Kashmir Epicenter Of Terrorism & Islamic Fundamentalism

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Kashmir epicenter of terrorism & Islamic fundamentalism. By H.K.Watal. Prior to 700 years every inch of land of Kashmir, every river, mountain, waterfall, spring etc. belonged to Kashmiri Hindu as there was no other faith. The Kashmir valley was learning center of Vedic Dharma, Shivism, Buddhism etc.The people from all over the globe would come here for learning and attaining peace of mind. There after some foreign Muslims also came here and projected themselves as saints. The Hindus who treat their guest as Devta gave them due respect. But in reality those so-called saints proved trained warriors. After managing their base, they established their own rule and brutality started on aborigines of Kashmir (Kashmiri Hindus).They were forced to change their faith and embrace Islam. Those who resisted were killed brutally. Temples were gutted & Masques rose at their sight .Libraries of ancient Hindu culture and civilizations were set a blaze. This brutality continued for about 500 years. Majority of Hindus left Kashmir to save their life and honor from Islamic fandamentalism .Lakhs of them were butchered for only fault of being Non-Muslims. (Kafirs). Sultan Sikandar Butshikan ,Jabar Khan alias Jabar Janda (an Afgan governor)etc. are the natarious persons who have committed brutalities on Kashmiri Hindus. By very thought of the brutalities committed on Kashmiri Hindus time and again , a shiver goes down to the spine of even a devil. These brutalities got some brief respite during Sikh and Dogra rule, as Sikhs and Dogras treated all their citizens equally irrespective of their faith. The brutalities and atrocities again started from 1931 when agitation under hatched conspiracy was started against the peace loving ruler of J&K Maharaja Harisingh. The agitation was communally motivated .During partition of 1947, thousands of Hindus and Sikhs were brutally killed by tribal invaders with the help of local Muslims. Thousands of unmarried Hindu and Sikh girls jumped in to river Jehlum for saving their honor . In 1986 again temples were gutted, property of Hindus looted and many of them were killed. The sponsors of 1986 riots are well known to one and all in which every section of Kashmiri Muslim was involved .The persons who were directly involved in these riots were provided Government jobs instead of registering F.I.R against them. In early 198990, not a single foreign terrorist was seen in Kashmir valley and still Hindus were butchered, temples gutted, women raped and even some women were cut in to pieces at bend saws by Kashmiri Muslims. There are thousands of examples to quote in support of these heinous crimes. Let me quote one example of such heinous crimes and religious intolerance & hatred. Sh. Ashok Quasi was shot at Habbakadal during broad day light. He fell down .He was crying of pain and the savages of destruction were dancing round his dying body and shouting slogans against Hindus in Kashmiri language. He demanded water; urine was dropped in his mouth by the Muslim shooters. All these brutalities committed on Kashmiri Hindus time and again have been trade marked as “KASHMIRYAT”. Finally the microscopic minority of Kashmiri Hindus was forced to leave their birth place. Now time has come to such a pass that once masters of the whole Kashmir can not use a small piece of land for their religious purpose even after paying the rent. There seems no problem to any one when land was allotted for Islamic university, Gulam shah university & Haj complexes etc and that too free of cost and without any rent.

2 The land allotment of SASB was a hatched drama in which the different units of the same party were assigned different roles & the C.M. G.N.Aazad was assigned double role. While presenting his first role, his Government allotted land to SASB & the 2 nd.role is visible to one and all when he showed his real communal face and revoked his own order. Basically in Kashmir valley there stands only one party in

