th house, (e) Mars is in the 2nd, 4th, 7th or 8th house, (f) Venus in a cardinal sign is aspected by a malefic. (7) If Venus in a cardinal sign conjunct or aspected by Jupiter is also aspected by a malefic, the first wife is tall.


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fair in colour and healthy, while the 2nd wife is also beautiful but short in stature. Notes—The yogas at (6) and (7) are of value, we have no experience about these, the readers will do well to test them in the light of their experiences. (8) If the 7th lord is exalted arid a benefic aspected by Venus is in the 7th, the native has many wives. If Rahu also conjoins this yoga, the native is engaged in discarded and unnatural sex acts. Notes—In modern times no body can have many wives rather one can keep relations with many women and thus is involved in vices. (9) See how many planets are with the 2nd and the 7th lords and Venus, out of them the strong planets indicate the number of wives. (10) If the 2nd and the 7th lords are conjunct or aspected by a malefic and their dispositors are weak, the native marries again. (11) If there is a planet in the 4th house and the 7th lord is conjunct or aspected by a malefic, the native is of questionable character. (12) If the Lagna lord is conjunct or aspected by a malefic and the 2nd, 7th and 10th lords are together, the native is of loose moral character. (13) If the 7th lord is in the sign of Mars or Saturn and is conjunct or aspected by Mars, the native is not of sound moral character and may drift from one woman to other. If the 7th lord is in the 8th or the 7th house and is aspected by Mars, the native's wife is of questionable character.

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(14) The exchange of signs by Mars and Venus indicates that the wife of the native is of loose moral character. (15) The native is morally weak, if Mars and Venus in Saturn's sign are aspected by Saturn. (16) Rahu in the 7th makes one to have relations with widows. Mars and Venus in the 7th addict one to maid servant. (17) The planet with Venus indicates the caste of the woman in illegal relations with the native. Venus with Rahu shows that the native has illegal relations with a washer woman. Mercury idicates a woman of trader community, Jupiter shows a Brahmin woman and Mars directs towards the woman of warrior community. (18) Planets in the 7th also indicate the caste of the beloved. ; The weak Sun with Rahu in the 7th indicates the beloved to be a widow. The Sun alone in the 7th a barren woman. The Moon in the 7th a bulky woman. (19) If the Sun and Rahu together are in Aries or Scorpio or Saturn and Venus together are in Taurus or Libra, the native cohabits in unnatural way (like licking vagina, homosexual act, masturbation etc.). (20) If the 7th lord is with Rahu, the wife of the native has long and big breasts. If the 7th lord is with Ketu, the wife has small breasts and if with Mercury the breasts are normal. If with the Sun very small and if with a benefic, the breasts are small. If the 7th lord is with Mars the right one is bigger than the left. (21) If the 7th lord and Venus are in a watery sign and aspected by the Moon or a malefic, the wife of the native


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has thick hair around her sex organ. (22) If the 7th lord is in the sign of the Sun, Mars or Saturn and is conjunct a malefic, the wife of the native has less hair around her vagina and the vagina is small or narrow and smells foul. (23) If the 7th lord is in the sign of Mercury or Venus and is also conjunct a malefic, the wife of the native has sex organs of ordinary shape. (24) If a malefic is in the 7th, the 2nd lord is in an enemy sign and the 4th lord is in any other sign than his own, the native as an infant is nourished on the breast of a woman other than his mother. (25) If the 7th lord is in Jupiter's or Venus's sign and is aspected by or conjoined to Jupiter or Venus, the native gets extreme pleasure in cohabitation. (26) If the 7th lord is conjunct the Sun and the Moon and is aspected by Mars, thi" native does not feel pleasure in cohabitation. The 7th lord with Saturn shows that the native does not get excited sexually. (27) If the 7th lord is with Rahu or Ketu, the native is less virile sexually. (28) If the 2nd lord in the 7th is conjunct a malefic, the native consumes undesirable food. (29) If the 7th lord is conjunct a planet in own sign and is aspected by a benefic, the native enjoys very delicious food. (30) If the 7th lord in a quadrant is conjunct or aspected by Jupiter or Venus, the native is long lived, very knowledgeable and leads the life like a king.

