Karaoke Scene August/september

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KARAOKE SCENE - Visit us on the web at www.karaokescene.com

Aug / Sept 2009

Aug / Sept 2009


Publisher’s Message…


IG NEWS! Beginning with this issue, we are proud to announce the launching of the new “digital edition” of Karaoke Scene Magazine, “Karaoke Scene DE.” This is an electronic version of our publication that will be available to everyone, everywhere, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The “DE” will be filled with all of the exciting features, articles and information available in the print edition, plus many new surprises. You can access Karaoke Scene DE at www.KaraokeScene. com or you can subscribe and have it sent directly to your email address where you can read it any time you wish. And here’s the best part…it’s FREE! That’s right, no charge! If you wish to subscribe, all you have to do is go to www.KaraokeScene. com and click on the “Order Magazine” link and your own edition


PO Box 2633 Cypress, CA 90630 714 826-2212 714 826-0640 fax [email protected]

The staff of Karaoke Scene salutes the men and women of our armed forces as they fight around the world to defend our freedom.

publisher Peter Parker EDITOR Debbie Meza Inland Empire Editor Yvonne Erman Administrative assistant Fran Emmons Sales Associates Tony DeFazio Russell Poncik Contributing Writers Mark Baxter Jill Jaxx Carla Negri Laurie Thomas Panos Papathopoulos Greg Garcia Photographers Fran Emmons Tony DeFazio Chris Parker Echo Wilson Sergio Candido Inland Empire Office 951 347-0792 Founded in 1993 by dennis sn yder. Karaoke Scene™ is published b i - m o n t h ly, a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . Copyright©2009. reproduction in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Karaoke Scene reserves the right to edit or omit any content.

of Karaoke Scene DE will be sent directly to your email address. KaraokeFest 2009 is looming like a huge cloud of excitement over Southern California. By popular demand, his year’s “Fest” will again take place at the L.A. County Fair in Pomona on Saturday, September 5th. That’s right, Saturday…especially nice not having to get up the next morning to go to work so we can all party, party, party. The Crème de la Kids Singing Competition Finals will kick things off at 12 noon. Tony DeFazio of Starlight Entertainment is once again the contest coordinator. He and his staff have done a wonderful job of looking after the youngsters and providing them with this opportunity to show off their talents…and there are some extremely talented kids this year that will be competing at KaraokeFest. This year’s show should be a great one! At 3pm, the Crème de la King Singing Competition Finals takes center stage. We, at Karaoke Scene, are devoted Elvis fans and are really looking forward to this one. This year we welcome Julie Woodcock as the new coordinator of this exciting event. The qualifying rounds for this contest will begin on August 15th and continue through August 23rd. For more details please check out page 16 of this issue. And we are very excited to announce that the Crème de la King Finals will be hosted by popular Southern California radio personality, Barbara Brooks. Welcome aboard, Barbara!

be present at the event to receive their awards. And remember, the Golden Achievement Awards are truly the “Oscars” of Karaoke and the very best way for the Karaoke community to express their appreciation. So please be on hand to show your support for these talented people and special venues.

to see what surprises Shawn’s got in store for us this year.

And don’t forget, in addition to the main show, there will be multiple Karaoke stages located throughout the Fairgrounds where everybody can sing all day long. Last year a whole bunch of folks made it a point to sing at each and every stage at least once. The Crème de la Crème Singing How many of you will be able to do Competition continues to rock at that this year? the 25 venues across Southern California. It looks like it’s going to be Then there’s the Karaoke Expo a sensational show at KaraokeFest featuring Karaoke & music industry when the 50 finalists (25 male and 25 related vendors who will be there to female) will compete for thousands in exhibit and/or sell their latest prodcash and prizes and the coveted title ucts. Visiting the Expo is always a of Male & Female Karaoke Singers great experience. The Expo will be of the Year. We are so pleased to located in very close proximity to welcome back the incredibly popular the main stage where our show will Southern California radio and televi- be taking place. Be sure to make it a sion personality, Shawn Parr, as the point to visit the Karaoke Expo. host of the Crème de la Crème Finals Competition this year. Shawn has See PUBLISHER’S MESSAGE... become such an important part of Kapage 10 raokeFest and always does a fantastic job hosting this event. We can’t wait

The Golden Achievement Award nominees are listed on page 14 of this issue. These are individuals and venues that have been voted best in their respective categories by the Southern California Karaoke community at large from all 6 Southern California counties, from Ventura to San Diego. The winners will be announced and the awards presented at KaraokeFest by radio and television personality (and KJ extraordinaire), Manny Pacheco. However, each of these nominees are already winners just by having been selected from the many hundreds of venues and thousands of individuals in Southern California Karaoke. The “Best” and “Most Supportive” Male and Female Awards will be presented at 5pm. The KJ and Venue of the Year Awards will be presented at 8pm. It is very important that the nominees

KARAOKE SCENE - Visit us on the web at www.karaokescene.com

Aug / Sept 2009

Sing Me! the last time you offered a stranger a sniff of a flower or pointed to the sky to command everyone’s attention to the prettiest sunset ever. Most likely it was when you were three years-old.

By Mark Baxter


ou love me. I know you do. I’ve heard you say it. Your breath pauses and your heart jumps as soon as you hear me. My words – they speak for you; expressing exactly how it feels inside your heart. When we’re alone you allow me to take control of your emotions. I make you want to sing. Like a hypnotic trance, your mouth begins to move as you surrender to the desire and before you know it your voice is filling the room. I make you feel beautiful, graceful, powerful and affectionate – until you notice someone is listening. At that instant, you choke me off and the joy in your heart is hijacked by embarrassment.

A genuine gesture needs no apology or explanation. Couples holding hands, people tending gardens, a simple wave as you let someone slip into traffic ahead of you are all signs that humanity hasn’t completely lost its way…yet. I can also all but guarantee that I am present with each one of these simple everyday examples of love and human spirit. I’m in the hearts of the couple holding hands, I’m on the mind of the person tending the garden and I’m playing on the radio of the person allowing traffic to flow smoothly. You see, I am nothing more than your favorite song.

My plea for you to share me with others is selfish, I know, because I cannot exist without you. For as much as I have been categorized and commercialized into a commodity for charts and competitions, I am still the simplest way to communicate a feeling. I transcend culture and language because every human shares the same emotions. My power is in the way I make people feel. Please don’t let the What a shame. What beautiful mu- endless hurdles of rules and standards sic we could make together. What and special circumstances intimidate a shame that some “other” voice in you from the opportunity to be as your head prevents you from one of honest as a three year-old once again. the most extraordinary feelings life All you have to do is sing me! has to offer. I’m sure you have many excuses for keeping your love quiet. If the insecurity is too great at first What if others don’t approve? What then begin with me in private. As if it’s not as special as you think? The soon as you can, though, look for problem with these excuses is that opportunities to sing me when you you know deep inside they’re not know others are just outside your the real issue. Plain and simple, it’s room or car, where someone can really hard for you to let down your hear you but not see you. This will guard with others and be vulnerable; allow you to deal with the awkward to let people know exactly how you feelings without the pressures of a feel. Okay, so you’re not comfortable performance. The next step would be being the center of attention, but what a group situation; putting a lot more about the bigger picture? of yourself into the National Anthem at a sporting event or letting your If you’ve been holding back on some- voice be heard at church. The goal is thing as basic as sharing your love of to do this until you notice something me, then it’s easy to suspect there are about the people who can hear you. many other joys you’ve been denying Notice they are not upset or offended yourself as well. Does it embarrass or bothered in the least. You may even you to linger over the scent of a rose? Do you avoid admiring a beautiful sky in public due to a fear that others might think you have bad taste See SING...page 6 in sunsets? Before you dismiss these questions as ridiculous, think back to 

Aug / Sept 2009


Tapping Away Stage Fright


his month’s column is a continuation of our discussion on stage fright:

The spotlight is a good place to hide. I don’t know who first said that, but it’s very true. You can be whoever you want to be onstage, feeling the music, acting out a part of yourself even you aren’t familiar with, letting go of left brain criticisms, living in the right brain “moment.”

Golden Achievement Award 2006 So. L.A. Venue of the Year


n to S r u T r You All Singers Welcome!

By Jill Jaxx you ever have, courtesy of the crowd’s energy and love. Wow! That really worked!

So what is this “tapping?” It’s an almost miraculous technique developed by Dr. Roger Callahan, a doctor of clinical psychology and used now used all over the world for a variety of ailments, includEven for introverts, the possibility ing depression, chronic pain, phobias, exists of trying on a new you and be- and addictions. I recently saw it being ing as free as you were as a little kid, used on a TV show for morbidly obese when it didn’t occur to you to worry people…they “tapped” whenever they about what others thought of you. had a desire to overeat and lost hundreds of pounds. The barrier to this great “performance you” really is all in your head…past I have been teaching tapping for about embarrassments, moments of fear eight years. I’ve had students really or shame, the time someone said banish general anxiety, stage fright, you couldn’t sing. The human brain test-taking anxiety and other ailments. remembers the past in a nanosecond This is one version of the many “algoand then the central nervous system rithms” in the book “Tapping the Healer kicks in. Your heart speeds up, you Within,” by Dr. Roger Callahan. See if feel like you can’t breathe, your knees this works for you: feel weak, your hands shake. You are in the grip of the past, nowhere near the present moment and certainly not 1. Tune the Thought Field (like tuning emotionally connected to the song. a radio). Intentionally think about the You are totally in left brain, already thing that scares you the most. worried about the high note in the chorus, fixated on how you sound 2. Rate your fear factor. (10 being the and alarmed that you sound shaky and worst) and write it down. wondering if the audience notices. 3. Using two fingers of one hand, tap 5 You know you’re not in “the zone” times under the eye, one inch below the but you don’t know how to get there. eye, gently but firmly. One moment you were okay and the next moment you’re freaked out and 4. Tap firmly 5 times under the arm, mad at yourself for feeling like this. where a bra would be (men, guess!) “Relax, idiot!” you say to yourself. Not the best coaching...and now 5. Tap the collarbone point 5 times. It’s you’re really tense. This is so not your one inch below your collarbone and one best performance and you can’t figure inch to the right. out what happened or how to fix it. Okay...rewind. Before you are called to the stage, you “tap” yourself. You are amazingly relaxed, just have fun when you perform, and sing the best

We have alot of fun!

♪ ♪


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New Songs Monthly•Dancing•Pool•Darts•Games

See STAGE FRIGHT...page 7

KARAOKE SCENE - Visit us on the web at www.karaokescene.com

Aug / Sept 2009


(continued from page 4)

trigger a smile or two as you become more relaxed about sharing your love of me.

sharing is the most powerful gift you can give yourself. Devoting a portion of your day to pursuits that bring you joy will make you more productive Please note that this humble begin- and bring vitality to your relationning will not lead to multi-million ships. Happiness is infectious. Talent dollar recording contracts or adoring and skill are the rewards (not the refans. However, what it will induce is quirements) of doing something you something more lasting and power- love for many years. Remove your ful; self esteem. Defeating the notion stipulations to feeling joy. I’m just a that your feelings are not worthy of song. Let go. Open up. Sing me!

