Kansas City History

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Kansas City, Guatemala, Tragedies, and the Prescott Family Beth Davies AG June 2008 Kansas City was not kind to the Prescott family even though family members prospered financially and were prominent while living there. Who were these Prescotts? My 3 rd great-grandparents, John Samuel Prescott and Mary E. Harris married in 1845 in Clark County, Ohio. John was a widower with two young children, Louisa and William, that Mary helped to raise. Shortly after their marriage, the family moved to Sheboygan County, Wisconsin where John became a Methodist circuit rider. Five children were born in Wisconsin: Julia, Helen, Alice, Charles, and Clarence. About 1857, the family moved to Iowa where John was involved in land development in Dickinson County and John Paul, Frederick, Jessie, and Harriett Edith were born there. Most of the family then moved to Mississippi after the Civil War. John died on a visit (perhaps for business) back in Ohio in 1872. By the 1880 census, the family was scattered in several different directions. Louisa had married Josephus Moore in Wisconsin, moved to Washington, and may have died. William had married Emmeline Moore (John S. Prescott performed the marriage) in Iowa and was living in Lincoln County, Kansas. Our ancestor, Julia, had married Fletcher Blake in Iowa and was living in Texas. Clarence Prescott was living with them. Helen had married Elias Cowgill in Mississippi and died prior to this time (her husband had remarried by 1880). Fred was living in Lincoln County, New Mexico. John Paul and Charles haven’t been found. Alice Prescott had married George L. Brinkman about 1875, probably in Kansas. They were living in Great Bend, Barton County, Kansas with their two year old daughter May, Grandma Prescott (Alice’s mother, Mary Harris Prescott), and the two youngest Prescott daughters, Jessie and Edith. It was the Brinkman family that moved to Kansas City, taking Alice’s mother, Mary with them. They had three more children: Raymond born in Kansas and Christine and Helen who were both born in Kansas City, Missouri. Christine’s birth in 1882 in Kansas City places the family there by that year. John Paul Prescott also moved to Kansas City, listing that as his residence when he married Martha Anderson in Virginia in 1892. Grandma Prescott (Mary E. Harris Prescott) died in Kansas City in 1888. A newspaper death notice says: “PRESCOTT–At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. G. L. Brinkman, in this city, Sunday morning, February 26, 1888 at 5:30 a.m., Mrs. Mary E. Prescott, age 63 years. The funeral services will be held at the residence of Mr. G.L. Brinkman, 2304 Troost avenue, on Tuesday morning, February 28, at 10 o’clock.”1 While a record of this death exists, it is only possible to identify it as Mary’s death because of the address. It states: 1

DIED –PR ESCO TT , Kansas City Times, Monday Feb ruary 27, 1888, Kansas City Times Jan. 1, 1888-Ap r. 31, 1 888 , micro film #50, Kansas C ity, Public Libra ry, Kansas City, Misso uri.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -1mem bers.

February 1888 Named of deceased: E. Prescott Date of death: Feb. 25 Place of death: 2304 Troost Number: 10 Age: 54 Y. S (Single) Sex: F2 Grandma Prescott is buried in Elmwood cemetery, 5900 Truman Road, Kansas City, Missouri, Lot 34, Block B, grave 1. She was not interred there until May 18th, 18883. The grave has been unmarked, put a gravestone has now been ordered and should be in place shortly. The first family tragedy was described in the local paper of June 4, 1895: DIES IN GUATAMALA Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Brinkman Receive Unexpected News of Their Daughter’s Death Mr. George L. Brinkman of the Johnson-Brinkman Commission company has received a cablegram announcing the death ... of his daughter May in Guatemala, Central America, where she had been since last October with relatives. No particulars were received. The news was particularly distressing as the young girl had been in perfect health and Mr. and Mrs. Brinkman had expected to meet her in a few weeks on her way to Boston to spend the summer. She was 18 years old.4 The next tragedy also involved Guatemala and appeared in the July 24, 1902 Kansas City Star: THE END CAME TO THE KANSAS CITYAN AT SAN ARAPE, GUATEMALA A Cablegram Announces His Death Unexpectedly–Former President of the Manufacturers’ Association and of the Kansas City Milling Company. A telegram was received ... announcing the death at San Arape, Guatemala of George L. Brinkman of Kansas City, for many years president of the Kansas City Milling company and a former president of the Manufacturers’ association. The news was a great shock to Mr. Brinkman’s family, which lives at 3007 Harrison street, and to his friends. Mr. Brinkman suffered from a kidney disorder and last spring his physician advised a change of climate. He decided to go to Guatemala, where his brother-in-law, J. P. Prescott, now in Kansas City, was engaged in railway construction. Another brother-in-law was there and at 2

Record of Deaths–Kansas City, Mo., Health Dept. Vital Statistics Aug. 3, 1874-December 31, 1898, p. 104 , Microfilm 26C , Kan sas City P ublic Library, K ansas C ity, Misso uri. 3 Plot Record, Elmw ood Cem etery, received by correspondence from the cem etery, Fe bruary 1999, copy in possession o f Beth D avies. 4 DIED IN GUA TEM ALA, Kansas City Star, June 4, 1895, p. 1, Kansas City Star–Historical Archive, www.kansascitystar.com. Accessed May 2008.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -2mem bers.

his house Mr. Brinkman was to stay. He went across the Gulf from New Orleans and proceeded 125 miles inland to the town of San Arape. Five years ago a daughter of Mr. Brinkman had died there of mountain fever and, owing to the law of the country, the body could not be brought back for five years. It was Mr. Brinkman’s intention to bring to Kansas City the body for final burial. The first intimation that Mr. Brinkman was ill came in a letter from his brother-in-law a few weeks ago, saying that he was suffering from a complaint quite common among newcomers, which was not regarded as serious. Nothing more was heard until the cablegram came last night announcing his death. Mr. Brinkmans’ family consisted of his wife and a son and a daughter, who have been at school in the East. The burial will take place at San Arape and it will not be possible to bring the body back to Kansas City for some time, certainly not before next winter. On hearing this morning of the death of Mr. Brinkman, President Dodge of the Manufacturers’ association called a meeting of the directors to take suitable action. The board of trade adopted resolutions today deploring the death of Mr. Brinkman and extending sympathy to the family.5 Following George Brinkman’s death, Alice wrote her will, dated 15 October, 1902. It reads as follows: I Alice P. Brinkman of Kansas City, County of Jackson and State of Missouri do make and publish this my last will and testament, none other having been made by me. Item 1. I desire that the whole estate which I shall own at the time of my death shall be applied as follows and in the following order. to wit,First, My just debts and funeral expenses and expenses of administration shall be paid. Second, Five hundred dollars shall be paid to my brother Fredric H. Prescott. This is a debt owing him. Third, Three thousand dollars shall be paid my youngest daughter Helen M. Brinkman. Fourth, One thousand dollars shall be paid my niece Gertrude Ashton. Fifth, The remainder of my estate shall be divided equally between my three children Raymond P., Christine L. and Helen M. Brinkman, but should any of the heirs or persons before mentioned be no longer living when this will becomes active then shall the amounts bequeathed to him or her become a part of the estate to be divided between my children then living. Item 2. I nominate and appoint Samuel Maher to be the executor of this will and no bond shall be required of him. Item 3. My executor is empowered to sell and convey any and all real estate which I may own at the time of my death and distribute the proceeds thereof in accordance with the provisions of this will, and I ask him to show to my children the friendship and sympathy he has shown to their parents; of my children I ask that they honor and respect the advice and counsel of this proven friend and trusted advisor of both their father and mother. 5

