Judgement Book 2

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We thank the Father for the fulfillment of the prophecy of Our Lord Jesus Christ that a Comforter will come who will teach us all things, and bring to our remembrance, whatsoever things He has taught us.


TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...................................1 TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................2 WHY MAN WAS CREATED..............................3 SIN AND THE WORLD...................................16 THE UNGODLY WORLD................................41 THERE IS ONLY ONE LAWGIVER AND JUDGE................................68 JUST SOLICITOR AND ADVOCATE.................90 THE BEGINNING OF JUDGEMENT................100 ABORTION IS MURDER...............................117 THE ERA OF THE HOLY SPIRIT....................141 CLOSING STATEMENT BY LEADER O..O..OBU...................................157


WHY MAN WAS CREATED FIRST BIBLE LESSON: COLOSSIANS 3:2 "Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth." SECOND BIBLE LESSON: ROMANS 8:6 "For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." GOLDEN TEXT: GALATIANS 6:8 "For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap everlasting life." STOP BEING CARNALLY MINDED: Brethren, the above texts form the theme of our sermon. A careful deliberation on the above texts will aid you to know the source and solutions to all your problems. The first lesson advises that we should not set our affections on earthly things but we should rather set our affections on things that are above. Our second lesson discloses that to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. The two lessons have clearly revealed to us that, all the commandments of God are for our betterment and if we abide by these rules, we will surely have life and peace. Failure to obey the commandments of God leads to death.


It is often said that the testimonies of two or three people ascertain a fact, and, in line with this, our Golden Text confirms that he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. This accounts for why you have been warned not to be carnally minded, because it is of no gain. Stop requesting for money, cars, wives, children, estates, etc. All the lust and desire for all these things are death. Be informed that, he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap everlasting life. THIS INVARIABLY MEANS THAT IF WE SERVE GOD WHOLEHEARTEDLY, IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH, WE ARE ASSURED OF EVERLASTING LIFE. Your desire to be elected the President, Governor, Commissioner, Minister or Local Government Chairman earns you nothing but vanity. Therefore, you either seek for eternal life, or condemnation. Know that it is for your own good that God tells you not to do a particular thing or when God warns you to abstain from sin. Mark 8:36 states: "For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" You have what you refer to as a nice time on earth. You follow after women, acquire chains of degrees, expensive clothing, cars, estates, and companies and various business ventures. On the other hand you completely forget about God, your creator. But the pertinent question is where will you spend your eternity? Rest assured that on the last day, you will surely go empty handed. Everyday you keep lamenting and blaming your deplorable situation on witchcraft and wizard, mermaid and evil spirit. BUT THIS IS NOT THE TRUTH. ALL THAT IS WORRYING YOU IS

THE WORK OF THE FLESH. YOUR PREDICAMENT EMANATE FROM YOUR CARNAL CONSIDERATIONS. No matter the number of times you confess your sins, if you do not live according to the commandments of God, you will surely leave here empty-handed. BUT IF YOU SET YOUR AFFECTIONS ON SERVING GOD, YOU WILL SURELY HAVE PEACE AND ETERNAL LIFE. THE REWARD FOR SERVICE TO GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE, GLORY, PROSPERITY, PEACE, AND JOY. EARTHLY THINGS REPRESENT EVIL THINGS, BUT HEAVENLY THINGS REPRESENT GOD AND YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED TO DESIST FROM SETTING YOUR AFFECTION ON EARTHLY THINGS, BUT ON THINGS ABOVE. THIS INVARIABLY MEANS SETTING YOUR AFFECTION ON GOD. You fornicate, steal, murder, lie, begrudge, hate, fight, quarrel, and plan evil against one another because of your affection which is set on the things of this world. ALL YOUR TROUBLES EMANATE FROM YOUR DESIRE FOR EARTHLY THINGS, AND NOTE THAT YOUR PROBLEMS ARE NOT FROM GOD. A number of you come in here to request for money, admission to school, employment, wealth, husband, wife, children, and material things. These earthly things can fetch you nothing but perdition. I AM GIVING YOU THESE PIECES OF ADVICE BECAUSE I LOVE YOU AND I DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOU PERISH, BUT I RATHER WANT TO SEE YOU HAVE ETERNAL LIFE, PEACE AND JOY. God the creator did not create man to live a life of



his own, doing what he deems fit, but GOD CREATED MAN TO SERVE HIM ALL THE DAYS OF HIS LIFE ON EARTH, SO THAT HE MAY HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. Now is the time for man to strive harder in the services of God. Gone is the era of the work of darkness, death and shame. Now is the era of love and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. WE HAVE TO WORSHIP OUR CREATOR IN THE DAY TIME, FOR THE NIGHT IS COMING WHEN NO ONE WILL SEE THE WAY TO DO THAT WHICH IS GOOD. Therefore, beloved, do not follow after anybody, BUT DILIGENTLY FOLLOW AFTER GOD, THE CREATOR. You are duty bound to follow the exemplary life of Our Lord Jesus Christ who gave His life as a ransom for the redemption of mankind. Let us also emulate what Peter, John, and the other disciples did when they had the invitation to serve God. Do not relent in doing that which is acceptable in the sight of God. This is the end of time when all hands must be on deck towards the worship and upliftment of God's name and glory. Those who harden their heart against this injunction will lack what to eat, but all those who have given, and those who shall give themselves up to the service of God will never lack what to eat. IT IS BETTER TO SERVE GOD THAN TO SERVE MAN. This is because whatever you do to the flesh perishes and the flesh itself will perish too. Your incessant quarrels, court cases, fighting, and killing of others, emanate from nowhere other than your affections which are set on the things of the flesh. Read the first bible lesson.


FIRST BIBLE LESSON: COLOSSIANS 3:2 "Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth." OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE. It is said that obedience is better than sacrifice. Now is the time for all the inhabitants of the earth to serve God. Do not seek to please man because you will fail. Do not seek to please yourself, because you will not be able; BUT ALWAYS SEEK TO PLEASE AND SERVE GOD. You may recall the relentless and timeless services which the prophets of old, John the Baptist, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and a host of others carried out. This is the end of time and the last generation where all must succumb to the worship and praise of their Creator. All those who are still with the love and affection for carnal things of this world will perish. Quarreling, fighting, fornication, idolatry, medication, murder, stealing, segregation and oppression are all earthly things. THE HEAVENLY THINGS INCLUDE JOY, MEEKNESS, HUMILITY, TRUTH, GOODNESS, LONGSUFFERING, OBEDIENCE AND OTHER VIRTUES OF GOD. THEREFORE IF WE FOLLOW AFTER HEAVENLY THINGS WE WILL SURELY HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE, PEACE, JOY ETC. You may recall that when Adam and Eve did not taste of the forbidden fruit, they did not have any problem, but they had joy and peace. But everything bad started befalling them when they disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit. Similarly, many of you


profess to be haunted by members of your family for being Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members. This is not true. The truth remains that your love and affections are set on the things of the flesh. Our Second lesson has clearly pointed out that, "To be carnally minded is death, to be spiritually minded is life and peace." It is therefore a confirmed fact that the holocaust, famine, inflation, death, and all the hardship experienced in the entire world emanate from man's love and affection for the carnal things of this world. We should desist from all carnal luxuries and concentrate on doing that which is pleasing in the sight of God. Read the second lesson again.

CARNAL MINDEDNESS IS DEATH: For your health, joy, peace, prosperity, and eternal life, you have to be spiritually minded. You must have love, be obedient, patient, kind, meek and loving. YOU MUST ALWAYS SEEK FOR THE GLORY OF THE MOST HIGH GOD, IF YOU WANT ALL THE GOOD THINGS OF LIFE TO COME YOUR WAY. Be informed that you cannot serve God with a strong affection for carnal things. It is an offense to say that God is responsible for the problems affecting man, no, far be it from that. God does not rejoice in the fall of any man, neither does He rejoice in the death of an evil doer. All your problems emanate from your carnal

mindedness. Carnal mindedness gives birth to sin and the aftermath of sin is death. You would recall that when the clarion call fell on Peter, he left his fishing boat, net, hook, and boat load of fish and other possessions, including his business companies. So did John and Andrew and his brothers and James leave everything to follow Christ in response to the call, when it was their turn. Let me emphatically tell you that money is vanity, same applies to houses, cars, wife, children, land, companies. The lust for carnal things has so much overwhelmed you to the extent that you can no longer breath easily, neither can you do anything good. You are carried away by the material things in which you trust so much that you now miss out on life, happiness and peace. At 2 Timothy 2:22, it is said, "Flee from youthful lusts; but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart." You claim that a certain man is wise just because he has money. That is why people leave what they were supposed to do, that is worshipping God and preaching the gospel, to run around for carnal things which are not beneficial in any way. In the end they die. This explains why Our Lord Jesus Christ earlier warned: Take heed and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the things which he possesseth.(Luke 12:15). THE PURPOSE OF YOUR CREATION IS FOR YOU TO WORSHIP GOD, AND IF GOD WANTS YOU TO SERVE HIM AND YOU REFUSE, IT IS A SURE CONDITION THAT YOU MUST PERISH. Spouse, children, money, qualification, position, houses, land, fleet of cars, government, church, or secret societies cannot give you



SECOND BIBLE LESSON: ROMANS 8:6 "For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace."

salvation but if you give up yourself to the service of God, God will give you salvation, eternal life and peace, FOR GOD ALONE IS THE AUTHOR OF LIFE. A farmer anticipates good yield, a trader looks forward to a reasonable profit. In the same vein, your creator God, created you so that you may in turn worship and serve Him, all the days of your life. God is not stupid, neither is God blind or deaf. He has clearly seen and knows all about your problems. If you refrain from, and denounce all carnal things, He will surely resolve to all your problems and restore unto you eternal life. Though people still do not believe the statement of our Lord Jesus Christ that :It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. (Matthew 19:24). This sermon has gone a long way to authenticate the statement. He also said:"And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever." (1 John 2:17) Be informed that the things of this life have little gain but the fear of the Lord goes with the promise of eternal life and salvation in this life and in the life to come. The harvest is ripe and the end of time is nigh. The time of judgement is nigh. I am therefore pleading that you should use this opportunity to serve God, refrain from and denounce all carnal things of this world if you love yourself. All the happenings which you find around the world are posing serious challenges to the entire world. Decide this day therefore to follow God or face eternal perdition. Beauty, children, qualification, position, wealth, etc.,cannot give you eternal life. ETERNAL LIFE,

PEACE AND SALVATION COME ONLY FROM GOD. IF YOU WORSHIP AND SERVE GOD IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH, IN HUMILITY, YOU WILL SURELY HAVE ALL YOUR NEEDS MET. It is true that no child of God will perish except the destined child of perdition. I am making this revelation to all the inhabitants of the earth, including all the angels, that WHOSOEVER DOES NOT REFRAIN FROM SIN, AND FOLLOW AFTER RIGHTEOUSNESS, WILL SURELY PERISH. Day and night, with tears running down my cheeks, I plead with man to flee from sin and follow after righteousness, for man's life depends on it, (ABSTENTION FROM SIN). I lament profusely when I reflect over what will befall all those who do not heed God's instructions. Your membership in one church denomination or the other, secret society, cult or organization is of no gain to you. Flee from the darkness, flee from death, hell, bondage of Satan, and flee from sin and make up your mind to serve God. COME OUT TO SERVE THE LIVING GOD SO THAT YOU MAY HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE, PEACE, JOY, AND GLORY AND PROSPERITY. You would rightly recall that Christ at the completion His assignment on earth said: I have glorified thee on the earth, I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now O Father, glorify thou me with thine ownself with glory which I had with thee before the world was.(John 17:4-5). In your own case, what would you say you have done and what will be your reward? If you devote your time to the lust and affection for carnal things of this world, what reward will you receive from God? Now let



it be known that a sinner has no share in the kingdom of God. If you practice this gospel, you will surely have eternal life. If you do not practice it you will perish. Read the Golden Text again.

THE REWARD FOR SIN IS DEATH: Have you now seen the end of all those who set their affection on the things of the world? It is vanity and all of them in the end will go empty handed. They have no share in the kingdom of God and God does not know them. They have nothing because even their flesh shall perish. ALL THOSE WHO WORSHIP GOD WILL HOWEVER HAVE ETERNAL LIFE, PEACE, JOY, AND PROSPERITY AND THE KINGDOM OF GOD BELONGS TO THEM. This could be confirmed by the story of Lazarus and the rich man. Lazarus, despite the fact that he was poor and wretched on earth, had much in his possession in heaven but the rich man, who had everything in his possession on earth, went to hell and his situation became reverse.(See Luke 16:19-31 for details.). Upon the three and a half years which Our Lord Jesus Christ preached on earth, nobody took him seriously. But seventy years after His ascension into heaven, something happened and that incident still lingers on till today. The Israelites still suffer the consequences of their stubbornness. History reveals that

seventy years after the ascension of Christ, the Roman Empire went to war with the with the Israelites and they killed a large number of them, and only ninety thousand of the population of Israel was spared. The remaining people were taken into captivity and some were exiled to Germany, Russia, Britain and some dispersed to some other places on earth. All these came as a result of disobedience. There is a local adage which has it that one tuber of yam is often used to set a trap for the pig, knowing fully well that if the pig gains entry into the farm it will destroy more than one tuber of yam. You would realize that if the Israelites had listened to the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ, by now they would be ruling the whole world. They refused to adhere to the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ because they professed that they were looking for Elijah. But the question is up until today, have they found the Elijah whom they were waiting for? Let them keep waiting. But let them not forget the adage that if you wait for the moon light to lead you on your way home, you will surely go home in darkness. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST HAD RELENTLESSLY PREACHED THE GOSPEL OF REPENTANCE TO THE ENTIRE WORLD. IF YOU CARE FOR EVERLASTING LIFE, YOU HAVE TO REFRAIN FROM ALL THE CARNAL THINGS THAT ABOUND ON THIS EARTH. What we are now witnessing in the world is mere police action, indicating that the time of judgement is fast approaching. decide now for yourself, where you will be on the last day. I wonder what will be the fate of evil doers, but for them that have completely decided for



GOLDEN TEXT: GALATIANS 6:8 "For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap everlasting life."

