K-info 1603-1604

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  • Words: 737
  • Pages: 16
K-Info 16 March 2004 - 14 April 2004

K-Info is a free INFOservice of Association KAKKAMPI. The project aims to provide migrants relevant information about Switzerland: its laws, culture & its people. The project uses SMS technology. Once a day, K-Info subscribers recieves an SMS message containing info/news/ updates. To subscribe: Send an SMS message to +41 76 545 9679 with message: < SUBSCRIBE, full name > To unsubscribe: Send an SMS message to +41 76 545 9679 with message: < UNSUBSCRIBE, full name >

16-03-2004-OK OAV Update: +SEA based OFWs can VOTE starting from 12March-10May +LAND based OFWs can VOTE starting from 11April-10May @PhilMission (Open Weekends) 17-03-2004-OK PhilElection *Pres GloriaMacapagalArroyo FernandoPoeJr PanfiloLacson RaulRoco EddieVillanueva *Vice LorenLegarda NoliDeCastro HerminioAquino

18-03-2004-OK aboutSUISSE 3 Branches of d’STATE +Legislatif(PARLIAMENT-LegislateLaws) +Executif(GOVERNMENT-ImplementLaws) +Judiciare(TRIBUNAL-Penal,Civil,Admin) 19-03-2004-OK aboutSUISSE FederalAuthorities Legislatif: Bicameral System +Counseil National-200Rep. elected every 4yrs +Counseil des Etat-46Rep. 2per Canton 22-03-2004-OK aboutSUISSE Federal Authorities: Executif Conseil Federal -7 Members -elected by Federal Assembly -4yr term -each member heads a gov department

23-03-2004-OK aboutSUISSE FedAthorities Judicaire TribunalFed -Lausanne -30Judge -electedfor 6yr byFedAssembly TribunalFed.desAssurance -Lucerne -9Judge 24-03-2004-OK aboutSUISSE Federal Legislatif Conseil Federal & Conseil des Etats -is a bicameral system -both convene 4 ordinary sessions/yr -3 weeks/session

25-03-2004-OK aboutSUISSE The Conseil Federal & Conseil des Etats r normally separate but on certain circumstances, convenes as one chamber: ASSEMBLEE FEDERALE 26-03-2004-OK aboutSUISSE ASSEMBLEE FEDERALE Elect: -Conseillers Fédéraux -Pres.&Vice Confederation -Chancelier Confederation -Fed.Judges -Pres.du TribunalFed

29-03-2004-OK aboutSUISSE Executif Federal *Conseil Federal w/ 7members elected for 4yrs governs SUISSE on principle of COLLEGIALITE. Decisions r made as a group 30-03-2004-OK aboutSUISSE President of ConseilFed, elected for 1yr, directs weekly meetings of gov but does NOT have more power than other members of ConseilFed 31-03-2004-OK aboutSUISSE Since 1959, the composition of ConseilFédéral is guided by “la formule magique” where the 4 major party divide the 7 seats of ConseilFed.

01-04-2004-OK aboutSUISSE Formule MAGIQUE - 4 major party divides 7seats of ConseilFed: *Radical=2 *Démocrate Chrétien=2 *Socialiste=2 *Démocrate du Centre=1 02-04-2004-OK KAKKAMPInews *K-Info BOOKLET now AVAILABLE. The booklet contain SMS sent from 09Feb - 13March. Get a copy from KAKKAMPI or Geneva-Manila Express

05-04-2004-OK KAKKAMPInews *FrenchClasses @KAKKAMPI SAT 17h-19h FRI 19h-21h (NEW) enrol @0765459679 *KAKKAMPI participates @60th UN CHR asPart ofMRI delagation 06-04-2004-OK aboutSUISSE 7 Departments of Fed.Gov -Economy -Foreign Affairs -Interior -Transport,Com,Energy -Finance -Military -Justice & Police

07-04-2004-OK aboutSUISSE 11SUISSE PoliticalParty-list1 LEFT *PdT-Parti suisse du travail *PS-Parti socialiste suisse PdT,PS support REGULARISATION campaigns 08-04-2004-OK aboutSUISSE List 2 - 11 SUISSE Political Party CENTRE *PES-Parti ecologiste suisse *AdI-Alliance des Indépendants *PDC-Parti démocrate chrétien

09-04-2004-OK In this HolyWeek Let us PRAY *4 Migrant Workers who sacrifice 2better d lives of their FAMILIES *4 EMPLOYERS 2give JUST&FAIR WAGES according 2 d LAW 13-04-2004-OK aboutSUISSE List 3 - 11 SUISSE PoliticalParty RIGHT *PRD-Parti radical democratique *PLS-Parti liberal suisse *UDC-Union democratique du centre 14-04-2004-OK PRAYER 4 NICANDRA @16h30 today MASS will be celebrated 4 NICANRA.As a COMMUNITY, let us join her FAMILY in PRAYER as they go thru this difficult time

28 January 2004. Tragedy struck the Filipino Migrant Worker community in Geneva. On this day, NICANDRA DE LOS SANTOS died together with her dreams and aspirations. At a young age of 23 she died far from her country and her family. On the 15th of April 2004, her body was flown back home.

This spread is dedicated in her memory so that we may not forget our obligation as a community to prevent another tragedy from happening again. Let us build a community where there is RESPECT and SUPPORT for each other. Our PRAYERS & ACTIONS can make a difference.

K-Info is supported by Best of Uniform Shop

Chemin de Sur-Beauvent 2b Confignon Tel.: +41 79 752 7626

Geneva-Manila-Express Remittance Agency

Rue de Mont-Blanc 21 (1st Floor) Tel.: +41 22 731 7916 Fax: +41 22 731 7917

Steve Mendez Design 3 Place des Charmilles 1203 Geneva Tel.: +41 22 796 0509 Tel.: +41 79 256 9972

Other Projects of Association KAKKAMPI Learning French. Classes are held at 36 Rue de Zurich, 1201 Geneva. - Saturday (17h00-19h00) - Friday (19h00-21h00) K-Cafe. An Internet Cafe for migrants which has 8 computers with video and voice capabilities and connected to the internet using a 2MB ADSL access. The service is FREE for members of KAKKAMPI. K-Forums. Association KAKKAMPI organizes regular forums to provide a venue to discuss issues affecting migrant workers.


Association KAKKAMPI 3’eme Rue de Zurich 36, 1201 Geneva +41 76 545 9679 * [email protected]

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