THE EN D CAM E TO T HE KAN SAS CITYAN AT SAN ARAPE, GUA TEM ALA, Kansas City Star, 24 July 19 02, p . 1, Kansas C ity Star June 26 , 190 2-Sept. 20 , 190 2, M icrofilm #14 3, Kansas C ity Public Libra ry.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -3mem bers.

In witness whereof, I the said Alice P. Brinkman have to this my last will and testament subscribed my name, in Kansas City, Jackson Co, Missouri, this 15 day of October A. D. 1902. Alice P. Brinkman


Signed by the testatrix Alice P. Brinkman, as her last will and testament in the presence us, who at her request and in her presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses. John P. Prescott 3904 Warwick Blvd.k Kansas City,k Mo Emma Hallett Arnold’s Park Dickinson Co. Iowa6

Note that Emma Hallet was the sister of Fletcher A. Blake who had married Alice’s sister, Julia Prescott. She would have known Alice when the Prescott family lived in Dickinson County, Iowa. Fredric Prescott was probably the brother-in-law that George Brinkman was visiting when he died. When Alice’s will was probated following her death, Fred’s address was listed as “Livingston-Guatemala”.7 John Paul Prescott and his wife Martha knew more heartache in 1902. Ten years after their marriage, on Dec. 18th, their only child, a boy, was stillborn.8 In 1903, Alice Brinkman and her remaining daughters, Christine and Helen traveled in Europe. Alice applied for a passport in Berlin, Germany on September 30, 1903. The application gave wonderful information: birth dates and places for Alice, Christine and Helen.9 Alice and Helen were returning for either this or another trip when they sailed on the S.S. Ryden, leaving Boulogne on October 1, 1904.10 Christine Brinkman sailed from London on the S. S. Minehaha on April 8, 1905.11 In 1906, disaster was to strike again. Accounts were found in several different papers, each adding details to the tragedy. 6

Will of Alice P. Prescott, Probate Packet #7634 (Estate of Alice P. Prescott), Probate Court of Jackson City, Missouri, Microfilm 1,418,352 , frames 1226 and 122 7, Family History Library (FHL), Salt Lake City, Utah. 7 Probate Packet #7634 (Estate of Alice P. Prescott), Probate Court of Jackson City, Missouri, FHL Microfilm 1,41 8,35 2, frame 1223.. 8 Mt. W ashington Cemetery records, received by correspondence from H arold Oliver, cemetery director, letter dated 11 June 2008. 9 Passport application of Alice P. Brinkman, No. 695, dated September 30, 1903, digital image on-line, www.ancestry.com. 10 Passenger manifest, S.S. Ryden, p. 5, lines 25 and 26, digital image on-line, www.ancestry.com. 11 Passenger manifest, S.S. Minehaha, p. 2, line 1, digital image on-line, www.ancestry.com.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -4mem bers.

February 6, 1906: From the Kansas City World,

MRS. BRINKMAN IS SUFFOCATED ---Daughter Also Caught in Fire Which Destroys Baltimore Avenue Home. Mrs. Alice P. Brinkman, widow, was suffocated by smoke from a fire which destroyed her home, 3704 Baltimore ave., at 4 o’clock this morning. Mrs. Brinkman and her daughter Christine did not awaken until the house was in flames. They rushed from their rooms and ran down a blazing stairway, falling unconscious in the hall. Firemen carried the two women from the burning building into the home of E.M. Clendening, secretary of the Commercial club, who lives next door. Dr. R. M. Schauffer was summoned, but he could not arouse Mrs. Brinkman to consciousness. Girl Revives The daughter responded to the treatment. Her condition, however, is serious, owing to nervous shock and the quantity of smoke she breathed. The fire was caused by an over-heated furnace igniting waste paper in the basement. Mrs. Brinkman was the widow of George L. Brinkman, who was vice president and secretary of the Kansas City Milling Co. Mr. Brinkman left Kansas City some years ago for Guatemala where he died. Mrs. Brinkman leaves four children, Helen, Roy, Christine and a daughter who accompanied Mr. Brinkman to Guatemala and remained there. Helen Brinkman is now visiting in Arizona. The son Roy left Monday night on a business trip to Iowa. Mrs. Brinkman’s body was removed to an undertaker’s and later to the home of her brother, J. P. Prescott, 3904 Warwick boulevard. The funeral will be held from the Prescott home.12 From the Kansas City Star SUFFOCATED IN HER HOME Mrs. Alice Brinkman Dead and her Daughter Christine May Die Mrs. Alice P. Brinkman, widow of the late George L. Brinkman, died early this morning as the result of inhaling smoke and gases from a fire in the basement of her home at 3704 Baltimore avenue. Her daughter, Christine, who was overcome at the same time, is unconscious and may not recover. The fire is thought to have been caused by ashes dropped among rubbish near the furnace. It probably had smouldered for two or three hours before its fumes penetrated to the upper rooms through the furnace pipes where Mrs. Brinkman and her daughter were sleeping. There were no flames from the fire and very little damage was done to the house. 12

MRS. BR INK MAN IS SU FFO CATE D, T he K ansas C ity World, February 6, 190 6, p. 1, Kan sas City W orld Jan. 1-May 31, 190 6, M icrofilm #42 , Kan sas City P ublic Library,

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -5mem bers.

