Justification & Righteousness

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,411
  • Pages: 5
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Job mentioned that the stars YHVH created do not sin and yet they are not worthy and pure like Him to come into His presence how much less is man who is sinful. & %

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Isaiah reveals to us the key to being declared Righteous; you have to be in YHVH. Isaiah did not mention obedience or good works or following Torah, he says Israel needs to be IN HIM. What does it mean to be IN HIM. This is what Paul quoted in his letter to the Galatians: * .

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This was not a new concept Paul received from the Holy Spirit; He got the insight from the TaNak in Job and Isaiah. They did the Torah even without the assurance of Righteousness and Salvation, they knew it was only through faith IN YHVH and His grace that they would be saved. Y’shua is YHVH’s Salvation and He is YHVH revealed in the flesh. They believed in YHVH’s Grace as found in the sacrificial System and we have Righteousness in the Sacrificial System as fulfilled by Y’shua the Lamb of YHVH Who was sacrificed for us. Faith in Y’shua the Messiah is faith in YHVH’s Sacrifice Who is Y’shua. To be declared righteous, you have to hand in your sentence of death in exchange for the right to live. This process is called Repentance and Faith. You acknowledge that you have sinned and you repent from that and through faith you receive His forgiveness by accepting YHVH’s Sacrifice. This cannot happen without Y’shua because He is the Sacrifice and there are no longer animal sacrifices.


First of all, because we love Him [John 14:15, John 15:10] YHVH placed Adam in the Garden to protect the Two Trees in the Garden, which represents the Torah. Adam had to protect the Torah from the Serpent. The Serpent attacks the Torah through his lies. YHVH placed the sons of Aaron (Levites) in the entrance of the Tabernacle to protect and guard the Torah and to teach others to keep it pure as Adam was supposed to do. We are also placed in this world to guard and keep His Torah by guarding it against the Serpents lies, to live it out and to teach it to others. This is the fulfilment of the task that was originally given to Adam in the Garden of Eden. What was Adam’s first job? To give names to the animals. Gen 1:20 reads as follows in Hebrew:

Viaqara, Adam, Shemot – And he called, Adam and names. These are the names of the two books after Genisis; “Viaqara” (Leviticus) and “Shemot” (Exodus) and in between is “Adam” or man. What happened between Exodus and Leviticus? 1

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The phrase “…if any man…” would normally use the word “ish” but in this verse it uses “Adam” which is not normal. Why would YHVH use Adam in this verse? It is because Adam is between Exodus and Leviticus as we have seen in Gen 2:20 where he had to name the animals. What has this to do with following Torah? Adam is created in the same form as YHVH created animals, namely “nephesh”. In Leviticus, Adam had to bring the “nephesh” (his flesh or animals) to the Tabernacle to sacrifice. In the same way, we as “Adam” (man) needs to bring our flesh to YHVH as a living sacrifice because our flesh stands between YHVH and us. How do I bring a living sacrifice? By submitting your flesh under Torah so that its ‘flaws’ can be removed by following the Torah and you will be closer to YHVH at the end of the process receive His Name (Shemot – He will call you by a new Name). 9

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Obeying Torah is the same as bringing your flesh to the Altar so that the “animal” or your flesh may be consumed and removed and you can be in YHVH’s presence. What does this living sacrifice entails?


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To sum it up, to be a living sacrifice is to: • • • • • •

Submit your flesh to follow Torah to “consume” your fleshliness with His Word, conforming to it. Praising YHVH continually Confessing and proclaiming His Name (Character), tell people about Him and Who He is. Do good, (Mitsvots) as prescribed in the Torah regarding your neighbour. Submit to those leading you. Pray for your fellow believers so that they can stay committed to following YHVH and His Torah. To pray for you Elders so that they can bring the Truth that is not defiled.

The Torah is not for salvation, but to begin and end the restoration process and to bring you closer to YHVH. It is also there to preserve your faith and protect you from falling away while you travel through your “wilderness” or life. * %


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Torah is not designed for the flesh, to make you feel good, it is like the wilderness, it is to let the flesh die and to let your spirit grow.


To be “IN HIM” is not to be “IN THE FLESH” but to bring your flesh on a daily basis to die so that you can maintain your position “IN HIM”. ? +0 & < & .

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The first two verses deal with Him being our Sacrifice and only IN HIM we can be declared righteous through His blood and our repentance. The last verse deals with the administration IN HIM which is His Body that should be in UNITY IN HIM. This is another aspect of being IN HIM that we cannot ignore and deeds to strive towards. That is why Hebrews 13:17 includes our sacrifices or gifts to YHVH to be submission under the authority He has put in place to ensure this UNITY IN HIM.

It is only through Repentance and forgiveness that I can exchange my death penalty for His Life. This is why faith in Y’shua (Sacrifice/Gift to us) is the ONLY way for Redemption. This is through His Blood. What we also need is Sanctification or Set-Apartness as preparation as the Bride of Messiah. This is the Restoration process that must be completed and this is through our sacrifices (gifts) to Him as seen in Hebrews. This is where we follow Torah to “keep” our Redemption in tact (you can loose it if you backslide and not repent afterwards), and to put your flesh on the altar on a daily basis to “consume” that which is between you and YHVH. This is not to be saved but to improve your relationship with Him and to know Him. $

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We need the blood (Redemption) and the water (Sanctification) of Messiah to be fully restored back into His Kingdom.

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