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  • Pages: 233


OTHER BOOKS BY FRANK HICKEY The Honey Drippers Leroy Starched Collars Peeny Bubba and Jerry In Articulo Mortis All of Frank Hickey’s books are available through his publisher, Lulu Publishing, at: http://www.lulu.com/hickey





AUTHOR’S NOTE Events and persons depicted herein are wholly fictitious. Any resemblance is entirely accidental and unintentional. St. Louis, Missouri, of course, does exist and is fondly remembered by this writer. Street names, public and private buildings and such are used herein without regard for accuracy – or whether in fact they even exist. Thanks are due to many friends and family.


‘He was forty before he knew there was something called white wine.’






*** Today is the 14th of February, 1960 – Valentine’s Day. If Michiko were alive today she’d be in full time grade school. I can visualize her coming out of school, skipping, with that beaming smile of hers, holding forth her latest art creation – more likely two of them, a valentine she would have drawn for Mona, her mother, who died with her that terrible day just a few short years ago, and a separate valentine just for me, her daddy. It doesn’t have to be Valentine’s Day, or any other holiday, for me to remember them both. I do it every day – and I always will. Their almost simultaneous deaths that day back then are as vivid in my mind as if they occurred just yesterday. It took the St. Louis police department, and every friend I had, over a year to identify the perpetrators and all the persons in any way involved. Me – I was absolutely no help to them. I’d simply lost it. I went off the deep end with guilt – and all the other emotions further reinforced my guilt. I swung between the darkest suicidal planning to the wildest fantasies of revenge. I tried to escape my demons by just giving up. I roamed the streets day and night, mumbling to myself. My friends coaxed me to take a long trip – go back to Ireland, the calm and green of the birthplace of my parents. I did, but it didn’t help. I tried going back to Japan, the country where Mona and I had adopted Michiko. The only thing I learned was that there were many other people with sufferings just as severe as mine. A close friend there, a Japanese detective whom I had worked with in years past during the American Occupation of Japan after World War II, helped me get my head back on straight even as he was coping with the recent death of his wife of many years.


As I sit here watching the dust devils dance in the sunlight streaming in the window I can hear the familiar sound of an approaching siren of a city ambulance. The growling wail will peak shortly and then fade away as it goes on to city hospital. The major events in my life seem to all be associated with the number of times I’ve ridden in one of those big red Packards. My first ambulance ride was when I was shot by disgraced Assistant Chief of Police Paul Deckard in a downtown nightclub. One of my friends, Detective Vince Pallazola, shot him on the spot. Another friend, “Slick” Jones, rode in the ambulance with me to the hospital. Deckard didn’t get an ambulance ride. He went straight to the morgue. I don’t know if anybody rode with him. The second time was when I rode in the same ambulance as Michiko after the explosion and fire. I couldn’t ride with Mona who was in another ambulance that had departed our house a few minutes earlier. I still wake up with nightmares of the noise and heat from the roaring fire as the ambulance door was slammed behind me. Both lights of my life were extinguished in the span of just a few minutes that late afternoon. The third and last ambulance ride I took was this past winter. The patient was Robert “Slats” Slattery. Slats gave me a complete and full deathbed confession. Although he implicated all the other parties involved and completely cleaned the slate all the way back to the Deckard affair, I got no sense of personal satisfaction out of it. Slats was DOA when we arrived at City Hospital. All the others involved were already dead except for one. When Slats realized he was going to die soon he made sure nobody would survive to beat the rap. The real brains of the gang and the last to go, Misty Laine, spent her few remaining days propped up in a wheelchair drooling into her lap after being gunned down 12

by Slattery. No one cared to step forward and claim any family relationship to her. Fittingly, I believe in the minds of everybody who had ever had contact with her during the small reign of terror she afflicted upon us, her remains were cremated by the city. She had, in the space of just a few months, gone from a high flying, good looking wheelerdealer, to nothing but a fistful of dust. In my case such retribution did nothing to restore those loved ones I had lost. The growl and wail of those ambulance sirens bring the memories flooding back, none pleasant in any sense of the word. I’m still alive. I wonder why as I sit here playing with paper clips and contemplating what to do with the rest of my life. *** I was born and raised in St. Louis. My mother was an Irish immigrant who spent her life, at least as I recall her, either rattling her rosary beads or telling me that I was never going to amount to anything. She was probably correct. My father, also an Irish immigrant, made up his mind to support his family the tried and true Irish way. He opened a small neighborhood saloon in “Kerry Patch” the north St. Louis neighborhood I grew up in. Most of his customers and he knew each other from their youth back in County Kerry, “the old sod”. Both of my parents passed away while I was in Europe in the army during World War II. Their modest estate devolved to me and my older brother, Jamie, who is a priest. Since he was under a vow of poverty we agreed to split the estate so that he took all cash, which he promptly surrendered to his superiors. I took the saloon, including the building it is in, and a little cash. Driscoll’s saloon on the corner of Jefferson and Cass avenues is a classic turn of the century watering hole. 13

I’ve done nothing to change it or the flat above it on the second floor – which is where I live now. My friends have given up trying to coax me to move somewhere else into more palatial digs. Anyplace else would just cause me to remember how nice the house was that Mona and I lived in with our Michiko. We even had a dog for chrissakes. I also own another saloon, a classy nightclub in an upscale neighborhood. I got lucky and bought the original owner out when he ran into some bad luck, aka a nasty divorce. Mona and I had just married after I’d recovered from the Deckard wounds and I was still feeling guilty because I’d messed up her cabaret singing career with the shootout in the club where she was working. I thought buying a nightclub with a grand piano would give Mona a chance to resume her professional career again. Lest people think I’m only a two dimensional person, a guy who owns two saloons and who doesn’t go to church, I must point out that there is a third anchor in my life, especially right now, Saint Louis Bail Bonds in the sixteen hundred block of Olive street. The owner of this thriving firm, catering mostly to Negro clientele, is the same John Paul ‘Slick’ Jones who rode in the ambulance with me after Deckard plugged me. ‘Slick’ is my closest friend. *** Slick and I go way back, October 1945 to be more exact. Slick is black, very black, and big, very big, about six foot five and three hundred and twenty pounds, none of which is fat. I, on the other hand, have one of those ruddy pink Irish complexions that won’t hold a suntan no matter how hard I try. I’m still at my old pre-war fighting weight of about one sixty. Last time I measured I stood five nine. Slick and I had both been in Europe in the army. Both M.P.s but in different places. He had been injured in 14

Italy and, after being patched up, was at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey awaiting shipping orders when the war ended in Europe. His troopship of European theater replacements was diverted through the Panama canal to the Pacific theater. I had been sent home from England for pop’s funeral and then was shipped out of Fort Ord, California. While we were at sea the Japanese surrendered. Our troopships arrived in Tokyo Bay just days after the Japanese surrender. We first met each other when we were loaded into a G.I. truck headed to Yokohama. Within days we found ourselves working as partners in one of the army’s first racially integrated units, the Yokohama Criminal Investigation Detachment. When we took our discharges in 1947 I convinced Slick he could do well in civilian life in St. Louis. Anyway I spend my time, mostly, in either one of my saloons or, like today, just sitting here in Slick’s office. If anybody wants to find me, it ain’t very hard. I’m told that I’m slowly recovering from my grief. At least now I can face people and carry on some sort of intelligent conversation again. Valentine’s Day though, and all the other holidays, they’re murder. Always will be. *** Wilbur Foshee, one of Slick’s projects, has turned out to be a steady reliable office manager for Slick. He had been one of Slick’s earliest clients and has never gotten over the fact that he is on the street now instead of in the joint, almost entirely because Slick and a few other folks took a chance and trusted him. Wilbur has the added advantage of knowing almost all of Slick’s current clients. Trying the old bullshit routine on Wilbur just doesn’t work. He makes sure they all know their court dates and how much they still owe Slick on their account. Most importantly he can sense when any one of them is getting itchy feet. As he talked on the phone at his desk up front he 15

turned back toward me and flipped his eyebrows at the rear door. When Slick opened this office location at 1600 Olive after he and I had been firebombed out of an earlier office we shared, we agreed that one small room in the rear of this otherwise bare storefront would be reserved for me, or my stuff. That decision was more a convenience for Slick and me to stay close rather than a necessity. I don’t really need an office to entertain clientele. The two saloons pretty much run themselves. My other activities are similar to what my father had excelled at – smoothing out bureaucratic kinks at City Hall for friends in need of a little hand holding. Pop knew every Irishman on the city payroll and enjoyed asking them for a little help. They enjoyed helping another Irishman out. That role came to me as part of the package of taking over his old saloon. I found soon enough that it didn’t lend itself well to formalities. I am most comfortable strolling around the corridors of City Hall with my various little chores scratched out on the back of an envelope. A pocketful of Dutch Masters and a few tickets to the next wrestling matches can get a lot accomplished. The 1600 Olive street address is handy though. I can just trot out the door and through a couple of crosswalks to City Hall at 1200 Market. With the city courts and jail right next door it is very convenient for Slick as well. As Wilbur turned back to his phone I heard Slick’s key scratching in the back door. Today he was wearing a dark gray pinstripe suit, a two button single breasted model with a starched white shirt, gold cufflinks and a light blue and navy striped necktie with matching pocket hankie. A very light gray homburg graced his shining pate. As always, he looked like a million bucks. As he carefully put the hat down on an empty chair he shot me a quick glance and spoke. ‘Wilbur? Anything hot for me?’ 16

‘Nuthin, boss. Coupla phone calls – I put ‘em on your desk theah.’ ‘Good. Thanks.’ He picked up the phone call tickets, shuffled through them and leaned in the doorframe to my room. ‘What the hell you sitting in here for? It’s a nice day outside.’ ‘I got nothing going on – thought you might wanta go get some chow.’ So we went back out the rear door and got into Slick’s Buick parked there in the alley. Parking on the street in front is hazardous for several reasons. One – automobiles trying to pass streetcars on the right could scrape parked cars. The street right here is only a few blocks removed from the earliest settlement of the town. It’s old and not very wide. Secondly, Slick’s Buick is a tipoff that he is inside or close by. Sometimes he prefers to keep a low profile. ‘You’re driving. Your call on where to eat.’ ‘Okay. Howsabout some ribs? Or maybe something else. What you hungry for?’ ‘Ribs sound good.’ He pulled a right coming out of the alley, then another right on Market and headed west to my old beat, Vandeventer avenue. Before I enlisted I really enjoyed pounding this beat. The clock was just a bit past one o’clock when we started to park at the curb in front of Heaven – the Home of Adam’s Rib. 17

‘Shit. This ain’ no good.’ ‘Whassamatter?’ ‘I can’t eat ribs in these clothes. Jesus. This is a new suit and tie. Adam’s damn sauce’ll eat a hole right through this shirt. Les’ go somewhere else. You mind?’ ‘Naw. How about we get some Italian? You can wear a bib at Little Sicily’s.’ ‘That’ll work. Everybody else in there’ll have one on too. I’ll look just like one of the neighborhood natives.’ ‘Sure. Just a little more suntanned than all the other Sicilians in there.’ He ignored my wisecrack and just continued up Vandeventer to Chouteau, west on Chouteau and then north on Kingshighway cutting across the eastern boundary of The Hill. As we skirted the lower edge of the Italian enclave I said. ‘I guess we coulda just pulled in anywhere here on The Hill – if we wanted Italian.’ ‘Yeah, but a lotta those places would expect me to keep my suit and tie on. At Little Sicily’s we can eat in shirtsleeves.’ It was almost one thirty when we parked at Kingshighway and Delmar. It really was a pretty day as Slick had pointedly noted to my attention earlier. Sunny and not a cloud in the sky. ‘I’m leaving my coat and tie in the backseat. Gonna put the cufflinks in my pocket so I can roll up the sleeves.’


I had to laugh at him. With Slick what you saw was what you got. ‘Slick? You don’t think people gonna laugh at you? Middle of February and here you are waltzing around like it’s July.’ ‘Hell with ‘em. I’m hungry. Why don’t you take your coat off, too?’ I hadn’t thought about that. I was tieless and wearing a blue blazer – didn’t feel all suited up like he must have. ‘You’re right. Open the car door – lemme toss my coat in there, too.’ ‘Now you talking, partner. Yeah, but don’t expect to fool anybody in here. They gonna spot that mick face of yours right off.’ ‘That’s okay, just so they don’t cut our rations.’ ‘Amen to that, brother.’ He pushed the door open and barreled in ahead of me and headed straight for the steam counter. The guy behind the counter looked vaguely familiar. He eyeballed me and Slick kinda funny. He was wondering, I think, if Slick had pushed ahead of me and we might have a little argument over who he should wait on first. ‘You gentlemen together?’ ‘Yessuh. He be my brothah.’ This from Slick with an innocent look as he clocked the selections under the glass. I decided I’d keep my mouth shut and see where this went. Slick pushed one of his super sized fingers against the steamed up glass. ‘Whut’s this heah? Yeah, with the red 19

sauce. Is that just plain ole spaghetti? What?’ He knew damned well what it was. The counter guy was swiveling his head around looking for help. He wasn’t Italian and wasn’t prepared to answer questions from the customers. I thought I’d better step in and lend a hand. I poked Slick in the arm. ‘Sonny? Mama said you ain’t supposed to be eating stuff like that, din’t she? Said you should eat more green stuff.’ ‘Yeah, you right – an’ you gonna snitch on me if I don’, ain’t you?’ I smirked a little for the benefit of the nearby customers who were wondering whether they might better move to another table or expect to take sides here. A guy in a chef’s hat was sticking his nose out the kitchen door. ‘Oh oh. Cavalry coming in from the rear!’ The desperate counterman turned to him. ‘Guido, man here sez he can’t eat nuthin with red sauce.’ ‘Give him the frigging lasagna.’ Slick was watching me out of the corner of his eye. I didn’t know how much longer I could maintain a straight face. He leaned over the counter, as much as he could, and told the guy ‘Gimme the goddamn lasagna – and give my little brothuh here the spaghetti and meatballs. I’ll eat both of ‘em.’ Then he scowled at me. ‘How you gonna explain that to mama, huh? Not eating yo’ food – yo poor brothuh gotta help clean yo’ plate. I ain’ buying you any goddamn cheesecake either – yo’ don’ clean your plate.’ As the steaming plates were put up on top of the counter for us to lift down and place on our trays Slick let 20

go with one more volley. ‘Better gimme a bunch of bibs, too. He ain’ hardly housebroke yet.’ Actually I didn’t think I was all that hungry. Slick knew I had been off my feed ever since Mona and Michiko had died. His show was more for my benefit than for the rest of the people in the restaurant. A few minutes later I found I’d slurped up the whole plate of spaghetti in nothing flat. ‘Guess I was hungrier than I thought. How’s your lasagna?’ ‘What? You wanna eat that, too? Go up there and tell the guy you want two cheesecakes – and a coupla black coffees.’ I did. When the guy looked over at our table all the plates were now in front of Slick. It looked like he’d either dined alone or had been compelled to eat mine as well as his, as he’d threatened to do a few minutes earlier. As I put the cheesecake plates down on our table I spoke. ‘That counterman – know who he is?’ ‘No. Should I?’ ‘I guess not, but I think I busted him as a teenager back before the War. Caught him trying to pop a Chevy car trunk about one in the morning. Strange, didn’t want to steal the whole car, just the spare tire.’ ‘Small world, ain’t it? Think he remembers you?’ ‘Naw. I doubt it. Looks like he’s had more than a few bumps in the road since then.’ ‘Looks like maybe he’s a drinker.’ 21

‘Could be. Old Guido Rogelio back there in the kitchen. He’ll give a guy a job if he can stay off the sauce until after work. After all he’s got his own jug back there – homemade wine right outta his own backyard here.’ ‘These Italian folks on The Hill – they all like to make their own wine, don’t they?’ ‘Yeah. Prohibition didn’t interrupt things there at all. They’d been growing grapes and making their own wine in their basements as long as they been here – just like they did back in the old country.’ ‘What’s all this stuff you hear about bootlegging then? I never did understand alla that – even though I was making pickups and deliveries when I was a kid.’ ‘The making of wine for personal consumption was totally unaffected. The federal laws simply succeeded in creating a whole new industry. Before that the distilleries had everything nailed down tight. Only thing the government did was worry that the tax stamps were properly paid for and nobody was watering or switching what was already tax stamped. Then when the distillers had to close down – the public demand, from folks who didn’t make their own wine, was still there – so, it didn’t take much to get going. Many, if not most, of the existing saloons simply switched the main entrance to a back door. It got to be a joke.’ ‘Yeah. I know out in California the booze flowed like water. I was sent to pick up a load, good booze that had come up by boat from Mexico, and bring it back – alla the way from the beach below San Diego to Los Angeles – pocketful of money – no license to drive – no coppers to stop me.’ ‘How old you think you were then, Slick?’ 22

‘Shit, I dunno – probably fourteen or so. Wasn’t shaving yet, I know that.’ ‘So you just flat stole the car you were using and drove away?’ ‘Hard to believe, ain’t it? Yeah. I drove that sonovabitch all the way to El Paso – good deal of it south of the border. Sold the car in Juarez and walked across the bridge back into the States. Saw a Recruiting Station right there a block from the town plaza – lied about my age. If I hadn’t been so big I think they mighta thrown me out, but the recruiters in there figured they would gamble on me. Next thing I knew they had me and a couple of other recruits packed off to Fort Sam Houston in San Antone. Ain’t never looked back, my friend, and I ain’t never been sorry either.’ ‘Yeah, like you said before – when we were back in Japan – if you’d stayed out in California you might not have lived to have many birthdays. Folks were playing rough out there – kid like you woulda been expendable.’ ‘Maybe it was different – the bootlegging I mean – in other places.’ ‘Yeah, especially in the big cities in the north. Did you ever hear how come bootleggers moved their stills from barns out in the country into the cities?’ ‘Well, the story I heard was that the federal revenue agents, the revenooers, would prowl the back country roads down south sniffing for the smell of fermenting mash. They’d spot smoke and crawl in close and sniff. Then they’d run back to town, go into a judge with a sworn affidavit for a search warrant, always worded the same ‘detected the unmistakable odor of fermenting mash.’ Get a search warrant every time.’ 23

‘Sounded good – not many judges probably really knew, or cared to know, what the hell fermenting mash was supposed to smell like.’ ‘So, the bootleggers now – they weren’t all just hillbillies anymore. They were well organized – city businessmen, you might say. It pissed them off about the fermenting mash smell thing. So they started moving their operations into the big cities, the best locations were usually upstairs directly over a bakery. The yeasty smell from the bakery was a lot like the yeasty odor from the stills and that screwed up the Feds’ search warrant affidavits.’ ‘Yeah. I’ll bet it was a helluva lot harder to maintain a surveillance on a busy location like a street corner, bakery, church, et cetera all interfering with their observing. None of that laying in the weeds with a pair of binoculars anymore.’ ‘Right. Somehow or other the feds managed to overcome the search warrant affidavit problem after a while, but they found they couldn’t creep up on a cramped second floor flat like they used to do coming up on a barn.’ ‘So, you’re getting ready to tell me what they did?’ ‘Right. The stairs were always pretty narrow, with just a little landing right in front of the door at the top. They figured they needed as much surprise as they could get, so somebody devised a battering ram . . . ‘ ‘Battering ram?’ ‘Yeah. They took a railroad tie and pounded spikes into each side of it – then they’d rush up the stairs with it and slam through the door – which was usually pretty flimsy.’ 24

‘Uh huh.’ ‘So – the bad guys started bricking up behind the door, put another door in the side wall next to the landing.’ ‘And the government agents couldn’t turn their battering ram to the side because there wasn’t enough room. Right?’ ‘Right. It was a constant battle of wits between the government agents and the bootleggers. I don’t know that had anything to do with it, but the grand experiment with Prohibition was one big flop.’ ‘Old Guido back there – probably didn’t much care – had his own grapevines anyway.’ ‘Yeah. I don’t think he would have been interested in expanding. This little business he’s got is pretty good just like it is.’ ‘Some day – maybe we’ll ask him.’ We sat for a while longer over several cups of coffee and cigarettes. The lunch crowd was long gone. Each of us waited for the other to start the personal conversation. Finally Slick did. ‘I talked with Velma and Jaypee last night.’ I asked. ‘Any change there?’ ‘Naw, ‘fraid not. We decided to be civilized about it all. I can’t change – and neither can she.’ ‘She’s really that scared of us screwing up again? Maybe getting hurt?’


He gave me that stare of his. ‘Would you disagree with her?’ That shut me up. He was right – and so was Velma. He and I were predestined to step in shit – anywhere and often judging by our performance to date. When I didn’t have an answer for that he pressed on. ‘You sleeping any better?’ ‘Sorta. I guess it’ll gradually get better. That’s what everybody is telling me anyway.’ ‘I think they’re right. You doing anything yourself – to help? Or just sitting staring out the window when an ambulance goes by?’ He’d apparently been coming up the alley a while ago when I was sitting there listening to the passing ambulance. ‘You go right for the jugular, doncha?’ ‘Hell yes. I know you, pal. I can remember . . . ‘ ‘Don’t start that crap about me and the honey dripper again, fer chrissakes.’ He grinned at me. ‘Still smell that thing I bet – when you wake up in the night?’ I had to laugh. Only Slick would dare do this to me and not risk a knuckle sandwich. ‘So whatcha doing – going back to the corridors of City Hall? Slapping backs and trading bullshit there again? Huh?’


‘A little. Not like before – but I’ve been back a few times. Folks are afraid to ask me for much – not like it used to be.’ ‘It’ll get better, just don’t give up. Lemme change the subject.’ ‘Okay. What?’ He snapped his Zippo on another Camel, exhaled a cloud of blue smoke and asked. ‘Ever hear of James Randolph Barclay?’ ‘Don’t think so. Who’s he?’ ‘James Randolph Barclay is scheduled to appear in court tomorrow, under subpoena to testify as an expert in a nasty child molestation case.’ ‘Hmm. Never heard of him. He local?’ ‘Naw. Retired from his psychiatry practice is what I heard. Lives on a little farm in Connecticut, able to commute into the big city if he needs to.’ ‘I haven’t heard of any molestation cases around town here.’ ‘You wouldn’t. The police and courts keep a lid on those things because of the potential for further harm to the child victims. This one just blossomed out into the open air this morning. Asshole defendant is demanding a jury trial.’ ‘Aha.’ ‘Yeah. I think he did what was expected – of him, not like most other clowns who do that. Most of ‘em are anxious to cop a quick plea. This guy wants to challenge the system. Thinks he’s smart.’ 27

‘Well, maybe somebody’ll teach him different.’ ‘Which, my friend, is why James Randolph Barclay is being brought to our fair city by Judge Wild Bill Glennon.’ Slick was watching my reaction as he spoke. ‘Just thought you might want to sit in the back row. The good doctor ought to make an interesting witness.’ ‘Hell. I ain’t doing anything else, am I?’ I knew this was something well thought out in advance by Slick. He’d never have brought it up unless he had a good reason and, partner or not, I didn’t think it would be too smart, on my part, to dismiss his suggestion. ‘Better get there on your own. Don’t think we want anybody seeing us together and then asking questions about what we’re doing.’ ‘Right.’ I left a buck on the table and waved to the counterman. Got a limp wave of a spatula back. Slick pulled his bib off and inspected his shirtfront. ‘Looks okay, huh?’ ‘Yeah. I don’t see any spots. Yeah, you survived.’ ‘Well, lemme get these cufflinks put back in and I’m ready to be seen on the street.’ When we got back to his car we found a parking ticket on his windshield. I figured I’d best keep my mouth shut. The beat copper was nowhere to be seen. Good thing. 28

After we got in the car I reached over and pulled the ticket from his hand. ‘Doncha know this corner is part of my old Tenth district? What’s the copper’s name on this thing?’ He pulled out into the traffic as I scanned to the bottom line. ‘This is Eddie Moorehead, dumbest shit in the world. He’d get lost if he had to help an old lady cross the intersection and then have to find his way back alone.’ ‘Whaddaya gonna do?’ ‘Drive around the block. I think we’ll find him taking his ease somewhere close by after all the exertion of lifting your wiper blade.’ As we came back around onto Delmar from the east I spotted Moorehead as he was exiting Grady’s saloon. ‘Sonovabitch just cadged a coupla quick belts, I bet.’ ‘Pull into the curb – right in front of him.’ I rolled down the window as I reached into my pocket. ‘Hey Ed. Dan Driscoll here – long time no see.’ He squinted in at us. I noticed he didn’t want to lean over all the way and breathe on me. ‘Yeah, Hi Dan. Howya doing?’ ‘Lissen, Ed, we’re in a hurry but I thought you might need this.’ I nodded toward the door of the saloon and stuck the ticket and a package of gum in his hand. Slick put the car in gear as soon as I punched his leg with my left hand.


Slick watched in the rear view mirror as we pulled away. ‘He’s just put the ticket in his pocket and started unwrapping the gum.’ ‘I think he gets our message. Worked pretty good while he still had booze breath, didn’t it?’ ‘Dan, my man. I think your balls are growing back. Yeah, you gonna be just fine. Thank you, sir, for your kind assistance.’ ‘Anytime, amigo. Anytime.’ *** The unseasonably sunny weather of Valentine’s Day didn’t last long. A surprise cold front descended on the city overnight, along with freezing drizzle. I had considered taking the Jefferson streetcar and transferring to Olive, then just walking over to the courthouse. After I took a look out the window I figured it was better to have some portal to portal transport instead. I phoned the booth up on Grand Avenue and waited for Murph to answer. ‘Yeah?’ ‘Mal, glad to hear you there. This is Dan. Think you can navigate the ice this morning and get me down to the courthouse?’ ‘Sure, Dan. Might take us a little longer but, yeah, we can do it.’ “Good. I’ll be inside the front door watching for you.’


On days like this my decision to no longer cope with owning an automobile anymore makes a lot of sense. With a friend like Malachi Murphy on tap I don’t worry about servicing the damn thing, or getting it repaired – and, more importantly on where the hell to park when I get downtown. Murph showed up in less than ten minutes. As I ducked out the front door of the saloon I got a collarful of rain water from the leaky gutter over the door. ‘Goddammit. I gotta remember to get that damned leak fixed.’ We made pretty good time considering that the streetcar tracks were especially slippery. There were a few idiots out spinning their wheels but most drivers were being careful. As we came down east on Market from Union Station the traffic seemed to have slowed down to a crawl as we neared the courthouse area. Murph noticed it first. ‘Looks like we got an ambulance clogging things up there, don’t it?’ Peering through the windshield I could see that he was correct. It looked like there was a pedestrian down on the sidewalk at the foot of the steep steps up into the courthouse. ‘Some poor bastard musta taken a header there on the steps.’ ‘Looks like he might have a broken leg – lookit that foot sticking out funny there.’ ‘Yeah. I tellya what, Mal. Let me out here. I’ll walk the rest of the way.’ ‘Okay. I ain’t going nowhere until they open this up again. You might wanna come back and get in and go back home.’ 31

It was slippery as hell when I got out of the cab. Murph was right. He wasn’t going anywhere, sandwiched in where he was. I pussyfooted to the sidewalk and eased my way through the crowd that had gathered. Everybody was standing stiff legged as though this would keep them from going down, too. The guy on the ground was a neatly dressed older white man. Didn’t look like any of the lawyers I knew. He was conscious but obviously in a lot of pain. A copper, probably there as a witness today in court, was attempting to help the ambulance chauffeur slide the stretcher under the guy without killing him. They were having trouble. The guy on the ground was trying to help them. The bystanders were beginning to participate with their advice on how best to do it. Finally they got him on the stretcher. He looked like he was about to pass out again as they lifted him into the ambulance. They were about to slam the door when the guy raised up. ‘Wait! My briefcase and luggage – where is it?’ The copper went back through the crowd to the foot of the steps and retrieved a good looking briefcase and a small piece of luggage. ‘This it?’ “Yes. Can you make sure it gets to wherever I’m headed?’ ‘Will do. Better get going.’ The driver slammed the big back door shut and climbed in the front. He eased the ambulance out from the curb, got good traction and headed to 12th street, took a right turn for City hospital and opened up with his siren. 32

As the crowd dispersed the copper was standing there looking like he was heading out of town with his luggage in one hand and briefcase in the other. He needed to get inside and in to court – fast. ‘Hey, Dan Driscoll – right?’ ‘Yeah. What the hell happened here?’ ‘Aw. Poor bastard got all the way to the top of the steps, then hit a spot of ice and came back down ass over teakettle all the way to the bottom.’ ‘Looked like he busted the hell outta his leg, didn’t it?’ ‘Yeah. He ain’t going anywhere for a while. Lissen – I gotta get inside to testify. Think you could take these things of his and get them over to City hospital for him?’ ‘Sure. Doubt if he’ll be able to wear his own pajamas for a while, but – yeah – I’ll do it.’ ‘Thanks. See you around then.’ I watched as he gingerly climbed the steps and disappeared inside. ‘Guess I’ll skip watching any expert testimony today.’ I waddled back up the icy sidewalk to Murphy’s cab. It felt nice and warm when I got inside. ‘Going back home, Dan?’ ‘No. How about we go visit the sick at City hospital?’ 33

‘Anybody we know?’ ‘I don’t have a clue, Mal. But who cares?’ *** It was two days later – mid afternoon. The sun was out and although on the chilly side, it was dry – no more ice. I’d gone out to the Club on Maryland, just to show myself and see how Pete Conrad the new bartendermanager was doing who had replaced Carl Warnecke. ‘Pete, howsit going? ‘Fine, boss. What can I get you?’ ‘Just a bit of tap water on the rocks. Anything you need?’ Pete Conrad had some prior experience as a club manager so I felt pretty good about being able to help Carl Warnecke get back in school – where he belonged. ‘No, everything’s cool here. You hear the latest about Carl?’ ‘Guess not. What’s he up to?’ ‘He phoned yesterday – real proud of himself. Sez he’s feeling real good about getting back into school, glad he made the switch from psychology to law. Apparently the law professors have a bit more respect for him – ‘cause he dropped out to support his pregnant wife, then figured out a way to get back in even without the G.I. Bill.’ ‘Great. Now if he can just hang in there until he gets his shingle. After that he and wifey can go back to making babies.’ 34

‘Oh, almost forgot. Right before you walked in – Schultzie phoned from your other place. Said some guy was trying to locate you. You musta helped this guy out somehow.’ ‘I think I know who that might be. Got a nickel in the register there for the phone?’ I took his nickel and walked to the phone booth back by the restrooms. My guess was correct. It was the guy who had fallen down the courthouse steps. ‘He say what his name was, Herm?’ ‘Ja. Doktor Barclay, he say. Barclay, ja.’ ‘Okay, Herman. Thanks. If he left a number, just keep it there until I get back.’ So I headed from Maryland directly down to City hospital. It felt strange that the guy I intended to monitor in court two days earlier is the same guy I’m going to visit now. *** He didn’t look quite the same as I poked my head into the double room. The other patient was outta it. My man was in the far bed – with a hip cast plus bandages on his head. I walked in. ‘Doctor Barclay? Dan Driscoll. How you doing?’ ‘That some kinda trick question?’ He was hurting. That was apparent from his face. He was, however, lucid and obviously unaccustomed to not being in control of things around him. 35

‘You didn’t need to make a personal call on me here, Mr. Driscoll. I just wanted to thank you for your help the other day.’ ‘How’d you figure out who I was?’ ‘I was concerned about losing my briefcase and that piece of luggage. Important papers and such in there. As soon as I was awake enough after this monstrous cast was put on me – I started asking questions. Turns out you are a bit of a local celebrity – that right?’ I gave him my best Irish grin. ‘Well, I have been treated here in this same hospital for gunshot wounds. I guess that qualifies me for some sort of celebrity status.’ ‘Also a one time policeman here in St. Louis, too – right?’ ‘You have been doing your homework.’ “Lots of folks here know you – by your reputation. They tell me you spend a lot of your time down around City Hall ‘doing things’ – I believe that was how they described it – yes, ‘doing things’ for people.’ ‘Well, I had heard you were coming to town to testify in our courts. Somebody suggested I might want to sit in the courtroom and listen to your performance.’ ‘Afraid you were slightly misinformed, Mr. Driscoll. I had no such high motivation to be here.’ ‘Oh?’ ‘Yes. Actually I’m in the midst of writing a book. I came here to observe some proceedings, possibly to interview some court personnel, judges, attorneys, maybe 36

review some court documentation – try to gather material for my writing.’ ‘That sounds more interesting than just being an expert witness.’ ‘Well, I’ve done my share of that as well.’ So we talked back and forth a while. Nobody came in the room to run me off, so I stayed. He dozed off a bit from time to time. ‘You have no place else to go? You sit here with me when you could be out making money somewhere else.’ I laughed at that. ‘My saloons work well, maybe even better, when I’m not there.’ He grimaced a little as he sought to find the best position to get into. ‘Probably going to be a while before I’m released here and able to visit any of your establishments.’ ‘Doc, do you need me to notify any family or business associates, anybody back where you came from?’ ‘No, but thanks for asking. I’m a loner you might say. Nobody back anywhere worrying about me.’ I finally said what had been roiling around in my mind ever since I stepped into the room. ‘Doctor, would you be offended if I suggested you might want to transfer out of this public facility into something more comfortable?’ He leaned his head back on the pillow and cocked an eye on me. ‘What are we talking about here, uh – do you mind if I call you by your first name, Dan? What are you suggesting’ more comfortable’ – what does that mean?’ 37

‘I’ve been here as a patient. I know what you are going through. This is a fine facility, but it is old and overcrowded. ‘Long term’ here means less timely responses to your requests. I don’t need to be specific about that, do I? You’re a doctor. You know how it works.’ ‘Yes, I do. Go ahead. What are my alternatives – with this cast?’ ‘There is a small private hospital here in town. I’ve been there myself – after I had been shot. The doctor who owns and operates it is a close friend. If you like I’d be happy to arrange for your transfer there. No strings attached. I’m sure you would be much more comfortable there until that large cast can be removed and replaced with something else.’ He was watching closely as I made my pitch. Apparently I met his threshold requirements. ‘Okay. Who is the doctor? What kind of cases does he handle there?’ So I told him. He smiled when I’d finished. ‘Maybe I should change the focus of my book. Your Doctor Wayne Samuels sounds like an interesting fellow.’ That night a private white Cadillac ambulance, with two uniformed attendants, swiftly transferred the patient Barclay, and his personal effects including briefcase and one piece of luggage, to the Samuels Clinic. *** ‘Dr. Wayne was glad to do it?’ ‘Oh yeah. You know how he is, forever indebted to us – in his eyes anyway.’


