Junior Ap English Thesis Author Essay 1

  • Uploaded by: Virginia Warfield
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  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 1
Junior AP English

Thesis Author Essay #1: Evaluating Your Novel 2008-2009 After completing the second reading and annotation of your first novel written by your Thesis Author, write a 3-4 page (double spaced) literary essay in which you address the following assignment: Is this novel “good” or “great?” What is your evaluation of this novel? Does this novel meet your criteria for an excellent novel? Use appropriate and convincing support from the novel in the form of quoted passages and specific evidence. Your essay should make a compelling argument about how this novel does or does not (or does a little of both) meet your criteria for a good book. As such, your essay will need to define and discuss your criteria and apply these criteria to the novel in specific ways. Be sure to use proper MLA formatting when you quote text from the novel (use parenthetical page numbers to indicate where in the novel the quoted material is located.) Due dates: First Draft:__Thursday, Nov. 6 Final Draft: Thursday, Nov. 13

A reminder about my late-work policy:  

All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the assigned due date. There are no exceptions. CO MPUTER PRO BLE MS ARE NO T A N EX CU SE. If a student is absent due to illness, medical appointment, or field trip, the student must still turn in the assignment that day, which can be done in the following ways: a. Send your assignment with a friend or neighbor, or bring it to me yourself. b. Ask a teacher or secretary to place the assignment in my mailbox before you leave on a field trip. In dire circumstances, e-mail your assignment to [email protected], and th en p rov id e a hard c op y u po n y ou r ret ur n, or mail your assignment to me (postmarked on the due date) at: Gran t H ig h Sc hoo l 2245 NE 3 6 th A ve. Po rt la nd, Ore gon 97212 Attn .: Ms. W arf iel d If you know you will be away on a due date, turn your assignment in early.

If these steps are not followed, then the assignment is late. You will be graded down for each day that it is late. I will accept assignments up to a week late, but not later. The best practice is to complete your assignment WELL AHEAD of the due date, rather than waiting until the night before or morning it is due. Manage your time effectively! DO NOT ASK ME TO PRINT YOUR ESSAY ON THE DAY IT IS DUE.

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