Aug / Sept 2009


Stage Fright (continued from page 5)

6. Take a second fear factor rating (think about the fear) and write down the number it is now.

Hum a few bars of “Happy Birthday”

7. (This next part might make you laugh, but do it anyway.) Locate a spot on the back of the hand between the ring finger and the pinkie, about an inch below the knuckle. Begin tapping with two fingers of the opposite hand, about five times per second. Do the following:

Hum “Happy Birthday” again

Open the eyes Close the eyes Open the eyes and point them down and to the left Open the eyes and point them down and to the right Whirl the eyes around in a circle in one direction Whirl the eyes around in a circle in the other direction

Count aloud from one to five

Tap five times under the eye again Tap five times under the arm again Tap the collarbone point five times again 8. Take the fear factor reading again. Most times it will be a one now. 9. Do a floor-to-ceiling eye roll. Hold your head level and move your eyes down. Tap the ring finger point as you move your eyes down. Okay, time to test this out onstage…let me know how it goes!


KARAOKE SCENE - Visit us on the web at www.karaokescene.com

A Unique Experience in Entertainment First Karaoke Club in the Americas AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION







Aug / Sept 2009


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Aug / Sept 2009


Keeping it Clean to the side until the appropriate time and would bring it out then.

By Laurie D. Thomas Magical Melodies Catalina Island DJ & Karaoke Host


oes anybody out there remember a CD+G labeled “Songs Your Mother Wouldn’t Let You Sing?” It was manufactured by Sound Choice a very long time ago. The reason that they came up with this disc was so that you could separate these Karaoke songs from your full collection if you needed or wanted to, in case you may have children around or anyone who might be offended because of the foul language and subject matter used in the lyrics of these songs. Most certainly they are very funny and can go over very well in most adult settings. Way back when I originally bought this disc I thought that it would be fun to have one for private parties etc. and I liked the idea that they had made it easy on me by putting it all together in one small collection. I did not want kids to see them and did not want to have these Karaoke songs listed among the other selections in the book as they could possibly bring these songs up by mistake. So I had kept this disc off

Well, times have sure changed! I can’t say I like it too much…all the bad language that’s being used in the music, and then allowed to be displayed up on the TV screens! Is this necessary? You know what? I do a lot of stuff with and for kids, in family settings with Grandma and Grandpa there too. I have done my best by leaving out most of the songs in my books that are, well, really bad. But I don’t seem to have gotten them all. When I am doing a kids show, I tell the kids right up front that they know if there is something in a song that shouldn’t be allowed or would be offensive not to even try it with me. If they are not sure they can always ask me about it before they just give me a number and I will let them know if it is appropriate or not for their age group. Some words are also kind of borderline in these Karaoke songs, and I will sometimes allow the kids to change a word…i.e. from like “damn” to darn, things like that. But holy moley! I have been to some Karaoke bars and seen some things come up on that screen that I think should never have been printed for public use in this manner. Okay, I believe in free speech and free press, See CLEAN...page 12

KARAOKE SCENE - Visit us on the web at www.karaokescene.com

Aug / Sept 2009

Publisher’s Message (continued from page 3)

All you need to enjoy all of the special events and activities of KaraokeFest 2009 is a ticket to the L.A. County Fair which can be purchased at many retail store locations throughout Southern California. You can also go to www.LACountyFair.com and purchase your tickets there. Karaoke Scene would express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to our sponsors, Ace Karaoke and VocoPro. KaraokeFest would not be possible without the generous support of these fine companies so please show them your support. The Karaoke Scene staff looks forward to seeing all of you at KaraokeFest this year on Saturday, September 5th. Gates open at 10am and the “Fair” is open till midnight. See you there! We are very sorry to report that long time Southern California KJ, David “Smitty” Smith has been hospitalized with throat cancer. At the time of this writing Smitty is being treated at UCI Medical Center in the City of Orange.


Aug / Sept 2009

Smitty has been the KJ at the Rio Vista Inn in Anaheim for over 17 years, hosting Karaoke shows there 7 nights a week, even when he was sick. Smitty annually raises money for Orangewood, helps get toys for kids, raises money for the USO to help military people in need and cuts off his hair once a year to help cancer patients obtain wigs through the “Locks of Love” program. He has helped many people over the years and maybe we could do likewise to help one of Karaoke’s finest. Any donations for Smitty would most certainly be appreciated and will be accepted at the Rio Vista Inn, 200 S. Rio Vista St. in Anaheim (714) 632-0045. Many thanks to Don Delorean for his help in bringing this to our attention, providing this information and for reminding us that any and all prayers are heard.



KARAOKE SCENE - If it’s not in “The Scene” it’s not making “The Scene”

Aug / Sept 2009


Clean (continued from page 9) for everyone…and that’s just fine. But can’t we pull together a little class and consideration for others and their children? I have to ask, how necessary is it that you sing something like that anyway? Is your timing appropriate? How do you think you really look while you are up there whaling nothI was at a Karaoke venue not all that ing but obscenities? Does this make long ago and some guy got up there you look or feel sophisticated, inteland sang the nastiest thing I had ever ligent or attractive at all? heard come out of a Karaoke book. I was offended by it and even more of- I can’t help but wonder what it is that fended for the little old lady who was this is doing? What’s the point? Some sitting over in the corner who just came people just don’t seem to care about in to watch her son sing some music. others and how they might be affected People, please! Can’t you look around by their rudeness. But then, hey, the the room and see who is in there with Karaoke songs are there, all spelled you? The Karaoke host should have out, available to anyone at anytime, never allowed it. Period! He should and then allowed to be sung at most have been sensitive and professional venues and by their Karaoke host. enough to have cut this guy off with Granny sitting there. Unfortunately, I I really think that it’s time we all see this happen all the time at the no take a better look at this. I personname Karaoke bar, and during family ally do not have a problem with hour with kids, Mom and Dad, Grand- any if it, as long as it’s in its proper ma and Grandpa all sitting there. I’m place. Can we all try to do a better not a prude and I am okay with that job of keeping this material where it fact that there is something out there belongs? Please? but, some of this stuff is just sooooo offensive. I think where I am having the problem is mostly when I see it actually spelled out on the screen and then with kids in the room and Grandma sitting there sipping on her soup all red and embarrassed.


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Aug / Sept 2009

[email protected]


KARAOKE SCENE - If it’s not in “The Scene” it’s not making “The Scene”

Aug / Sept 2009


color page KJ AWARDS


Fae & Tony Frankie D. Gary Lee Steve Luke Steven Williamson

Acapulco (Monrovia) Action Lanes (El Monte) Katie Jake’s (Covina) Route 66 Roadhouse (Duarte) Sardo’s (Burbank)

North L.A. County

North L.A County

South L.A. County

South L.A. County

Bobby “Vegas” Santos Collins “CJ” Johnson Dion James Dwayne Leslie Katia Rodriguez

Bottoms Up (Bellflower) Chester Washington Golf Course (L.A.) Liquid Lounge (Long Beach) Royal Room (Bellflower) San Franciscan (Torrance)

Orange County

Orange County

Christel Santo Kenny Walter Kevin Cable “Pirate” Mike Truax “T” Rex Thomas

Inland Empire

Christina Fernandez Helen Scheuplein Jimmy Vaughn Marc Baca Meghan Murphy

Ventura County Becky Morrow Gary Weber Marlon Pumphrey Renee’ Scribner Tony Mauri

Durty Nelly’s (Costa Mesa) Loffler’s (Anaheim) Mr. B’s (Los Alamitos) TomKat Lounge (Buena Park) Westside Bar & Grill (Costa Mesa)

Inland Empire

Deane’s (Rancho Cucamonga) Don Jose’s (Elsinore) Killarney’s Irish Pub (Riverside) Player’s Bar & Grill (Ontario) V.I.P. Club (Riverside)

Eric Baker Katie Beth Kristina Mercado Levi Strauss Mike Keough

Bobby “Vegas” Santos Donna Thomas Jeanette Erman Kevin Cable “Pirate” Mike Truax

Best Food

Azteca Mexican Restaurant Don Jose’s (Elsinore) Durty Nelly’s Mr. B’s Westside Bar & Grill

Best Sound Best Service Bobby “Vegas” Santos Dion James Jeanette Erman Kevin Cable “Pirate” Mike Truax

Azteca Mexican Restaurant Don Jose’s (Elsinore) Mr. B’s TomKat Lounge Westside Bar & Grill

Best Music Library

Best Stage/ Presentation

Ventura County

Bobby “Vegas” Santos Donna Thomas Jimmy Vaughn Kevin Cable “Pirate” Mike Truax

San Diego County

Most Most Supportive Supportive Male Female

Arena Bar & Grill (Simi Valley) Big Z’s (Simi Valley) Billy O’s (Ventura) Paddy’s Lounge (Ventura) Q-Club (Oxnard)

San Diego County

Best Rotation

Beach Club (Oceanside) Comstock Inn (Escondido) Coyote Bar (Carlsbad) Ruby Room (San Diego) Silver Dollar (Chula Vista)

Kj & Venue Awards presented at 8pm

Alex Frescas Bobby “Vegas” Santos Chris Martin Justin Cole Matthew Bryden

Durty Nelly’s McCormick & Schmick’s (Irvine) Mr. B’s TomKat Lounge Westside Bar & Grill

Donna Thomas Kelly Lynne Harris Lynda Mena Robin Nesturuk Susan Mattoon

Best & Support Awards Presented at 5pm

All nominees receive awards and are encouraged to attend 14

Aug / Sept 2009


KARAOKE SCENE - If it’s not in “The Scene” it’s not making “The Scene”

Aug / Sept 2009



Aug / Sept 2009


Music, Dance & Service... the World Needs YOU!!! By


Carla Negri

hings seem to be moving very quickly these days. We have recently seen the passing of one of the greatest entertainers of this era. Although I was not a Michael Jackson fan, I greatly admired his career and accomplishments. I was not aware of the extent that he was involved in charity work but I always believed that he was an extraordinary person. His legacy will be as an example of fame, fortune and service to humanity. I calculated his birth chart when he passed and discovered that he was a Virgo Sun with a Pisces Moon… perfection and dancing were his birthright. Hard work, commitment to excellence and a magical aura…a full-moon personality if ever there was one. I had the pleasure of dancing to the “Thriller” album during it’s heyday in the ‘80s. At the time I worked for one of the early software giants, an anomaly (our favorite word in those years) called Ashton-Tate. This company really took the cake for crazy behavior and I was privileged to be there. The philosophy of the company was that people would work for poor wages if they could have a casual work environment and regularly scheduled dance parties every other Friday afternoon with company provided alcohol. (YEAH!)

we would be left to take the floor. I can never hear the music from the “Thriller” album without remembering how much fun that was. I remember dancing so hard I couldn’t feel my feet…or breathe…or talk…but I loved it! Sometimes I am not sure whether I love singing or dancing more. The sheer exhilaration of dancing is so physical and powerful, but I get winded quickly these days so singing is easier…and takes less room. Also, finding a good partner is not easy. I have spent my life looking for a man to dance with…and it’s possible I have found him. Fred Crawford is my new “Poppins Project” recruit, and the man is a dancing fiend. Tap is his specialty, as well as fabulous impersonations of great movie stars from the great age of Hollywood. You can find him at Sacred Grounds coffee house in San Pedro during the week and at Papadakis Taverna (also San Pedro) on the weekends, dancing up a storm. I am still doing my First Thursday stuff, but now I am at 421 W. 6th, in front of a great store, Z Fabrik. And we are doing card readings as well as singing show tunes (gotta adapt). This is a much better location, so do stop by and say hello. I am also pleased to announce that I am finally working on the training program I hinted about for the State of California and the stimulus package. I will be helping welfare recipients learn about the opportunities for employment in the world of the elderly. Of course, I am STILL looking for singers to work in the care homes of the South Bay. My phone is (562)485-7097 if you are interested.