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Given chart No. 42 is of Dr. Radhakrishnan, the late President of India and a philosopher of very high rank. The \ \ '

/\Sun Moon/ /jup\ s / Mer 6

/4 Venus NRahu

Rahu Venus CHART NO. 42 Sun Moon

7th lord Jupiter is in the Lagna though not with Venus. He lived a long and kingly life.

EIGHTH HOUSE (Mritvu Bhava) (1) Up to 32 years is short longevity, above 32 years is medium longevity and more than 70 years is full longevity. (2) If the Lagna lord and the Sun are natural enemies, the native is short lived. If both are natural friends and temporary enemies ie neutrals, the longevity is medium. If they are friends both ways, the native is long lived. Notes —The Sun observes enemity with Saturn and Venus. Then all the individuals with Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius Lagna must be short lived and this is not feasible. Mahatma Gandhi and scientist C.V. Raman were natives of Libra ascendant and both of them attained long life. Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru and scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose were Taurians and both of them were long lived. Mr. Jinnah and Duke of Windsor were born in Aquarius ascendant and Bharat Ratna Sri Visvesvaraiya was born in Capricorn and all of them were long lived. (1) Following yogas are of full life— (a) Saturn is in the 8th house. (b) The 8th lord is strong, being exalted or in own sign. (c) Rahu conjoined or aspected by a benefic is in the 3rd, 6th or the 11th house.

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(d) The 8th lord is in the 6th or 12th and his dispositor is in the 8th, (e) Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are in quadrants/ trines. (f) The Lagna lord in a quadrant/ trine is aspected by or conjunct with Jupiter or Venus. (g) The 8th lord in a quadrant/trine aspected by or conjoined to a benefic. (h) Saturn in his exaltation, own or friendly sign is strong. (i) Jupiter and Venus being benefic by lordship are in a quadrant. 0 Saturn, the 8th lord, the 10th lord and the Lagna lord are in a quadrant, trine or the 11th house. (k) The 9th and 10th lords are in the Lagna. (1) The Moon is in exaltation etc. and is aspected by Jupiter and Venus. (m) Venus, Jupiter and the Lagna lord are exalted and aspected by a benefic. (n) The Lagna lord is in the Lagna and the 10th lord in the 10th. (o) The Lagna and the 10th lords exchange signs or are conjunct. (p) The Lagna and the 10th lords aspect the 5th lord. (q) The Lagna lord conjunct the Moon is aspected by a benefic. (r) The strong 8th lord is conjunct Jupiter and is related to the 9th lord. (s) Jupiter in the Lagna is with or aspected by 10th lord.


A Glimpse of (t)

The Lagna and 9th lords are conjunct in Lagna and aspected by the 5th lord.

(u) The 9th lord is aspected by Jupiter and the 5th lord is unafflicted. (v) The benefics are in the 4th and 8th aspected by Jupiter. The two luminaries ie the Sun and the Moon, the Lagna lord, the 8th lord and Saturn are the chief signilicators of longevity. Out of these Saturn should not conjunct any of the above sigruficators;but should be individually strong. Saturn's conjunction restricts the functioning and significations of the planet he is conjunct with. Let us consider the chart No 42 (page 131) of Dr. Radhakrishnan, late President of India, where the Lagna lord and the 10th lord is exalted and conjunct Jupiter. The 8th lord is in his own sign, the karaka of longevity Saturn is with Jupiter and the exalted Lagna lord. (2) Yogas for Middle Longevity— (a) The Lagna and 9th lords are conjunct. (b) Jupiter aspects the 5th lord. (c) The 10th lord exalted. (d) The benefics in the 10th house. (e) The 5th and 10th lords related. (1) Saturn is in the 11th or a friendly sign. (g) The 8th lord is in a quadrant. (h) Saturn in the 9th is in a friendly sign and aspected by Jupiter. (i) The 8th and 3rd lords are in the Lagna aspected by the 9th lord. (j)

The Lagna lord is in the 9th and the 5th lord is in the Lagna.

