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Pastor Jan Marcussen P. O. Box 68 - Thompsonville, IL. 62890. Phone - 618-627-2357. Fax 618-627-2712 My web-sites are Reg6.com & HenryPotter.biz - My newest website is WBNS.US June Y2K+5.



that thou sawest was, and is

not; and shall

ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into Exhibit #1


and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” Dear SDA friends around the world, I can hardly believe it, but the article in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, which headline you Exhibit #2 - World, April 30, 2005 OUR SUNDAY VISITOR, 5/15/05. see below, reveals that the president of the U.S. has actually “signed legislation” which will give Americans “national identification cards.” Can you believe that? We thought that “some day” it would happen, but the paper says that the president has already signed the legislation. It’s called “The Real ID Act.” Bang! It happened suddenly. Will anything else happen suddenly? The article says that the law takes affect in 36 months, and that it will turn your And what is the significance of being “a driver’s license into a national identification card. This brings us a step pontiff of the Second Vatican Council?” It was closer to the enforcement of the mark of the beast by providing one in that council that the highest officials of the Holy See planned the final inquisition for true more vehicle for the enforcement of it. It also brings us another step Protestants, and a future massacre, according closer to the coming of Jesus. to the Ex-Jesuit priest - as you heard on the Does the devil have to wait for 36 months before the first Sunday taped interview with him and Jack Chick. That law can be passed? I don’t set any dates, but if our kind Father allows will be fulfilled by the coming Sunday law. it, the first initial Sunday law can come by “presidential proclamation” - {like the one from Constantine did in 321 A.D.}, as quickly, and as suddenly as this “Real ID” law has. The first one may have no more teeth in it than “Mother’s Day,” but after it’s passed, there will be debates over the issue, during which time, the law will get stricter and harsher - with stiffer penalties - as crimes, terrors, wars, and calamities are happening all around. {Many of these things are happening now!} During these debates, God’s holy angels, and His people will be enlightening the world on the subject of God’s law, and His holy Sabbath day in particular. This will be the final “shaking” for May 12, 2005 God’s church, and when this Sunday law inspired shaking is over, God’s SDA church will be totally pure - so pure, that from the woods and caves, and jails, it will be clinging to Jesus for dear life - and never let go - until it sits on God’s throne in heaven. Praise the Lord! Get ready to meet thy God oh Israel. Faith: Why is Osama bin Laden giving the Masonic finger?

2 Pastor Jan: It’s because he’s a high mason, and part of the masonic “brotherhood” in the Vatican New World Order. Have you ever wondered why they haven’t caught him? Being wanted in connection with terrorist murders, officials in Afghanistan offered to turn him over to President Bill Clinton - but he wasn’t interested. Just yesterday on the news the reporter said, “Osama bin Laden paid bribes to the Afghan militias who were assigned to find him. A spokeswoman for the officials says that Afghan forces told bin Laden that they knew where he was, and that he could be arrested, but they would look the other way in exchange for cash.” World leaders, as masonic “brothers,” follow orders from their superiors - many of them not realizing who’s at the top. You’ve learned that the pope is the head mason in the world, who “wears the ephod” - and that certain world leaders “. . . receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. Rev. 17:12, 13. One result of this is the new “inquisition.” Much of the new inquisition is against real criminals, but the principle allows for it also to be against real Protestant Christians. As you learned in my letter last month, as head of the “holy inquisition” for many years, the new pope is poised to assist Catholic leaders, church members, and anyone else he can {especially in America} to “come into line.” As revealed in the article in World magazine, represented in exhibit #2, he is known as the “Enforcer.” Roman Catholic Bill O’Riley said on the radio that even Catholic leaders have been afraid of him - especially if they step out of line with “church” doctrine. The May 8 issue of OUR SUNDAY VISITOR said, “In the summer semester of 1965, University of Munster students of then Father Joseph Ratzinger predicted the imminent conversion of a Protestant theology student who was a regular in the lecture room. They said, “Faced with Ratzinger, the strongest man capitulates.” It’s easy to see why this may be the perfect man to lead in the new “inquisition.” The last pope did his work as the “Appeaser.” Now they’re ready for the “Enforcer.” Joseph Ratzinger in 1943, in Hitler’s army. His The groundwork is being laid right now {under cover, and early life is discussed in unbeknown to the masses [see RH 2/7/93]} for the Sunday law to this April 30 issue of World. come. The new “inquisition” is also going on in ways that the masses haven’t dreamed of. The April, 2005 issue of Cherith Chronicle, says, “The Gulfstream 5 jet always departs from Washington for destinations such as Uzbekistan, a dictatorship where the secret police are notorious. The Gulfstream 5 jet, leased by agents from the U.S. Defense Department and CIA, always departs from Washington. It has flown to 49 destinations outside America, including the Guantanamo Bay prison camp in Cuba, and other U.S. military bases. Its registration number is N379P. It is known as the “Torture Jet” - as represented in exhibit #1. “The Gulfstream 5 made at least seven trips to Uzbekistan, a dictatorship allied with the United States in the war on terror, where, the Sunday Times wrote, ‘The secret police are notorious for their interrogation methods, including the alleged boiling of prisoners.’ “‘I have come across many cases of rape in front of family members whom they wish to extract information from,’ Craig Murray, the former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, said recently on Swedish television. ‘I have postmortem photos of a corpse. These show that the person was boiled to death.’” Exhibit #3 - U.S. NEWS & [In exhibit #3 you see a man who was tortured in what the May 23 issue of U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, May 23, WORLD REPORT, calls the “interrogation express.” It reveals that the U.S. sent him to 2005 Jordan, and from thence, driven to Syria, where he was tortured for 12 months. After that, he was released without being charged with anything. The Cherith Chronicle continues - ] “The Washington Post, Boston Globe, and Chicago Tribune, all recently reported on the “Torture Jet.” “Disguised agents from an elite American military unit, answering directly to the White House, are allowed to take command on Swedish soil, contrary to Swedish law. In a secret and brutal operation, two Egyptians who have asylum in Sweden are kidnaped and brought to Egypt to be tortured,’ Kalla Fakta reported.” Cherith Chronicle continues by describing how that after the men were arrested by Swedish security police, Americans arrived, wearing black ski masks, and took the men to the “Torture Jet” after they were blindfolded and hoods put over their heads. [This is the way Jesuit “men in black” work.] “The Gulfstream 5 has completed at least 72 such operations in more than 30 countries, Laurin reported. And it always follows the same pattern. ‘After takeoff from its home base in Smithfield, N.C., it makes a short stop at Dulles International Airport, close to CIA headquarters, and the Pentagon. It flies exclusively to countries that are allied with the U.S. in the fight against terror: Morocco, Libya,

Egypt, Jordan, Uzbekistan, and Pakistan. ‘These are far beyond the reach of American and International Courts,’ said Christopher Bollyn, in “Ghost Planes Make Suspects Disappear,” American Free Press, Jan. 24, 2005.’” The act of the U.S. sending people to other countries, where they are tortured - after those countries say they don’t torture people, and the U.S. remains innocent, is called “rendition” as you see mentioned on the front cover of The Weekly Standard in exhibit #4. It has a whole article on it. Kenneth Roth, executive director of “Human Rights Watch,” said, “Governments that Exhibit #4 - The Weekly Standard, engage in torture always try to hide what they’re doing.” May 16, 2005. Cherith Chronicle now tells of a remarkable 1,249 page book called The Torture Papers: The Road to Abu Ghraib, edited by Karyn J. Greenberg, executive director of the Center on Law and Security at the New York University School of Law; and Joshua L. Drexel, president of the New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. It says, “This documentation has set forth to the world, how, through legal reasonings [from the Jesuits of Rome] torture has become acceptable.” “Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, said, ‘Each page tells the story of U.S. leaders consciously willing to ignore the fundamental protections that guarantee all of us our humanity. I fear for our future. Read these pages and weep for our country, the rule of law, and victims of torture everywhere.’” These things give us just a little hint that it won’t take a long long time until the minds of people and leaders are shaped to enforce the devil’s Sunday law - to come into the open - maybe as suddenly as this “Real ID” law - {giving us “National ID Cards,”} has suddenly appeared - and has been signed by the president. In this letter, you’re going to learn several things. One is that the Bible verse at the top of page one reveals that spiritually speaking, the Vatican ascends “out of the bottomless pit.” That not only refers to atheism, but it also refers to spiritualism in the context of Rev. 17. From the ex-Jesuit priest, and other sources, we learn that head Vatican men are professedly Christian, but are virtually atheistic {without God} - wrapped up in spiritualism spiritualism - into which the devil will “sweep the whole world.” Watch closely -

