Katalog Ci5 Ang Mail

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  • Words: 4,594
  • Pages: 20
Introduction CI-5 Agency is a professional Production Agency aiming to help the public access significant historical and other events, concerning the world, Europe, Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, in an unbiased form open to all generations. The Agency endeavours to bring the work of civil associations to the attention of their fellow citizens, but also to the attention of representatives in legislative bodies, important representatives of state administration and to the attention of business circles. By organising ‘The National Celebrations Days” we promote conservative values and uphold good practice of the past for the future. Our approach to production is open it to all generations so that it has an impact on the audience on a subconscious level in terms of their participation and responsibility for issues such as internal and external safety, general defensive power, health care, solidarity and unburdened national pride. We use the media to promote the work of voluntary organisations focused on the health and safety of citizens emphasising their efficiency in relation to the state and we ask for their work to be duly incorporated and recognised within society. The primary production theme of the Agency, apart from important historical anniversaries in national history, is the promotion of the skills of our citizens who help their fellow citizens through voluntary work. The Agency promotes this theme in a format that is perceived positively by our fellow citizens and it encourages their active involvement.

CONTACTS AND INFORMATION Registered Office: Neratovická 241, 277 13 Kostelec nad Labem IN: 70799865 TIN: 490714038 Tel.: +420326981446 GSM: +420603456563 – Executive Manager +420603570401 – Production www.ci5.cz

Contact Address: Mníšek pod Brdy 1186 E 252 10 Mníšek pod Brdy Fax: +420326981446 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]


Dear Friends Let me use this opportunity to offer you a chance to promote your trademarks, production programmes, products and services in an active manner using our wide range of promotional tools. Your potential cooperation will enable us to promote projects that endeavour to present historical events relevant to the present day. The CI-5 Agency has more than ten years experience of producing these types of events. We have managed to stimulate the interest of the media in our topical events. Since we do not think it is moral to charge people for attending events promoting and inciting outbursts of national pride, we do not charge an admission fee and the number of people attending our events has grown significantly. Tens of thousands of visitors come to these events. We have also attracted the attention of important figures from the governmental, diplomatic, business and high society circles, which we view as confirmation of the fact that the events produced are purposeful. We would be very grateful if you could consider connecting your registered trademark with important anniversaries or figures of the past and the present. Yours faithfully Kunc Jiří Executive Manager

2008 EVENTS PRODUCED AND CO-PRODUCED EVENTS ORGANISED AND CO-ORGANISED BY THE CI-5 AGENCY IN 2008 1. 2. 2008 Grand Ball of the Prague Garrison Headquarters.

22. 3. 2008 2nd Social Gathering of Voluntary Rescue Forces under the auspices of the Chair of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Přemysl Sobotka – Hotel Praha.

24. 5. 2008 Ceremonial opening of the Military Technical Museum season VHÚ Praha in Lešany nr Týnec nad Sázavou (ca 10,000 visitors).

14. 6. 2008 Museum Night – Aviation Museum VHÚ Praha – Kbely (ca 30,000 visitors).

16. 8. 2008 3rd Family Party under the personal auspices of the Chief Administrator of the Central Bohemia Region, Petr Bendl. State-owned Manor house in Mníšek pod Brdy.

21. 8. 2008 40th anniversary of the occupation of Czechoslovakia by the armies of the Warsaw Pact – Wenceslas Square

30. 8. 2008 6th Tank Day – the Military Technical Museum VHÚ Praha in Lešany nr Týnec nad Sázavou (ca 35, 000 visitors).

20. 9. 2008 6th Year of the Competition in Shooting of NATO Reserve Forces competing for the Cup of the Chief of the General Headquarters AČR – infantry shooting range VVP Brdy (36 groups).

28. 10. 2008 90th anniversary of the foundation of Czechoslovakia as an independent state under the personal auspices of the Lord Mayor of the Capital City of Prague, Pavel Bém. Prague

EVENTS ORGANISED FOR 2009 20. 3. 2009

3rd Social Gathering of Voluntary Rescue Forces. Prague – ceremonial premises of Hotel Praha.