‘Yeah, don’t ever disillusion him. Seriously, he’s a helluva good friend to have.’ ‘No need to tell me that. I guess I’d better get up there for a visit – extend our thanks in person and check on Barclay while I’m there.’ ‘Yeah. Lissen, I’m sorry I gave you the wrong scoop on him. I think some of the court clerks got their gossip wires crossed. They had a molester coming up in one court and Barclay was apparently just going to visit another judge.’ ‘Two and two sometimes makes five – don’t it?’ ‘The molestation case went down with a plea anyway. Just a lot of last minute blustering from the defendant, trying to get the prosecution to back off a bit. Didn’t work.’ ‘Wait’ll that asshole gets in the pen. If the classification folks don’t get him safely isolated he’ll find out what big league molestation really is.’ ‘Serve him right, won’t it?’ *** I hate this time of year. Christmas is over and now it’s just a matter of grinding through the gray and gloomy days of February and March – sometimes even April. Whoever made the decision to place Lent in these months knew how to make you feel bad. I coped with it by drinking a lot of coffee and shooting the shit with everybody and anybody. I was in to Slick’s shop almost every day. Since I lived on the second floor, of course, I was in my old saloon every day and some nights I’d hang around in there. I liked to hit the club on Maryland Avenue most Saturday nights to listen to some good jazz. I called and sweet talked Stormy 39

Knight into coming in there several weekends. Good for business – and for me. Stormy has that effect on you when you got the blues. The ‘business’ at City hall was gradually coming back so, weather permitting, I’d make the rounds there as well. All of it was helping me regain my equilibrium. What probably helped most during that period was the unexpected friendship that developed between me and Doctor Barclay. I let a few days pass after his transfer from City hospital to the Samuels Clinic and then went there with the intent of thanking Wayne Samuels for his generosity. When I arrived Wayne Samuels was standing in the foyer as though he was expecting me. ‘Dan, how are you?’ ‘Fine, Doc. How about yourself?’ He laughed. ‘Great, as always. Come on in, let’s visit a bit. Haven’t seen you in a while.’ Wayne Samuels, as I’ve probably already said, makes no bones about the fact that he is a surgeon, a good one, that he has an unorthodox practice which caters to well to do patients, some of whom are most concerned about their privacy especially if the ailment being treated is of an embarrassing nature. He has acknowledged to me that he has done abortions for some of our town’s ladies best known for their frequent mention in the local newspapers’ society columns for their lavish entertainment soirees. He has long been accused of also treating the occasional gunshot patient whom, the authorities believe, should have been directed to one of our city’s public institutions. He is respected in the professional community and respected in the lay community. ‘I appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending Dr. Barclay to me, Dan.’ 40

‘I came here today to thank you for accepting him as a patient. A guy with his credentials shouldn’t be consigned to a warehouse like City hospital.’ ‘They do an admirable job there, Dan. It’s just when you’re dealing with volume you have to cut the corners on the little things. Here we don’t have that problem of overcrowding, do we?’ I had to smile. Wayne Samuels was not into working with crowds. This clinic was so cozy you felt like if you bumped into somebody else here you’d think you were in the wrong place. Most of Wayne Samuels’ clientele was non-emergency, elective surgery stuff. That gave him the added luxury of manipulating his schedule so there was never going to be the risk of overcrowding. His reputation for patient confidentiality would have been destroyed if ‘somebody’ spotted ‘somebody else’ there. ‘So, he doing okay?’ ‘Yes. It’s early on, of course, and he’s still got that load of plaster from his armpit to his ankle. Every day is better than yesterday. He’s going to be a good patient. Frankly, I’m looking forward to having his company here – have some intelligent conversations about our shared profession.’ ‘Well, its good, I suppose, that he doesn’t have family back up east all worried about him.’ ‘Other patients can be a problem, too. It’s good that he is retired.’ ‘You better tip him off about our ‘grande dames’ here in town – lotsa widows would love to hook a guy like him.’ 41

‘Yeah. I’ll give him the benefit of some of my personal experiences with that.’ ‘Think he’s up to having any visitors yet?’ ‘Uh, you came at a bad time. I’ve got him on some heavy duty sedation right now. He’s still hurting. In addition to the leg problems, he got a pretty good clout on his head, too. Can you wait a few days? Then give me a call first.’ ‘Sure. I’m flexible. You want me to get anything for him? Razor, or anything? Although I guess he’d have everything he needs in that luggage he was carrying.’ ‘I think that’s right. When he’s more mobile I’m guessing he’ll want a phone and a typewriter first thing.’ ‘Good idea. I’ll check around and see if I can find a good portable for him.’ ‘I’ll tell him you were here. Okay?’ ‘Thanks, doc. You’re a gentleman and a scholar.’ ‘Aw shucks.’ *** ‘Hey Wilbur! What the hell is going on here?’ ‘You mean the dirty dishes, boss?’ ‘Damn right. I thought we had a rule here – about eating and stinking up the place.’ ‘Yeah, boss. I know. We all know.’ ‘All? What’s that supposed to mean?’ 42

‘Well, alla us – we worried about him.’ ‘Him?’ ‘Yeah – the little dog.’ ‘Oh Jesus. Here we go. Just start from the top, okay?’ ‘Well, theah’s a little dog been coming aroun’ in the alley. Don’ look too strong – or healthy.’ ‘Yeah?’ ‘And some of the guys say they been seeing it, too – further up the block.’ ‘So?’ ‘Well, boss, damn – it’s cold out there – an’ . . .’ ‘So, you trying to coax it to come inside here. That right?’ ‘Well, yeah. We rightly don’ know what to do. We thought maybe it be hungry, might want to eat some leftovahs.’ ‘Where you getting leftovahs – leftovahs on a plate?’ ‘Man, boss. You gonna make me get sumbody else in a lotta trouble.’ ‘Don’t gimme that darkie shit. Let’s hear it – all of it.’


‘Well, boss, the plates – they coming from the diner up the street. One of our boys washes dishes there.’ ‘Yeah. That’d be Floyd.’ ‘Right. Floyd Jackson. You got his bond for a lotta stuff. He be a good client . . .’ ‘Alright. So Floyd’s giving you leftovers on a plate from the diner.’ ‘Right. So I put ‘em out in the back fo’ the dog.’ ‘Why you do that?’ ‘Say what?’ ‘I say: Why you do that? Why don’t Floyd feed the dog hisself?’ ‘Diner closes at night, ain’ nobody there aftuh midnight. Here, we’re open alla the time – all night.’ ‘So, who cares? The dog – he eating outside.’ ‘Well, ah – thas’ the problem, boss.’ ‘Ah. Finally. You gonna tell me.’ ‘Yeah, boss. See we figgered maybe if we put food out in the same place every night – then maybe the dog wouldn’t be so scared of people – you know?’ ‘As a matter of fact, Wilbur – No, I don’t know what the hell difference it makes. Who cares? If the dog eats and is still scared of people. What difference does it make?’


‘Well, boss. We ain’ sure, but we think – the dog he blind mebbe.’ ‘Ah shit.’ *** The coming of spring was a struggle. Hints of fair weather overwhelmed with that gray drizzly shit that seemed able to penetrate boots and field jackets right to the bone. Slick and Wilbur – and all of their jokers – had built a doghouse of sorts out in the back. Had it all padded with old blankets and such, hoping to entice the stray into bunking there overnight. No luck. ‘The mutt ain’t going for it, huh?’ ‘Naw. He’s really been spooked, I guess. If he don’t settle down he gonna be hit by a car.’ ‘Well, shit.’ ‘Worst part of it is that the damned cats are coming from all over.’ ‘You mean we got stray cats? Here in downtown?’ ‘Betcher ass, man.’ ‘Why doncha quit putting the food out for a day or two?’ ‘Why’s that?’ ‘Maybe I’ll try something different.’ ‘Worth a shot.’ 45

‘He ever come around in the daylight?’ ‘I dunno. Ask Wilbur.’ *** Doctor Barclay was faring pretty well under the hands of Wayne Samuels. ‘Hey, doc. Got you a new cast there, eh?’ ‘Oh, hi Dan. Yeah. What do you think? Look any better?’ ‘Oh yeah. Lot lighter too, right?’ ‘You can say that again. Wayne says I’ll be able to get in the shower – do all sortsa stuff again.’ ‘No skiing down courthouse steps though, right?’ ‘You can put your money on that one, Dan.’ So, we talked for a while just sitting in the second floor sunroom, the same room where Slick and I had spent quite a few hours with Stormy Knight when we were desperate for leads to who wanted to take down her and Vince Pallazola. That was a tough one – Stormy Knight, a black club songstress and Vin Pallazola, the pride of The Hill and night shift commander of the Second Police District there, gunned down together in a drive by shooting. Two of the unlikeliest to be out on a date together shot at by a nut or nuts unknown. When you’re up against the criminal mind, don’t expect things to be logical. ‘So, you think you’ll be able to get back to work on your book while you’re laid up here?’ 46

‘Sure. Just feeling kinda lazy right now – no deadlines to meet. I give it a lot of thought, so time is not being wasted.’ ‘Good. Like I told you – don’t be bashful. If you need any help, running errands for you – whatever. Just say the word.’ ‘I will, Thank you. Now, you tell me – how are things going?’ So we talked a lot more. We talked about my loss of Mona and Michiko – about Slick’s loss of Velma and Jaypee – about how the two of us had just about decided we maybe made a big mistake in leaving the comforting arms of the Army to try to make it as civilians. ‘What do you think are the odds, Dan, of Velma coming back to Slick?’ ‘Frankly, Doc, I’d say pretty close to zero.’ ‘Probably right. From what you’ve been telling me, even though you guys are not licensed private investigators and have no legal authority, the two of you continue to get all tangled up in things that begin quite innocently and then explode in your faces – time and time again.’ ‘Yeah, that’s right.’ ‘Your buddy, Slick, has a remote chance of reclaiming his marriage but only if he does a total change of character, which you would agree is highly unlikely. Correct?’ ‘That’s right. He’s a good businessman, does well with the bail bonds business. When he gets into the ‘off the books’ stuff – usually with me – that’s when the poop hits the fan.’ 47

‘So, you know then what the basic problem is?’ ‘Yes. We both do.’ ‘And you – you own two successful saloons, making plenty of money for you – all legal and above board, right?’ ‘Yes. Also I have my pop’s old business, if you want to call it that, of doing favors for people.’ ‘Aha. Ask yourself, Dan – isn’t it just possible that everytime you and Slick do get burned so badly that it all started out with some seemingly innocent request from a friend – to lend a hand to them? To go ‘off the books’ a little to get that done?’ ‘Well, yeah, but . . .’ ‘Don’t throw those ‘but’s in the conversation. It’s true, isn’t it, that you two tend to jump at opportunities to go off, half cocked some might say, when some crisis appears on the horizon, something that the two of you feel you can ‘handle’?’ ‘Yes, that’s true.’ ‘Yet, in spite of the fact that your wife, Mona, and your little girl, Michiko, both lost their lives because of these activities on your part, you and Slick still feel the temptation to continue to do so? Right?’ ‘Yes. I guess so.’ ‘Like hell ‘guess so’! You know good and well that if you had stuck to just pulling pints in your father’s saloon that Mona and Michiko would probably still be alive today. Right?’ 48

He was beginning to get under my skin more than a little so I shot right back at him. ‘Yeah, but I would never have met and married Mona and she and I would never have adopted Michiko.’ ‘I’ll yield to you on that point, Dan, but simply put – you two guys were born to be poison. It’s doubtful either of you could successfully change your spots. If you’d both stayed in the army – from what you’ve told me about some of your crazy exploits in Yokohama – you each would have probably gotten into official trouble there.’ ‘I think we both sensed that. I know Slick knocked himself out to stay in the army after he’d been wounded in Italy, told me he really put the heat on an army doctor to certify that he was eligible to return to duty. I’d have felt like hell if I got him in any trouble in Japan after all that he’d gone through.’ ‘Dan? Are you listening to yourself? You guys are never totally blindsided when you go into these ventures. You see that? You know ahead of time – yet you blunder in anyway.’ ‘Hey, Doc. I agree. I know what you are saying is true. You’re the psychiatrist here. What should I do?’ ‘Or maybe – not do?’ ‘Yeah – not do, too. I’m just totally screwed up. I need some help here.’ *** ‘So, you think I ought to go visit with Barclay, too?’ ‘Yes, I do. He socked me right between the eyes. No farting around. He’s good. He ain’t just your garden 49

variety psychologist. He’s an M.D., a psychiatric specialist, holds umpteen degrees from universities here and outside the country. Think he speaks several languages, too. He’s sharp. You don’t get away with bullshit. He bores right in on you with plain English. ‘Well, if he can work a miracle on you, then I guess I might give him a visit.’ ‘Won’t hurt. He doesn’t charge.’ ‘I think I better do it. I talked with Velma and Jaypee last night. I’m not sure but I think she’s ready to waltz down the aisle again.’ ‘She didn’t tell you what kinda gift you should send, or anything?’ ‘Naw, but I’m sure she’ll notify me – won’t want me claiming she did something behind my back, although since we’re officially divorced she don’t owe me a damn thing – except if it pertains to Jaypee.’ ‘Lemme know if I can do anything, okay?’ ‘Right.’ *** The spring struggled, but old man winter wasn’t too cooperative. St. Patrick’s Day and Easter were in the offing. ‘I’m feeling bad, Bossman.’ ‘Why’s that?’ ‘Aw, we didn’t do nuthin’ about that stray dog I’d been feeding.’ 50

‘Yeah. We made a mistake cutting off the food you were putting out there. Wonder what ever happened to him?’ ‘Floyd says the dog gave up on us – he back up the street in the alley behind the diner.’ ‘Well, at least he ain’t been run over – yet.’ ‘They can’t let him come inside the diner. City food inspectors won’t allow that.’ ‘Um. Maybe we ought to rethink our position. What kinda dog is this? Big – little? What?’ ‘If yo’ looking fo’ a pedigree – fuggedaboutit. He’s a mutt, shitty dirty fur, not too big – skinny as hell – and dirty – real dirty, all matted up bad.’ ‘Shit. Le’s do it. I’ll override Danny. You just work something out with Floyd.’ ‘You want me to bring the dog down here?’ ‘Yeah. Le’s quit farting around with the food traps in the alley. Get him inside, feed him something – then Danny or I’ll take him to a vet and get him cleaned up. After that he’s gonna have to learn to be an inside dog, lay around and get fat.’ ‘Sounds good, boss. If he’s a biter or a bad barker then we gonna have a problem giving him back to Floyd?’ ‘Naw. You and alla these othuh niggahs coming and going here – probably scare the hell outta the dog. He shut up and come hide under my desk.’ *** 51

Floyd and the folks up at the diner were glad to see Wilbur volunteer to take the dog off their hands. In this crappy weather everybody was feeling guilty. ‘What is it about stray dogs?’ ‘I’ll tellya, partner. Back when we were in Japan – didja ever notice – no dogs, stray or otherwise?’ ‘You’re right. No cats either come to think of it.’ ‘I guess by the time the war ended the people there had eaten everything but their shoes.’ ‘Damn right – and I remember how that damned cold drizzle felt when we were out in it all the time there. Ain’t never gonna forget that damn night when we raided the Sakura Port dancehall. I’ll never forget Renji Takasu trying to run in the rain chasing those clowns of Monkeyman’s. Those shoes he was wearing – might as well have been barefoot. Took all of us most of the next day to dry out and get warm again.’ ‘So, how you wanna work this with Bozo the dog? He oughta be glad to get outta the rain too.’ *** We took him up on Newstead, to Vic Trahan, the same vet where I’d taken the blindman’s dog I’d ‘inherited’ – back in happier days. ‘Hi, Dan. This another one that followed you home?’ ‘Naw. He’s a homeless stray been hanging around the alleys downtown. We figured he was gonna either die or get run over if somebody didn’t do something. So . . .’ 52

‘Well, he sure isn’t the specimen that German Shepherd was that you brought in here last time.’ ‘Yeah, that was some dog, wasn’t he?’ ‘Blindman had himself a fine animal there. That dog got lucky when you agreed to take him when the blindman died.’ ‘I don’t think I’ll agree with you on the dog getting lucky. You know that he died – along with my wife and daughter when our house was firebombed.’ ‘Oh, Jeez, Dan – I’d forgotten about that. I’m sorry.’ ‘That’s okay. I don’t think the dog or my wife or my daughter had even an instant before they were completely overcome by the blast. At least that’s what everybody tells me.’ The vet worked on in an awkward silence for a while, then raised up. ‘Well, let me tell you what we’re looking at here on the table.’ He elicited a weak wag from our patient as he rubbed his neck. ‘This guy is a mixed breed of some sort, nothing special. He’s reached maturity so there will be no more growth. Judging by his teeth and other parameters I’d say he’s maybe six or seven years old. He’s undernourished and is going to need some work to get him back in proper trim but fundamentally he is in good health. He does have some damage to one eye – I think he came in second in a fight with some alley cat. I can treat that to prevent any infection. I’m not sure whether the sight in it will be affected or not. I’d suggest an immediate grooming session, 53

get rid of all the varmints living on him right now. Then he should be dewormed and given his shots.’ ‘Don’t sound too bad, does it?’ ‘No. He seems friendly enough so I’d hazard a guess that he’ll be a loyal companion and probably very trainable. Don’t see that he’s interested in looking for fights or barking his head off all the time. Probably work out well where not much is demanded of him except his friendship.’ ‘I think this gang of ours at the office can handle that. Thanks, Doc.’ ‘No problem – and again, let me apologize for my unthinking handling of the loss of your family and the other family pet. I’m awfully sorry about that.’ ‘As I said – no problem.’ ‘Good. Then, as long as you’re here, you want to hop up here and let me check you too?’ ‘Get outta here. I‘ve seen the size of the needles you vets use.’ I looked at Murph. ‘Mal? Doncha think we oughta leave the mutt here for a coupla days?’ Malachi Murphy had volunteered to bring me and the dog to the vet’s office. I seriously doubt that any other cabbie in town would have let us put one foot – or paw – in his ‘clean’ cab. Murph is just not your regular garden variety cabbie. He owns his vehicle and he operates independently. With a handful of steady rides like me he does just fine financially.


‘Sure, Dan, no problem. Just so I got somebody in the backseat with him whenever we bring him home. I ain’t too good with animals, you know?’ So we left the mutt there and headed back downtown in Mal’s cab. *** ‘Anything much happening?’ ‘Yeah, Dan. A couple of Slick’s finest decided they’d do a ‘Custer’s last stand’ imitation over at the courthouse.’ ‘Ooh, that don’t sound too good.’ Wilbur shook his head. ‘Yeah, dumb shits. Slugged a bailiff and they say after that all hell broke loose. Bunch of innocent folks coulda got hurt. Some young cop, there to testify, and Slick stepped in and put a quick stop to it before it got outta control.’ ‘Ah, I can see Slick, can’t you?’ ‘Yeah – all calm and quiet, maybe talking up some new business – then hears the commotion . . .’ ‘Bet he didn’t waste any time, just waded right in and busted a couple of heads.’ ‘Yeah. I think the young cop was actually relieved Slick was right there. All he had to do then was slap some cuffs on the clowns.’ ‘So, Slick get back yet?’ ‘Naw. Somebody phoned me here to tell me about it. Said the press was there wanting a story and the poleece 55

were holding Slick for a bit until they could write alla their reports.’ ‘Hope Slick don’t rush outta there without asking the court to revoke their bonds – get himself off the hook on any responsibility for delivering those clowns back to court.’ ‘I sho he gonna do that. He can do without business like that.’ *** I settled in at my desk and figured I’d just wait for Slick to show up. Wilbur tried to look busy on the phone as we heard Slick coming in the back door. He restrained himself, with some considerable effort, as he looked around the office. ‘Where the hell is Renji when you need him, huh?’ I had to laugh. ‘You mean you couldn’t handle two little pissants on your own? Wilbur sez folks saying you had to be helped by some young poleece officer.’ He looked at both of us, spread his hands wide from his massive frame and spoke. ‘You see the damage those two clowns did to my clothes? Good thing that young copper was there. I was so goddamn mad I woulda killed both of ‘em.’ His suit coat looked like it might be torn. His trousers were rumpled. His shirt was open at the collar. In a word, he looked like he’d been in a fight. ‘What started it all?’


‘Whoever was trying to get everybody lined up for the docket call seated them down next to each other in the jury box. Nobody knew that these two clowns had both been screwing the same girl before they got arrested. Separate charges, different arrest dates. You know? Anyway they started in on each other right away. At first it was just mouthing off. Nobody paid any attention. Then one of ‘em said somethin’ – the other guy takes a swing – and all hell broke loose. The bailiff, probably the same guy that seated them there tried to break it up and got knocked on his ass for his trouble. I was just coming in the courtroom door. The young copper right behind me. We saw what was happening and jumped in. We each got a couple fistfuls of ass and pants but the guys kept swinging and yelling. I got one hand loose and popped my guy a good lick and dropped him. About the same time the copper was getting on top of his side of the show. Some other folks turned up with handcuffs and we got everybody sorted out pretty quick. Just a few minutes there and my goddamn clothes ruined.’ ‘Judge on the bench when it happened?’ ‘Hell no. I’d guess that, if anything, he probably locked himself in chambers. When he finally came out, he looked around and then eyeballed me – said ‘Mr. Bondsman? Do you have any business you’d like to bring before the court before we start the docket?’ He could tell from my appearance that I’d probably be holding the paper on one or both of our clowns.’ ‘So, what you tell him?’ ‘I told him that I wanted bond on both to be revoked immediately. He agreed. I also pointed out that they had demonstrated their lack of respect for the court and that I believed, even if he released them on a higher bond, they’d pose a risk to the community.’ 57

‘And?’ ‘Remanded. No bond.’ ‘Probably a good thing they did their stupid imitation in public – in a courtroom.’ ‘Yeah. I’m still pissed though about messing my clothes up. Had to stand around there in the hall while the cops gathered the facts for their reports. Then a couple newsies turned up and I had to go through the drill again with them. Me standing there with my ass hanging out a rip in my pants.’ ‘What do you want to bet you’ll get pretty good advertising in the papers?’ ‘Yeah, boss. Word gonna spread out theah. You the man, yeah.’ *** We made it to St. Patrick’s Day and lucked out on the weather. That may or may not be good, depending on whether or not you’re a serious beer drinker and are Irish, even if only for that one day. At the club on Maryland we were rather calm, bought a bag of about 25 lbs. of green popcorn, some green paper napkins and some little green flags for everybody’s lapel. The King’s Lads did a pretty good job of interspersing an occasional ‘Oh Danny Boy’ in with their regular repertoire. Nobody arrested. At Jefferson and Cass it was, as they say, an entirely different ballgame. Other than Herman Schultz, my longtime bartender, the place was packed with neighborhood Irishmen. They weren’t interested in dyed popcorn or little green flags. They knew how to 58

commemorate this holiday, which they did – to a fare thee well. We had a fair number of Irish coppers pop in the back door. Some with names like Falsetti, Bauer, and the like had to put on their Irish face. Schultzie gave them an odd eyeball as he pushed free mugs of suds in front of them. I didn’t see it but somebody said we had a streetcar parked in the middle of the street outside while the motorman was in the saloon. Nobody was arrested there either. Everybody departed at closing time and headed home where the ‘lady of the house’ was waiting to burn their ears. ‘Twas worth it, aye. ‘Twas.’ *** Slick and Futterman had restored Slick to his sartorial elegance once more. Wilbur had been correct. Slick was getting lots of pats on the back for taking down those two idiots at the courthouse. We never ran any statistics on it but it did seem to me that Slick’s bond business was now servicing a significant number of white clients. I liked seeing that. I didn’t interfere, or offer any advice, but he knew that if he ever needed any help from me, all he had to do was say so. *** The mutt turned out to look fairly presentable after Doc Trahan was all finished with him. When the dog was ready we had to decide how to pick him up. Murph insisted that somebody needed to ride with the dog in the back seat of the cab. I wasn’t there at the time so, much to everybody’s surprise, Slick spoke up. ‘C’mon, Murph. I’ll ride with you. Maybe on the way back we might stop and buy some dog food and stuff for him.’