The two women were alone in their home last night. The one servant left yesterday and Mrs. Brinkman’s son, Ray, now with the Kansas City Milling company, went to Des Moines, Iowa, on a late train last night. It probably was 4 o’clock this morning or shortly after that hour when Mrs. Brinkman and her daughter were awakened in their room on the second floor by the smell of smoke. They descended into the front hallway together to investigate, opened the door leading to the basement and were enveloped in the cloud of smoke that rushed up. The central telephone office received an alarm of fire from the Brinkman home a few minutes after 4 o’clock. This message was sent, doubtlessly, by Miss Brinkman, for when firemen reached the house she was found unconscious at the foot of the stairs near the telephone, the receiver dangling from the hook. Her mother, also unconscious, was lying within two feet of the front door. Mrs. Brinkman and her daughter were carried into the home of E. M. Clendening, a secretary of the Commercial club, who lives next door. Mrs. Brinkman died withing a half hour, notwithstanding the efforts of several physicians who had been hastily summoned. The alarm was received by the fire department at 4:10 and transmitted simultaneously to engine companies No. 17 at Thirty-first and Locust streets; No. 19, at Penn and High streets, and No. 22, at Thirty-seventh street and Woodland avenue. No. 17 was the first company to reach the house after losing three minutes looking for the fire, there being no outward indications to guide the firemen. Not more than six or seven minutes elapsed, counting the lost time, between the receipt of the alarm and the arrival of the firemen at the house. Finding the doors locked the firemen broke open a window and took in one line of hose. While some of the company were searching the rooms on the second story, which they reached by way of the rear stairs, others entered the basement. It was two or three minutes, the men say, probably longer, before Mrs. Brinkman and her daughter were discovered. They were at once carried to Mr. Clendening’s home The late George L. Brinkman was president of the Kansas City Milling company and of the Manufacturers’ association. He died in July, 1902, at San Arape, Guatemala. The family consisted of Mrs. Brinkman, who died this morning, Miss Christine Brinkman, a younger daughter, Helen, now in Arizona for her health, and Ray Brinkman, who is travelling for the Kansas City Milling company. J. P. Prescott, who also was once president of the Kansas City Milling company and lives at 3904 Warwick boulevard, is a brother of Mrs. Brinkman. Mrs. Brinkman’s body was sent to Stine’s undertaking rooms. Mr. Clendening sent telegrams to the son, Ray Brinkman, at several places in Iowa and hopes to catch him at Des Moines. A message was also sent to Miss Helen Brinkman at Phoenix, Ariz., informing her of her mother’s death. No arrangements for the funeral will be made until answers have been received from the son and daughter.13 February 7, 1906 From The Kansas City World, 13

SUFFOCAT ED IN HER H OM E, Kansas City Star, Feb. 6, 1906, p. 1, Kansas City Star Jan. 21, 1906Mar. 31 , 190 6, M icrofilm #17 0, Kansas C ity Public Libra ry.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -6mem bers.

MISS BRINKMAN IN CRITICAL CONDITION Miss Christine Brinkman, who with her mother, Mrs. Alice P. Brinkman, were caught in the fire in their home, 3704 Baltimore ave., which resulted in the mother’s death, is reported today to be in a critical condition. After being rescued from the burning building by firemen, Dr. R.M. Schauffler succeeded in restoring her to consciousness, but Miss Brinkman suffered a relapse and at 8 o’clock this morning was in a serious condition. The smoke and poisonous gases inhaled by the young woman have injured her severely in addition to the shock sustained. Ray Brinkman, the son, has arrived in this city and is at the home of his uncle, J. P. Prescott, 3904 Warwick blvd. A telegram was received from Miss Helen Brinkman, announcing her departure from Arizona. The funeral of Mrs. Brinkman will not be held until the arrival of the daughter. The body is at the home of her brother, J. P. Prescott.14 From the Kansas City Star MISS BRINKMAN CONSCIOUS Miss Christine Brinkman, whose mother, Mrs. Alice P. Brinkman, was suffocated at her home, 3704 Baltimore avenue yesterday morning, and who also was almost suffocated from inhaling smoke and gases, was conscious this morning. She is still in a very dangerous conditon, but Dr. S. H. Ayres, her attending physician, entertains much hope for her recovery. Miss Brinkman is at the home of E. M. Clendening, 3708 Baltimore avenue. Only the doctor and a nurse are admitted to her room. Miss Brinkman first became conscious at about 7 o’clock this morning. She has said nothing regarding the fire. She asked her nurse this morning where she was and also inquired about her mother. She was not told of her mother’s death. Miss Helen Brinkman, the younger sister, is expected to arrived from Arizona to-morrow evening. Ray Brinkman, the brother, arrived last night. The arrangements for the funeral of Mrs. Brinkman have not been made.15 February 8, 1906 Kansas City Star: MISS BRINKMAN NOT SO WELL Miss Christine Brinkman, who was overcome by smoke at her home, 3704 Baltimore avenue, Tuesday night, was slightly worse to-day. Miss Brinkman’s mother, Alice Brinkman, was suffocated at the time. Dr. Samuel Ayres, the attending physician, is still hopeful of Miss Brinkman’s recovery. 14

MISS B RIN KM AN IN C RIT ICA L CO ND ITON , Kan sas City W orld, Feb. 7, 1906, K ansas C ity World Jan. 1 -May 31, 190 6, M icrofilm #42 , Kan sas City P ublic Library. 15 MISS BRINKM AN CON SCIOUS, Kansas City Star, Wed. Feb. 7, 1906, p. 1, Kansas City Star Jan. 21, 190 6-M ar. 31 , 190 6, M icrofilm #17 0, Kansas C ity Public Libra ry.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -7mem bers.

She is rational but too weak to talk. Helen Brinkman, a younger sister, is expected to arrive in the city from Arizona to-night at midnight. She will stay with her cousin, Mrs. Landry Harwood, 2621 East Thirtieth street. Mrs. J. A. Wells, an aunt, is coming from her home in Los Angeles, Cal. and probably will reach Kansas City sometime to-morrow.16 Kansas City World MISS BRINKMAN BETTER The condition of Miss Christine Brinkman, who came near being asphyxiated by smoke and gas during a fire at her home, 3704 Baltimore avenue, Tuesday morning, showed improvement last night. She regained consciousness yesterday morning but was unable to say anything regarding the fire in which she came so near losing her life, and which caused the death of her mother, Mrs. Alice Brinkman. Miss Brinkman is at the home of E. M. Clendening, 3708 Baltimore avenue. She asked about her mother the first thing when she was able to talk, but was not told of her mother’s death, as it was though advisable by Dr. Samuel Ayers to keep that from her until she became stronger. Miss Helen Brinkman, the younger sister, is expected to arrive from Phoenix, A. T., this evening. Ray Brinkman, the brother, is in Kansas City. Arrangements for the funeral of Mrs. Brinkman have not been made.17 February 9, 1906 The Kansas City Journal FUNERAL OF MRS. BRINKMAN The funeral of Mrs. Alice P. Brinkman, widow of the late George L. Brinkman, a former president of the Kansas City Milling Company, who was asphyxiated early Tuesday morning by inhaling the fumes from a smoldering fire in the basement of the home, 3704 Baltimore avenue, will be from the residence of her brother, J. P. Prescott, 3904 Warwick boulevard, at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. Services will be conducted by Rev. George Reynolds of the Second Presbyterian church and the body will be placed temporarily in the receiving vault at Mount Washington cemetery. The active pallbearers will be: Frank Talpey, Samuel Maher, Frank B. Mitchener, O. V. Dodge, R. E. Kidder and E. C. Sooy. The honorary pallbearers will be L. S. Mohr, Judge James H. Austin, G. H. Winn, E. E. Bigelow, A. B. Johnson and E. M. Clendening. Miss Christine Brinkman, who was found in an unconscious condition near the telephone 16