25. 4. 2009

Ceremonial opening of a new season at the Aviation Museum VHÚ Praha – Kbely.

23. 5. 2009

The Day of Anti-aircraft Artillery and opening of a new season – Military Technical Museum VHÚ Praha. Lešany nr Týnec nad Sázavou.

20. 6. 2009

Museum Night – Aviation Museum VHÚ Praha – Kbely.

15. 8. 2009

4th Family Party – State-owned Manor house in Mníšek pod Brdy.

29. 8. 2009

7th Tank Day – Military Technical Museum VHÚ Praha. Lešany nr Týnec nad Sázavou.

19. 9. 2009

7th Year of the Competition in Shooting of NATO Reserve Forces competing for the Cup of the Chief of the General Headquarters AČR – infantry shooting range VVP Brdy.

17. 11. 2009 Memorial Event to honour the events of 17 November 1939 and 1989. Praha.

3rd social meeting of Voluntary Rescue Teams Ceremonial premises of Hotel Praha 20. 3. 2009 The existence of ‘Climate Change’ has been clearly proven and we can expect more recurrent occurrences of natural disasters and dangerous situations that will impact on a significant part of our population. Advanced civilisations are trying to prepare for these situations by having professional forces and units ready, but also by having voluntary organisations in place. The participation of ordinary citizens in the protection of lives, health and property of their fellow citizens is absolutely irreplaceable, both in terms of efficiency and civil formation of the society. This approach shows the quality of a particular society, its lifestyle and value systems. The work of voluntary rescue forces, voluntary firemen and active reserves of the Czech Republic Army must never stop being promoted, and this is one of the many promotional events supporting this objective.

Dear Friends We believe that if you find the work of voluntary bodies meaningful, you might decide to become honorary partners of these social events and through your partnership you will help to make the 3rd Social Meeting of Voluntary Forces of the CR happen. The refined connection of your brand with this event is a way of appreciating the voluntary work of these forces, which are also contributing to the certainties in your life. The globalisation process taking place in the world and in particular in Europe should be viewed on the political, economic, social and the integral trade development levels as a natural toll we pay for the globalisation of risks.

Promotional Services on offer for potential clients: 1) Placing the trademark of the Client on all panels located in the premises for the entire duration of the event. 2) Client’s trademark is printed on VIP invitations. 3) The Presenter will mention the Client during the course of the evening. 4) An agreed number of VIP invitations will be available for representative of the Client. 5) Photos and video materials from the event will be delivered along with the right of the Client to use them for personal use.

Letter from the Chair of the Senate Přemysl Sobotka









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Ceremonial Opening of a New Season at the Aviation Museum VHÚ Praha Praha – Kbely 25. 4. 2009 The Aviation Museum was founded in 1968 on the site of a former military airport, Praha – Kbely which was the first air force base built after the foundation of Czechoslovakia in 1918. In terms of the number of exhibits and their quality it is one of the largest aviation museums in Europe. There are 275 planes stored in the museum collection. The display of air force exhibits reminds us of film exteriors with the planes being ready to take part in historical films. The exhibits are displayed in four large hangars featuring 85 planes, numerous plane engines, plane parts, weaponry and equipment, uniforms worn by figures of pilots and mechanics, and last but not least the exhibits also cover banners and medals related mainly to the history of Czechoslovak and Czech, military aviation. More exhibits are displayed outside the hangars. The season is ceremonially opened with a special programme prepared for VIP GUESTS and an extraordinary programme for visitors. The opening is attended by leading institutional, army and resort representatives and it is covered by the media.

Promotional Services on offer for potential clients: 1) Client’s logos and advertising banners placed in all the premises accessible to visitors. 2) The presenter shall introduce the Client during his/her speech 3) Advertisements in VIP premises. 4) Client’s logos are printed on posters advertising the event 5) Client’s trademark is printed on VIP invitations. 6) The Client will receive an agreed number of VIP invitations. 7) Photos and video materials from the event will be delivered along with the right of the Client to use them for personal use.