God, eternal life is surely theirs. Remember in the time of Noah, people married and were given in marriage; they ate, and enjoyed their lives. They did not take the preaching of Noah for anything, but when finally the flood came, how many of them were saved? Only eight. Where do you think the rest of the people went to? They all perished. Again cast your mind back to Sodom and Gomorrah in the time of Lot. They sold, bought, married and were given in marriage. They ate, drank and enjoyed their lives but what happened at last? They all perished except, Lot and his household. Even Lot's wife became a pillar of salt as a result of her disobedience. You have been hinted that nobody knows the judgement date. No, nobody knows, NOT EVEN THE ANGELS. However that fact remains that remains that THIS GENERATION SHALL NOT PASS AWAY UNTIL EVERY WORD OF GOD COMES TO FULFILLMENT. The entire world is in confusion. The scientist, Ministers, Professors, and the self acclaimed intellectuals of the world claim that there is no God. But the question is, who can save the entire world from the wrath of God? IT IS ONLY GOD, THE FATHER WHO IS THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH AND THE FULLNESS THEREOF. NO ONE KNOWS THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT. BE INFORMED THAT WHOSOEVER SOWETH TO HIS FLESH, SHALL OF THE FLESH REAP CORRUPTION, BUT HE WHO SOWETH TO THE SPIRIT, SHALL OF THE SPIRIT REAP LIFE EVERLASTING. THIS MESSAGE IS FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD. THIS IS THE TIME FOR YOU TO DECIDE CONCLUSIVELY TO SAVE




Brethren that is the theme of our revelation this night. Can you now realize how much the Father has loved us? Can you also realize how a child is his own enemy? The three texts are focused on this same point. It is said the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus Our Lord. This explains God's insistence that we should not commit sin. Brethren, why is it that you do not harken to the instructions of the Lord? Does it mean that you prefer death to life? Does it mean that you prefer sickness to good health? Do you prefer poverty to wealth? Can you now realize what has confronted the entire world? From the beginning of times, God has always advised that man should not commit any act of sin, that his children should not commit any act of evil. Sin results in death, sin results in poverty, in exasperation, sin also results in all tribulations affecting the children

of men. It is sin which completely separates man from God. If Adam did not commit any act of sin, God would not have departed form him, and he would not have suffered the punishment which afflicted him. Why do you continue to confess your sins everyday? Tomorrow you confess again that you have sinned and that God should forgive you. How long will you continue to confess your sins, only to indulge in the same sin again. Do you think that if you put your hands into fire, you will not be burnt? Have you not heard that to obey is better than sacrifice,(1 Sam 15:22), and to harken than the fat of rams. Whosoever commits any act of sin does not love his life. When you are beset with sickness, you begin to murmur against God and blaspheme against Him. Can your murmuring and blasphemy take your sickness away? When disgrace is staring you in the face, you run away to hide somewhere and you also cry and lament. Can these take disgrace away? From the beginning of times God has never liked sin. No matter how dearly God has loved you when you commit sin, He will desert you. I DO NOT BELIEVE THERE IS ANY OTHER PERSON HE LOVED MORE DEARLY THAN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. When in heaven God asked, who will go and save man on earth, Heaven remained silent and none opted to go, but Our Lord Jesus Christ voluntarily offered to go. He was advised not to go because the world was inhabited by wicked people who would kill him. He accepted to go and die on behalf of mankind. He was prepared to die for the sake of his brethren, his friends, his brothers. He who was the king of the angels, who was spotlessly sinless, who was the heir of God,



FIRST BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 8:11 "She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." SECOND BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 5:14 "Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." GOLDEN TEXT: 1 JOHN 2:1 "My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus the righteous."

sitting on the right hand of God the Father. Can you realize the love which God has for mankind and the hatred which man has for himself? He came down from heaven and suffered as a thief, as a murderer, the worldly people blasphemed against Him and made many allegations against Him, disgraced Him, and defamed His character for my sake, and for the sake of all the inhabitants of the world. He who has not committed any sin at all, and who has not offended against any person but because of my sake, or your sake, that I may live, and that you may live, and that the inhabitants of the world may live and enjoy themselves, He gave His life as a ransom for many. Why is it that man does not want to abide by the instructions of God? Man, why do you not refrain from sin? It is written that Christ will not die. Why then did he suffer the three days death? It was because of my sins and your sins. I want to show you that God is no respecter of persons. If Our Lord Jesus Christ did not pledge His life for my sake and your sake, what would death do to Him? Who would spit at Him? Who would curse and abuse Him? Who would have called Him Beelzebub? If he did not drink of that cup of sin and woe that night, how would God forsake Him? Upon the several times they made attempts on His life, were they able to kill Him? Did any person go near Him? I want to show to you who do not want to refrain from sin that the moment you commit any sin, God departs from you, He forsakes you. When you steal even one kobo, He departs from you. When you fornicate, He departs from you. When you commit the minutest sin, (Of course no sin is minute), He will have no communion with you again. IT WAS BECAUSE HE DRANK THAT CUP

OF OUR SINS AND WOE THAT GOD FORSOOK HIM AT THAT CRITICAL MOMENT. It is said a bird sings melodiously when it is not yet fallen into a snare or trap. But when it is caught by a trap the melody will no longer be heard. Remember that it was the night that Our Lord Jesus had his sweat turn into blood and he fell three times with his face on the ground praying that if the Father willed, the cup should pass away from him, but the decision had already been taken on the matter and the cup did not pass away from Him. Note that it was it was because of the cup of woe that He drank that He died. Have you not heard when he shouted on the cross, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabacthani, My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?" It was because of the cup of the world's woe that He accepted to take as a surety to all the inhabitants of the world, that He died. What crime did your senior brother commit that he would be allowed to live alone in the kingdom of God and that he should go to seek and redeem and save mankind unto himself? Were you created from sin? Have you not heard that God created man in His own image and likeness? What is the likeness of God in man? IT IS LOVE, IT IS PEACE, TRUTH, MERCY, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PATIENCE, JOY, THESE AND MANY OTHERS ARE THE LIKENESS OF GOD IN MAN, THE ELEMENTS WITH WHICH GOD BEGOT MAN. BUT WHO DO YOU RESEMBLE, THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD THINK ABOUT, BECAUSE A GOOD SON MUST RESEMBLE HIS FATHER. From that time this same gospel of "FORSAKE SIN" has always been preached, but in spite of this, you



continue to indulge in all acts of sin, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the night and every time. With your persistence have you found peace in your lives? Look at the position of the world. You must search for the black goat when it is not yet dark. God has declared publicly that whosoever commits sin is worthy of death. This declaration has come to stay because God honors his words. Ab initio, it has always been preached about repentance, that men should refrain from sin. Noah preached for one hundred and twenty years about abstinence from sin, but man has not complied with nor does he even listen to him. At the end of it, God destroyed the world with a great flood because the wages of sin is death. When you commit any act of sin your wage is death. All our sickness, all our encumbrances and pestilences and the storm of life, and wretchedness, and imprisonment and all other problems and difficulties afflicting us are for reason of our sinfulness. Look at a one time beautiful girl, but if she gives you food now, you would not like to eat because she has become a very dirty and ugly girl because of sin. Man was not created to be old or sick, or to be hungry or to lack money or to be poor. Man should not do anything, he was meant to be served by angels, but because of sin, that you have resolved that you will never refrain from, that is why you are beset with problems. The sins we are forbidden from committing by God, are what we commit, but the good things we ought to have done, we do not do. What do you expect God to do? He had sent His angels to warn you not to commit sin. But do you listen to Him? Who has

refrained from sin? He sent His prophets to announce to you to refrain from sin that you may live. Who has accepted to comply with such instructions? If you had left the angels and the prophets who were sent, to return, when you disobeyed, it would have been better, but you killed them, beat up some of them, wounded some and imprisoned others, that they ought not to have warned you. If you recall, why Our Lord Jesus Christ was hated was that he preached to the people to refrain from sin. Why was John the Baptist killed? It was because John told Herod that he should not have married the wife of his half-brother because it was sinful. That is why he was killed. John also pointed out to Herod his evil and all his sinful ways, and that was why John was imprisoned and later on killed because Herod contended that he had insulted and disgraced him. Even today, if somebody advises that you should not prostitute about, you will die with that adviser. You will find a means of killing him. If you are advised not to indulge yourself in the preparation of concoction and charms, you will find a way to kill the person advising you. If somebody advises that you should not tell lies again you will want to finish with that person because you will regard him as committing a sin against you, a crime worthy of death. If some other person advises you to fornicate, and indulge in the preparation of concoction, and to commit murder, that person will be your bosom friend. It is said when the battle is tough, the king will lead the army. Can you observe the love which God has for us by sending us the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, at this end of time. With His long patience, He sent his angels and you killed some, imprisoned others.



He also sent His prophets and apostles but you disturbed and tortured them. He finally sent His only begotten Son, and when you saw Him you killed him also. What do you expect Him to do? This explains why Our Lord Jesus Christ gave them a parable: That a certain king planted a vineyard and hedged it round about, then dug a wine press in it and built a tower and let it out to husbandmen to take care of. When the time of harvest drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen to inspect the vineyard. But the husbandmen drove them away, beat one up, killed another, and stoned the other. He sent again other servants more than the first, and the husbandmen did the same things to them. At last He sent His only begotten son, satisfied that when they see him, they would reverence and obey him. But when the husbandmen saw him, instead of fearing him, they said, "This is the heir, come let us kill him and let us seize the inheritance." And they caught him and cast him out of the vineyard and killed him in order that the vineyard might revert to them. After giving them the parable, he then asked them when the Lord of the vineyard, invariably the king would come, what will he do to those wicked husbandmen? They themselves answered, "He will mercilessly destroy those wicked husbandmen, and he will let the vineyard to other husbandmen who would give him fruits at their seasons." It was there and then that he asked them;" Did you not read from the Scriptures, the stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner." (Luke 20:9-17). This is the work of God and it is marvelous in our eyes. And he concludes that the

kingdom will be taken away from them and given to a nation which will bear good fruits. Brethren, have you heard that? God does not want us to do any other thing, he only wants us to refrain from sin completely. When you refrain from sin you have entered the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of love, joy, heaven, peace, and all the virtues of God. You come here everyday and shout: "Hallelujah," and yet you still indulge in all acts of sin. Know that you will not enter, for you sit here and deceive yourself, that all your problems are solved and that you have peace. That is erroneous because as soon as you depart from here the problems will start to weigh you down and you begin to groan with your pain, but when you testified you gave the impression that you were in heaven. Who did you deceive? If it is announced now that all those who have problems should come in, all of you will come in because all of you have problems of various forms. But when you are enjoined to forsake sin, you will all keep quiet and begin to frown your faces. But God sworn saying," Upon my life all knees shall bow and all tongues will confess me." (Philippians 2:10-11). The first Lesson will now be read.



FIRST BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 8:11 "She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." Brethren, have you heard that? Do you think that when you sin and confess it to God, and He forgives you that you should continue to sin? Have you heard

what He had added? He says,"Neither do I condemn you, go, and sin no more." ALL OUR SUFFERINGS COME AS A RESULT OF SIN. AT ANYTIME YOU CONFESS YOUR SINS AND REFRAIN FROM THEM, SIN WILL DEPART FROM YOU. IF YOU GO BACK TO SIN AGAIN, YOU WILL AGAIN BE AFFLICTED EVEN MUCH MORE HEAVILY THAN AT FIRST. That is why you argue that when you came into Brotherhood initially, you were disentangled from your problems but now you experience difficulties which have multiplied and have also become insurmountable. Examine yourself, have you not gone back to commit the same sin which you denounced? Some people were fornicators but when they read "First Step to God" they refrained from fornication and their problems ended. After some time they started fornicating again and their problems multiplied. Some came as necromancers but after reading through "First Step to God," they forsook their necromancy and burnt their secret and occult books and their problems ended, and they obtained peace for their souls. But when they became again entangled with necromancy they started to suffer with unprecedented gravity. WHY YOUR PROBLEMS MULTIPLY IS THAT THE SINS YOU DENIED WHEN YOU WERE BAPTIZED, YOU BECOME AGAIN ENTANGLED WITH THE SAME SINS AGAIN. BEFORE YOU WERE BAPTIZED, YOU WERE ASKED WHETHER OR NOT YOU WILL DO CERTAIN THINGS BUT YOU PROMISED NEVER TO COMMIT THEM AGAIN. BUT LATER, YOU WENT BACK TO COMMIT THE SAME SINS AND THAT IS WHY

YOUR SUFFERINGS HAVE MULTIPLIED. Our Lord Jesus Christ said if I had not wrought these wonderful works amongst you, you would have been excusable but since I have done all these things in your midst, you have no excuse. It is said that a servant who knows the will of his Lord, and he is not prepared to keep it will be beaten with many stripes. But a servant who does not know the will of the Lord, but commits offenses worthy of stripes shall be beaten with a few stripes. (Luke 12:47-48) That is why those who are outside and do not know that fornication, or drinking, or theft, or crying, or funerals, or preparation of concoction is sinful, when they suffer, they attribute the causes to witchcraft, or mermaid, or apparition, but in your case, since you have known that your sufferings are the wages of the sins you committed what will be your defense? Such sins are referred to as deliberate sins. You know that falsehood, or theft, or fornication is sin, but you defy all odds and commit these sins. You have committed these sins deliberately, and what do you think about yourself, do you love yourself at all? There is neither witchcraft, nor charms, nor apparition, nor man, but it is the sin that you plunge yourself into which death, sickness, poverty, and all the storms of life which afflict the inhabitants of the world. GOD DOES NOT REQUIRE YOUR SACRIFICES OF RAM, OR OF SHEEP, OR OF BUYING CARS OR OF BUILDING HOUSES BUT HE WANTS YOU TO REFRAIN FROM SIN AND FOLLOW HIM. Read the scriptures about the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Why were the cities consumed with fire? Read Isaiah 1: 10-32 and you will



find the reason for the setting ablaze of these two cities. God told them publicly that their sacrifices of unrighteousness were not pleasing in his sight. "To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me, said the Lord. I am full of burnt offerings of rams or of he goats. When you pray I hide my face from you and I will not hear your prayers." And God told them," Come now and let us reason together, though your sins be as scarlet, they will be white as snow, though they be red as crimson, they shall be (white) as wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land. But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured with the sword."As they had refused to become reconciled with God have you not heard what happened to them? Why did that conflagration descend from heavens and consume all the inhabitants except Lot and his household? It was because of sin which you have been advised to refrain from but you bluntly refused. God has nothing to do with sin. He has also sworn that upon His life, He will not endure sin. Remember also the city of Nineveh, God sent Jonah to inform the inhabitants of Nineveh that if they fail to refrain from their iniquities, they would be struck with destruction. When the King of Nineveh heard the message he descended from his throne, rend his royal paraphernalia, put on sack clothes and rolled in dust and ashes, all the inhabitants fell on dust and wept and put on sack clothes and showed their penitence. They repented and begged God to forgive their iniquities. Have you heard that they were ever destroyed? THEY WERE SAVED BECAUSE THEY REPENTED AND BECAME RECONCILED WITH GOD. That is why it is said the gate of heaven is open for those who

repent. IF YOU PERISH IT IS ONLY BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOT REPENTED. RIGHT NOW, THIS NIGHT, IF YOU CONFESS YOUR SINS AND BECOME TRULY REPENTANT, YOU HAVE SEEN GOD AND YOU HAVE ENTERED HEAVEN. Complaints about pains in the waist, in the lower abdomen, in the eye, lack of money, lack of good health, charms, wet dreams and other complaints will be completely exterminated if you only refrain completely from sin right now. As you continue to sing, dance, and tie the girdle and sleep here day and night and call on Olumba Olumba Obu and at the same time you still fornicate and steal and tell lies, and indulge in preparation of concoction and charms, and begrudging people, you are moving from the frying pan to the fire. This warfare is that of Armageddon, have you ever heard about it? It is a spiritual warfare. What were you told by Our Lord Jesus Christ? He says at the end of the world the Son of Man will send forth his angels and shall gather out of His kingdom all things which offend and them which do iniquity, and they will be set ablaze. Why do you come in here and do not realize that God does not require any person to commit sin? What are you taught everyday from January to December every year? I teach you to refrain from sin. Do you believe that if you do not forsake sin that you will be able to do any good thing? THE FIRST DUTY OF MAN IS TO REFRAIN FROM SIN. When he refrains from sin, and once he does this then it means he will be able to do what is good. But a person who does not refrain from sin cannot do what is good till doomsday. It is said the testimony of two or three persons confirms a