3 In the following quote, I underline the parts that we’ll talk about. ““Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of spiritualism. . . As spiritualism more closely imitates the nominal Christianity of the day, it has greater power to deceive and ensnare. Satan himself is converted, after the modern order of things. He will appear in the character of an angel of light. Through the agency of spiritualism, miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed, and many undeniable wonders will be performed. And as the spirits will profess faith in the Bible, and manifest respect for the institutions of the church, their work will be accepted as a manifestation of divine power. “The line of distinction between professed Christians and the ungodly is now hardly distinguishable. Church members love what the world loves and are ready to join with them, and Satan determines to unite them in one body and thus strengthen his cause by sweeping all into the ranks of spiritualism. . . Papists, Protestants, and worldlings will alike accept the form of godliness without the power, and they will see in this union a grand movement for the conversion of the world and the ushering in of the long-expected millennium.” GC 588,589. Let’s look now at the points above that are underlined. 1) Protestants will grasp the hand of spiritualism. Will they all go to fortune tellers? No. It’s more tricky than that - even to themselves. 2) Spiritualism imitates nominal Christianity. 3) Satan himself is converted - which means that he is in church with them. He likes their church services now. 4) It professes faith in the Bible. 5) It has respect for the institutions of the church. 6) Under this new spiritualistic church, you can hardly tell any difference between a church member and a nonchristian person walking down the street. 7) Church members love what the world loves. After church, they go out - with their consciences feeling better - after hearing a Christianized form of Satan’s comforting message to Eve - “Ye shall not surely die,” and they go back to their pleasures, money-making, and food. They don’t think much about overcoming sin or being missionary workers for God, because the message made them feel good about themselves. They heard that God accepts them just the way they are - with no instruction as to how to receive the grace of God by faith to stop doing the selfish things they’re doing to their faces, bodies, stomachs, and to others. The virtual message is, “Ye shall not surely die.” It’s comforting. It’s the new spiritualism from the beast out of the bottomless pit! This is why Satan is a church member now. As time goes by, there will also be more miracles, and appearances from Satan’s angels in the form of dead loved ones - telling people that Jesus has changed God’s Sabbath to Sunday. There will be more falling on the floor, dancing in the isles, speaking in Satan’s tongues, miracles, healings, and supernatural things. But even now, what most preachers are preaching today is part of the new spiritualism, and the people don’t know it. “Ye shalt not surely die.” That’s just the message that most everyone wants to hear! Do you believe that? The sentimental “love” of God is talked about, but the law of God, the standards of God, the justice and warnings of God - {though possibly mentioned slightly as a smokescreen}, are downplayed. In the new spiritualism, loving warnings about the judgement of God are not given. No training is given by most pastors to church members to teach them how to give the old fashioned Bible studies which really ground the people in godliness - with sweet peace of mind - and give God’s last warning message of love {the three angels’ messages} to their city or town. Indeed, church members are kept in such slumbering ignorance that they don’t know or care whether or not such a warning of love even exists! Satan knows that under the new spiritualism, the three angels’ messages - containing the love of God, the law of God, the Sabbath of God, the warnings of God, and the power of God, cannot and will not be given.. Many pastors who preach like this are friendly and loveable, and the church members are satisfied. They wouldn’t dream that this is from the beast “out of the bottomless pit,” [identified in GC 273]. Do you see why dear Jesus is going to cleanse His church soon? Wonderful news! He is in control! He knows what’s going on! His tender love hasn’t changed! We know this is going to happen soon from 9T 228. Not surely die? To tell you the truth, I like that message myself! Faith: What? Pastor Jan: l like it! Dear Jesus liked it too. Listen - “All His life Christ had been publishing to a fallen world the good news of the Father’s mercy and pardoning love. Salvation for the chief of sinners was His theme.” DA 753. Praise God! That wonderful message is still true now! I love it! I love to

think of the tender love of God - for me personally! Think of it - for you! I love the “grace abounding to the chief of sinners!” Don’t you? I love the wonderful words of Romans 5:1 - “Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” God said it, and I believe it! Praise God! It brings peace and joy to our hearts! And look at this - “The message of hope and mercy is to be carried to the ends of the earth. Whosoever will, may reach forth and take hold of God’s strength and make peace with Him, and he shall make peace. No longer are the heathen to be wrapped in midnight darkness. The gloom is to disappear before the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness. The power of hell has been overcome.” COL 418. [Praise God!] The wonderful message of the grace of God to His faithful people is also telling them - “Ye shalt not surely die.” Faith: How can that be? - since that’s the devil’s message, and the message of the spiritualist preachers? Pastor Jan: You see, the devil usually tells you the truth - just enough to kill you. In his new spiritualism from the beast out of the bottomless pit, it’s what he leaves out that’s dangerous. The devil knows that “Out of sight, out of mind.” Both the devil and Jesus preach that “Ye shalt not surely die” - but the difference is, our Saviour tells it to you on the condition of letting Him save you from sin - forever. The devil tells it to you on the condition of living in sin {until you’re forever dead.