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(k) The 9th lord is in the 9th and the 1 Oth lord is in the 10th and the Moon is strong. (1) The Lagna lord is weak but with Jupiter and posited in a quadrant/trine. Given chart No. 43 is of Swami Ram Tirtha, where a benefic is in the 10th house. The Lagna and 9th lords have 11

/ Sun\ ^

12 ^O'enus 10 Mer




1 Mars


/® Sat XMoon



Mars I Ketu




Moon Sat

exchanged signs. The 8th lord in the Lagna a quadrant is with two benefics. (3) Yogas for Short Life — (a) The malefics are in the 8th and 12th house. (b) Saturn is conjunct the 8th lord and aspected by the malefics. (c) The Lagna lord is weak, the malefics are in the 4th and both are unaspected by any benefic. (d) The Lagna lord, the 8th lord and all the malefics are in the Lagna or 7th house. (e) The 4th and 5th lords with the malefics are in the 10th house. (f) The Lagna lord is conjunct the 8th or 12th lord.


A Glimpse of (g) The 3rd lord is in the 8th aspected by the malefics. (h) The Lagna lord is in the 6th or 12th house. (i) The Moon is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house. (j)

The Lagna lord is conjunct the 8th lord unaspected by Jupiter.

(k) The Lagna lord and 8th lord both are debilitated or combust. (4) Full longevity and prosperity If the malefics are in the 3rd, 6th or 11th house, the native acquires full longevity along with happiness and prosperity. (5) Full longevity and fame If the Lagna lord is in own sign or a quadrant unaspected by the malefics, the native besides acquiring full life is also famous and honoured. (6) Few more Yogas on longevity (a) If Mercury, Jupiter or Venus (alone or combined) are in the 2nd, 3rd or 11th house, then according to Maharishi Garga, the native acquires full life span. (b) If Jupiter or Venus is in a quadrant, the native acquires 50 years life span and if both are in the quadrants, the native acquires 100 years life span. (c) If the Lagna lord and 8th lord are in own houses, the native acquires 64 years life span. (d) If the Lagna and 5th lords are conjunct and aspected by Jupiter, the life span is of 100 years. (e) If the 5th and 9th lords are conjunct and

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aspected by Jupiter the native acquires 100 years life term, EXAMPLE CHARTS The native of the following chart No. 44 expired at the age of 27 years. \ / \Venus 9\JUP / Mej/ MooiK 8 / Sun / Rahu x t X * Mars/\ /\ CHART NO. 44

10 Sat 11

Ketu v 3 12

n •s


Lagna Sun

Venus Mer

The Lagna lord Venus in the 12th is conjunct the 12th lord Mercury. The life force Sun is debilitated in the Lagna. The 10th lord Moon is with two malclics Rahu and Mars. Following chart No. 45 is of Pandit Moti Lai Nehru, who enjoyed longevity, honour and fame. The Sun is exalted in the 10th. The Lagna lord Moon is in the 9th aspected by Ketu /