MISS B RINKM AN N OT SO WE LL, Kansas City Star, Thursday . Feb. 8, 1906, p. 1, Kansas City Star Jan. 21, 1906-M ar. 31, 1906, M icrofilm #170 , Kansas City Public Library 17 MISS B RINKM AN B ETT ER, Kansas City Journal, Thursday, Feb. 8, 1906, p. 1, Kansas City Journal Jan. 1 0-Feb. 25 , 190 8, M icrofilm #10 7, Kansas C ity Public Libra ry.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -8mem bers.

over which she had turned in a fire alarm, is in precarious condition at the home of Mr. Clendening, where she and her mother were taken by the firemen. It was announced last evening that Miss Brinkman had developed pneumonia due to exposure to the night air. Miss Brinkman and her mother were clad only in their night clothes when found. They had arisen to search for the origin of smoke which they smelled in their room on the second floor of the home. Mrs. Brinkman died soon after being removed to the home of Mr. Clendening.18 The Kansas City World, MISS BRINKMAN DIES FROM EFFECTS OF FIRE Miss Christine Brinkman, who Tuesday morning was overcome by smoke in the burning of her home, 3704 Baltimore ave., died this morning at the home of E. M. Clendening, 3708 Baltimore ave., shortly after 3 o’clock. Her mother, Mrs. Alice P. Brinkman, widow of George L. Brinkman, was overcome at the same time and died in the Clendening home shortly after being carried there by firemen. Mother and daughter will be buried together. The funeral will be held from the home of Mrs. Brinkman’s brother, J.P. Prescott, 3904 Warwick boulevard, Saturday morning at 10 o’clock. Rev. George Reynolds, pastor of the 2d. Presbyterian church, will conduct the services. The bodies temporarily will be placed in a vault at Mount Washington cemetery. The pallbearers for Mrs. Brinkman will be: Active, Frank Talpey, Samuel Maher, F. B. Mitchener, O.V. Dodge, R. E. Kidder, E. C. Socy. Honarary, L. S. Mohr, Judge J. H. Austin, G. H. Winn, E.D. Bigelow, A.D. Johnson, and E. M. Clendening.19 Kansas City Star MISS BRINKMAN DEAD, TOO Miss Christine Birnkman died at 3 o’clock this morning. Her mother, Mrs. Alice P. Brinkman, died early Tuesday morning. Both deaths resulted from the inhaling of smoke which rose from a smoldering fire in the basement of their home at 3704 Baltimore avenue. Miss Brinkman never fully regained consciousness after the firemen bore her to the home of E.M. Clendening, next door, where she died. Once she rallied sufficiently from the weakness induced by almost incessant coughing, to ask for her mother, of whose fate she was ignorant, but her strength soon failed. Dr. Samuel C. Ayers, the family physician, practically abandoned hope of Miss Brinkman’s recovery at noon yesterday. For twenty-four hours her life was prolonged by the use of the strongest stimulants known to science. A form of pneumonia developed last night, and this, indirectly, hastened the end. Oxygen was used without avail all day yesterday. It was evident to those who were with Miss Brinkman until she died that she had a confused idea of the fire. In her delirium she spoke of trying to reach the telephone to turn in an alarm. She 18

FUNE RAL OF M RS. BRINK MA N, Kansas City Journal, Friday, Feb. 9, 1906, p. 1, Kansas City Journal Jan. 1 0-Feb. 25 , 190 8, M icrofilm #10 7, Kansas C ity Public Libra ry. 19 MISS B RINKM AN D IES FROM EFFECT S OF FIRE, Kansas City Wo rld, Friday Feb. 9, 1906, Kansas City W orld Jan. 1-May 31, 190 6, M icrofilm #42 , Kan sas City P ublic Library.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -9mem bers.

was found lying near the instrument, in the hallway, the receiver hanging from the hook, while the fact that an alarm really was received showed that she had done all she could to summon help. Sometimes Miss Brinkman spoke French, sometimes English. It may never be known clearly how the fire originated in the Brinkman home Monday night. The mother and daughter were alone. A servant had been discharged the previous afternoon and Ray Brinkman, the son, had gone to Des Moines, Ia., that night. It was thought that live ashes from the furnace had ignited a pile of rubbish. Mrs. Brinkman and Miss Christine slept upstairs. They probably were awakened by the smoke which entered their room through the registers. They went downstairs to investigate. Opening the basement door they were met with a cloud of smoke. Miss Christine seized the telephone and sent in an alarm. Then she was overcome. Mrs. Brinkman fell unconscious within two feet of the front door. The firemen lost several minutes looking for the fire after they reached Thirty-seventh street and Baltimore avenue, and when they finally broke a window and entered the Brinkman home they supposed the occupants had been away. When they found the women both were unconscious. Mrs. Brinkman died a few minutes later in Mr. Clendening’s home. Miss Christine Brinkman was 24 years old. She was born in Kansas City, was graduated at the Central High school in 1899 and went to Wellesley college in 1903. She studied French and German in European schools for two years, and with her mother and two sisters, one of whom has since died, she traveled extensively. Mrs. Brinkman was 54 years old. She was born in Fond du Lac, Wis. George L. Brinkman, the father of the family, was once president of the Kansas City Milling company and of the Manufacturers’ association. He died in San Arape, Guatemala, in July, 1902. There will be a double funeral at 10 o’clock to-morrow morning from the home of J. P. Prescott, 3904 Warwick boulevard, Mrs. Brinkman’s brother, where mother and daughter lie side by side. The Rev. George Reynolds of the Second Presbyterian church will officiate. The bodies will be placed in a vault in Mount Washington cemetery. Ray Brinkman, now with the Kansas City Milling company, and Miss Helen Brinkman, who was visiting in Arizona and returned when notified of the tragedy in her home, are the only surviving members of the family.20 Feb. 10, 1906 Kansas City Journal TO BE DOUBLE FUNERAL Miss Christine Louise Brinkman, whose life had been hanging in the balance since she and her mother, Mrs. Alice Prescott Brinkman, inhaled deadly carbon dioxide gas arising from a smoldering fire in the basement of their home, 3704 Baltimore avenue, died at 3 o’clock yesterday morning at the home of E. M. Clendening, next to her own home. The mother and daughter were awakened early Tuesday morning by the smell of smoke coming up through the register. They went together to investigate, as they were alone in the house. 20

MISS BRINKM AN DEAD , TOO, Kansas City Star, Friday, Feb. 9, 1906, p. 1, Kansas City Star Jan. 21, 190 6-M ar. 31 , 190 6, M icrofilm #17 0, Kansas C ity Public Libra ry.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -10mem bers.