I actually did go to work in ripped sweatshirts and bare feet (a la Flashdance, another bellwether of the time). There was a large multipurpose area that we had the parties in, each one a different theme, with decorations and refreshments to go along with the design. I have always loved to dance and, for these parties, I would wear a full skirt and heels. My partner, Jeff Rosen (Where are you now?) and I would take to the dance floor. Just like in those mov- Have a great summer…and keep on ies, the crowd would pull back and singing!


KARAOKE SCENE - If it’s not in “The Scene” it’s not making “The Scene”

Aug / Sept 2009


BEVERLY HILLS SUSHI KUSHI IMAI 8300 Wilshire Bl 323-655-6196 F Sa 9pm BURBANK ACAPULCO 3113 W. Olive 818-841-4433 M F 8:30pm BURBANK BAR & GRILL 112 N. San Fernando Bl 818-848-9611 Th Su 9pm ACTON CHAMPS PAUL’S PLACE 4103 W. Burbank Bl 3807 Sierra Hwy 818-840-9493 661-269-5029 M 9pm F 9pm CORNER BAR SUTTER MILL 924 San Fernando Bl 31908 Crown Valley Rd 818-845-1861 661-269-1360 Th 9pm F 8:30pm DIMPLES AGOURA 3413 W. Olive BLUE 818-842-2336 5017 Lewis Dr. M - Sa 6pm 818-889-8476 MICHAEL’S BAR & GRILL W 9pm 2825 W. Olive Ave ALHAMBRA 818-842-3700 AMBIENTE RESTAURANT M Th 9:30 F Sa 10 Su 8:30 45 S. Garfield Ave SARDO’S 626-300-5447 259 N. Pass Ave W 7pm 818-846-8126 FRONTERAS CANTINA Nightly 9 F 7pm 118 W. Main St SOUTH ST. KARAOKE 626-308-0169 117 N. Victory Bl W 8pm 818-563-2211 ALTA DENA F 6pm RANCHO VICTORIO’S 2485 Lake Ave 520 S. Glenoaks Bl 626-798-7634 818-846-3868 Tu 10pm Th 8pm ARCADIA WHISKEY BEND 100 to 1 CLUB 1221 N. San Fernando Rd 100 W. Huntington Dr 818-845-9749 626-445-3520 Tu 7 F Sa 9pm Nightly Call 4 Times CANOGA PARK BAR TWIST BLARNEY COVE 48 E. Huntington Dr 22105 Roscoe Bl 626-445-2470 818-416-6321 W 9:30pm Th 9pm DRINKERS HALL OF FAME CANOGA PARK BOWL 151 E. Huntington Dr 20122 Vanowen 626-447-3947 818-340-5190 Tu 8pm Th - Sa 9pm FIRST CABIN CHANCES LOUNGE 46 E. Huntington Dr 20160 Roscoe Bl 626-446-2575 818-458-6937 W Su Anytime Tu W Sa Su 8pm ARLETA CANYON CNTRY BISTRO MANILA CLUB BERGIE’S 8700 Woodman Ave 16404 W. Delone 818-894-7205 661-251-3133 Tu Su Call for Times F Sa 9:30pm AZUZA DRIFTERS ACAPULCO 18240 Soledad Cyn Rd 998 E. Alosta Ave Rte 66 661-252-2471 626-969-8818 W 8pm F Sa 8pm EL CHAPARRAL BELLFLOWER 19132 Soledad Cyn Rd BOTTOMS UP 661-252-5599 9080 E. Artesia Bl F Sa 9pm 562-920-2012 LONDONER Nightly 8pm 18511 Soledad Cyn Rd EAGLES 661-252-2597 9816 Cedar St W Th 9pm 562-866-9174 VFW POST #6110 F 8pm 16555 Sierra Hwy FLUX BAR 661-252-9989 17817 Lakewood Bl W - Su 7:30pm 562-633-6394 VFW POST #6885 M 8pm 16208 Sierra Hwy HAWIIAN ROOM 661-252-6885 9875 Alondra Bl F 8pm 562-866-9252 CARSON W F Sa 8pm FLORES CAFÉ IRISH TOWER 1804 E. Carson St 9876 Alondra Bl 310-830-9949 562-925-0952 Sa 8pm Tu Th - Su 8pm GALAXY BAR & GRILL MY MARIA 1810 E. Carson St 17847 S. Lakewood Bl 310-834-3955 562-790-8274 Th 6pm W Th 7:30 Su 9:30pm CENTURY CITY ROYAL ROOM CELLAR BAR & GRILL 9216 E. Alondra Bl 1880 Century Park East 562-866-9935 310-277-1584 Nightly 8pm Tu 6pm

Los Angeles County


Aug / Sept 2009

HARBOR CITY DANO’S SPORTS GRILL EL MONTE 23770 S. Western Ave ACTION LANES 310-326-6012 10534 Lower Azuza Rd W Th 8:30pm 626-350-8831 HAWTHORNE F Sa 9pm COACHES BAR & GRILL HAVANA CLUB 13708 Inglewood Ave 3831 N. Peck Rd CERRITOS 310-970-0033 626-452-1858 CERRITOS LANES F 9pm F 8pm 1811 S. Carmenita Rd FALCON INN SILVER DOLLAR 562-924-9363 5023 W. Rosecrans 10759 Lower Azusa Rd F 9pm 310-973-9555 626-575-6299 CHATSWORTH Tu Th Sa Su 8pm F 9pm VINCENZO’S PIZZA LOS ROBLES EL SEGUNDO 10366 Mason Ave BOEING KARAOKE CLUB 14101 Hawthorne Bl 818-772-1294 310-679-2051 950 N. Sepulveda Bl F 7:30pm F 8pm 310-416-3656 COMMERCE ROCK-IT CAFÉ F 12pm BOMBAY SPORTS 14239 Hawthorne Bl ENCINO 5280 E. Washington Bl 310-676-1867 STAND 323-269-2442 Tu W Th Su 9pm 17000 Ventura Bl Th F 7pm HAWTHORNIE 818-788-2700 CASA CABRAL RUSTIC LITE W 5:30pm 5427 E. Washington Bl 14019 Hawthorne Bl GARDENA 323-728-4788 310-973-5454 CLUB SLIK Th 6 F 7pm Sa 9pm STEVEN’S STEAKHOUSE 13518 Crenshaw Bl HERMOSA BEACH 310-327-0891 5332 E. Stevens Place CLUB 705 W 9pm 323-723-9856 705 Pier Ave GARDENA BOWL Th F 4pm 310-372-9705 15707 S. Vermont Ave T QUILEA’S Th F 9pm 310-768-1778 5226 Pomona Bl FAT FACE FENNER’S Th 9pm 323-722-7992 53 Pier Ave HAPPA RESTAURANT Call for Times 1641 W. Redondo Beach Bl 310-379-5550 COMPTON Th 9pm 310-323-8890 CRYSTAL PARK CASINO LIGHTHOUSE CAFÉ Nightly 9pm 123 E. Artesia Bl 30 Pier Ave MAGIC CARPET 310-631-3838 310-376-9833 14112 Crenshaw Bl Th 9pm M 9pm 310-817-4826 COVINA UNDERGROUND PUB Su 7pm ARTIE’S PIZZA 1332 Hermosa Ave NON-BEI SUSHI 433 N. Vincent Ave 2021 W. Redondo Beach Bl 310-318-3818 626-962-0417 Tu 9pm 310-217-8070 Sa 8pm HOLLYWOOD Nightly 9pm BE-BACK BAR HOOTERS PATIO INN 148 Shoppers Ln 6922 Hollywood Bl 13825 S. Normandie Ave 626-332-2333 323-962-3373 310-323-8877 Th 9pm W 7pm W Sa 7 Su 12pm BLAKE’S JIMMY’S LOUNGE RAY’S PLACE 1211 E. Garvey Ave 6202 Santa Monica Bl 17000 S. Western Ave 626-859-4544 323-957-1066 310-327-3040 Th 8pm Th 9pm F 8pm KATIE JAKES KOJI’S GLENDALE 750 Terrado Plaza Dr 6801 Hollywood Bl BIGFOOT LODGE 626-967-2765 323-871-0200 3172 Los Feliz Bl M 9pm F Sa 11pm 323-662-9227 MICHAELANGELOS MEL’S DRIVE-IN M 10pm 940 N. Citrus 8585 W. Sunset Bl CAPRI LOUNGE 626-996-8750 310-854-7200 1134 N. Pacific Ave F 7pm Th 11 F 12am NICK’S TASTE OF TEXAS 818-956-8738 PIG’N WHISTLE W 9pm 545 N. Citrus Ave 6714 Hollywood Bl DAVE’S ON BROADWAY 626-331-3121 323-463-0000 708 E. Broadway Th 6pm W Su 10pm 818-956-9123 REDWOOD INN INDUSTRY 975 W. San Bernardino Rd F Sa 9:30pm DRINKERS HALL OF FAME ACAPULCO 626-331-5910 17635 E. Castleton St 3645 Foothill Bl W F Sa 8pm 626-810-1550 818-248-5319 CULVER CITY F Sa 9pm JOXER DALY’S IRISH PUB W Sa 9pm PACIFIC PALMS HOT SPOT MAX’S 11168 Washington Bl ONE Industry Hills Prkwy 313 W. Broadway 310-838-3745 626-810-4455 818-637-7751 W 9pm F Sa 7pm W - Su 9pm LEO’S SPORTS GRILL PUENTE HILLS MEX CAFÉ MINX 5571 Sepulveda Bl 18250 Gale Ave 300 Harvey Dr 800-244-5405 626-965-3600 818-242-9191 F 6pm M W Th 8 F Sa 9pm Tu 9pm SCARLET LADY INGLEWOOD SABOR LATIN CUISINE 5411 Sepulveda Bl ANNEX 933 N. Brand Bl 310-398-7932 835 S. La Brea 818-247-6256 F 9:30 pm 310-671-7323 W 9:30pm TATTLE TALE M 9pm WINCHESTER ROOM 5401 S. Sepulveda Bl MIRACLE ROOM 6522 San Fernando Rd 310-390-2489 1039 W. La Brea 818-241-5475 W - M 9pm 310-677-2678 Sa 9:30pm DIAMOND BAR W 8pm GLENDORA ACAPULCO VFW POST #2122 CHEERS 880 N. Diamond Bar Ave 335 E. Florence 129 E. Arrow Hwy 909-396-5330 310-419-9300 626-963-5210 M Sa 7pm Su 8pm W 9pm DOWNEY LA CRESCENTA GOLDEN SPUR ACAPULCO LEO’S ALL STAR 1223 E. Route 66 9021 E. Firestone Bl 2941 Honolulu Ave 626-963-9302 562-923-4656 818-249-5858 Th 7pm Tu-Sa 8pm F 9pm OUR PLACE DEL RIO LANES MY WAY LOUNGE 240 E. Route 66 7502 Florence Ave 2959 Honolulu Ave 626-914-0577 562-927-3351 818-249-4676 Sa 9pm Call for Times W 8 F 9pm GRANADA HILLS POW WOW SALOON WHISPERZ EL QUESO GRANDE 9560 Firestone Bl 3645 Foothill Bl 10152 Balboa 562-869-8970 818-957-9919 818-368-9551 Tu Sa 8pm W Th 10 Sa 9pm F Sa 9pm SHUTTLE INN LA MIRADA OH GRADY’S 9067 Imperial Hwy IMPERIAL STRIP REST 17633 Chatsworth 562-923-6916 14137 Imperial Hwy 818-368-8424 Daily 8am 714-657-87644 Tu Su 9pm DUARTE SUGAR SUITE LOUNGE Th 9pm ROADHOUSE Rt. 66 11858 Balboa Bl LA MIRADA GC 1846 Huntington Dr 818-366-9600 15501 E. Alicante Rd 626-357-4210 Sa 9:30pm 562-943-7123 Tu 8:30pm Th 8pm HACIENDA HGHTS EAGLE ROCK SUNSET ROOM SPORTSMAN’S LOUNGE ALL STAR LANES 2029 S. Hacienda Bl 13902 E. Imperial Hwy 4459 Eagle Rock Bl 626-330-4997 562-921-1016 323-245-2579 Tu W Sa 8:30pm Th F 8 Su 4pm Tu 10 Th F 9pm

