Keep Praying

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 612
  • Pages: 3
Keep Praying (Luke 11:1-13) Jesus taught us that we should: Pray for the community of believers First person pronouns are absent from the Lord’s Prayer Pray for God’s holiness to be recognized (Luke 11:2; Ps. 72:19; Rev. 15:4) Which would also mean recognizing and confessing our sinfulness/unholiness and need for forgiveness (Luke 11:4; 1 John 1:8-10; 1 Kings 8:30-36; Matt. 6:12) Pray for God’s Kingdom to reign in the hearts of men (Luke 11.2) Pray for our daily needs to be met (Luke 11:3) Pray earnestly and with persistence (Luke 11:9-10; 18:1-8; Ps. 27:14; Matt. 15:23, 25, 27; James 5:16-17; 1 Chron. 16:11; Col. 4:2; Isa. 55:6) Earnest means zealously and with serious intent and determination Persistent: To stay the course despite adversity or opposition The 4 Gospels show that Jesus had a persistent prayer life (Luke 22:44) “Soaking Prayers”: continual, particular, earnest, guided by faith Persistence demonstrates true, abiding faith Our prayers show what is, or is not, in our heart. They show God, ourselves & others. How long are you willing to wait upon the Lord, remaining faithful? (Luke 18:8) God answers prayer in “the fullness of time” (Gk. Chronos) according to his plan (Gal. 4:4) Psalm 27:14 (Wait and Take Heart), 37:7 (Wait and Do Not Fret) & 34 (Wait and Keep His Way), 40:1 (Wait Patiently and Your Prayers Will Be Heard) 59:9 (Wait and Watch), 69:3 (Wait and Pray), 130:5 (Wait and Put Hope in His Word) Proverbs 20:22 (Wait for God’s Justice instead of Seeking Revenge)

Isa. 8:17 (Wait for and Trust in God), 30:18 (Wait and Be Blessed) Lam. 3:25-26 (Wait for, Seek and Hope in God and God Will Be Good to You) Hosea 12:6 (Return God, Maintain Love & Justice and Wait on God Always) Micah 7:7 (Wait and watch in Hope for God) Hab. 2:3 (Wait for God’s Answer and Though It may Linger, It Will Come) Zeph. 3:8 (Wait for God to Act in His Time) Luke 12:35-40 (Watch, Wait and Be Ready for the Lord’s Return) Rom. 8:18-25 (Wait Patiently for Future Glory) Gal. 5:5 (Wait by Faith) David spent a great deal of his time waiting. David had to wait some15 years from the time he was first anointed by Samuel to the time he became king over Judah. It was another seven years before David was anointed king over all Israel. This means David waited over 20 years of his life to be made king. David's life during the days we have been studying can teach us a great deal about “waiting on the Lord.” God promised Abram and Sarai a child, but they had to wait 25 years to get him. God promised Noah there would be a flood, but it was a long time coming. God made Jacob wait 14 years to get the wife he wanted. Joseph had to wait a considerable time to see his father and family, and he did not get back home until after his death (they carried his bones back to the promised land). The Israelites had to wait 430 years in Egypt, before returning to the promised land. The writer to the Hebrews tells us that all the Old Testament saints had to wait for us (Gentiles?) before they could see the promised kingdom (Heb. 11:39-40). For 2,000 years, saints have been waiting for the Lord's return and the coming of His Kingdom.

Pray expectantly (Matt.15:28; Heb. 11:6, Phil 2:19; James 5:15) God responds to faithful prayer (Heb. 11:1, Mark 11:24; Matt. 21:22) God responds to whole-souled prayer (Jer. 29:13) God responds to our prayers out of love (Luke 11:11-13) Nothing is impossible for God (Jer. 32:17, Mark 9:22-24)

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