Kathy Patterson Business Continuity

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BCPWHO (Business Continuity Planning Workgroup for Healthcare Organizations) is the healthcare industry's membership organization exclusively focused on providing leadership in the advancement of business continuity, disaster recovery and emergency management through collaboration and research. Founded in 2005 BCPWHO represents individual members from the healthcare industry across the United States, Canada and around the world. Newsletter PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Bill Rider, President, BCPWHO welcomes new board members and introduces our upcoming plans for 2009 Page 1

Issue No. 1 2009 NEW IN DR, BCP & EM BCPWHO highlights recent and important news affecting healthcare DR, BCP & EM Page 2

PROFILES Curious about who is on the board of directors of BCPWHO? Interested in learning from and about follow members? Page 3

EDUCATION Webinars, conferences and other learning opportunities. Read more about a new healthcare track at DRJ SPRING 2009 Page 4

NEW ONLINE Up and coming new interactive tools for BCPWHO members and what’s new on our webite Page 4

MEMBERS ONLY Updates and perks for our members. We’ll let you know what new tools have been designed and shared by fellow members Page 4

information and provide it in a way that does not place a burden on those needing the information. Webinars, listservs, huddle groups, an expanding repository of First, I would like to take this opportunity to information on our website, are all areas that welcome our new BCPWHO Board members we are working on. We will look into Kathleen Criss, Vice President, Sheledia educational opportunities that we may be able Joslin, Membership Director, Wayne Brannan, to provide in conjunction with other venues. Strategic Alliance Director, and Garrett We are already looking at ways to expand our Doering, Information Director. I invite you to sponsorship base so that we can provide read more about our recent additions to our these additional services while maintaining board in the Profiles Section of this newsletter. minimal cost to our membership. Also we will Welcome all and thank you in advance for automate our membership application process your support and efforts. extremely proud of our accomplishments and so that we can respond to requests in a much I would also like to take this opportunity to more efficient way. So we have a lot of work to excited about our goals. extend my thanks to the original Board do and we are excited about the capabilities members for the energy, dedication, and 2009 will present us with quite a different we are working on. We approach that work frankly, the tenacity that it takes to keep an landscape than we may have expected. A new with an energy that typifies our belief in what organization like ours running efficiently and presidential administration with its eyes set on we all do. Please be assured that we have effectively. As any Board member will tell you, some very different goals than the past our membership’s best interests as our priority our conference calls and email chains are administration. An economy that, as some and are always open to suggestions and new anything but dull. They are filled with lively pundits have expressed it, is the worst in ideas from our members. animated discussions sometimes with a little several decades. Organizations such as On behalf of our entire BCPWHO Board, I frustration or confusion sprinkled in just to add JCAHO and DHS expanding their wish you well in the upcoming year and look to the excitement. But I will tell you that a perspectives and requirements in the area of forward to continuing our efforts to be a common theme through all of our interactions emergency preparedness. All of these and valuable resource for your preparedness is an extremely friendly and professional more will provide us with unique challenges. efforts. collegiality that gets the job done. And….we But we have recognized this changing have fun while we’re at it. I think I speak for landscape and have begun discussions on -Bill Rider, President, BCPWHO every Board member when I say we are how we can provide more, better and faster

President’s Message









What’s new in Healthcare Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity and Emergency Management Disaster Recovery

Virtualization of servers in healthcare and how that is changing healthcare disaster recovery strategies.

Several hospitals have adopted virtualization of servers - some with the intention of augmenting their disaster recovery strategy with the solution. Given the increased criticality of applications in the delivery of care such as physician order entry and electronic medical records, the traditional 48 hour recovery objective -- transporting tapes to the recovery facility and restoring systems to infrastructure stored there -- is no longer acceptable for the most critical applications. The goal with virtualized infrastructure would be a recovery in less than four hours.

Business Continuity

On August 3, President Bush signed into law, ''Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007'', H.R. 1 (Public Law 110-53.). 