LA VERNE GRAPEVINE RESTAURANT 1204 Foothill Bl 909-392-3500 Tu 6pm LAKEWOOD CAL BOWL 2500 E. Carson St 562-421-8448 F Sa 8pm FLITE ROOM 4111 Lakewood Bl 562-425-5559 Sa 9pm HOP 5201 Clark Ave 562-630-2229 Tu 8pm REGAL INN 6763 E. Carson St 562-425-9038 Su 9pm SEAHAWK 4103 Candlewood 562-630-2649 Call for Times SHOT KALLERZ 4823 Paramount Bl 562-428-2908 W 8pm ZANZABUKU 4825 Paramount Bl 562-423-9872 W 7 Sa 8 Su 6pm LANCASTER ANTELOPE VALLEY INN 44055 N. Sierra Hwy 661-948-4651 W F Su 8pm DESERT INN LOUNGE 44219 N. Sierra Hwy 661-942-8401 Su - W 8pm RUBENS BAR & GRILL 255 E Ave M 661-945-3844 Th 8 Su 9pm TRAP 2822 E. Avenue I 661-946-2916 F 9pm LAWNDALE EAGLE’S NEST SALOON 15150 Prairie Ave 310-679-5384 W F Sa 8pm HURRICANE BAR & GRILL 14620 S. Hawthorne Bl 310-973-4360 W 8 Su 7pm LOMITA RICKY GENE’S 1831 Pacific Coast Hwy 310-534-9468 M - W 9pm LONG BEACH AMERICAN LEGION #496 5938 Parkcrest St 562-420-1014 2nd F 5:30pm AVILIA’S EL RANCHITO 5345 Long Beach Bl 562-428-7348 Th Sa 6pm BAHAY KAINAN 1950 #A W. Willow St 562-988-3557 F Sa 8pm BOOMER’S 5456 E. Del Amo Bl 562-421-9847 W 9pm BROADWAY COCKTAILS 1100 E. Broadway 562-432-3646 F Sa 9pm BULL BAR 3316 E. 7th St 562-433-6282 W Su Call for Times CELLAR NIGHT CLUB 201 E. Broadway 562-495-9000 F 4pm CIRIVELLO’S 4115 N. Viking Way 562-420-2113 Su 7pm CLANCY’S 803 E. Broadway 562-437-1836 M W F Sa 9pm COHIBA 111 E. Broadway 562-491-5220 Tu Call for Time DALY’S COCKTAILS 2620 E. South St 562-630-9401 Th-Sa 8 Su 6pm EL DORADO 3014 Studebaker Rd 562-421-2122 Tu 8pm FERN’S COCKTAILS 1253 E. 4th St 562-436-2123 Su 9pm

FRISCO’S 4750 Los Coyotes Dia 562-498-3663 M 7 Sa 9pm LIQUID LOUNGE 3522 E. Anaheim St 562-494-7564 F Sa 9pm MICK & MACK’S 740 E. Broadway 562-983-7001 M 9pm MINDA’S RESTAURANT 2227 Pacific Ave 562-997-9288 Nightly 5pm PROSPECTOR 2400 E. 7th St 562-438-3839 W F 8pm PUKA BAR 710 W. Willow St 562-997-6896 Th 9pm RIPPLES 5101 E. Ocean Bl 562-433-0357 Th 8:30pm ROCKS 3445 Long Beach Bl 562-427-8023 W F 8pm SHORE ULTRA 6200 E. 2nd St 562-491-7625 W 8pm SPRINGBOK BAR & GRILL 423A Shoreline Village Dr 562-437-3734 W Su 8pm TACO BEACH CANTINA 211 Pine Ave 562-983-1337 W Su 8pm TIL’ 2 CLUB 475 W. Willow St 562-424-0267 F Sa 9pm TRACY’S 5511 E. Spring St 562-421-1726 M Th Su 9pm TUCK’S TAVERN 4111 Viking Way 562-429-8935 F 9pm VFW POST #1746 1032 South St 562-423-3201 Tu F 6pm VFW POST #8615 2850 South St 562-630-5009 F 8 pm WARDLOW STATION 1174 Wardlow Rd 562-427-4630 Tu-F 7 Sa 8pm YANKEE DOODLES 4100 E. Ocean Bl 562-439-9777 Tu 9pm LOS ANGELES ACAPULCO 4444 Sunset Bl 323-665-5751 M W Th Sa 8 F 5pm BAR MELODY 9132 Sepulveda Bl 310-670-1994 M 10pm BARRAGAN’S 1538 Sunset Bl 213-250-4256 F 8pm BIG FISH BAR 5230 San Fernando Rd 818-244-6442 Th Sa 9pm BOTTOM LINE LOUNGE 2066 W. Manchester Ave 323-778-3862 Tu 8 Su 4pm BUSBY’S EAST 5364 Wilshire Bl 323-525-2615 Th 9pm CAFFE BRASS MONKEY 659 S. Mariposa 213-381-7047 Nightly 9 F 4pm CATCH ONE 4067 W. Pico Bl 323-737-1159 M 8 Su 7:30pm CHESTER WASHINGTON GC 1930 W. 120th St 323-779-2975 M 7pm DEL’S SALOON 12238 Santa Monica Bl 310-207-1978 W Sa 8:30pm DRAWING ROOM 1800 Hillhurst Ave. 323-665-0135 Su 9pm


HAPAG KAINAN BUFFET 4157 Eagle Rock Bl 323-344-1758 Nightly Call 4 Times HOUSE OF UHURU 8001 S. Figueroa 323-552-1949 Sa 9pm JINDA RESTAURANT 5321 Hollywood Bl 323-993-9000 Tu 9pm LIVING ROOM 2636 Crenshaw Bl 323-735-8748 Th-Sa 9pm LOTUS LOUNGE 1135 N. Vermont Ave 323-664-8554 W Sa 8pm ORCHID LOUNGE 607 S. Oxford Ave 213-251-8886 Tu - Su 6pm S&S 10899 Venice Bl 310-839-6197 F 9pm YAGURA ICHIBAN 101 Japanese Village Plaza 213-623-4141 M Sa 9pm MALIBU THAI DISHES 22333 Pacific Coast Hwy 310-456-6655 F Sa 10pm MANHATTAN BCH OB’S GRILL & BAR 3610 Highland Ave 310-546-1542 M 9pm PANCHO’S 3615 Highland Ave 310-545-6670 Tu Su 8pm SCHOONER’S 1120 22nd St 310-545-1551 F 9pm MARINA DEL REY SPORTS HARBOUR 13484 Washington Bl 310-823-0933 Tu 8pm MAYWOOD HOUSE LOUNGE 3626 Fruitland Ave 323-587-5285 W 7pm MONROVIA 4TH DIMENSION 326 S. Myrtle Ave 626-303-8656 W 9pm ACAPULCO 600 W. Huntington Dr 626-357-9878 F Sa 8pm BRASS ELEPHANT 311 W. Foothill Bl 626-303-3666 M W F Sa Su 9pm GEM CITY GRILL 115 E. Olive Ave 626-358-0342 Th 7:30pm MIKONI 414 S. Myrtle Ave 626-303-7338 Sa 9pm MORENGUE CAFÉ 110 E. Colorado Bl 626-357-1616 Th 8pm MONTEBELLO BEVERLY BOWL 1201 W. Beverly Bl 323-728-9161 F Sa 9pm MONTEBELLO INN 624 W. Whittier Bl 323-722-2927 W Th 7 F 5pm NEWHALL DON CUCO’S 24130 W. Lyons Ave 661-254-4874 F 8pm LYONS DEN 23700 Lyons Ave 661-222-9097 F 9pm RENDEZVOUS 22505 8th St 661-255-7833 W 9pm VINCENZO’S PIZZA 24500 W. Lyons Ave 661-259-6733 F 6:30pm NO HOLLYWOOD BULLET BAR 10522 Burbank Bl 818-762-8890 M 9pm ESCAPADES 10437 Burbank Bl 818-508-7008 Tu 9pm

FOXFIRE ROOM 12516 Magnolia Bl 818-766-1344 W 9 Su 8pm GOOD NITE 10721 Burbank Bl 818-636-0123 W Su 9pm JD’S SPORTS BAR 10721 Burbank Bl 818-760-9031 Th 9pm MANGO TANGO 11669 Sherman Way 818-255-0964 Th 9:30pm MOONSHADOW 10427 Burbank Bl 818-508-7008 Tu 9pm NORAH’S 5667 Lankershim Bl 818-980-6900 W Th 7 Su 12pm RAWHIDE 10937 Burbank Bl 818-760-9798 M 8pm RUSTY’S CLUB 2000 6439 Lankershim Bl 818-761-8438 M Tu 2pm SWAP MEET 7355 Lankershim Bl 818-765-8244 Su 12pm UNIVERSAL BAR & GRILL 4093 Lankershim Bl 818-766-2114 F 9:30pm NORTH HILLS NORWOOD INN 16200 Nordhoff St 818-891-6511 F Sa 9pm NORTHRIDGE ACAPULCO 9400 Reseda Bl 818-349-4584 F 7pm BUCHANAN’S 8450 Reseda Bl 818-772-8100 Th 9 F 8pm EL PRESIDENTE 18441 Devonshire 818-368-3658 Th 9pm LAS HADAS 9048 Balboa Bl 818-892-7271 Th 11 am NECTAR 8626 Balboa Bl 818-885-9622 S 9pm STOVEPIPER LOUNGE 19563 Parthenia St 818-886-2526 M 9pm TANGO D’ AMORE 19524-3 Nordhoff St 818-727-7399 Th 12n Sa 8 Su 7pm NORWALK AMERICAN LEGION #359 11986 Front. St 562-864-9021 3rd/4th F 7:30pm GUESTHOUSE SASH 12500 Firestone Bl 323-691-8671 M 9pm KEYSTONE LANES 11459 E. Imperial Hwy 562-868-3261 F Sa 9pm ROSEWOOD 14322 Pioneer Bl 562-864-6122 F Sa 9pm PACOIMA ROCKY’S “V” 12657 Osborne Bl 818-896-8828 Tu 7pm PANORAMA CITY OSHATA 8516 Van Nuys Bl 818-892-6866 Th - Tu 11pm PARAMOUNT MR. J’S 7824 Alondra Ave 562-634-9001 Sa 9 Su 7pm ROSEWOOD 15750 Paramount Bl 562-630-4433 F Sa 9pm PASADENA BARN BURNER 1000 S. Fair Oaks Ave 626-403-7427 Th 7pm