Upon opening the basement door the fumes of the deadly gas rushed out upon them. Mrs. Brinkman was overwhelmed and fell near the front door, where she was evidently striving to reach fresh air. Miss Brinkman succeeded in turning in the alarm, and was found by the phone, the receiver of which was down. Both women were taken by the firemen to Mr. Clendening’s home where the mother died shortly. Miss Brinkman had been practically unconscious since the accident, and knew nothing of the fate of her mother. Miss Brinkman was 24 years old and was born in Kansas City. She was a graduate of the high school and had been educated in the East and abroad and was a linguist. She was the daughter of the late George L. Brinkman, former president of the Kansas City Milling Company. Only two in the family now survive. They are Ray Brinkman, who is also connected with the milling company, and Miss Helen Brinkman who was visiting in Arizona at the time of the tragedy in her home. Mrs. Jessie Walls, a sister of Mrs. Brinkman, arrived in the city last night from Los Angeles, Cal. and E. B. Cowgill, a brother-in-law, from Topeka, Kas., also arrived last night. The funeral of the mother and daughter will be at 10 o’clock this morning from the home of J. P. Prescott, a brother of Mrs. Brinkman. Services will be conducted by Rev. George Reynolds, of the Second Presbyterian church. The bodies will rest temporarily in the receiving vault at Mount Washington cemetery. The honorary pallbearers which had been selected for the mother’s funeral will also act for the daughter. They are L.S. Mohr, Judge James H. Austin, G. H. Winn, E. D. Bigelow, A. S. Johnson and E. M. Clendening. The active pallbearers for Mrs. Brinkman will be Frank Talpey, Samuel Maher, Frank B. Mitchener, O.V. Dodge, R. E. Kidder and E. C. Scoy. The active pallbearers for Miss Brinkman will be Winston Welsh, F. K. Mulford, Lester Hall, Millard Russell, Charles Moore, and Logan Clendening.21 John Paul Prescott was appointed administrator of Alice Brinkman’s estate as the executor she named in her will was a non-resident of Missouri at the time of her death.22 Alice’s estate, which consisted of cash, real estate, jewelry, wearing apparel, furniture, and a large amount of stock in the Kansas City Milling Company was valued at $51,799.27.23 Raymond and Helen Brinkman , who were single when their mother died, both married in 1907. Raymond married Ruth Stuart some time prior to April 15. While no marriage record has been found, the Kansas City Star of April 15, 1907 reported: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Brinkman are occupying their new home, 4324 McGee street.24 21

TO B E DOU BLE FUNE RAL, Kansas City Journal, Sat. Feb. 10, 1906, p. 5, Kansas City Journal Jan. 10Feb. 25, 1 908 , Microfilm #10 7, Kansas C ity Public Libra ry. 22 Probate Packet #7634 (Estate of Alice P. Prescott), Probate Court of Jackson City, Missouri, FHL Microfilm 1,418,352, frame 1223. 23 Probate Packet #7634 (Estate of Alice P. Prescott), Probate Court of Jackson City, Missouri, FHL Microfilm 1,418,352, frame 1315. 24 GOSS IP OF SOC IETY , Kansas City Star, April 15, 1907, p. 2, Kansas City Star Historical Archive, www.kansascitystar.com.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -11mem bers.

Raymond and Ruth eventually moved across the border to Kansas, but stayed in the general area for the rest of their lives. They had one adopted son, so left few descendants. Helen married Charles George Adsit on 11 December 1907.25 Helen’s wedding was announced in the Kansas City Star: At the marriage of Miss Helen Brinkman and Mr. Charles G. Adsit, which will be celebrated Wednesday evening, December 11,8 o’clock, at All Souls’ Unitarian church, Miss Margaret Cutler will be the maid of honor and Mrs. Raymond P. Brinkman, the bride’s brother, will be Mr. Adsit’s best man. . . . Miss Brinkman will be given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. J. P. Prescott. A reception following the ceremony will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Brinkman.... Miss Julie Thompson gave a most charming luncheon Wednesday in honor of Miss Brinkman. The table held an elaborate centerpiece of Killarney roses and midenhair ferns. The place cards were dainty water color sketches... On Friday afternoon Miss Brinkman was the guest of honor at an informal tea given by Mrs. Raymond P. Brinkman. The receiving rooms were unusually attractive in pink carnations and stevia....26 Helen and Charles Adsit left Missouri and lived principally in Georgia, but when their baby daughter died in Atlanta, the paper there reported: Helen, 5-month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Adsit, died Tuesday morning at 2:30 o'clock at the residence, Ponce de Leon apartments. The body was sent to Kansas City, Mo., for burial.27 Helen and Charles had one other child, Charles. She, too, left few descendants. When she died in New York City in 1984 at the age of 98, her death notice in the New York Times said she was survived by her son, one granddaughter, and one great-granddaughter.28 Helen’s baby and her husband (who died in 1935 in Des Moines, Iowa29) are buried with other Prescott and Brinkman family members in Mt.Washington Cemetery in Kansas City. 30 John Paul Prescott and his wife Martha remained in Kansas City . A history of John’s 25

Jackson County, Missouri, Marriage Book 41:581, FHL Microfilm 1,061,684. Kansas City Star, Dec. 8, 1907, p. 2, Kansas City Star Historical Archive, www.kansascitystar.com. 27 Obituary of Helen Adsit, The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia,6 Jan 1915, p. 3, digital image, www.ancestry.com. 28 Deaths, Ad sit–Helen B . on Fe bruary 12, 198 4, New Y ork T imes, undated clipping in po ssession of Beth Davies. 29 CHARLES G. ADSIT, DES M OINES RAIL PRESIDENT , DIES, newspaper clipping in possession of Beth D avies. 30 Cemetery photos, Mt. Washington Cemetery, Independence, Missouri, taken by Melissa Davies, June, 2008. 26

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -12mem bers.