Emergency Management

The new standards the Joint Commission introduced in 2008 are now in full effect. Last year these standards were cited during surveys, but did not impact accreditation status until Jan. 1, 2009.

Title IX of this Act calls for the creation of a voluntary private sector preparedness accreditation According to the Joint Commission in order to and certification program. Drawn from the recent allow more time for organizations to implement Federal register is the following statement: these standards, The Joint Commission will allow the following through 2008: the new requirements It is well known that approximately 85% of that were surveyed, non-compliance cited in an infrastructure which we consider to be ``critical'' is organization’s survey report, and the organization owned and operated by the private sector. Critical needed to address the non-compliant standards in infrastructure and key resources, or CIKR, comprises its Evidence of Standards Compliance. However, systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital non-compliance was not included in the count of to the United States that their incapacitation or non-compliant standards contributing to either a destruction would have a debilitating impact on national Preliminary Denial of Accreditation or Conditional The improvement comes from not having to rebuild security, national economic security, public health or Accreditation decision. The following Elements of the server, application and operating system all safety, or any combination of those matters. Performance in the Environment of Care chapter separately. Unlike a Windows server which likes to would not count toward the accreditation decision: As we know, healthcare is considered part of the be restored on the same physical hardware, a national critical infrastructure - one of the CIKR virtual server doesn't know the difference. In the EC.4.11 EP 9, 10 EC.4.12 EP 6 categories. In addition to the voluntary standards, case of a failure, a virtual server can be rebooted EC.4.13 EP 7 EC 4.14 EP 8, 10 with the virtual server image, and it will come back there is a Healthcare Sector Coordinating Council EC.4.15 EP 2, 3, 5 EC.4.16 EP 2, 3 (HSCC) - Research & Development Joint Advisory EC.4.17 EP 4 online with all of its patches and updates already EC.4.18 EP 4, 5, 6 Working Group (R&D JAWG). Current priorities applied. includes: Workforce Sustainability, Medical Surge However, now that we are in 2009, we are now Not only does this speed time to recovery, it also Management, Operational Sustainability, and required to demonstrate compliance. More and makes disaster recovery testing a much simpler Healthcare Facility Security. However, it is not more templates are being shared among our process. clear yet whether these various efforts will be members to address this need. In addition, as part integrated or if the Joint Commission will be of the new emergency management curriculum Do you have a success story to share on the engaged as part of this process. being offered at DRJ and via upcoming webinars, application of virtualization to improve your disaster tools and templates will be made available to recovery strategy? Let us know at More information is forthcoming as we learn more. members. Feel free to share your ideas and [email protected]. If you have questions contact Angela at templates at [email protected]. [email protected] 2








Profiles In 2008 we held our first election and as a result the position of Membership Director, which have some changes and new board members we’d Sheledia will fill. Once again, we are not losing a like to introduce you to. respected Board member; we are adding a new one. Welcome Sheledia. Kathy Lee Patterson, who has so admirably filled the position of Vice-President since the creation of To provide additional focus on the content of our BCPWHO transferred those responsibilities over program, we have created the position of Informato Kathleen Criss, who is the Director of the tion Director. Garrett Doering, who is the Disaster Disaster Management Center for the University of Preparedness Administrator at Westchester Pittsburgh Medical Center. Welcome Kathleen! Medical Center, will be assuming that position. And rest assured we will not be losing Kathy’s Welcome Garrett. experience or brilliant smile; she will be remaining on the Board for at least another year as the And last, but certainly not least, we have also creProgram Director. ated a new position that will help to develop and maintain our strategic partnerships with vendors The new position of Membership Director will be and other industry groups. That position is the Stra assumed by Sheledia Joslin-Jenkins from tegic Alliance Director. Wayne Brannan who is the Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Angela Director of Risk Management from the University of Devlen, in her current role as Public Relations / South Carolina – Charleston, SC, has been elected Marketing Director, had also assumed the as the Director of that area. Welcome Wayne. responsibilities of membership promotion and coordination however this year we have created www.bcpwho.org