} Most people like the devil’s version best. Our Lord Jesus warns everyone against misery and death from the service of Satan, while the devil warns people against surrendering totally to Christ, and promises life and happiness in sin. He’s happy for the people to go on sinning and rejoicing in the love and grace of God until they burn up in hell. It’s very tricky. I praise God that we don’t need to be fooled. The masses of church members don’t realize that something in the messages that they’re hearing week after week is missing. They don’t realize that there’s almost nothing in the comforting message they hear to warn them from going home and sinning some more. The new spiritualism gives them the impression - “I’ll just sin and ask forgiveness, and be accepted by God’s grace just as I am, and then sin and ask forgiveness, and be accepted just as I am, and then, go to heaven.” What a deception! They don’t realize that they are developing a character for heaven or hell now, and that even one sin persistently cherished will plunge them into the lake of fire! In the “new spiritualism” preaching, there’s nothing to wake them out of a sin-loving stupor - to cry out to God for deliverance from sin and “self” forever! There’s nothing in it to teach them how to be filled with the Holy Spirit of God by an absolute, total surrender of their wills to Him in loving, peaceful, happy trust, and intimate communion - to set them on fire, and send them out with the love of God burning in their hearts to reach the poor, the sick, and reach thousands for Jesus with His three angels’ messages. This is why most people come out of church quite spiritually dead - still filled with personal problems, and still doting and toddling around with the ABCs of the Christian life, instead of being mighty teachers of the last message of God! I Praise God that His people don’t have to stay that way! We can be mighty teachers for God - reaching many thousands with God’s mighty three angels’ messages - filled with the Holy Spirit! Soon, God’s people, walking with Christ like Enoch did will turn the world upside down {see Acts 17:6} with God’s last mighty message. Jesus will give you this experience. Seek it like Enoch did & you’ll have it! Lay hold of Jesus like Jacob did - and you’ll have Him! This happy experience with King Jesus scares the devil to death! I thank our kind Father that He still has godly pastors. I find them especially in small churches. If you listen to the message of your pastor for six to ten weeks in a row, and hear from him the “new spiritualism” - as described above, and what Sweet Vennita described as “Gerber,” and “goo goo ga ga,” our kind Father will teach you what to do. GC 565 & 581 bring to view the “new inquisition” we talked about. It’s going on in a number of ways even now. Why, just the other day, a man called and said that the government is suing his conference for twenty million dollars. Hope: Why? Pastor Jan: He said that the government is suing them for medical fraud - that is, charging the government program of medicare far more than what they owed. A number of other hospitals have also been caught for doing the same. Charity: But if the “Health System” “gypped” the government out of millions of dollars, why are they suing the conference? Could it be that the conference men had nothing to do with it, and possibly didn’t even know about it? Pastor Jan: You saw on one of my CCA videos, the wife of a pastor who was on the Union Committee, talking about the Health System being in so much debt that she said it could go bankrupt at any time, but the lawyers were wiggling

4 the Union Committee, telling in front of my video camera, about things that were going on including the tremendous debt of the Health System. She said that God made the Health System to be the “right arm” of God’s work, but since they separated it from the church - in order to give the M.D.s and Exhibit #5. Why did they do this? health workers money they went to the bank of another nice church in the gigantic salaries, plus other things, the health work has state and withdrew their four hundred thousand dollars. become like an arm that has been cut off of a body - That was very helpful to the conference men, as they spiritually dead. She said that she was afraid that the needed it very much. government was going to “come after” the conferences, Faith: How did the other church feel when they found and the churches, and require money from all of them to that their $400,000 was gone? pay off the humongous debt of the dead “right arm.” Pastor Jan: I hope that they felt very happy for the I told her that I wasn’t afraid of that happening - since conference men, since “It is more blessed to give than to the Health System is a separate corporation from the receive.” conference. She said that the lawyers were wiggling this Charity: Who gave? way and that - trying to hold off bankruptcy of the Health Pastor Jan: Are we in the “new inquisition” now from System. It appears that they have been successful for a the beast out of the bottomless pit? Let’s look at the old number of years - especially since some of the Health inquisition and we’ll learn something about the new one. System hospitals have