As I may have previously reported we have an empty lot next door here on Olive. A building had once stood there but was apparently destroyed in a fire. The site was scraped clean and is used on occasion by a guy who is trying to start a carriage rides business. He has two old horses he’d bought from a dairy and, from time to time, he leaves the horses and a bale of hay on the lot for a few days. There is a wash tub back there that the Chinese couple next door on the other side of the lot, the folks who run the little Chinese laundry, keep filled with water for the horses to drink. Believe it or not, the guy also left a couple of bald tires there for the horses ‘to play with’. Mebbe the dog can have some fun with the horses there, too. Anyway, Slick and Murph came back with the dog and a bunch of stuff for him. ‘First thing. We gotta come up with a name for him.’ Wilbur, Slick, Murph, and I, all looked at the dog. He stood there with a sorrowful look on his face thinking he’d already done something wrong. His tail drooped, his head hung low with the damaged eye now permanently closed. Plus he probably still wasn’t used to being so clean. ‘POPEYE!’ ‘Yeah, perfect.’ We fixed up his bed in the room that was supposed to be my office, a box affair with an old G.I. blanket we’d cut up into smaller pieces. “Lissen, let’s keep his food and water bowls in the crapper, okay? And – now everybody please put the lid down! Don’t want him slurping outta the commode.’ 60

‘Okay, think we need an assignment sheet for who takes him for a walk – and when?’ ‘Why not? Give the customers here something to do.’ Wilbur spoke. ‘Some of these guys – they ain’t been too friendly with dogs, any animals. Might be afraid.’ ‘Well, fix up a sign-in sheet for those who do want to volunteer. Let’s buy a collar and a leash before we start or that damn dog might decide to run back to the alleys.’ ‘Slick? Why is it? Everything we do – no matter how simple – turns into a major project, lists, schedules, alla that shit. Then we screw it up.’ ‘Just talent for it, I guess.’ *** Slick got his ‘Dear John’ letter a little after Easter. ‘No surprise.’ ‘Yeah, but it still smarts a little don’t it?’ ‘Mostly because of what you and I did – not her.’ ‘You got an amen on that, my friend. When you gonna go talk to Dr. Barclay, the psychiatrist?’ ‘In a day or two, after I get past this letter.’ *** Dr. Wayne Samuels and Dr. James Barclay have developed a professional and personal relationship that 61

both are enjoying very much. Two sharp minds, they enjoy bouncing ‘what ifs’ off each other. Barclay has made significant progress. He is out of the big cast so his mobility has improved significantly. His age, however, according to Wayne Samuels, is also a factor to be taken into consideration. I had been an occasional visitor at the clinic. I have come to feel that Samuels and Barclay are both the type of friends I would like to keep. If pressed by Barclay I guess I’d have to admit that some of my visits which were ostensibly to visit Dr. Samuels were, in fact, to visit some more with him. He senses that but apparently sees no need to challenge me on it. I think I know Wayne pretty well but Barclay – not so. Not yet. ‘You getting to know the old doc pretty well, Wayne?’ ‘Oh yeah. He’s a real challenge to my intellect. We sit for hours and discuss all the world’s problems. Fascinating guy.’ ‘Much better for him being here, too – rather than moldering away in a City facility somewhere.’ ‘Oh, I could never have let that happen to him, or anybody with his brains, would have driven him crazy. No, he and I sit and have a few belts to loosen up our tongues and then have a dialogue every night. He approaches subjects as a scientist, not a big booster of blind faith. You gotta prove your point to his satisfaction or you lose the argument.’ *** I decided it would help me to have another sitdown with Barclay. 62

‘Dan, since we’ve crossed paths here – how do you feel? Do you think anything has changed in your outlook?’ ‘No doubt about it. You’ve shown me that the root of my failures have been in the stupid stunts I’ve pulled. Me and Slick – always seem ready to jump into anything the least bit adventurous. Bottom line: I sacrificed my wife and daughter because of it.’ ‘That’s correct. But how do you feel about it now?’ ‘Guilty, always will – but you’ve shown me that I cannot undo my past mistakes, gotta move ahead.’ ‘And?’ ‘And – if I want to have a normal family life again – THEN I’m going to have to cease and desist on the goofy stuff.’ ‘Dan, your mastery of the psychiatric language is amazing. I couldn’t have said that better myself – ‘goofy stuff’ - yeah. That’s perfect terminology for that.’ ‘Aw shucks.’ ‘Yeah, all kidding aside. You have made progress. About all I can do is warn you to think first – before you leap. If you go into something, admit to yourself that it could blow up in your face – again.’ ‘I know.’ ‘That translates, in my mind, to a fundamental decision you are someday going to have to make.’ ‘Yeah, doc, I know. Either never get married and continue my life as I have done to date.’ 63

‘Or, if you decide to marry again – then?’ ‘Give it up.’ ‘Think you’re up to that? A total change of lifestyle.’ ‘Not yet. Maybe never.’ *** The guy with the two horses next door came in one day to introduce himself. ‘Just thought I’d check in with you folks. I’m going to be leaving Bonnie and Clyde in the lot for a while.’ ‘That’s fine. Think it would be okay if we lean over the fence and pet ‘em?’ ‘Sure, they’d love it. They take handouts, too. Apples and carrots – big favorites.’ ‘How they feel about dogs?’ ‘They’re used to getting yapped at all their lives. No problem.’ ‘We just wanted to make sure. We just adopted the mutt here. Don’t know how he’ll behave when he sees the new neighbors.’ ‘Won’t be a problem. The three of ‘em will probably all be over lapping out of the water tub together before you know it.’ So we got the doggie thing all worked out. The old Chinese couple live in back of their laundry. We noticed 64

that they enjoyed the horses as occasional neighbors, so Wilbur made a point of walking Popeye, on his new leash, up the alley in the evening when the old folks were taking the evening breeze there. They nodded bashfully and smiled as the dog stopped for a bit of petting. The old man scratched one of the bent ears and said ‘He no pekingnese, but he nice dog. Like ear scratch.’ So Popeye added two more conquests. *** Slick finally bit the bullet and scheduled a couple of sessions with Dr. Barclay. I figured that whenever he was ready he’d give me a report. ‘I think that doc has us pegged. Only difference is that your family was entirely wiped out in the explosion. My family has been removed from me by court order.’ ‘Yeah. He give you what your options are?’ ‘Yeah. Told me they were the same as yours. If I want to marry again – then I damn well better abandon all the hotdogging shit we’ve been doing in the past. Said if I don’t plan on a ‘normal’ family life then just keep up the bullshit routine of periodically getting myself screwed up, maybe shot or killed. In other words, if I don’t care – and it won’t hurt anybody else – then do whatever I damn well please.’ ‘Pretty damn discouraging, ain’t it?’ ‘Well, I don’t know. I think Barclay was trying to get me to admit that I never had a family. I don’t remember ever having any son-mother feelings toward any of the whores there in L.A. I stole some pimp’s car and money 65

and ran away, all the way to Fort Sam Houston in Texas to enlist, lying about my age even. So for me – the army was the closest thing to what you might call a family – for me.’ ‘Yeah, I can see that. I had the mother, father, brother thing – altogether different from you.’ ‘As I see it, with the bright light of Dr. Barclay’s analysis shining down on us – where we made our first big mistake, and it was a joint one, was when you and I decided to leave the army in Japan and go for it as civilians.’ ‘Oh?’ ‘Yeah. We both come back here and immediately start trying to be successful civilians – businessmen, family men, all the trappings. . .’ ‘What was wrong with that?’ ‘Simple, my friend. We didn’t make the necessary adjustments in our thinking as to how to earn the money and fame – just as plain civilians.’ ‘Fame? That’s horseshit. I never cared about fame. Neither did you!’ ‘Right, but it came with the territory. Were you satisfied to just sit on your ass on a barstool and make your money? Hell No! Was I satisfied to just make money off of the bail bonds business? Hell No!’ ‘Well, you’re right there – I guess.’ ‘No guessing about it. I know you. You know me. Neither one of us is going to spend the rest of our lives like all the rest of the people around here – going to church, working a forty hour job, punching a time clock.’ 66

‘Yeah . . .’ ‘Yeah. I ain’t saying we couldn’t force ourselves to do that. What I’m saying is that we didn’t approach civilian life that way – so we paid the penalties. In your case – Mona and Michiko paid the ultimate penalties.’ We sat silently. Both of us knew that what Slick had just articulated was right on the money. Doctor Barclay had pegged us both – right outta the box – just a couple of hotdogs, not thinking, not evaluating the risks, just blunder on. ‘Barclay’s right. I’m going to change my style.’ ‘Oh?’ ‘Yeah. No more starry eyed romances. I’m going to go it alone – never be responsible ever again for anything like what I did to Mona and Michiko.’ ‘Me too. I’m sorry if I ran all over you there about what you did . . .’ ‘Salright. True, all of it.’ ‘Well, I don’t feel any better but at least now I know not to hurt anybody else anymore.’ ‘Except when you’re knocking heads over there at the courthouse?’ ‘Well, that’s different. That’s business.’ *** Popeye made quick friends with Bonnie and Clyde next door. Their yard was completely fenced so it was safe to put Popeye down in there without a leash or anything. 67

We put one of his rawhide bones in there. The horses enjoyed picking it up in their teeth and trotting around the yard. Playing keep away with the little guy. It was really something to see – how a scruffy mongrel mutt, just about at death’s door, was able to bounce back. He still could win top honors in the ugly contests, but his heart was sure as hell in the right place. He was like Will Rogers - Never met a man he didn’t like. Wilbur had him figured out. ‘I guess we ain’t got us a watchdog heah, do we?’ *** I kept busy with the two saloons, much more than I had in the past. It’s not too unpleasant when you listen to the ring of the cash registers. I pretty much let the ‘fixing business’ at City Hall just slide into oblivion. Most folks eventually figured out that they could do the same thing themselves as they used to ask me to do for them. Slick was busy. The bonding business by now had become color-blind. Whites felt good about asking Slick to cover their bonds. He was businesslike with them and didn’t make any distinctions among his clientele. All his clients were comfortable with him. *** As Dr. Barclay continued his recovery, like the true professional that he seemed to be, he chafed at his inability to counsel with psychiatric patients even though he had told us that he had pretty much abandoned his fulltime practice up in New York. He and Wayne Samuels had hit it off well which facilitated the recovery considerably. 68

‘He and I both share the same views on politics, religion and scotch. Our professional disciplines will never intersect. We’re a match made in heaven.’ “You two know Wayne well enough, don’t you? Isn’t he just blowing a wee bit of smoke?’ Slick answered for us. ‘Doc, you got the premier smoke blower of all time sitting here right next to me. If anybody can spot a smoke blower, it’s him.’ ‘Dan? You let Slick malign you like that?’ ‘What am I going to do? He’ll beat me up if I disagree with him. Ain’t that right, Wayne?’ ‘He’s telling the truth, Jim. Slick Jones is the biggest and meanest . . .’ ‘And Driscoll is the littlest blarney machine here in town.’ The four of us were having a good time. Wayne Samuels had made sure there was a table in the back for us in the hotel’s club, then called to cancel it when Slick and I showed up at the clinic with a doctor’s bag filled with ‘medicine’. ‘Where’d you guys pick up this bag? Haven’t seen one as old as that since Disraeli was a pup. Have you, Wayne?’ ‘Naw, pretty scuffed up, ain’t it?’ Wayne Samuels reached in the bag. ‘How many bottles you got in here anyway?’ ‘Four was about all we could squeeze in there and still pick it up without the handle falling off.’ 69

The occasion was nothing special. Slick and I were feeling pretty good after our sessions with Barclay. Barclay was feeling pretty good because Wayne Samuels had made sure he mended under first class conditions. Wayne Samuels was feeling good because he had succeeded in enticing Barclay to put down some roots here in St. Louis. ‘So, dare we ask – what gives here?’ ‘Well, Dan. The old shrink here is about well enough to load on a plane and send packing back to the Big Apple. However, that would be a problem here – if he did that.’ ‘Oh?’ ‘Yes. It seems that some of my surgery patients have developed professional relationships with him. Now I feel obligated, on their behalf you understand, to offer him a place to roost. What can I do?’ He ducked his head into his glass to conceal the grin. Barclay was better able to control his expressions. Barclay spoke. ‘If I may respond?’ ‘Yes, of course.’ Slick and I, I think, were rapidly becoming shitfaced. This was good booze and there was nothing else here to soak it up when it hit the stomach. I leaned forward to hear what Barclay was going to say. I looked over at Slick. He seemed preoccupied with his Zippo lighter. ‘All jokes aside. I’ve been treated royally here, thanks to Dr. Samuels, and it’s true – I have counseled informally with some of the ladies who frequent his offices. Reminds me of the sort of practice I’ve had back east. So 70

when the subject came up about my leaving, well . . . let’s just say we reached a quick mutual agreement.’ ‘Well, good.’ ‘Yes, Slick, I’m going to keep my license up to date back home but my primary location will be here. I’m not going to go into this like a young doctor fresh out of school. If Wayne has a candidate and gives me a call, then we’ll go from there.’ I couldn’t help but note the comparison of his future plans with the manner in which he and Wayne Samuels had deftly maneuvered Slick and me into counseling. A couple of pros. We did our level best to bury those soldiers that we’d brought in the bag. I didn’t want to take any of it home. ‘Boy, doc, when you did that pratfall on the courthouse steps, we thought you were a goner.’ ‘I didn’t feel so goddamned perky myself when Dan came to visit me that first time at City Hospital. No sir.’ ‘Itsa wonder some lawyer didn’t just jump in that ambulance, ain’t it?’ ‘Who wants to sue the City? No deep pocket there to make a quick settlement offer.’ ‘That’s true.’ ‘This place of Wayne’s can kinda grow on you – you know? Like a country club in here.’


‘Yeah. When he thinks you’re feeling sorry for yourself, he offers you an ice water enema. He do that to you, Doc?’ ‘No, he just makes sure my supper tray doesn’t quite measure up. No little vase of flowers – maybe the vegetable is a cold puree of turnips. Sneaky, Wayne, my boy, sneaky.’ It went on like that for several hours. When we finally decided that we’d all had enough and still had tomorrow to face Slick got up. ‘I guess we better head for the barn, Dan, whaddaya think?’ Wayne Samuels phoned Murph to bring his cab around while Slick and I prettied up in the restroom. We all walked behind Barclay’s wheelchair and got him settled in for the night. ‘Enjoyed ourselves, doctors. Very much.’ Wayne responded. ‘We never close, gents, like a police station. We’re as close as your phone.’ Barclay raised his head from the pillow. ‘I’ll give him a big Amen on that – same goes for me. If you ever need my help, you can call Wayne – or call me direct. Let’s stay in touch.’ Murph was standing by the cab, with the rear door open. Slick looked at me. ‘Is that our rickshaw, partner?’ I laughed as Slick slowly field stripped his cigarette. ‘Wouldn’t have wasted this butt back then, would we?’


Malachi Murph let us doze in the backseat as he quietly maneuvered through the late night traffic. I don’t remember getting in bed that night. *** One day a week or so later Slick came in my room. ‘Wanna go eat?’ ‘Yeah. I’m starving.’ Six months ago if I’d said that I was starving you wouldn’t have believed it. *** ‘Think Barclay’s treatments last long?’ ‘Like giving up cigarettes maybe. You know – the guy that says ‘I can do it. I’ve quit smoking a hundred times’. ‘Well, I hope not. I’m feeling pretty good nowadays.’ ‘Me too.’ We were in a Chinese place that looked like it had been there forever. In fact I think it was there back during Prohibition. High backed uncomfortable booths, funny lights on the walls. Food was adequate but couldn’t compete with what we had been served back in Yokohama at Wei Ai Ei’s Golden Dragon. I asked. ‘What are you hearing from Detroit? Anything?’ ‘Yeah. They’re going for a June wedding, sounds like all the flowers and stuff that goes with it. Obviously, 73

I’m alerted to the date so I can deduce that I should not consider coming up there then to visit with Jaypee.’ ‘Can’t really fault her on that, though, can you?’ ‘Naw, naw. No grudges to hold. I’ll work with her on the visitation thing. I believe the new guy is a young black doctor – so maybe she’ll get lucky this time around. All I care about is that the new guy hits it off with Jaypee.’ I didn’t know what to say because I wasn’t sure how he was feeling about a trip back down the aisle himself, so I just worked on trying to stab a prawn with a chopstick. ‘Knowing her – she’d rip the new guy a new asshole if he messed up taking Jaypee into the family picture.’ He laughed. ‘You can say that again.’ ‘Knowing her – she’d rip . . .’ He glared across the table – the ten pound glare. ‘You feeling pretty frisky there aincha?’ I grinned. ‘Matter of fact I am. I think old Doc Barclay’s magic elixir is doing the trick.’ ‘He’s something, ain’t he?’ ‘Smart man – knows how to blend in the science with the bullshit. You don’t even realize he’s treating you. He brought me outta my funk in nothing flat.’ ‘Yeah – good at that.’


‘I still feel guilty as hell about Mona and Michiko but now I understand why – and now I can function in the present and the future. At least I think I’ll be able to.’ ‘Me too. It’s pretty clear to me that married life is not for me.’ ‘I think I can say the same for myself. Nobody deserves me – bad news.’ He grinned. ‘In spades – for me.’ *** Wilbur had a list of two pages – guys who wanted a turn at taking care of Popeye. They had a regular walk schedule, morning, afternoon, evenings. Somebody else was responsible for food and water. They even had a latrine detail to clean up the poop on the sidewalk. The dog was loving it. ‘Hey, this dog – he getting too much to eat?’ ‘I dunno. He so damn skinny when we first got him – hard to tell. He looking good now.’ ‘Better keep an eye on the guys. We don’t want ‘em bringing in food from outside. Damn dog ain’t smart enough to say ‘No’. He just gobble it up.’ ‘I think the old chinaman been slipping him some stuff.’ ‘Oh boy.’ ‘The horses around much?’


‘They come and go. I think that guy, his name is Larry Schwartz, has some other place for them, too – just uses this yard as a place to leave them for short periods.’ ‘I see Larry got a roof on poles put up. So, he probably cares enough to look out for them.’ ‘Yeah. Those horses are smart enough to get under there when it’s raining – or when the sun gets too hot.’ ‘Wonder how old they are?’ ‘How can you tell? They look pretty good to me, but I ain’t gonna go look in their mouth and count how many teeth they missing.’ ‘Old Clyde – he like to play around more than Bonnie.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Yeah. In the early evening – if they in there – I think they ain’t ready to settle down for the night – old Clyde looks around for that old tire – picks it up in his teeth and carries it around.’ ‘Yo’ kidding.’ ‘Naw. One night he was waving it around – nose to nose with Bonnie. She acted like she wasn’t interested – then bam! – grabbed that tire right outta his mouth.’ ‘What Clyde do?’ ‘Clyde wanted to get the tire back, but she turned her ass to him – kept the tire up front where he couldn’t run aroun’ and grab it back.’ ‘I be damned.’ 76

‘The ole Chinaman he like to come outta his shop and lean on the fence – talk to ‘em – give ‘em a sugar lump. Ain’t nobody don’t like a horse.’ *** ‘Hey bud, le’s talk.’ ‘I’m all ears.’ Slick pulled up a chair and leaned back to push the door of my office closed. ‘This might be nothing – I dunno.’ ‘What we talking about?’ ‘Something we might want to studiously avoid – not like we used to do before.’ ‘Oh. Yeah.’ ‘I been hearing things – on the street – over at the courthouse. Thought you might gimme your feelings about it.’ ‘What we talking about?’ ‘Well, it might be something the police can handle. Then again. . .’ ‘Oh shit.’ *** So then he told me. ‘I got some bad feelings about this one, partner.’ 77

‘Think ole Doc Barclay might get on your ass if you play around with whatever it is?’ ‘Yeah, but more than that. I’m afraid this could be a blockbuster.’ ‘Since when did the size of a problem slow you – or me – down?’ ‘This thing has ramifications.’ ‘Ramifications? What the hell you talking about? Every job we’ve ever taken on had ramifications.’ ‘Yeah, but not like this.’ I sat for a bit, figured it was best to let him bring this out at his own pace. He shook his head – like he was clearing it of cobwebs, and finally spoke. ‘I been overhearing folks talking – never pay much attention to what I overhear in a courthouse hallway. But after a while I noticed they get kinda fishy eyed when they see I might be listening, so they kinda shut up, act like maybe they’re talking about something embarrassing – you know.’ ‘Yeah. Lotsa folks in this town seem to think that cancer is something only bad people get – like syphilis or something. Can’t bring themselves to discuss it as a legitimate disease.’ ‘I know. Same thing about lotsa stuff. Ever wonder, though, why they don’t seem to consider alcoholism as a disease – just some kind of ‘bad habit’ thing? Don’t make sense.’


‘No, it don’t, but I still don’t know what the hell we’re talking about here. You’re dancing all around but not saying anything. What the hell are you trying to say?’ ‘Aw, I don’t have a big word for it. That’d make it easier. Lemme just kind of lay it out. Okay?’ ‘Go ahead.’ ‘Like I say. I hear folks talking – at the courthouse – I can’t butt in and say ‘What you all talking about?’ – so I just pick up bits and pieces.’ ‘And these bits and pieces are starting to make some sense?’ ‘They are – but I’m far, very far, from saying I got a four out of my two and twos.’ ‘Bugging you? Right?’ ‘Right. So then I notice the same kind of conversations going on in other parts of town. Bear in mind now, when I say ‘other parts of town’ I’m limiting myself to the black neighborhoods.’ ‘Right.’ ‘Yeah – Adam’s Rib, Roscoe’s, those kinds of places where almost everybody is black and they start letting their guard down and talking.’ ‘Come on. You’re getting there.’ ‘Well, the bottom line is that the black community – at least as best I can tell so far – is concerned about some sort of out of town threat coming into town, screwing up the black community – that sort of thing.’ 79

‘That’s pretty damned vague, partner. Could be the government, could be anything. You don’t have any idea – yet – as to who or what the threat is?’ ‘Not yet.’ ‘So, sounds like you’re gonna either have to act like a member of the black community and ask some folks to tell you what has them all stirred up – or – follow Doc Barclay’s advice and just keep your nose out of it.’ ‘Can’t.’ ‘Why not?’ ‘I already been asked for my advice.’ ‘Aw shit.’ *** I fished around a little at the saloon. Bunch of drunken Irishmen didn’t know anything – and didn’t much care about anything that affected the black community. A few suggested even that anything that could clean up the black community should be welcomed by the city. Seemed like their memories were rather short – only been a few years since they were on the outside looking in, hoping to be accepted here. I guess, no matter how slight, the least little perceived advantage one group has over another is taken as proof positive that ‘we’ are better than ‘them’. I talked a bit with some of the regulars at my club, too. It was there that I might have stumbled on something from one of the musicians. ‘I heard this indirectly – came to me through a guy who sings in the churches and synagogues.’ 80

‘Does both?’ ‘Oh yeah, he’d sing in the black churches too but they seem overloaded with talent of their own. No, this guy enjoys singing. He can sing at a catholic wedding and then go to a temple or synagogue and perform there without a problem. Don’t know how he does it – doesn’t understand the words of what he is singing but he just goes for the sound.’ ‘Damn. Learn something new every day. So, what this Irish tenor-Jewish cantor have to say?’ ‘He has a lot of black musician friends, gets together and jams with them on weekends. Anyway he says they – the black musicians – are talking a lot about some big move – coming in from out of town – somewhere south of here – planning on taking over an established black church here.’ ‘I don’t see the connection. Black musicians – black church? Ah . . .?’ “As best they could figure it out, this black out of town church group is looking to infiltrating up here by using the drawing power of their musicians.’ ‘Aha. Come to the little neighborhood church and hear all the out of town talent thing?’ ‘That’s what it sounds like, yeah.’ *** I didn’t see Slick for several days. We both seemed to be going in different directions. I was pretty busy and I felt sure that he was busting his ass on the bail bonds business and then adding to that a lot of time spent trolling his black neighborhood sources about the gossip thing. We 81

finally managed to meet on a Sunday morning – at the Cass Avenue saloon. St. Louis blue laws require saloons to be closed on Sunday mornings. ‘Why don’t we open the windows and maybe the back door? Let a little fresh air in here – damn place stinks of stale beer and cheap cigars.’ ‘Ah, Slick. This place is permanently stunk up. Yeah, let a little air in but it won’t get rid of the smell in here. You want something to drink – maybe some coffee?’ ‘Naw, maybe later on.’ So I told Slick what little I had learned about the black church music thing. ‘Yeah, I think that’s what it’s going to turn out to be. I was at Roscoe’s barber shop yesterday, wanted my moustache trimmed up and old Roscoe said he’d been asked to see if I’d agree to meet with one of the preachers tomorrow.’ ‘You gonna do it?’ ‘Yeah, like I said at the start – if it’s a bullshit thing then I’ll politely decline ‘too busy, etc.’ If it sounds like they got a genuine problem and actually do need my help – well . . we’ll see.’ ‘Don’t get all twisted up in your underwear now. Keep your cool. You don’t have to agree to anything tomorrow.’ ‘Yeah, I know. I just got a bad feeling – these folks are giving out bad vibrations about this thing.’ ‘Wonder why?’ 82

‘I dunno. Sounds like they’re reading a lot more threat into it – whatever the hell ‘it’ is. I dunno.’ ‘Best that you wait until after the meeting with the preacher. Asking premature questions of the gossipmongers won’t get you very close to actual facts.’ ‘Right.’ ‘Can I get you that Coke now?’ ‘Yes, please – and I think you’re right.’ ‘About what?’ ‘The smell in this place. How many years this place been in the Driscoll family?’ ‘Well, I’m fifty. Do the arithmetic. Mom and Pop opened the place probably a few years before that, as soon as they scraped up enough money to pay a month’s rent and buy the first keg of beer. Took a hell of a long time for them to eventually buy the building.’ ‘And how many thousand cigar butts been ground out on the floor when they missed the spittoons?’ ‘Don’t even try to calculate all the spilled beer.’ ‘You get about a B-Plus on the fly strips, though. Tha’s good, yeah.’ It was a pleasant Sunday so we got in Slick’s car and drove over to the old 1904 World’s Fair Fairgrounds on Natural Bridge to watch all the young dudes work out their sports fantasies. We sat there until sunset. Not a single word exchanged between us about Slick’s Monday meeting. 83

*** ‘Poindexter? “Juicy” Poindextah?’ ‘Wilbur, that ain’t nice making fun of people’s names, especially a preacher’s name.’ ‘Aw, hell. Old preacher Poindexter. He got sumthin wrong wit his mouth. He talk a little funny. When he try to say Lucius Poindextuh, it comes out sounding like ‘Juiciest Poindextuh’ or like that. We all laugh about it and jes’ call him ‘Juicy’ Poindexter. He a good man, jes talk funny.’ Slick had talked with Roscoe and told him he would meet with the preacher. He insisted, however, that this single meeting was not to be taken as any kind of commitment that he would do anything further. ‘I told him. This is just for me to listen to what the man got to say.’ *** I just kept muddling along – staying in the flat upstairs on Cass, thanking the gods that be for not having a loud jukebox in the saloon downstairs. I’d take a run out to Maryland Avenue maybe twice a week, try to catch at least one evening when the entertainment was going on. Nothing much going on around City Hall but I’d do a walk through there every week or so. One rainy Saturday night I was roosting at the end of the bar in the club when Stormy Knight ended her last set. The crowd was kinda light because of the rain. ‘C’mon and pull up a stool here, lady – unless you want a table?’ ‘No, no. This is just fine. I like to kid myself I don’t hang over the edges of a stool too much.’ She winked and gave me that deep down laugh of hers. 84

‘You sound like you’re feeling pretty good, Stormy.’ ‘I am, Dan, I am – for an old bat.’ Pete Conrad, without being asked, slid a glass of ice and a bottle of Seven Up in front of her. She poured half a glass and downed it, then poured the rest in the glass and pushed the bottle back to Pete. ‘Gotta keep the old pipes cooled down.’ We sat for a bit and just schmoozed. Then she hit me with a question. ‘What’s Slick up to, Dan? I’m hearing things on the tom-toms out there – sound a little strange.’ ‘Well, from what little I know – or hear – I think it might be something strange. You hearing something about Reverend Poindexter’s church, too?’ ‘Yes I am. I don’t understand what a little old Negro church – been there forever – is suddenly the cause of so much whispering. Used to be all we ever heard about places like that was who died for the last funeral. All old folks. Otherwise, it was just old biddies gossiping about whose daughter got pregnant.’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘This stuff sounds like something different. Heavy duty stuff. You know anymore than that?’ ‘No, Stormy, at this moment I don’t. Slick is supposed to meet with Poindexter sometime soon. Maybe then we’ll be able to get a handle on it.’


‘I ain’t much for going to church – you probably figgered that out already, but, I have to say, listening to all these old ladies in the beauty parlor – you’d think it was the devil himself coming to town for Armageddon. Those old gals are really in a dither.’ ‘Hey, sweets. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear from Slick. My guess is that there’s nothing to it – something fairly innocent getting embellished every time it is retold. I’m about to head for the barn. Murph’s cab is waiting outside. Can we give you a lift anywhere?’ ‘Thought you’d nevah ask. That’ll save me cab fare. You sure Mistuh Murphy won’t mind going a little outta his way to drop me?’ ‘Mal Murphy is the most agreeable Irishman in this town. No problem. Grab your purse.’ *** ‘Old fart!’ ‘Who you talking about? Roscoe, the barber, or ‘Juicy’, the preacher?’ ‘I guess I could make that plural. Both of ‘em, listen too much to the old ladies’ gossip, I think.’ ‘So you drew a blank?’ ‘Sure sounded like it. Roscoe was just passing it on. Juicy Poindexter – I met him and grilled him pretty good. Seems like he got himself involved in some kind of little scam – might be perfectly legitimate – but after he got involved, then he started having second thoughts. One thing led to another – first thing you know almost everybody black in this town are girding up for a big takeover of Poindexter’s church.’ 86

‘So – what’s the real story?’ ‘You have to understand most black churches have roots that go pretty deep. Most of ‘em have been and remain dirt poor, peeling paint, cracked linoleum floors, burned out lightbulbs, leaky roof. You name it.’ ‘Yeah, I pretty much guessed that.’ ‘Well, Juicy Poindexter has been leading his small flock for many years. He probably isn’t the best educated man of the cloth, but he knows enough bible stuff to put on a pretty good sermon every Sunday – and he’s got the funeral stuff down pat. Don’t make much money but he’s got job security you might say.’ ‘Ah.’ ‘Yeah, but it appears that he also has a big mouth.’ ‘Oh?’ ‘Yeah, likes to hear himself talk and this time he put his foot in his mouth real good.’ ‘What he do?’ ‘He said he was at a meeting of some southern preachers – all black – and each one was trying to outdo the other. I’d guess that this was over a few bottles of Sweet Lucy, but I didn’t figure I needed to know that, so I didn’t ask.’ ‘Put his size elevens in his mouth?’ ‘He thinks he did, yeah. Said he was bragging about how busy his church was, so busy he was thinking maybe he needed to look around for a – his words: ‘an associate 87

pastor’. Never thought anybody in the group was paying too much attention.’ ‘But?’ ‘Yep. Next thing he knows after he gets back home – forgot all about the conference by then – he gets a phone call – long distance.’ ‘The plot is thickening.’ ‘Caller claimed he was down in Oklahoma somewhere caring for a flock of God’s chillun there – wanted to discuss the reverend Poindexter’s mention of his need for an associate pastor.’ ‘Lemme guess, Poindexter at this point lost his memory and said something stupid?’ ‘Like, ‘why don’t you just come up to St. Louis for a while?’ – huh?’ ‘So Juicy is now experiencing some severe regret pains? Gonna be found out as a fraud who barely has enough business at his church to keep himself outta the poorhouse. That about it?’ ‘In a nutshell.’ ‘Can’t he eat a little crow – uh, sorry ‘bout that – phone the guy back and make some excuses? Cut him off before he leaves Oklahoma.’ ‘He thought about that. Then put in a call. The other guy sez ‘You can’t do that to me. I’ve already cut all my ties here. I’ve gotta leave town. I didn’t want to tell you but I got a teenager pregnant. I gotta get out of here. Just let me come for a few weeks.’ 88

‘So, Poindexter caved in. Right?’ ‘Yeah, right. Now he has all the folks here all bent out of shape. They like the old status quo – don’t want any young ‘Reverend Stud’ coming in and messing things up.’ ‘He thinks you’re some kind of miracle worker? Extract his foot outta his mouth, maybe even shove it where the sun don’t shine? Just anything to restore Juicy’s old status quo?’ ‘Exactly.’ ‘What you tell him?’ ‘You’ll be proud of me. I told him I don’t take on other people’s errors anymore. They ain’t got the money to cover my fees anyway.’ ‘Good for you. Proud of you.’ ‘Well, I still feel like shit. I think the old fart is really stupid when it comes to most things, just good at thumping his bible and posturing around. Not very sophisticated. Somebody told me he was forty before he knew there was something called white wine.’ ‘So, who cares? Guys like him are a dime a dozen. Ain’t any of your responsibility.’ ‘Yeah, I know. BUT – if this outtatown hotshot shows up here and turns out that he’s a problem that the reverend ‘Juicy’ can’t handle on his own, well . . .’ ‘Yeah, sounds like you didn’t pay attention to all Doctor Barclay’s advice, did you?’


