Julia - Script Based On The Novel Julia

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 3,316
  • Pages: 15
Scene 1 Julia is the daughter of Datuk Bakar and Datin Maznah. She is eighteen years old and now studying in one of the top college in Kuala Lumpur. Datuk Bakar, her dad, is a successful businessman and has two wives, Datin Maznah and Ummi Sarah. Because of both her parents, Datuk Bakar and Datin Maznah were always busy with their business, Julia mixed with Rasyid, Mona and Lisa. With them, she began to forget her duty as a student and a daughter. One night, around midnight….

Scene 2 Julia was tiptoeing to the stairs when suddenly…..

Scene 3 It’s been a month after her dad sent her to study here, in Australia. On a bright, sunny day, Julia was walking along the path, watching the kids playing around when someone bumped into her….

Scene 4 Julia and the other student were studying when someone knocked on the door. They all looked out, to see Khairil, Julia’s uncle. His face was serious, mixed with sadness.

Scene 5 In Julia’s room. Julia cried while the others trying to sooth her down. All of them cried along as the sadness filled the surrounding. It was a week after her parents’ funeral. All of her friends in Australia came to give her courage and also to give the last

Scene 6 Julia was reading the paper after finished tidying the house. Suddenly someone grabbed the paper and threw it away.

Scene 7 Two months after that. Julia was walking to buy her grocery when someone called her name. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Since then, Julia and Jun became best friends. With the help from Jun, Ummi Sarah, her step-mother and her other friends, Julia continued her life. She inherited her dad’s company. Even though she always busy with the business, she managed to divide her time for business and for her family and friends.

Scene 1 Mona : So, girl, remember tomorrow, okay? Rashid : Yeah, Julia. Tomorrow we’re going to have a PARTY!!! Julia : I know but my parents beginning to give pain in my neck. Lisa : They want you to be a good girl (laughing) Mona, Rashid and Lisa : (teasing) Oh, good girl. Julia : (annoying) Shut up, guys. You’re going to wake my parents up with this. Better I get in now. Good night, guys. Mona, Rashid and Lisa : Good night, Julia.

Scene 1 Mona : So, girl, remember tomorrow, okay? Rashid : Yeah, Julia. Tomorrow we’re going to have a PARTY!!! Julia : I know but my parents beginning to give pain in my neck. Lisa : They want you to be a good girl (laughing) Mona, Rashid and Lisa : (teasing) Oh, good girl. Julia : (annoying) Shut up, guys. You’re going to wake my parents up with this. Better I

get in now. Good night, guys. Mona, Rashid and Lisa : Good night, Julia.

Scene 1 Mona : So, girl, remember tomorrow, okay? Rashid : Yeah, Julia. Tomorrow we’re going to have a PARTY!!! Julia : I know but my parents beginning to give pain in my neck. Lisa : They want you to be a good girl (laughing) Mona, Rashid and Lisa : (teasing) Oh, good girl. Julia : (annoying) Shut up, guys. You’re going to wake my parents up with this. Better I get in now. Good night, guys. Mona, Rashid and Lisa : Good night, Julia.

Scene 1 Mona : So, girl, remember tomorrow, okay? Rashid : Yeah, Julia. Tomorrow we’re going to have a PARTY!!! Julia : I know but my parents beginning to give pain in my neck. Lisa : They want you to be a good girl (laughing) Mona, Rashid and Lisa : (teasing) Oh, good girl. Julia : (annoying) Shut up, guys. You’re going to wake my parents up with this. Better I get in now. Good night, guys. Mona, Rashid and Lisa : Good night, Julia.

Scene 2 Dato’ Bakar : Stop right there, young lady. Julia : (murmuring) What the hell is it now, this old man…

(giving them a smile) Mom, dad, you’re not sleeping yet? (unwillingly walking to them) Dato’ Bakar : What time is it now? Julia : (looking at her watch) Err… 12.10 p.m. Dato’ Bakar : I’ve told you few many times already. Get back before 10.00 p.m. Julia : But, dad… Datin Maznah : Julia, listen to your father. Dato’ Bakar : What are you doing with that friends of yours? I don’t want you to mix with them anymore, you understand me? Julia : But they’re my friends. Datin Maznah : You can find friend better than them. Julia : Oh, shut up you guys. You make me headache. Dato’ Bakar : I beg your pardon? Is this the way you’re talking with your parents? Julia : Ergh… give me some space, will you. I’m already sleepy. Good night. (beginning to walk away) Datin Maznah : Wait. We have something to tell you. Julia : (turning around slowly) What is it? Can’t you just wait until tomorrow? Dato’ Bakar : That’s it. That’s the last straw. Julia, go pack your things. Tomorrow we’re going to send you to my brother’s house, in Australia. You’re going to continue your study there. Julia : But… Dato’s Bakar : Nothing will change my mind. Go to your room now! Julia : I hate you (crying, running away)

Scene 2 Dato’ Bakar : Stop right there, young lady.