The Day of Anti-Aircraft Artillery and the Opening of a New Season at the Military Technical Museum VHÚ Praha Lešany nr Týnec nad Sázavou 23. 5. 2009 The programme covers the presentation of selected regiments of the Czech Republic Army in action displaying the current state-of-the-art technology and anti-aircraft fight techniques documenting their key role for the safety of the state. There will also be presentations showing the historical development of these specialised army regiments. This Day also marks the ceremonial opening of a new season at the Military Technical Museum in Lešany. The day is one of the most important army events filled with active displays by professional soldiers of the most elite regiments of the Czech Republic Army, but also with shows presented by enthusiasts from various military historical societies. Members of these historical clubs and societies will demonstrate, along with the Museum staff, their skills handling historical military equipment, including acoustic and pyrotechnic effects. The action shows will take place in the newly built arena that can house up to 15, 000 spectators. In view of the fact that this event is attended by 20 – 25 thousand viewers, the programme is repeated. A special VIP programme has been prepared for the VIP group, consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Defence of the CR, the General Headquarters of the CRA, representatives of diplomatic corps and legislative bodies and businessmen. The VIP programme will include a tour round the exhibition and the chance to enjoy the presentations and shows from the VIP premises. The VIP programme will end with a festive banquet. Free parking for 1,300 cars is available. Free Admission. Special children’s programme. Special trains will be dispatched from Prague, including historical carriages. A newly opened pavilion documenting the history of Signalling Troops is awaiting the visitors this year.

Promotional Services on offer for potential clients: 1) Client’s logos and advertising banners placed in all the premises accessible to visitors. 2) The presenter shall introduce the Client during his/her speech 3) Advertisements in VIP premises. 4) Client’s logos are printed on posters advertising the event 5) Client’s trademark is printed on VIP invitations. 6) The Client will receive an agreed number of VIP invitations. 7) Photos and video materials from the event will be delivered along with the right of the Client to use them for personal use.

6th Museum Night – Aviation Museum VHÚ Praha Praha – Kbely 20. 6. 2009 The fifth Museum Night in Prague took place on Saturday 14 June 2008 from 7 pm till 1 am. Twenty-five institutions located in 51 buildings participated in this event. Nine special bus routes were organised to transport 40, 000 visitors free of charge and the tube was running till 1.30 am the following morning. It is estimated that in total 200,000 visitors attended the Museum Night and took advantage of the free entry to museums and galleries. The colony of parked cars near the Aviation Museum was 2.5 kilometres long and more visitors kept coming throughout the night. The 6th museum night at the Aviation Museum will also feature air shows and a musical programme. A special programme is being prepared for VIP GUESTS. The Museum Night will be attended, as always, by representatives of the General Headquarters of the Czech Republic Army, the Ministry of Defence of the CR, state administration and businessmen.

Promotional Services on offer for potential clients: 1) Client’s logos and advertising banners placed in all the premises accessible to the visitors. 2) The presenter shall introduce the Client during his/her speech 3) Advertisements in VIP premises. 4) Client’s logos are printed on posters advertising the event 5) Client’s trademark is printed on VIP invitations. 6) The Client will receive an agreed number of VIP invitations. 7) Photos and video materials from the event will be delivered along with the right of the Client to use them for personal use.

4rd Family Party Held at the state-owned Manor house at Mníšek pod Brdy 15. 8. 2009