‘All I’m saying is if the new preacher comes in here and starts stuff that goes beyond just Poindexter – then I’ll think about it some more.’ ‘Bullshit, bud. You’re gonna keep thinking about it. I can tell. Just because I don’t agree with the way you’re thinking – don’t cut me off. Okay?’ ‘No problem.’ ‘Good. I believe I owe you one anyway. My turn to save your black ass.’ *** Might not be a bad idea to talk this thing over with folks who got some brains. Let Slick do his thing with it, but at least I could maybe be a little better prepared to back him up if – in fact – the shit somehow does hit the fan. ‘Hey doc, how much you charge for a phone consultation?’ Barclay laughed. ‘You can’t be that hard up. Why don’t you come around and pick me up about three or so? We can go somewhere quiet and have a little of mother’s milk.’ I have to admit it – it’s hard not to put your full faith in a doctor who enjoys a drink. We went to a quiet little spot I know, Driscoll’s club on Maryland. ‘So, this is the watering hole Wayne’s been telling me all about? Nice – classy looking.’ ‘Thanks, doc. Glad I brought you here instead of my other place.’ 90

‘Yeah, I understand that place is what you might call a ‘workingman’s saloon’, right?’ ‘I don’t know how hard they work, except when they’re in there bending their elbows.’ Pete Conrad let us get settled in at a corner table away from the bar, the window, and the path to the restrooms. The place was virtually empty now but later on the pace would quicken. ‘This is fine, Pete. Doc, what do you favor? A little Teacher’s maybe?’ ‘Sounds fine. Maybe a little ice and water on the side?’ We settled in. I noticed that the good doctor Barclay was not a smoker. ‘You ever smoke, doc?’ ‘Oh yeah. Finally came to my senses when it got to a two pack a day habit. I’d have one in the ashtray and be lighting up another one.’ ‘Know the feeling. I haven’t gotten to that level – yet. Will it bother you if I smoke?’ ‘No, no. Go right ahead. Sometimes I take note of the pleasant smell as somebody fires up a cigarette, but I’m past the craving.’ I lit a Camel and left my pack and lighter sit in front of me. Pete, the bartender, brought us a bowl of ice and a small pitcher of water along with four glasses and a just opened bottle of Teacher’s Scotch. ‘This fine enough for your taste, doc? We got better hootch here if you’d like. Maybe a nice single malt?’ 91

‘This will be fine, Dan. Just fine.’ He poured himself two fingers and passed the bottle to me. I poured the same for myself. ‘I guess you’ve got the general picture on Slick’s current dilemma, right?’ ‘Just in broad general terms. I gather that’s about all he knows at this stage.’ ‘Yes. It may turn out to be nothing. He’s a little worried about it – partly because of his image as a black businessman, plus his and my reputation for fixing problems.’ ‘That I can understand. It sounds like what he doesn’t yet know, or understand, is the possible scope of this, as yet to develop, problem – for want of a better word.’ ‘I think that’s it. It bugs him a little that he can’t analyze it and therefore can’t come up with how to deal with it.’ ‘Probably because it could develop in any number of ways at this stage. Depends on the players, what their thinking is, or will be. Lots of unknowns.’ ‘Our experience in dealing with problems that involved religion have so far been pretty straightforward. Storefront fraud – bible thumping, shouting and such – intended solely to separate the so-called true believers from their hard earned money.’ ‘Fair amount of that going around – all the time.’


‘Then we’ve had the occasional ‘pillar of the community’ type. White sepulchres I believe they’re called.’ ‘Who also seem to somehow be getting into somebody’s pocket or purse, am I right?’ ‘Yeah – or maybe into somebody’s knickers.’ ‘That’s just another form of currency, ain’t it, Dan?’ He laughed and topped off our glasses. ‘What is it about religion, doc? Is it just me or are there really a lot of fraudulent and corrupt practitioners out there?’ ‘I’m inclined to say that is a correct statement.’ ‘Why do people fall for it, doc?’ ‘Why? Because they are always looking for something better than they have – or could have if they worked at it. It’s always better if you don’t have to work to get it. Whatever ‘it’ is.’ The human being is the only creature on earth unwilling to take the hand he’s been dealt by the almighty. You know any birds, cows, horse, dogs, whatever, who have to have their miracles? Who have to pray? Who have to put their money in the basket? Hell No. They just bust their asses pecking away everyday – just like the almighty intended. They do well, too – by and large – birds migrate, dogs eat out of garbage cans, sparrows perfectly content to peck in the horse manure out in the street. My point is that the rest of the animal kingdom make do with what they have. Only the human, presumably because he was given the ability to engage in rational thought – only he is the one creature looking for miracles so he won’t have to work at survival.’ 93

‘People just gullible? ‘Not entirely. Although in many cases, that is true. The more outlandish and bizarre the perceived remedy is – consider voodoo, for instance, or these statues that mysteriously weep, the image of Jesus in the screendoor. No matter how far fetched, if they want to ‘believe’ hard enough – then they’ll believe anything.’ ‘I guess a lot depends on how the alleged miracle cure or whatever is presented?’ ‘Of course. As I said, it seems the more farfetched, inexplicable and ununderstandable it is, the more attraction it seems to those gullible souls out there. There’s a certain bit of showmanship, if you’ll permit my irreverence, to selling the claptrap and mumbo jumbo to the unwashed masses.’ ‘Who must be ‘sold’ sufficiently before they pull out the checkbook. Right?’ ‘Correct.’ ‘So, if old Rev. Poindexter, aka ‘Juicy’, is not the slickest salesman in the world, then a new guy coming in would be a threat to Juicy’s job security?’ ‘Hard to keep such a small playing field level for two competitors. One of ‘em is going to have to yield to the other especially if there is a wide disparity in their respective salesmanship skills.’ ‘So, doc. If this is all we know at this point, what’s the concern Slick should have?’ ‘None. Do you see any reason why he should have to take any overt action to support Poindexter if the 94

newcomer is better qualified? Whatever the hell ‘qualified’ means.’ ‘Lemme push you a bit more. What if the new guy does come in, turns out to be a better preacher, maybe younger with some appeal to the fair sex, gets better haircuts, mingles well in public . . .?’ ‘So, let the best man win.’ ‘What if the new guy also comes up with some new twists on how to run things? Fund raising, that sorta thing.’ ‘You’re beginning to put a little more spin on the ball here, Dan. Your question is, if I may anticipate you, is how far does the new guy dare go?’ ‘Really, it’s more ‘at what point does Slick cease being a mere onlooker’ and is obligated to take that overt action you alluded to.’ ‘I say, Dan. You got me to the bottom line in less than half a bottle. You’re good.’ I laughed. I noticed my cigarettes were almost gone. I gave a nod to Pete. He brought us fresh glassware, ice and water. ‘You gents need anything else?’ ‘Yeah, Pete. Would you mind getting me a pack of Camels outta the machine?’ ‘No problem, boss.’ Barclay waited until Pete had moved away. ‘Looks like you got yourself a good barkeep there, Dan.’ ‘I been lucky. Lot of club owners spend all their time counting dimes and quarters in the register, checking on the sticky fingered help.’ 95

‘That isn’t limited to saloons, Dan.’ ‘No, I know. Probably everywhere, churches, businesses, you name it.’ ‘Right. So your buddy, Slick, if he’s going to monitor things at that little church, ah . . . by the way, what’s the name of the church?’ ‘I think it’s called the Ezekiel Tabernacle of Faith – something like that. Not affiliated with any particular denomination.’ ‘So, I’d guess its revenue is rather modest – no percentage to be passed up the line to corporate headquarters type of thing. All the income generated probably goes to the reverend Poindexter who pays the bills and then himself. Probably almost entirely done in cash. I’d hazard that there may not even be a checkbook involved.’ ‘Probably not.’ ‘So Poindexter could see himself on a two pronged financial dilemma. His own prior sticky fingers, if such did in fact exist, could be found out. Secondly, the new guy might be equally dexterous. Good possibility of conflict right there.’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘Then the new guy might also want to just do things differently to further distinguish himself from old man Poindexter. Discontinue the long time habits – watermelon feasts and such – raise the hoity-toity level a bit, take the ladies of the church on a chartered bus to the museum. That sorta thing.’ ‘Oh?’ 96

‘Yeah. Think about it. The more innovative the new guy is the more outdated Poindexter becomes.’ ‘I can see that, yeah.’ ‘And Slick – if he is going to investigate this thing – is going to have to be aware of the degree of the new guy’s ambition. If he’s intent on maximizing his role at The Ezekiel Tabernacle of Faith then there is no limit to what he might do, either right out in the wide open or, of greater concern to everybody affected, under wraps.’ ‘Argh.’ ‘Yeah. The sorta thing where the new guy disappears overnight.’ ‘I got a bad feeling that this is the way it could develop.’ ‘Dan, you have so little faith in human nature, you shock me.’ ‘You sure you ain’t Irish, doc? That blarney of yours sure sounds familiar.’ ‘That’s because it could all have occurred to you without any help from me. I just happen to get going pretty good whenever somebody is lobbing me those easy underhand pitches like you’ve been doing – and keeping my vocal chords well oiled here as well. Any other world problems you’d care to explore?’ *** ‘Is it my imagination or is this place getting crowded?’ 97

‘You ain’t imagining it, boss. Popeye – he gotta lotta friends.’ ‘Yeah, I can see that. I think you better put the word out for these clowns to not be hanging around here. We ain’t got the room, plus we’re trying to run a business. Send ‘em back up to the pool hall. Think you can handle that?’ ‘Sure, boss. They unnerstand. Just they ain’t got nothing else to do but wait for their turn to walk the dog – whatever. I’ll send ‘em away.’ ‘Thanks, Wilbur. Never know when we might need their help on something else.’ Like the Poindexter thing. I walked into his room and pushed the door shut after Wilbur had gotten the loafers to move along. ‘Sounds like you been doing a little planning.’ ‘Yeah, god help us – if I’m reduced to calling on those clowns for help.’ ‘They’ve performed well all the previous times you – and I – needed a little black bag work, didn’t they?’ ‘Yeah. I guess you’re right, but I don’t like ‘em feeling we’re all that close. Need to keep them at arms’ length.’ ‘Deniability again, right?’ ‘Right. If we do need them – on anything, not just Poindexter – then we just work out something vague on the phone and wait to hear later on that something happened.’


‘Right. I been talking some with Doctor Barclay. I don’t think he’s too impressed with the concept of organized religion.’ ‘Oh?’ ‘Yeah – thinks the goofy bastards in the street – unwashed masses he called ‘em – are too eager to let themselves be enchanted with the glitz and glitter put out by a lot of preachers.’ ‘Can’t say I disagree with that. Lot of ‘em are nothing but charlatans.’ ‘Well, after talking with him – for what it’s worth – I’d say this Poindexter thing is going to turn out to be all about money.’ ‘I agree. The folks who have been supporting Poindexter and his little church for years might suddenly find that this new guy is going to be drilling down much deeper – can’t do things fancy unless you got the money.’ ‘Well, we’ll soon enough find out. Got any idea when this new guy might show up?’ ‘Naw, and I’m not asking either. I’m trying to stay out of it. No need for my nose stuck in there.’ ‘Yeah – might want to draft you as the new choir director.’ ‘Har har.’ *** I made a lunch date with Vince Pallazola – Lieutenant Pallazola, commander of the SLPD Flying Squad. We go way back – back to before the War when we 99

both started in the late ‘30s as probationary patrolmen for the SLPD. Although our paths diverged long ago, those paths have likewise intersected many times since. I owe Vin my life. It was Pallazola who brought down Paul Deckard after Deckard had plugged me. He now heads a small elite squad of detectives that is multi-talented and has a mandate to cherry pick its workload. We agreed to meet at a small Italian family restaurant, a place that until just a few years ago featured ‘Mama’ as a daily fixture. Although Mama Napolitano recently died her original recipes live on – her two sons have promised to never change any of them so long as the family restaurant exists. As we took our seats Vin simply handed the menus back to Salvatore, one of the brother-owners. ‘We’re in your hands, Sal. Whatever you’re eating today is good enough for us.’ Sal beamed. Vin just made his day. He’d go back in the kitchen now and bust his butt to bring out the best of the best for us. ‘Vin, let me ask you a question. What kind of Bunco squad does the department have?’ ‘We don’t have enough of that crap to worry about, unless you’re talking about the Negro population here. If something turns up we usually just let the District Specials handle it. No undercover stuff, just bust ‘em in the act. It’s all just nickel and dime stuff anyway. Why? You on to something?’ ‘I was afraid you were going to say that. Yeah, Slick is coming on to something about to fester and bust – if the rumor mill is correct. We don’t know yet.’


‘Well, maybe you ought to tell Slick to tip off the Negro Specials in whatever districts this thing is in – or going to be in. As you well know my Flying Squad is all white. We’d have to get the black Specials involved.’ ‘Well, it might be nothing. At this point I don’t want to have everybody working a wild goose chase. You guys got enough to do. I’ll let you know if I get anything solid.’ ‘Sounds good. – Ah, Sal, you shouldn’t have. Look at this, Dan, medallions of veal – on a Wednesday lunch?’ Salvatore Napolitano just grinned. ‘Enjoy, my friends. Enjoy.’ ***






*** ‘Take the bus.’ ‘I was planning on taking the train out of Tulsa, an overnight lower berth.’ ‘Too ostentatious. Take the bus. When you arrive in St. Louis you need to look like you’ll fit in with them.’ ‘Okay, I guess.’ ‘No. No guessing. You’ll do this my way – period.’ Okay, okay.’ *** He did as instructed and rode an overnight Greyhound bus from Tulsa to St. Louis. He was stiff and sore from sitting upright all night. He carried just a single suitcase, a bible prominently packed on top of the few white shirts. With the luggage on the floor between his feet he dialed the payphone. ‘Reverend Poindexter? This is Robert Smith. Yes sir. I’ve just arrived from Tulsa. Downtown here right now at the Greyhound station.’ He listened. Then grimly hung up the phone, picked up the suitcase and turned away from the phone. ‘Old fart told me to take the bus or the streetcar.’ *** ‘Slick, you notice anything about Popeye?’


‘Yeah. He can’t see worth shit with only one eye and I don’t know how good that one is.’ ‘No, I know that, but have you ever noticed when I come in here – he gets up from wherever he is and comes and lays down next to me.’ ‘Maybe that’s cause you always smell of food – got spills all down yo’ lap. Wilbur! Did I evah tell you about Driscoll heah back in Japan? Wonder the army didn’t go bankrupt, he spilling so damn much.’ I couldn’t help myself. That guy could nail me every time. I laughed along with them. We had had more than our share of good times back in Japan – and Slick, to his credit, never strayed too far from the truth. ‘Wilbur. Ask Slick about the time he never bothered to button up his fly when he came outta the binjo. Yeah, ask him ‘bout that one.’ ‘Yeah, Wilbur, he’s right ‘bout that. Biggest damn woman I ever saw – I thought – then I saw the five o’clock shadow and when ‘she’ talked it sounded like a factory whistle on a foggy night. Yeah, he’s right, I was so damned anxious to get out of there I didn’t stop to button my pants until I was a block away.’ Wilbur by now was an old hand at our feints and jabs. He smiled. ‘Don’t nobody notice ole Popeye here under my chair alla the time? He know who got the bag of burgahs in the desk drawer. Oh yeah, he a smart puppy, that dawg.’ ‘He like ketchup on his French fries, too, I bet.’ ‘He likes anything. He ain’t picky. No Sir. He one fine animal – ole Popeye. He wag his tail for any little bite you give him.’ 106

‘Like some girls I used to know.’ *** ‘The Dynaflow Lounge – where the ‘shiftless’ folks all hang out. Ever been in there Slick?’ ‘No, Calvin, can’t say I have. You recommending it?’ ‘Naw. Wouldn’t want you getting mad at me. Naw, it’s just a comfortable kinda place, not interested in providing any entertainment, women don’t much like the looks of the guys hanging around outside.’ ‘Yeah, those guys ain’t got the price of a drink in their pockets but they still hang around there.’ ‘Laziest bastards in the world – right there on that sidewalk. All shucking and jiving, not a worry in the world, like a buncha peacocks.’ ‘Probably got some of ‘em on our books right now. Why you bring that place up? You think I need to put in an appearance there, maybe thump around a little?’ I interrupted. “Yeah, Calvin, when you got some time lemme tell you about the time Slick ‘thumped around’ a little and got a quick confession outta a crusty old white first sergeant. Club manager there said he was sorry he hadn’t sold tickets. Oh yeah, Slick is a first-class club thumper.’ Slick didn’t even look my way. ‘Calvin, excuse the interruptions. You were saying?’ ‘Well, I been scouting around looking to see if we got any good card games developing so I visit around. 107

Sometimes they fool you, suddenly somebody got himself some money and looking to be the next fool to lose it to me in a card game.’ ‘Yeah?’ ‘Yeah. Anyway the gang that hang around the Dynaflow there they was all shooting the shit when I walked in. Seems there’s a new preacher in town, going around to the neighborhood businesses trying to get himself acquainted.’ ‘Probably Juice’s new deputy.’ ‘Wilbur, I don’t think they call them deputies.’ ‘Oh?’ Calvin regained control of the conversation with ‘No, this guy is using the old soft sell. Not asking for money, nothing like that – sez he just wants to get out, shake a few hands and meet the folks in the neighborhood.’ ‘Right – and told everybody to be sure and call him if they need anything, right?’ ‘That’s about it. Yeah.’ ‘Ole ‘Juicy’ Poindexter probably told him to get out and hit the bricks. Make himself useful.’ ‘You get his name, Calvin?’ ‘Yeah, Slick. They said he introduced himself as Robert Smith.’ ‘Sure. Not very original. Why didn’t he just say ‘John Doe’ right up front?’ 108

‘From what the Dynaflow crowd said – they think this guy is here to stay. Didn’t come across as wanting to be a number two – for anybody.’ ‘Ole ‘Juice’ – he in trouble, ain’t he?’ *** ‘Hello?’ ‘Hi, Dan, Wayne Samuels here. How’s it going down there?’ ‘Fine, doc, fine. Got a few cyclones brewing in the lesser latitudes here – as usual.’ ‘Glad to hear that actually. Doctor Barclay has one brewing up here in this part of town, too. We thought you and Slick might be amenable to having a few drinks this evening.’ ‘Sounds good to me. I’ll alert Slick. Where would you like to meet?’ ‘Probably somewhere away from this neighborhood. What do you think about the Plaza Men’s Club?’ ‘Sounds like you don’t want any loud music.’ ‘Right. Around seven maybe?’ ‘See you there at seven.’ Wonder what this is all about? *** The Plaza Hotel is a long time downtown hotel, well known to traveling businessmen – and the locals – for the so-called ‘Men’s Club’, a spot with a good bar, 109

competent staff, and stout drinks. Not a place to take a date because there is no entertainment. Business deals go down here at all hours. The four of us would fit in there well tonight. At seven o’clock the local office worker crowd had thinned out some. The guys that have to go home for supper with the old lady had all wobbled out the door. Those remaining drinkers might well spend the evening there. Slick and I took a semi-circular booth that could hold six in a pinch. For the four of us it looked like a good fit. Before we could order our first round Barclay and Samuels were coming in the door and headed our way. The waitress stood aside and let us settle in before taking our orders. ‘Looks like a Scotch drinkers convention – you guys.’ Barclay gave her his best grin. ‘Yeah. Likker is quicker – than beer.’ ‘Name’s Susie. I’ll be here all evening. Want me to start a tab on a room number, gentlemen?’ ‘A tab, yes. On a room, no. Okay?’ ‘Gotcha.’ We shot the breeze over a couple of rounds. Slick and I brought them up to date on the potential problem we were nursing in the black community. Then Wayne Samuels opened the door for Barclay. ‘Jim, why don’t you give them the lowdown on what’s just come up?’ 110

Doctor Barclay took a healthy drink and leaned forward. ‘I’ve got a bit of a problem here in how much I can disclose because of the doctor – patient privilege thing. Know what I mean?’ ‘Same as the priest in confession, right?’ ‘Basically, yes. Anyway, if I start to stray I expect my good friend, Wayne here, will insert himself in the conversation.’ Wayne Samuels smiled ‘If we both get shitfaced then we’ll deny everything. You guys learned it by osmosis – okay?’ Slick nodded. ‘Sometimes that’s the best way – like when Moses’ mama came home with the baby ‘I just found him in the bulrushes.’ Sure, that’ll work.’ So Doctor Barclay had the floor while we sat and listened. When he finished we noticed that our glasses were empty, the ashtray was full and Susie the waitress was keeping an eye on us from her station in the middle of the bar, not wanting to interrupt the flow of Barclay’s oration. ‘Okay. Let’s have one more round. No need for you guys to comment now – unless you want to. If you have any questions after we leave, just let me know.’ It was a little after ten when we broke up. Nobody suggested going to get anything to eat. Barclay and Samuels hailed a cab. I noticed Barclay had graduated from crutches to a stout cane. Slick and I decided to walk back to the office. It was a pleasant night. As we passed the Central Library on Olive Slick spoke first. ‘Think we can do anything?’ 111

‘I dunno. We sure as hell need to give it some thought. I’m sure those two guys would never have come to us if they didn’t think we could.’ ‘Yeah, and if they hadn’t decided they didn’t have any other options.’ ‘They were both pretty stiff upper lipped weren’t they?’ ‘Rightly so. Helluva burden they got with that doctor-patient thing.’ In another two blocks we were at Slick’s bail bonds shop. Although my name was still on the window, this was Slick’s baby. I stood back as he rattled his keys on the glass in the front door. In a few minutes the door was unlocked by a Wilbur clone. ‘Thanks, Charles. Anything I need to know before I get in my car out back and leave?’ ‘No, quiet night boss. Anything big come in later on I’ll give you a call.’ ‘Yeah, do that. Where’s Popeye?’ ‘The dog? He’s been bunking in the back room, wants to stay where the lights ain’ so bright I guess.’ ‘Fine. Well, we’re going out the back door. Make sure things are all locked up. Okay?’ ***


As we usually do, we let things slide for a while. Each of us working the mental angles separately until we could sit down and thrash out some sort of plan agreeable to both of us. *** ‘Wanna go eat?’ ‘Yeah. Howzabout some Honest to God chili?’ ‘Sounds good. You want regular beef chili – or maybe you want turtle meat chili?’ ‘Turtle meat? Who the hell would want turtle meat in their chili? Never heard of that.’ ‘Well, some catholic folks here in St. Louis have convinced themselves that since turtles come outta the sea, then they’re seafood.’ ‘So? On Fridays they can get a chili fix if they don’t have meat in it? Just turtle?’ ‘That’s right.’ ‘That’s stupid is what it is. Who makes these damned rules anyway? Somebody ain’t got enough to do but sit around and dream up new rules? Sheesh.’ ‘I take it that means you want real meat – beef – in your chili?’ ‘That’s right. Let’s go find a Chili Parlor. And since you know so much about chili – why don’t you explain to me why they always give you those damn little round crackers with chili. And why do they call them oyster crackers?’ 113

“You sure you want chili?’ *** ‘You hearing anything?’ ‘You mean on Poindexter?’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘Well, not much. The new guy is roaming around trying to look busy. Not getting a very big reception anywhere. Everybody’s kinda goosey about him right now.’ ‘That’s to be expected. Maybe he might never turn into anything other than what he seems to be right now.’ ‘Gonna mess up a lot of those folks who been preaching all that gloom and doom about him.’ ‘What’s Juice doing?’ ‘Same as always – which is as little as possible. He’s one lazy old bastard.’ *** Popeye and the two horses next door had turned out to be perfect for each other. No competition, everybody just liked each other. ‘Good for him to get in the yard there with ‘em.’ ‘Yeah. Lets him do a little running. Better than just walking on a leash.’ ‘None of Wilbur’s crew much into running.’ 114

‘Say what?’ ‘I meant for pleasure. I know when they been up to something they can jump over buildings in a single bound.’ ‘If we could harness that energy of theirs we could open a messenger business and take over from Western Union – all those white kids on bicycles be outta work.’ ‘Maybe they could do neighborhood deliveries for small liquor stores. I can see ‘em trotting along with a fifth in each hand. Think you might want to write that idea down, Slick?’ ‘You got too much time on your hands, Danny boy. We need to find something for you to work on.’ *** Calvin and Slick took to more or less regular after hours driving tours through the black neighborhoods. Slick was still trying to keep a low profile on the Poindexter rumors case, but he was getting antsy about it. So far they were limiting themselves to just eyeballing the street corners and talking with each other in the car. ‘I ain’t ready to get out and start asking questions, Calvin. You understand? Only reason for me to stop and visit is if I’m running down a skipper. Everybody buys that, but the minute I start nosing around about Poindexter – or his new assistant – the tom-toms will go crazy.’ ‘Right, boss. Just let it come natural. If there’s something cooking we’ll hear about it.’ ‘I’m inclined to think there may be nothing there – just a bunch of old ladies in the beauty parlor – all start squawking at once. Next thing you know they all go home 115

and report the latest gospel they heard just a few hours ago. Like wildfire, man, wildfire.’ ‘Yeah, ole Roscoe is pretty starved for conversation at his barber shop anyway. So the minute something new comes up – he’ll take it. No questions asked.’ ‘Slow down. Ain’t that Daryl over there – in front of the drugstore? Call him over here.’ ‘Daryl! Hey, man – come heah.’ Daryl pushed off of the wall and strolled over and looked into the Buick. ‘Hi theah, Mistuh Slick – Calvin. How you all been?’ ‘We be fine, Calvin. How long you been back?’ ‘Just got home a couple days ago, staying back with my momma.’ ‘Daryl, you standing around here wondering ‘bout that girl over in East St. Louis, aincha?’ Daryl looked in at Slick and grinned a little. ‘Mistuh Slick – first thing I did when I got off the bus – put a nickel in the phone and checked. She gone, man. I dunno where.’ ‘So, you gonna stay outta trouble for a while – what?’ ‘Long as I can, Mistuh Slick, long as I can. I need to get a job – sumthin’ – you know?’ ‘Yeah, Daryl, you do. Tellya what. We gotta move on now but keep in touch with Calvin here. We might turn up something for you. If we don’t hear from you, then I’m gonna have Calvin hassle yo’ ass. Tell yo’ mama I was asking about her, okay?’ 116

Slick slid the car into gear and pulled away from the curb. Daryl went back to leaning against the wall. Calvin looked at Slick. ‘You got something in mind, boss?’ ‘Maybe. Dan’s got two saloons. Ain’t neither one of ‘em got a porter.’ *** Things were pretty quiet around town. Slick was making plenty money on the clowns who kept stepping in the grease. I cruised the City Hall just to keep in touch with my many friends in the local bureaucracy. ‘Slick, you doing anything on Poindexter?’ ‘Nah. I figure there are enough other people sniffing around. If anything gets started I’m sure we’ll hear about it.’ ‘Got any ideas about Doctor Barclay’s patient?’ ‘Maybe so. Feel like going for a drive?’ *** The weather was very nice this time of year. Winter was behind us and summer hadn’t yet arrived. As we rode in Slick’s Buick out Lindell toward the park I felt a pang. It was a day just like this when Gallagher and Lasker had driven me home – under motorcycle escort – through Forest Park and out Hampton. When we got there the house was in flames and my wife and daughter were both dead. 117

Slick looked sideways at me. “You okay?’ ‘Yeah. I’m okay. I was just thinking of the day Mona and Michiko were killed. Haven’t been back in the park since then.’ ‘Rather go somewhere else?’ ‘No, no. This is fine. Why don’t we park somewhere – maybe the bottom of Art Hill – or over behind the birdcage. I don’t care, really. Anywhere it’ll be quiet.’ He opted for the parking lot of the Muni opera. Plenty of space, nobody to interrupt us here in midday. We sat for a few minutes and just let the tranquility of Forest Park take over. ‘What’s your take on Barclay’s patient?’ ‘Well, from what he said that night down at the Plaza bar it sounds like she is probably a longtime patient of Wayne Samuels – probably broached her concern to Wayne – maybe just a little – and he referred her to Barclay, the shrink.’ ‘I agree. So Barclay only knows her from that referral and whatever number of sessions he has had with her. Might be just one.’ ‘I got the impression, though, that he was fairly comfortable with the information he was able to disclose to us.’ ‘Which might, or might not, be the total picture.’ ‘Correct.’


‘Tell me if this matches your impression. The lady and her husband are elderly, very well off financially. No mention of any children – or nearby relatives for that matter.’ ‘Right.’ Their lifestyle borders on the opulent – due to the old man’s past success in business.’ ‘Right.’ ‘Now, at his advanced age pop takes less of an active interest in the business, although the income continues to roll in.’ ‘That’s right.’ ‘So everything should be rosy, correct?’ ‘Correct. BUT – apparently that is not so.’ ‘Because?’ ‘Because somebody has seen fit to let old pop know that his – and his wife’s – health and lifestyle could be severely altered – unless . . . ?’ ‘Yeah. Unless.’ ‘So the usual questions come to mind.’ ‘Right. Eliminating family since there apparently are none – that leaves business people – or strangers.’ ‘Business people – could be present or former employees – could be competitors – could be aggrieved former customers.’ 119

‘Aggrieved – I like that. Could be former vendors, too. Right?’ ‘Right.’ ‘Could be total strangers, too. If the old man’s business reputation was very well known, it could be that he’s just been selected as a target solely because of the depth of his pocket.’ ‘You know what?’ ‘What?’ ‘We don’t know shit – that’s what.’ ‘I couldn’t have put it better myself. Barclay’s either going to have to get us more specifics or accept the fact that we ain’t miracle workers.’ ‘Aw, I hate that. I’ve kinda become accustomed to that reputation of being a miracle worker.’ ‘Don’t kid yourself, partner. Lotsa folks got us pegged. They’re just too polite to say so.’ ‘Especially to our face, right?’ ‘Right.’ ‘Where’d this old guy make his millions, I wonder?’ ‘Diamonds. Barclay mentioned he’d been a diamond merchant.’ ‘Oh boy. I missed that.’