fact and it is true. Some of you think that if you had money, you would have given it to God. GOD DOES NOT REQUIRE YOUR MONEY. HE WANTS YOU TO FORSAKE SIN SO THAT YOU MAY BE SAVED AND REDEEMED. Others argue that if they had melodious voices they would have rendered songs to God. GOD DOES NOT REQUIRE YOUR SONGS BUT HE WANTS US TO REFRAIN FROM SIN SO THAT WE MAY HAVE LIFE AND PEACE. Learn a lesson from the story of David. He wanted to build a house for God. What did God tell him? Your hands are soiled with blood, and that his son would build a house for God, but for him, his money should perish with him. O friend, upon the love God has for man, yet did he reject the house. Are you surprised that the millionaires we have in our midst do not contribute anything and they cannot be seen here? Why is it so? He does not require such money or much rest. IF YOU DO NOT REPENT WHERE WILL YOU BE? HE WANTS YOU TO REPENT AND NOT YOUR WEALTH THAT IS REQUIRED. Some choirmasters and mistresses can sing melodiously outside, but if they are assigned to a duty in the Hall, they cannot sing. GOD DOES NOT REQUIRE THE SONGS OF AN EVIL MAN. HE WANTS YOU TO ABSTAIN FROM SIN. AS YOU GO BACK REMEMBER THE ONLY THING GOD WANTS FROM US IS TO ABSTAIN FROM SIN SO THAT WORSE THINGS MAY NOT HAPPEN TO US. Tell the whole world, the traditional rulers, the kings and emperors and the handsome and beautiful people, the wise and prudent and those who call themselves good, the church denominations, that God

instructs that we should refrain from all acts of sin, that worse things may not beset us. Our Second Bible Lesson will now be read.



SECOND BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 5:14 "Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." Brethren, have you heard that? Who is the person to whom he was speaking? What evil befell him by the way? He was a person who was sick for thirty-eight years and was lying by the pool of Bethesaida, sleepless, day and night groaning in pain, weeping, and crying. When the angel troubled the water in the pool, there was no person to put him inside the pool because of his sins. Ask him if he knew he was suffering the punishment of his sins? Ask your mother if she knows that her suffering is the result of her sins. Ask your father, your husband, your wife, your children whether they know that they are suffering as a result of their sins. Do you know that all your sufferings are the result of your own sinfulness? Ask the inhabitants of the world, both black and white if they know that the storms in their lives emanate from the sins they continue to commit. Ask the thieves whether they are aware that their suffering and punishments emanate from their thefts. At first thieves used to be imprisoned but now they have to face firing squads. Ask those who are now in detention and in prisons and in hospitals, those who are groaning with

pain whether they are aware of the fact that they are there because of their sins. Until you realize that you suffer as a result of your sins, and that it is because of your sins that you suffer, and because of your sins God departs from you AND WHEN GOD DEPARTS FROM YOU ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN TO YOU. GOD DOES NOT KILL YOU BUT WHEN YOU COMMIT ANY ACT OF SIN HE SEVERS HIS CONNECTION WITH YOU BECAUSE HE HAS NO CONNECTION WITH SIN. Imagine how God would depart from you, what your position will be, what will be good with you again? You will be covered with darkness. It is said when you join up with God you will win in the battle. As you observe the conditions of things in the world, without God who will save us? The war referred to is the great war of God which is fought with angels, and with spirits and with all things that often work abominations. It is not a simple war at all. It all comes to fighting with all evil things, evil wind, evil rain, evil sunrise, and all other evil things which do not give glory to God must be exterminated from the surface of the earth. What you observe now is the manifestation of the words Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to His disciples that they should allow both the wheats and the tares grow together until the time of harvest comes. (Matt 13:30). This is the harvest which has already started. Go and tell your father, and your mother, and brother and sister, and children, and the government and the church denominations, and the various communities, and any person you see, both black and white, as well as the angels that they should depart from sin, otherwise the punishment which will beset them will be unbearable.

This is only the beginning of sorrows, for all those who persist in committing sins. You can notice the case of the man who was sick for 38 years, suffering pain and sleeplessness for that period of time, day and night, but Our Lord Jesus Christ told him, now rise up and take up your bed and go your way. That statement was parabolic, it was interpreted to mean that his sins were forgiven him. The duty today is to forgive your sins, you are told to go and sin no more. It means that your sins are forgiven you. The implication of this statement is that you should sin no more lest a worse condition befall you. This is the judgment you have been hearing about. Many people think that fasting means bestowal of power. It is rather judgment because the moment you offend and you show remorse for your sin by fasting and praying for forgiveness, you are told go, all is well with you. Once this is said, you are forgiven but the injunction is that you should commit no more sin, lest a worse condition should beset you. If you go back to commit sins then pray fervently for yourself. Our Lord Jesus Christ did not use anything but it was the power of forgiveness, for, being God whoever went to Him with a penitent heart, was forgiven by Him. Mary Magdalene went to Him and wept bitterly, realizing her sins and Our Lord Jesus Christ said to her, "Go your way, your sins are forgiven you." And she was forgiven. Once your sins are forgiven, you are discharged and acquitted know that there is nothing more important than being forgiven of your sins. And no person on earth can forgive your sins. It is a pitiful situation for someone to run to the



hospital after committing sin. What can the hospital do for him? You have been administered with injections, you have been massaged, you have undergone surgical operations, you have even had D&C more often than not. This is not a problem of medical treatment. I want to open your eyes and let the scales fall off your eyes tonight, that no person exists who can take away your sins and iniquities except Our Lord Jesus Christ alone. It is only His prayers which can work miracles, without Him whatever you do amounts to a waste of time. There is no other man who can pray for forgiveness for any person except Our Lord Jesus Christ, because He alone is righteous, because He is the mediator of the New Covenant. He is the Advocate and Solicitor for all those who wish to follow God. THAT IS TO SAY, WHEN YOU CONFESS YOUR SINS AND REPENT AND REFRAIN FROM SIN, HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN INTERCEDE FOR YOU AND YOU ARE REINSTATED AND RESTORED INTO YOUR ORIGINAL POSITION. Today however, the world does not want him, neither does it love him. It rather loves the preparation of concoctions, and idols, and mermaids, and apparition and other vain things. Tell me, therefore, from where can they get salvation? Consider, if because of the sin he committed, the young man suffered for thirty eight years, but Our Lord Jesus Christ told him, you are now cleansed, sin no more, lest a worse situation befall you, if he sinned again, what do you think will happen to him? How unbearable will his punishment be? Whenever you come here, you confess that you have sinned and you are told that your sins are forgiven you

but when you go out, you start again to steal and fornicate. Can you not consider that worst conditions will beset you? Or whether you are not aware that when you commit a similar sin the second time, the gravity of your punishment will be more serious than the one at first. Go home and advise yourselves, your children, your relations, your father, your mother, your brethren, the church denominations, the principalities, the pillars of governments, whoever you come across, with this gospel. This gospel will be written and circulated to all parts of the world. This is the last time God intents to take away all sins from the world. All those who sin, whether they are men, women, or angels, or animals will be wiped away and the world will be inhabited by the children of God who do what is good. Do not regard the long patience of God as nothing. The Lord of course is not slack concerning his promises but is longsuffering towards us, because he wants us to repent. He does not wish that we should perish. Tomorrow you will complain that you are a staunch Brotherhood, who puts on white garments and worship God day and night, and why should you suffer untold afflictions. The question is have you refrained from sin as you were instructed? Things are better with a man who has sinned for a hundred years and on his one hundredth year, he refrains from sin, than a person who refrained from sin for one hundred years and on the one hundredth year he becomes again entangled in sin. Know this that God is no respecter of persons, and He has no communion with anything sinful. Whoever commits sin has no communion with God, and God has



no communion with him. All those who commit sin have hell as their duty. God is no respecter of any person, whether you are a man or a woman, a child, or an adult, or a millionaire, your station in life not withstanding, the moment you commit any act of sin, you have to suffer for it. Have you heard his injunction? He says, "My little children, I write these things unto you that you should not sin. And if any man sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And He is the propitiation for our sins." The only medicine which cures drunkenness is to stop drinking. If you no more drink, you will not be intoxicated, you will not suffer as a drunkard, you will not become mad because of drinking. But if you continue to drink you will run mad, fall down and bruise your face and body, people will beat you up and tear up your clothes. The only cure for this punishment is to refrain from sins and vices. This night, Our Lord Jesus Christ is calling all the inhabitants of the world to come and reason with Him, for though their sins may be as scarlet, he will make them white as snow, though they may be red as crimson, he will make them white as wool. You only have to come and make peace with him and become reconciled with God, and He will forgive you your sins. This explains why there is no use in going to the hospital, or initiating into any secret society or to any other place, because Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only Savior and when you confess your sins and repent, and you refrain from sins, all your sins are forgiven you. That is why He says,"Was it not written that my Father's house shall be the prayer house of all nations?" The implication is this that when you come

here (into the house of God) you refrain from sins, repent, and confess your sins. The eyes of the host are watching you, searching your hearts and reins, and interviewing you individually; and, as long as you do not refrain from sin, your regular attendance here is but a waste of time. It is very grievous for somebody to laugh here and tell lies, and steal, and fornicate and fight, cause confusion, and exalt oneself, and walk in and out conversing. Such a person is to be pitied. It is also a pathetic situation to find people coming here and asking God for children, and money, and a cure for an illness, to make you pass examination and to do one thing or the other for you. IS THAT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO OR YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO REFRAIN FROM SIN? What useful purpose does it serve for an evil man to pass an examination? What useful purpose does it serve for an evil person to have children or for him to have money or for him to live for a thousand years? What benefit are these to the Almighty God? They are meaningless to Him. THE ONLY THING REQUIRED BY GOD IS FOR YOU TO ABSTAIN FROM SIN. That is why it is said how great is the joy in heaven if one sinner repents. (Luke 15:7). This is indicative of the fact that abstinence from sin is the only thing loved by God. Brethren, I do not wish to take you further than this, the Golden Text will now be read because it is said that the testimonies of two or three persons confirm a fact. (John 8:17)



GOLDEN TEXT: 1 JOHN 2:1 "My little children, these things write I unto

Brethren, have you heard that? And can you notice why, when you come here I ask you whether you are annoyed? Or whether you have envied anybody, have you begrudged anybody? When you say you are not annoyed, the blood of Christ will pass you by, but if you say you are angry and that you begrudge somebody, then the blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ will wash you of your sins but you should sin no more lest a worse condition should befall you. He is the only righteous person who can make peace and intercession for us and it is His blood alone which saves us and redeems all mankind. All those who arrogate to themselves the position of Pope, Bishop, and what have you, and others who claim they belong to secret societies are deceiving themselves, they are not known at all. Others also who claim they are Muslims, or Hindus, or followers of Judaism, or Buddhists are also not known. It is only Our Lord Jesus Christ who is the Sole Savior of the entire world. What is the most significant is for God to forgive us our sins. Which means when your sins are forgiven you will not go to judgment and you will be relieved of your burdens. All the punishments we suffer emanate from our sinful ways. THE IMPLICATION OF "WHOSOEVER BELIEVES AND IS BAPTIZED IS SAVED" IS THAT WHEN YOU BELIEVE AND YOU ARE BAPTIZED, ALL YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN AND YOU BECOME FREE, AND YOU HAVE NO CASE TO ANSWER. It is also said that those who do not believe will be

damned. For such there will be no salvation, no matter their stations in life. Whether they are kings or emperors, millionaires or lawyers, professors or money magnates, pope or bishops, such persons stand condemned. Those of you who have been baptized and have put on Christ, there is no condemnation for you. This is because it is what he promised when He said, “Repent, and be baptized each and every one of you, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you will receive the Holy Ghost as a gift. For the promise is for you, and for your children and for your children's children, and for all those who are afar off, even as many as the Lord Our God shall call.” (Acts 2:38-39).Can you not observe the manifestation of that promise in this generation? Notice the kingdom bestowed unto us gratis. This week was set aside and we ought to rejoice with all our strength because we are not condemned and the sword that is drawn is not for us, but for those who do not obey the Scriptures. But you have accepted Him. Your work therefore now consists in "LOVING ONE ANOTHER." All of us have passed from death into life because we love the Brethren. Whosoever does not love abides in death.(1 John 3:14). Can you not realize why we should rejoice? Whether you are rich or poor, your soul is rejoicing, your spirit is rejoicing because you have passed from death unto life. Tell the rest of the world that Our Lord Jesus Christ is waiting for them, for the die is cast, and so this is the time for peace, and the time for mercy, that they should come and be saved, while there is day light, for when the night comes there will be no salvation. He said, “Come unto me, all ye that



you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus the righteous."

labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11:28). Observe his love when he said I write to you my little children that you sin no more. But if there is any of you who commit sin, we have an advocate with the Father, who is invariably Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is not your prayers which save you but His prayers save all because he makes intercession for us when we commit sin. He prayed the Father to forgive us for we know not what we do. It is said since we do not know what we should pray for the spirit itself makes intercession for us and he heals our infirmities, and not for us alone, but for all the inhabitants of the world. Tell any person who commits any act of sin, to go to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Let them repent and refrain from sin that they may be saved. Here neither candle nor incense nor extracting of charms from people bodies nor collecting money and other things which people esteem are practiced here. Where ever there is Brotherhood or Brotherhood bethel or healing home which does not preach that people should refrain from sin, get out from such a place for it is not Brotherhood. If someone tells you that you are worried by mermaid or witches, get out among them. It is sin which you commit that worries you. Where ever you go to and you are asked whether you have refrained from sin, whether you are angry, whether you fornicate, whether you tell lies, and that you should repent and confess your sins because Our Lord Jesus Christ is there and once you take the instructions, you are saved. If somebody comes to tell you he has never committed any sin, tell him to go, do not pray for him. Anybody who demands your prayer but claims he is not sinful, do not pray for such a

person. Our Lord Jesus Christ says whosoever is ashamed of me on earth, I shall be ashamed of him before my Father and the angels too. A GREAT MANY OF YOU HAVE ONE SIN OR THE OTHER WHICH YOU FAIL TO CONFESS, AND IT IS WHAT KEEPS YOU IN PRISON. SOME OF YOU CONFESSED THESE SINS IN THE PAST AND YOU ALSO REFRAINED FROM THEM BUT LATER YOU BECOME ENTANGLED IN SUCH OFFENSES AGAIN. THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM. The advice given to the person who was sick for thirty-eight years is for you today that now that you are clean, sin no more, less a worse thing come unto you. It is not proper that any person who has been baptized and has put on Christ should go back to entangle themselves in sin again. A word to the wise is sufficient. May God bless His Holy Words. AMEN. THANK YOU FATHER.