different clothing. The main agenda of this one party is anti India & anti Hindu. This one party comprises of many units in different clothing i.e. P.D.P, CONGRESS, N.C, C.P.I, C.P.M, J.K.L.F, HURYAT, H.M, P.D.F etc. There are some minor differences between them, but when they have to take any decision against India and Hindus, they are one. To project any unit of this one party as secular or mainstream is baseless and misleading. All units of this one party demand packages, jobs & rehabilitation for terrorists. All units act as per dictates from across the boarder. The hands of the Muslims affiliated with different units of the same party are soaked in the blood of Kashmiri Hindus. There demands are same in different terminologies. Some of them demand Autonomy, some demand self rule, Pakistani currency, demilitarization, opening of all roads leading to P.O.K & some demand Aazadi in Urdu. For all practical purposes the Kashmir valley has been changed into a theocratic Islamic territory. During first phase thousands of Kashmiri Hindus were killed just like sheeps and goats and remaining forced to leave their birth place. During 2 nd. Phase more than 500 temples of Kashmiri Hindus have been burnt, about 99% of residential houses of Kashmiri Hindus have also been burnt & landed property occupied illegally. Historical names of Hindu shrines like Hariparbat, Shankaracharaya etc. have been changed as Sulliman Tang & Kohimaran to suit the faundamentalist temperament. The present agitation at Jammu is the result of biased approach of Kashmiri rulers towards Jammu ,Ladakh &Kashmiri Hindus during past 60 years. Some allege that on going agitation at Jammu is communally motivated which is totally wrong and misleading .It is the propaganda of Kashmiri Muslims and their agents at Jammu. It is the reaction of Islamic fundamentalism of Kashmir valley and has become the mass movement of people of Jammu & Kashmiri Hindus .Had it been communally motivated; the Muslims of Jammu would not have supported it. The revocation of land to SASB is communally motivated as the Muslims of Kashmir valley are not prepared to accept the fundamental rights of Hindus. Amarnath pilgrims are being attacked. The non-Muslim labours from other states are being killed when they demand their wages . After completing the work these labours are forced to leave valley without being paid their labor charges on the ground that they are non-Kashmiris. If they really are against non-kashmiris , then why don’t they ask Geelanis , Syeeds etc of the valley to leave Kashmir as they are not Kashmiri Musims? Why they don’t ask their aids from Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Sudan etc.to leave Kashmir. In reality the Kashmiri Muslims are either foreigners or Kashmiri pandits who have been forcibly converted to Islam. Some of those Hindus who have been forcibly converted to Islam have retained their original Hindu casts till date, i.e. Pandit, Dar (Dhar), Tantaray(Tantric), Rathar(Rathore), Malik, Chuhan, Koul, Bagat, Bhat, Shah,Bakshi, Nayak, Dass, Sood , Saraf, Thakur, Rishi, etc. The Kashmiri Muslims have

3 rejected composite culture time and again. The so-called secular forces outside valley remain always engaged in appeasing Muslims for their vested intrests. It was a great surprise while watching D.D channel where a Jammu based subordinate of Kashmiri leadership was projecting Kashmiri Muslims as a symbol of secularism. He was heard saying that Kashmiri Muslims remain vegetarian during yatra days & help pilgrims by lifting their luggage during yatra . The best judges are the Kashmiri Hindus who are fully aware of their mindset. The wearer knows where the show pinches. In 1986 when Hindus were celeberating Janamashtami in the valley, bulls were slaughtered in Lal chowk Anantnag during broad day light to show disrespect for Hindu community. Similarly it was the routine matter to do such acts during Hindu festivals. Regarding helping pilgrims during yatra is their business and they are not forced to do so. They neither do it out of sympathy .They charge higher wages for this so-called help. If wages become due Rs.100/= they charge Rs.1000/=. So this should not be linked to secularism. It is the right time for the people of Jammu, people of Ladakh & Kashmiri Hindus to share common platform and fight against discrimination & Islamic fundamentalism of Kashmir valley tooth and nail. The Jammu based and Kashmiri Pandit subordinates if any of valley based one party should know the gravity of the situation and act accordingly to safeguard the intrests of Jammu in particular and Hindus in general.

The only solution of the so-called Kashmir problem is quardrification of the J&K State. Jammu be granted statehood, Ladakh union territory status., Homeland within valley for Kashmiri Pandits and 4rth. Part for the valley based one party in different clothing and they should also be at liberty to annex with Pakistan, Afganistan, Sudan etc. Sooner the better.