Julia : (murmuring) What the hell is it now, this old man… (giving them a smile) Mom, dad, you’re not sleeping yet? (unwillingly walking to them) Dato’ Bakar : What time is it now? Julia : (looking at her watch) Err… 12.10 p.m. Dato’ Bakar : I’ve told you few many times already. Get back before 10.00 p.m. Julia : But, dad… Datin Maznah : Julia, listen to your father. Dato’ Bakar : What are you doing with that friends of yours? I don’t want you to mix with them anymore, you understand me? Julia : But they’re my friends. Datin Maznah : You can find friend better than them. Julia : Oh, shut up you guys. You make me headache. Dato’ Bakar : I beg your pardon? Is this the way you’re talking with your parents? Julia : Ergh… give me some space, will you. I’m already sleepy. Good night. (beginning to walk away) Datin Maznah : Wait. We have something to tell you. Julia : (turning around slowly) What is it? Can’t you just wait until tomorrow? Dato’ Bakar : That’s it. That’s the last straw. Julia, go pack your things. Tomorrow we’re going to send you to my brother’s house, in Australia. You’re going to continue your study there. Julia : But… Dato’s Bakar : Nothing will change my mind. Go to your room now! Julia : I hate you (crying, running away)

Scene 2

Dato’ Bakar : Stop right there, young lady. Julia : (murmuring) What the hell is it now, this old man… (giving them a smile) Mom, dad, you’re not sleeping yet? (unwillingly walking to them) Dato’ Bakar : What time is it now? Julia : (looking at her watch) Err… 12.10 p.m. Dato’ Bakar : I’ve told you few many times already. Get back before 10.00 p.m. Julia : But, dad… Datin Maznah : Julia, listen to your father. Dato’ Bakar : What are you doing with that friends of yours? I don’t want you to mix with them anymore, you understand me? Julia : But they’re my friends. Datin Maznah : You can find friend better than them. Julia : Oh, shut up you guys. You make me headache. Dato’ Bakar : I beg your pardon? Is this the way you’re talking with your parents? Julia : Ergh… give me some space, will you. I’m already sleepy. Good night. (beginning to walk away) Datin Maznah : Wait. We have something to tell you. Julia : (turning around slowly) What is it? Can’t you just wait until tomorrow? Dato’ Bakar : That’s it. That’s the last straw. Julia, go pack your things. Tomorrow we’re going to send you to my brother’s house, in Australia. You’re going to continue your study there. Julia : But… Dato’s Bakar : Nothing will change my mind. Go to your room now! Julia : I hate you (crying, running away)

Scene 3 Jun : Oops… I am so sorry. (helping Julia to stand up) Julia : (smiling) It’s okay. Jun : (looked stun to see her) Julia : (frowning) Are you okay??? (waving in front of his face) Jun : (came back to earth) err… yeah… yeah… I’m okay Julia : (shrugging) If you say so. Jun : I’m Jun Julia : Julia Jun : Julia. So, are you living here or… Julia : I’m studying here. Hey, I have to go. (walking away) Jun : (murmuring) She looks just like her, just like sis.

Scene 3 Jun : Oops… I am so sorry. (helping Julia to stand up) Julia : (smiling) It’s okay. Jun : (looked stun to see her) Julia : (frowning) Are you okay??? (waving in front of his face) Jun : (came back to earth) err… yeah… yeah… I’m okay Julia : (shrugging) If you say so. Jun : I’m Jun Julia : Julia Jun : Julia. So, are you living here or…

Julia : I’m studying here. Hey, I have to go. (walking away) Jun : (murmuring) She looks just like her, just like sis.