1. Be pure as I am pure for unrighteousness can never dwell with me. 2. Be born again, the trumpet is sounding, be born again. 3. My child if your heart should love me, I shall dwell in your heart. 4. Who is the one knocking at the door of my heart? It is I, thy Most High God.


THE UNGODLY WORLD FIRST BIBLE LESSON: 1 CORINTHIANS 15:49 "And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly." SECOND BIBLE LESSON: LUKE 5:38 "But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both preserved." GOLDEN TEXT: JAMES 3:17 "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy."


Beloved, the wordings of the songs you have just read form the theme of our lesson today. The fact that you do not have money, food, spouse or any other material thing does not mean that you should debar the Holy Spirit from indwelling you. Your old life of swindling, fornication, falsehood, pomposity, among others should cease henceforth. Make way for the Holy Spirit to come into you and dwell therein. You should know that righteousness has nothing to do with evil. Therefore you should do away with all evil tendencies in you so that the Holy Spirit may have a befitting place in you to live. One of my sons, Pastor Offu had said that the world is founded on falsehood, craftiness, hatred and all forms of abominations and as such it cannot stand firmly. Governments, churches, schools and even homes are founded on evil. All the inhabitants of the world, both black and white have not pleased God. This explains the reason why Our Lord Jesus Christ said that:

"EVERY PLANT WHICH MY HEAVENLY FATHER HATH NOT PLANTED, SHALL BE ROOTED UP."(Matt 15:13). Of a truth the world is founded on all forms of



evil. There are very many dishonest people in the world. So many people are ill-treated, disappointed and victimized by the evil ones. A woman for instance, cannot have anything free from a man, if a woman refuses the man's advances, then she cannot succeed in whatever she wanted from him. Female students are victimized by the greedy lecturers; whereas the ones who yield to their advances pass with flying colors. Even in other establishments (government or private) fornication and adultery are the order of the day and those who refuse these atrocious acts are victimized. Women are not left out in this game. They treat men as badly as the men treat the women. Apart from this, money is regarded as the key to every success. If you have no money, then you will miss very many chances of succeeding in life. If you miss your way and ask either a little boy or girl for the right way, he or she will first ask for money before directing you to the right route. Companies collect bribe before helping anybody. In fact, bribery and corruption have become part and parcel of the world system. In offices, every staff must be bribed before anything is done for a person. There is no job opportunity offered free. Every bit of thing which is done in the world has money as its priority. Now, another indirect way in which people use in getting money from people is that, when you ask somebody to accompany you to somewhere, he will tell you that he has a business to attend to the next day, and that the business can fetch him ten thousand naira. Now this person indirectly wants you to give him ten thousand naira. And if you desperately need his company, you will give him the money. Have you seen how tricky people could be?

The whole world is filled with falsehood. All the houses you see, and the flashy cars around, were all bought with falsehood and corruption. There is no truth in the world and if you are truthful, you will die of hunger. If you humble yourself, people will trample upon you and go their way unperturbed. If you are merciful, people will take away all your property and leave you desolate. There is no mercy in the world. Even in your house, if you speak the truth to your wife, she will take it as a lie and when you tell her lies, she will believe you. If you deceive your husband, he will believe you but if you tell him the truth, he will disbelieve you. A married woman has up to ten boyfriends. A man will tell you he is married to only one wife but, he has chains of concubines. Then the wife will operate on one part of the town while the husband operates on the other part. This is the sordid situation in the world today. If this happens among couples, what would you think can happen to the spinsters and bachelors? Young girls own series of houses and cars among other material things, as a result of harlotry, and the boys either swindle, dupe, steal or even rob with arms in order to satisfy the girls. Therefore, when one tells you that he or she is rich, if you care to find out the sources of this wealth, you will be dumbfounded. There is no truth in the whole wide world. That is why Christ said that all the things which were not planted by the Father shall be uprooted. (Matt 15:13). Our Lord Jesus Christ knew the things that were not planted by His Father and He would have mentioned them, but He did not want do so because it was not yet time for Him to reveal them. If one speaks or practices the truth, he will be killed. If you are found helping



somebody, you will be regarded as a deranged fellow. If you begin to greet the little ones, people will complain and regard you as a foolish person. But the question is why was Christ crucified? He healed the sick, made the blind to see, the lame to walk free of charge. He was accused of healing on the Sabbath day, they then decided to crucify Him because they said he brought confusion amongst them. If you are a village head, you have to be a murderer, a thief, a swindler, fornicator, etc., else you can never be allowed to exist as a village head. You have to give account of the people you have killed and how much you can steal before you are allowed to rule. You are witnesses to the fact that most people boast of the number of people they murdered. They claim to be omnipresent and that if anybody should provoke them, they can show him that they are this and that. With this empty boast people will hold them in high esteem. If you come across people who are said to be strong, know that such people indulge in all forms of atrocities. If you should refuse taking alcoholic drinks, people will regard you as a woman, in fact, weaker than a woman. If you drink and enjoy yourself, you will be regarded as a gentleman. If you do not believe in fornication women will sarcastically call you eunuch and both men and women would never take you for anything. Can you argue? If you give out anything freely, you will be regarded as a foolish person. So, beloved, do not be deceived. WHEN YOU GET TO A PLACE WHERE LAWYERS AND DOCTORS PARK THEIR CARS AND DISPLAY THEIR WEALTH, DO NOT BE DAZZLED BECAUSE THEY ARE FOUNDED ON

FALSEHOOD AND DECEIT; NO TRUTH IS FOUND IN THEM. When you come across anything that people praise so much and they put their money and wealth into it, know that it is all deceit. That is why Christ said:"I AM COME IN MY FATHER'S NAME AND YE RECEIVE ME NOT; IF ANOTHER SHALL COME IN HIS OWN NAME, HIM YE WILL RECEIVE." (JOHN 5:43) There is one Brother (a newly baptized member) who testified that, if it were in his former church, the information officer, brother Eyo, would never be seen or talked to without money being given to him. This is quite true and this is what is going on all over the world. If you do not tell lies, pay money at the gate or `love' a person he can never open the gate for you. Children indulge in so much necromancy more than their parents. The university students initiate into different secret societies. The lawyers and doctors have assorted protective charms. In the entire world, nobody wants God, for people are after suppressing others; they have nothing to do with God. Nations fight against others for the purpose of testing their weapons and capabilities. But God does not advise any nation to fight against another nation. The intertribal wars are as a result of one tribe trying to know who is who, thereby killing thousands of people for nothing's sake. They set aside a period of time to see who can win the fight. They have no regards for human life. Right from the time of Adam till date, this is exactly what is going on.



THE ARMAGEDDON WAR: The first lesson has rightly stated that as we

have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly (1 Corinthians 15:49). Now the image of the heavenly has arrived, every foolish act should stop forthwith. This is the reason why the Armageddon war will be waged. Most people believe in voodoo so much that if they want to build a house, they must apply it. If they start any business they use voodoo means. Other things like wrestling, trading, hunting, farming, etc. have their foundations rooted in voodoo. Now they have reached their wits end. I EARLIER TOLD YOU THAT THE SPIRIT THAT IS NOW ON EARTH HAS NEVER VISITED US. HE HAS ARRIVED IN A BIG WAY. If you visit certain communities, you will be advised not to go out at night because of the masquerade that operates at night, and when you want to know exactly what they are doing, you will see that it is nothing but their foolish `game' (killing people); and if you should go out, your head would be chopped off. `Obon' and `Ekpe' societies believe in killing people. They do these things without recourse to God. When you are told that a village is about to celebrate any festival, know that they are about to practice their evil deeds. And if they should hear that Our Lord Jesus Christ is coming, they will shout that they do not want any Jesus in their midst, for they are the real Jesus. Can you see the foolishness of the world? Now recall the story of David. Saul requested for three hundred human heads because David sought his daughter's hand in marriage. To David, that was nothing. He went and killed three hundred people and gave the heads to Saul. Most people have no regards for human life therefore, murder, to them is nothing. People

regard stealing, killing and necromancy as their priority. The cocaine they sniff is for them to be high so that they may be able to carry out their evil deeds, but I want you to realize that that is the mark of the earthly man. RIGHT NOW IF THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD REFUSE TO REPENT OF THEIR EVIL DEEDS, THEY ALL WILL SEE WHAT SHALL BEFALL THEM. Church does not mean the house of God. It is a body. The drunks have their own church; the thieves have theirs, their president and members. The fornicators also have their own church. Right now you are complaining that you do not like what the armed-robbers are doing, but little do you realize that your husband is an armed-robber. Are you aware of that? All the so-called important men are those who commit all forms of atrocities. What was the cause of John's death? King Herod married his brother's wife but John the Baptist told him that it was not right for him to do that, and he became annoyed with John. Since he did not want to be accused of killing a prophet, he rather imprisoned him. The day he celebrated his birthday, the daughter of that woman he married danced so dexterously that Herod asked her to request for whatever she wanted. Instead of her to request that she would love to be a queen, she ran to her mother and asked her what she should request from the king. Since her mother was not happy with John, the mother advised her to request for John's head. And you may ask, what was in John's head? This shows you the extent to which man could be wicked. She ran to Herod and told him that she wants John's head, and Herod was sad about that because he had promised to give her whatever she requested. So he



ordered two men to go to the prison yard and bring John's head on a platter of silver. As it was in those days, so it is today. Whenever you tell people the truth, they will deal with you ruthlessly. BUT NOW THE TRUTH HAS ARRIVED IN A BIG WAY. ANYBODY WHO DOES NOT ACCEPT THIS TRUTH WILL BE SEVERELY DEALT WITH. Nothing takes anyone unawares in this kingdom. It is a laid down fact that a time shall come when righteousness shall abound. It was revealed to Nebuchadnezzar that kingdoms shall rise and fall and that a kingdom shall come which shall dominate the other kingdoms and the kingdom shall endure forever (Daniel 2:44). When you say man pass man, position pass power, I laugh at you. Why should you make such a statement? The right thing should be: "POWER PASS POSITION." What do people use in taking your property forcefully? Is it not power? What aided the whites in collecting our land and other things? Was it not power? What do the Moslems use in causing all these troubles in the world? Is it not power? Anybody who is more powerful than you, is stronger than you, he can even swallow you up. THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NOTHING ELSE BUT POWER. You could fall off from the alter and people laugh at you, calling you a little rat. That is exactly what is going on in the world. This explains the reason why Jesus the Christ spoke through Paul that "The kingdom of God is not in words, but in power." (1 Cor 4:20). GOD IS POWER: GOD IS POWER. He rules with power. Nebuchadnezzar became a beast for seven years.


Pharaoh and his armies perished in the Red Sea. Herod was killed by just an angel. These show that GOD IS POWER. HE RULES WITH POWER ELSE HE WOULD NOT RULE. RIGHT NOW HE HAS COME WITH POWER, LOVE, PATIENCE, WISDOM, MERCY AND ALL THE VIRTUES ONE COULD THINK OF. The people call him derogatory names, and the world has reached it wits end. The Jehovah Witnesses earlier prophesied about the Armageddon war. THE WAR IS NOW ON! If you do not call yourself to order you will be dealt with. As you had borne the image of the earthly so must you bear the image of the heavenly. You have to practice love, peace, mercy, humility, temperance, etc. these are what will rule now. HIS REIGN SHALL HAVE NO END. THE GOD WHO CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH HAS COME TO REIGN FOREVER. There was a house built in Orlu for forty-two years now without being occupied by anybody, and whoever attempted to occupy that house died off. No church or any other establishment was able to operate in that house but today Brotherhood members have succeeded in occupying that building and people are shocked to their bones to see Brotherhood members using that abandoned house. DO YOU THINK BROTHERHOOD IS A PLAYGROUND? HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SOMEBODY SPEAK SO AUTHORITATIVELY? (Matt 7:28-29). Native doctors surrender to this God. I want you to know that this is as a result of what was prophesied of Him. Anybody who tries to rebuke a sinner openly is often treated unruly. It is God alone who can do that


successfully. You should know that whatever happens comes at the fullness of time. Read the first lesson again.

THE NEW WORLD ORDER: Beloved, the above text is self explanatory. The spirit that came from Adam was earthly, but it later became the quickening spirit which was heavenly.(1 Cor 15:45). Because man possesses the earthly spirit, he continues doing that which is bad. He continues doing that which is forbidden.(1 Cor 15:45-49). In fact, nothing good has ever been found in man. CHRIST THE QUICKENING SPIRIT HAS ARRIVED TO CHANGE THINGS TO THEIR NORMAL STATE. HE IS THE ONE EXISTING NOW AND HE IS THE ALL IN ALL. Right now you have to do away with all forms of evils, else, you shall be destroyed. This is not that old world, and so everything must be new. So as you have borne the image of the earthly, you should also try to bear the image of the heavenly. LOVE HAS ARRIVED: NO MORE DISCRIMINATION OR SEGREGATION BUT JOY PREVAILS. He has conquered death and Hades. But for Him, no one would live. He has conquered heaven and earth. He said: "In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you. I go to

prepare a place for you." (John 14:2). He has come to take us unto Himself, and so nothing can raise its ugly head against His children. Your problem is that you come to Brotherhood with your old ways of life and it is most unfortunate. We do not require fornication, swindling, robbery, and quarreling here. We do not require necromancy here. Do away with the old behavior because new wine must be put into new wineskin. Some claim they are members of secret societies, and I bet them if they come here with their false power, they will meet with greater power and they will reach their wits end. Those who know the power in Brotherhood do not come here to pose any problem. They know the fold does not require any form of unrighteousness. If you are sure you want to be a member of this kingdom, you have to do away with all forms of unrighteousness. There is a Christ Servant by name Mfon who preached at her station that there is no witchcraft, juju, and mermaid. And a pastor in the Apostolic church also preached on this topic but unfortunately for him, the members of these cults attacked him in the night and on the following morning, he found himself lying outside, naked. Afraid of the situation, the pastor got up and packed out of that community. This is a proof that Christ has taken dominion over everything. He has come down to dwell with man. Therefore, before you succeed in having any relationship with Him, you have to refrain from all forms of unrighteousness so that He may indwell you fully. I had told you that this work is not done by money, man, or any of you, but it is done by Jehovah God and His Christ. You are witnesses to the fact that



FIRST BIBLE LESSON: 1 CORINTHIANS 15:49 "And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly."