PORTS O’ CALL 1190 Nagoy A Birth 78 BOULEVARD 310-832-4251 3199 E. Foothill Bl Sa 5pm 626-356-9304 PUESTA DEL SOL Nightly 9pm 1622 S. Gaffey St FRED’S MEXICAN 310-833-9765 119 E. Colorado Bl W F Sa 9pm 626-304-9955 SAN PEDRO FISH MRKT Tu 9pm 1190 Nagoya Way ROBBIN’S 310-832-4253 395 N. Rosemead F 6 Sa 4pm 626-351-8885 SANTA CLARITA F 9pm CASTAIC SPORTS PUB PICO RIVERA 31579 3/4 Castaic Rd DAYS INN 661-295-8755 6540 Rosemead Bl F Sa 8:30pm 562-222-1076 SANTA FE SPRGS Tu 9pm ACAPULCO IGUANA’S 13473 Telegraph Rd 8528 Rosemead 562-946-7577 562-479-1400 Th 7 Sa 8pm W Th 8pm BRUCE’S PLAYA DEL REY 12623 Imperial Hwy PRINCE O’ WHALES 562-868-4660 335 Culver Bl Tu Th 8pm 310-823-9826 MAGGIE’S PUB Su 8pm 11900 Telegraph Rd SHACK 562-944-5399 185 Culver Bl M 8pm 310-823-6222 SANTA MONICA W F 10pm BRITTANIA POMONA 318 Santa Monica Bl ANGELOS EATERY 310-458-5350 135 E. 2nd St Tu Th Sa Su 9:30pm 909-629-8100 FRIENDSHIP Th 6pm 112 W. Channel Rd CHARACTER’S 310-454-6024 276 E. First St Tu 9pm 909-622-9070 GASLITE Su 8:30pm 2030 Wilshire Bl FRIAR TUCK’S 310-829-2382 540 E. Foothill Bl M -Th Su 9 F 7pm 909-625-7265 GOLDEN BULL Th 9pm 170 W. Channel HOOK UP BAR & GRILL 310-230-0402 1047 E. Second St Tu 10pm 909-620-2844 NOCTURNAL W 8pm 2101 Lincoln Bl REDONDO BEACH 310-396-9010 BAC STREET Tu 9pm 2422 Artesia Bl PARLOR 310-374-7030 1519 Wilshire Bl Tu Th F Sa 8:30pm 310-395-0103 DELZANO’S Tu 8pm 179 N. Harbour Dr RUSTY’S SURF RANCH 310-374-7525 256 Santa Monica Pier Th 9pm 310-393-7437 DOLPHIN BAR M 8pm 1995 Artesia Bl SHACK 310-318-3339 2518 Wilshire Bl Tu Th Su 9pm 310-449-1171 HENNESSEY’S Tu 9pm 1712 S. Catalina Ave SONNY MCLEAN’S 310-540-8443 2615 Wilshire Bl Su 9pm 310-449-1811 KEGS W Sa Su 10pm 120 N. Internatl Boardwalk SPEAK EASY 310-798-5347 1326 Pico Bl W 8 Su 3pm 310-450-4989 MICKIE FINNZ Th Sa 9pm 1710 S. Catalina Ave YANKEE DOODLES 310-316-6658 1410 3rd St Promenade W 9pm 310-394-4632 PAULIE’S UPPER DECK M 9pm 409 N. Pacific Coast Hwy YE OLDE KING’S HEAD 310-374-0001 116 Santa Monica Bl Tu 7pm 310-451-1402 STARBOARD ATTITUDE Su 9pm 202 Fisherman’s Warf SHERMAN OAKS 310-379-5144 BARREL M Tu Th 8 Su 1:30p 4547 Van Nuys Bl RESEDA 818-990-2095 WEBER’S SPORTS BAR Sa 9:30pm 19312 Vanowen St COZY’S BAR & GRILL 818-343-4345 14058 Ventura Bl M 9pm 818-986-6000 ROSEMEAD Su 7pm QUE’S EL TORITO 8921 Valley Bl 14433 Ventura Bl 626-286-6338 818-990-5860 Daily 10am Sa 9pm SPIKES BAR & BILLARDS SIGNAL HILL 7813 Garvey Ave CURLEYS 626-288-4366 1999 Willow St Th 9 Su 4pm 562-424-0018 SAN DIMAS Th 7pm CHAPPARAL LANES SO. PASADENA 400 W. Bonita Ave CARMINE’S 909-592-2772 424 S. Fair Oaks Ave F Sa 9pm 626-799-2266 SAN GABRIEL W 9pm GAME STUDIO CITY 6420 N. Rosemead Bl DRAFT BAR & GRILL 626-2854263 12430 Riverside Dr Nightly 7pm 818-508-8652 SHAKEY’S PIZZA Tu 7pm 886 E. Las Tunas Dr GUY’S NORTH 626-285-1215 12655 Ventura Bl W Th Su 6 F Sa 7pm 818-980-1399 SAN PEDRO F 9pm GODMOTHER’S SALOON MAEVE’S RESIDUALS 302 W. 7th St 11042 Ventura Bl 310-833-1589 818-761-8301 Tu 8pm Su 9pm GOODFELLAS OIL CAN HARRY’S 356 W. 6th St 11502 Ventura Bl 310-832-6609 818-760-9749 M W 8pm W 8pm

KARAOKE SCENE - If it’s not in “The Scene” it’s not making “The Scene”

SPORTMEN’S LODGE 12833 Ventura Bl 818-755-5000 Th 8pm SYLMAR HIDEWAY 12122 Kagel Canyon 818-890-1225 Th 8pm TARZANA CLUB SIXTY-25 6025 Reseda Bl 818-881-4311 Su 9pm CORBIN BOWL 19616 Ventura Bl 818-996-2695 F Sa 9pm LITTLE ROCK 5507 Reseda Bl 818-881-9833 Tu F 10pm PALADINO’S 6101 Reseda Bl 818-342-1563 M 9pm TORRANCE AMF BOWL-O-DROME 21915 S. Western Ave 310-328-3700 F Sa 9pm BAYSIDE KARAOKE BOX 2212 W. Artesia Bl 310-769-5548 M Sa 7pm CREST BAR & GRILL 1625 Cabrillo Ave 310-320-9347 W 8:30pm GABLE HOUSE BOWL 22501 Hawthorne Bl 310-378-2265 Tu 8 F Sa 9:30pm HI-N-DRY 3116 W. 182nd St 310-329-9443 Th Sa 8pm HONG KONG GARDEN 21718 S. Vermont 310-320-8802 W Su 6pm KEEGAN’S IRISH PUB 1434 Marcelina Ave 310-328-3750 Tu W Su 9pm PADDY O’S 20320 S. Western Ave 310-787-8433 F 5 Su 3pm PALOS VERDES BOWL 24600 Crenshaw Bl 310-326-5120 F Sa 9pm SAN FRANCISCAN 2520 W. Sepulveda Bl 310-325-5231 M Tu W 9pm SULLY’S 22735 Hawthorne Bl 310-375-9158 Th 9 Su 8pm TEXAS LOOSEY’S 22252 Palos Verde Bl 310-540-9799 Th Su 8pm ZEBRA ROOM 20930 Hawthorne Bl 310-371-2092 F Sa 9pm ZINA’S 4525 Calle Mayor 310-378-2777 Tu 8pm UNIVERSAL CITY HOWL AT THE MOON 1000 Universal Center Ctr 818-755-9970 M Tu Call for Times

W. LOS ANGELES BOARDWALK 11 10433 National Bl 310-837-5245 JILLIAN’S BILLIARDS Nightly 9pm 1000 Universal Studios Bl GABE’S SPORTS BAR 818-985-8234 2965 S. Sepulveda Bl Th 9pm 310-473-1667 VALENCIA W F 9pm KISHO JAPANESE REST. RAE’S LOUNGE 23430 Valencia Bl 10939 Venice Bl 661-284-3856 310-202-8464 F Sa 9pm Th 9pm L.B.MULLIGAN’S ZIP FUSION 25848 Tournament Rd 11301 W. Olympic Bl 661-255-3356 310-575-3623 W Th Sa 9pm Daily 3pm VALLEY VILLAGE WEST COVINA PAT’S COCKTAIL $3.99 PIZZA CO. 12121 Riverside Dr 1931 W. Badillo Ave 818-761-7340 626-960-6428 M Sa 9:30pm Th 7pm VAN NUYS LE GRAND BBQ CARLITOS WAY 1559A Amar Rd 15238 Victory Bl 626-810-2595 818-997-1241 Nightly 8pm W 8 F 10pm MICHAUD’S EVOLUTION 2100 S. Valinda Ave 7900 Woodley Ave 626-968-2453 818-780-4639 Th 8pm Tu 8pm ROYAL LOUNGE LA NUEVA FOGATA 210 S. Glendora Ave 16852 Sherman Way 626-919-1500 818-782-8349 F Sa 8pm Tu 8pm SABOR A CASA LIQUID ZOO 1200 S. Sunset Ave 7214 Sepulveda Bl 626-962-9963 818-997-3818 F Sa 9pm F Sa 9pm SEAFOOD BAY BAR LULU’S 1230 Lakes Ave Su 102 16900 Roscoe Bl 626-919-2061 818-988-0707 Tu 6pm W Sa 8pm WESTWOOD OXWOOD INN STAND 13713 Oxnard Bl 1116 Westwood Bl 818-997-9666 310-443-0400 M 9pm F 8pm SPRINGBOK BAR & GRILL WHITTIER 16153 Victory Bl 3 ALARM PIZZA CO. 818-988-9786 11343 La Mirada Bl Sa Su 9:30pm 562-906-3473 UJPEST SPORTS LOUNGE Tu 7pm 14034 Vanowen St JT’S BEACH CLUB 818-780-6823 15334 E. Whittier Bl Tu Th-Su 9pm 562-943-3112 VENICE M 9pm VENICE WHALER LA CASITA MEXICANA 10 Washington 16258 Whittier Bl 310-821-8737 562-947-3683 Th 8 Su 7pm Sa 7pm W. HOLLYWOOD LA CASITA OLVERA BARNEY’S BEANERY 16435 Whittier BL 8447 Santa Monica Bl 562-947-6573 323-654-2287 Su 6pm M W Su 10pm RADDISON HOTEL CAT CLUB 7320 Greenleaf Ave 8911 Sunset Bl 562-945-8511 310-657-0888 Tu 8pm M 9:30pm WOODLAND HILLS CLUB 7969 CORNER CLUB 7969 Santa Monica Bl 21797 Ventura Bl 323-654-0280 818-883-8144 W 7pm W 9:30pm FIESTA CANTINA EL TORITO 8865 Santa Monica Bl 6040 Canoga Ave 310-652-8865 818-348-1767 W 10:30pm Th F 9pm FUBAR’S PAOLI’S PIZZERIA 7994 Santa Monica Bl 21020 Ventura Bl 323-654-0396 818-883-4136 Tu 10pm Su - Th 9pm MOTHERLODE STAND 8944 Santa Monica Bl 5780 Canoga Ave 310-659-9700 818-710-0400 Th Su 11pm Th 5:30pm PALMS WHITE HARTE 8944 Santa Monica Bl 22456 Ventura Bl 310-652-6188 818-224-3822 M 8pm W Su 8pm