Scene 4 Khairil : Excuse me, can I see Julia, please. The teacher : Julia, someone wants to see you Julia : (walking to her uncle) Uncle, what is it? Khairil : Julia, I want you to calm down when you hear this. Julia : (puzzling) Uncle, what is it? You’re making me scared here. Khairil : I just received news from Malaysia. Your parents were involved in an accident… Julia : (gasped) How are they now? Khairil : (trying hard not to express any tears) They’ve gone. Julia : NO!!! (kneeling down, crying)

Scene 4 Khairil : Excuse me, can I see Julia, please. The teacher : Julia, someone wants to see you Julia : (walking to her uncle) Uncle, what is it? Khairil : Julia, I want you to calm down when you hear this. Julia : (puzzling) Uncle, what is it? You’re making me scared here. Khairil : I just received news from Malaysia. Your parents were involved in an accident… Julia : (gasped) How are they now? Khairil : (trying hard not to express any tears) They’ve gone.

Julia : NO!!! (kneeling down, crying)

Scene 4 Khairil : Excuse me, can I see Julia Bakar, please. The teacher : Julia, someone wants to see you Julia : (walking to her uncle) Uncle, what is it? Khairil : Julia, I want you to calm down when you hear this. Julia : (puzzling) Uncle, what is it? You’re making me scared here. Khairil : I just received news from Malaysia. Your parents were involved in an accident… Julia : (gasped) How are they now? Khairil : (trying hard not to express any tears) They’ve gone. Julia : NO!!! (kneeling down, crying)

Scene 5 Safiyyah : Julia, we’re so sorry for your lost. Sofeah : We know how you feel and we want you to know that we’re also sad. Julia : I… I don’t know what to do. Both… I’m still not ready. They can’t leave me like this. I need them. Oh god, I really regret with what I have done. Lina : It already passed. They won’t come back. Be strong, Julia. I know you can. You’ve got to be strong and continue your life. There are people around you that you need to take care with, that need your love. Julia : Oh… my mind is so blank. I don’t know what to do. Why they leave me like this?? Safiyyah : Hush, Julia. Lina is right. You have to be strong. Sofeah : Yeah. You still have us. We will be there for you when you need anything. Julia : I… I don’t know what to say. Thank you guys. (hugging them)

Sofeah : That’s what friends for. Lina : Yeah, friends forever…

Scene 5 Safiyyah : Julia, we’re so sorry for your lost. Sofeah : We know how you feel and we want you to know that we’re also sad. Julia : I… I don’t know what to do. Both… I’m still not ready. They can’t leave me like this. I need them. Oh god, I really regret with what I have done. Lina : It already passed. They won’t come back. Be strong, Julia. I know you can. You’ve got to be strong and continue your life. There are people around you that you need to take care with, that need your love. Julia : Oh… my mind is so blank. I don’t know what to do. Why they leave me like this?? Safiyyah : Hush, Julia. Lina is right. You have to be strong. Sofeah : Yeah. You still have us. We will be there for you when you need anything. Julia : I… I don’t know what to say. Thank you guys. (hugging them) Sofeah : That’s what friends for. Lina : Yeah, friends forever…

Scene 5 Safiyyah : Julia, we’re so sorry for your lost. Sofeah : We know how you feel and we want you to know that we’re also sad. Julia : I… I don’t know what to do. Both… I’m still not ready. They can’t leave me like this. I need them. Oh god, I really regret with what I have done. Lina : It already passed. They won’t come back. Be strong, Julia. I know you can. You’ve got to be strong and continue your life. There are people around you that you need to take care with, that need your love. Julia : Oh… my mind is so blank. I don’t know what to do. Why they leave me like this??

Safiyyah : Hush, Julia. Lina is right. You have to be strong. Sofeah : Yeah. You still have us. We will be there for you when you need anything. Julia : I… I don’t know what to say. Thank you guys. (hugging them) Sofeah : That’s what friends for. Lina : Yeah, friends forever…

Scene 5 Safiyyah : (trying to stop crying) Julia, we’re so sorry for your lost. Sofeah : (sobbing) We know how you feel and we want you to know that we’re also sad. Julia : (crying) I… I don’t know what to do. Both… I’m still not ready. They can’t leave me like this. I need them. Oh god, I really regret with what I have done. Lina : (trying to calm herself) It already passed. They won’t come back. Be strong, Julia. I know you can. You’ve got to be strong and continue your life. There are people around you that you need to take care with, that need your love. Julia : (wiping a tear from her cheek) Oh… my mind is so blank. I don’t know what to do. Why they leave me like this?? Safiyyah : (just sobbing) Hush, Julia. Lina is right. You have to be strong. Sofeah : (smiling a bit) Yeah. You still have us. We will be there for you when you need anything. Julia : (sobbing) I… I don’t know what to say. Thank you guys. (hugging them) Sofeah : (smiling a bit) That’s what friends for. Lina : (smiling a bit) Yeah, friends forever…

Scene 6 Julia : (stunned) Uncle, what are you doing here? Syed Mustafa : (fiercely) I want to claim what my sister should receive. Julia : (gasped) What do you mean?