life to 1908 was recorded in Carrie Westlake Whitney’s Kansas City Missouri, Its History and Its People, 1800-1908: JOHN P. PRESCOTT Among the buildings of modern construction in Kansas City is the Terminal Warehouse at Broadway and the Belt Line tracks, which was the first reinforced concrete building in this part of the west and one of the first concrete warehouses in America. Since its completion Mr. Prescott has given his undivided time and attention to its management and rental. The spirit of enterprise actuates him in all that he does and has enabled him to overcome obstacles that would have seemed an insurmountable bar to progress in the lives of other men. Born at Spirit Lake, Iowa, on the 4th of February, 1859, he is a son of John S. and Mary (Harris) Prescott. The father, a lawyer, now deceased, was a native of Boston and came west in 1845 to Wisconsin, removing thence to Iowa in 1857. He was descended from Puritan ancestry, John Prescott, the progenitor of the family in America, arriving in this country in 1640 from England. He located near Boston and founded a family which has numbered many distinguished members, including Colonel Prescott of Breed Hill fame in the Revolutionary war and William Hinkling Prescott, the eminent historian, also of the same family. Mr. Prescott was educated in the common schools of Iowa, Illinois and Mississippi, pursuing his studies to the age of fourteen years, when he began work as telegraph operator, being thus employed to the age of seventeen. He afterward herded cattle in the Pan handle of Texas for two years, after which he engaged in railroad construction as a member of an engineering party, his time being thus passed through the succeeding ten years in the west and in Mexico. Another decade was devoted to railroad contracting in Mexico and Central America and in 1898 he arrived in Kansas City, where he engaged in the milling business, in which he continued until three years ago, when he erected the Terminal Warehouse at Broadway and the Belt Line tracks. This building, the first reinforced concrete structure in this part of the west, was put up with a view of giving the most complete protection from fire and no woodwork was used in its construction. it is one of the largest warehouses of the southwest. Since the completion of the building Mr. Prescott has devoted his attention entirely to its management and is now contemplating the erection of another warehouse which the increase in his business demands. He has made judicious and extensive investments in real estate and now has considerable income property. On the 20th of December, 1892, Mr. Prescott was married at Chase City, Virginia, to Miss Martha Anderson, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a daughter of John Anderson, who was killed in the Civil war. In his political views Mr. Prescott is a stalwart republican, but without desire for office. He belongs to the Manufacturers & Merchants Association, is president of the Employers Association and is a member of the Commercial and the Kansas City Clubs. His identification with these organizations shows his deep interest in the business outlook and prospects of the city and his active cooperation in many movements which are an element in its commercial and industrial growth and improvement. He started out in life for himself with no special equipment and from the age of fourteen years has depended upon his own resources, but has eagerly availed himself of opportunities for advancement and each forward step has brought ©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -13mem bers.

him a wider outlook, leading on to larger successes.31 The beginnings of his warehouse were given in the April 11, 1905 Kansas City Star: A NEW BELT LINE WAREHOUSE J. P. Prescott is at the head of a company that will build a warehouse south of Twentyfourth street on Broadway and the Kansas City Belt Railway company. The building will be the largest building of its character in Kansas City and will be 100 x 130 feet and will be six stories high. It will be of steel and reinforced concrete. Mr. Prescott has organized a company known as the Terminal Warehouse company, that will control the property. “Work on the excavation has begun,” said Mr. Prescott this afternoon, “but the plans for the superstruction have not been determined upon. There are several systems of reinforced concrete in use and I am going East to-night to study the different systems. It will be the first large building of its kind in Kansas City.32 1908 was the beginning of a number of personal problems in John’s life and the warehouse was the scene of that first disaster. A serious accident was reported in the Kansas City Star: 16 Dec., 1908 (6 o’clock edition) J. P. PRESCOTT INJURED While operating a freight elevator at the third floor of the Terminal Warehouse company’s building at Twenty-fifth and Broadway this afternoon, J. P. Prescott, president of the company, was caught between the beams of the lift and the shaft and dangerously injured. Both of his arms and his right leg were so crushed that amputation may be necessary. After the accident, the lift continued in its downward course, carrying the injured man, until a foreman, seeing Mr. Prescott lying on the floor, jumped aboard and stopped it. None of the employees saw the accident and when taken from the lift, Mr. Prescott was unable to tell how he had been injured. He was taken to the South Side hospital, at Thirtieth and Main streets. Mr. Prescott lives at 3904 Warwick boulevard.33 17 Dec., 1908 (The Morning Kansas City Star) AN ELEVATOR CRUSHED HIM In an elevator accident at the Terminal Warehouse company’s building at Twenty-fifth 31

Carrie W estlake W hitney, Kansas City Missouri, Its History and Its People, 1800-1908 (Chicago: The S. J. Clarke :Publishing Co., 1908), 620-623. 32 A NEW BELT LINE W AREH OUSE , Kansas City Star, April 11, 1905, p. 1, Kansas City Star Historical Archives, www.kansascitystar.com. 33 J. P. Presc ott Injured, K ansas City Star, De c. 16, 19 08, K ansas City Star H istorical Archives, www.kansascitystar.com.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -14mem bers.

street and Broadway at 2:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon J. P. Prescott, president and manager of the company, received injuries that made necessary the amputation of his left arm and right leg at the South Side hospital. The operation ws performed by Dr. J. F. Binnie, assisted by Dr. St. Clair Streett. Mr. Prescott sustained the shock of the operation very well, the surgeons said, and has a good chance to recover. Nobody witnessed the accident. J. F. Van Hatten, a foreman, who was on the lower floor at the time, heard a cry for help coming from the freight elevator shaft. He ran to investigate. The car was passing the level of the floor when he reached the cage, descending to the basement. In the car lay Mr. Prescott, crushed and bleeding. Van Hatten jumped down six feet to the platform of the car and stopped it. The injured man was conscious. He was taken immediately to the South Side hospital by Dr. Ward H. Leonard, who was called. From what Mr. Prescott was able to tell me,” said Mr. Van Hatten, “he was on the third floor and had attempted to board the car as it descended. He pulled it down from the fifth floor by the rope which operates it. It is probably that he raised the gate and attempted to jump to the platform while it was moving. His foot slipped probably and the floor of the car caught and crushed him.” Mr. Prescott’s left arm and right leg were badly crushed and he received a simple fracture of the right arm between the elbow and the shoulder. Mr. Prescott lives at 3904 Warwick boulevard. He organized the Terminal Warehouse company about three years ago. Previous to that time he was for nine years manager of the Kansas City Milling company. He is 52 years old.34 17 Dec. 1908 (Last Edition) J. P. PRESCOTT IS BETTER J. P. Prescott, who was injured yesterday afternoon in an elevator accident at the Terminal Warehouse company’s building, Twenty-fifth street and Broadway, passed a fairly restful night at the South Side hospital. This morning his condition was improved. His left arm was amputated at the elbow and his right leg below the knee. Dr. St. Clair Stree is attending him.35 18 Dec. 1908 (6 o’clock edition) J. P. PRESCOTT’S RECOVERY CERTAIN J. P. Prescott, who was injured Wednesday in an elevator accident at the Terminal warehouse, Twenty-fifth street and Broadway, continues to improve at the South side hospital.