Aug / Sept 2009


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Aug / Sept 2009

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Dear Little Miss Attitude, I am a Karaoke host but on my nights off I have been frequenting a neighborhood bar that does Karaoke. I enjoyed going there to relax, since it wasn’t one of my gigs, I could just enjoy the Karaoke. It was run by someone that has been in the business as long as me. I could tell he was worried that I was going there with business intentions; he didn’t know me well enough to know I would never do something like that. I have learned through experience that it is important to have good business ethics, that’s why I never intentionally solicit a place I already know has Karaoke. Anyway, of course over time I got to know the staff and they got to know me and what I did for a living but it was still never brought up that I should take over the show. They seemed happy with whom they had and I was just happy to hang out there. One night I went in and the regular guy was gone! Just like that, and someone else is in his place. Staff immediately started venting to me that they did not like the “new” guy at all and insisted I give them my business card. To make a long story short, I landed the account and replaced the “new” guy…ok, business is business, I didn’t approach them, they approached me. From the first day I took over, the “old” guy showed up as a customer. Customers would come to me and tell me that all he was doing there was ridiculing me and my show. He would show up night after night. It got so uncomfortable I had to mention something to the staff. They already were well aware of it and were tired of the guy and eventually told him he wasn’t welcome there. Why would this guy have harsh feeling towards me? I wasn’t the one who took over his show.

Karaoke/Mobile DJ at its Finest in Ventura County rule of thumb as a professional in this business is to “never cut of your nose to spite your face.” It is the owner’s prerogative to try new things, people, gimmicks, specials, whatever they can think of to promote business for their establishment. If the “old” guy was a professional, the best thing for him would have been to wish the owners well and leave on good terms. More times than not, he probably would have returned to work there after the owners went through a ton of “wanna be” professionals and realized that “old” guy had done a good job for them. All you can do now as their new host is work hard for them and try and make them happy with the least amount of drama as possible. From the sound of it, no drama will be a refreshing change of events for the whole establishment. Little Miss Attitude

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An Honest Days Work Dear Honest Days Work, You need to stop personalizing this so much. As you said, business is business. If the “old” guy deserved his show back after they tried out the “new” guy, they would have called him back. Apparently, they weren’t really happy with the “old” guy either. Unfortunately for the “old” guy, it doesn’t sound to me that he handled things in the right way. It was in bad spirit to go back to the place that let him go and bring in ill feelings towards anyone. A good KARAOKE SCENE - If it’s not in “The Scene” it’s not making “The Scene”

Aug / Sept 2009


HUNTINGTON BCH ARBOR’S STEAK HOUSE 6060 Warner Ave 714-842-5111 Tu W 7:30pm CENTERFIELD SPORTS 17296 Beach Bl 714-848-0113 Su 7pm DON JOSE WESTSIDE 9093 E. Adams 512 W. 19th St 714-962-7911 949-646-5615 F Sa 9pm M Th 9pm DON THE BEACHCOMBER WILD RABBIT 16278 S. Pacific Coast Hwy 2675 Irvine Ave 562-592-1321 949-574-4995 Sa 9pm Sa 7:30pm MARLIN BAR CYPRESS 16651 Gothard St ALISO VIEJO EL TORITO 714-842-5587 TIME OUT SPORTS 5995 Katella Ave M 9pm 27822 Aliso Creek Rd 714-761-8155 MARTINI BLUES 949-362-5919 F 8pm 5874 Edinger Ave Tu W 9pm MUGSHOTS BAR 714-840-2129 ANAHEIM 10461 Denni St W 9pm AZTECA 714-761-2249 METRO Q 2383 W. Lincoln Ave Su 8:30pm 19092 Beach Bl 714-774-4441 DANA POINT 714-968-6677 F 8pm BRIO TUSCANY GRILL Su 8pm BRAVO NIGHT CLUB 24050 Camino del Avion OLD WORLD BEER GARDEN 1490 S. Anaheim Bl 949-443-1476 7561 Center Ave #49 714-533-2291 Tu 9pm 714-895-8020 Su 8pm COCONUTS Th 8pm DOLPHIN LOUNGE 34235 Doheney Park Rd PELICAN ISLE 1274 S. Magnolia 949-487-2787 16400 Pacific Coast Hwy 714-826-7690 Th 8pm 562-592-3221 Su 8pm Tu Th 7 Sa 3pm DOWNTOWN BAR & GRILL HENNESSEY’S TAVERN TUMBLEWEED’S 195 W. Center St Promenade 34111 La Plaza 949-488-0121 21094 Beach Bl 714-999-8699 M 9 W 10pm 714-960-2776 Th 6pm FOUNTAIN VALLEY M Tu 9pm FOXFIRE HUNTINGTON BEACH 5717 E Santa Ana Canyon BLARNEY STONE 11761 Edinger Ave SANDBOX SPORT’S 714-974-5400 714-775-9987 8052 Adams Ave M Tu 9pm Tu W Su 8:30pm 714-969-1400 GOOD OLD BOYS ELVIS KARAOKE STUDIO M 8pm 10624 Katella Ave 18914 Brookhurst St OLD WORLD BEER GARDEN 714-535-4335 714-965-5657 7561 Center Ave, #49 F Sa 9pm Daily 2pm 714-895-8020 KENO’S FOUNTAIN BOWL Th 7pm 5750 E. La Palma Ave 17110 Brookhurst St IRVINE 714-777-9511 714-963-7888 CARROWS RESTAURANT F Sa 9pm Th-Sa 8pm 14346 Culver Dr LINBROOK BOWL FULLERTON 949-857-2103 201 S. Brookhurst Ave BANANA’S Call for Times 714-774-2253 601 S. Raymond Ave ILOUNGE Nightly 8pm 714-871-7390 18912 MacArthur Bl LOFFLERS Sa 9pm 714-594-5932 8901 Katella Ave CANTINA LOUNGE Tu 6:30pm 714-826-2040 2736 E. Nutwood Ave McCORMICK & SCHMICK’S W 9 Su 8pm 714-879-8094 2000 Main St PHOENIX CLUB Sun 9pm 949-756-0506 1340 S. Sanderson Ave FENDER AVE BAR & GRILL W 8pm 714-563-4166 2466 Fender Ave WILD RABBIT REST W 7pm 714-441-0777 2675 Irvine Ave, Ste 1A5 RIO VISTA INN W 9pm 949-574-4995 200 S. Rio Vista IN CAHOOTS Sa 7:30pm 714-632-0045 1401 S. Lemon St LA HABRA W - Su 8pm 714-441-1666 ALL AMERICAN SPORTS BREA Tu 8pm 165 S. Harbor Bl BOBBY MCGEE’S LUCKY JOHN’S 562-691-9311 200 S. State College Bl 1310 S. Euclid Ave W 9pm 714-529-1998 714-870-6191 ANGEL’S #4 Tu 8pm W 9pm 211 E. La Habra BUENA PARK MIKEY’S 714-526-3132 ROCKS 3159 Yorba Linda Bl Tu Th 9pm 6146 Beach Bl 714-528-9150 CHASER SALOON 714-521-9440 Th Sa 8pm 211 E. Imperial Hwy W F 8 Sa 9pm MULBERRY STREET 714-526-3132 T.G.I.FRIDAYS 114 Wilshire Tu Th 9pm 8039 Beach Bl 714-525-1056 HEDZ OR TALES 714-761-6000 Sa 10:30pm 211 E. Imperial Hwy F 8pm RAIL RESTAURANT 714-447-8514 TOMKAT LOUNGE 110 E. Commonwealth Tu Th Sa 9pm 8858 Knott Ave 714-870-5475 LA PALMA 714-826-1780 Th 10pm TEXAS LOOSEY’S Nightly 7:30 F 5pm GARDEN GROVE 40 Centerpoint Dr COSTA MESA AZTECA MEXICAN REST. 714-739-2500 CHRONIC CANTINA 12911 Main St Su 7pm 1870 Harbor Bl 714-638-3790 LAGUNA HILLS 949-646-0227 F 11 Sa 9pm EL TORITO W 9pm GAYNOR’S 24301 Avenida De La Carlo DETROIT BAR 9902 Westminster Ave 949-951-9137 843 W. 19th St 714-638-2800 W 8:30pm 949-642-0600 F Sa 9pm LAGUNA NIGUEL Su 10pm JAK’S BISTRO PATSY’S IRISH PUB DURTY NELLY’S 12752 Valley View 28971 Golden Lantern 2915 Redhill Ave 714-898-8989 949-249-2604 714-957-1951 Th 9pm Tu-Su 8pm F Sa 9pm VALLEY VIEW BOWL ROCKS LION’S DEN 12141 Valley View 26022 Cape Dr 719 W. 19th St 714-898-2507 949-582-5909 949-645-3830 F Sa 9pm Tu W F 9pm W 8pm

Orange County


Aug / Sept 2009

LAKE FOREST BOBBY D’S 23532 El Toro Rd 949-597-8994 Tu - F 8:30pm BOSCOE’S SPORTS GRILL 23364 El Toro Rd 949-859-9351 Tu Th 9pm FOREST LANES 22771 Centre Dr 949-770-0055 Th F 9pm LOS ALAMITOS AMERICAN LEGION #716 3252 Florista 562-430-6033 2nd F Call 4 Time MR. B’S 11272 Los Alamitos Bl 562-430-0213 Th 8 F Sa 9pm PUB Joint Forces Training Base 714-321-7165 F 1st Sa 7pm STARTING GATE 5052 Katella Bl 562-598-8957 F 6 Sa 5 Su 7pm MISSION VIEJO BISTRO D’ ASIA 24000 Alicia Parkway #15 949-768-3309 Tu Sa 9pm BOOSTER’S SPORTS 28621 Marguerite Pky 949-347-0111 W 8pm PATSY’S IRISH PUB 25571 Jeronimo Rd 949-587-0253 W-Su 9pm NEWPORT BEACH CODE RESTAURANT 4221 Dolphin Striker Wy 714-660-0888 M 8pm SHORE HOUSE CAFÉ 801 E Balboa Bl 949.673-7726 Sa 9pm WOODY’S WHARF 2318 Newport Bl 949-675-0474 Tu 8pm ORANGE CHASER’S LOUNGE 2765 N. Orange Olive Rd 714-637-6530 W Th 9pm DAVE & BUSTER’S 20 City W. Bldg. G #1 714-769-1515 F Sa 8pm MARIE CALLENDAR’S 307 E. Katella Ave 714-633-3112 F 6pm OC SPORTS GRILL 450 N. State College Bl 714-935-0300 W 8pm T.G.I.FRIDAYS 3339 Entertainment Ave 714-978-3308 Tu 9pm PLACENTIA CLUBHOUSE GRILLE 2053 E. Orangethorpe Ave 714-528-7000 Tu 9pm EL TORITO 1474 N. Kraemer Bl 714-996-5350 Th 8:30pm SAN CLEMENTE MOLLY BLOOM’S 2391 S. El Camino Real 949-218-0120 3rd Sa 10pm OC TAVERN 2369 S. El Camino Real 949-542-8877 M 8pm TAKA-O 425 N. El Camino Real 949-498-7111 Nightly 9pm TROPICANA BAR 610 Avenida Victoria 949-498-8767 Th 10pm SAN JUAN CAPO SAN JUAN DEPOT 26701 Verdugo St 949-496-7225 W 8pm SANTA ANA BENJIE’S 1828 N. Tustin Ave 714-541-6263 F 9pm