Himalayan Blunders and Appeasement Policies. By H.K.Watal. India is the only country on the globe where majority community is being treated as 2nd class citizens. The demands of minority community whether just or unjust are being accepted. Indian politics and system of governance revolves around appeasement policy. The creation of Pakistan is also the result of such policies. Right from creation of Pakistan , its people and all successive governments treat India as its enemy no one and leave no stone unterned to destabilize our country. From 1947 Pakistan had thrust four full fledged wars on India, but every time our brave soldiers gave befetting reply and Pakistan was humiliated .Our rulers always offered a hand of undue friendship at the cost of sacrifices of our soldiers. It is the vote bank and appeasement policy towards Muslims. All successive governments remained friendly with Pakistan both during war and peace . Hundreds of examples can be quoted in support of this undue and illegal friendship. The people of Pakistan and its all successive governments are the enemies of the people of India and friends of our ruling establishment and political system. Our rulers and politicians visit Pakistan. They are provided “Z-Security”and are served special feasts . Same treatment is given to their counterparts when they visit India. It seems just a union of rulers and politicians. Beating embassy officials in Pakistan and torturing them is treated as routine matter as they fall in the list of common people of India. In 1965 war our army pushed the enemy back and occupied vast area of Pakistan which includes “Hajipeer” part of J&K. It was an important post for Pakistan who would have surrendered at that very time as per our dictates. But Alas ! our government gave Hajipeer and other occupied areas back to Pakistan without achieving any goal. A monumental blunder indeed. Again in 1972 war was thrust on us and this war too was lost by them. Bangladesh was created. About one lac Pakistani soldiers surrendered. Again army was freed and occupied areas were vacated by Indian army on the dictates of Indira Gandhis government . The nation was not taken into confidence. In 1999, small scale war was imposed on India. Hundreds of our soldiers and civilians lost their lives , but unholy friendship still continued. Road links were resumed . It can be said that the sacrifices made by our soldiers at various occasions have been sold to uphold unholy friendship. The nation is facing terrorism for more than 2 decades sponsored by Pakistan . Thousands of innocent people and security personal lost their lives . Hardly any day passes when security forces are not attacked . We witness daily death and destruction. But our government is least worried . It continues to offer ahand of friendship.This time rail links were resumed to ease the entrance of terrorists to our country. It is also being advocated that Pakistani nationals and P.O.K people be allowed to visit India without visas . This is clear indication that safe routes are being arranged for terrorists to sneak in to our side . Pakistani people and its government have not deviated even an inch from their one point agenda of annexing Kashmir . Every official and un- official delegation while visiting India advocate Refrendum for J&K. But our rulers and politicians feel and propogate falsely that Pakistan has changed its ideology and is now friendly with India.

5 In effect Pakistan is friendly with Indian rulers and politicians but not with common people of India. People to people contact will serve no purpose . Each and every step taken by Indian side seems to be against the interests of our country. What a shame ! Some allege that even the Govrnors are being changed on the dictates of Pakistan . The Pakistan government dictates troop reduction in J&K and Indian government obliges . If Pakistan demands complete withdrawal of troops our system of governance is such that it will not hesitate in obliging them. It is an old saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed . Our country is facing infiltration from Bangladesh and Pakistan .Millions of their nationals are residing in our country .They are enlisted in our voter lists , provided ration cards and are given suitable jobs. To preserve vote bank no government has the courage to send them back as India is a big Dharamshala where all can take shelter and preach the philosophy of hatred. If any organization or patriotic force demand for sending them back to their native places, our so-called secular rulers , selfish politicians and brokers of so-called composite culture come to their rescue and do not bother an iota for the national interest. On one hand we declare India as a secular state and on the other hand we practice appeasement . Our politicians always remain engaged in dividing the Sanatan Dharma and creating hatred amoung different sections of the same Dharma as Hindus, Sikhs, Bodhs, Jains , Dalits etc. But on the other hand same politicians demand reservation for Muslims in government jobs and proffissional institutions to uphold appeasement policy. Billions of tax payers money is being spent on subsidy of Haj pilgrims and arranging of Iftiyar parties where as majority community has to pay “Jazia” in the form of yatri tax while visiting Nankana sahib, Kailas- mansarovar, Amarnath etc. Our government seems worried about the rehabilitation of Bangladeshi people during floods , terrorists operating in various states and is lest worried about the rehabilitation of the indigenous people of Kashmir i.e the Kashmiri Pandits who have been forced to live a nomadic life for last more than 700 years and does not care for those people of Indian union who sell their one child to nourish the other or for those people who are seen often choosing grains out of drains. One point programme of our political system is vote and power for which they can stoop to any level. Thus it is felt that India is undeclared Islamic state. Different parameters are used while curbing terrorism. Government crushed terrorism with might in Punjab and is soft for terrorists operating in the state of J&K. Why so? To conclude we have reached such a pass where slavery of foreigners has become inevitable. It is for the common masses of India to think over it and force the politicians to change the soft peddling and sham secular philosophy in the days to come.