Sun Venus Mer


X^s / Sun ^Venus 1 \ Mer Moon \ 12

Ketu Lagna Jup



A Glimpse of

the exalted 9th lord Jupiter from the Lagna. The Lagna lord and 9th lord are not afflicted. (7) Yogas for the destruction of Balarishta If Jupiter is exalted or is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house then most of the bad yogas for longevity are vanquished. If the Lagna lord is strong, the Balarishta is destroyed. If Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are in quadrants/trines, the bad yogas for longevity get vanished and the native acquires long life. (8) Following yogas also abolish the bad yogas for longevity (a) Strong Jupiter is in the Lagna. (b) Benefic Rahu is in Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio or Capricorn. (c) Jupiter and Venus are in quadrants/trines. (d) The birth is in the night of bright half or in the day of dark half and the Moon is in the 6th, 8th or 12th aspected by Jupiter, the balarishta is destroyed. (9) Saturn being the lord of the Lagna or 8th house forms an auspicious yoga, the native acquires full longevity. (10) If the Sun is in the Lagna and Mars in the 8th, the Raja yoga is formed and the native acquires full longevity and leads the life like a king. (11) The 2nd and 7th lords are marakas or death inflicting planets and the planets posited in these two houses also acquire the same character. Notes—Some scholars believe that the planets aspecting these two houses are also marakas. (12) The lord of the 12th and the planets in the 12th come next in the list of marakas, but if they are aspected by a benefic, they don't acquire the seat of maraka.

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If the 3rd and 8th lords are not in their own or exaltation signs and are also not related to a benefic, they then become marakas. If these two planets are malefics, they surely then become marakas. If the Sun or the Moon become the 8th lord, they are not marakas even then, but if they are exalted, they become marakas. Notes —At one place it is said if the 8th lord is exalted he is not a maraka and in contrast to it the author tells us if the Sun and the Moon are exalted as 8th lords they become marakas. We are unable to understand this. The accepted principle is that the evil of the 8th lordship does not apply to the Sun and the Moon. (13) In this way by serialising the marakas, the dasa of death should be fixed. If a planet does not acquire the maraka properties then choose the maraka from the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 12th and 11th lords if not aspected by a benefic. The benefic aspect takes away the maraka property while the malefic aspect confirms it. The death will occur in the dasa and bhukti of such planets. If Saturn along with other planet acquires the maraka property then Saturn will do it, not the other planet. (14) Full, medium and short longevity has already been discussed. Selection of maraka has been discussed in (11) to (14). If there are yogas for full life or medium life, the native will not die even if the dasa of a maraka is on. The native does not die before the expiry of the longevity prescribed by different yogas of longevity. (15) If the 8th and 12th lords are extremely strong besides being marakas, they cause death in their bhukti. If they are weak, they do not inflict death but in their bhukti, the native and his relatives experience physical and financial distress, fear from enemies, fear of ghosts, government penalties etc.


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(16) If Venus is in Cancer Lagna, Jupiter is in Pisces then Saturn in Scorpio would become a maraka. Venus is in the Lagna aspected by Jupiter even then Saturn will kill the native in his dasa. (17) According to Maharishi Jaimini, the planet in the 8th or the 8th lord is a maraka. (18) If there is a wall it can be painted, similarly if there is longevity, the native can enjoy good or bad results of yogas. Therefore longevity of a chart should be ascertained first. (19) If there is short longevity in a chart and there are also strong yogas of marriage and progeny then it should be made clear, if such yogas help in the extention of the longevity.

NINTH HOUSE (Bhaeva Bhava) (1) The lords of trines are auspicious planets. If they also happen to be the lords of the 3rd, 6th or 11th house then they are not fully auspicious but still there remains some auspiciousness. Notes—For all the Lagnas no planet is the 3rd and 11th lord besides being the trinal lord. However he can be the 6th lord. The essence of the statement seems to be that the trine lord if at the same time is the lord of the bad house he is not fully auspicious. (2) If Jupiter and Venus are the lords of quadrants they do not give auspicious results due to kendradhipatya dosha (the evil acquired by being the lords of quadrants). The full Moon has less kendradhipatya dosha. Mercury acquires this dosha if unassociated with a malefic. Jupiter has this evil more than Mercury if he happens to be the lord of quadrants. Venus is more evil than Jupiter in such a situation. The Moon is fully strong or benefic from the 8th of bright half to the 8th of dark half, otherwise she is weak and evil. Malefic associated Mercury, the Sun, Mars and Saturn are evil planets and give auspicious results being the lord of quadrants.