ORIGINAL MIKES 100 S. Main St 714-550-7764 Tu 8pm SILVERADO BUCK’S ROADHOUSE 28222 Silverado Cyn Rd 714-649-3200 F 7:30pm STANTON ACAPULCO 12765 Beach Bl 714-895-4444 F Sa 8pm KARAOKE STUDIO 12860 Beach Bl 714-537-0700 Daily 2pm SUNSET BEACH KING NEPTUNE’S 17115 Pacific Coast Hwy 562-592-4878 Th 7:30pm TRABUCO CYN COOK’S CORNER 19122 Live Oak Cyn Rd 949-858-0266 Tu Th 8pm TUSTIN FLAVIO’S ITAL KITCHEN 14425 Newport Ave 714-832-3434 M 8 Su 7pm MC CLURE’S 14401 Newport Ave 714-544-1995 Tu W Th Su 9pm PINEAPPLE HILL GRILL 645 E. First St 714-669-9818 Nightly 9pm WESTMINSTER BLEU CLUB 14160 Beach Bl 714-903-7770 W 9:30pm MICHAEL’S SPORTS PUB 15192 Goldenwest St 714-373-5665 Tu 8pm PRESS BOX 6471 Westminster Bl 714-828-2058 W 8pm REBEL ROOM LOUNGE 8433 Westminster Bl 714-893-9283 Nightly Call 4 Times YORBA LINDA CANYON INN 6821 Fairlynn 714-779-0880 W 9pm YORBA LINDA BOWL 18171 Imperial Hwy 714-777-3818 F Sa 9pm

San Diego County ALPINE VFW POST 844 Tavern Road 619-445-6040 F 6 Su 11am BONSALL RINGER’S 5517 S. Mission Rd 760-941-5083 Th 8 Su 7pm CARLSBAD ALLEY 421 Grand Ave 760-434-1173 Su-W 9pm COYOTES BAR & GRILL 300 Carlsbad Village 760-729-4695 M Tu 6pm HENNESSEY’S 2777 Roosevelt St 760-729-6951 W 9pm CHULA VISTA BRUNSWICK LANES 845 Lazo Court 619-421-4801 Su 7pm CENTERCUT STKHOUSE 534 Broadway 619-476-1144 F Sa 6pm DI-MOND JIMS 773 3rd Ave 619-585-7323 Su - Tu 8pm DOCK’S 317 3rd Ave 619-422-1566 W-Sa 9pm

EL TORITO 271 Bay Bl 619-425-6013 Tu W Su 8pm FORMOSA CLUB 840 Broadway 619-422-1424 Nightly 9pm HAVEN 618 E St 619-420-6400 M W 9pm MANHATTAN 400 Broadway 619-422-6641 Su-Th 9pm MJ’S BAR & GRILL 1445 3rd Ave 619-264-6145 Th Sa 9pm MR. D’S 1322 3rd Ave 619-427-4200 Su-Th 8pm ON-THE-ROCKS 656 E. St 619-420-9951 Su-Th 9pm SILVER DOLLAR 341 3rd Ave 619-422-4381 W F Sa 9p Su 7pm STAR GAZER 33 Broadway 619-425-7306 W 7:30pm CORONADO ISLAND SPORTS 104 Orange Ave 619-435-3456 Tu Th 9pm DEL MAR JIMMY O’S 225 W. 15th St 858-350-3735 Tu 9:30pm EL CAJON BLARNEY STONE 388 N. 2nd St 619-328-5403 W Th Sa Su 8pm CHANNEL TWELVE 25 172 E. Main St 619-440-1225 Call for Times CHEERS & BEERS 8043 Winter Gardens Bl 619-561-3494 Nightly 9pm DON’S COCKTAILS 13321 Hwy 8 Busines 619-443-2444 Tu Th 7 Su 4pm ELKS LODGE 1400 E. Washington St 619-444-1812 F 7pm FLINN SPRINGS INN 15505 Olde Hwy 80 619-561-3015 Th 9 Su 6pm HACIENDA CASA BLANCA 700 N. Johnson Ave 619-442-9827 Th 8pm KC’S COCKTAILS 1678 Greenfield Ave 619-442-7676 W Sa 9pm LANDING 1185 E. Main 619-442-0258 Nightly 8:30pm QUARTERDECK 979 Broadway 619-447-2022 F 7pm TYLER’S 576 N. Second St 619-444-9295 Th 6pm ESCONDIDO ACAPULCO 1541 E. Valley Pkwy 760-741-9922 M F 6pm CANYON GRILL 8860 Lawrence Welk Dr 760-749-3253 F 7pm COMSTOCK 316 W. Mission Ave 760-746-6188 Nightly 7:30pm ESCONDIDO SPORTS 1205 S. Escondido Bl 760-489-1172 Sa 9pm NORTH BAR 200 W. El Norte Pkwy 760-480-8225 Sa 8:30pm

SUNSET LOUNGE 2328 S. Escondido Bl 760-741-2541 F - Su 9pm FALLBROOK DA GIORGIO 3135 Old Hwy 395 S. 760-723-1080 Su 6pm RED EYE SALOON 1448 S. Mission Rd 760-728-4881 Th 8 Su 7pm IMPERIAL BEACH SCOREBOARD II 951 Palm Ave 619-424-9909 W Sa 9pm VFW POST #5477 123 Palm Ave 619-424-6666 Sa 8pm LA JOLLA SHOOTERS LOUNGE 3229 Holiday Ct 858-453-5500 Sa 7 Su 5pm LA MESA CHARCOAL HOUSE 9566 Murray Dr 619-465-7050 W F Sa 9pm NORMA JEAN’S 5286 Baltimore Dr 619-462-0533 F Sa 9pm NORM’S COCKTAILS 7403 El Cajon Bl 619-337-7825 F 9pm PARKY’S 6149 Lake Murray Bl 619-464-9119 W 8 Sa 9pm LAKESIDE COO COO CLUB 8203 Winter Gardens Bl 619-561-1158 Nightly 8pm NEIGHBORS PUB & GRUB 12169 Woodside 619-561-8890 Sa 7 Su 5pm LEMON GROVE ANNA’S FAMILY REST 8099 Broadway 619-462-9295 Th 5:30pm DIRK’S NITECLUB 7662 Broadway 619-469-6344 W Su 9pm VFW POST #1512 6873 Federal Bl 619-583-6873 F 7:30pm VFW POST #2082 2885 Lemon Grove Ave 619-465-1992 Th 6pm MIRAMAR MARINE CORPS AIR STA Bld 5509 Area 51 Enlist Club 858-693-1477 W 6pm NATIONAL CITY N CITY SPORTS 2511 Sweetwater Rd 619-475-7313 Th 9pm PLUM LOCO 2511 Sweetwater Rd 619-475-7313 Su 9pm OCEANSIDE BEACH CLUB 1903 S. Coast Hwy 760-757-2995 M-Th 9 Su 2pm CHIN’S PLACE 2241 El Camino Real 760-439-3600 Th - Su 9pm EL TORITO 2693 Vista Way 760-439-5407 F 8pm FLYING BRIDGE REST 1105 N. Coast Hwy 760-722-1151 W Su 7:30pm IRON MIKES South Mesa Bldg 760-725-2231 Sa 8pm JOLLY ROGER 1900 Harbor Dr N 760-722-1831 Th-Sa 8pm MCCABE’S BCH CLUB 1145 S. Tremont 760-439-6646 W - F 7pm