‘Yeah, it was back when he and I went to the can – that’s when he said it.’ ‘Shit. I was hoping we just had a liquor store owner – sumthin’ simple.’ ‘Ain’t nothing simple anymore, pal – nothing.’ *** ‘I hear Reverend Smith is getting the ladies organized.’ ‘Oh?’ ‘Yeah. Encouraging any and alla the ladies to step forward and join the choir.’ ‘I thought they already had a choir.’ ‘They do – did, but he wants them and the church to get a little more recognition – been telling the ladies that they gotta lotta talent already, just need to do a little fine tuning – sez it will help the church’s image here in town.’ ‘Sounds okay to me – course I ain’t a candidate.’ ‘Thank the Lord for that.’ ‘Right. So what kinda reaction he getting?’ ‘He’s crafty. The ladies are going for it. He’s talking about trying to get somebody around town to donate a better piano. The one they got must be pretty bad, only plays loud. All outta tune.’ ‘Oughta be plenty of used pianos around in better tune than that one.’ 121

‘Right. Probably pick up one traded in to one of the piano stores.’ ‘So, what else he been up to?’ ‘He’s talkin’ about getting all the choir – the ones who make the cut – all dolled up in some kinda robes.’ ‘That oughta be an easy sell to the ladies, too.’ ‘Right. No more worry about who gonna show up at church with the biggest hat.’ ‘Sounds like the man is on a roll. Where’s ole Juice fit in to all this new stuff?’ ‘He’s fine with it. Don’ know shit about music. Spends a lotta his time now just going around the neighborhood visiting with the old ladies.’ ‘That rascal. He’s a longtime widower, ain’t he?’ ‘Yeah. These are really old biddies, long time widows too, too old to go to church. Just sit around on their porches and watch the young folks go by.’ ‘Not interested in signing up for the new choir?’ ‘Naw. Too much trouble to get up outta that rockin’ chair. Except maybe when Juice come by, then they might invite him inside to stay a while and gossip with ‘em.’ ‘Sounds like Juice got himself a pretty soft assignment, don’t it?’ ‘Lord works in wondrous ways.’ *** 122

‘Dan? This is Jim Barclay. You got a minute?’ ‘Sure, doc. What’s up?’ ‘I owe you and Slick an apology.’ ‘Oh? That’s news to me. What you talking about?’ ‘That story I told you guys at the Plaza that night – total bullshit. I’m sorry . . . ‘ I waited a beat to let it sink in, then I copped a plea myself. ‘Hey, doc. I’ll be honest with you. We talked it over and just couldn’t get a grip on it ourselves. We decided we were probably going to have to ask you to spell it out for us, a lot more.’ ‘Well, I did have something else I wanted to solicit some help on, but – believe it or not – I got cold feet just as I started to talk.’ ‘No problem. No problem.’ ‘All that crap about the rich old lady patient – total crap.’ ‘I did wonder about the look on Wayne’s face as you were talking.’ ‘Yeah. He gave me hell when we got out of there. M story about the old lady caught him off guard. Good man that he is, he didn’t jump me about it until we had some privacy.’ ‘Well, anytime you want to talk – Slick or I – or both of us – we’re here.’


‘Well after observing the professional demeanor of you two that night – I’m comfortable now in asking for help whenever I might need it – if you’re still willing. . . ‘ ‘If it’s possible – we’ll always listen.’ ‘Okay. Here’s the deal. This time it’s the truth – the whole truth.’ ‘Fire away.’ ‘It’s a personal problem – one for me. I’m still sorting it out. I was premature in thinking I could come to you and Slick. When I get a better handle on exactly what it is – and what kind of help I’ll need – then I’ll be in touch. I hope I’m not offending you. It’s not that I don’t have total and complete faith in you and Slick. It’s that I have to get my brain kicked into gear so that I will have sufficient self confidence in whatever I bring to you. Does that make any sense?’ ‘Yes, it does. I’ve suffered from that malady – as you well know, doc – over a long period of time.’ ‘Thanks, Dan. I’ll be in touch.’ *** ‘Everybody’s pissed off alla the sudden.’ ‘Whyzat?’ ‘The new preacher. He’s been going around putting out little paper cups . . . ‘ ‘Paper cups?’


‘Yeah, actually they’re large paper coffee cups leaving ‘em where people will see ‘em – and put money in ‘em – for the church.’ ‘Sounds like a good idea to me.’ ‘Yeah, but you ain’t having to live offa your tips.’ ‘Oh, that do make a difference.’ ‘Yeah. He didn’t much ask permission – just said something like ‘okay if I just leave this?’ and then he was outta the door before they could say anything.’ ‘Yeah. I can see where putting ‘em down in the wrong place would cause a lot of money, originally intended as a tip, would be diverted into his little church cup thing.’ ‘Exactly. He put one on the counter at Ernie’s Black and Tan Club – right where the hat check girl always used to have her little saucer.’ ‘Uh oh.’ ‘Yeah, then he planted another one on the bar, next to the waitresses’ station. Then one showed up over at Roscoe’s barber shop. It was right next to the shoe shine stand – fer chrissakes. Crayon message on it ‘Ezekiel Tabernacle – Thank You’ – supposed to make you feel guilty if you got change to put back in your pocket.’ ‘Guy ain’t too considerate though, is he?’ ‘Either that or just plain don’t give a damn – take advantage of well established patterns, don’t give a shit about the impact his changes to those established patterns will have on the folks who had been dependent on the take they got from those tips.’ 125

‘Better check the blindman. See if the preacher put one of his paper cups down next to the old man’s pencils for sale.’ ‘Juice brought him in – let Juice handle the problem – that’s what everybody’s saying.’ *** ‘Think maybe we oughta check with Doc Wayne?’ ‘Man, I hate that. Barclay’ll think we’re going behind his back.’ ‘You’re right. No reason for us to push. When he’s ready – if he’s ever ready – then we’ll find out what his problem is.’ ‘Yeah. I think he embarrassed himself telling us that big phony story about the old couple.’ ‘Might have just been the scotch talking. Maybe he was ready to unload with the truth – then – at the last minute – couldn’t do it – stuck there in the booth – us with all our attention directed at him – he had to tell us something.’ ‘Feel kinda sorry for him, doncha?’ ‘Yeah, makes you think he must have one helluva story that he needs to unload.’ ‘Hope he doesn’t do anything stupid.’ ‘Yeah, leave that to us. We’re the stupid experts.’ *** 126

We waited. Barclay seemed less his usual outgoing self, pretty much avoided any contacts with us where the conversation might get around to whatever the hell his problem is, or was. The Poindexter saga was sagging too. ‘Goddamn, Slick, pretty soon you and me – we’re gonna have to take up golf or something. This day in day out same day every day shit – is boring.’ ‘Yeah, just haul in the money. Go to the bank every day. Boring as hell, ain’t it?’ ‘Didja ever think – when we left Japan – that we could say anything like that?’ ‘Naw. Remember that used 1935 Ford phaeton you bought out there in Fairfield, California?’ ‘Yeah. Damn thing heated up when you just looked at it.’ ‘Radiator and hoses all cracked and leaky as hell.’ ‘Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t we just drive at night to get here – just to keep that thing a little cooler?’ ‘That’s right. We’d park in the shade somewhere every day. Load up with water bottles and hit the road at night. Yeah, I remember.’ ‘Then Jocko Reardon took it from us in a trade-in. Said he wanted that four door convertible for the front spot on his used car lot.’ ‘That was a surprise. I wonder who he coulda sold it to?’ 127

‘Probably some kids.’ ‘Well, my friend, those were different days, weren’t they?’ ‘Yeah – still miss ‘em though.’ ‘Me too – especially those days when we could go out and kick a little ass, make the world spin in the right direction.’ ‘I don’t think we can do that anymore. We got away with a helluva lot back then. Nobody challenged us. Different ballgame nowadays.’ ‘Best we can do now – just sit around and wait for somebody to get himself so fucked up, we’re the only people he can ask to get him straightened out.’ ‘The last of the Lone Rangers – that’s us.’ ‘Bullshit.’ *** ‘Pete Conrad and Stormy Knight been calling for you, Mistuh Dan.’ ‘Uh oh. Think they want my permission to run off and get married?’ ‘If Miz Stormy was about twenty years youngah and Mistuh Pete there – if he was about twenty years older – then that might work.’ ‘Helluva looker when she was young, doncha think?’ ‘Oh yeah – built like a brick outhouse. Um um.’ 128

‘Guess I’ll give Pete a call first.’ *** ‘Peter, my boy. You called?’ ‘Yeah, boss. Think maybe you better come out here.’ ‘Trouble?’ ‘Not exactly. One of the doctors been in . . . ‘ ‘Gimme an hour or so. I got one other call to make.’ *** ‘Stormy? How’s my gal?’ ‘Fine, Dan. Thanks for returning my call. You got a minute?’ ‘Sure. Go ahead.’ ‘That thing about Reverend Juice? I think I got some bad news for you and Slick.’ ‘Oh boy. Is it urgent?’ ‘Not unless somebody dies before you and Slick get it all fixed.’ ‘Okay. I might have something else crowding my front burner right now. Where you gonna be tonight?’ ‘I’ll be at the Black and Tan.’


‘Sounds good. Either Slick or I will see you there. Okay?’ ‘Sounds good. And Dan?’ ‘Yeah?’ ‘Just ‘cause you’re white don’t mean you can’t come in the Black and Tan.’ ‘I know, Stormy. I enjoy the jazz just as much as anybody. I just don’t want Ernie’s customers to get worried that I’m in there because of something they did – or might be thinking of doing. You know, a lotta them remember when I walked that beat there. They still think I’m the poleece.’ ‘You’re right, Dan. I’ll tell Ernie to keep an eye out – maybe have a small table in the back for you.’ ‘Sounds good. I’m looking forward to listening to you. You gonna be a great singer, girl – when you grow up.’ ‘For a white boy – you a real rascal.’ *** I had Murph run me out to the club and asked him to wait for me. ‘I gotta get back downtown, Murph, so I won’t stay here long.’ ‘No problem, Dan. I’ll be right here at the curb.’ It was about four o’clock so the crowd hadn’t yet started heading into the club. When I walked in the front door there was one couple off to the side. Probably two married people – not married to each other.


I took a stool at the far end of the bar so Pete and I could talk. ‘Hi, what’s going on?’ ‘I’m sorry to call you like that but I didn’t think I should ignore it.’ ‘What?’ ‘One of those two doctor friends of yours – came in here about one thirty. At first I wasn’t sure, but . . . ‘ ‘But what? Which one was it?’ ‘It was the outta town guy – the one who broke his leg.’ ‘Yeah – Barclay, from up East.’ ‘That’s the one. Like I said at first I wasn’t sure, he was just shitty-faced drunk and sloppy looking . . . ‘ ‘Barclay? You sure it was him?’ ‘I’m positive. At first I thought it was just a lookalike thing, so I kept my mouth shut and just served him.’ ‘What was he drinking?’ ‘Teacher’s straight with ice and water on the side.’ ‘That’s what he drank last time here, wasn’t it?’ ‘Yessir. I remembered. So anyway he was looking bad, needed a shave and looked worried – not the same as the first time he came here with you. No sir. This time he 131

looked like he really needed that whiskey. He was struggling with some demons inside – you could tell.’ ‘Well, he’s been staying over on Lindell, less than two blocks away so getting here would not have been a problem. How’d he look when he walked?’ ‘’Well, he had a little stagger – like any drunk, you know? But he was also limping a little – like one of his legs was hurting.’ ‘That’s him, no doubt about it. I’ll have to check with Wayne Samuels, where he was staying. Did he have much to say?’ ‘No, not really. I held back – let him start the conversation, then I’ll follow. You know?’ ‘Yeah, best to not push.’ ‘Anyway, like I said, he didn’t have much to say. Just – when he downed his last shot and was getting up offa his stool, he gathered up his bills off the bar and mumbled something – kinda sounded like he ‘wouldn’t be back this way anymore’ – that’s what it sounded like.’ ‘Shit. I think we got trouble brewing, my friend. You did good calling right away.’ ‘If he shows up again – you want me to call you?’ ‘Right away, Pete, right away. Now, I gotta get downtown and – I think – get some more bad news. As soon as I know what’s going on I’ll give you a buzz.’ *** As Murph and I headed back down to Slick’s place I mulled over what Pete had said. I decided against just 132

walking into Wayne Samuels’ Clinic for fear of bumping into Barclay and not knowing how to handle it. It seemed like it would be better to talk privately with Wayne on the phone. When we got to the Olive address Slick’s car was nowhere to be seen when I looked up the alley. I asked Mal to drop me at the front door. ‘Think you’ll need me anymore tonight, Dan?’ ‘No, thanks Mal. I think Slick and I will work the night together. I’ll give you a call tomorrow.’ *** I went inside and waited for Popeye to get off his dead ass and come to me for a little petting. I needed that as much as he did. He stood and wagged his tail as I waited until Wilbur got off the phone. ‘Heard from Slick lately, Wilbur?’ ‘Yeah. He’s ovah at the courthouse signing up some new business. Couple studs the poleece been looking for – grocery store burglars, I think – had a stupid car accident. Insteada keeping their mouths shut they got inna argument with the othuh driver. Seemed they went a little too far so the othuh guy flagged down a poleece car driving by. Then they mouthed off some more to the officers in the car and got theah asses hauled into the district station. Turned out theah was a lookout on file for both of ‘em. So, Slick’s over there waiting to see if they get a bond that he’ll be willing to cover.’ ‘Meaning do they have enough cash to pay him to take them on.’ ‘Ain’t that what I just said?’


‘As soon as he turns up – point him at me, Wilbur – before he gets on the phone. We need to talk.’ Popeye and I went into my office. I put my feet up on the desk. The dog read my signal and laid down next to the desk with a big sigh. Now – what the hell is going on with Barclay? What kind of troubles does he have to cause him to be out prowling the streets – on a gimpy leg – needing a shave and generally looking like shit warmed over? – What, if anything, does Wayne Samuels know about this? – Should I phone him? – Now? – or wait? Slick should be getting away from court any minute. I’d like him to be here whenever I talk with Wayne. Just as I made that decision I heard his key in the lock on the backdoor. Popeye heard it too. We both stood up about the same time. ‘Goddammit! Talk about goofy assholes. Those dumb bastards – start an argument with a couple of coppers just about ready to go off their day shift. Pissed ‘em off enough – in public – that they hauled their sorry black asses into the station house. Then the clerk there ran their names and found two lookouts. Seems they were pretty well known as grocery store burglars. Cops been wanting to catch up with ‘em for a long time. – And what the hell are you two standing there for – tongues hanging out. Am I supposed to throw you a bone or sumthin?’ Popeye just stood there wagging and drooling. Slick took another look at me. ‘What’s going on? You look like Futterman’s cat just crapped in your hat.’ ‘Might be that bad, Slick, might be.’ 134

‘What? Something about that thing we got set up with Stormy tonight? What?’ ‘No. We still got the meet with Stormy for tonight. I figured that for about ten o’clock at Ernie Caldwell’s place. No we’re on for that. This is about Barclay.’ ‘Barclay? What’s going on with him?’ So I told him what I had just learned this afternoon after the call I’d gotten from Pete Conrad. ‘Damn, man, that sounds like maybe that shit Barclay was spreading before – down there at the Plaza that night – was maybe just the beginning of something.’ ‘That’s the way I figure it. I think he had some idea – maybe he already knew everything then – just wasn’t prepared to take us into his confidence. Maybe not. Maybe something was just starting to ripen then and he – like he said – wasn’t yet ready to activate us.’ ‘Could be. Sure sounds like whatever it is – it’s ripe now.’ ‘Yeah. Pete said he was really shitfaced – said he wouldn’t be coming around there again. Yeah, it sounds to me like whatever it is – it’s ripe.’ ‘Probably gonna turn out pretty smelly, too. What do you think about checking with Doc Wayne?’ ‘I wanted to wait for you to get back. Yeah, I’m gonna call him right now. Stick close here, will you?’ So I dialed Wayne Samuels private line. *** 135

‘Hi, can you talk?’ ‘Yes, I’m glad you called. I was about ready to breach my ethics code and phone you myself.’ ‘What’s going on? Do you know? He turned up early this afternoon over at the club on Maryland.’ ‘I’m not too surprised to hear that. With the nice weather I’ve been encouraging him to get out for short walks – a couple blocks in any direction. Just told him to be careful of traffic.’ ‘Well, he did that alright, but by the time he got to the club he was pretty drunk. Pete, my bartender, said he looked like he’d missed a shave this morning. Kinda shocked Pete because he remembered him as pretty vigorous looking when we took him there before, even though he had been injured not too long before that.’ ‘Yes, I think there has been a rather quick downward slide lately. I am in a somewhat awkward position here. I have been his treating physician as far as the physical ailments are concerned. I have welcomed his staying on here – on a personal level. I’ve encouraged his accepting a few casual psych referrals, just something to keep his mind sharp. I have studiously avoided sticking my nose into his past, but I have noticed of late he is just not the same jovial guy he used to be. I attributed that to some bad news that has come to him. Unfortunately I don’t have the foggiest idea what that could be – and I can’t ask. The best I can do is continue to observe.’ ‘Well, doc, I’ll leave it to you. I know you’ll do everything within your power for him.’ ‘I will, Dan.’


‘Do you think he’ll be back to your place this evening?’ ‘I certainly hope so. If he doesn’t show up I’ll call you immediately. If any calls come for him I’ll take numbers and share that with you.’ ‘Okay, thanks. Slick and I are going to see Stormy Knight later on. Want me to mention that we talked?’ ‘Tell her to break a leg and come back here for some TLC.’ ‘Gotcha.’ *** Slick and I sat around mulling over the developing mystery of the good doctor James Randolph Barclay. We had a few hours still on the clock before we’d go get something to eat, and we didn’t want to get to Ernie Caldwell’s Black and Tan until late in the evening. ‘I can’t figure it out.’ ‘Me neither.’ ‘It’s like trying to grab – and hang on to – a fistful of smoke.’ ‘Guy comes to town – first thing he does – falls on his ass on the ice. Ain’t nobody – ‘cept if you’re a professional acrobat – busts his leg and cracks his skull.’ ‘Nothing preplanned about that.’ ‘So then we get involved because he almost lost his briefcase and luggage when they loaded him in the ambulance.’ 137

‘Yeah. So, being good guys – like we are – we make sure the briefcase and luggage catch up with him at City hospital.’ ‘Then one thing leads to another – we fix it so he can be transferred to Wayne Samuels’ Clinic.’ ‘Right, and the two of them hit it off pretty good.’ ‘Turns out Barclay is a retired psychiatrist from the New York area, no family, nothing much to do up east – so he heads out here to research writing some kind of book.’ ‘Hold it right there. Everything we’ve just gone over so far sounds pretty plausible. This writing a book thing sounds a bit smelly, I think.’ ‘Yeah, there could be all sorts of other reasons for him to come to St. Louis. Let’s mark down Judge Glennon to be asked about the Barclay plan to visit his court.’ ‘Glennon might know more.’ ‘Anyway, back to what we think we know – Barclay recovers satisfactorily at Wayne’s place, and while doing so, begins to dabble a little again in psychiatry.’ ‘That he did. Socked it to both of us – right between the eyes as to what our hang-ups were.’ ‘He did that – and enjoyed it. Obviously he’s had considerable success in the past judging by the techniques he used on us.’ ‘No mumbo-jumbo big words shit – just told us to get our heads outta our asses and in the sunshine again and be honest with ourselves.’ 138

‘Can’t fault him on that bluntness. No sir.’ ‘And – he has shown himself to be no slouch in the liquor department either.’ ‘Really belted down those straight Teacher’s shots, just a little water and ice handy on the side. Just one of the guys, yeah.’ ‘But then – it seems like something happened – maybe something in his past – anyway something we don’t know – he’s seen wandering the streets, needing a shave – no longer able to hold his liquor or to know when to stop – talking about ‘not being around anymore’ – strange change in behavior.’ ‘Yeah, and you know what?’ ‘What?’ ‘We don’t know shit.’ ‘Well, ain’t that a damned surprise.’ ‘And Wayne Samuels apparently doesn’t know anymore than we do.’ ‘Well, if he doesn’t come back to Wayne’s place tonight I think we’d better think about getting Vin and his squad involved.’ ‘Agreed. This doesn’t strike me as a normal drunk – if there is such a thing – you know what I mean? A guy with a drinking habit that he has had under control – then he suddenly goes off the deep end.’ I think you’re right. Even if he has an alcoholic streak that he’s been suppressing, something else has 139

occurred recently to provoke him to alter the in-charge behavior he’s exhibited as long as we’ve known him.’ *** We got to the Black and Tan shortly before the last show of the evening. A lot of the crowd that had come in early had by now cleared out. We entered together. Slick gave a little wink to the hatcheck girl and led the way to the bar. ‘Grab a stool. Let’s sit up here so Ernie and everybody can see us together. Might as well let all these niggahs in here know that we’re partners.’ ‘I figured by now most everybody in town has figured that out.’ ‘Yeah, but it don’t cost us nothing to reinforce their thinking. With us – they gonna get a deal – two for one.’ ‘I take that as a compliment, Slick. Thank you.’ ‘That’s alright. You gonna buy the first round, right?’ ‘Ah, I shoulda known.’ He laughed and put a twenty dollar bill on the bar sticking halfway out from under his ashtray. The bartender was having a little trouble getting away from a slobbering drunk at the other end of the bar. Ernie Caldwell and one of his bouncers eased the guy off his stool and gently walked him to the door and out to the sidewalk. Ernie came back in and walked up behind us about the same time the bartender got loose and headed down toward us. Ernie spotted Slick’s twenty and spoke to the bartender. 140

‘These fellows are friends of the proprietor. They money – it ain’t no good tonight. Give ‘em whatever they want.’ He wrapped thick arms around our shoulders and stuck his head between us. ‘Glad to see you brought our old buddy, Officer Driscoll, with you tonight, Slick.’ Slick and I each tried to swivel around a bit but Ernie’s bulk pretty much prevented any movement except to the side. When I tried to tip a little to my left I found myself enveloped in a cloud of Chanel No. 5 and quite a bit of soft flesh. For just an instant a thought entered my head. I wonder how big her date is? Then she laughed. It was Stormy Knight. She’d slipped in there while Ernie was giving us the glad hand. ‘Hey young lady. You sure know how to scare a guy – sneaking up on his blind side like that.’ She laughed again. I don’t know, and doubt that I ever will know, any woman with a laugh like hers. It comes from way down deep, and she doesn’t hold it back. She is one of the most self confident women I have ever encountered. She probably would have been lucky to have gotten as far as the fifth grade. Undoubtedly raised poor, she has pulled herself up over her many years, overcome many obstacles, and has used what beauty and singing skills with which she was naturally endowed to her best advantage. She’s a woman comfortable with herself and a joy to know. ‘Mistuh Dan. I am so glad that you came tonight. We don’ see enough of each other, do we?’


‘Well, maybe I need to book you more out on Maryland, take you away from this evil gin mill environment. We got a fancy white baby grand out there.’ ‘Oh yeah, I know. I remember when you bought that piano for Mona – so she’d start singing again – and then you talked me into going out there.’ ‘Yeah, Stormy, after you and Vin Pallazola were shot at the Blue Note I was afraid we’d never hear you sing again either.’ ‘Well, Mona and I pounded out a lotta songs on that piano. Remember when you had that grand opening party?’ ‘Oh yeah – and you and Mona sang that duet!’ ‘St. Louis Blues – oh yeah. Mona really enjoyed that. I did too. She was one fine lady, Dan. You were lucky to have had her, even if it was only for a little while.’ ‘Those were happy days, kiddo. She and I had little Michiko – on top of the world we were.’ ‘Well, Dan dear, I hope you’re gradually getting a little better?’ ‘I am. It ain’t easy, but I got Slick. Velma left him you know. So he and I each help each other.’ ‘Well, I hope you both know, you got a lot of friends in this town. Listen, I better go backstage and powder my nose. Anything you want me to sing for you tonight?’ ‘Anything you want – it’ll sound great. Slick and I will be waiting for you at the end of the show.’ ‘Good, we need to talk.’ 142

She slid off the stool and wended her way backstage. The guy on the next stool looked at me and winked. ‘Some guys get all the luck, man.’ We both laughed as the house lights dimmed and a drum roll began. *** Stormy was in good voice that night. We coaxed more than a few encores from her until the bartender began flicking the lights. Don’t want the coppers pounding on the door after closing time. We drove across the bridge to East St. Louis where the three of us sat in an all-night coffee shop while Stormy shared all the latest on the Poindexter church thing. It was beginning to shape up into something but we agreed it was best to let it come along on its own. Not yet ripe for picking. *** I woke up early the next morning. I could hear Herman Schultz downstairs in the saloon as he answered the phone. I yelled down the stairs to him. ‘If that’s urgent, I’ll be right down.’ ‘Ja, Dan. Hurry up!’ I took the phone from him and he went back to cracking ice in the cooler. ‘Hello?’ ‘Dan, this is Wayne Samuels. I’m sorry to call so early but . . . ‘ 143

‘That’s okay. I was up.’ ‘I didn’t want to call Slick’s place and have to relay messages to you.’ ‘That’s fine. This is quicker. What’s happening?’ “As you can probably guess – our man did not come in last night.’ ‘So, you haven’t seen him or heard from him since what? Yesterday morning?’ ‘That’s right. I didn’t see him when he left but I presume that, at that point, he was okay.’ ‘Well, I’m not sure about that. Pete the bartender said that later in the day he looked like he hadn’t shaved.’ ‘Oh, I didn’t know that.’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘You think it would be alright if I went through his room? See if he left anything – or took all his stuff.’ ‘I’d do that. Right away. Would you call me right after that? I think it’s going to be time to call Vin Pallazola and his guys.’ ‘I agree. I’ll phone you within thirty minutes.’ ‘Thanks.’ *** Slick was pretty tied up at the courthouse all morning. Wilbur got one of the loiterers from the pool hall to take a note over and put it in Slick’s hand. This was not 144

uncommon practice since bail bondsmen, lawyers and others who frequented the courthouse actually had no way to keep in contact with their offices except by using the payphones to call in. It was taboo for anybody to give out the payphone numbers for callbacks. Slick got the message and phoned in just a few minutes. ‘What’s going on, Wilbur?’ ‘Hold on, boss. Dan needs to talk to you.’ I took the phone. ‘Wayne says it looks like Barclay’s missing.’ “I just saw Gallagher over here. Want me to tell him?’ ‘Yeah, won’t hurt. I’ll put a call into Pallazola, too.’ ‘Might not hurt to get your bartender out on Maryland to touch base with competitors in the area.’ ‘Good idea.’ *** Pete Conrad turned up several sightings, which could or could not have been Barclay. ‘I didn’t realize there could be so many old farts out needing a shave and cruising the saloons.’ ‘Pete, you ought to come down in Kerry Patch – see what life is like in the real world of drunken old farts.’ ‘Yeah, from what you told me they stand on the sidewalk in the morning waiting for your place to open.’ 145

‘That’s true. It’s a sight to see that first shot go down. Um um.’ ‘Into the mouth – over the gums – lookout stomach – here she comes! Yeah, I know that little ditty.’ ‘Keep your eyes and ears open, Pete. He may not be far away.’ ‘Will do.’ *** Vin Pallazola returned my call later in the afternoon. ‘Gallagher sez he ran into Slick at the courthouse. Something going on?’ ‘Yeah, Vin. You may not want to take it on – it’s kinda early – and we don’t really have much handle on it ourselves.’ ‘Well that tells me a helluva lot. What, pray tell, is ‘IT’?’ ‘Remember the old doctor guy from New York? Fell on the courthouse steps on the ice – then we put him in with Wayne Samuels . . . ‘ ‘Yeah. He’s the guy, psychiatrist – right? Got you and Slick straightened out over a couple bottles of cheap scotch.’ ‘That’s the guy. Anyway – he’s disappeared.’ ‘You thinking some kinda Missing Person report?’ 146

‘I don’t know. When he was last seen – out at the club – he was just drunk, looking bad. That was yesterday.’ ‘Kinda early to start looking for a drunk.’ ‘I know. Reason we’re concerned though is that – a couple weeks ago he started to set me and Slick up to ‘fix a problem’ for him. Then he pulled the plug on that, said it was just bullshit.’ ‘Yeah?’ ‘But he said he was still sorting it out – whatever ‘it’ was – and when he knew what he was talking about then he’d get back in touch.’ ‘I think we’re gonna need a little more than that, Dan.’ ‘Yeah, I know.’ ‘Tellya what. I’ll have Gallagher and Gene Lasker go out and visit a little with Dr. Samuels – see if they can bring up any thing in his memory.’ ‘Thanks, Vin.’ ‘They can pass the word to the Specials in the districts too. No particular extra work involved for anybody but if they stumble on something – well. . . ‘ ‘I owe you, my friend.’ ‘I’ll just put it on your tab, Irish.’ *** Vincent (‘Vin’ or ‘Vinnie’) Pallazola has risen through the ranks of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police 147

Department to the rank of lieutenant, presently in command of a temporary unit established by Chief Harry O’Neill. O’Neill and Pallazola once worked together, partnered as Specials out of the Central District. They have a close relationship developed since the pre-WWII late 30s, when both of them and me were all just lowly beat patrolmen. Pallazola’s unit defies typical organization charts. It reports directly to the Chief. It is unique because it has unlimited jurisdiction over any and all types of criminal activities. It is unique because it has a total complement of Pallazola, Tommy Gallagher and Gene Lasker. The latter two being Tenth District Specials detailed to work in Pallazola’s ‘Flying Squad’. The squad’s charter authorizes them to call upon the Specials in any of the department’s districts in Pallazola’s sole discretion. ‘Gallagher? You out there?’ ‘Yeah. Lemme hang up my coat. I just walked in.’ ‘Pull up a chair and light up.’ Gallagher, like Pallazola, was a long time copper. He and his partner were among the best in the department, which is why O’Neill detailed them to work with Pallazola. From the rear he had the skinny build of a teenager. It was only from the front that his age was apparent. Ruddy complexion, pockmarked face, unruly reddish brown hair, and a perpetual scowl. ‘Ran into Dan’s buddy at the courthouse.’ ‘Yeah, Dan phoned me a while ago.’ ‘What’s that all about? Slick and I didn’t have much chance to talk.’