after every Pentecostal period, some people used to complain about one form of sickness or the other, and others died. And now you can see that before any Pentecostal period commences, three days dry fasting must be observed. This fasting is for the body to be serviced and prepared for the Holy Spirit. Today, people do not encounter any problems again in Brotherhood. You are on the solid rock. Anybody who continues to consult oracles, kill, fight, quarrel, fornicate, tell lies, etc., does not love his life. Brethren, the key to this kingdom is for you to refrain from all manners of evil. This is the reason why Christ said that except a man be born again, he shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. That is also the reason why the book"First Step to God" is given to anybody who intends to be a member this kingdom, so that if the person had borne any malice, had been stealing, fighting, quarreling, causing confusion here and there, he would stop forthwith before he is baptized into the new kingdom of God. AND WHEN YOU FORSAKE ALL SINS, CHRIST WILL COME IN AND DWELL FULLY IN YOU. When Peter preached to the people, they were greatly moved and when they asked what they should do, PETER TOLD THEM TO REPENT AND CONFESS THEIR SINS, THEN THEIR SINS SHALL BE FORGIVEN THEM AND THAT THEY SHALL RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT AS A GIFT, FOR THIS PROMISE IS FOR THEM, THEIR CHILDREN, AND THEIR CHILDREN'S CHILDREN. (Acts 2:38-39). CHRIST CAN NEVER DWELL IN AN UNTIDY HOUSE. HE CANNOT GO TO A THIEF, A SWINDLER, A FORNICATOR, AND AN


ADULTEROUS PERSON. AND IF CHRIST IS NOT IN YOU IT MEANS YOU ARE EMPTY. That is why when people say that a Brotherhood member was stoned to death or that this or that happened to a Brotherhood member, I want you to know that that person is not a real Brotherhood member. ANY BROTHERHOOD MEMBER WHO SURRENDERS HIMSELF FULLY TO CHRIST CAN NEVER BE CHALLENGED BY ANYBODY. When people claim that there is something in Brotherhood, it is true because Jehovah God and His Christ is here. Have you ever been to a place where people do not burn incense, light candles, and draw circles but operate with mere words? FIRE CAN NEVER BURN YOU, NO GUN CAN SHOOT YOU AND NOTHING WHATSOEVER CAN RAISE ITS UGLY HEAD AGAINST YOU IF YOU SURRENDER YOURSELF TO GOD. IT IS OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WHO IS OPERATING, NOTHING ELSE. What made God to leave Adam and Eve was sin. And what has made Him to come back is because God has said that except a spotless blood is shed, man shall not be reconciled to God. So because of that spotless blood of Christ, man has now been reunited with God. After reuniting man with God, He has come back to dwell with man forever. He has come to take His glory which existed even before the foundations of the world were laid. (John 17:5). Since He has come to stay, all sinful acts must be eradicated. All sinners will be dealt with accordingly. Unless you decide to forsake fornication, idolatry, and do everything ACCORDING TO HIS OWN


THE DEMOLITION OF THE UNGODLY ONES: Take the example of senior Sister Mong. She has stayed in this fold for a long time now and right from the first day she was converted, she refrained from all forms of unrighteousness; a thing which many members regard as a useless venture. IF YOU WANT TO BE A REAL

MEMBER OF BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR, REFRAIN FROM ALL FORMS OF SINFULNESS AND SURRENDER YOURSELF WHOLLY TO CHRIST. IF YOU WERE A MEMBER OF ANY SECRET SOCIETY, WITHDRAW YOUR MEMBERSHIP. AND FROM THE MOMENT CHRIST INDWELLS YOU, YOU WILL HAVE NO PROBLEMS OF ANY SORT. HE WILL DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU. STOP SEARCHING FOR MONEY. DESIST FROM LOOKING INTO THE SKY, EXPECTING CHRIST TO DESCEND INTO THE WORLD, FOR HE IS ALREADY HERE ON EARTH. HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. HE DOES NOT LIVE IN ANY OTHER PLACE BUT IN A RIGHTEOUS HOUSE (MAN).THE HOUSE WHICH HE CLEANSED WITH HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD IS HIS DWELLING PLACE. IT IS SAID THAT A NEW WINE MUST BE PUT IN A NEW WINE SKIN. IF YOU REFRAIN FROM ALL FORMS OF UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, HE WILL COME IN AND START A NEW LIFE. It is said that upon all the things created by God, man is the most tricky. Sometime ago a man from Esene in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria came visiting the Father. And as usual, the Father gave him a handshake. When he got home, he confessed that he almost collapsed on the spot after the Father's handshake. Then his comembers blamed him for visiting the Father with his juju charms. They told him that he should not have brought them to Calabar, for they usually keep theirs away and even undergo fasting before visiting the Father. And added that later they usually return to their charms. Such is man's level of understanding. Very



DIRECTIVES, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM. IF YOU CONTINUE TO SIN, YOU ARE FIGHTING AGAINST HIM AND THE CONSEQUENCE IS GREAT, FOR IT IS SAID, "ALL THOSE WHO DO NOT WANT HIM TO RULE OVER THEM SHOULD BE BROUGHT BEFORE HIM TO BE KILLED." (Luke 19:27). There is a song which is usually sang in this fold which states, "WHO IS HE THAT IS KNOCKING AT THE DOOR OF MY HEART, IT IS ME, JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD, open it and let me come in.” The wording of this song confirms the scripture at Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." The owner of the house is now back. Open the door for Him. Drive away the spirit of fornication and theft etc. so that He may enter and sit on the throne of his glory. Read the Second Lesson again.

SECOND BIBLE LESSON: LUKE 5:38 "But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both preserved."

many people do not know that whoever comes here with evil intentions usually returns empty, because once I give them a handshake, all evil forces are automatically discharged, and all the charms they had at home become useless, and CHRIST will then take over His "house." No matter what you do from that time will have no more effect. Most members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star were not prepared to become members of the fold. They came as spies but on reaching here, the Father got hold of them, overcame them and gave them salvation. He brought to us mercy, he came to wash and sanctify us, to change us, to make everything to become new and to salvage us from the bondage of the world and make us remain with Him forever. The Holy Spirit can never make you get sick. He can never kill you, He can never make you become a poor or a greedy person. Rather, He came to sanctify you, make you rich, make you become loving, merciful and give you eternal life. When once you are sanctified, the Holy Spirit will indwell you, and when He indwells you, you do not have to sin again, else, you will put yourself in a more serious or worse condition. When you see people falling sick, know that they have done something contrary to the enhancement of the glory of God, hence, the Holy departs from them because new wine must be put into new wineskin. The Holy Spirit does not require any evil thing. Once you commit fornication, He leaves you and abandons that `house,' and it will collapse. He does not get annoyed with anybody. He dwells in a clean place. He says: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." (Matt 5:48).




kingdom? Right from today, the entire world, even babies have the chance to come and save their lives. This great "Fellowship" is for everybody. Tell your brothers and sisters, members of all churches to come and hear this gospel and be saved. YOU CAN NEVER SEE GOD ELSEWHERE. HIS DWELLING PLACE IS YOUR BODY AND WHOSOEVER REFRAINS FROM ALL FORMS OF SIN, SURELY, DWELLS IN HIM. NO MATTER WHERE YOU MAY BE, HE IS THERE WITH YOU AND MAKES GOOD USE OF YOU. REMEMBER THE STATEMENT WHICH CHRIST MADE THAT: "BUT HE THAT SHALL BLASPHEME AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT HATH NEVER FORGIVENESS, BUT IS IN DANGER OF ETERNAL DAMNATION." (Mark 3:29) THIS IS THE ERA OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: One of our spiritual choruses goes thus, "Spirit of God, come and lead us aright, for it was written that you will lead us." Immediately this song is rendered, the spirit comes in majestically to lead. He rules and controls everything in the world now but the world knows not. This is the reason all countries of the world seem to be with problems. They have rejected the Holy Spirit and His injunctions. They have refused to hand over every affair into His care. THE ENTIRE WORLD IS FILLED WITH THE OLD WINE, THEY STUDY SCIENCE AND MEDICINE ETC. AND THEY REJECT THE WORD OF GOD. This is the reason why the Americans do not know what is going on. The entire world does not know GOD, BUT THE

CHILDREN OF GOD KNOW HIM AND THEY OBEY HIS INJUNCTIONS BECAUSE A NEW WINE IS PUT IN A NEW WINESKIN. You all have cause to rejoice because the Holy Spirit is dwelling with you and you should go into the world and spread this good news because nothing on earth can tamper with you. For it is written in 1 Corinthians 3: 16-17: "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you. If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is Holy, which temple ye are." Whoever defiles the temple of God, will be destroyed because our body is the temple of God. You are not to drink wine or take drugs, you are not to eat fish or meat or tell lies, you are not to begrudge, for all these cause problems for you. You are not to continue in the same way of life which you lived in the time past when you were not yet a believer. WHEN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SAID THAT WE SHOULD BE BORN ANEW, HE MEANT THAT WE SHOULD PRACTICE THE WORDS OF GOD. IT IS THESE WORDS THAT REMOLD US AND SANCTIFY US WHEREBY WE BECOME NEW CREATURES. IF YOU HARKEN TO THE WORDS OF GOD AND PRACTICE THEM ACCORDINGLY, YOU WILL LIVE A PROBLEM FREE LIFE AND THE GLORY OF GOD WILL MANIFEST IN YOU. THE SPIRIT OF GOD CANNOT BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. CHRIST CANNOT BE FOUND ELSEWHERE EXCEPT IN BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR. All the church denominations and the so-called born-again



organizations are filled with devilish and elementary spirits. The spirit of fornication, spirit of stealing, etc. are all found there. You can bear witness to the fact that those places are not the dwelling place of God because the members have all failed to sanctify their hearts; and God therefore can never dwell in them. They truly bear the image of the earthly. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SAID THAT HE DID NOT COME FOR THE RIGHTEOUS, BUT TO CALL THE UNRIGHTEOUS SO THAT THEY MAY REPENT. AND THE FATHER CONFIRMED HIS STATEMENT AS HE SAID THAT HE DID NOT SEND CHRIST TO JUDGE THE WORLD BUT TO SAVE HER. Our Lord Jesus Christ said: "For judgment I

came into this world that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may become blind." (John 9:39). For saying this the Pharisees asked Him whether they were also blind, and He answered them that if they were to be blind, they would have no problems, but since they claim NOT to be blind, they will perish with their sins. SIMILAR TO THE PHARISEES, THE CHURCHES OF TODAY CLAIM TO BE TOO WISE, BUT THEY KEEP BLASPHEMING AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT, OBLIVIOUS OF THE WARNING AGAINST THIS UNGODLY ACT AS CONTAINED IN MARK 3:29. Read the Golden Text again.


GOLDEN TEXT: JAMES 3:17 "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy." THERE IS NEED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS: Have you noticed any division in this fold? Here, there is neither rich nor poor, for we are all the same. The only necessary thing is for one to sanctify oneself. Flee fornication, drinks, annoyance, idolatry, telling lies etc. We all must be filled with the virtues of God. This is the new wine referred to. Every one has to be merciful to one another, love every creature, be patient with one another and live peacefully with everybody. Do not impute sins on people and always forgive one another. Do not be tricky with others. Do not get annoyed with anybody, do not curse anybody and do not disgrace anybody. Try at all times to be filled with love, peace, mercy, and kindness. Do not shun others. DO NOT SEEK FOR PEOPLE TO WORK FOR YOU, ALWAYS BE READY TO WORK FOR OTHERS. Surrender your life for the redemption of others, do everything for others free of charge. Heal, baptize, pray and preach to people free of charge. In this kingdom there is no favoritism, no discrimination, no segregation and preferential treatment. If a governor or a president for instance wants to worship with the Father, he has to share the pews with the rest of the members. No special section would be reserved for him. He would even be made to sit with the children or women.


This is the kingdom of God where there is only one flock under one shepherd. The world hates Brotherhood of the Cross and Star and its members, and they claim that we are insulting. And the question is why should we respect sinners? What has light got to do with darkness? I often say and I am repeating it now that "an acclaimed sinner in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is the best man in the world." The children of God render a song which has it that "WHERE EVER THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELLS, THERE DWELLS LIBERTY." Here there is no cheating, we are all one. Nothing like medical treatment is here. By mere mentioning of the word LET, all your problems are over. In this kingdom, there is nothing like hunger, no loneliness. We are all one. All those who charge for prayers, preaching or any spiritual work should pray fervently for themselves. They are in real trouble and can never go Scot-free. Nothing of this sort is permitted here and whoever does it must be punished, for a new wine cannot be preserved in an old wineskin. WHOEVER WORKS FOR A FEE IS NOT A GOOD WORKER BUT AN HIRELING: OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST AND HIS DISCIPLES WORKED FREELY, AND THEY RECEIVED THEIR REWARD BOUNTIFULLY. Believe that whoever gives will surely receive. Members of the Crusaders Fellowship know this fact. As such they have been donating generously. The Crusaders do not charge any money for anything they do for others. Members of other churches charge exorbitantly for any work done for people. If they ask you to pay

forty thousand for instance and you plead with them to reduce the charge, they will openly tell you that God does not want them to reduce the amount. And I ask: which God? Is God poor? What does He need money for? Have you seen man's folly? Let it be known that whatever amount is collected from you is not for God but solely for the person who collected the amount. Everything is done here free. Baptism is free. You were called free and had been ordained free. Your sickness is healed free, food is given freely, even accommodation here is free, but in the world, there is no free thing. Everything is done through money. If you do not give bribe, you cannot be regarded as anything. These are old wine which are poisonous. In this kingdom, if you decide to steal, that is your own problem, because that is an old wine. We have nothing to do with sins. Our duty and in fact, obligation, is to do that which is good to everybody. WE DO NOT NEED ANYBODY'S PRAISES; WE DON'T SEEK FOR POSITIONS. Our work is to help others. Give them love, peace, humility, truth, etc. I do not preach against any church or persons. All I do is to make known to them where their errors lie. HUMILITY LEADS TO SUCCESS AND GLORY. AND SO THE FIRST THING YOU MUST POSSESS IS HUMILITY ,FOLLOWED BY PATIENCE, KINDNESS, MERCY, TRUTH AND LOVE. THERE SHOULD BE NO QUARREL, NO ANNOYANCE. Our Lord Jesus Christ said: "Father forgive them for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment and cast lots." (Luke 23:34) I TOO, I AM SAYING THE SAME THING. I CAME TO DELIVER YOU FROM YOUR



SINFUL WAYS OF LIFE. HAVE YOU SEEN THE LONG PATIENCE POSSESSED BY GOD? It is said that, "Whoever wants to be the leader should first make himself a slave." (Mark 9:35). Have you not seen this being practiced here? All hands are on deck towards the development of the vineyard of God. The lawyers, the royal highnesses and even the president must work for the upliftment of the Father's work. Everybody must go into the vineyard and work with their resources. Everybody must listen to and practice the gospel. DO NOT BE A BURDEN TO ANOTHER PERSON AND DO NOT ACT AS A STUMBLING BLOCK TO ANOTHER PERSON. Do the bit you can and God will bless you accordingly. GOD IS NEVER STUPID. THE TEACHING SENT TO MAN FROM ABOVE IS FOR EVERYONE TO BE HELPFUL TO ONE ANOTHER. DO NOT DISGRACE GOD OR MAN; LIVE A GOOD LIFE. DO NOT COMMIT FORNICATION AND DO NOT INVOLVE YOURSELF IN IDOLATRY. THIS KINGDOM BELIEVES IN NO OTHER THING BUT LOVE. WHENEVER YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS CALL ON THE FATHER AND HE WILL COME TO YOUR RESCUE. If you visit the hospital or the necromancers, then you have not surrendered yourself to God. When you cannot exhibit any virtue, then know that you have failed to practice the word of God. The Bible states that:"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Romans 10:13). And the question is how will people call on His name when they do not have faith in Him and how shall they have faith in whom they have not heard anything

of, and how shall they hear about Him when there is no preacher; and how shall one go to preach unless he is sent? (Romans 10:15). Faith comes through hearing the words of God, and practicing the words of God. (Romans 10:17). IF YOU DECIDE TO FORGET ABOUT YOUR OLD WAYS OF LIFE AND HAND OVER YOURSELF WHOLLY TO GOD, THEN YOU WILL STAND ON A SOLID ROCK. YOU WILL NO MORE ENCOUNTER ANY PROBLEMS. BUT IF YOU FAIL TO PRACTICE THE WORDS OF GOD, YOU WILL GO AS YOU CAME HERE, EMPTY-HANDEDLY; YOUR NUMBER OF YEARS IN BROTHERHOOD NOTWITHSTANDING. An old wine and an old wineskin represent the teachings of the world, while a new wine and a new wineskin connote the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. And no one can compare the two teachings. It is said that the university of Edinburgh is using Brotherhood books for studies. And those books are said to be inadequate for the studies. And the books written from this fold are more useful than those written in other churches. The churches teach worldly things while Brotherhood of the Cross and Star teaches the heavenly things. This confirms the scriptural statement that he that is from heaven teaches heavenly things. IF ONLY THE ENTIRE WORLD WOULD HAVE LOVE AND PEACE AND SHUN SEGREGATION AND OTHER SINFUL ACTS, THEN THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE IN. Unfortunately, the world holds on to these unwholesome acts, at the expense of the



words of God. But there is repercussion. It is said that a word is enough for the wise. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen.