united with Roman Catholic The prophet of God said, “History is repeating itself.” RH hospitals - as I’ve shown you before in my letter. And our 4/20/97 & DA 258. kind Father, in His mercy and love, has been holding In view of the horrors of the past and of the future, here judgements off - for a while. The answer to your question in the new inquisition, I’ll say for the ninety third time that is that, now, it might be that the government is suing the as an ordained SDA minister, I’m standing in loyal conference because they know that they are supposedly defense of God’s 6000 year old SDA church against the connected somehow in the same denomination. At any Roman Catholic attack going on against it. rate, what the pastor’s wife was afraid of some years ago, In the author’s forward to the book Great Controversy, may be happening in a small way now. But remember the prophet revealed that for us to learn lessons from the that our mighty God is in control, and nothing touches His past - as to what to do in view of the events of the future, people except for their good, and by His permission. is one main reason why the book Great Controversy was The man also revealed that the conference wanted to written. give his large church a new pastor. After the church was “Pope Paul III established, in 1542, a permanent informed that the new man had had a little thing going with another man’s wife, the church “rebelliously” refused congregation staffed with cardinals and other officials, whose task it was to maintain and defend the integrity of to receive him. the faith, and to proscribe errors and false doctrines. [This He sent me a copy of a letter from the conference was the very year after the Jesuits were formed.] This president to the local church leaders, telling them that it body, the congregation of the Holy Office, now called the was the conference who decides who the pastor will be, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, [which the new and it is the church who is to receive him - whoever he is. pope has been the head of for many years] became the Because of the rebellious position of the church - the supervisory body of local Inquisitions. The Pope appoints conference evidently disbanded the entire church, one of the cardinals to preside over the meetings. There because he said, “The church did not exist. The North Miami church did not exist. And in order to get their are usually ten other cardinals on the Congregation, as funds [from the bank,] they had to form a corporation.” well as a prelate and two assistants, all chosen from the You see a small part of Dominican Order.” A Brief History these articles in exhibit #5. of the Inquisition, by Robert Jones. They didn’t form a new James Arrabito revealed that Dear A. Jan Marcussen, I was baptized as an infant in the Roman denomination. later, the Jesuits took over the Catholic system, and confirmed in my faith, but Sure enough, he said inquisition from the Dominicans, quit attending the Catholic church and was that soon after the church and “turned it into a terrible stumbling around until a Christian woman made their own engine.” Are you ready to go back brought me to Jesus Christ. I started attending corporation, and put the to the future? Here we go. church, and later asked the minister why our church money into a new “No church within the limits of church observes Sunday. He could not give me account, the conference Romish jurisdiction was long left an answer from the Bible. Then I got your book men contacted the bank to undisturbed in the enjoyment of “National Sunday Law.” Certainly it answered take the money. freedom of conscience. No sooner my prayers and questions! Before the pope died Faith: So what had the papacy obtained power I waited to see if he would change the Sunday observance back to God’s Sabbath of the Bible. happened? than she stretched out her arms to It did not happen. I’ve noticed that here in Pastor Jan: The money crush all that refused to Washington State, more seventh day churches was gone from the old acknowledge her sway, and one are on the increase. I spoke with a friend about church account, and the after another the churches the Sabbath of God today, and I will let her read conference men were submitted to her dominion. . . . my NSL book. Now I’m going to be ordering NSL disappointed. The funds “But of those who resisted the books to give to others. I feel so good! And yes, had been transferred - just encroachments of the papal power, the truth has set me free! Glory to God! I thank a short time earlier - into the Waldenses stood foremost. In God for you and God’s truth and I love God! the new church account the very land where popery had Foremost of importance is sharing God’s truth that the conference men fixed its seat, there its falsehood with anyone and everyone we can! May God bless you, in Christ our Saviour. Amen and didn’t know about. They and corruption were most amen! Thank you again for the book “National might have badly needed it steadfastly resisted. [Praise God.] Sunday Law!” Thank you for exposing people to to help them in their For centuries the churches of God’s truth! Thank you for passing the love of lawsuit with the Piedmont maintained their God along to me and others! It is a blessing government. independence; but the time came from the heavenly Father! Glory to God! He said that in view of at last when Rome insisted upon Deborah Spencer the conference’s need for their submission. After ineffectual