On 19 August 2006 the Gothic Castle of Kost hosted the first year of the Family Party. The purpose of this event was to provide the public with more information on many sensitive issues such as obesity and diabetes, amongst other things, in an entertaining and subtle form and to give information on how to fight these dangerous phenomena. The first courtyard and adjacent interiors were dedicated to the issue of healthy lifestyle and related topics covering nutrition, exercise, cosmetics, food supplements, books and consultancy. The second courtyard and adjacent interiors were dedicated to the consequences of not leading a healthy lifestyle, such as diabetes, obesity etc. There were professional consultants available, and the visitors had an opportunity to have their blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol measured. It was also possible to exchange older types of blood sugar measuring instruments for newer ones. The event was accompanied by an entertainment programme that took place on the two stages available. The stages held performances by Dixieland groups such as, Steamboat Stompers, a theatre ensemble for children, historical fencing shows and presentations of products by individual sellers and exhibitors. The show was presented by the witty duo, Pepa Mladý and Josef Náhlovský. The 2nd Year took place at the manor house in Mníšek pod Brdy as the organisers were completely taken aback by the success of the 1st year and realised they needed bigger premises to accommodate the cars and buses. The Kost castle interior was simply not big enough to handle the crowds. Therefore, the Manor house at Mníšek pod Brdy was chosen to house the event as the area in front of the manor house has sufficient parking facilities, and the exterior and the interior offer sufficient space for discreet consultancy sessions, exhibitions, sellers and entertainment. The choice of the venue was seen as very successful, both by the organisers and the partners. A working meeting of specialists in the given topics took place at this event and there were more consultants available for sessions with the visitors. Families with children greatly appreciated the newly built exercise complex and the music and entertainment on show. The selection of topics and issues was greatly appreciated by everyone attending the event, in particular by the great number of diabetics who came in organised bus tours. The event was covered by Czech Television and Radio.

Promotional Services on offer for potential clients: 1) Client’s logos and advertising banners placed in all the premises accessible to the visitors. 2) The presenter shall introduce the Client during his/her speech 3) Advertisements in VIP premises. 4) Client’s logos are printed on posters advertising the event 5) Client’s trademark is printed on VIP invitations. 6) The Client will receive an agreed number of VIP invitations. 7) Photos and video materials from the event will be delivered along with the right of the Client to use them for personal use.

7th Tank Day – The Military Technical Museum VHÚ Praha Lešany nr Týnec nad Sázavou 29. 8. 2009 The Tank Day of the CRA is cleverly organised on the last weekend of the summer holidays and it has become a family day out stretching the facilities of the premises to the very maximum since this has proven to be a very popular event. The Tank Day is organised in a newly built arena by the Military Technical Museum of the CRA. The programme covers several shows mapping the development of tank technical equipment from the beginning of the last century till the present times. In addition, visitors can visit the Museum itself, which has been classed as a European rarity. An entertainment programme is prepared for the whole day. There will be special trains, including a historical steam engine train, prepared for visitors from Prague. For VIP guests there is a special programme prepared, along with a VIP car park and a VIP area for watching the programme. The Tank Day has become very successful and inspired an extension of the exhibition area and improved catering facilities for the visitors. A newly opened pavilion of Signalling Troops is awaiting visitors this year.

Promotional Services on offer for potential clients: 1) Client’s logos and advertising banners placed in all the premises accessible to the visitors. 2) The presenter shall introduce the Client during his/her speech 3) Advertisements in VIP premises. 4) Client’s logos are printed on posters advertising the event 5) Client’s trademark is printed on VIP invitations. 6) The Client will receive an agreed number of VIP invitations. 7) Photos and video materials from the event will be delivered along with the right of the Client to use them for personal use.

7th Year of Competition in Shooting of the NATO Reserve Troops competing for the Cup of the Chief of the General Headquarters of the CRA Infantry Shooting Range VVP Brdy 19. 9. 2008 The Active Reserves of the CRA was initially formed in 1998 as an experimental project by the General Headquarters of the CRA and civil associations. The Active Reserves were to dedicate themselves to military sports and preparations for defence. The project supported the attempt to have a fully professional army and to create a well functioning and well-trained network of voluntary units acting as reserves for the CRA. The units of Active Reserves are formed by citizens who are willing to devote their free time to training and service of the CRA beyond the framework of their civic duties, and who, above all, are willing to help their fellow citizens in times of emergency. Their mission is to protect human lives, health, property and democratic and constitutional values in coordination with the CRA of which they are an integral part. Similar reserve units can be found in different variations in the armies of our Allies. NATO organises many competitions and joint training programmes for these reserve troops. In 2004 the Active Reserves of the CRA were invited to participate in these competitions and they were more than successful. Our teams were in leading positions of many of the competitions despite the strong presence of teams from all the other Allied nations.