IT IS SANATAN- DHARMA NOT HINDUISM By. H.K.WATAL. Previously the present Hindu Dharma was called Sanatan Dharma .When foreigners invaded India and established their own rule , they gave it a different name as “HINDU”. The dictionary meaning of Hind is :- a steward, a rustic fellow, slave. (oxford dictionary) Accordingly one can guess the meaning of Hindu. Hindu is not the Indian and indegeneous name. There is no Dharma which can be called as Hindu Dharma . It is sat-sanatan Dharma and to label Sanatan dharma as Hindu is misleading and basically incorrect. It is thus that we say Sanatan Dharam ki Jai and not Hindu Dharam ki Jai. As the name signifies , it is dharma without begning and end. It is a philosophy rather than a religion . It teaches the way of living and attaining Mukthi . It is baced on four principles and revolves around these. These principles are :-1. Aawagaman. 2. Karma. 3. Om. 4. Mukhti. The Sanatan dharma teaches the mankind that human life is the only manifestation where one can achieve mukhti and can get rid of the cycle of re-birth. To ease the routine work the Dharma was divided into four varnas i.e 1.Brahminas 2.Khistaries 3.Vaishas. 4. Shudras. It simply was done to facilitate division of work .These varnas were not by birth and there was no hatred or untouchablity amoung these varnas. Later some costoms were imposed by some Brahamnas on the society for their vested interests and personal gains. Those costoms were neither vadic nor puranic or shastric. By and by people were fed up by these man made costoms and rituals and revolution started. Lord Budha preached Budhism and its followers are known as Budhists. But Budhism also opted and preached the basic four tenets of Sanatan Dharma i.e 1. Aawagaman. 2. Karma. 3. Om. 4. Mukhti . Later Lord Mahavira also preached the same four principles and its followers are known as Jains. Budhists and Jains gave stress on non-voilance which resulted the aggression by the foreigners . Thus India became slave of foreign powers . During foreign rule forcible conversion started .Places of worship of Sanatan dharma were destroyed and ancient libraries and literature was burnt. Jazia , a religious tax was imposed on the followers of Sanatan dharma and brutality against them reached to its peak. Much later Guru Nanak a great saint and maha yogi preached his ideology . To some extent he opposed Karamkanda and idol worship. His followers are known as Sikhs. But Guru-maharaj also opted and preached the same principles of 1. Aawagaman. 2. Karma. 3. Om. 4. Mukhti. To


curb brutality against the followers of entire Sanatan dharma , our beloved Gurus gave great sacrifices. Guru Gobind Singh laid the foundation of Khalisa Panth.His two sons were buried alive in a wall during Auragzebs rule for not embracing Islam. Guru Maharaj faught this brutality with spiritual might .He selected five persons from all the four varnas and served Amrit to them .They came to be known as” panch piarays” The main goal of Gurumaharaj was to protect the Desh and Dharma from the oppressions and atrocities of foreign rulers .He always stood by those people who were innocent and peace loving. This is the brief history of Sanatan dharma. Now let us disect the present times . Different sections of the same Dharma are being projected as different relijions. The people in general are not at fault for it. It is our political system which has always remained engaged in creating hatred amoung different sections of the same Dharma for their vested interests and vote bank. There are some minor and negligible differences amoung diff sections . But those differences have least importance ,i.e Budhists and Jains are against Karamkanda. Sikhs are also against Karamkanda and Idol worship. Simlarly Aaryasamaj is also against Idol worship. Does it mean that Aaryasamaj is a different religion. Basic principles of 1. Aawagaman. 2. Karma. 3. Om. 4. Mukhti are common and binding on all sections whether Hindus, Sikhs, Bodhs, Jains etc. There seems no deviation against these principles from any quarter. To awaken the common masses I quote here some verses of our beloved Guru, Guru Gobind Singh ji Maharaj from his “Bani CHAKAI DEVI GRANTH “ published in magazine “OM” issue January and Feb.1967. “ NAMOO AGARDANTI ANEETEE SOYA NAMOO YOG YOGASHWARI YOG MAYA NAMOO KAHERI YAHANI SHATROO HANANTEE NAMOO SHARDA BRAHAM VIDYA PADANTEE ALAM SHOORBEERA UTHAI SINGH YODHA PAKAD TURK GAN KO KARAIN WOOH NIRVIDHA SAKAL JAGAT MAIN KHALISA PANTH JAGAY JAGAY DHARM HINDU SAKAL DUND BAJAY YAHEE AAS PURAN KAROO TUM HAMARI MITAI KASHT GOWAN CHATAI KHAID BARI” As against we see great differences amoung Suni Muslims ,Shia Muslims ,Ahmadia Muslims and others and also in Christianity as Roman catholics and Protestants. We also witness violent religious clashes between suni