AN E LEV ATO R CR USH ED H IM, T he Mo rning Kansas City Star, Dec.17, 1908 , p. 1, Kansas CityStar Historical Archives, www.kansascitystar.com. 35 J. P. PRES COT T IS B ET TE R, Kansas City Star, Dec. 17, 1908, Last edition, p. 1, Kansas City Star Historical Archives, www.kansascitystar.com.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -15mem bers.

Recovery is certain, it was said at the hospital this morning.36 13 Jan. 1909 (Last edition) J. P. PRESCOTT WILL RECOVER The condition of J. P. Prescott, president of the Terminal Warehouse company, who was injured December 16 in an elevator accident in the company’s warehouse, is improved. His recovery is now assured. Mr. Prescott’s left arm and right leg were amputated. he is at his home, 3904 Warwick boulevard.37 Five years later, it was deja vu . The Kansas City Star reported on 28 Nov. 1913: VICTIM OF ELEVATOR ACCIDENT The condition of John P. Prescott, president of the Carnes Artifical Limb company, 904-6 East Twelfth Street, who is in the German Hospital because of a dangerous scalp wound received while operating a freight elevator in the factory of the limb company Wednesday afternoon, was said by Dr. J. F. Binnie this morning to be improving steadily. Mr. Prescott’s head was caught between the landing and gate of the elevator. His life was saved by pushing the gate away from the car far enough to permit it to pass without crushing his head. This is the second accident he has had from a freight elevator. The first was five years ago when he was working at the terminal warehouse, 2422 Broadway, for the same company of which he is now president. owing to the failure of the elevator to work properly, Mr. Prescott suffered the loss of a leg and an arm.38 John’s next problem was of an entirely different sort and took place on May 22, 1920. DAY HOLDUP ON 12TH Another daylight payroll robbery took place at Twelfth and Campbell streets shortly before 11 o’clock today. The hold-up lasted not longer than three minutes. Three bandits escaped with $2,063.03, the payroll of eighty employees of the Carnes Artificial Limb Company, 904-906 Eat Twelfth Street. A black bag containing the money was seized from Mrs. William A. Huddleston, 4208 Chestnut avenue, bookkeeper of the artificial limb company, as she alighted form a motor car after a visit to the First National Bank, Tenth street and Baltimore avenue. Two youthful, well dressed men participated in the actual robbery, while another man sat at the wheel of a slow running “chummy” roadster, which is believed to have followed the car containing Mrs. Huddleston. 36

J.P. PRESCOT T’S RECOVER Y CERT AIN, Kansas City Star, Dec. 18k, 1908, 6 o’clock edition, p. 1, Kansas City Star Historical Archives, www.kansascitystar.com. 37 J. P. PRES COT T W ILL REC OV ER, Ka nsas City Star, Jan. 13, 1909, last edition, p. 1, Kansas City Star Historical Archives, www.kansascitystar.com. 38 VICT IM O F ELE VAT OR A CCID ENT , Kansas City Star, Nov. 28, 191 3, p. 24, Kansas City Star Historical Archives, www.kansascitystar.com.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -16mem bers.

As one of the bandits sized the money bag Mrs. Hudelston, a middle aged woman, tightened her grasp on the handle, but she was forced to remove her fingers after the other robber struck her a sharp blow across the wrist with his fist. J. P. Prescott, president of the artificial limb company, who had accompanied the bookkeeper to the bank, leaped from the car parked at the entrance to the artificial limb company and attempted to rescue the money bag form the bandits. Prescott, who wears an artificial leg and an artificial arm, was struck a fist blow, that tumbled him to the sidewalk. Prescott, dazed, was lifted to his feet by Mrs. Huddleston. Both watched the bandit trio speed south on Campbell street. James Davis, negro chauffeur employed by Prescott, drove Prescott and the bookkeeper on the trip to the bank. Davis sat open mouthed in Prescott’s car while the hold-up took place. He said later the robbery happened so quick he didn’t have time to aid his employer. The daring robbery happened at a moment when few persons were on the street. Prescott’s car returned from the bank by way of Eleventh street, turning south on Harrison street, then west on Twelfth street to the entrance of the Artificial Limb Company. None of the occupants of the car recalled seeing a pursuing car. The car containing the bandits rolled quietly alongside Prescott’s car and never came to a full stop. The police trailed the car used by the bandits to Twelfth street and Forest avenue, where the robbers abandoned the car in front of the home of Charles Wuerth, 1216 Forest avenue. Wuerth told the police he saw three men jump from the car and run north on Forest avenue. The black money bag of the artificial limb company was lying on the floor of the car. The bag was empty, except for rubber bands that had been placed around paper money. The police later learned the car–a Chandler–belonged to Miss Myrtle K. Hartzell, 3504 College avenue. Miss Hartzell, who is private secretary for C. R. Cook of the C. R. Cook Paint Company, 1319 Grand avenue, told the police her car had been stolen from Fourteenth street and Grand avenue, where she had parked it shortly before 8 o’clock today. One of the bandits who seized the money bag wore a brown suit; the other a dark blue suit. The men appeared about 25 or 28 years old. The police have only a meager description of the man who drove the other two bandits.39 Several follow-up articles appeared concerning the robbery: PICK ANOTHER IN HOLD-UP (May 27, 1920) Another man, Louis Thompson, 24 years old, was identified today as one of the trio who participated Saturday in the daylight holdup in which $2000, the payroll of the Carnes Artifical Limb Company, was stolen. Thompson was identified by J. P. Prescott, president of the company, and Mrs. William A. Huddleston, secretary who were taking the money from a downtown bank to the company’s offices 904-6 East Twelfth street. 39

DAY HO LDUP O N 12 TH, Kansas City Star, May 22, 1920, 6:30 edition, p. 1, Kansas City Star Historical Archives, www.kansascitystar.com.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -17mem bers.