5 struggles against her tyranny, the leaders of these churches Dear Sirs: reluctantly acknowledged the supremacy of the power to which the Someone gave me your book called whole world seemed to pay homage. There were some, however, “National Sunday Law.” I read it two times and who refused to yield to the authority of pope or prelate. They were I see that you people have lots of information determined to maintain their allegiance to God and to preserve the that should be made known to our whole purity and simplicity of their faith. . . . Those who adhered to the nation. I have friends that are interested in ancient faith now withdrew; some, forsaking their native Alps, what you reveal in your book. I want to get raised the banner of truth in foreign lands. many more of them to send to many people. From what I hear on the radio and in the news, “Theirs was not a faith newly received. They contended for the it appears that we are about to enter the great faith of the apostolic church – ‘the faith which was once delivered tribulation. Pretty soon, the Catholic Church unto the saints.’ Jude 3. ‘The church in the wilderness,’ and not the is going to use certain countries to attack our proud hierarchy enthroned in the world’s great capital, was the true nation, the bastion of Protestantism. I want to church of Christ, the guardian of the treasures of truth which God hear from you people – “Real Soon.” Forest has committed to His people to be given to the world. C. Moore “Among the leading causes that had led to the separation of the true church from Rome was the hatred of the latter toward the Bible Pastor Jan Marcussen, Sabbath. As foretold by prophecy, the papal power cast down the First and foremost I want to thank you for truth to the ground while the traditions and customs of men were the book “National Sunday Law.” This book exalted. The churches that were under the rule of the papacy were opened my eyes and heart more than ever in early compelled to honor the Sunday as a holy day. It was only by my life. The knowledge obtained through your fleeing from the power of Rome that any could obey God’s law in writings I will now share with everyone I can. peace. I no longer do common work on God’s holy “The Waldenses were among the first of the peoples of Sabbath day. Thank you so much again. It Europe to obtain a translation of the Holy Scriptures. They had the would be a blessing if you would send me your follow-up book “Geat Controversy.” My truth unadulterated, and this rendered them the special objects of mind and heart are starving for more, more! hatred and persecution. They declared the Church of Rome to be God is good, all the time! Thank you for the apostate Babylon of the Apocalypse, and at the peril of their sending me your newsletters. They are lives they stood up to resist her corruptions. [Praise God!] . . . uplifting to my spirit and mind. Sincerely Under the fiercest tempests of opposition they maintained their Brian faith. Though gashed by the Savoyard spear, and scorched by the Romish fagot, they stood unflinchingly for God’s word and His honor. [Praise God!] “Behind the lofty bulwarks of the mountains – the Waldenses found a hiding place. Here, for a thousand years, witnesses for the truth maintained the ancient faith. . . The Waldensian missionaries were invading the kingdom of Satan, and the powers of darkness aroused to greater vigilance. . . “The very existence of this people, holding the faith of the ancient church, was a constant testimony to Rome's apostasy, and excited the most bitter hatred and persecution. Their refusal to surrender the Scriptures was an offense that Rome could not tolerate. She determined to blot them from the earth. . . . “Pope [Pius III] ordered ‘that malicious and abominable sect of malignants,’ if they ‘refuse to abjure, to be crushed like venomous snakes.’ No charge could be brought against the moral character. Their grand offense was that they would not worship God according to the will of the pope. For this crime every humiliation, insult, and torture that men or devils could invent was heaped upon them. “They saw that under the guidance of pope and Dear author of “National Sunday Law,” priest, multitudes were vainly endeavoring to obtain My name is John. I’m 19 years old. I just finished pardon by afflicting their bodies for the sin of their your book. I truly believe God sent you to save his souls. Taught to trust to their good works to save them, people. I grew up in a Baptist church background. When they were ever looking to themselves, their minds I turned 13, I stopped going because of all the people in dwelling upon their sinful condition, seeing themselves church who were acting like the devil. A pastorexposed to the wrath of God, afflicting soul and body, psychologist has been seeing me. I asked him if he yet finding no relief. Thousands abandoned friends and believes that if you ask Jesus into your heart, and yet you kindred, and spent their lives in convent cells. By still willingly live a life of sin, you will go to heaven. He oft-repeated fasts and cruel scourgings, by midnight said “Yes.” I strongly disagree. I also asked him about the vigils, by prostration for weary hours upon the cold, Sabbath. He said that he worships on Sunday because Christ rose from the dead on that day. I know now that damp stones of their dreary abode, by humiliating he’s ignorant about the Bible, because the Bible does not penance and fearful