Member of the Active Reserve Force of the CRA, Major Oldřich Štoček. The Absolute Winner of the Shooting Competition organised by the Ministry of Defence of the Federal Republic of Germany 7th Year of the Grand Prix will be attended by our foreign Allies.

Competition Disciplines a) pistol b) rifle c) automatic gun The Grand Prix is attended by representatives of the CRA, military attaches, the press and participants of the event and ends with a full evening of entertainment, a banquet and a prize-giving ceremony.

Promotional Services for Potential Clients: 1) Whole-page promotion in the bilingual bulletin for participants and visitors. 2) Option to link the Client’s trademark to an individual discipline and the prize to be presented by the Client’s representative at the ceremony. 3) Placing advertising banners at the shooting range during the competition. 4) The Client’s logo is placed on the result sheets, starting cards and cup diplomas. 5) The Client’s logo is placed in the premises of the social evening marking the end of the competition. 6) The Client’s trademark is printed on VIP invitations. 7) The Client shall receive an agreed number of VIP invitations (accommodation and transport to the shooting range will be arranged for the Client’s representatives).

Memorial Event to Commemorate the Events of 17 November 1939 and 1989 Prague – Wenceslas Square

The date of the 17th of November has tragically entered the history of our country twice and it affected the th


lives of two generations. The tense atmosphere of the events of 28 October and 15 November served as a suitable th

excuse for the Nazi radicals to declare the death sentence for student representatives on the 17 November 1939 th

by closing all universities and sending students to concentration camps. On 17 November 1989 the last chance of any reform of the Communist regime evaporated as the regime showed its true face during a demonstration by people on the anniversary of the occupation of the country by the armies of the Warsaw Pact. The demonstration was brutally suppressed. The fact that the truncheons were held not by the occupants, but by our own fellow nationals, citizens of this state, made this brutal act even worse. It is our duty to remember these historical events that hold a legacy for the present and the future as history tends to repeat itself.

Hotel Globus We offer very good quality premises for all your conference, social and presentation needs, including technical facilities, parking, entertainment programme, catering, accommodation, press coverage.

Gregorova 2115/10, Horní Roztyly, Praha 4 The Right place to organise your work, private and social events: ideal for congresses, seminars, training programmes, banquets, weddings, graduation ceremonies etc. Tel: +420 272 927 700 Fax: +420 272 937 269 http: // www.hotel-globus.cz

Conference facilities: Small Lounge – separate from the restaurant Capacity 5 – 30 persons Area of ca 55 m2. Large Lounge – a part of the restaurant with a separate entrance from the hotel hallway. Capacity 15 – 80 persons Area of ca 130 m2.

Price list for conference facilities: 1 day 1400,- CZK 4000,- CZK

Small Lounge: Large Lounge:

1/2 day 800,- CZK 2100,- CZK

Capacity of individual halls/arrangements: Theatre





Small Lounge






Large Lounge






The price includes: projection screen, flipchart, wi-fi connection, car parking.

Club CI-5 It will be a pleasure to look after you and your business partners on your travels to Prague in our very nice, and very affordably priced accommodation facilities. We can offer all possible services for your business needs, including catering and relaxation in the CI-5 club featuring regular musical performances. We guarantee personal customer care.

CONTACTS: Jiří Kunc + 420603572271 [email protected]

Dana Fulínová +420603570401 [email protected]


Design: Venice Praha, s.r.o. Registered Office: Neratovická 241 277 13 Kostelec nad Labem

Contacts: Mníšek pod Brdy 1186 E 252 10 Mníšek pod Brdy

Tel.: +420 603 572 271 Executive Manager – Tel.: +420 603 456 563 e-mail: [email protected] Production – Tel.: +420 603 570 401 e-mail: [email protected]


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