‘Remember that day last winter when the old clown did a swan dive down the icy courthouse steps?’ ‘Yeah, broke the hell outta his leg if I remember right. Valentine’s Day.’ ‘That’s right. Dan was there when it happened, picked up the old fart’s briefcase and followed the ambulance to City hospital.’ ‘That’s our Dan, ain’t it?’ ‘Yeah. Seems that the guy identified himself to Dan as a retired psychiatrist from the New York area. Dan felt sorry for him and put a call in to Wayne Samuels – got Wayne to have the guy transferred uptown to his private clinic.’ ‘Yeah?’ ‘The New York guy and Samuels apparently shared some mutual interests – like their love of cheap scotch – sit around up there and shoot the shit at night I guess.’ ‘Uh huh.’ ‘Well, Dan says as the guy mended he started off the cuff counseling with an occasional Samuels patient.’ ‘While you’re here getting your tubes tied – why don’t you visit with my in-house shrink kinda thing?’ ‘That’s what it sounds like. Anyway these two would get together with Slick and Dan and put the hootch away from time to time. Musta got pretty cozy – the outtatown clown decided maybe he’d just stay in our fair city.’ ‘Can’t blame him for that, can you?’ 149

‘Well, to make a long story short over the past few days the guy’s behavior has gone down the dumper, showed up at Dan’s club on Maryland pretty much drunk as a skunk in the middle of the afternoon.’ ‘Umm.’ ‘Then didn’t show up back at Samuels’ place to go beddy bye.’ ‘So everybody kinda worried about this old fart?’ ‘Yeah. I told Dan there ain’t enough there to make it a legitimate missing person case but maybe you and Gene could give it a quick look.’ ‘Sure, we can do that.’ ‘Good. Why don’t you start with doctor Samuels – see if you can learn anything there. Then put the guy’s description out to the district Specials. I’d close it down pretty fast unless you stumble on something right up front. Dan will understand.’ ‘Okay. Gene’s off somewhere on his own at the moment, why don’t I just tackle Samuels on my own.’ ‘Sounds good. Keep me posted.’ *** ‘I didn’t see any of those paper cups at the Black and Tan the other night. You think ole Juicy got the word?’ ‘Not sure. I’m sure his ears were burning though. Lotta people pretty pissed off about those damn things.’ ‘Wonder how they’re doing on the piano thing.’ 150

‘Somebody said they found an old lady, lives on the dead-end street, Culver Circle . . . ‘ ‘Yeah. Culver Circle – got about six or seven really fine old houses there.’ ‘Yeah. Velma and I looked at ‘em – couldn’t afford ‘em.’ ‘Lotsa rich white folks bailed outta there in a hurry when the color of nearby blocks began to change. You coulda got a bargain.’ ‘Maybe. We didn’t wanna wait though, so we bought that other place we were in. It was nice, too – a little more in our price bracket.’ ‘You and Velma – you still own it?’ ‘Naw. I called old Napoleon Calhoun, the notary public, had him sell it for me – split it with her.’ ‘Anyway – you were saying about the piano?’ ‘Oh yeah. Seems like one of Juice’s old widow ladies used to teach piano in her home there – got arthritis real bad, husband died – piano just sitting there.’ ‘So, Juice promise her the key to paradise?’ ‘Probably. Anyway – she donating her piano to the Ezekiel Tabernacle of Faith. Yeah.’ ‘That old Juice Poindexter, he may look and act like the village idiot a lot, but don’t lay your purse down near him.’ *** 151

‘Doctor Samuels? This is Detective Gallagher. I wonder if you have a minute?’ ‘Yes, you’re a friend of Dan Driscoll, right?’ ‘That’s right. In fact, the reason I’m phoning is something concerning Dan. If you’d prefer I could drive out to your office – talk this over face to face.’ ‘Oh no. On the phone is fine. I think I know what your call is about.’ ‘Yes, well, Dan gave us a call about the missing doctor – Barclay is it?’ ‘Yes. James Randolph Barclay. Dan brought him to my attention after he – Barclay, that is – fell and broke his leg.’ ‘That’s what we heard. You treated Barclay then – for a while?’ ‘Actually he was a patient of mine here in the Clinic – and then he and I agreed that he could stay on here as, you might say, a boarder.’ ‘Then he just disappeared the other day?’ ‘I guess that’s as good a way as any to express it. Yes, he just went out for his usual walk. I had been encouraging outside exercise to rebuild his leg strength – and he just never came back that evening.’ ‘No note or anything left behind?’ ‘No. Nothing.’


‘Any verbalization prior to that – anything to indicate he had any kind of problems?’ ‘No. He had a sharp mind. Once a few weeks back he seemed to be playing mental games with Dan and Slick – gave them this long winded story about his counseling with one of my female patients. . .’ ‘Oh?’ ‘Yes. That’s not all that unusual. He was a psychiatrist and every once in a while one of my patients would seem to be in need of some counseling. With him right here on the premises, well . . . ‘ ‘Sounds like an informal sort of relationship you two professionals had.’ ‘That’s an apt description. Neither of us interested in formalizing anything. Entirely a matter of convenience.’ ‘So, what happened with this long winded thing you started to describe?’ ‘Oh, yes, sorry. The story didn’t make much sense. Dan and Slick couldn’t make head or tail of it. It didn’t ring any of my chimes as to which of my surgical patients it could have been. Then he suddenly phoned Dan and apologized – said it was all made up – that he was sorry – that he did have something personal he was trying to work out – that if and when he figured it out he’d then call on them if needed.’ ‘Pretty vague alright.’ ‘Yes, it is. Sorry.’ ‘Correct me if I’m wrong here – there is nothing more you can add to help me out. Your answers to my 153

questions constitute everything you know about what might have prompted his disappearance?’ ‘That’s a correct statement. I know of nothing else.’ ‘Okay. Let me ask – did you make any inquiries of professional organizations, anything like that up in the New York area? Anything to confirm that his education, training, experience were as he claimed them to be?’ ‘No. It never entered my head to doubt his claims. He seemed quite competent in his counseling of Dan and Slick. No, I never would have suspected there was any reason to do that.’ ‘While he was at your clinic did he ever display, or did you have any other opportunity to observe, any documents, such as medical licenses and such, confirming his identity and/or background?’ ‘No. Never saw a thing.’ ‘Okay. As I understand it, he claimed that he was retired from a psychiatric practice he had in New York City?’ ‘Don’t hold me to that, please. I might have assumed it was in Manhattan proper. It could have just been somewhere in the New York City area.’ ‘Understood. And his last residence up there – according to what he had told you – was in the Greenwich, Connecticut area?’ ‘That’s true.’ ‘And he held himself forth to you as a widower – no children mentioned?’ 154

‘Also true.’ ‘Okay. That’s been helpful to me. One more thing – ‘Yes?’ ‘I need you to give me the best possible physical description of him you can – right down to scars, marks, tattoos and warts – and even whether or not he was circumcised. ‘ ‘That I can do with confidence. I looked at that old frame of his hundreds of times. Let me pull my patient record on him. I’ll even have his blood type for you. Hold on.’ ‘Thanks.’ *** ‘Boss, you gotta couple calls heah. Mistuh Roscoe at the barber shop. Miz Stormy – she be home ‘til aroun’ five. Mistuh Ernie Caldwell. He be at his funeral home this afternoon – then he be at the club tonight.’ ‘Okay, Wilbur. Thanks. Has Dan been around?’ ‘Yessuh. He lef’ a bit ago, said he be out at the Maryland club.’ ‘Okay. Sounds like he won’t be moving around for a while. I’ll call these other folks first.’ *** ‘Vin? I believe it’s time for us to talk.’ ‘Oh yeah? About what?’ 155

‘My promotion.’ ‘Do tell?’ ‘Yessir. I have just solved an interstate case without getting outta my goddamn chair.’ ‘Well, whoopee. Usually we don’t give out promotions too freely except in unusual cases – such as when an officer takes a bullet to protect a fellow officer – or dives through the ice in the river to rescue some forlorn waif – that sorta thing, you know?’ ‘Yeah, yeah, I know.’ ‘Well, what’s so damned great about your performance? Which I’m sure you’re just about to describe for me in excruciating detail.’ ‘Is there another way, kind sir?’ ‘I’m waiting with bated breath.’ ‘Well, far be it for me to comment on any halitosis you might have, but . . . ‘ ‘Will you knock off the shit, please? Tell me, as briefly as possible, why I should be listening to your plaintive pleas for a promotion.’ ‘The missing psychiatrist case?’ ‘Not a case, yet. I told Driscoll there’s not enough to justify formally opening anything. You got something to change that official posture?’ ‘Maybe. It might – as I tried to say earlier – might be already solved.’ 156

‘Oh?’ ‘Yeah. I found the good doctor, James Randolph Barclay.’ ‘Well, bully for you. Where was he? Down at Father Dempsey’s with the winos?’ ‘Nope. He is still, according to an unimpeachable source, still maintaining a lively Park Avenue, silk stocking I believe would be a good term for it, psychiatric practice.’ ‘What? Well I’ll be goddamned!’ ‘Right.’ ‘So, what’s all this shit that’s been going on here in St. Louis?’ ‘I think our ‘Doctor James Randolph Barclay’ recently associated with the clinic of Wayne Samuels, M.D. is – to put it bluntly – one big fraud!’ ‘Well, shit. Ain’t that just dandy?’ ‘Yes, that is just . . . ‘ ‘That was a rhetorical question. No need to respond.’ ‘If I may proceed, sir?’ ‘Of course. I’m sure you have much more to report.’ ‘I’ll be a brief as possible, sir. The good Mrs. Barclay advised me that her husband was away from the area for a few days. It seems that he serves in various 157

advisory positions Washington, D. C.’






‘So, you couldn’t talk to him directly?’ ‘Correct. However she further advised that her husband, the genuine doctor, has been plagued for many years by a former acquaintance/patient – she wasn’t exactly sure which – who assumed hubby’s identification for various nefarious purposes – which – no doubt – greatly pisses off the honorable doctor who has busted his butt to acquire education, various degrees, awards, experience out the whazoo . . . ‘ ‘Hold it, right there. Whazoo? Her word?’ ‘No. Got carried away - sorry. She and I agreed it would be best for her to notify her husband at his Washington D. C. hotel and tell him to phone this office at the earliest.’ ‘You’re enjoying yourself, aincha?’ ‘Damn right. I was going to pass the description to all the districts but right now we could only call the guy John Doe.’ ‘Yeah. He was probably cleaning his pipes in the local saloons one last time, feeling sorry for himself, before heading to the airport to move on to some other locality.’ ‘That’s my feeling too. A phony can’t risk staying too long in any one place. I don’t think Wayne Samuels had a clue but Dan and Slick might have started sticking their noses in places he’d rather not have explored.’ ‘Which could explain the bullshit story he spun for them – wanted to see how they respond when something sniffy is dragged across their path.’ 158

‘Sniffy?’ *** Slick made contact with Ernie Caldwell, Roscoe the barber and Stormy. ‘That all was pretty close to a total waste of time.’ ‘Nobody had any big new leads?’ ‘Naw. It’s the old washerwomen shit. ‘Sumbudy said that sumbudy said that sumbudy said, et cetera’ – Nuthin new, or at least of any significance.’ ‘Maybe that’s cause there ain’t nothing there, my good friend.’ ‘That’s what I’m thinking. I’m not gonna worry about it. If something new – and interesting – turns up – that’s fine. Until then I got other things to do.’ *** ‘Gallagher took a long distance call from Dr. Barclay – the real Dr. Barclay – who wearily explained that he’s getting a little tired of this shit.’ ‘Not surprising. Apparently this John Doe delights in assuming the Barclay role, eh?’ ‘Yeah, Dan, that’s about it. I wasn’t all that interested with his plight once I determined that we had no crime committed here for us to investigate.’ ‘What about crimes he might have committed elsewhere, Vin?’ 159

‘So far as Barclay knew the guy never crossed that line. I suggested he might want to give Wayne Samuels a call – discuss it doctor to doctor. He said he would. I’m closing this thing out.’ ‘Well, thanks – and be sure and give Tommy Gallagher a pat on the head, too. We’d never have known about this guy if Tom hadn’t decided to make that long distance call for directory assistance.’ ‘Jeez. Don’t compliment him on that. He’s been needling me to use that to justify promoting him.’ ‘Why not? He’s good, deserves a promo.’ ‘I need working stiffs – not boss material. Naw, he’s comfortable where he is. To be perfectly honest I doubt that he’d enjoy going back into uniform just to get a promotion. Too many restrictions and responsibilities.’ ‘Well, we owe him a drink or two. Tell him that.’ ‘That I will tell him.’ *** ‘The new reverend has asked Stormy if she would join the choir.’ ‘You’re shitting me.’ ‘Naw. He told her there ain’t nothing wrong with her singing in saloons.’ ‘Well, ain’t that something?’ ‘Yeah, guy sounds like he’s a bit more broadminded than his predecessor. Mosta those old fart preachers want the choir just fulla old bags with screechy voices, wanting 160

to be better than some of the other folks. ‘I’m in the choir – you ain’t’ that small minded shit.’ ‘Hate to talk bad about old ladies but I tellya – I know for a fact – my mother was just like that. Mass every morning, confession every Saturday, went to every funeral in the parish – then pounded the shit out of my head for every little thing I did – or didn’t do. She was just a mean nasty old lady. I loved her – I guess – but, I tellya, it wasn’t easy.’ ‘Folks like that, white or colored, generally – in my humble opinion anyway – are like that because not very deep down inside themselves they know they ain’t got a helluva lot to offer the world. We both ran into a lotta noncoms like that, didn’t we?’ ‘They must be compelled to make up for their deficiencies by over-emphasizing something they are good at – like praying.’ ‘Or singing in the choir.’ ‘Or beating you over the head – whether you’re a kid or a recruit.’ ‘Amen, brother. Amen.’ *** “Dan? Wayne Samuels here.’ ‘Hi Doc. What’s going on up there?’ ‘Same old stuff. Actually it’s gotten a bit dull if you really want to know. I miss that gasbag. He enjoyed a good conversation.’ 161

‘Yeah, he did seem to have an outgoing personality, didn’t he? Never seemed hesitant to speak his mind – on most every issue.’ ‘He zeroed right in on you and Slick, didn’t he? That alone sold me on his counseling skills.’ ‘Had the skills, I guess, just didn’t have the paper on the wall, did he?’ ‘Apparently not. Too bad.’ ‘So what’s this call all about? Anything we can do for you?’ ‘Possibly. The real Dr. Barclay and I have been in touch long distance. He’s been tracking this guy for years. Apparently the guy fixated on Dr. Barclay long ago as an identity he could successfully assume.’ ‘I’ll be damned.’ ‘Yeah. The doctor is concerned, naturally, about this guy harming his, the real Barclay’s, reputation and professional standing.’ ‘I guess so.’ ‘So whenever the guy turns up somewhere the real Barclay follows up on him. Never been able to get anything prosecutable – and nothing done that harmed Barclay’s reputation or his pocketbook – so far.’ ‘Jeeze.’ ‘So, it’s evolved into a cat and mouse game – almost friendly. I invited him to come to St. Louis anytime – said we’d be glad to give him everything we know.’ 162

‘You think he’ll come?’ ‘Yes. He’s hopeful that somewhere he might get a lead on the track the guy is on – get there ahead of him and have a long overdue face to face confrontation.’ ‘That might be something to see.’ ‘I thought so. I’ll let you know if he takes up my invitation.’ *** ‘You all hear about the new piano – for the church?’ ‘Yeah, what about it, Wilbur?’ ‘Reverend Smith – he the new guy – he needed some young guys to do the heavy lifting.’ ‘I ain’t sure I wanna hear this.’ ‘Yeah, boss. It turned out bad.’ ‘Lemme guess. Sumbudy volunteered that there’s always a bunch of young outta work guys hanging around the Chat and Chew – right?’ ‘They was all in the pool hall this time.’ ‘Ah, I see.’ ‘Same guys – just in a different place.’ ‘So, he hired a bunch of ‘em?’ ‘Yeah he did. He couldn’t find anybody to lend him a truck so . . . ‘ 163

‘Don’ tell me. Scooterboogle?’ ‘An’ his horse and wagon.’ ‘Omigod.’ ‘It coulda been worse, boss. They didn’t break the piano.’ ‘How’d they manage to avoid that?’ ‘They couldn’t get the piano up into the wagon. That old horse, he . . .’ ‘Those dumb bastards gonna be the death of that horse.’ ‘Yeah. He pretty skittish. Anybody start clanking aroun’ his rear end theah, he wanna get away.’ ‘Can’t blame him for that. Damn horse smarter than mosta them. When they set the rags on fire in the backa that wagon, that horse – he didn’t look around to see if they had a fire truck there on standby.’ ‘No suh!. He did try to get away, didn’t he?’ ‘Well, anyway – what happened with the piano?’ ‘They got it outta the house okay – lotsa grunting, sweating, pushing and shoving. I hear the piano got to tinkling a lot but nuthin broke offa it.’ ‘So?’ ‘They got as far as the curb wit’ it. Horse was beginning to get jittery. Leroy was holding his head down.’ ‘Leroy? Jesus!’ 164

‘Well, you know Leroy. If sumthin goin’ on – Leroy wanna be a part of it.’ ‘Yeah. He may be a mental case but ain’ nobody can say Leroy is a lazy nigger, can they?’ ‘No suh! Leroy – he right in theah with all the rest of ‘em. They didn’t want him getting in everybody’s way around the piano so somebody told him to hold the horse still.’ ‘So? He couldn’t hold the horse still – what?’ ‘Naw. Leroy was doing okay with the horse. At least the horse couldn’t run away, but . . . ‘ ‘But what?’ ‘Well, the guys in the back with the piano – they didn’t have any ropes or any stuff to hoist the piano up high enough to get it into the bed of the wagon.’ ‘So, they just quietly give up?’ ‘Not so quiet, no suh. They making so damn much noise grunting and cussing back there, the horse and Leroy up front twisting aroun’ an’ everything. Well, finally the reverend – somebody musta run and call him to come – anyway he showed up. He saw what was happening and told the gang to just get the piano back into the house. Then he told Scooterboogle to get the horse and wagon outta there.’ ‘So, the church still only got its old broken down piano.’ ‘Tha’s right.’ 165

*** ‘Vin? This is Dan.’ ‘Yeah. What’s happening?’ ‘Not much, just thought I’d check in and let you know that Wayne Samuels has been talking to Dr. Barclay about maybe coming here.’ ‘Oh? Why’s he want to spend his money coming here?’ ‘We think he’s a bit pissed about this clown and isn’t too sure of our competence, maybe, I dunno. Anyway he’ll be coming some time soon. I don’t have anything beyond that.’ ‘Well, he’s welcome to come. As I’ve said before there is nothing criminal – to our knowledge – that would warrant the department’s involvement.’ ‘I think he understands that. Maybe a trip here will just help him get a rotten taste outta his mouth.’ ‘If he can figure out a way to bottle it, lemme know.’ *** The Reverend Robert Smith discreetly decided to cut his losses. The piano thing, if pursued any further with the current crew, could prove to be a major embarrassment. Instead he would play it safe by concentrating attention on the choir candidates’ capabilities. He had a fair number of the female church members signed up to try out. He needed somebody to front for him in dealing with these ladies. If he selected one of their 166

number the remaining members might well get their noses shoved a little out of shape. He solved that quandary rather neatly with one phone call – long distance to Tulsa. He met the overnight Greyhound bus from Tulsa the following Monday morning. He had already made a reservation at Tremont House, a small local black hotel on Franklin Avenue. *** ‘How was the trip, hon?’ ‘Not too bad. Half empty bus, so I slept for a while. Is there someplace I can freshen up?’ ‘Not here in the bus station. I’ve got a room for you at a hotel near the church. Let’s go there first. Then maybe go get you something to eat. That sound okay?’ ‘Yes, Robert. That sounds good.’ ‘Fine.’ ‘It’s good to see you, Robert. Thanks for calling me up here. I needed to get out of Tulsa.’ He smiled. ‘Me too.’ *** ‘Dan? Hi. This is ‘No Nose’. Howya doing?’ ‘Hey, man. Long time. Where you been hiding?’ ‘Around. Mostly just getting myself accustomed to a life of leisure.’ ‘You back in St. Louis now?’ 167

‘Yeah. I been making the rounds again. Some things seem different. Some seem the same as before.’ ‘Yeah, that’s right.’ ‘Somebody told me your wife and little girl died. Is that right?’ ‘Yes, it is. Killed in an arson, blew up our house.’ ‘Aw, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up.’ ‘No. No, it’s alright, Joe. I had a hard time getting past it, but it’s been a while now. I’m getting back to normal. Whatever the hell normal means, you know.’ ‘Yeah, I know. Everybody’s normal is different I think.’ ‘So, you not working?’ ‘Nothing official. I got the pension you know.’ ‘Yeah. Not much though, right?’ ‘Beer money. That’s about it. I was talking with Gallagher. He told me you and that black guy you were in the army with . . .’ ‘Yeah, that’s Slick Jones. My old C.I.D. partner. Yeah we do a little off the record stuff sometimes. Nothing big. Both our families destroyed by something we took on . . .’ ‘Oh? His family get killed, too?’ ‘Just about as bad. His wife ran off with their little boy. Up in Detroit now getting ready to remarry a doctor.’ 168

‘Aw, that’s tough shit, man.’ ‘Yeah. Lissen, we got an office in the 1600 block of Olive. Why doncha stop by? Name’s on the window.’ ‘Sounds good. I’ll do it.’ ‘Maybe call ahead. Slick and I move around a lot.’ ‘That’s what Gallagher was saying.’ *** ‘Dan? Wayne here. Dr. Barclay’s coming in next Monday. I’m going to meet him at Lambert field. I’ll make a reservation for him at the Spencer hotel across the street here.’ ‘Hope Slick and I get to meet him.’ ‘You will. He specifically asked if we could kind of walk him through the fake Barclay’s ‘visit’ here.’ ‘Sounds good. You want maybe for Malachi to provide the cab for you?’ ‘Maybe not. We don’t know this guy. He might not like special handling. You know what I mean?’ ‘Sure. We’ll hang loose. Just let us know.’ ‘Okay. Bye.’ *** ‘Stormy sez she met the preacher’s girlfriend at the beauty shop.’ 169

‘Oh yeah? What she think of her?’ ‘Stormy said she thought the gal was okay. Said the lady wants to fit in, worried that since the church members are mostly old that she’ll have trouble.’ ‘Well, I dunno if Stormy could fix that. After all she ain’t no spring chicken herself and she ain’t exactly what you’d say ‘active in the church’ politics.’ ‘That’s right, but Stormy does have a good head on her shoulders and I think this young thing spotted that right away.’ ‘Wonder how she singled Stormy out?’ ‘I think somebody fingered Stormy for her.’ ‘Aha.’ ‘Stormy said they went out for coffee together when they left the beauty shop – sat around and got a little better acquainted.’ ‘That’s good.’ ‘The gal – her name by the way is Naomi Tyler – told Stormy that she and the rev go back a ways. Both didn’t feel like they had a good fit in black Tulsa. So when Juicy opened the door for Smith to come up to St. Louis he jumped at the chance to get away to a bigger city.’ ‘That makes sense.’ ‘He had to leave Naomi behind though because Juice had got it in his head that Smith was a bachelor. No baggage.’


‘Sounds like Poindexter been burned in the past maybe by church ladies?’ ‘Could be. Old fart probably got all kinda skeletons in his closet.’ ‘Well, anyway, it looks like this Robert Smith might just be an alright guy, trying like hell to make a mark without making waves.’ ‘Well, he did screw up on the paper coffee cup thing.’ ‘Yeah, fixed that pronto though.’ ‘Nipped the piano thing in the bud, too. That coulda been a major disaster if Scooterboogle, Leroy, and alla the other clowns had actually managed to get that old lady’s piano up into the wagon. Million chances after that to damage or destroy the damned thing. He was smart to short circuit that effort as quick as he did.’ ‘Nothing wrong with him trying to get the ladies in the choir a little better organized – might even sound better.’ ‘Yeah. So his lady friend, Naomi Tyler, is probably gonna have to gain acceptance with those ladies. That won’t be easy.’ ‘Which is why she introduced herself to Stormy.’ ‘Wonder who paid for the coffee?’ ‘My money’s on Stormy.’ ***


‘Did I tellya about this old copper who phoned here the other day?’ ‘No, Dan. If you did I wasn’t paying attention. What about him?’ ‘He and I worked out of the Tenth District together before The War. He was a pretty good amateur boxer too – had a broken nose that could scare puppies and make babies cry. Some time after I left for the army he enlisted in the Navy. When he was discharged he went back on the force and was assigned to a beat in the Third District for a while, then managed to get a transfer back into the Tenth.’ ‘Uh huh.’ ‘Wife dumped him while he was in the navy, so he wound up back home, living with mom.’ ‘You Irish guys, always got to run home to momma.’ ‘This guy is not Irish. Polack I think. His name is Novak – Joe ‘No Nose’ Novak.’ ‘No Nose? Oh, yeah, the broken nose.’ ‘Anyway he shot an innocent citizen by mistake one night trying to break up a burglary. The department doctors worked on his head as long as they could. No progress, so he took retirement and went away for a while.’ ‘So now he’s back in town and phones you?’ ‘Me and a lotta old friends. He’s doing better now and has come back here to live.’ ‘With momma?’ 172

‘No, his mother died, left the house to him. So he’s living at the same address as before.’ ‘You expect him to come by here some day?’ ‘Actually I encouraged him to do that. I also touched base with Tommy Gallagher, who also worked in the Tenth with both of us. Gallagher says the guy has gotten rid of his ghosts – might be able to do some work for us.’ ‘Well, we are a bit shorthanded on the white side here, ain’t we?’ ‘That’s what I was thinking. No heavy duty stuff though – maybe just some stakeouts or tail jobs.’ ‘Make sure I get to meet him.’ *** The Reverend Robert Smith knew how important appearances were, particularly for persons in positions such as his. He quickly learned that the premier location for black men to have their hair ‘processed’ or to have any other tonsorial work done was Roscoe’s Barber Shop. Roscoe Turner was a fixture in the community. He knew everybody. He knew everybody’s business. If you wanted to know about anybody, or about their business, a discreet inquiry with Roscoe would, more often than not, be very fruitful. Robert Smith made a point of being a regular weekly customer at Roscoe’s. His mission there was not to ask questions about black folks in the community. His intent was to plant with Roscoe Turner the impression that he, Robert Smith, was a definite asset to that community. 173

‘Good morning, rev. What’s it gonna be this morning?’ ‘Can you give me a little trim in the back, Mistuh Roscoe? And maybe, what do you think? Maybe a little work on the moustache.’ ‘Sounds fine. We can let yo’ process go until next week.’ ‘That’s good. Yeah, that’s good.’ ‘Yo keep doing whatevah yo’ been doing about shaving. Yo’ skin – yo’ don’ want a lotta razor bumps, no suh.’ ‘That’s right. In my business, gotta look good.’ ‘So – how is that business going – at the church? Ole Juice – he helping yo’ fit in any?’ ‘He be fine. I was afraid he might not want to let go – you know?’ ‘No. He gettin’ old. He don’t wanna work much anymore. I think yo’ got yoself a birdnest on the ground theah – you handle it right.’ ‘Well, I ain’ so much worried ‘bout him as I worry ‘bout some of these old ladies been in the church maybe since it was built.’ ‘Ha, oh yeah, we got a few of those. Yessuh, we sho’ do. Best way to get along with them is to nevah try anything new – unless they think it was their idea. Then you okay. Yo’ unnerstan’?’ ‘I maybe just broke that rule, Mistuh Roscoe. Yessuh. I think I done that.’ 174

‘Howzat?’ ‘I asked a lady – actually a young woman – to come to St. Louis to help me.’ ‘Help you?’ ‘Yessuh. She’s got a beautiful voice. I told her I thought she’s really be god for our choir heah.’ ‘Son. Yo’ in trouble. Is this young lady heah yet?’ ‘Yessuh. I had her take a Greyhound bus from Tulsa.’ ‘Yo’ don’ need to answer me, but yo’ sweet on this lady?’ ‘Uh, I can’t lie about it. Yes, although that might be far down the road. She don’ know it. I ain’ nevah said anything to her.’ ‘She single?’ ‘Yes. Sorta. I think.’ ‘Uh oh.’ ‘Well, the reason I ain’ sure is because, well, she was beat up pretty good by this fella she was living with there in Tulsa. I don’ think they were married, but I ain’ sure. I helped some othuh preacher get her away. So she nevuh went back with that fella. She got a little job in a sandwich shop and started coming to a church there. That’s where I got to know her better.’ ‘Uh huh.’ 175

‘And I didn’t know it at first, but I later found that she has a beautiful voice. So – when I got up here and saw the situation – well, I thought maybe I could bring her up here, help with the choir – you know.’ ‘Son. Yo’ don’ bought yoself a peck of trouble. Ain’ no man in this town gonna fault yo’ fo’ going aftuh a pretty little thing – like this gal apparently is. No suh. We all would slap yo’ back on that. But . . . But, yo’ trouble is that – numbah one – yo’ done promised this girl yo’ could work a miracle of some sort by putting her in the choir. I bet yo’ told her she would know more music and sing better than anybody else here. I bet yo’ already don’ that. Am I right?’ ‘Right. Yessuh. I did tell her that.’ ‘Well, tha’s bad, but the gal is young. It’s the old biddies that gonna eat yo’ lunch. They jes ain’ gonna let yo’ come in here and mess aroun’ with theah little empire. No suh!’ ‘So, what can I do? I can’t hardly send the girl back to Tulsa. Can’t these old ladies be a .little more christian about accepting a newcomer?’ ‘Boy, yo’ been leading too sheltered a life. The bible is only useful in certain instances – when folks want it to be. These ole gals here they ain’ gonna refer to what the Lawd says. No suh. They gonna go by what They say is right and wrong. Tha’s a little different, ain’ it?’ ‘It is, yessuh. You know these ladies. You know this town. You know this church. What you say I should do? Go down to Greyhound and leave? What?’ ‘My boy. Yo’ evah heah of flowers and candy?’ ‘Uh, yeah?’ 176

‘Well, yo’ gonna hafta sweet talk those ole ladies until they can say that whatevah is gonna happen about the choir – an’ for that mattah the whole church – that it is their idea.’ ‘That how ole man Poindextuh run things?’ ‘Amen, brothuh. Amen. Old ‘Juice’, he may spit all ovah yo’ when he talking, but he is slick as new linoleum. He got everyone those ole biddies thinking she is first on his list.’ ‘You think he’d be willing to help me?’ ‘Yo’ sho as hell – ‘scuse me ‘bout that, reverend – you can’t do it yoself. Yo’ got no choice. Yo’ go with yo’ hat in yo’ hand and yo’ ask Poindexter to introduce yo’ and yo’ lady friend to the ladies of the church.’ ‘I’ll do it. Thank you.’ ‘Das alright. Advice is free. Haircut – six bits.’ *** ‘Doc Samuels phoned. Said he picked up Doctor Barclay last night at the airport – got him settled in at the hotel okay. Now they’re going to have a late breakfast at the hotel. Then, he said, they’re going down to the courthouse.’ ‘The courthouse? What for?’ ‘Well, ain’t that where the big drama all got started? The phony Barclay doing his pratfall down the courthouse steps. You coming on the scene while he still on the ground.’ 177

‘Yeah, that’s right, I guess. Did he say anything about if, as and when he’d like us to meet with him?’ ‘I think they’ll just walk across the grass here when they finish up there. So, maybe we better put off lunch?’ ‘Yeah. Think he’d like Adam White’s ribs?’ ‘If he don’t then he can just get on the next stagecoach outta town.’ *** As Judge Bill Glennon gaveled his morning session to a close, the bailiff reached up to him and handed him two business cards. ‘What’s this all about?’ ‘The gentlemen asked if they might have a few words with you – about an incident here at the courthouse some months back, your honor.’ Judge Glennon sat back down and glanced out into the courtroom. There were only two people left in the spectator benches. ‘Why don’t you gentlemen approach the bench and tell me what’s on your mind.’ The bailiff stood aside holding one half of the swinging gate open for the two to step forward. Wayne Samuels spoke first. ‘Thank you, your honor. My name is Wayne Samuels. I’m a local doctor here in town . . . ‘ ‘Ah. That name sounds familiar. You’re out on Lindell, am I correct?’ 178

‘That’s right, yes. This other gentleman is also a doctor, from New York. May I introduce Doctor James Randolph Barclay?’ ‘Why does that name also sound familiar to me?’ ‘Your honor, you may recall a slip and fall accident here on the courthouse steps? Back on Valentine’s Day.’ ‘Ah, yes. Mister Bailiff, please lock the courtroom door and take your lunch break. We’ll reconvene at one thirty. Would you gentlemen join me in chambers, please?’ The doctors trailed Judge Glennon into his small but rather impressive chambers, unlike the austerity of his courtroom. The walls were adorned with an array of awards, diplomas and photos of Glennon in the company of numerous political figures. The desk and credenza were graced with photos of a smiling Glennon, a nice looking blonde wife and two red headed, freckled boys, the spitting images of Dad. He removed his robe and placed it on a hanger taken from the back of what turned out to be the door to a small private restroom. ‘Please take a seat. I’d offer you coffee but all my staff is gone on their lunch breaks.’ ‘That’s fine, sir. We’ve only a bit ago gotten up from our breakfast.’ He settled into the chair behind the desk. ‘Well, what can I tell you? Or what can you tell me?’ Wayne Samuels glanced at Barclay and then proceeded. ‘This past February 14th the gentleman who fell on your icy courthouse steps was taken to City hospital and 179

later transferred to my clinic out on Lindell. He had identified himself as James Randolph Barclay, a psychiatrist . . .’ ‘I think I remember that. Yes, didn’t he contact my staff some time prior to that and inquire about observing some of the more or less typical hearings? Something about research for a book.’ ‘Yes sir. That jibes with our information. Is there anything further you can tell us? Did you have any other contact with him?’ ‘No, I’m sorry I can’t help you out. That was it. One phone request to my clerk – which is not all that unusual. When he never showed up in the courtroom it had no impact on the docket.’ Doctor Barclay spoke. ‘I was hoping he would have exposed himself more here in St. Louis, possibly at other prior times.’ ‘Not with me at least. If he had shown up previously I’m sure then I would have gotten more information from him about his purported book. I’m not all that keen on being the subject matter for people who write, be they news media or serious researchers.’ Doctor Barclay gave the judge a grim smile and nodded. The judge acknowledged Barclay’s disappointment with a nod. ‘What about City Hospital? There must be some paper trail there.’ As the two stood to leave Wayne Samuels spoke. ‘That’s going to be our next stop, your honor.’