torture, thousands vainly sought to teach that. I’m going to enlighten him on what the Bible obtain peace of conscience. Oppressed with a sense of teaches on that subject before it’s too late. He’s sin, and haunted with the fear of God's avenging wrath, expecting me at church tomorrow. I’m not going. I’m many suffered on, until exhausted nature gave way, and going to tell everyone what I’ve found in your book. My without one ray of light or hope they sank into the tomb. fiancée is with me all the way on my journey closer to “The Waldenses longed to break to these starving God. I truly believe that God has sent you. I’m ordering souls the bread of life, to open to them the messages of more “National Sunday Law” books to pass out to all the peace in the promises of God, and to point them to churches in my area. I’m also ordering your follow-up Christ as their only hope of salvation. The doctrine that book, “Great Controversy.” Thanks to you, many people good works can atone for the transgression of God's will finally open their eyes and wake from their sleep to law they held to be based upon falsehood. Jesus died as follow God’s law, not man’s. You will always be in my a sacrifice for man because the fallen race can do prayers. I can’t wait until that glorious day when we will nothing to recommend themselves to God. The merits of meet each other in heaven. May God be with you always and forever. Amen. Love, John a crucified and risen Saviour are the foundation of the P. S. Do you know anyone in the Atlanta area that I Christian's faith. can worship on God’s Sabbath with? Please let me know. “The Saviour was represented as so far devoid of sympathy with man in his fallen state that the mediation of priests and saints must be invoked. Those whose Praise God! This is just a tiny bit of the minds had been enlightened by the word of God longed to point results of the bulk mailing we did to Atlanta these souls to Jesus as their compassionate, loving Saviour, to reach another million people in the great 40 Million Man March! Can you imagine how standing with outstretched arms, inviting all to come to Him with exciting it’s going to be in heaven when you their burden of sin, their care and weariness. They longed to clear and I see thousands of these dear people who away the obstructions which Satan had piled up that men might not responded from the 40 Million Man March that see the promises, and come directly to God, confessing their sins, we’ve been doing together? And dear Jesus and obtaining pardon and peace. gets all the praise and glory, for only He has “Eagerly did the Vaudois missionary unfold to the inquiring mind saved them and us. Now we’re reaching the precious truths of the gospel. Cautiously he produced the another million souls in Philadelphia, and carefully written portions of the Holy Scriptures. It was his greatest from this city, we are getting more responses joy to give hope to the conscientious, sin-stricken soul, who could than from any other city. Now we have about see only a God of vengeance, waiting to execute justice. With 95% of what we need to finish reaching a million souls there. If God impresses you to quivering lip and tearful eye did he, often on bended knees, open help us to reach this goal, just mark it below. the precious promises that reveal the sinner's only hope. Thus the Because of this privilege of working with light of truth penetrated many a darkened mind, rolling back the Jesus for souls, heaven will truly be heaven! cloud of gloom, until the Sun of Righteousness shone into the heart with healing in His beams. It was often the case that some


Dear Pastor Marcussen, I was in my car and saw an SUV with a magnet sign on the side which said “National Sunday Law.” I was with my business partner and said “Those people are Seventh-day Adventists.” The sign penetrated my heart. That was Friday afternoon. Later that day I broke into tears because I knew I had been breaking God’s Sabbath by working on His holy day. I got the book “National Sunday Law” and read it. I’m quoting now a little of what you say in the book. It touched my heart - “You can see that in Revelation 18:4, when God says “Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues,” He’s calling you. It’s a love call. It’s God’s last call to all bornagain believers to separate themselves from organizations, no matter how friendly their members may be which are not obeying Jesus fully, and keeping all of God’s commandments.” Now I know that Jesus did not bring me here to this point for nothing. I want to do what He wants me to do. Now I’ve got to get out of this business that makes me work on His Sabbath. God says, “Lay not up for yourselves treasure on earth . . . for where your treasure is, there shall your heart be also.” Thank you Pastor Jan. In Christ, Sheryl

