Jul 22 Coalition Letter Senate Final

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 489
  • Pages: 3
July 22, 2009 Dear Senator, We, the undersigned organizations, representing millions of Americans, strongly encourage you to support health care legislation that expands health care choices and reduces health care costs through an open health care system. Many of the reforms Congress is currently considering will increase costs, reduce choices, raise taxes, and control our families' health care. We stand united against: • • • • • • •

Giving bureaucrats any decision-making authority over American families’ health care. Increasing the deficit. A government health insurance plan. A government health insurance exchange. A government-designed co-op. An individual mandate and an employer mandate. Rationing health care.

We are for Americans who want to expand choices and improve affordable options in our health care system. Sincerely, Tim Phillips President Americans for Prosperity

Andrew Roth Vice President, Government Affairs The Club for Growth

Jim Martin President 60 Plus Association

Gary Aldrich Chairman CNP Action, Inc.

William Shaker Volunteer President American Council for Health Care Reform

Star Parker President Coalition for Urban Renewal and Education

Dick Patten President American Family Business Institute

Jason Gloyd President Coalition Opposed to Additional Spending and Taxes from Ohio

Denise Singleton President American Federation of Senior Citizens Mark Chmura Executive Director Americans for the Preservation of Liberty Grover Norquist President Americans for Tax Reform Mark Kellen President Association of American Physicians & Surgeons John Palatiello President Business Coalition for Fair Competition Kevin D. Roberts Founder and Executive Director Catholic Family Caucus Andrew F. Quinlan President Center for Freedom and Prosperity Jeffrey Mazzella President Center for Individual Freedom

Matthew J. Brouillette President and CEO Commonwealth Foundation Rick Scott Chairman Conservatives for Patients' Rights Merrill Matthews Director Council for Affordable Health Insurance Thomas Schatz President Council for Citizens Against Government Waste John McClaughry President Ethan Allen Institute John Hallman President Florida Taxpayers Union George Landrith President Frontiers of Freedom

Mario Lopez President Hispanic Leadership Fund Michelle Bernard President & CEO Independent Women's Forum Andrew Langer President Institute for Liberty J. Robert McClure, III President & CEO The James Madison Institute Colin Hanna President Let Freedom Ring Christian Berle Director, Washington DC Office Log Cabin Republicans Gene Mills President Louisiana Family Forum Action Tarren Bragdon CEO Maine Heritage Policy Center Joseph Gutierrez Former President Medical Society of the District of Columbia Forest Thigpen President Mississippi Center for Public Policy Amy Ridenour President National Center for Public Policy Research Duane Parde President National Taxpayers Union Sharon Rossie President Nevada Policy Research Institute

Duane Sand North Dakota Taxpayers Association C. L. Gray President Physicians for Reform Lori Roman President Regular Folks United Paul Gessing President Rio Grande Foundation John Tsarpalas President Sam Adams Alliance Karen Kerrigan President & CEO Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council Stacy Mott President Smart Girl Politics Jenny Beth Martin National Coordinator Tea Party Patriots Rick Durham President Tennessee Tax Revolt Cathie Adams President Texas Eagle Forum Andrea Lafferty Executive Director Tradition Values Coalition Christopher Malagisi President Young Conservatives Coalition

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