BCPWHO Board Bill Rider, President Kathleen Criss,Vice-President Anne-Marie Turner, Secretary Kevin Chenoweth,Treasurer Wayne Brennan, Director, Strategic Partnerships Kathy Patterson, Director, Programs Angela Devlen, Director, PR & Marketing Garrett Doering, Director, Information Management Sheledia Joslin-Jenkins, Director, Membership








For the past few years we have conducted benchmarking surveys among our members to capture data on what other academic medical centers are doing regarding disaster recovery. In 2007, a broader healthcare business continuity and emergency management survey was conducted by members Ric Skinner and Jennifer Davey, with support from board member Angela Devlen. Findings from this survey were presented at the Emergency Management Summit in Washington, DC. (PPT available on www.bcpwho.org) Since then what we’ve heard from our members is a strong response around what is needed to support us as professionals, help build our business case based on facts and peer based data and simply a better understanding of what others are doing “out there”. We’ll here’s our response. In the Spring of 2009, thanks to BC Management, we’ll provide our members with a healthcare specific business continuity benchmarking report (available for both providers and payers)! You will soon be receiving a link to the survey and we urge you to fill it out. It is the only benchmarking survey of it’s kind. To see an example of the report: http://www.bcmanagement.net/research/files/ 2008%20Program%20Report.pdf In addition we will be revising the Healthcare Emergency Management Survey conducted in 2007. Sponsored by Wakefield Brunswick, the survey will focus on emergency management practices and data on healthcare responses to previous disasters and will be distributed in the Summer of 2009.


The Healthcare Generally Accepted Practices (Healthcare GAP) for business continuity planning

3/29 - 4/1 ORLANDO, FL Comprehensive Healthcare BC Planning: How To Build A Program In Your Institution

Comprehensive Healthcare Business Continuity Planning: Let’s Get Down To The Nitty-Gritty

There is a growing awareness of the importance of comprehensive BC and DR planning within the healthcare community. This is being driven by many factors including new Joint Commission standards, healthcare bond rating agencies and demands made by grant funding entities. This session will bring healthcare planners important concepts and tools that can be used to build a comprehensive BC program. It is strongly recommended that you plan to take this session together with the subsequent Tuesday Workshop Session 2.

This hands-on intensive workshop will build on the concepts presented at the previous breakout session (ES-4). In this workshop, we will get down into the details of actually creating a comprehensive BC plan. We will cover:


How to do a risk assessment (HVA) and develop action plans to mitigate risk and then monitor progress How to do a business impact analysis (BIA) in healthcare : How to capture data, how to report the data, what questions need to be asked, what pitfall and landmines to avoid.

How to integrate healthcare quality and safety, risk management and your BC program How to tie everything together into a nice neat package for your executives This workshop will focus on tried and true best practices. You will walk away with tools and actual documents you can use in your facility. Come prepared to immerse yourself in this topic. Join us and learn from leaders in the healthcare industry. Sessions are led by Dr. Stuart Weiss and Angela Devlen. To learn more go to the BCPWHO website or www.drj.com

New Online Check out the new Tools Section under the Resources Tab BCPWHO Partners with HRTI to Expand Member Services

Watch for updates on new 2009 Thanks to our new Joint partnership with HRTI we can Commission provide web based education Standards, DHS Voluntary designed around the needs Certification and more on of business continuity standards planners and emergency managers in healthcare. The first session is scheduled Check out the Presentations section for new materials on for March 2, 2009 from HICS IV, Pandemic and BCP 1-2pm EST, addressing the in Healthcare issue of sustaining your workforce during crisis and disasters. Recent economic pressures, and increasingly stringent industry standards require more sophisticated services, education and ease of access to education in a cost effective manner. Therefore HRTI curriculum and courses on Healthcare Business Continuity and Emergency Management will be offered throughout the year. Most courses are available to members at no charge or at a member discount.

Members Only

A new online portal for more interactive sharing and member driven content creation will compliment our website! More information to come soon. To become a member go to www.bcpwho.org and click on “become a member”. Dues are only $25.00/year. www.bcpwho.org

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