Muslims and shia Muslims. Even Ahmadia Muslims are declared as nonMuslims in Pakistan .Do our politicians count them by different sections ? To preserve their vote bank they count them as Muslims and Christians . Our politicians ,print and electronic media is also responsible for dividing our Sanatandarma . It pinches when we witness through our print and electronic media that today is the birth day of Lord Rama the lord of Hindus , Lord Budha the lord of Budhists, Lord Mahaveera the lord of Jains Guru Nanak or any other Guru the Guru of Sikhs. This should be the eye opener for the entire sanatandarma that what a dirty game is being played with our sentiments. The entire sanatandharma has the same respect , love and faith for Lord Budha. Lord Mahaveera ,Lord Rama, Lord Krishna and all the ten Gurus, as all have preached the same principles and same dharma . The common people have no differences among each other .But the differences are being injected by power thirsty politicians. If this hate campaign and power politics continues ,Yadwas may declare that Lord Krishna is the lord of Yadaws only and smd.Bagwat Geeta is the religious book of Yadawas only. The common masses should know the mollified designs of our political system and be vigilant. It is the duty of every section of the Sanatandharma to be united and give befetting reply to fuss creators and those who are playing with the sentiments of billions of people. The unity is the need of the hour to save ourselves from being trapped again in to slavery. Even ISHWARA can not divide the different sections of the Sanatandharma. To divide sanatandharma is just to extract moisture out of water . Thus it is the duty of Dharam Gurus ,intellectuals ,scholars ,learned persons of different sections of sanatandharma to awaken the people. The people in general are requested to celebrate the festivals ,birth days etc. of Gurus and Lords jointly . They should also exert pressure on political system and powers that be not to divide the different sections of the sanatandharma. They should also serve warnings to print, electronic and other media to desist from projecting a particular lord or Guru for a particular section , as every section of same dharma has equal belief and faith for Lords and Gurus. Their teachings are same , paths are same and goals are the same. To conclude , the politicians and the powers that be are requested to close their business establishment of spreading haterd amoung different sections of the same dharma.


UNITY IN DIVERSITY IN KASHMIRI LEADERSHIP TOWARDS SECESSION AND AUTONOMY. By. H.K.Watal. Much is being preached and talked about Kashmir issue. This is only to hoodwink the guallible people. Basically every voice of every Kashmiri Muslim leadership whether so-called secular & mainstream or directly separatist points towards separation of J&K from rest of India. This is evediant from open demands of Aazadi and Pakistan from separatist forces and so-called main stream people demand the same in different terminology. The slogan of Autonomy, self rule ,separate identity, demiltarisation are the stepping stones to secession of J&K from India. The goal of all such forces is to change the entire J&K in to a theocratic Islamic territory. To awaken the common masses , I quote “Kashmir war or peace” page no.220 which reads as:- “Kashmir liberation front was founded way back in or around 1970 in Pakistan by Mohd. Maqbool Bhat, Hashim Qurashi and others. Its first rank leaders in Pakistan including Dr. Farooq Abdulla took an oath of loyality to this front” In 1972 the activists of liberation front in Rawalpindi (Pakistan) took an oath of office and secrecy. This oath taking ceremony for loyalty was held in a filmi style. The prominent leaders and activists of liberation front including Amanullah Khan, Raja Muzaffar, Dr. Farooq Hyder, Dr. Farooq Abdulla (former C.M of J&K) and others placed hands over flame of a burning candle. They vowed to struggle till the goal of Independent Kashmir was achieved. These leaders of the front struck their right palms one by one with a sword and used the blood coming out as ink and signed oath form with it. In support of religious hatred , the following statement of a top rung socalled secular leader is enough to awaken the common masses. Mir Quasim former chief minister of J&K state is reported to have thundered , “if Indian constitution does not allow the change of religion to a pandit girl, it must be burnt down to ashes” (page no193 Jihad in Kashmir).The scheme of separation of J&K from India is being persued in phased manner. These forces have rejected the composite culture . Its first victims are the aborigines of Kashmir, the kashmiri Hindus who have been terrorised , killed just like sheeps & goats, women raped, temples gutted, property looted and women cut in to pieces at bend saws. The one word substitution of this brutality is trademarked as “Kashmiryat”. This can be well judged by the kashmiri Hindus – as wearer knows where the shoe pinches .


The implementation of this distorted kashmiryat can well be seen in refujee camps at jammu and outside J&K state. About 99% of kashmiri hindus have been forcibly kicked out of their birth place for only fault of being non-Muslims (kafirs) in fundamentalist terminology. In early 1989-90, not a single foreign mercenary was seen in Kashmir valley when kashmiri hindus where brutally killed and forced to leave Kashmir or embrsce Islam. Now these forces want to create Kashmir like situation in Jammu and Ladakh also. The people of these two regions should know the malafide designs of these people and not allow them to spread their tentacles to jammu and ladakh regions or outside state. The people of jammu and ladkh and kashmiri hindus have to ask their jammu baced subordinate loyalists of kashmirt muslim leadership whether they too want separation of J&K from India via Autonomy, self-rule, separate identity, demiltarisation etc. If the answer is negative then they should stop to dance to the tune of kashmiri leadership. It is known to all that kashmirri hindus ,Jummuties and Ladakhis have time and again rejected the demand of separation of J&K from India via Autonomy, selfrule, separate identity, demiltarisation etc. The mechanations of kashmiri leadership are visible just like an open book. All political outfits barring a few whether in government, opposition or directly separatists with one voice demand general amnesty for those people who are responsible for deaths and destruction in J&K state and have crossed over to P.O.K for arms training . What a perversity? They also demand with one voice packages for rehabilitation and employment of those people and their families who are responsible for killing of thousands of innocent people and rendring 7 lakh. Kashmiri Hindus homeless . What a shame? No government is authorized to give Kashmir on a platter to Pakistan as the people of India have not mandated them to do so. Similarly the government is the trustee of the national exchequer and not its masters. The government has no inborn or acquired right to offer cash dolls and rewards and packages to terrorists and their families or their sympthasires from government coffers. If they are so much interested in their welfare , they should donate towards such packages from their private purses and properties . The people who demand packages for terrorists and their families ought to have demanded stringent action against anti social and anti national elements who have opted for terrorism. As a terrorist is rabid dog who deserves death to save the people from his bites. The packages and