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If a planet besides being the Lagna lord is also the 8th lord, he gives good results e.g. Mars for Aries Lagna and Venus for Libra Lagna. For Libra Lagna Venus being lord of a quadrant is a bit inauspicious but for Aries Lagna Mars being lord of a quadrant gives only benefic results. (3) If the lOthlord is exalted in own sign or in a friendly sign, the native is successful in his profession. If the 10th lord is in the Lagna in a friendly sign or is in the 4th or the 5th house, the auspicious results are 50%. If the 10th lord is in the 2nd, 3rd, 7th or 11th the auspicious results are 25%. If he is in debilitation in the 6th, 8th or 12th the auspicious results are 121/2%, (4) The conjunction of the 9th and 10th lords creates a Rajayoga (combination for prosperity). This is an accepted principle. If the 9th and 10th lords exchange signs (even being the lords of the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th or 12th) the results of this special Rajayoga are still present. In the absence of sign exchange, if the concerned planet/planets are lords of the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th or 12th the auspicious results are absent. In this context we must remember that in the above circumstances there shall be no Rajayoga, but out of the two planets, the planet who is not the lord of the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th or 12th house, still remains a Rajayoga planet. For Aries Lagna Saturn and Jupiter besides being 10th and 9th lords are also the 11th and the 12th lords, if Saturn is in Sagittarius and Jupiter, debilitated in Capricorn, the Rajayoga will be there but not as auspicious as formed for the other Lagnas. There shall be no Rajayoga if both these planets are in one sign. (5) For Leo and Aquarius Lagnas Venus and Mars are the lords of the 10th house but are not considered auspicious because they are also the lords of the 3rd house.

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For Capricorn and Cancer Lagnas, Mercury and Jupiter are not auspicious because they are also the lords of the 6th house. Besides being all this, if there is exchange of signs between the 9th and 10th lords, the Rajayoga is still present to some extent. In such a situation the evil of ownership of being the lords of the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th is lessened. For Taurus Lagna Saturn is fully auspicious being the lord of the 9th and 10th houses. If the 5th lord is conjunct the 10th lord, he becomes a Rajayogakaraka planet. (6) The lords of the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th and the 12th houses are inauspicious planets. If these lords are related to a Rajayogakaraka planet, then in the das a and the bhukti of the Rajayogakaraka planet, the results of the Rajayoga are felt. (7) If a planet (auspicious by lordship) is conjunct a Yogakaraka planet, then in the dasa of yogakaraka and the bhukti of that planet auspicious results occur. (8) Strong quadrant and trine lords form Rajayoga. The conjunction of the 4th and 5th lords, the 9th and lOthlords forms Rajayoga. (9) Rahu and Ketu in quadrants if are with the lords of trines or in a trine are conjunct the quadrant lords then they become the Rajayogakaraka planets. (10) If the 9th and 10th lords are conjunct but some way are related to the 8th and 11th lords, the Rajayoga is weakened. (11) Rahu-Ketu in auspicious houses become Rajayogakaraka planets, if unassociated with other planets give auspicious results in their dasa and bhukti. (12) If the llthlord is in a quadrant, the native achieves valuable goods in his dasa and will be happy all the way.


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(13) If the Moon is in the constellation Rohini aspected by Venus and the inalcllcs are in the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses then an exceptional Rajayoga is formed. (14) If the Lagna and the 2nd lord exchange signs, the native feeds thousands of people (means he is very rich). (15) If Mercury, Venus and Jupiter together are in the 7th house a Rajayoga is caused. Notes—This yoga is called Lagnadhiyoga. 'JatakadeshMarga' has described this yoga as — L£ K;

i LT-u c; tR tc i n »; i tin e i L' CH L-Am i

(chapter 8, sloka 30) When the benefics (Mercury, Jupiter, Venus) are in the 6th, 7th and 8th houses unaspected or inconjoined to the malefics, the Lagnadhiyoga is formed. If malefics are in these houses, the native is devoid of all the happiness.


