Keeper Of The Katra

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 412
  • Pages: 2



rending consciousness from being ripping pain noooooo


Spock! Oh, God ... how long have I slept this sleep of gnawing anguish my brain ... a darkened void, like a field left lonely and barren after a storm has raked it through silent but for these straying, tired thoughts ...


ah, Spock, why me? I understand now the terrible


of the deed

weight and urgency

I am honored in a way, remembering



it was not always painful sharing your spirit, your soul of grace and logic ... your touch was as a firemist, even now clouding my vision with its brilliant, unquenchable light, yet it was gentle in its bequeathing breath, loving trust burned in the quickening flames, echoing, pleading How is it that I failed to know you blasted



I meant what I softly spoke in the solitude of the Bird of Prey... Cast anchor and stay close beside us, my old friend, for I could not bear to lose you thus agai n




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. . .


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Doctor McCoy... Leonard ... You lie so still, so vulnerable, r understand your exhausted sleep in distant eons past the fal-tor-pan claimed far more lives than it restored, an ordeal of such unspeakable torment

s p

r beg forgiveness, my old friend ... there was no other way, no other mind within my reach that r could trust as much as Jim's ... r asked an immensesacrifice without your leave, especially of one so sensitive to the joining of minds ... but r knewyou would be a true Keeper, that you would lead Jim back, . fulfilling all that was required and more There is no reason to doubt your absolution your smile was warm, your embrace unreserved at this day's dawning,

yet.. .

the lines of strain on thy care-worn face move my soul, which you have borne home so well, to ache with the burden of knowing what the demands of my heritage have all




have paid too dearly perhaps

for the katra

You stir the time has come ... eyes hazy blue, so weary, open Leonard





may r find the answer which r seek shining in their knowing depths first twilight falls; let us begin anew... Nora L. Jeffrey


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