rewards for terrorists from central government should be opposed tooth and nail. The need of the hour is to frame a common plateform by the people of jammu, people of ladakh & kashmiri hindus to fight separatist forces & sound warning signals to Kashmiri leadership who want to separate J & K from India via Autonomy, self-rule, separate identity, demiltarisation etc. not to project themselves as sole representatives of the entire population of J&K .When these forces demand Autonomy, self-rule, separate identity, demiltarisation etc, they should demand it for those Muslims only who challenge annexation of J&K with India. Particularly Kashmiri Hindus are requested to be vigilant & not to be convinced by hollow slogans of Kashmiri leadership. Recently Dr. Farooq Abdulla(ex-cm) visited Nagrota Camp.While addressing a small gathering he started shedding crocodile tears for kashmiri hindoo refujees . He told them that I had asked you to fill up forms for appointment during my govt; as, L.K. Advani had assured me to provide 3000 jobs for Kashmiri Hindoo youth. Latter these jobs were not provided to my govt; & hence I could not appoint you. Here a simple question is asked to Mr. Farooq Abdulla that he got lakhs of Muslims of valley appointed during his tenure .Had he sought the pre assurances from L.K.Advani, for providing jobs before appointing them? If not then why there was such need of pre-permission of govt; of India for the appointment of Kashmiri Hindu youth This is only to mislead this community. In future too the policies towards Jammu , Ladakh & Kasnmiri Hindoos will remain biased. The retired K.P .I.A.S., I.P.S. officers & intellectuals who really are interested in raising the issues of this hapless community are requested to do the same with out joining any Kashmir based political party, as all Kashmir based parties are equally responsible for our sad plight. Instead these intellectuals should work for the cause of the community & the country by floating a common front against discrimination, communalism & separatism. But will they do is a moot question.


ESTABLISHMENT OF SEPARATE ENCLAVE FOR KASHMIRI HINDOOS IN THE VALLEY. H.K. WATAL. Kashmiri Pundits –the aborigines of Kashmir have been forced to live nomadic life for last more than 700 years by the Islamic fundamentalist forces. K.Ps once constituted 100% population of the valley of Kashmir have been reduced to microscopic minority . They have remained the victims of Islamic terror and brutality for last more than 700 years. Majority of Pundits have been forced to change their faith and embrace Islam. Those who resisted have been brutally killed . Their religious places and temples have been demolished , burnt down and mosques raised at their site. The Muslims living in Kashmir today are either foreigners or those K.Ps who have been forcibly converted to Islam. By very thought of the brutalities committed on them time and again a shiver goes down to the spine of even a devil. The K.Ps are known globally as peace loving and intelligent people. The brutalities committed against them time and again is the henious crime against humanity .There is not a single evidence where K.Ps are found guilty of harassing or killing any Muslim. All these brutalities have been trade marked as KASHMIRYAT. The atrocities committed on K.Ps have no parallas in the annals of world history . Even Nazi brutalities pale into insignificance when compared with the persecution of K.Ps by Islamic fanatists and Jihadis.The K.Ps got some respite during Sikh and Dogra rule. Again rule of terror against them started from 1931. The persecution of K.Ps reached its zenith with the killing of its men, women and burning of temples and properties. Every time K.Ps remained targets of fandamentalist Muslims whether it was Palastin- Israil conflict, Book of knowledge, Satanic verses etc.The K.Ps were tortured for only fault of being non-Muslims. (Kafirs) In so-called self rule and freedom in 1989-90 the microscopic minority of K.Ps was forced to leave their birth place or embrace Islam. Open threats to leave Kashmir or face death were served to them through loudspeakers fitted on roof tops of Mosques . Thousands of Hindoos were brutally killed . The Government machinery remained mute spectator. During early 1989-90 not a single foreign mercenery was seen in the valley and still Hindoos were killed , women raped and even small children were not spared. By and large every Kashmiri Muslim was involved in these barbaric acts and hinious crimes. After kicking out Kashmiri Hindoos from valley , more than 500 temples were gutted and about 99% residential houses of Kashmiri Hindoos destroyed and burnt down. Besides their landed properties, orchards etc have been illegally occupied by the Kashmiri Muslims. The Divisional administration has given freedom to land grabers. Every symbol and sign of Kashmiri Hindoos is being destroyed . Pluralism and composite culture has been rejected . Anti Hindoo slogans i.e one who has to live in Kashmir has to chant Allah-hoo Akbar. What rule we want ? Rule of Shariat are being chanted by the Muslim masses. Because of these circumstances , it is not possible that Kashmiri Hindoo and Kashmiri Muslim can live togather in future. K.Ps have lost confidance of Kashmiri Muslims and building of confidance is impossible. Time has come to such a pass