| \ (chapter 8, sloka 31)

The native born in Lagnadhiyoga is a minister, army chief or ruler of a state or city. He enjoys many wives, he is cultured, long lived, of good character and without enemies. 'Jataka Parijata' has stated this yoga as —

mfrT Jlfte rci t r- CLnnuirjca

'Ml I? um (chapter 7, sloka 114-115)

If benefics are in the 6th, 7th and 8th from the Lagna, unaspected or unassociated with the malefics and the 4th

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house is unoccupied by the malefics, the Lagnadhiyoga is formed. The native bom in Lagnadhiyoga is the creator of many classics, educated, of great prowess, chief, without crookedness, noble and is with honour, wealth and merit. Given chart No. 46 is of Shivaji where Lagnadhiyoga is present. Moon \ 6 /

/ 3 Venus /mars \Rahu Ny Sun \ Mer 2 ) Sun \

CHART NO. 46 Lagna


MerVnM v / Venus \



For Lagnadhiyoga it is not necessary that all the benefics should be in the 7th. This is formed even if they are in the 6th, 8th and the 7th house or in one house only. It is our view as Mercury is usually with the Sun, the yoga has its strength due to Mercury and the Sun combination. (16) If the 9th lord with the Moon is in the 2nd house, a Rajayoga is caused. (17) The planets have ten kinds of avasthas or situations which are given below. Planets give results in their dasas according to their avasthas. Swastha Avastha-A planet in own sign is swastha. In the dasa of such a planet the native gets honour, fame, comforts of home, prosperity, happiness from wife and happiness from family.


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Deepta Avastha-An exalted planet is deepta. In the dasa of such a planet the results of swastha avastha are enhanced. Besides this he gets comforts of conveyances, stately honour, respect from relatives, authority and long life etc. Mudita Avastha-If a planet is in the sign of his extreme friend he is in mudita avastha. The native gets good food, good clothes, ornaments and progenial happiness in the dasa of such a planet. Shanta Avastha-If a planet is in his friend's sign he is in shanta avastha. The native gets love from friends, mental peace, peace around, education, comforts, contentment and financial prosperity in the dasa of such a planet. Dukhita Avastha-If a planet is in enemy sign then he is in dukhita avastha. In the dasa of such a planet, the native experiences fear of fire, government penalties, fear of theft, death of near relative, quarrels and troublesome journeys. Vikala Avastha-If a planet is debilitated or in the sign of his extreme enemy, he is in the vikala avastha. In the dasa of such a planet, the native has to face diseases, all kinds of troubles, separation from the family, impediments, hindrances, cropping up of enemies etc. Khala Avastha-A planet defeated in war is in the khala avastha. This planet gives financial losses, discord with the wife, misunderstanding between the father and son and mental distress in his dasa. Kupita Avastha-A planet conjunct a malefic is in kupita avastha and in the dasa of this planet the native is unwise, diseased, financially troubled, feared of death and relatives, feared of quarrel with the enemy, feared of poisonous insects and of punishment from rulers etc.

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Peedita Avastha-If a planet is combust he is inpeedita avastha. In the dasa of such a planet the native experiences disease, defeat, shame, insult, demotion etc. Shakta Avastha-A strong planet is in shakta avastha. The native does auspicious works in the dasa of such a planet. He also gets prestige and increase of happiness in this dasa. (18) The 9th house is judged for the father, preceptor, worship of deity, fortunes and prosperity. If the 9th house and 9th lord are under the influence of the benefics, the native achieves good fortunes and prosperity. (19) If a malefic is conjunct the 9th lord, then in the dasa of this malefic and the bhukti of a maraka or of the 10th lord the father of the native dies. (20) For the natives of Aries and Cancer Lagnas, the father can die in the dasa of Jupiter placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th house and aspected by some planet. The death of the father can occur in the Dasa of the Sun or the malefic conjoined to the Sun. (21) If the 9th lord with the karaka of the 9th house and also with a malefic or with the lords of the 6th, 8th or 12th is in the 9th or 5th house, the father of the native dies before the birth of the native. (22) If the 4th and 9th lords together are related to the malefics, the father of the native dies soon after his birth. (23) If the 9th lord is exalted, in Moolatrikona or own sign, the native adds to the prestige and honour of his father by his charities and good deeds. (24) If the 5th and 9th lords exchange signs and both are exalted, the father as well as the children of the native are fortunate.