Glennon noticed Barclay viewing some photographs on the wall. ‘That one’s me when I graduated from law school.’ ‘It appears that you were seated in the midst of some much older gentlemen. Perhaps to receive some award for your student performance?’ ‘That’s true. You’re very perceptive, doctor. Yes, I’d been awarded the Order of the Coif for some legal research and writing I’d done.’ ‘Ah, that does make one feel good after slaving away, doesn’t it?’ ‘Yes, but let me tell you a funny story associated with that photograph.’ ‘Please do.’ ‘It was taken at a lavish banquet where all the awardees were assigned seats at tables with at least one bigshot at each table. I was sitting next to a Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court, and on my other side was a prominent federal judge. Heady company for a 23 year old. I thought I’d done fairly well holding up my end of the conversation with these two distinguished gentlemen. When it was time for the awards and speeches yet to be made from the head table, the waiters quietly removed the china and silverware from each of the tables. I think that facilitates things for the dishwashers back in the kitchen.’ ‘Yes, I’m sure that is so.’ ‘Anyway, when the table was cleared where I sat lo and behold – there was a perfect semi-circle of green peas in front of me. Seemed I’d spilled them in my nervousness at conversing. Nobody said a word – but I sat – mortified – throughout the rest of the program. When things concluded 181

I beat a hasty exit. To this day I believe I avoid contact with either of those gentlemen you see flanking me in that photo.’ ‘Happens to us all at one time or another, isn’t that so, Doctor Samuels?’ ‘It is that. Thank you again, Judge. We appreciate you’re taking time to visit with us.’ Glennon extended his hand to both and remarked. ‘Whenever you get to the bottom of it, I’d appreciate hearing from you. It might behoove us down here to be a bit more careful.’ Barclay nodded. ‘We will be back in touch, your honor, because we do not intend to quit until we’ve run this fellow to ground. Thank you again for your courtesy. We know how busy you are here.’ Glennon grinned. ‘It pays for the groceries and rent. Some days I feel like I’m just spinning a revolving door. Maybe I should have gone to medical school.’ Both laughed and Wayne answered. ‘No, you wouldn’t like that – putting your hands where the sun has never been. Oh no. Take our word for it. You made a wise choice.’ When they got out in the hallway Samuels sought out the nearest payphone. ‘Slick, can we pass on lunch? I think Dr. Barclay and I would like to run out to City Hospital – see if they can pull any records from the archives. Thanks. I’ll call you later - maybe we can all dine together somewhere quiet.’ *** 182

There was a slight mist falling when they exited the cab at the City Hospital Emergency Room. A red Packard ambulance had just backed up to the double doors. ‘This is where he would have entered the hospital system – transported in an identical city ambulance. That could be the same one. Let’s go find the Records room and see what we can learn, okay?’ As they traversed the corridors dodging gurneys, confused walking wounded and harried staff, Barclay spoke. ‘Wayne, while I’m thinking about it let me say that you are going well above and beyond any duty here. I do appreciate it.’ ‘Forget it, Jim. After all I’m the physician who signed him out of here. No reason they shouldn’t produce the records for me.’ ‘That’s true, but you could have easily let me founder on my own. Don’t try to gloss over it. I know what you’re doing – and, again – Thank you.’ Since the date of admission was known and the patient’s name – as well as Wayne Samuels, M.D. appearing in that record, there was, as Wayne promised, no problem in quickly locating the record. They took the brown folder from the clerk and settled in at a small table easily observable by the clerk. Since both viewers were qualified physicians they had no difficulty in deciphering the medical jargon and abbreviations. ‘Did he list any residence?’ ‘Apparently he had no driver’s license or other identification on him. They just entered ‘New York City’ – probably he verbalized that for them.’ 183

‘What about next of kin?’ ‘Do you Brits say ‘Bingo’ or is it ‘By Jove’?’ ‘Don’t quote me but I’d go for a ‘Hot Damn’ right now. Is that really a name and local street address there?’ ‘Certainly is. Write this down – Maudeen, that’s M, A, U, D, double E, N, Maudeen. Last name Barksdale, B, A, R, K, S, D, A, L, E. Barksdale.’ ‘Got it.’ Street address is 4925, that’s 4, 9, 2, 5 Sutherland. S, U, T, H, E, R, L, A, N, D. I recognize that street name, nice neighborhood. All nice single family homes.’ ‘Any phone number?’ ‘Nope. No phone shown. He probably didn’t know what it was.’ ‘What’s the relationship? Is that shown?’ ‘Oh, yes, sorry. Says she’s a sister.’ ‘Sounds like a widow or spinster, doesn’t it?’ ‘If she exists.’ ‘Agh. I hadn’t thought of it that way. I hope you’re wrong.’ ‘So do I.’ They carefully returned the file to the clerk, making eye contact to further assure him that nothing was amiss. 184

‘Thank you very much, young man. I’d lost the name and address of the relative who was supposed to pay my bill.’ ‘Happens a lot, don’t it, doctor?’ When they exited the hospital the sun had come out. It was mid-afternoon and they had completely forgotten about lunch. ‘Jim, how do you feel about going back to the hotel? Maybe freshen up, take a little nap. I’d like to check on what’s going on in my shop, too.’ ‘Oh, that’s fine, Wayne. This wool suit feels a little damp from that mist earlier this afternoon.’ ‘You have anything else you can switch into? I’m thinking we could go casual tonight – phone Driscoll and Jones – go somewhere quiet where we can spend some time and go over everything we have.’ ‘I’ll endorse that. To tell you the truth – when we found that address on – what was it – Southland? . . .’ ‘Sutherland. 4925 Sutherland.’ ‘Yes. Well, I was concerned you might feel we – two amateurs – should thunder right out there. I think, from what I’ve been told by you – we are at the point where we should turn things over to people, such as Jones and Driscoll, better skilled and equipped to handle potential confrontations, foot races, that sort of thing that always seem to occur in mysteries. Maybe I read too much.’ ‘No. No. You’re absolutely right. Let’s rendezvous with them somewhere tonight. See what they have to offer.’ ‘Righto.’ 185

‘Righto? You don’t really talk that way, do you?’ Barclay laughed. ‘No, Wayne. I just felt that perhaps I needed to act the part for you.’ ‘Well, your costume department has pretty well dazzled me, Jim, I tellya. That thing around your neck – what do you call that?’ ‘That’s called a cravat, my friend. I’ll send you a few when I get back home. I’ve got a drawer full of them. Very good for impressing patients.’ ‘Can you get me a little rosebud thing like in your lapel? I like that.’ ‘No, sorry, dear friend. That one has to be earned in his majesty’s military.’ ‘Next thing you’ll tell me – if I have the gall to ask – is that you’re skilled with all sorts of strange military weapons.’ ‘Maybe we won’t go there. Suffice it to say, a career in the British military as an officer, a doctor, sometimes exposes one to all sorts of unexpected opportunities to broaden one’s experience.’ ‘I’m impressed.’ ‘You’ll phone my room and tell me when to be ready?’ ‘I will. Casual dress, please.’ ‘Sounds great already. I’ll see you sometime after sundown then.’ 186

He stepped back from the cab, clicked his heels and popped a very smart, very English salute to the departing cab. He then turned, smiled and nodded at the speechless hotel doorman as he entered the lobby. *** Slick got back from court early the next morning. Wilbur and Dan were both waiting for him. ‘This gonna be one of them mornings?’ ‘Let Wilbur go first. Our other stuff can wait until later – maybe go somewhere for lunch?’ ‘Sounds good. Wilbur, whatcha got?’ ‘Calvin phoned coupla times, boss. Sounds like sumbudy done throwed the peanut buttah in the fan.’ ‘Where is he?’ ‘He heading in right now. Last call, said he’d just come heah and wait on you.’ Slick looked around for Dan. ‘He and Popeye just went out da back door there for a little walk.’ It was a pretty day, not too hot, a few scattered clouds. Slick decided to wait for Calvin Moore out on the front sidewalk. He spotted Calvin coming down the street from 17th. Calvin was pointing down the block and across the street. ‘He wants to sit on a bench over there on the grass?’ 187

They waited for a streetcar and several automobiles to pass before crossing the street. Neither spoke until they were on a bench in the middle of the grassy plat across the street from the Central Library. ‘Don’t want to sound all mysterious boss, but I thought maybe you wouldn’t want anybody to share in this – for a while.’ ‘Let’s hear what you got.’ ‘I think Juice Poindexter is trying to pull off something big.’ ‘Juice? That dumb old fart?’ ‘That dumb shit of his is a front. He ain’t so smart, that’s true, but he ain’t stupid either. If what he has in the works goes through – well, lemme just say it’s gonna distract everybody’s attention from everything else going on.’ ‘What’s he doing? Give it to me in plain English.’ ‘Taking the title on old ladies’ houses.’ ‘Uh, say that again. What?’ ‘He’s been visiting and sweet talking the old widows on Culver Circle. . .’ ‘Yeah. We all knew that.’ ‘Well, the new preacher told this to Roscoe. Seems he goes to the barber shop every week. He and Roscoe talk to each other a lot.’ ‘Roscoe got big ears – and a big mouth.’ 188

‘Right. Anyway, the preacher got his girlfriend to come up to town from Tulsa. Then he got worried that the old ladies in the church would not accept her – especially if she got involved with the choir.’ ‘That goddamn choir project of his gonna blow up in his face.’ ‘He sensed that and asked Roscoe for advice.’ ‘And?’ ‘Roscoe told him to get Juice to introduce the new preacher and his girlfriend to the old bags – do it in such a way that they didn’t feel threatened – you know?’ ‘Yeah. Put on a little socializing show kinda thing?’ ‘Exactly.’ ‘Sounds good so far. When you gonna get to the last chapter here?’ ‘Juice asked old lady Cashion . . .’ ‘That’s the lady – husband was a dentist - that was gonna donate her piano?’ ‘That’s right. Juice knew he had to overcome that old lady’s bad feelings about how they all had screwed up moving the piano . . .’ ‘Never did get that piano outta there, did they?’ ‘Naw. Damn thing back in the house collecting dust. So, anyway he arranged for himself, and Smith, the new guy, and his girlfriend, Naomi, to visit old lady Cashion – have a little tea party thing.’ 189

‘Sounds nice and civilized.’ ‘According to the reports I’ve gotten, it went well. Miz. Cashion took a liking to the girl, even asked her if she could play the piano.’ ‘Uh oh. The plot thickens.’ ‘Yeah. Well, it turns out Naomi Tyler is good on the piano, knows a lotta church songs. So she and the old lady, first thing you know, are sharing the piano bench and entertaining Juice and Smith.’ ‘Are you getting to the bottom line here?’ ‘I just wanted you to know that the hostility problem from all the old ladies – that’s a goner. Naomi Tyler and Miz Cashion got that one nailed down. Naw, here’s what I been trying to tellya . . .’ ‘Juice did what?’ ‘This is according to Roscoe, you understand – he got it from the preacher Smith. He got it from his girlfriend. After they left and had gotten rid of Juicy Poindexter the girl told the boyfriend that Miz Cashion had confided in her that Juice was ‘just so nice, looking after the old widows, etc.’ something about ‘letting ‘em live in their houses the rest of their lives, all they had to do was pay their taxes and phone, water bill, that stuff.’ ‘What rights does Juice have to ‘let’ anybody do anything?’ ‘Unless he ‘owns’ the property.’ ‘Shit.’


‘Boss, those are my sentiments entirely. I’d bet that old sonovabitch has sweet talked one or more, or alla, them old ladies into deeding their houses to him.’ ‘That’s all it could be. He just sit on ‘em, let ‘em die off one by one – then he own the whole damn block.’ ‘Yeah. He can afford to wait. Alla those houses fully paid for. He’s a helluva lot younger than any of those old biddies.’ ‘Goddammit. Make sure Roscoe zips his lip. I gotta talk this over with Dan.’ *** Slick and I decided on lunch at a Greek steam table place on Chouteau near Compton, frequented mostly by workingmen from the railroad roundhouse nearby, coppers, truck drivers and others in a hurry for a quick filling lunch at a low price. Quantity reigned over quality. At one o’clock the crowd had pretty well dissipated. Slick went with ham, sweet potatoes and mustard greens. I took roast beef and gravy with mashed potatoes and boiled cabbage. We sat at a small table up near the front. As I sawed away at the tough beef I asked. “You think this is really it? The big thing we all been waiting for?’ ‘Naw. This is something entirely different. At least that’s what I think. The first tips we got were all pointing at somebody like this Smith guy rolling into town and taking over Juice’s little church.’ ‘Yeah. This sure don’t sound like that. How’s the ham?’ 191

‘Dry as hell, but at least they don’t hide it under that motor oil they call gravy in this place.’ ‘Yeah, this stuff really gives your jaws a workout. So, it sounds like Juice might have cooked up something to take advantage of the old widows living in Culver Circle?’ ‘Well, it sounds that way. Calvin got it from Roscoe, who got it from Smith, and it musta just slipped out as they were leaving.’ ‘So nobody asked Miz Cashion to elaborate?’ ‘No.’ ‘Pretty slim alright. What are you thinking?’ ‘First – I told Calvin to tell Roscoe to stuff a sock in that big mouth of his.’ ‘That’s good.’ ‘Yeah. Then I think maybe you could get some of your sources at City Hall to run Juice’s name – and Miz Cashion’s name through the files in the Recorder of Deeds office.’ ‘That’s easy. I’ll do that this afternoon. What are we gonna do if I turn up a positive hit or two there?’ ‘I believe we’d better be sure what we got, first of all. Then work up our patented Plan B . . . ‘ ‘Which is?’ ‘Scare the beejeesus outta Juice.’


‘I always did like Plan B – watching some bastard try to push toothpaste back in the tube.’ ‘You remember that redneck first sergeant in the Hit and Run in Yokohama, doncha?’ ‘Won’t ever forget it. Sonovabitch thought he could just lay low and let the clock run out until he was retired – with honors.’ ‘Yeah, I do recall that – with pleasure. Remember Ben Williams and I . . . ‘ ‘Two blackest niggers in Japan, right?’ ‘Right. We each took an arm and waltzed him outta the NCO club and down the street into that Japanese hospital, let him look at the damage he’d done. Let him get a good look at Renji . . .’ ‘Oh yeah. I forgot about Renji. He was there when the guy came in?’ ‘Yeah. I pushed him in that hospital room where the two little kids were laying. He didn’t want to go in. I thought he was gonna puke – the smell in there was so bad.’ ‘Renji give him the evil eye?’ ‘Sure did. Called him ‘plick’. When we got out on the sidewalk, first thing he said was ‘You made your point, I did it.’ I’ll never forget those words.’ ‘Maybe shouldn’t use such tough tactics on ole Juice – might give him a heart attack.’ ‘Bullshit. That smarmy sonovabitch, leading the praying and the singing every Sunday then working the 193

weekdays to rob some ole widow ladies. I tellya one thing – if he pass out – I ain’t gonna give him any mouth to mouth. No sirree!’ ‘Well, I gotta gut feeling that this is gonna turn out exactly like we think once I check those records. So my guess is that you’ll want to use all black folks to do the deed – whatever the deed is that you decide to inflict on Juice?’ ‘Yeah. He’d get all uppity if you were involved.’ ‘Agreed. I’m on standby if you need any backup.’ ‘Thanks, now – what do you think about this Barclay thing?’ ‘I enjoyed his company last night – him and Wayne.’ ‘He didn’t look like what I expected.’ ‘Me neither. I was looking for a red faced guy with a big belly, big white moustache and a loud voice, addressing us as ‘blokes’, that sorta shit.’ ‘No, you’re right. This guy didn’t need to have a big voice. Small build, very cultured, spoke regular English just like us.’ ‘Well, I wouldn’t go that far. I’d certainly say that his grammar was one hundred percent correct. When he spoke he made sense, too. No bullshit.’ ‘I imagine, from the way he talked, that he’s pretty fed up with this imposter.’ ‘That was apparent. Especially if the guy is not English.’ 194

‘Well, we’ll learn that later on. I was surprised to hear him say that he has never met this guy face to face.’ ‘Me too. I figured maybe it was a working relationship at least. Something where the guy could have observed Barclay and picked up his traits and characteristics.’ ‘How’d he describe it? Something like ‘fashioned out of the whole cloth’?’ ‘Yeah. I guess he meant that the guy simply took the name, falsified the education, probably careful to never go too far, or to get in so deep that he had to produce any documents.’ ‘Sounds like the number he played on Wayne Samuels.’ ‘And us.’ ‘How do you spell ‘suckers’?’ ‘Got that right. Listen, since he knows what Samuels, you and me, all look like – what do you think about getting ahold of ‘No Nose’ Novak? Do a little surveillance – see what develops?’ ‘That’s all we got to work with – the address on Sutherland.’ ‘No Nose is pretty savvy. He can maybe push a few neighborhood doorbells, maybe find some nice housewife willing to talk a little.’ ‘Worth a shot. Doc Barclay doesn’t want to leave town without some success.’ 195

‘Maybe we can scare the crap outta this guy.’ ‘Be nice, wouldn’t it? You realize we don’t even know his name – yet?’ ‘Yet. When we’re finished with him he’ll think he’s Scooterboogle’s horse – with his ass on fire.’ ‘Ah. Sounds like fun, don’t it?’ *** Calvin put it to Roscoe – in no uncertain terms – to keep the gossip about Poindexter’s real estate wheeling and dealing to himself. ‘Of course, Calvin, of course.’ ‘I mean it, Roscoe. A slip of the tongue could mess up what might be a really big mess we got on our hands.’ ‘Really think so? I allus figgered Juice was a small time crook.’ ‘Roscoe, we just don’t know yet. If anybody volunteers any more information to you, you just take it – don’t respond with any opinions of your own. Just take it in and then get aholda me. Unnerstan?’ ‘Yeah. I can handle that.’ ‘Good.’ ‘You wanna do something about that moustache befo’ you leave?’ ‘Hey. You just trimmed it day before yesterday.’ ‘Oh? I did? I forgot.’ 196

*** I had put a phone call in to No Nose Novak before going to the Recorder of Deeds office. ‘Hi, Joe. Dan Driscoll here. How’s it going?’ ‘Fine, Dan, fine.’ ‘Just wanted to ask you if you’d care to do a little street work for us?’ ‘Hell, yeah. I need a little fresh air.’ So I filled him in on the Barclay case, everything we had. ‘So, aside from that, all you’ve got there to give me is this address on Sutherland?’ ‘That’s it. Don’t even know this bastard’s correct name. Just have that address and the name he alleged as a sister living there when he was admitted to City Hospital.’ ‘That could be phony too.’ ‘I know. So, it could turn out that way as soon as you go there, or it could go off in another direction.’ ‘Right. Suppose I take a run through that neighborhood – just scope things out – get a feel for it?’ ‘That’s the way I’d do it.’ ‘I’ll give you a call.’


‘One thing, Joe, our client is here from out of town. If we can come up with something pretty quick so he can go back home, . . . ‘ ‘Understood.’ *** It took me only a little over an hour to run the Poindexter name through the Grantee index of the Recorder of Deeds. ‘Holy Shit!’ ‘Rich, maybe I better take a look in the grantor indices, too.’ ‘Think you hit on something?’ ‘Yeah, a goddamned mess. Jesus!’ ‘Maybe you oughta copy the volume and page number for each hit you got before you give me back the Grantee Index.’ ‘Oh, right. Thanks.’ When I finished I, with the help of Rich Corrigan, the clerk, had amassed a sheaf of papers, each of which contained the salient information taken for each and every transaction in which the name, Lucius Poindexter, appeared – some as Grantee, or buyer - others as Grantor, or seller. When I got back to the office, Wilbur and Popeye were holding the fort. ‘Hi Wilbur. Slick been around?’


‘Yes, Dan. He took outta here like he had a firecracker up his ass – said he probably wouldn’t be back until morning.’ ‘Sounds like one of the customers deciding to fly the coop, maybe?’ ‘Yessah, sho does. Mostly he catches ‘em before they get too far – like this one today. I betcha that clown shacked up somewhere getting a little action before he run down to the Greyhound station.’ ‘Slick likes to nail ‘em while they’re in the saddle, don’t he?’ ‘Makes believers outta ‘em. You don’ mess aroun’ wit Mistuh Slick, No suh. Not if’n his money is involved. You watch, he’ll haul that sorry niggah’s ass in before daylight. Then get cleaned up and go to docket call just like he do every mornin’. Be a lotta whispering in the courtroom, oh yeah. That man, he got some kinda reputation.’ ‘Well, when you hear from him – tell him I’m looking for him.’ *** The following morning I headed straight to the office. Charles, Wilbur’s night relief, was looking a mite harried. He held several phone message slips out to me while he talked on the phone. ‘Busy night?’ ‘Real quiet at first, but then about five thirty this morning all hell broke loose. I coulda used a couple more phones and arms to answer ‘em. Po’ Popeye, I don’t think he slept much with all the noise.’ 199

‘Slick catch his skipper?’ ‘Oh yeah. No big problem. Like always he knew which whorehouse to check. Got the guy wit’ his pants down. Yeah.’ ‘Any of these messages for me?’ ‘Oh, yeah, Mistuh Dan. I shoulda wrote yo’ name or Mistuh Slick’s name on each of ‘em. Like I said they all seemed to come at once.’ ‘Okay. No problem. Looks like most of ‘em are about bonds. Two of ‘em here from a guy I know, been expecting his call.’ ‘Yeah. He didn’t want to leave any message, said you’d know what it was about.’ ‘Thanks, Charles. Why don’t you take Popeye for a walk before Wilbur gets here. I’ll cover the phones for you.’ ‘Okay, thanks boss. I need to stretch my legs, too, been sitting on my ass at the desk all night.’ ‘You might stop and buy a bag of doughnuts. We might need ‘em from the way you talked about last night.’ ‘Sounds good. Popeye, he’ll like that.’ *** ‘Joe? Dan, retuning your call.’ ‘Ah, thanks, Dan. Thought you’d like to know what I got so far on Sutherland.’ 200

‘Yeah. Lemme hear it.’ ‘Well, I think I screwed myself outta a big fee from you.’ ‘You mean that name was a fake?’ ‘Au contraire, sil vous plait.’ ‘No Nose – you do have a way with words. So, the lady, Maudeen Barksdale does live there?’ ‘Not exactly.’ ‘Oh?’ ‘Well, I whizzed by the house a couple times from different angles about six last night. Still daylight, but I felt pretty sure there was no one at home. Usual clues – mail in the box, handbills on the porch. No barking dog inside.’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘So, I worked the neighborhood – just a bit. Passed myself off as an insurance company representative checking on an old policy in the name of Maudeen Barksdale.’ ‘Aha.’ ‘Thought I’d run into a brickwall with the next door neighbor – incidentally there is only one – next door neighbor. Forty Nine Twenty Five abuts a cross alley. The rest of the land all the way down to Kingshighway belongs to a catholic church.’ ‘Yeah, all those blocks down there have a cross alley like that so the regular alleys don’t dump down into Kingshighway traffic.’ 201

‘Right. Anyway an old bag next door was one of those ’I don’t want to get involved’ people.’ ‘Yeah, could see a crime committed and slam the door with the victim dying on her sidewalk.’ ‘Exactly. Anyway, that’s one strike. So I went back and sat in the car for a few minutes. Then another old biddie came out of a house across the street – gonna walk little Fido after supper.’ ‘And you – the big dog lover – stepped outta your car. . . ‘ ‘Dan, you took the words right outta my mouth. Turns out this old lady was probably watching from behind the curtains when I was rebuffed at 4929. She bought the insurance story right off.’ ‘Alright.’ ‘Yeah, while I petted Fido she gave me the whole nine yards. Maudeen Barksdale and brother, Edwin, are the owners at twenty-five. House been in the Barksdale family for many years. Originally built by Jerome Barksdale – a wealthy guy who made his fortune in real estate and other investments. When he died the house, and all the rest of his estate, was left in a family trust which supports Edwin and little sister, Maudeen. Maudeen, incidentally, is now a ward of the State of Missouri, seems she’s non-compos mentis so loving brother, Edwin, was happy to turn her over to folks better qualified than he to care for her.’ ‘So that was shit – about her being responsible for his bill at City Hospital.’ ‘Sounds like it. My dog lady, her name incidentally lest I forget, is Mary Cullen, nice Irish lady. She made no 202

bones about not caring much for Edwin – said he was a worthless lout – never worked an honest day in his life – dropped out of school early on – apparently planned all his life to get by on whatever dear old dad left him. He’s apparently comfortably well off – house free and clear – sister no longer around – money coming in from the family trust to keep him afloat to do whatever he wants, wherever he wants. No, Mary Cullen is not one of Edwin’s fans.’ ‘Goddamn, expectations.’






‘Well, what the hell else did you expect? After all, I learned from the best.’ ‘Yeah, you and me both. Miz Cullen have any idea where he goes?’ ‘Naw, I couldn’t get anything good on that. She can only pass on her opinions from what she observes behind those lace curtains of hers.’ ‘Sounds like my mother.’ ‘You, too? Mine had opinions about damn near everything.’ *** ‘Doctor Barclay? Dan Driscoll here. I’ve got some good news for you.’ ‘Oh?’ ‘Yes. A lot has been happening in the last twenty four hours. I may have to interrupt this if Slick shows up. I have some urgent information for him, too.’


‘Well, I won’t slow you down with questions. Fire when ready.’ ‘We’ve checked out that address on Sutherland and got lucky – very lucky. The man we’re talking about is Edwin Barksdale – that’s B-A-R-K-S-D-A-L-E. He may, or may not, be in the city at the moment. All I can say is that there was no one at the house, and there has been no activity there this morning.’ ‘Well, I don’t know how to thank you. Unless you suggest otherwise I’d like to stay in town here for another few days. If this Edwin Barksdale returns home I’d like your guidance on how I could best confront him.’ ‘Yes. We can talk about that later. Let me just add – we have a source in the neighborhood who will advise us the instant he returns.’ ‘You folks are miracle workers, Dan.’ ‘Yeah, that’s what we keep telling folks.’ ‘If you don’t mind – would you let me be the one to pass this information on to Wayne Samuels? I’d like to share my good feelings with him.’ ‘Sounds good. We’ll be in touch – hopefully while you’re still around here.’ As I hung up the phone, Popeye and his escort came in the back door. ‘Mistuh Slick heading across the plaza right now.’ I was waiting inside the front door. Popeye next to me.