A robbery charge was filed against Thompson by the prosecutor. He denied the charge when arraigned before Justice J. J. Dougherty and was remanded to jail in default of $3,500 bond to await preliminary hearing June 1. Lawrence Lasson, manager of the Liberty Messenger Service, was identified yesterday as another of the men. Thompson was arrested last night with Joe Lapetina in a room at the Randall hotel, 403 East Ninth street, by Hugh Dougherty and Phil McGuire, detectives. Today they were placed in the “showup” room at headquarters. Thompson was picked out by both Prescott and Mrs. Huddleston, but they could not identify Lapetina. Mrs. Huddleston asserted that Thompson was the man who seized the hand grip containing the money from her. Detectives said they found an opium smoking outfit in the hotel room where Thompson and Lapetina were arrested. Thompson denies any connection with the hold-up and refuses to make a statement. Lasson also denies participation. The hold-up was near Twelfth and Campbell streets. Prescott and Mrs. Huddleston were driving with the money to the offices when a small sedan containing three men drove alongside and forced the grip from Mrs. Huddleston and knocked Prescott down when he attempted to prevent the robbery.40 BEGAN LASSON TRIAL, TOO (August 11, 1920) Immediately after the trial of Robert J Murray, also known as Roy Wilson, payroll bandit, yesterday in Judge E. E. Porterfield’s court, a jury began to hear highway robbery charges against Lawrence Lasson. Lasson is charged with being one of the bandits who robbed officials of the Carnes Artificial Limb Company of $2,063, May 22, in front of the factory, 904-906 East Twelfth street. Lasson, an Italian, is proprietor of a messenger service. He has been identified as one of the bandits. J. P. Prescott, president of the company, took the stand as the sate’s first witness. He told of going to the First National Bank with Mrs. W. A. Huddleston, bookkeeper for the concern, in a motor car for the payroll. “As we stepped out of the car on our return from the bank I saw a man step toward Mrs. Huddleston. I hear a voice say, “Give me that bag.” “I saw the bag of money drop and I reached for it. I was then confronted by a man who struck me on the chest and knocked me to the sidewalk.” “Did you have ample opportunity to observe the man who attacked you?” Hunt Moore, prosecutor, asked. “I did,” was the answer.” “Then who was he?” “There he sits before me,” Prescott said emphatically, pointing to Lasson. Prescott said the face of the bandit had made an impression on his memory which was 40

PICK AN OTH ER IN H OLD-UP , Kansas City Star, May 27, 1920, p. 14, Kansas City Star Historical Archives, www.kansascitystar.com.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -18mem bers.

difficult to efface. John T. Barker, attorney for Lasson, cross-examined the witness nearly forty-five minutes on details of the hold-up, endeavoring to entangle the witness in a mesh of discrepancies. “Why didn’t you have your chauffeur, who was a witness to the hold-up, subpoenaed to testify here?” Barker asked. Judge Porterfield ruled it was not a part of Prescott’s duty in the trial to issue subpoenas for witnesses and was not required to answer. The trial was adjourned at 5:30 o’clock until today at 9 o’clock. Louis Thompson, aslo held in the Carnes robbery, is scheduled for trial this week.41 John’s death certificate indicated that he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound on 5 Feb. 1926 in Kansas City. 42 The Kansas City Star report of the suicide included one more accident that had happened two years earlier: JOHN PRESCOTT A SUICIDE John Paul Prescott, president of the Carnes Artificial Limb Company, committed suicide today with a pistol in the company’s offices, 904 East Twelfth street. Mr. Prescott was 70 years old and lived at 3904 Warwick boulevard. Worry over financial affairs and ill health were attributed as the cause. Mr. Prescott entered his private office at 8:30 o’clock, the usual time. Two hours later employees heard a shot. Mrs. W. A. Huddleton, a clerk, found Mr. Prescott dead in a chair. He had shot himself in the right temple with an automatic pistol. W. T. Carnes, secretary of the company, said Mr. Prescott had been worrying over the financing of an automatic phonograph which the company planned to add to its operations. Mr. Prescott lost the sight of an eye in a motor car accident two years ago and had not been in good health since. That was another factor attributed by Mr. Carnes. With Mr. Carnes, Mr. Prescott founded the artificial limb company fifteen years ago. Largely prompting their venture was the loss in 1908 by Mr. Prescott of his right leg and left arm in an elevator accident. Mr. Carnes’s right arm is off. Mrs. Prescott was attending a meeting at the Second Presbyterian church, Fifty-fith and Oak streets, when notified of her husband’s death.43 The Kansas City Journal of Feb. 7, 1926 reported: SERVICES FOR J. P. PRESCOTT TO BE TOMORROW 41

BEG AN LASSO N TR IAL, TOO, Kansas City Star, August 11, 1920 City Edition, p. 1, Kansas City Star Historical Archives, www.kansascitystar.com. 42 Death Ce rtificate of John P aul Presco tt, Misso uri State Bo ard o f Hea lth, copy in possession of Beth Davies. 43 JOH N PR ESCO TT A SUIC IDE, K ansas City Star, Friday, Feb. 5, 1926, p. 2, Kansas City Star February 192 6, M icrofilm #43 6, Kansas C ity Public Libra ry.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -19mem bers.

Funeral services for John Paul Prescott, 70 years old, 3905 Warwick bouldevard, will be held at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon in the Second Prebyterian church, Fifty-fifth and Oak streets. Mr. Prescott shot himself at his offices in the plant of the Carnes Artificial Limb company. He had been connected with the firm since its establishment here seventeen years ago and was president of the company at the time of his death. The Rev. a. D. Wolf, supply pastor for the Second Presbyterian church, will conduct the services. Active pall bearers will be: H.A. Parker Dr. M. W. Pickard Paul Mohr Landry Harwood Dr. David B. Robinson Gus Schmierer Honorary pall bearers will be: James B. Welsh Dr. H. A. Baker L. S. Mohr A. G. Norris L.L. Marcell Andrew Young F.J. Buschow C. G. Hutchinson Dr. J. H. Laning William H. Brennon J. G. Park R. E. Hil O. P. Blake Burial will be in Mt. Washington cemetery.44 From the Kansas City Star, Monday, Feb. 8, 1926: PRESCOTT–John P. of 2904 Warwick blvd., died Friday, aged 70 years. Funeral services will be from the Second Prebyterian church, 55th and Oak sts. Monday afternoon, February 8, at 2 o’clock. Burial in Mt. Washington cemetery.45 John’s widow, Martha, moved to California following his death and appears in the 1930 census living in Riverside with two of her sisters.46 She died in Riverside 6 March 193647 and is buried with John Paul Prescott, and their baby son in Mt. Washington Cemetery, Independence, Missouri, Block 2, Lot 380. Buried near them are Alice and Christine Brinkman and baby Helen Adsit and her father, Charles George Adsit.48 44

SERVICES FOR J. P. PRECOTT TO BE TOM ORROW , Kansas City Journal, Sundy, Feb. 7, 1926, p. 2A, Kansas City Journal Feb. 1,1926-M ar. 2, 1926, Microfilm #271, K ansas City Public Library 45 PR ESCO TT , Kan sas City Star, M onday, Feb . 8, 1926, p . 17, K ansas C ity Star February 1926, M icrofilm #43 6, Kansas C ity Public Libra ry. 46 1930 U.S. Census, Riverside, California population schedule, Riverside City, part of Ward 5, E.D. 33-44, sheet 19b, dwelling 561, family 565. 47 California Death Index, www.vitalsearch.com. 48 Letter and plot map from Harold Oliver, Mt. Washington Cemetery, postmarked 2 May 2008, copy in possession o f Beth D avies.

©Beth Davies AG, 69 W . 108 0 N ., American F ork, U T 8 400 3. Permission is granted to print and share with fam ily -20mem bers.

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