THERE IS ONLY ONE LAWGIVER AND JUDGE FIRST BIBLE LESSON: ROMANS 12:19 "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: For it is written, vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." SECOND BIBLE LESSON: 1 PETER 2:23 "Who when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously." GOLDEN TEXT: JAMES 4:12 "There is only one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?" Brethren the Word of Life is the word of God, which is the stone which the builders have rejected. If you are sick, if you are looking for power, or you are seeking for peace or for money, good health, or eternal life, or anything whatsoever, WHY DO YOU REJECT THE WORD OF LIFE? Remember the Words of Our Lord Jesus Christ, when Satan asked Him to turn the stones to bread if He was the real Son of God, Our Lord Jesus Christ replied



and said, "IT IS WRITTEN THAT MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD. "(Matt 4:4/Luke 4:4). It is an irony of fate that you should be a member of this new kingdom but you do not know THE POWER OF THE WORD, THE GOODNESS, THE PEACE AND PROSPERITY OF THE WORD OF GOD. This means that you have not yet begun. THERE IS NO OTHER THING IN THIS KINGDOM APART FROM THIS WORD OF LIFE. THERE IS NO OTHER THING THAT IS CAPABLE OF CLEANSING YOU AND MAKING YOU SANCTIFIED APART FROM THE WORD. THEREFORE, BRETHREN THE KINGDOM OF GOD MEANS THE WORD OF GOD. GOD HIMSELF IS THE WORD. CHRIST HIMSELF IS THE WORD. AND THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE SAME WORD. If therefore you are jobless, if you are sick, if you have a court case, or if you are childless, whatever your problem may be, whatever you have to do, look steadfastly at the red garment and listen very attentively to the Word of Life. Do not engage yourselves while here, in doing any other thing unconnected with this Gospel. Listen with rapt attention, concentrate and do not make any noise or look at any other thing apart from the direction of the word of God; for when it is infused into you, it wipes away your tears, takes away problems, opens your eyes, and finally lifts you to heaven. Even if you had been sick for donkey years and you have done all sorts of things, including consulting the doctor, drinking Holy Oil or bathing in the Biakpan

water, undertaking fasting and praying and doing all other things, right from today, with this Gospel all your problems are solved. You are builders who have rejected the stone which has today become the head of the corner. Many people confess that there is power in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star but the source of the power is unknown. YOU ARE MADE TO UNDERSTAND TODAY THAT IT IS THE WORD OF GOD THAT IS THE STONE WHICH YOU REJECTED BUT WHICH HAS BECOME THE HEAD OF THE CORNER.(Ps 118:22/Acts 4:11). THE WORD IS THE SOURCE OF POWER WHICH THE WORLD RIGHTLY ASSUMES AND TESTIFIES TO RESIDE IN BROTHERHOOD. THE POWER OF HEALING, THE POWER TO CHANGE AND EXALT, AND THE POWER OF BLESSING. ALL POWERS DERIVE FROM THE WORD OF GOD. APART FROM THE WORD OF GOD THERE IS NOTHING MADE THAT WAS MADE. The world is in a very pathetic situation. IT IS MY WISH THAT THE ENTIRE WORLD SHOULD GATHER BEFORE ME ALWAYS SO THAT I CAN IMPART TO THEM THE PARCEL I BROUGHT TO THE WORLD. Have you now seen why Our Lord Jesus Christ said: "I AM THE WAY, THE LIFE, AND THE TRUTH." He also said that no one can see the Father except the one passed through Him. There is no other person who knows the Father apart from Our Lord Jesus Christ. That is why the punishment of God has been visited upon the inhabitants of the world. People say that God does not punish, He is



never angry, and He does not even get involved in any action. But have you heard the gospel of today? What happened during the time of Noah? Was it witchcraft or mermaid or apparition that caused the great deluge during the era of Noah? Noah preached for a hundred and twenty years to the people but they refused to repent. God instructed him to build an Ark. At the fullness of time, God told Noah to collect everything in pairs into the Ark, and finally that he should collect all his belongings and household into the Ark for He was bent on destroying the earth through flood.(Gen 7:4-7). You all have read what happened. For forty days and forty nights it rained cats and dogs. The torrential downpour of rain submerged and destroyed every creature, leaving only Noah and his household. WAS THIS NOT THE JUDGMENT OF GOD? Remember also what happened to the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. You can well recall that Lot dwelt in those cities and preached and practiced righteousness of God to the people; but they refused to repent. THEY HELD FAST TO THEIR ANCIENT AND EVIL WAYS AS THE WHOLE WORLD IS DOING TODAY. In the end God sent forth two angels to destroy the two cities saving only Lot and his household. There was a great conflagration of fire that rained from heaven and consumed every person and thing in the cities.(Gen 19:24). Who caused that? What happened to Pharaoh? Pharaoh with his army and all those who followed behind him are still buried in the Red Sea up till today. This was because God had predicted to Abraham that his tribe would remain in bondage for four hundred years. And after that He would release them so they could come and serve

Him. But that He would judge the nation that had tormented and enslaved them. So brethren, that is why the First Bible Lesson read to you instructs that: "Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but give place to wrath, for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." Nobody has any right to avenge himself. Nobody has the audacity to beat anybody. Nobody has any right to say woe unto any person. THE BIBLE SAYS THERE IS ONLY ONE LAWGIVER AND THERE IS ONLY ONE JUDGE. WHO ARE YOU, MAN, TO JUDGE YOUR BROTHERS? Think for yourself, do you actually believe that any thief will be saved? Do you believe that any murderer will be saved? Do you believe that any necromancer or idolater, or native doctor will be saved? Is there any fornicator or adulterer, do you think you will be saved? Do you believe that any child who curses his parents and is disobedient unto them will be saved? This is the reason it is said that all the inhabitants of the whole world, both black and white, are in a very pathetic situation. That is the salvation Christ has brought unto mankind that no person should avenge, that vengeance is the prerogative of God. Even if somebody curses you do not curse him back; if somebody steals your property, do not bother. Whatever somebody does to you do not do anything to him in return. Apart from Our Lord Jesus Christ alone, is there any other person who knows what I am explaining to you now? Remember when the Jews went to arrest Our Lord Jesus Christ and Peter removed his sword and cut the ear of the high priest's servant, Christ promptly



rebuked Peter and told him to put his sword into its sheath for all those who take up the sword shall die by the sword. (Matt 26:52). Did all the people in those days, and even the people of today, not regard Our Lord Jesus Christ as a very foolish person? He did not retaliate when He was cursed, beaten or slapped. He did not even call on God to come to His rescue. He did that because He knew that only one lawgiver and one judge existed, that there was no person capable of giving the law or judging. Do you see why I preach about Our Lord Jesus Christ from January to December of every year and not Moses, Abraham, Isaac or Jacob? Because these persons did not know this principle. Noah himself did not know nor did any other priest know. Our Lord Jesus Christ knew because HE WAS THE SON OF MAN, SON OF GOD, AND GOD HIMSELF. HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS EYES TO SEE GOD, AND WHO KNOWS GOD. HE IS THE SON OF MAN, THE SON OF GOD AND GOD HIMSELF. THAT EXPLAINS WHY HE LEFT VENGEANCE TO THE FATHER. You have heard that when he was cursed He did not retaliate; when He was falsely accused, He did not defend Himself. HE SURRENDERED EVERY JUDGMENT AND ALL VENGEANCE TO THE ONLY TRUE JUDGE. He was beaten up, his face spat upon, disgraced and subjected to all sorts of things, but He did not budge nor did he brandy words with any person because He knew the one He was serving. Amongst all of you here, who knows that vengeance is a prerogative of God? Whether you hide in the forest to kill, the Father will judge you. Whether you remain in

the moon or in the sun to commit murder, God will judge you. Wherever you hide to steal, even where no man sees you, the Lord sees you and He will judge you. Wherever you stay to tell lies, know that God sees you and He will judge you. Whatever sins you commit, whether visible to human eyes or not, no matter what happens, God will not fail to judge you and avenge your adversary. If you commit murder and because you have money, you engage the services of lawyers who plead on your behalf such that you are set free, God will not fail to judge you. If you oppress somebody or dupe a person in anyway, God will take vengeance against you. If you curse your child or beat him up or do to him anything that is displeasing, because you claim you own him, God will avenge the child. Abraham did not know, otherwise when he heard that soldiers had taken his nephew captive, he would not have gone to avenge him, and kill all the kings. Pharaoh did not know that as he was enslaving the children of Israel, God will judge him. If he had known, he would have known what steps to take. Moses too did not know that, as they were busy fighting one war or the other and killing people, God would judge them. From the evil looks you cast on people, to the tongue you employ in cursing, the evil words you utter and all the offenses you commit, all your thoughts and deeds, God will judge you. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF ANYBODY; FOR NO MAN CAN DO YOU ANY HARM. BUT FEAR THE ONE LAWGIVER BECAUSE HE ALONE WILL JUDGE ALL MANKIND, BOTH THE LIVING AND THE DEAD.



Brethren, have you heard what is read to you? Do you not take vengeance unto yourself? Give way to wrath for God will repay for vengeance is His. You are a professor, a scientist, a spiritualist, the leader of a church, a necromancer, a rich man, an important person, has your wisdom reached that peak? It is always said that we in Brotherhood should be grateful because apart from Our Lord Jesus Christ no other person knows this secret. Even members of Brotherhood always wonder why all sorts of things are said about a person, and yet

he does not retort. You can now see the reason. I am practicing the word of God which is preached to you today. You boast that you are a very strong man, that you have demolished Brotherhood buildings, that you have beaten up their members, and then you shake hands with others to show you are a strong man. You say that Brotherhood does not take court action against any person. No matter what you do to a Brotherhood member, whether you seize his goods or beat him up, he will never take you to court. Have you now seen the reason why we do this? It is said: "Avenge not yourselves, vengeance is mine: I will repay, says the Lord." If all the inhabitants of the world were to listen to this gospel and advise themselves, they would have no problems. But as long as you continue to avenge yourselves, know that vengeance belongs to God, and He will repay you. But now that you undertake to avenge yourself with the jaundiced idea that God will not repay you and so you take vengeance for yourself, do you think you will escape God's wrath? You profess to know God, why do you take vengeance for yourself? Why do you commit sin? Why do you steal and tell lies? Why do you indulge in the preparation of concoctions? Why do you Kill? Many people will hide and commit sins, consoling themselves that nobody has seen them, but God has seen them and He will judge them. There is neither ghost nor mermaid nor juju nor man. There is only one lawgiver and judge. If you do not believe in Him, He will judge you. Remember the law that Moses received from the hands of an angel? The Father gave this law to him. "Do not have any other



THAT IS THE REASON IT IS SAID, “THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM.” (Psalm 111:10). If you have this wisdom and you fear God you will not kill any one's hen, you will not curse anybody or pronounce woe unto any person, you will not plan to do evil, you will not commit fornication or murder. You will not engage in the preparation of concoction. You will not tell lies nor will you indeed commit any sinful act. And so, brethren, I do not intend to be tedious unto you, the first lesson will now be read. Open your ears, hearts and eyes, and allow this lesson to sink into you, so that you can know the cause of the state of things in the world today.

FIRST BIBLE LESSON: ROMANS 12:19 "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: For it is written, vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."

God beside me. Do not make unto thee any graven image. Do not bow down to them. I will visit the iniquities of the Fathers unto the third and forth generations of them that hate me, and I will show mercy on those that love me and keep my commandments. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy; in it thou shalt not do any work. It is clear and specific that thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his man servant, nor his maid servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's." Any person who keeps these commandments, the moment he violates one, God will judge him. Do you know the punishment meant for any person who has other Gods, and is worshipping a piece of wood, or a stone? Do you know the punishment for one who kills? Do you know the punishment for one who commits adultery? Do you know the punishment for one who steals? Why then do you judge? You impose on an adulterer a fine of one carton of beer and forty naira. Is that punishment commensurate with the gravity of his offense? Maybe one steals, and it is decided that he should be tied hands and legs, or that he should be fined eighty naira, or that he should serve prison terms. Is that the correct punishment? There is no sickness as serious as blindness. What should be worse than blindness is stupidity. The inhabitants of the world profess that they are wise, but do they know what I am explaining to you now? The one who tells you not to kill also tells you

not to commit adultery. If you do not kill but you commit adultery, you have violated all the laws. The one who enjoins you to have no other God before him also tells you to honor your father and your mother. If you have no other God but you do not honor your mother and father, you have violated all the commandments of God. Do you know that all the laws terminate in one point? That is the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. Therefore whoever has another God must die. Whoever does not honor father and mother has no other fine than death. All those who commit theft have no other prison yard than to die. All those who commit fornication or adultery have no other fine than death. All those who bear false witness against their neighbors have no other fine than death. You complain of numerous deaths everyday and you ask what should be done. The cards are clearly placed on the table that the wages of sin is death, and the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. God instructed the Israelites that whenever they would go to war, after conquering the city, they should not gather unto themselves the spoils of the war because they all belonged to Him. But Achan took the spoils of war, the vessels of gold and silver, and hid them under his tent without the knowledge of any person. Before the Israelites went to war with the little country of Al, they sent spies to view the city. They reported back that the country had a scanty population and so between two or three thousand men should be sent to conquer them. When the Israelites arrived, the men of Al smote about thirty-six of them and many were wounded. This resulted from the sin of hiding the vessels of gold and silver by Achan. Joshua fell to the



earth upon his face and said, "Alas, O Lord God, wherefore hast thou at all brought this people over Jordan, to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites, to destroy us?" And the Lord said to Joshua, "Israel hath sinned and they have also transgressed my covenant which I commanded them: for they have even taken of the accursed thing and have also stolen, and dissembled also, and they have put it even among their own stuff." Therefore the children of Israel could not stand before their enemies. God was to be with them no more, except they destroyed the accursed thing from among themselves. God accordingly told Joshua to go and cast lots, tribe by tribe, clan by clan, family by family, and man by man. On whomever the lot would fall, such a person, his wife, children, maidservant, manservant, oxen, and all his properties would be destroyed. This is indicative of the fact that God had no other punishment when you offend against Him, the only punishment is death. When the lot was cast and it fell on Achan, he admitted to have carried shekels of silver and a wedge of gold. These were brought out from underneath the earth in the midst of his tent. And Joshua said, "Why hast thou troubled us? The Lord shall trouble thee this day." And all Israel collected the silver, and the garments, and the wedge of gold, and his sons and daughters and his oxen, and his asses, and his sheep, and his tent, and all that he had and stoned them to death and burnt them with fire. Brethren I do not intend to belabor you, our Second Lesson will now be read.