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(25) If the lords of the Lagna, 4th and 9th together are in the 11th in a friendly sign, the native is fortunate in all respect. Given chart No. 47 is of Guru NanakDevji, the founder of Sikkhism, where the yoga (25) is present to some extent. Moon Sat 5

X. Ketu / \3 / Moon \. CHART NO. 47

\ Sa,





(26) The 9th house and its lord and the planets related to these indicate the deity the native worships and has religious thinking. Notes—In old books the author generally takes up the unrelated matter while he is in a certain chapter. This author has also taken many points under the 9th house which are unrelated to the 9th house. We have followed them as they are because these matters are important and will prove enlightening our readers.

TENTH HOUSE (Karma Bhava) (1) If the 10th lord is combust, debilitated, in enemy sign, weak, or placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th, the native is either unemployed or does not get success in his profession. (2) There is loss in business or profession, if the 10th lord is with Rahu. The native is successful professionally, if the 10th lord is exalted or in own sign or strong some other way. (3) If the 10th lord is conjunct Jupiter and Venus and is in the 11th house, the native is professionally successful and attains prestige and honour. (4) If the Sun is in the 10th and the 10th lord is in the 5th and both are related to Mercury, the native is of sharp wits and he gets the opportunity to have a dip in the Ganges. (5) If the 10th lord is in the Lagna, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th or 10th house, the native donates in charities, is ego conscious, fond of music, pious, is ready to renounce the world, has all kinds of happiness and remains free of worries. (6) If Saturn is in the 10th, the native is in a profession or business related to the public. If Rahu is in the 10th, the native sets up a source of income which is related or concerned with Mlechhas (persons of other religions).


A Glimpse of

(7) If the Sun or Mars is in the 10th, the native is engaged in the business or profession which gives him income from the state or government. If Mars or Mercury is in the 10th, the native is in a business whereby he earns through the trading community. (8) The indications of the native's profession are given by the navamsa lord of the dispositor of the Sun, Mars or the Lagna lord or Lagna whoever is strong. Planets in the 10th house also indicate about the source of earning.

ELEVENTH HOUSE (Aava Bhava (1) If Mercury or Ketu is in the llthhouse, the native gains gold or through gold. Venus and the Moon indicate gain of pearls. If Saturn and Rahu are in the 11th the native gains from the work of instruments or weapons. Notes—Above principles have not been found effective practically. (2) If the 11th lord is in own or exaltation sign and is conjunct the 9th and the 10th lords aspected by a benefic, the native earns unlimited profit. Chart No. 48 given here is of a Seth, named late Hukam Chand Seth. The yoga at (2) is somehow present. He had unlimited income. Sun, Mars Moon Venus Mer /Moon\ ' Mars JVIer 3 Sun XVenus /




A Glimpse of

(3) The native has gains from father if the Sun is in the 11th; from mother, if Moon; from brothers, if Mars; from mother's family, if Mercury; from sons, if Jupiter; from wife, if Venus; from servants, if Saturn is in the 11th house. (4) If the 11th lord is combust, debilitated, in the 3rd or conjunct a malefic, the elder brother of the native is financially in straits. (5) If the 11th lord is in any house but conjunct a benetic or aspected by a benefic and there are benefics in the 11th house, native's elder brother is extremely prosperous.

