Junior Reg Rules Word

  • October 2019
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* pocket folder with worksheets * lab notebook * looseleaf paper * #2 pencils * one blue or one black pen and one red pen * On-Line Biology Book by M.J. Farabee http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/BioBookTOC.html WORKSHEETS: Each student will be given a worksheet packet to begin each section or chapter. You will be expected to have this packet in your possession for each class and you will be expected to complete assigned worksheets. The teacher will regularly require the student to look up the vocabulary for the chapter. GRADING: The grading system used in this class is a point system. Your grade will be determined from the ratio of your points to that of the total points for the quarter. You are strongly encouraged to keep a record of your grades so that you can check it with the teacher's records. Your evaluation in Honors Biology will be determined by the following: HOMEWORK: The teacher will regularly assign and collect homework including worksheets and laboratory write-ups. It is expected that the honors student will complete all write-ups. Anytime that a student does not complete an assignment on time 50% of the grade will be deducted. If the student still has not completed the assignment after the second day the grade will become a ZERO. LAB WORK: Your lab work is your professional work and as such, it is expected to be completed on time. The teacher will collect your lab notebooks once or twice a quarter and grade all labs up to that point. It is the responsibility of the student to keep her lab work up to date. QUIZZES: You will frequently be given a brief quiz covering the topics studied since the last quiz or test. These quizzes are usually 20 to 50 points. Quizzes are usually a combination of short answer essay and fill-in-the-blank questions. TESTS: You will generally be given 2 to 3 tests during each quarter. These tests will usually cover one chapter and will have a much higher point value than the quizzes. RE-TESTS: You are welcome to take one re-test on ANY of the tests during the semester. This re-test grade will be averaged with the original test grade and that average will replace the original grade.

CLASS PRESENTATION OR PROJECT: Each student will be expected to complete and present a 10-minute lecture and/or activity in the fourth quarter . Topics will be drawn from a list of biological subjects in the area currently under discussion. Each activity must include an outline or worksheet, supplementary audio-visual material and a bibliography of various sources. Each assignment will be worth 75 points. MAKE-UP WORK: Any time that you are absent from school and miss quizzes, tests or assignments it is YOUR responsibility to make arrangements to complete the work promptly. Absence from school does not excuse you from the work. Work not made up promptly will become zeros. EXTRA CREDIT: Usually extra credit will have to be attained through attendance on field trips. These trips will usually be to local sites of biological interest (such as fossil hunting, hikes or tours of the Zoo or Aquarium). These trips will usually be after school or on weekends. The extra credit grade will be determined from either a collection made as a consequence of the trip or from a quiz on the material covered during the trip. Honors students will usually be limited to one major extra-credit opportunity per quarter. CLASS PARTICIPATION: I would like to develop a classroom atmosphere in which there is frequently a free flow of ideas among all participants. All students are encouraged to ask questions about the topic under discussion and are expected to participate in class discussions. BEHAVIOR: Each student will be expected to abide by the school rules in the classroom. The guiding rule in the classroom is respect for others. This is demonstrated through attentiveness and politeness such as not speaking when someone else has the floor. Infractions such as not staying on task, sleeping in class, talking out of turn or excessive complaining about the demands of the honors program will merit the consequence of a violation. All violations will be accompanied by one or more detentions. Cheating (academic dishonesty) is expressly prohibited by the Notre Dame Handbook and will not be tolerated. Cheating will is punishable by a ZERO on the item in question in addition to further disciplinary penalties. A student found guilty of cheating will not be permitted to make up the work. At no time may a student publicly challenge the authority of a teacher as this completely disrupts the learning process. Excessive complaining about the demands of the honors program will be treated as a form of disruption. If you have any questions on appropriate behavior please see the teacher outside the classroom. Definition of disruption: “Any action on the part of a student that hinders or prevents the teacher from conducting the class in his normal and comfortable manner.”

I understand the rules set above and agree to observe those rules to the best of my ability. Student signature Date _______________________________________


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