SECOND BIBLE LESSON: 1 PETER 2:23 "Who when He was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously."



Brethren, have you heard that? Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only person with exemplary character which I have shown to you. If you do not emulate Him, you have perished. He alone has seen God, He believes in God. He speaks the word of God and reveals God through His way of life. That is why death had no power over Him. He had given an advice saying, "Fear not that which kills the flesh and cannot kill the soul. Rather fear that which can kill the flesh and also cast the soul into hell. (Matt 10:28). WHO IS THE PERSON WHO IS ABLE TO KILL THE FLESH AND ALSO CAST THE SOUL INTO HELL? IT IS THE ALMIGHTY GOD. NO PERSON CAN KILL YOU, AND NO PERSON CAN CAUSE YOU TO BE SICK. NO PERSON CAN SEND YOU TO PRISON. NO MAN, ANGEL OR SPIRIT CAN CAUSE ANY SUCH SITUATION FOR YOU. BUT ONCE YOU VIOLATE THE LAWS OF JEHOVAH GOD, YOU ARE A DEAD MAN. When you refer to a person as Jesus, he will shout you down that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The question is now that you are not a Jesus, do you have life in you? Death is a messenger. Fire is a messenger. Hades is a messenger. Thunder is a messenger. Rain is a messenger. Snake is a messenger. Man is messenger. BUT WHEN YOU FOLLOW THE

INSTRUCTIONS OF GOD TO THE LETTER, YOU HAVE NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER. RIGHT FROM TODAY, WHOEVER FOLLOWS HIS INSTRUCTIONS, AND SURRENDERS HIMSELF COMPLETELY TO HIM, NOT MINDING WHETHER HE IS ACCUSED OF STEALING, CALLED APPARITION OR WITCH, OR IS IMPRISONED, OR HIS GARMENTS SEIZED FROM HIM, AND HE SAYS NOTHING AT ALL BECAUSE JUDGMENT IS IN THE HANDS OF THE OWNER WHO WILL JUDGE THEM CLEAN AND WORTHY. It is said, "Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play; neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed and fell in one day, three and twenty thousand. Neither let us tempt Christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed by the serpents. Neither murmur ye as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer."(1 Cor 10:7-10). They violated the laws and the penalties were upon them according to the act of God. Such penalties are the law of God. Do you not notice the judgment of Our Lord Jesus Christ day after day? Do you feel you are exempted from these orders? You still revenge, tell lies, fornicate, have other gods. Have you not erred? Do you not deserve death? Our Lord Jesus Christ says, "Whoever is angry with his brother has been judged already. He who says Raca, is already under the judgment of the Sanhedrin. Whoever says to his brother, you fool, is in danger of hell fire." (Matt 5:22). Can you realize how wise Our

Lord Jesus Christ is? Do you realize why He said to Peter, "Put back your sword in its place, for all those who live by the sword shall die by the sword?" (Matt 26:52). He also asked Peter whether he thought He could not plead with the Father to send twelve legions of angels to destroy them all. If they have been destroyed, Our Lord Jesus Christ would have been killed and his blood would have been of no avail to any person. When He was cursed, He did not curse back. When He was subjected to torture and torment, he neither abused nor frowned nor murmured against God. HE HANDED EVERYTHING OVER TO THE FATHER ,THE RIGHTFUL JUDGE. Look at Israel, up till today, the inhabitants are still suffering. Do they find any peace? Up till today, the punishment is visited upon them. Pilate wanted to release Our Lord Jesus Christ but they shouted, "Crucify Him! Let His blood be upon us and our children."(Matt 27:25). Has that curse not fulfilled on them? Pilate asked them, "What has he done?" They shouted, "Crucify him." Even when He was hanging on the cross, they mocked at Him saying, "If you say you are the Christ come down from the cross, and we shall believe you."(Mark 15:32). They slapped Him and said, "Prophesy, who slapped you?" He did not answer. Because He knew that if He replied there was no other punishment for Him than eternal death. He would not have resurrected. Who was He? He would have been completely killed. Why did Moses not resurrect? Why did De Lawrence not resurrect as he said he would? Why did any other person not resurrect apart from Our Lord Jesus



Christ alone? IT WAS BECAUSE HE WAS THE ONLY PERSON WHO DID NOT AVENGE HIMSELF. NO MATTER WHAT WAS DONE TO HIM, HE ENDURED PATIENTLY, AND SO HE LEFT AN EXAMPLE THAT WE SHOULD LEARN FROM HIM BUT YOU HAVE ALL REJECTED HIM. THE RESULT IS THAT DEATH REIGNS OVER YOU. All of you with white raiment look unto Jesus the Christ as a demented fellow. Because you cannot imagine a man who is slapped and he does not retaliate. He should have called fire to consume them. If He had done that He would have failed, and God would have judged Him. Now that you continue to murmur against God, the reward of it is death. When you are exasperated against God, the reward is death. When you go about prostituting from pillar to post, the ultimate reward is death. The Scripture has said that any child who curses father or mother must die the death. If you curse your father or mother, you must not fail to die. Did He not say to Adam and Eve, "Eat of all the fruits of the trees in this garden excepting one?"(Gen 2:17) He did not say the day they ate it they would be sick but He made it quite clear to Adam and Eve that any day they would eat of it they would die. You have been told that the last enemy to be destroyed is death. HOW WOULD YOU OVERCOME DEATH WHEN YOU DO NOT KNOW THAT IT IS BAD TO TAKE VENGEANCE FOR YOURSELF? Who made the heavens and the earth? Who made the fishes in the water, the animals, the trees, man and everything, who created all these things? Is it not

God? Who has given this injunction-LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU? Is it not the same person? Do you know the reward of any person who loves everyone is eternal life? Do you know that the reward of the one who hates his brother is death? What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his soul? (Matt 16:26). Since you were elected into this kingdom have you not seen a typical example? They have carved out all forms of propaganda work against Me. They have calumniated against Me and Brotherhood, that Brotherhood is cannibalistic and drinks blood. Have you heard Me arguing with any person? Have you seen Me frown My face? This is because I know what these mean. My position is that I have surrendered everything into the hands of the Righteous Judge. I have only one duty to perform: that is to love every person. Because the moment you want to retaliate for yourself your ultimate end is death. This is an eye-opener to all of you. You have seen, you have heard, you have witnessed all church denominations and prayer houses, necromancers, society men, whites, and blacks praying that the Father should die. Have I ever retaliated? Have I ever said anything against them? That is the life pattern I show to you. I do not retaliate. I do not say anything. I hand everything in the hands of the Righteous Judge. He judges everything. If you come and clear everything away, I will even help you carry these things away. You stand back and say that man is foolish. I know what I am doing. Because if I do not do what I am doing now the result is death. The irony of fate is that you have seen Me but you have failed to emulate my examples. You only



console yourself that you are human beings, that people should leave the Leader with his teachings. "Let me first give him a box before we say anything." But you know what is the end to that? The moment you behave that way, your end is death. I know that I do not have to say anything. I do not have to make any statement because I have handed everything into the hands of the Father who is the rightful judge. I know that the wages of sin is death. If you do not comply yourself with what you are told, then you do not know where you are, and that is why I have handed everything into the hands of the Father who judges righteously. And so Brethren, I do not want to take you further than this, what was hidden to you, many, many years back, has now been disclosed to you. The Golden Text will now be read.

Have you heard what has been read to you? It is said, "There is one lawgiver who is able to save and destroy: who art thou that judgest another?" That is why I am indifferent to whatever any person does. You can take away anything here but I will not be bothered in anyway because I am aware that there is one lawgiver. He alone knows the fate of a person who carries away such property. I do not know it myself. Therefore whatever a person does will not disturb Me. My mission is to maintain straightforwardness. And I teach all of you to

emulate this behavioral pattern. LET EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU SHOW THIS LIFE-STYLE OF LEAVING VENGEANCE UNTO THE LORD. FOR UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE WILL A SINNER ESCAPE THE PUNISHMENT OF GOD. All those who commit murder must be killed. The judge who sentences a person to be killed must be killed also. He can pass the sentence that the person be jailed, that the person be killed by firing squad. But the truth remains that whatever you do in life, an appropriate account has been taken of them. And you must face the consequences of all your actions. Based on this, we are not bothered by whatever you do. I AM NOT BOTHERED IN ANYWAY ABOUT WHATEVER YOU DO. YOU ARE AT LIBERTY TO THROW ME DOWN BUT I WILL NOT UTTER A WORD, YOU HAVE NOT COMMITTED ANY ACT OF SIN BY SO DOING. NEVERTHELESS, I KNOW THE FATHER EXISTS. I DO NOT THINK THAT SINCE GOD CREATED MAN, ANY PERSON WITH THE RECONDITE WISDOM PERSONIFIED IN THE HOLY FATHER HAS EVER MANIFESTED IN THIS PHYSICAL PLANE. IF YOU KNOW SUCH A PERSON, MENTION HIS NAME IN THE HOLY BIBLE OR FROM ANY OTHER PLACE. Do you know why the people crucified Our Lord Jesus Christ? It was for my sake and for your sake. He had broken the law of the Jews. He did so to create an avenue through which He could be crucified. For if He had not broken the Sabbath law and violated other laws, in what way would He have been crucified? Would they have beaten Him to death? They would not have done



GOLDEN TEXT: JAMES 4:12 "There is only one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?"

anything to Him, and the world would have perished. Thus He had broken the Sabbath, cursed the people and committed other faults of the like so that the people seized that opportunity to put Him to death. He died but once, and now He lives everlastingly. And He has nothing to do with sinfulness. So long as He commits no sin, death has no more dominion over Him. And I ask all of you this question: SINCE YOU WERE BORN INTO THIS WORLD HAVE YOU SEEN ANY HUMAN BEING WHO REMAINS INDIFFERENT WHEN PEOPLE STEAL, TELL LIES, FIGHT, QUARREL, AND NOTWITHSTANDING THAT HE TEACHES THEM TO FORSAKE SUCH VICES? People continue to commit these acts of sin but He has instructed them to refrain from such tendencies. YET HE DOES NOT SAY A WORD, HE DOES NOT EXCOMMUNICATE ANY PERSON. HAVE YOU FOUND SUCH A PERSON ON EARTH? YOU SHOULD PONDER OVER THIS. Satan will come to hit, and accuse you that you are drinking blood. And you become exasperated, murmuring against God, questioning why He allows such temptation to beset you. By so doing, you have erred, and it is certain that you must die. Let us put judgment into the hands of that one lawgiver. If somebody accused you of witchcraft, calls you a prostitute, an evil doer, Satan, do not engage in any argument with such a person; for IT IS NOT THE PERSON WHO PRAISES HIMSELF WHO IS IMPORTANT, BUT HE WHOM GOD RECOMMENDS. WHEN YOU SEE A PERSON WHO LEAVES EVERYTHING IN HIS LIFE FOR GOD TO JUDGE, BEWARE OF SUCH A

HUMAN BEING. HERE IN BROTHERHOOD, YOU ARE FREE TO STEAL ANYTHING AND COMMIT ALL TYPES OF ATROCITIES. THAT IS YOUR BUSINESS AND WHATEVER PREDICAMENT BEFALLS YOU, I AM BLAMELESS. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR FATE IN LIFE. If each and every one of you were to allow vengeance unto the Father, you would not have had any problems at all. Is the commandment, "Thou shalt not kill" a law of the government? Is the commandment, "Thou shalt not commit adultery," a law of the government? He is all and in all. He is the law-giver and he is also the judge. THERE IS NO PERSON, NOT EVEN THE ANGELS WHO CAN JUDGE ANOTHER, IF YOU JUDGE ANOTHER, IT IS TANTAMOUNT TO YOUR ARROGATING TO YOURSELF THE POSITION OF GOD HIMSELF. People contend that your Leader regards himself to be God. IF I REGARD MYSELF TO BE GOD THEN I WOULD HAVE JUDGED YOU. Rather you are the one arrogating to yourself the position of God by taking vengeance against people with the defeatist idea that God will never come down to judge man. The inhabitants of the world regard themselves as God. I am nothing, myself. Brethren, I do not wish to be tedious unto you. It is said that one stoke of the cane is sufficient unto the wise. Those who have ears, let them hear. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen. THANK YOU FATHER.



FIRST BIBLE LESSON: LUKE 18:18-19 "And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God." SECOND BIBLE LESSON: ROMANS 3:10 "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one." GOLDEN TEXT: 1 JOHN 1:8-9 "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."