TWELFTH HOUSE rVvava Bhava) (1) If the 12th lord is a malefic or a malefic is in the 12th or the 12th lord is debilitated or in an enemy sign aspected by a malefic, the native spends on evil deeds like gambling, debauchery etc. and in the end he will be penniless and sorrowful. (2) If the 12th lord is in own or exaltation sign and in a quadrant/trine with the 9th and 10th lords or a benefic is in the 12th house, the native is of good character and his expenses are meagre. (3) The planet in the 12th indicates how the native will spend.

Kerala Astrology

153 Index

Aaya bhava Atmakaraka

Eleventh house. Significator of the self. B

Balarishta Bhadra Yoga

An evil signifying risk of death for infants and children. An auspicious combination of planets. It is one of the pancha mahapurusha yoga. It is formed when Mercury is in its sign of exaltaion or in its own sign is posited in a quardrant

Bhagya Sthana Bhanga Bhava Bhavat bhavan

Bhratru bhava Bhukti

to ascendant or Moon. Ninth house. Cancellation. House. From house to house, for example 4th house to the 4th house i.e. 7th house. Third house. Sub period. C

Chandradhi yoga

Chara rasi

Dasa Deepta

A yoga when 6th, 7th and 8th houses from Moon are occupied by benefics. Cardinal sign.

Period (for ruling) of planet. An exalted planet. Second house. Defect.

A Glimpse of


Decanate. Sad, grieved, A planet in an enemy sign. Name of a Hindu goddess. Third house. Bad houses (6th, 8th and 12th) Mutable sign.

Quality, characteristic. H A yoga when Jupiter in Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces is in a quadrant to Ascendant/Moon. It is one of the pancha mahapurusha yoga. J Wife Astrology K Significator

Kendradhipatya Kendradhipatya dosha =

Signification Tenth house 1,4, 7, 10 house, a quadrant from ascendant. Lordship of a quadrant. Bad efects of being lord of 1,4, 1,10 houses. A planet defeated in war. T L Ascendant A situation wherein 6th, 7th and 8th houses from ascendant are occupied by benefics. Goddess of wealth

Kerala Astrology

155 M

Maha das a Mantra Maraka Matru Mlechchha

= = = = =

Main period. A text to produce desired effect. Killer. Mother. Low caste people or non Hindus/ foreigners. Eighth house. A special area of a sign where a planet has the greatest strength. A planet in the sign of his extreme friend.

Mrityu sthana Moola Trikona

= =



Nakshatra Navamsa Neecha Neecha bhanga

= = = =



Starting sound of a mantra. p



Peedita Prameha Putra

= = =

Relating to puranas (books based on Vedas) A planet in combustion. Diabetes Son

N Constellation 1/9 of a sign. A planet in its debilitation sign. Cancellation of the effect of debilitation. O

R Rajasika Raja yoga Rajyoga bhanga Rajayoga karaka Rasi

= = = . = =

Royal qualities A combination of planets to bestow kingship/royal life. Concellation of Raja yoga. Planets who create Raja yoga. Sign

A Glimpse of = = =

Ocean, treasure of gems. Enemy. Name of a constellation. S

= =

= = = = = = =

Pure and simple. One of the pancha mahapurusha yoga when Saturn in its own or exaltation sign occupies a quadrant. Strong planet. A planet in a friend's sign. Hindu god of destruction. Metre Fixed. Brief description A planet in own house. T

= = = =

Dark, Rahu, inferior or dirty. Demonic qualities. Star, suffiction of comparative degree in Sanskrit. Triangle; 1st, 5th and 9th house.


U A planet in its exaltation sign.

Divisions of a sign, namely Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa, Trimsamsa etc. A planet occupying the same sign in rasi and navamsha. A planet in debilitation or in the sign of his extreme enemy.


Kerala Astrology Vishnu Vyaya bhava

= =

Hindu God of preservation. Twelfth house. "XT' Y






Yoga karaka






mythological tribe whose chief Kubera is considered to be the Finance Minister of gods. Combination of planets causing good or evil. Planets who form combination for causing Rajayoga.

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