‘Which one am I supposed to pat on the head first? Popeye, I guess, he’s drooling a little less than you. What’s on your mind?’ ‘Nice of you to ask. I uncovered the biggest goddamned mess at City Hall – Poindexter in trouble up to his eyeballs – and don’t know it – yet!’ “Why don’t that surprise me. Tell me all about it.’ ‘Naw, you gotta wait. More important – No Nose did a real number out there on Sutherland. Got the name and the whole family history on our fake Barclay. I just got off the phone after calling Barclay at the hotel. He’s tickled silly.’ ‘So who is this faker?’ ‘Name is Edwin Barksdale. Neighbor says he’s a worthless shit, living offa money left by a rich father.’ ‘So we going out there to brace him?’ ‘Nope. He ain’t home. No Nose has enlisted the help of a nosy neighbor to phone us the instant he shows up.’ ‘Probably out play acting somewhere, drinking other people’s booze.’ ‘Let’s stick a little closer here than usual – agreed? If No Nose’s lady phones we might want to have the cavalry all saddled up and ready.’ ‘You enjoying this, aincha?’ ‘Hell yes. The guy has done no harm to me – unless you count a bruised ego for falling for his line of bullshit. I 205

would like to rack him up though on behalf of the real Barclay.’ ‘Yeah, that stiff upper lip shit is okay, but it can give a man ulcers. I agree he’ll feel a lot better leaving town and knowing that he’s rid of his shadow.’ *** We ate lunch out of paper bags – hamburgers and lukewarm coffee – while I told him the story about Poindexter’s real estate wheeling and dealing. ‘Man, that stinks. Even if those old gals got no heirs to pass their stuff down to, it still doesn’t smell very good when they get flim-flamed by a preacher – somebody they should be able to trust.’ ‘I’m not sure we’re gonna have a quick answer for this one. I don’t know if we can undo what he’s done.’ ‘Yeah, get all the old ladies and their friends all cackling and screaming, like letting a cat into the henhouse. We gonna have to back in slow – look like we moving in the other direction. Don’t tip off anybody.’ ‘So far, we got Calvin, Reverend Smith, his girlfriend, and Roscoe – they the only ones who know about it.’ ‘Except for you, me – and the public records in City Hall. Anybody nosy enough to can go in there and find the whole story.’ ‘Juice and Napoleon Calhoun – they know, too.’ ‘Maybe they’d be the best place to start?’ ‘Let’s get some kinda plan put together first.’ 206

‘Right.’ *** ‘Hi Slick. It’s No Nose – Novak.’ ‘Yeah, howya doing? Dan told me ‘bout that fine piece of work you did for us.’ ‘Well, it’s getting even better. My lady friend across the street there – she just called.’ ‘He come back?’ ‘Yeah. Just came walking up the street from the bus stop down on Kingshighway, carrying his briefcase and a small satchel.’ ‘That’s great. Where are you right now?’ ‘I’m heading there now. Thought I’d drive down Sutherland from the other direction, walk down to the lady’s house and check in with her – then back to the car.’ ‘What are you driving?’ ‘Black Ford – ‘55 two door.’ ‘We’ll come up behind you. Seeya in a bit.’ ‘Dan! Come on Novak’s got the call.’ *** As we pulled into the curb up the street, a considerable distance from the Barksdale place, Novak came out of a house across the street and strolled down the street. He opened our rear door and climbed in. 207

‘Lady says he usually uses only the front door, although there is a kitchen door that opens into the yard and then out into the alley. Basement door under the back porch also permits access to the yard and alley.’ ‘Been in there about an hour now?’ ‘Right.’ ‘Tell me what you think here. One of us cover the back. The other two take the front door approach.’ Slick interrupted. ‘He don’t know No Nose here. I think it would be best for him, Novak, to take the front. Less to scare the guy, more likely he’ll open the door to a stranger.’ ‘Good point.’ ‘Be nice to get inside – see what he’s got.’ Novak spoke from the back. ‘Ain’t nobody but him gonna argue about whether or not the entry was invited. If he opens the door – I’ll be in there.’ ‘Okay. As soon as we know you’re in – then we’ll either come in the back – or, if we have to – run around to the front.’ ‘Living there alone, right?’ ‘Right. My gut says he keeps the first floor pretty much like it was left by his folks – dining room nobody uses, that sorta thing.’ ‘Agreed. Probably got his own little hidey hole, files and such upstairs – someplace he can work during the night.’ 208

‘Place has a nice basement. Before we leave we might wanna check it out, too.’ ‘All this is fine. Now, what we gonna have to say to him once we’re inside?’ ‘That’s easy. We imply that we now know all kindsa shit about him and his little game. If we get halfway lucky we’ll turn his spigot just right and he’ll start blurting stuff out.’ ‘Sounds as good as anything else we got. No Nose? You wanna do a quick check of upstairs and the basement while the two of us work on him?’ ‘Sure. Before we leave though one of you might want to redo it. I might miss something that will ring a bell with either of you.’ ‘What time is it?’ ‘Just one thirty.’ ‘Let’s go.’ Slick drove down to the Kingshighway corner and made a right turn. Novak got out. ‘I’ll wait a few minutes until you guys get in place.’ Slick drove around the block and parked the vehicle in the alley against the Barksdale garage. We rolled the windows down and cut the ignition. The gate to the alley was latched but otherwise unlocked and opened easily. I ducked across the small backyard and ascended the short steps to the small porch at the rear door. Slick slipped down to the basement door below. The doorbell 209

could clearly be heard ringing. There was the sound of the rapid shuffling of footsteps inside. I braced himself for Barksdale’s bulk to burst forth from the kitchen. Nothing happened. There was the scratching of a flimsy screendoor beneath the rear steps. Then I could hear Slick below. ‘Hello there, sir. Are you the lady of the house?’ By the time I got down to the level below Barksdale was walking, head down, in front of Slick. I followed. Barksdale spoke. ‘I guess you guys will want to come upstairs into the living room?’ Slick responded. ‘Dan, why don’t you go first. Let Novak in the front door. We’re right behind you.’ Slick had deftly maneuvered Barksdale into a position between the two of us. No opportunity for Barksdale to make a dash for it. As we took seats in the living room, we let Barksdale sweat a little. He finally spoke. ‘You guys are scary as hell – you know that?’ ‘We have been told that from time to time, yes.’ Novak came down the stairs after a quick once over of the second floor situation. He gave a slight nod to me. I then went up the stairs. ‘I don’t keep any firearms – if that’s what you’re looking for.’ ‘Mistuh B. – we don’t know what we’re looking for. You are just so full of surprises – we wouldn’t know where to start. Why don’t you tell us the story.’ 210

‘Where do you want me to start?’ ‘Before you start, let me warn you. We’ve done our homework on you. So don’t try to lie. Save us all a lotta time. Wouldn’t want you accidentally falling down any stairs again now – would we?’ While Barksdale was composing himself and trying to think how to put the best face on a very bad situation, I came back downstairs. ‘Let’s go. They’re waiting for us at the courthouse.’ ‘The courthouse? What are you taking me to the courthouse for?’ ‘Just shut up. You’ll have your chance in just a few minutes to tell it to the judge.’ Slick and Novak shot quick eyeballs at each other. Neither had any more idea than Barksdale did that I had used the upstairs phone. As he arose from the couch Slick looked around. ‘You play the piano?’ ‘No. Nobody’s touched that thing since my sister left here.’ ‘You don’t even visit her do you?’ Barksdale didn’t respond. After searching him we put him in the backseat of Slick’s Buick, sandwiched between me and No Nose. In fifteen minutes the Buick slid to a stop at the courthouse steps. ‘Look familiar, don’t it?’ 211

No response. I went ahead into the courtroom of the honorable William Glennon and walked directly to the bailiff. The judge had just finished a minor ex-parte hearing. He glanced at me. ‘You ready? ‘Yessir.’ The judge gaveled for attention of the few people in the courtroom. ‘The court is going to be taking up a private matter. Everyone will please exit the courtroom with the exception of the bailiff. Five minutes.’ With that he left the courtroom and entered his chambers. Five minutes later Barksdale was sitting in the front row of benches bracketed by Slick Jones and No Nose. I was scouting out the rear door of the courtroom. ‘All Rise!’ Glennon, still robed, assumed his seat. He looked to the front row. ‘Are you Edwin Barksdale, sir?’ Barksdale in a barely audible voice responded in the affirmative. ‘Please stand when you address the court, Mr. Barksdale – and approach the bench. Mr. Bailiff show him where to stand.’ Barksdale looked like he was about to faint. Glennon addressed him. Mr. Barksdale, you’ll notice we have no court staff present, no reporter to make any record. I want you to understand that this is off the record – a little chat shall we say between you and me. Do you understand what I’m saying?’ 212

‘Yessir, I do.’ ‘Fine. I’ll also advise you that you are not under arrest – at this time – so if you choose to leave here at any time you are free to do so. Do you understand that?’ ‘Yessir.’ ‘Alright. Now, Mr. Barksdale, let’s get down to brass tacks here. You recall phoning this court back in January of this year and arranging to visit and observe activities in this court?’ ‘Yes, I did do that.’ ‘Fine. You also will recollect that you informed my clerk that the purpose of that visit was to gather material for a book you were contemplating writing. Is that not correct.’ ‘That is correct, your honor.’ ‘And is it not also correct that you identified yourself during that phone call as a doctor James Randolph Barclay?’ ‘Uh, yes.’ ‘Let me put it to you bluntly, Mr. Edwin Barksdale – you are not Doctor James Randolph Barclay, are you?’ ‘No sir. I am not.’ ‘Well, thank you Mr. Barksdale for clearing that little matter up for us.’ ‘Uh.’


‘So, if you are not Doctor James Randolph Barclay then you could not have been contemplating the writing of any book under that name could you?’ ‘No sir, I guess not.’ ‘Excuse me, Mr. Barksdale, did you say you ‘guess not’?’ ‘Uh.’ ‘Is there some reason you can offer to the court here today why your answer to that question cannot be more certain, in other words not requiring any guessing on your part?’ ‘No, I’m sorry judge. No, I was not contemplating the writing of any book under the name of James Randolph Barclay. I’m sorry.’ ‘So, would it be fair to presume that you had some other purpose in mind requiring a visit to my courtroom?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘And that would be?’ ‘I, I – I’m sorry, judge, I just do these things. I don’t mean any real harm. It’s kinda fun to . . . ‘ ‘Fun? You think it’s fun for a real person, such as the real doctor Barclay, or me, the real William Glennon, dio you think it is fun, as you call it, for folks like us, who have labored a lifetime to establish our credentials – to have people like you – yes, like you – adopt our sacred identities so easily.’ ‘No sir, I’m sorry.’ 214

‘Sorry doesn’t cut it in this court, Mister Barksdale. How far did you go in school?’ ‘Tenth grade.’ ‘Any trade schools, other education of any sort?’ ‘No sir.’ ‘Any honors or awards of any kind conferred through past employments?’ ‘None.’ ‘Any merit badges, anything, from the Boy Scouts? Anything at all? Help me here – Mister Barksdale.’ ‘Nothing, sir. No.’ Judge Glennon paused, rearranged his robes and let it all sink in. ‘How’s it feel to be unmasked – Mister Barksdale?’ ‘Not good, your honor. Not good at all. I’m sorry, sir. Very sorry.’ ‘Sorry, yes – easy to say. The question remains what are you sorry for? For what you have done? Or for having been caught?’ ‘Uh.’ ‘That’s what I thought.’ The room was silent. Barksdale stood – alone – before the bench. Judge Glennon let him stand there and sweat for a full minute under the bright lights. 215

‘Have you, sir, ever even met the real Doctor James Randolph Barclay?’ ‘No, your honor. I just read a magazine article about him. I admired him so after reading that . . . ‘ ‘Is that how you get started on these charades of yours?’ ‘Yes your honor. I’ve only done it three or four times. It was always exciting – like I said – fun . . .’ ‘Have you ever even met any person whom you have imitated?’ ‘No sir. Before doctor Barclay the ones I did where celebrities of sorts. I’d use their name a few times, then stop. Never ever used their names to make any money – like I said it was just for the thrill . . .’ ‘Sir, do you realize you sound just like a firebug – just for ‘the thrill’ of it.’ ‘Sorry.’ ‘If any of those people could be found today – how do you think you would handle that?’ ‘Very awkward, sir. I guess, like you said earlier, I’d feel bad because I was caught. So it would be very embarrassing, yessir.’ ‘Turn around Mister Barksdale. Do you recognize anybody in the back row there?’ ‘Ah, yes. That one gentleman is Doctor Wayne Samuels. I passed myself off to him as Doctor Barclay. I, uh, I don’t know who that is with him.’ 216

‘That very scholarly looking gentleman, sir, is Doctor James Randolph Barclay, M.D. of New York City. Dr. Barclay holds a number of advanced degrees. He has, in fact, written books. He has earned numerous awards both in this country and throughout Europe. He has served with distinction in the British military. Do you think you can face him and tell him you did no dishonor to his name? To his reputation? That this ‘harmless’ action of yours was somehow alright?’ Barksdale had begun to weep. ‘Turn around and face the bench, Mister Barksdale. Right about now you are probably thinking that you’ve muddled through this and the worst is over. Correct?’ ‘Yes, your honor. I’m totally embarrassed.’ ‘Well, Mister Barksdale. It ain’t over yet. Not by a long shot. As I said at the beginning – this little session has been off the record. You can, if you choose, terminate it at any time. I believe, however, that you are smart enough to realize that choosing that path might bring much more dire consequences. Are you reading me there, Mister Barksdale?’ ‘Yes, your honor. I understand.’ ‘Fine. Then I am ORDERING you to appear in this courtroom tomorrow morning no later than Eleven o’clock and to bring with you ALL notes, papers and other records, of any sort and in any form, that you may have amassed or created that have any relevance whatsoever to the assumption, in whole or in part and whether actually done or not, of the identity of any individual person, whether living, dead or fictitious. Understand, sir? ‘Yessir.’ 217

‘Is that broad enough? Is there anything you will conveniently be able to conceal because of my poor choice of word here?’ ‘No sir. I think you’ve covered everything I have. I’ll bring everything I have, I will sir.’ ‘Alright. After you satisfy me that you no longer possess any records, real or false, that could aid and abet your penchant for identity theft and after I have you destroy them in such a manner and before such witnesses as are necessary to assure that we have restored you to your prior identity – and only your identity – we will then schedule another session for you. That will be ‘One on One’ with me. You get my drift, sir?’ ‘Yes, your honor.’ ‘Fine. I understand you are a man of independent means, thanks to the hard work and forethought of your late father, am I correct on that point?’ ‘You are, sir.’ ‘In that case I am going to consider – mind you, ‘consider’ is the most I will commit to now. I will consider designating you as an Amicus Curiae, a friend of the court, to accept such specific assignments from the court – with no recompense involved – to research and otherwise work on special projects that might assist the Court in the discharge of its functions and responsibilities.’ ‘Thank you, your honor.’ ‘Such assignments shall never be permitted to become in any manner political work. I want it absolutely clear that the Court needs competent assistance in areas such as juvenile justice, rehabilitation and such – important matters which now must be slighted. If you can, in any 218

way, contribute in these assignments it might well also assist you in acquiring the self respect and self confidence you have apparently lacked which may or may not - we don’t really know, do we - have contributed to the circumstances in which you find yourself before this court today. If there is nothing else, this hearing is adjourned.’ He stood and banged the gavel. ‘Mister Driscoll? Mister Jones? In my chambers, please.’ *** No Nose was waiting in the corridor when the two exited the courtroom. ‘You guys won’t believe it.’ ‘What now?’ ‘The two doctors and Barksdale went through the obligatory handshakes, pats on the back, et cetera, et cetera alla that stuff . . .’ ‘Didn’t miss much there, did we?’ ‘Naw, but here’s the kicker. Barksdale asked – and they agreed – if he could take them – and us – to dinner tonight.’ ‘Yer kidding.’ ‘No, I’m not – and furthermore, Barclay said he wasn’t leaving town until he sat down and got dirty in a platter of barbecued ribs.’ ‘Well, I’ll be goddamned. *** 219

It wasn’t until late the following afternoon that Slick and I were able to get together at the office. ‘How’d your day go – so far?’ “So far – so good. Glennon’s bailiff nailed me about one o’clock – gave me a couple of grocery bags full of Barksdale shit. Said the boss had directed Barksdale to leave the bags with the bailiff and then proceed directly to police headquarters. Seems the good judge wants this guy on file – mugshot and prints.’ ‘Sounds like a good move. What are we supposed to do with these bags of shit?’ ‘Destroy the contents – BUT – only after we have gone through all of it with a fine tooth comb. The judge wants to be sure that any person that Barksdale had ever researched be identified. I guess if he thinks those people should be notified then he’ll take care of that.’ ‘Or instruct us to.’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘What’s it look like about Barksdale’s courtroom duties?’ ‘I think that’s all up in the air. Judge mainly wanted to get a handle on things, then sort ‘em out later. Incidentally, how did he get involved in this thing so damn fast?’ ‘While you and No Nose were leaning on Barksdale downstairs I went upstairs and phoned the courtroom. Got lucky, the judge was in chambers and took my call.’ ‘Worked out nice.’ 220

‘Yeah. I was glad he invited us back in chambers after he’d done Barksdale’s laundry. That was icing on the cake.’ ‘You have time this morning to follow up on it?’ ‘Sure did. Rich Corrigan in the Recorder’s office knew exactly what I was talking about. Gave me several examples of non-profit trusts.’ ‘You think we should do like the judge suggested? Make Juice and Napoleon Calhoun redo all those deeds – convert all the old ladies’ properties into a trust?’ ‘Yeah, have the tabernacle be the owner-trustee, et cetera – BUT I think it would look a helluva lot better if the folks in that church had a hand in the establishment of the trust.’ ‘Amen on that. We can let the new preacher take the lead on it. Just slip him the samples we got from the Recorder’s office.’ ‘Don’t mean we still can’t kick Juice’s ass first though, does it?’ ‘Napoleon’s, too. Two dumb bastards need to be wised up more than a little bit. We don’t need to publicly embarrass them - just scare the holy shit out of ‘em both.’ ‘Right. Juice is going to have to be motivated to sign all new deeds.’ ‘The hint of jail is a mighty motivator, ain’t it?’ ‘Is Barclay still in town?’ ‘Yeah, he’s got a flight out tomorrow. Wanna get together with him and Wayne tonight?’ 221

‘Yeah, might not have time tomorrow to go to the airport.’ *** The four of us took a table in the back of Driscoll’s club on Maryland. It was midweek so the crowd as light. Occasionally somebody would put some coins in the jukebox but it was mostly a bar crowd kind of night. We started out with scotch. This time we had a bona fide expert pick a good single malt for us. ‘So, doc. You anxious to leave our fair city?’ ‘Mixed emotions on that, I believe. It will be good to get back to my regular routines but I can’t deny this visit here was something to be long remembered.’ ‘Likewise, friend. Cheers.’ ‘I noticed you and Barksdale doing quite a bit of talking last night at Adam’s place. That surprised me.’ ‘Well, Wayne, I wasn’t sure how to handle such proximity with a man who only a few hours earlier had, shall I say, not been a candidate for addition to my Christmas card list. I let him bring the conversational ball to me.’ ‘I felt the dinner invitation was a bit of a strain.’ ‘Certainly a shock to all of us, but perhaps he thought it would afford him an opportunity to somehow make amends – gain our good graces.’ ‘Take more than a free plate of ribs for that.’ 222

‘True, but it afforded me an opportunity to observe him up close for several hours – one on one – and to probe a bit with a few questions. The net effect, in my mind, was that Edwin Barksdale would probably not fare well on any standardized intelligence tests, in spite of his bonhommie and bravado. He is basically a very insecure personality, driven you might say to this rather bizarre fantasy life he was following.’ ‘Hmm.’ ‘Yes. If there is a positive to be seen there it is that he did what he did for personal ego gratification, never motivated to harm anyone financially – or physically.’ ‘Sounds like a big goofy marshmallow.’ ‘Precisely what I would have written on his chart if I’d been treating him.’ ‘Well, consciously or not, he seemed to have a facility for pissing people off.’ ‘Righto.’ ‘Righto?’ ‘Yes, he was more concerned with pleasing himself than with pleasing other people. Many insecure people try to please others in order to be thanked. You’ve all encountered them. Barksdale’s syndrome is less common.’ ‘Hadn’t considered that. Hmm.’ ‘Yes. I’d venture to say that he is the type of person, with much time on his hands – no demands on him from other people – a virtual loner – would daydream about what his obituary would - or should – be.’ 223

‘Now that’s real fantasizing.’ ‘Not unheard of.’ ‘So – bottom line – you feel that Judge Glennon’s plan to have him do some sort of so-called research for the court really won’t change Barksdale all that much?’ ‘No. It could just turn out that he has never been put in a position to have to please others – only boy in the family – probably indulged, overly, by the parents. Mousy sister. He was a virtual loner – has been all his life. Nobody paying any attention to him. Hence the bizarre fantasies. No. I believe Glennon’s plan might just be what Barksdale needs, a chance to prove to himself and others, that he can perform. If he garners thanks and appreciation as a result, then he might well be motivated to continue on that challenging path.’ ‘Wow.’ ‘Of course, Judge Glennon might overload him. In that case he could regress.’ ‘May I change the subject, doctor?’ ‘Of course, let me relinquish the soapbox.’ ‘I’d like to know how you will explain to your lovely wife when you get back home – your impressions and recollections of last night’s repast at Adam’s Rib?’ ‘Ha. I’ll have to give some time to that on the plane ride. I doubt she’ll believe me – I know if someone tried to describe that experience to me before last night – well, I’d have a bit of trouble with it. All I can say is that I doubt I’ll forget it very soon. Truly memorable. Delightful, really. Mr. Adam wouldn’t much like adjectives such as that though, would he?’ 224

‘Adam is in a world of his own. He could care less for compliments. That’s what makes his place so great. He cooks the way he likes, not the way anybody else tells him to.’ ‘Well, you cannot argue with his results. I do, sincerely, appreciate you’re seeing to it that I experienced that.’ ‘Like to go back there tonight?’ ‘Oh my God – No! I need tonight to recover.’ *** The bag search proved to be mostly a big zero. Barksdale had clippings about many celebrities, as he’d acknowledged in court. He also had drafted a false identity very loosely based on what he had read about Doctor Barclay. His handwritten plans indicated he was simply going to pass himself off at the courthouse as a visiting author. The unscripted fall, subsequent hospitalization and the charade thereafter had not been a part of his plan. Judge Glennon was satisfied with the results reported to him by Slick and Dan. He had Barksdale on a rather short leash, reporting in to court weekly for various task assignments, each time being required to submit a written report of his previous week’s efforts. ‘He’s like a little kid. Lights up with a big smile whenever anybody compliments him. In about six months I might adjust his role a bit, give him more opportunity to make and justify recommendations. We’ll see.’ ‘Anything we can do, Judge, just let us know.’ *** 225

Slick set up a private meeting with Reverend Smith in the parking lot of a custard stand on north Kingshighway that catered to white kids from nearby schools.’ ‘I thought this was about as far as we could get from the neighborhood.’ ‘Yeah, looks fine. Uh, you like this custard stuff?’ ‘Not really.’ ‘Neither do I. Maybe we can just sit here and talk until somebody runs us off.’ ‘I don’t think we need to worry. They probably think we’re a couple of black detectives.’ ‘Hope they don’t ask to see any badges.’ ‘Don’t worry about it. Listen, you already know that Poindexter’s been up to something shady with the widow Cashion’s house, don’t you?’ ‘Yes, I guess I do. The lady just said something to Naomi as we were leaving. I don’t think she thought there is anything wrong, but it sure rang my chimes.’ ‘And you told Roscoe?’ ‘Yes I did. You think that was a mistake?’ ‘Could be, but right now Roscoe is keeping his mouth shut and his ears open.’ ‘You’re making it sound kinda bad here, Mistuh Slick.’


‘Rev. It is. Truly. My partner ran Poindexter’s name through the city hall records. Know what he found?’ ‘I’m afraid to ask.’ ‘Well, he found that every one of those old widow ladies on Culver Circle had signed a deed transferring her house and lot to Poindexter.’ ‘You mean . . .?’ ‘Yes. Those old dears don’t own their own houses any more. We think Poindexter probably sold them some malarkey, has them continuing, of course, to pay all the regular things like taxes and utilities, but . . .’ ‘But when they die?’ ‘Yes. When they die, then what?’ ‘Can we do anything? I don’t know how we could tell those nice old ladies what has happened. I don’t know how to tell the members of the church.’ ‘That is indeed a problem’ ‘Do you have any ideas – at all?’ ‘Well, I wouldn’t have engaged in all this secret meeting stuff here, now would I, if I just wanted to spoil your day.’ ‘I think maybe I could use a custard. Can I get you one?’ ‘Go ahead. I’ll wait.’ When Smith climbed back in the car a few minutes later, Slick took a bite of custard and continued. 227

‘We’ve done some research. It would not look good, however, if we took action. It would be better if it was done from inside your church.’ ‘I wouldn’t know what to do – don’t think we got any members who would know either.’ ‘Well, let me explain.’ So Slick led Smith by the hand through the process of setting up a non-profit trust in the church and then having Poindexter execute deeds on the various properties transferring ownership to the trust. Smith sighed. ‘That I understand, with the help of the documents you’ve mentioned I think that could be done. However from my experience with reverend Poindexter to date – I don’t think he will cooperate. He is just a very bull-headed person, not interested in hearing about any mistakes or errors he might have made. No sir. I don’t think he will sign those papers.’ ‘Take my word for it. He’ll sign.’ *** Much happened after that. Armed with copies of non-profit charitable trust documents purchased from the public records of the city, reverend Robert Smith searched out competent legal counsel in the black community and had most of the necessary paperwork drafted and in hand before approaching Lucius Poindexter. He lined up five prominent black gentlemen with long time affiliations with the church. They promptly agreed to serve as trustees and signed the Trust Declaration. 228

After their first organizational meeting the trustees ‘invited’ Lucius Poindexter to join them. He was confronted with the reality of the situation, the distinct possibility having been brought to his attention about the possibility of the Internal Revenue Service becoming concerned about his sudden acquisition of wealth, et cetera. He signed each of the deed documents placed before him and promptly excused himself. The trustees visited each of the Culver Circle widows and advised them fully of the provisions of the trust. All were pleased to learn that their informal arrangement with reverend Poindexter had been properly and legally formalized. They pledged their full support to the charitable goals of the trust. The trust documents provided that as any occupant widow died then that particular piece of property would be put on the market with it being further provided that the proceeds of the sale would then be invested in conservative investments, the income from which would be utilized solely to support the charitable efforts of the trust. When the last widow died then that particular home would be made available exclusively as the family residence of whoever was minister of the church at that time. Word spread rapidly throughout the membership. Persons who previously never volunteered for anything began to step forward to do what they could to maintain the properties and generally support the church. Interest in the choir peaked. A Baldwin upright piano (very similar to the one Slick spotted in the Barksdale home) was anonymously donated. The driver of the truck which delivered the piano claimed ignorance as to the point of origin. When Robert Smith popped the question to Naomi Tyler, Lucius Poindexter came out of retirement to preside at the wedding ceremony. RoscoeTurner escorted the bride 229

to be down the aisle. Ernie Caldwell provided a black Cadillac limousine from his funeral home. The choir performed. No Nose and Wayne Samuels worked out a deal for Novak’s nose to be straightened – as much as possible. Novak now has a small but thriving one-man investigations firm, catering to local lawyers in need of very limited and quick work – usually during the midst of trial. The guy with the two horses gave up – just not enough business. Bonnie and Clyde have been retired to a small farm outside town. During the preparations for the wedding somehow a bouquet got sent – anonymously – to Mary Cullen. Her nosy neighbor at 4929 Sutherland was beside herself because Mrs. Cullen declined to speculate as to her admirer’s ID. Judge Glennon became the envy of his fellow judges. Barksdale lived up to his expectations, worked hard on and got his G.E.D. He now has an interest in ultimately getting a college degree. Slick’s son has become old enough to fly unescorted to St. Louis to visit his Dad. Slick and Velma are cooperating on finding the best flights for him so there will be no plane changes. Popeye got sick and we had to have him put down. Nobody is interested in looking for a replacement – at least for a while. Wilbur and the guys think there is a stray momma cat, very pregnant, up the alley somewhere and maybe looking for a handout now and then. Carl Warnecke has completed law school and passed the state licensing examination with high grades. He has been interviewed by several prestigious firms. 230

Calvin Moore continues to ply his trade, separating wannabe gamblers from their money. He is readily available whenever Slick needs some help on the streets. Stormy Knight’s lifestyle remains much the same as always. She would like to help with the church choir but her lack of any formal musical training precludes her serving in any teaching position. Herman Schultz and the regulars at Driscoll’s Saloon remain unchanged by the world swirling around outside their remote little island. Slick and I continue to maintain our close relationship with Wayne Samuels. He’s the calm in the center of our storms. I find myself still subconsciously stopping whatever I’m doing when I hear the distant wail of the siren on one of those big red Packard ambulances.


IN THE APPROXIMATE ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Dan Driscoll Mona Driscoll Michiko Driscoll Paul Deckard Vincent Palazzola John P. ‘Slick’ Jones Robert ‘Slats’ Slattery Misty Laine Wilbur Foshee Adam White Velma Jones ‘Jaypee’ Jones William Glennon James Randolph Barclay M.D. Ed Moorehead Malachi Murphy Pete Conrad Carl Warnecke Herman Schultz Wayne Samuels M.D. Stormy Knight The King’s Lads Floyd Jackson Renji Takasu ‘Monkeyman’ Matsumoto Popeye, the dog Victor Trahan D.V.M. Old Chinese couple Larry Schwartz Lucius ‘Juicy’ Poindexter Salvatore Napolitano Robert Smith Earlene Smith Daryl Charles Jocko Reardon 232

Tom Gallagher Gene Lasker Napoleon Calhoun Harry O’Neill Edwin Barksdale Ernie Caldwell Maudeen Barksdale Eleanor Cashion Naomi Tyler ‘No Nose’ Novak ‘Scooterboogle’ Leroy Roscoe Turner Calvin Moore Ben Williams Rich Corrigan Jerome Barksdale Mary Cullen


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