Kenneth's Ch. 19 Outlines

  • June 2020
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Kenneth Li Euro Hist 6th Period 12-4-07 Ch. 19 pg. 519-530 I. Conquest and Exploitation: The Development of the Transatlantic Economy A. Introduction 1) More than 2 and a half centuries, European government made Americas a region of European languages and religion. 2) Native Americans met with groups of European conquerors. i) By middle of 16th century, Europeans began to import Africans into American continents as slaves. ii) By the end of 16th century, Europe, America and Africa became linked to large trade wealth and economical wealth. 3) Many North American colonies would be involved with African slavery. i) Also would interact with Native Americans. 4) African slave trade devastated Africa, but made Americas and Europe much richer. II. Periods of European Overseas Expansion 1) 15th century European contacts with rest of world gone through 4 stages. i) European’s domination over America and other places in the world. ii) Colonial trade rivalry among Spain, France, and Great Britain. iii) European government carved new formal empires in Africa and Asia. iv) The decolonization of people under previous European control. 2) Europeans exerted dominance over much of world in 4 and a half centuries before decolonization. i) Always treated other governments as inferior. ii) Affected Europe’s relationship with other colonies. III. Mercantilist Theory of Economic Exploitation 1) Early modern European empires existed mainly on enriched trades. i) This required major naval force. ii) Spain built largest; had most well-defended trade ports. iii) Also needed slave labor to exist. 2) Mercantilism: practical creed of hard-headed business people. i) Terms of mercantilism and mercantile system means to enrich trade to increase nation’s individual wealth. 3) Colonies existed to provide markets and natural resources for industries in home countries. i) In turn, home countries made military protection and political administration for colonies. ii) Many people thought colonies were inferior side. iii) Home country and colonies were trade exclusively with each other; tried to forge trade-tight systems of national commerce. 4) By early 18th century mercantilist assumptions far removed from economic realities.

i) Spain couldn’t produce enough goods for South America. 5) Colonists wanted to trade with each other. i) Government couldn’t control activities of all subjects. ii) Clashes among colonists led to war between governments. IV. Establishment of the Spanish Empire in America A. Conquest of the Aztecs and the Incas 1) Colonists brutally suppressed natives and stole their gold. 2) Hernan Cortes landed in America; Moctezuma thought he was a god. i) Name of god is Quetzalcoatl; Moctezuma sent gifts of gold to Spaniards ii) Spanish made alliance with many of Aztec’s enemies; marched into Tenochtitlan. iii) Took Moctezuma as prisoner; later died unexplained. iv) Aztecs became hostile, drove the Spanish out, almost killing them all. v) Last ruler, Cuauhtemoc, made a fierce fight, but got defeated. vi) Cortes proclaimed the ruined capital as the Spanish capital. 3) Fransisco Pizarro did similar thing. i) Sailed to South America to conquer Incas. ii) Captured emperor; emperor tried to bribe him to release. iii) Spanish took the gold, then killed the emperor. iv) Marched to the capital, took it down, and took all the gold. 4) Conquers of these empires were helped by spread by smallpox disease. i) Was turning point for the world. ii) Two vast civilizations were wiped out of history. B. The Roman Catholic Church in Spanish America 1) Spanish conquest opened vast region to Roman Catholic Faith. i) Castilian monarchy received approval from church authorities. ii) Consequence of policy, Roman Catholic church in New World was conservative force working to protect political power. 2) Papacy saw that it couldn’t from own resources be extensive on missionary effort; needed full requirements of Mexico and Peru. i) Zeal of both fought new enemy of Protestantism; both don’t want it there. ii) Roman Catholicism spread through Spanish domains and America took form. 3) By early 16th century, church represented mendicant orders. i) Conversion effort also involved attempts to eliminate Indian religion. ii) Religious conversion represented attempt to destroy Native American culture. 4) Real tension was between conquerors and mendicant friars. i) Without conquest, church couldn’t convert Native Americans. 5) Most effective Spanish conqueror is Bartolome de Las Casas. i) Said the Conquest isn’t necessary for conversion. ii) “Black Legend,” made up by Las Casa, said Spanish treatment was cruel to Native Americans. iii) “Black Legend is substantially true, but exaggerated. V. Economies of Exploitation in the Spanish Empire

1) Organization of labor within Spanish empire involved highly dependent slavery. 2) Resources of continent were exploited in mercantilist fashion. A. Varieties of Economic Activity 1) Early conquistadors, “conquerors,” been interested in mainly gold. i) By 16th century, silver mining became main source of metal wealth. ii) Crown maintained monopoly over production and sale of mercury. iii) Flourished until industry underwent recession b/c of lack of investment iv) Silver predominated during colonial ear; made major boom in business 2) Work of mining and smelting ore needed labor. i) Too few Spanish colonists to provide labor, so used Indians and Africans as slaves. B. Encomienda 1) Spanish devised series of institutions to exploit Native American labor. i) First was encomienda, formal grant by crown of right. ii) Encomienda usually consisted of few hundred Native Americans. iii) Spanish crown disliked this system. 2) Native Americans were being mistreated really badly. C. Repartimiento 1) Passing of grant before made another arrangement, repartimiento. i) Largely copied from draft labor practices of Incas. ii) Required adult males to devote number of days of labor annually. 2) Sometimes Native Americans didn’t survive these labors. D. The Hacienda 1) Major institution using dependent labor in Spanish colonies was hacienda. i) Dominated and ruled Spanish colonies on continent partly to counter extension of encomienda. ii) Haciendas represented transfer of principle or large unit of privately owned land. 2) Laborers on hacienda stood some relation to formal servitude to owner. i) Couldn’t pay off debts nor move to another owner. ii) Called debt peonage. iii) 2 major products of hacienda: foodstuffs and leather goods. E. The Decline of the Native American Population 1) Conquest and diseases made bad results for Native Americans. i) In Mexico, population dropped from 25 million to 2 million. ii) The drop of numbers gave conquistadors all the resources needed. F. Commercial Regulation and the Flota System 1) Queen Isabella of Castile commissioned Columbus, technical legal link between New World and Spain was crown of Castile. i) Nominated viceroys of New Spain and Peru, which made chief executives of New World and carried out laws. ii) Viceroyalties included judicial councils known as audiencias. iii) Officers call corregidores provided monarchy with many opportunities 2) Spanish control of American empire involved system of monopolistic trade regulation.

i) Trade monopoly was often breached. ii) Casa de Contratacion in Seville regulated trade with New World. iii) America, there were similarly specific ports. 3) Entire organization was geared to benefit Spanish monarchy. VI. Colonial Brazil and Slavery 1) Spain and Portugal had rival claims to America. i) Treaty of Tordesillas divided Spain and Portugal by drawing line through Cape Verde Islands. 2) Portugal had fewer human resources to make crown of Americas than Spain i) People in Portugal lived in small, nomadic groups. ii) Labor practices in 2 regions were also different. 3) Sugar production gained preeminence in Brazilian economy. i) Toward 17th century, sugar prices rose high. ii) Gold discovered in southern Brazil. 4) Gold rush didn’t lower number of slaves. i) Brazil has most important slave labors. 5) Portuguese tried to establish crown over Brazil. i) Brazil required less direct control by Portuguese than Spanish Empire. ii) Brazil had basic unit of plantation, there were fewer large cities than America. 6) More local officials allowed to serve in Brazilian government. i) Brazil is less dependent on Indian force labor. ii) Through 18th century, Portuguese favored importation of slaves.

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