Syed Mustafa : Don’t act like you don’t understand my meaning, Julia. I want all the properties that my sister, your step-mother should get after that father of yours dead. Julia : Uncle, they’re just passed away. Don’t you have any… Syed Mustafa : (cutting her words) I want you to change the name for the boutique to my… Ummi Sarah : (running to her brother, panting) Brother, I told you not to come here. Julia, I’m so sorry. Julia : (rubbing her head) Oh god. (pointing to the door) Get out from this house before I call the police. Ummi Sarah : (pulling her brother to the door) Let’s go. Don’t bring any chaos here. Syed Mustafa : (warning) I will come back… Julia : Oh man…

Scene 6 Julia : (stunned) Uncle, what are you doing here? Syed Mustafa : (fiercely) I want to claim what my sister should receive. Julia : (gasped) What do you mean? Syed Mustafa : Don’t act like you don’t understand my meaning, Julia. I want all the properties that my sister, your step-mother should get after that father of yours dead. Julia : Uncle, they’re just passed away. Don’t you have any… Syed Mustafa : (cutting her words) I want you to change the name for the boutique to my… Ummi Sarah : (running to her brother, panting) Brother, I told you not to come here. Julia, I’m so sorry. Julia : (rubbing her head) Oh god. (pointing to the door) Get out from this house before I call the police.

Ummi Sarah : (pulling her brother to the door) Let’s go. Don’t bring any chaos here. Syed Mustafa : (warning) I will come back… Julia : Oh man…

Scene 6 Julia : (stunned) Uncle, what are you doing here? Syed Mustafa : (fiercely) I want to claim what my sister should receive. Julia : (gasped) What do you mean? Syed Mustafa : Don’t act like you don’t understand my meaning, Julia. I want all the properties that my sister, your step-mother should get after that father of yours dead. Julia : Uncle, they’re just passed away. Don’t you have any… Syed Mustafa : (cutting her words) I want you to change the name for the boutique to my… Ummi Sarah : (running to her brother, panting) Brother, I told you not to come here. Julia, I’m so sorry. Julia : (rubbing her head) Oh god. (pointing to the door) Get out from this house before I call the police. Ummi Sarah : (pulling her brother to the door) Let’s go. Don’t bring any chaos here. Syed Mustafa : (warning) I will come back… Julia : Oh man…

Scene 7 Jun : Julia? Julia : (turning around) Who? Do I know you? Jun : (smiling) Julia. I know it is you. Julia : (frowning) Who are you?

Jun : (chuckled) I’m Jun. Remember that I bumped into you…. Julia : (smiling) Yeah, I remember now. So, how are you lately? Jun : Good, just like usual. How about you? Julia : (glooming) My parents just passed away. Jun : I’m so sorry. Julia : (sighed) It’s okay. Life has to go on, right? Jun : That’s the spirit. Julia : Yeah, that’s the spirit. Jun : Hey, chill up a bit. How about I treat you lunch? Julia : Cool. I’m a bit hungry here. Jun : (chuckled) Well, then, let’s go.

Scene 7 Jun : Julia? Julia : (turning around) Who? Do I know you? Jun : (smiling) Julia. I know it is you. Julia : (frowning) Who are you? Jun : (chuckled) I’m Jun. Remember that I bumped into you…. Julia : (smiling) Yeah, I remember now. So, how are you lately? Jun : Good, just like usual. How about you? Julia : (glooming) My parents just passed away. Jun : I’m so sorry. Julia : (sighed) It’s okay. Life has to go on, right?

Jun : That’s the spirit. Julia : Yeah, that’s the spirit. Jun : Hey, chill up a bit. How about I treat you lunch? Julia : Cool. I’m a bit hungry here. Jun : (chuckled) Well, then, let’s go.

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