that if flesh of Kashmiri Hindoo and Kashmiri Muslim is cooked in the same pot , it will not mix and will keep its seprate identity there. The only solution to rehablitate the Kashmiri Hindoos (aborigines) is to establish separate enclave for them from Banihal to Baltal and to Amarnath cave. The K.Ps are born Indians and shall die as Indians. The people who are responsible for their sad plight are opposing their rehablitation in separate enclave as they are not prepared to give an inch of land to the aborgines of Kashmir. If the Muslims from Afganistan, Iran etc can live there , then why K.Ps cant claim and get a separate enclave for themselves. Syeeds ,Geelanis etc are foreign Muslims. Kashmiri Muslim leadership has only one agenda i.e anti India or anti Hindoo. They have no legal or moral right to dictate terms and oppose creation of separate enclave for Hindoos. The Kashmiri Hindoos want such a enclave with statehood where there is free flow of Indian constitution, freedom of speech , expression ,right to plateform, right to live, right to vote , right to property ect. To hoodwink the gullible people of the globe , the brokers of Aazadi project Kashmiri Hindoos as an integral part of that Kashmiri society which want separation from India via Autonomy, self rule, demiltarasation, separate identity, Pakistani currency , Muzaffarabad challo etc. This is totally wrong and misleading . Out of these demands not a single demand is acceptable to Kashmiri Hindoos and no solution to Kashmir issue is possible without the willingness of K.Ps. Those who oppose creation of separate enclave for K.Ps have no right to support the Palastini cause. It is the duty of International Human rights watch & other Human rights organisations , national parties ,pro Indian forces to plead the cause of hapless K.Ps & ensure separate enclave within Kashmir with statehood . This demand is neither communal nor criminal. This is just and genuine demand but needs unbaised approach. The water has gone over head & K.Ps are not prepared for further brutalities to be committed on them. It is also the duty of Kashmiri Hindoo intellictuals ,scholars, ex-beurocrats, politicians, law knowing persons etc to expose saparatist Ideology of Kashmiri Muslims nationally and internationally and seek support at national and international level for creation of separate enclave for peace loving K.Ps in the valley so that they can get rid of the brutalities once for all.

It is very strange that persons like Vijay Bakaya a subordinate of Kashmiri Muslim & saparatist leadership makes inflamatory statements against K.P.leadership. He has projected Kashmiri Muslims as a symbol of harmony and brotherhood, which is totally wrong and misleading. Does Vijay Bakaya feel cutting of K.P women into pieces at bend saws & killing of thousands of Hindoos just like sheep and goats during early 1989-90 as a symbol of brotherhood and harmony ? If he feels so , then why he does not go to Srinagar along with his family members & relatives and reside there with his Muslim brotheren. For all practical purposes he is not the leader of K.Ps. In future he should desist from making such statements. Instead of balming the deep wounds of K.P.community , he is dropping chille powder and salt on them.


Nothing short of separate enclave within valley with state hood is acceptable to the Kashmiri Hindoos.

sooner the better.