portion of Scripture was read again and again, the hearer desiring it to be repeated, as if he would assure himself that he had heard aright. Especially was the repetition of these words eagerly desired: ‘The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.’ 1 John 1:7. [Praise God!] “Many were undeceived in regard to the claims of Rome. They saw how vain is the mediation of men or angels in behalf of the sinner. As the true light dawned upon their minds they exclaimed with rejoicing: ‘Christ is my priest; His blood is my sacrifice; His altar is my confessional.’ They cast themselves wholly upon the merits of Jesus. “The assurance of a Saviour’s love seemed too much for some of these poor tempest-tossed souls to realize. So great was the relief which it brought, such a flood of light was shed upon them, that they seemed transported to heaven. Their hands were laid confidingly in the hand of Christ; their feet were planted upon the Rock of Ages. [Praise God! This is going to happen again! God’s 144,000 will be the Waldenses of our day! By God’s grace, you can help lead precious souls to the lovely Jesus. You can get to them God’s saving three angels’ messages - and the devil can’t stop it!] “So great would be the wonder and admiration of the listeners that the messenger of mercy was not infrequently compelled to cease his reading until the understanding could grasp the tidings of salvation. Often would words like these be uttered: ‘Will God indeed accept my offering? Will He smile upon me? Will He pardon me?’ The answer was read: ‘Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give your rest.’ Matthew 11:28. “Faith grasped the promise, and the glad response was heard: ‘No more long pilgrimages to make; no more painful journeys to holy shrines. I may I’m scheduled to speak at the come to Jesus just as I am, sinful and unholy, and He will not spurn my SDA church in South Hill, VA. Sabbath, June 11. The church will prayer. ‘Thy sins be forgiven thee.’ Mine, even mine, may be forgiven!’ meet that day in the South Hill [Praise God!] Elementary school auditorium. “A tide of sacred joy would fill the heart, and the name of Jesus would be Directions - Go SW on I-85 from Petersburg for 55.6 miles, & get off magnified by praise and thanksgiving. Those happy souls returned to their on exit 12. Turn R onto US 58 homes to diffuse light, to repeat to others, as well as they could, that they had {Atlantic St.} & go .9 mile. Turn R found the true and living Way. There was a strange and solemn power in the onto High School Ave. & go 400 feet words of Scripture that spoke directly to the hearts of those who were longing to the school at 313 Franklin St.. Sack lunches are provided, but for the truth. It was the voice of God, and it carried conviction to those who bring food if you wish. At 11 a.m. heard. . . the topic is “When Beauty Meets the “The messenger of truth went on his way; but his appearance of humility, Beast.” At 3 p.m., on the two giant his sincerity, his earnestness and deep fervor, were subjects of frequent screens - the topic is “The New World Order, the Sunday Law, and remark. . . Could he have been an angel from heaven? they queried. the 144,000.” With the urgency of “In many cases the messenger of truth was seen no more. He had made his the shortness of time, and the love way to other lands, or he was wearing out his life in some unknown dungeon, of the lovely Jesus, it will move you. or perhaps his bones were whitening on the spot where he had Don’t miss it! witnessed for the truth. But the words he had left behind could not be destroyed. They were doing their work in the hearts of men; the I will still give 100 extra NSL preachers free blessed results will be fully known only in the judgment. to all who get 1000 for a donation of 39¢ each with free shipping to help save souls for whom “The persecutions visited for many centuries upon this Jesus shed His blood in the little time we have God-fearing people were endured by them with a patience and before there’s no time left to save anyone. constancy that honored their Redeemer. Notwithstanding the crusades against them, and the inhuman butchery to which they were subjected, they continued to send out their missionaries to scatter the precious truth. They were hunted to death; yet their blood watered the seed sown, and it failed not of yielding fruit. Scattered over many lands, they planted the seeds of the Reformation that began in the time of Wycliffe, grew broad and deep in the days of Luther, and is to be carried forward to the close of time by those who also are willing to suffer all things for ‘the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.’” GC 62-77. Praise God friend! Praise God! Your friend in Christ, Pastor Jan

Please send me with 100 extra NSL preachers free because I’m ordering 1000 NSL preachers to help save souls for a donation of 39¢ each with free shipping ____. Send me 2000 NSL preachers for a donation of 39¢ each, with 200 NSL preachers free, and to come free to the one week medical missionary soul-winning school the middle of August __. I want 100 NSLs for a donation of 53¢ each with free shipping __. I want 200 NSL preachers for a donation of 49¢ each with free shipping ___. Please send me Pastor Jan’s new book for young people entitled Cousin Henry Potter {and the Terrible Time Machine} for my donation of $15 ___. Please send me 2-9 for a donation of $10 each __, 10 for $8 each___. Please use this donation to help bulk mail NSL preachers to reach another million souls in Philadelphia in the great 40 Million Man March_____. Send me the 15 part CCA video series for a donation of $150 with free shipping ____. Send me just one of the 15 videos - part # ___, for a donation of $10, with free shipping ___. Number of books ____ videos ___ Amount of donation $___________ U.S. Name ____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Address ________________________________________________City ________________________Zip_______ Make checks to M.V. Society of SDAs, P. O. Box 68, Thompsonville, Il. 62890 6.05

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