♦ TOM CAT BAR & GRILL 9388 Mira Mesa Bl HENNESSEY’S ROOKIE’S SPORTS 858-566-5300 708 4th Ave 2216 El Camino Real M 9pm 619-239-9994 760-757-1123 U-31 COCKTAILS Tu Th 9pm Su 8pm 3112 University Ave HENNESSEY’S TAVERN TONY’S SPORTS 619-584-4188 4650 Mission Bl 274 S. Harbor Dr A Tu 9pm 858-483-8847 760-433-8644 WHIRLY BIRD Th 9:30pm W Su 8pm 1671 Palm Ave HENRY’S PUB WINGS-PIZZA N THINGS 619-429-1291 618 Fifth Ave 4225 Oceanside Bl Nightly 9pm 619-238-2389 760-631-4700 WHISKEY GIRL Su 9:30pm Tu 8pm 600 5th Ave IN CAHOOTS POWAY 619-236-1616 5373 Mission Center Rd POWAY FUN BOWL F Sa 8pm 619-291-1184 12941 Poway Rd WINSTON’S BCH CLUB Tu 8pm 858-748-9110 1921 Bacon St JEWEL BOX Tu - Sa 8:30pm 619-222-3802 508 16th St RAMONA Su 9:30pm 619-236-8685 BOIL WEEVIL WIT’S END 2nd Sa 8pm 2548 Main St 420 Robinson Ave JP’S PUB 760-788-1392 619-294-4848 10436 Clairemont Mesa Sa 6pm W 8pm 858-576-2509 CHEERS XAVIER’S M W Th Sa 9pm 2475 Main St 750 5th Ave JT’S CLUBHOUSE 760-789-0270 619-233-0500 5821 Mission Gorge Rd Th 7pm W 8pm 619-280-4698 MOLLY MALONE’S SAN MARCOS Tu Th Sa Su 9pm 1270 Main St ACAPULCO KEARNY MESA BOWL 760-789-9050 1020 W. San Marcos Bl 7585 Clairemont Mesa Th 8pm 760-471-2150 858-279-1501 RNCHO BRNRDO Tu 8 W 6pm F Sa 9pm EL TORITO COWSHED KRISTY’S MVP SPORTS 16375 Bernardo Center 502 E. Mission Ave 3225 Midway Dr 858-485-1905 760-471-4579 619-222-0388 F 7:30pm Th Sa 9pm Th 8:30pm MR CHARLIE’S COOKIE FORTY NINER LAMPLIGHTER 11828 Rancho Bernardo 546 W. Mission 817 W. Wahington Bl 858-451-8958 760-744-5200 619-298-3624 M 8 F Sa 8:30pm F 8pm Nightly 9pm SAN DIEGO SANTEE LAST DAY BAMBOO INN CARLTON OAKS C.C. 1872 Rosecrans St 1719 Palm Ave 9200 Inwood Dr 619-222-7050 619-575-9988 619-448-4242 F Sa 9pm Th Su 8pm F Sa 9pm BITTER END/BACKSTAGE LEGENDS NIGHT CLUB FILIPPI’S PIZZA GROTTO 6323 Imperial Ave 770 5th Ave 10767 Woodside Ave 619-263-1339 619-338-9300 619-562-7878 Th 8pm M 9pm F Sa 8 Su 5pm NANCY’S PUB BOURBON ST MUVANEY’S WAGON WHEEL 4246 University Ave 4612 Park Bl 8861 N. Magnolia Ave 619-280-5834 619-291-0173 619-448-8550 Sa 8pm Tu 7pm Call for Times O’CONNELL’S BRASS RAIL VFW POST #9327 1310 Morena Bl 3796 5th Ave 8790 Cuyamaca 619-276-5637 619-298-2233 619-562-4022 Th 8:30pm Th 9pm Sa 8pm OULD SOD CALIPH SPRING VALLEY 3373 Adams Ave 3100 Fifth Ave FANNIE’S 619-284-6594 619-298-9495 9143 Campo Rd Th Sa 9pm Tu Th Su 9pm 619-698-2204 PACIFIC BEACH BAR CAMEL’S BREATH INN Su - W 8:30pm 860 Garnet Ave 10330 Friars Rd MIKE’S 858-272-4745 619-281-1722 629 Sweetwater Rd M 9pm Tu W Th Su 9pm 619-463-1651 PADRE GOLD CANE’S M F Sa 7pm 7245 Linda Vista Rd 3105 Ocean Front Walk SHOOTER 858-277-8681 858-488-9690 10761 Jamacha Bl Th 7pm Tu 9pm 619-660-1109 PAL JOEY’S CARRIAGE HOUSE W F Sa 9pm 5147 Waring Rd 7945 Balboa Ave VALLEY CENTER 619-582-6699 858-278-2597 CASA REVELES Tu Th 9pm W - Sa 9pm 29000 Lilac Rd PETER D’S CHANNEL ONE 760-749-8041 5149 Clairemont Mesa 3232 Greyling Dr W Sa 7pm 858-277-3217 858-569-1310 VISTA W - Su 9pm Th - Sa 9pm HENNESSEY’S REDWING CHICO CLUB 224 Main St 4012 30th St 7366 El Cajon Bl 760-643-1619 619-281-8700 619-465-4190 Call for Times Call for Times W 9pm JIM’S VISTA LOUNGE RHYTHM LOUNGE CRICKET 1587 E. Vista Way 3048 Midway Dr 3339 El Cajon Bl 760-941-3063 619-224-4835 619-282-8277 F Sa 9pm Call for Times F Sa 9pm RILEY’S MUSIC LOUNGE SAN GIORGIO LUCANO DOUBLE DEUCE 1280 E. Vista Way 2901 Nimitz Bl 528 F St 760-724-7242 619-255-8635 619-450-6522 M Th F 7 Sa 8pm W 8pm Th 9pm SMITTY’S DOWNTOWN ROSIE O’GRADY’S EL TORITO 119 E. Broadway 3402 Adams Ave 445 Camino Del Rio S 760-724-0510 619-284-7666 619-296-6154 Nightly 9pm W 9pm Th 5pm ROUNDTABLE COCKTAILS VISTA ENTERTAINMENT EL TORITO 435 W. Vista Way 1723 Euclid Ave 8223 Mira Mesa Bl 760-941-1032 619-264-6000 858-665-5792 Th Sa 9pm Su 9pm F 8pm RUBY ROOM FILLING STATION PUB 1271 University Ave 9522 Miramar Rd 619-299-7372 858-578-0757 Tu 9pm W - Su 9pm SECOND WIND FLEETWOOD 8515 Navajo Rd 639 J St 619-465-1730 CAMARILLO 619-702-7700 M 9pm YAMATO Su 9pm TICKLED TROUT-RAMADA 1901 E. Daily Dr FLICKS 2151 Hotel Circle S. 805-383-9000 1017 University Ave 619-291-6500 Tu F Su 8pm 619-297-2056 W F Sa 9pm MOORPARK Su M 10pm TINA’S BUTERA’S GILLY’S 1956 54th St 476 W. Los Angeles Ave 2306 El Cajon Bl 619-263-0258 818-825-1150 619-298-6008 W 8pm W 9pm Th-Sa 9pm

NEWBURY PARK AZAR’S RED ROBIN 2215 Michael Dr 805-498-2365 Tu 8 Su 7pm BELLA LUNA 579 N, Ventu Park Dr 805-499-6767 W 7pm OAKVIEW HILL TOP 530 Ventura Ave 805-649-4689 F 8pm OXNARD CAMELOT ROOM 1331 W. Gonzales Rd 805-485-8502 Su 8pm JOLLY’S LOUNGE 640 N. Ventura Rd 805-983-0213 Th 8:30pm LA DOLCE VITA 740 S. B St 805-486-6878 Th Sa 9pm LOBSTER TRAP 3605 Peninsula Rd 805-985-6311 F 8:30pm OLD DUBLIN 1900 Victoria Av 805-985-6750 W Th 7pm Q-CLUB 2362 N. Oxnard Bl #107 805-278-1231 W 8:30pm SHORES 1031 S. Harbor Bl 805-984-5533 Th 8:30pm

PORT HUENEME TOP DECK 100 W. Pleasant Valley Rd 805-488-5244 F 9pm SANTA PAULA IRONHORSE-HOUDINI 134 N. Mill St 805-933-3534 Th 8pm 1st/3rd Su 3:30 LOGSDON’S 824 E. Santa Maria St 805-525-1101 W 7:30pm SIMI VALLEY ARENA GRILL & BAR 999 Enchanted Way 805-583-2000 M W 9pm BIG Z’S 2428 Stearns St 805-526-3000 Th 6pm JUDGE ROY BEAN’S 2780 Tapo Canyon Rd 805-526-0806 W Th 9pm PC’S BAR & GRILL 4250 E. Los Angeles Ave 805-579-9079 W - F 9 Su 2pm VINCENZO’S PIZZA 2955 Cochran St 805-579-9662 Sa 7:30pm YANKEE DOODLES 2830 Tapo St 805-526-1130 Tu F 9pm

THOUSAND OAKS EL TORITO 449 N. Moorpark Rd 805-497-3952 F Sa 8pm FAMOUS SPORTS 821 E. Thousand Oaks Bl 805-497-4669 W 7 F Sa 9pm VENTURA BILLY O’S 2819 E. Main St 805-652-0327 Th F 9pm BOMBAY BAR & GRILL 143 S. California St 805-643-4404 Tu 9pm GOLDEN CHINA 760 S. Seaward Ave 805-652-0688 Nightly 9pm MAIS CAFÉ 2815 E. Main St. 805-652-2061 Tu 9pm PADDY’S LOUNGE 2 W. Main St 805-652-1071 W 9pm

♫ ♫

Ventura County

KARAOKE SCENE - If it’s not in “The Scene” it’s not making “The Scene”

Aug / Sept 2009


photo page


Aug / Sept 2009


By Greg Garcia

of what you are about to buy. Make sure to get your equipment from a reputable source. Usually speaker cabinets and power amplifiers are related (they should be compatible). If you already have a power amplifier try to purchase speakers that are compatible with that piece of equipment. If you purchase powered speaker enclosures you probably don’t have to worry much as, most likely, they are already set. But if you behind those speakers, to varying are purchasing conventional speaker degrees. If you want to approach the enclosures, always make sure the crowd with your $49.00 or $499.00 wattage of your amplifier is higher wireless microphone your system than the wattage of your speaker. will produce an excruciating feedback because your equalization is wrong and your levels are set incorrectly. When an open microphone is placed in front of a working speaker, and on top of that the levels are set wrong, the final result is feedback. I recommend in those cases to stay away from the front of your speakers with your open mic. If you want to hear more of what your audience is hearing, get a set of personal monitor speakers. This way you can clearly hear your performance without exposing yourself and your audience to feedback.

Let’s Talk About Sound


ello Karaoke people. In previous Karaoke Scene Magazine issues we discussed, in a general way, microphones, mixers, equalizers, sound processors amplifiers, speaker cabinets, and the most important pieces of equipment that are necessary for a good sound system. In this issue we are going to review some of those elements and how important they are to building a good sounding system. Now keep in mind that you, as a consumer, are entitled to use any piece of equipment that you can afford to purchase. If you are using your system to entertain your family in your living room, you can probably use pretty much whatever is available. Some Karaoke enthusiasts use their TV surround-sound system or their home stereo. All of that is okay for family fun. But if you are planning to go out there and market yourself as a Karaoke host or singer, you’d better be prepared to provide a professional sounding system that includes a good choice of music material. In my personal experience as a professional sound systems designer, I have seen hundreds of excellent singers that could sound so much better if the KJ was using the right equipment. When a show sounds bad even great singers with phenomenal voices sound inferior and the whole show is dragged down by a poorly designed sound system. Sometimes this happens because they don’t know any better so they use whatever is available. And sometimes they have a great system, singers with great voices, great music material, but still the sound is really bad. Part of the problem is that when you are singing a song, you can not hear 100% of what you are singing. Most of the time you can only hear a small portion of what your audience is hearing. In most cases there is a set of speaker cabinets facing the crowd, and you are singing from

These tips should help you get started putting together a quality sound system that you can be proud of…one that will surely please your audience. That’s all for now folks. And remember, music is beautiful…if is clean. If you need advice about your sound system we will be glad to help. Greg Garcia is a retired musician, and an active recording and live sound engineer. Greg can be reached at [email protected] or (562) 907-9528.

Now let’s design a decent sound system for a KJ, DJ or even live music. Number one, you need a music source. This could be Karaoke tracks, CDs, musical instruments or someone singing with a good quality microphone. Try to start with a “clean” music source. Compressed files are very popular but suffer from poorer sound quality. If you are one that uses these types of music files, remember to upgrade the quality of your music file after you download it from the internet. The biggest problem with music downloaded from the internet is that it’s compressed so much that you lose a great deal of quality, especially when you down load from a cheap source. So, we recommend to upgrade those files to CD quality. This way your sound system will be off to a good start. Next, you need a pre-amplifier device. That can be a Karaoke mixer, DJ mixer or a live sound mixer (in my opinion the best). You can purchase a live sound mixer for as little as $99.00 and it will usually provide you with superior sound quality. Make sure it has the necessary sound effects like reverb, delays and echo to enhance the vocals. Then we will add a power amplifier and a pair of PA speakers. Be careful when you purchase PA speakers. You must carefully check the quality

KARAOKE SCENE - If it’s not in “The Scene” it’s not making “The Scene”

Aug / Sept 2009


inland empire


Aug / Sept 2009


inland empire

KARAOKE SCENE - If it’s not in “The Scene” it’s not making “The Scene”

Aug / Sept 2009


KARAOKE SCENE - If it’s not in “The Scene” it’s not making “The Scene”

Aug / Sept 2009



Aug / Sept 2009



Aug / Sept 2009


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