DOCUMENT ON CONCEPT OF SELF-RULE. BY. H.K.WATAL. The article is in reference to the Daily Excelsior dated 26-10-2008. In the write up , the P.D.P. has once again shown its true colours and real face . The document on the concept of self-rule is nothing but package of communalism , regionalism & religious intolarance . It in fact seems to be the moral support & strength to terrorism and extreamism in J&K camouflaged as poltical document of so-called self-rule as the draft resolution clearly advocates separation of J&K from India . Demand for roll back of central laws including the much sensitive but well needed articles of 356 & 249 of the Indian constitution that empowers the President of India to disolve the state assembly and the Parliament in extreme and rare situation and which also gives power to centre to lagislate on some matters of state in extraordinary situation is against the national interest and hence unacceptable. Similarly the demand for election of the Governor by general elections (who should be a permenant residant of J&K) and withdrawal of Indian troops , all Indian services like I.A.S ,I.P.S & I.F.S are all untenable . In reality this is a conspiracy against the sovereignity & integrity of India. In this conspiracy what message the P.D.P patorn wants to serve. The document on the concept of self-rule and Autonomy is not acceptable to the all people of J&K state. This is the demand of the handful of Kashmiri Muslims who want to seccede J&K from rest of India . It is not possible to move anti-clockwise . These handul people of Kashmiri Muslims who want to go anti-clockwise , do not constitute the whole of J&K .There are Jammuties, Ladakhies and the real masters of the Kashmir valley( the ousted K.P’s) who are the part and parcel of J&K state. The Jammu and Ladakh regions are larger than the area of Kashmir valley having more population and more voters as compared to valley . But unfortunately and delebrately the representation of these two reigions has been kept lesser to promote the rule of valley based rulers over these two regions. Now time has come when the people of Jammu, Ladakh and ousted K.Ps should share common plateform and fight for their just and geniune cause. J&K is as good a state of India as U.P, BIHAR, PUNJAB etc. The annexation of J&K with Indian union has been signed by the constitutional head of the state MAHARAJA


HARISINGH & not by separatist leaders who now want separation from India via self-rule , Autonomy etc. Thus the reversion of the annexation is neither possible nor practicable . J&K is the most sensitive state having borders with Pakistan , Afganistan and China which are not friendly with India. So , the question of withdrawing Indian troops from J&K does not arise .Does these people who raise the demand of withdrawing Indian troops want their replacement by Pakistani troops. The need of the hour is to double the strength of Indian troops in J&K to face the challenge of terrorists from our neighbours. It is also the right time to abrogate the article 370 of Indian constitution which is the root cause of all evils and ills. Thus withdrawal of special status granted to J&K is of utmost need. Regarding the elected governor for J&K among the permenant residants of the state there is no mass support for this demand except of handful of Kashmiri Muslims. During past 62 years there has been valley based rule in which Jammu and Ladakh regions have remained largly neglected and the K.Ps worst hit . The Kashmiri rulers have remained valley and Kashmiri Muslim centric instead of imparting justice impartially. To impart justice equally irrespective of region and religion , the whole J&K should be declared union territory and the constitutional head of the state be named as Lt. Governor. This is the only solution to redress the grievences of the entire population of the J&K state. Time and again valley based Muslim leadership demand separation of J&K from India via self-rule , Autonomy etc. on one hand and on the other hand they enjoy the fruits of Indian democracy . But none of them ever demand the cut in financial assistance and packages from Government of India and divertion of the same to other areas of India where some people live in most deplorable conditions. Thus it is clear that these people want finances , packages and privilidges from India and affiliation with Pakistan. Kashmir has become a prodigal son of India and this should be an eye opener for super seculars of India. Not a single person in Kashmir valley is below the poverty line . Every family in valley has got its own residential accomodation, landed property or business establishment as compared to the people of other states of India where some most poor people are often seen searching grains out of drains. It is not understood as to why the central leadership dances to the tunes of these separatist people. The central Governmen should take serious note of these sessionist demands and take stern action against these people. They should be treated at par with terrorists & delt with accordingly. Clear signals should be


sounded to them that if they don’t feel easy with India , they can leave India. The election commisson of India should also cancel the recognition of those parties who want to disintegrate India . Also, they should be debard from contesting elections. The persons professing separatist idology should know that they don’t represent entire J&K and thus should change their mindset. If they still remain adamant for separating J&K from India via self-rule, Autonomy etc. ,then they should vote and support for Quardrification of J&K state and get their separate enclave . Only after getting their separate enclave, self-rule, Autonomy etc. can be possible. Also ,after quardrification they should be at liberty to annex with Pakistan, Afganistan etc. Regarding the permenant residants of J&K we have to go through the revenue records of past 700 years and see who the permenant residents are and who the foreigners are. The Government of India should constitute a commission of enquiry for this purpose and settle the issue once for all. Syeeds , Geelanis etc. are not the permenant residants of J&K and are dictating the terms at present. Their utopian demand can be failed only if the people of Jammu , Ladakh , Kashmiri Hindoos and all nationalist forces share common plateform and oppose self-rule , Autonomy , Demiltarisation and such other separatist demands tooth and nail, if they want to live with dignity , honour and peacefully and reap the fruit of Indian democracy. Let all the nationalist forces within J&K and rest of India join their hands and together fight the nefarious designes of the enemy within and without & usher in true national integration & communal amity where there is fear and favour for none and equality for all.

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