NONE IS RIGHTEOUS: Brethren, this gospel shall expose the follies of the entire world. No man is guiltless. The only source of our salvation is for man to be remorseful of his sins as advised in the Golden Text. If man in the past, had been admitting his sinfulness and consequently prayed for forgiveness, he would not have been plagued with numerous problems as is now. The second lesson records that there is none who is righteous. This is proven in the gospel of John 8:3-11: "And the Scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery and when they had set her in the midst they say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned: but what


sayest thou? This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, he that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. And being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, “Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more." The significance of that event is to indicate the fact that all men are sinners. Therefore, if human beings were to know that there is none who is righteous, no person would ever impute sins upon the other. They would rather pray for forgiveness. That was one of the reasons why Our Lord Jesus Christ said, "And why beholdest thou the mote in thy brother's eyes, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eyes..."(Matthew 7:3-5). Therefore, there is no justification in telling someone to refrain from sins when you are wallowing in sins. You cannot behold and recognize any act of sinfulness in another person if you have not committed such sins. David in one of his prayers said, "Behold I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me." (Psalm 51:5). In fact, this should be our solemn contemplation daily. If you see yourself in this way, you will be able to pray for the forgiveness of those sins. We are fond of

calling Our Lord Jesus Christ a good friend of man. Here, He says that there is none who is righteous. Why then do you impute sins upon one another? RIGHT NOW IF YOU SEE YOURSELF AS A SINNER AND SHOW REMORSE, YOU WILL HAVE PEACE. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the truth, and speaks the truth but He never accepted to be called "good master." Right from Adam up till now, man has been sinful. That is why the golden Text States that: "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." In spite of the above text, no one admits the fact that he is a sinner. When king Solomon erected a temple unto God, he prayed Him to forgive any Israelite who after committing a sin would run into the place for the remission of his sin (1 Kings 8:44-50).In essence, Solomon knew that there is no one who does not commit sin, (1Kings 8:46) and so, he calls for the forgiveness of such sins. What is the meaning of the statement: "Whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that humbles himself shall be exalted." (Matthew 23:12). The meaning is that if you see yourself as a sinner and repent, God will forgive you and wash you clean through the blood of His Begotten Son. But if you see yourself as a righteous person, then your sins will remain with you. It is for that reason that Our Lord Jesus Christ told the Pharisees that: "For judgement I came into this world, that they which see not might see, and they which see might be made blind. And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? Jesus said



unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin; but now ye say, we see, therefore your sin remaineth." (John 9:39-41). The whole of your body belongs to God and there is nothing you can do other than to admit that you are a sinner, and pray for your forgiveness. THE KEY TO YOUR SALVATION IS THE ADMISSION AND CONFESSION OF ALL YOUR SINS. FOR WHEN THERE IS REPENTANCE THERE IS FORGIVENESS. IF YOU PRAY TO GOD LIKE THE PUBLICAN, (LUKE 18:13) WHO ADMITTED THAT HE IS A SINNER, THEN YOUR SALVATION IS SURE."And the Publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast saying, God be merciful to me a sinner." (Luke 18:13) SEE YOURSELF NOT AS GOD'S SON BUT HIS UNPAID SERVANT LIKE THE PRODIGAL SON, THEN HE WILL FORGIVE YOU AND CLEANSE YOU OF ALL YOUR INIQUITIES. The prodigal son, when he came to his senses, acknowledged his iniquities and went back to his father in tears and on bended knees, pleading for forgiveness (LUKE 15:20-21). He was thus forgiven, and his status as a son was restored to him. The same forgiveness was obtained by the publican and Mary Magdalene who admitted their sinfulness and prayed God for pardon. Some of the attributes of a person who has refrained from sin are that such a fellow does not impute sin upon another, he does not discriminate, tell lies, judge others and does not indulge in any act that is sinful. HE ALSO LISTENS ATTENTIVELY TO THE WORDS OF GOD. He does not ask questions and only thanks God for everything. Even the Pharisees and the Scribes

who went before Our Lord Jesus Christ with the woman caught in adultery, having realized that they themselves were unrighteous, departed one after the other. There is no gain in admitting that you are a sinner, yet you continue to impute sins on others. As a sinner, your duty is to bring together all sinners, pacify them and continue to pray God for forgiveness for them. For if you judge another person, you are judging yourself. Your song at all times should be, "Come, O sinner, come! The Lord is calling on you, and waiting for you, Come, O sinners, come!" Unfortunately, everybody is claiming to be a righteous person, who comes from a Christian or Godly home. Read this first lesson below.



FIRST BIBLE LESSON: LUKE 18:18-19 "And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God." HUMILITY THAT IS WORTHY OF EMULATION: Brethren, have you ever heard or witnessed such humility as exhibited by Our Lord Jesus Christ? He was called Good Master, but He rebuked the ruler: "Why callest thou me good? There is none good but God." If it were you, you would have accepted that title and gone ahead to demand for more appellations. The true name of God is not God but Good. God's other name include PERFECT MASTER, EXCELLENCE, LORD, to mention but a few. NO MAN SHALL CARRY THE EXALTED TAG AS HIS EXCELLENCY ON HIS NAME, FOR NONE IS EXCELLENT BUT GOD.

THIS GOD WHO IS THE MOST EXCELLENT HAS COME TO CHANGE YOU AND LEAD YOU TO THE ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH. Sinfulness does not end with going out to steal, fornicate, tell lies, and to indulge in other evils. Man by nature is a bunch of sins. He was conceived in evil and born in iniquities. To show you how perfect God is, "...He makes his sun to rise on the evil and good, and he send his rain on the just and unjust." (Matt 5:45). How many people could do this? None. Every one instead is bent on retaliating one another. If you retaliate, you have gone against the will of God. On the other hand, to forgive and become charitable does not mean that you are not a sinner. If you are exalted by God, that does not stop you from being a sinner. Therefore, if you are exalted, do not seek ways and means of debasing another. If you humble yourself after being exalted by God, you will continue to enjoy God's forgiveness; but if you become pompous, then you will have yourself to blame. The highest thing to do is to admit that you are a sinner. Then the blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ will be used to cleanse you and purge you of every manner of sins. Henceforth, do not claim to be good or that you come from a God- fearing family; for God alone is the Perfect Being. There is no man who knows himself and therefore there is nothing good in him. It should be noted that man was made from the dust of the earth which if filled with dirts. For this reason, he cannot exist without the traits of this dirts in him. However, if you expose and CONFESS these dirts (SINS), with a penitent heart, YOU WILL BE FORGIVEN. Read the Second Bible Lesson below.


SECOND BIBLE LESSON: ROMANS 3:10 "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one." CHRIST DIED TO REDEEM US: The Second Lesson only confirms the statement recorded in the First Lesson. Before the advent of Christ, people had thought that there was a righteous person on earth. Until Our Lord Jesus came and died for the sins of the world, no one believed that man is filled with sins, but the Holy Spirit has come to remind us that we are all sinners. AMONGST THE ANGELS AND MEN THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS EXCEPT GOD. TO SAY THEREFORE THAT SOMEBODY IS RIGHTEOUS AND GOOD IS FALSE. FOR YOU ALSO TO SAY THAT YOU ARE A GOOD PERSON REVEALS THAT YOU ARE A LIAR AND THERE IS NO SALVATION FOR YOU. WHOEVER CLAIMS TO BE RIGHTEOUS HAS INVARIABLY MADE CHRIST A LIAR AND HAS FORFEITED HIS SALVATION; FOR THE WORDS OF THE LORD HAS NO ROOTS IN HIM. (1 JOHN 1:10). The Lord did not come to die for the righteous but for the sinners. Therefore, if you accept that you are a sinner, then his precious blood will cleanse you. That is why it is said that when Our Lord Jesus Christ comes, He shall have nothing to do with sinners, but He will come for them that are ready for Him. THESE ARE THOSE WHO SEE THEMSELVES AS SINNERS. God does not exalt you because of your money and power. YOU ARE EXALTED, BLESSED AND CLEANED ONLY IF YOU ADMIT THE FACT THAT YOU ARE A SINNER. It is for this reason that God has chosen the


foolish things of this world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty.(1 Corinthians 1:27-28). This is done so that man would not boast of himself. YOUR BOAST SHOULD BE IN THE LORD. If you were to realize the efficacy of the words of God, you would not ask God to punish any person nor to curse him. Are you not a sinner? Or do you want your sins to remain with you? Man has got to be content with his status in life. No matter how lowly placed you may be, do not take offense and ask God questions. It is more profitable to obey God and surrender oneself to Him, for without Him, you are an empty vessel. It is God that operates in man. If you admit your sins and you are penitent over them, then God who is the source of everything, will take care of you. Whoever claims to be sinless compares himself with God. On the other hand, when he admits he is a sinner, and does not impute sin upon another, he is a real child of God. Read the Golden Text below for clarification: GOLDEN TEXT: 1 JOHN 1:8-9 "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

1:8). That is the only gateway to heaven and the source of our salvation. If you do not impute sins upon others you do not curse them and ask God to punish or kill them. God, out of his mercy forgives us. No amount of money could buy us such forgiveness. The problem between God and man is that, any time man exalts himself and disobeys God, he has to be debased. Many people like to recount many good things they have done to others but which they have been negatively rewarded. Such a statement is not encouraging. No man is capable of doing anything to another person. It is God alone who has the ability to do everything unto man. If you see yourself as a sinner, you will submit to God; you will humble yourself; you will not judge or condemn anybody; and you will not request anything from God. You will behave like David who admitted his sins and said: "Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquities, and cleanse me from my sins. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sins is ever before me. Against thee, thee only have I sinned and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and clear when thou judgest. Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me."(Psalm 51:2-5) May God bless His Holy Words, AMEN.

CONFESS AND BE FORGIVEN: Our Spiritual Chorus says, "I am a sinner, Lord wash me clean." The song confirms that statement of Our Lord Jesus Christ that there is none righteous except God. He went further to say that whosoever says he is righteous is a liar and no truth is found in him.(1 JOHN



off the old man with his deeds." GOLDEN TEXT: MATTHEW 5:34-37 "But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great king. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be Yea, yea; Nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil."

SECOND BIBLE LESSON: COLOSSIANS 3:9 "Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put

REFRAIN FROM FALSEHOOD Dear brethren, this is the time of judgment. As you have read from the Bible that judgment will start from the church, you should desist from the habit of confessing your sins now , and going back to indulge in them the next minute. I have warned you against falsehood, because of its consequences. It is rather awful that the people of the world have made falsehood the order of the day. To this end, everybody now sees falsehood as the societal norm and the only way for survival. But here only the truth is needed. Therefore, as a child of God, you should not lie to your fellow brethren. If you have never practiced any gospel since you came into this kingdom, do not fail to practice this particular one. If you practice falsehood, you have invariably subjected yourself to judgment. Note that I am not saying that if you practice only the truth that makes you righteous. Rather I am saying that the truth is good for you as, it is the basic requirement for one to escape judgment. For you to qualify for this kingdom of God,



THE BEGINNING OF JUDGMENT FIRST BIBLE LESSON: EPHESIANS 4:25 "Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another."

you should desist from falsehood. Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. (James 5:12). I am disclosing this secret to you because you are meant for this kingdom. You should know that truth is needed in this kingdom because Brotherhood is the truth. Therefore, brethren, do not be afraid of anything or anybody, speak the truth, for the truth will save you. You should know that the reigning force in Brotherhood is the truth. If you want to belong here, you have to eschew falsehood in your life. Hold fast to the truth for it is more profitable to practice truthfulness than falsehood. I want you to realize that no liar shall be saved. As falsehood crumbles, so also will liars perish. Anything planted on falsehood shall perish, while those planted on the truth shall live on. This explains why Christ said that only those things planted by the Father shall stand. Other than this, all other things will be up-rooted. (Matthew 15:13). God is truth and His words are true. Even Our Lord Jesus Christ said:" I have many things to tell you but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when the Holy Spirit of truth shall come He shall guide you into all truth. (John 16:12-13). Today the Holy Spirit of truth is doing just that. Have you not felt the impact of His leadership? For you to benefit from the good things which His divine leadership has brought, you have to practice the truth. All the things you see in the world today are the handiwork of God and they were caused to come into being by the truth. Except you allow the spirit of truth to lead you, you are not a party to His leadership. I reiterate here that this is the time of judgment, and that anyone who desires salvation must

identify with the truth. Remember what Our Lord Jesus Christ said: "For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind. And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, are we also blind? Jesus said unto them, if ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, we see; therefore your sin remaineth." (John 9:39-41). The nagging question is how come you claim to be righteous when you have not repented of your sins? Recall what happened when a publican and a Pharisee went out to pray? The Pharisee claimed righteousness, recounting his goodness to the poor and needy. But the Publican on the other hand accepted that he was a sinner and pleaded for forgiveness. The prayer of the publican was answered whereas that of the Pharisee was not. This is why it is stated in the scriptures that anyone who confesses his sins will be forgiven and the person shall be saved. But anyone who does not confess his sins shall be condemned. If we confess our sins, He will forgive us because He is truthful and He will cleanse us of our unrighteousness. But if we say that we have not committed any sins, it means we have made Him a liar, and His word is not in us.(1 John 1:9-10). Learn from the experience of the two robbers that were nailed to the cross on either side of Our Lord Jesus Christ. One of them had his sins forgiven because he saw himself as a sinner; whereas the other thief died with his sins because of arrogance. Recall that Our Lord Jesus Christ had commanded His disciples saying, "Go ye into the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." (Mark 16:15-16).



Today, we have not deviated from that term of reference because we are still preaching the same gospel of repentance. The truth here is that you must confess your sins and repent of them otherwise you can not have salvation. Our Lord Jesus Christ was the first person who practiced forgiveness of sins. On the cross of Calvary, and in great pains, as blood was oozing out of His wounded side, He pronounced,"It is finished." There is no doubt that we are all sinners. After all, we were conceived in sin and delivered in iniquities. And so anyone who does not see himself as a sinner and plead for forgiveness is being arrogant; and such a person is due for damnation. And for such a person to see himself as righteous is a demonstration of falsehood, to say the least. The sacrifice of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, thou would not despise (Psalm 51:17). And if you do not show a repentant heart over your sins, you are done for. Many have forced themselves into condemnation by claiming that they know God and that they have always been in close communion with God before they were born into this kingdom. But I want to assure you that without a repentant heart you cannot know God; let alone see Him. ANY SIN THAT IS NOT CONFESSED CANNOT BE FORGIVEN. EVEN THOUGH WE ARE SAVED BY THE GRACE OF GOD, WE OWE GOD THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CONFESSING OUR SINS AND REPENTING OF THEM IN APPRECIATION OF HIS LOVE, MERCY AND KINDNESS TOWARDS US. But if you blink at God and claim that you have been saved as a result of your good works, you shall be damned. God does not cherish

arrogance and ingratitude, but He is glorified in humility. All the hypocrites in the world shall be ruined, while the humble shall be glorified in the end. God has not come into this world for fun. His mission is to judge every man according to his deeds. Look inwardly into yourself and if you find any trace of sin, you should confess and repent of them, else you will be damned. But if you have confessed and repented of all your sins you are saved. Do not keep this information to yourself only, spread it to all the inhabitants of the world. Inform them that except they confess and repent of their evil ways, they shall be damned. And that any sin which is not confessed amounts to falsehood. Also tell them that except they refrain from falsehood, they cannot inherit the new heaven and the new earth. John had his head chopped off as a result of speaking the truth. He told king Herod in plain words that it was not proper for him to have taken his brother's wife for marriage. This hatred culminated in John the Baptist being beheaded. And his head was given to the girl (Herodias' daughter) for dancing dexterously to please King Herod on his birthday. Read Matthew 14. This happened because Herod had to keep his word that whatever the girl wanted he would give to her. And so, eventually, when she demanded for the head of John the Baptist, he could not help but oblige the girl's request. It is very common to hear people say they want to die with Christ. What does this mean when people cannot even speak the simple truth. Recall what happened between Christ and His brethren. Because His brethren were not aware that the Jews were planning to kill Christ, they said to Him when the Jewish feast of



tabernacle was at hand that: "Depart hence, and go into Judea that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest. For there is no man that doeth anything in secret, and he himself seeketh to be known openly. If thou do these things show thyself to the world." Neither did his brethren nor the people there believe in Him. Then Jesus said to them: "My time is not yet come: but your time is always ready." (John 7:6).The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil." So, when His time was up, He went to the gathering of the Jews. While He was there preaching to the people, those hired to kill him were already waiting. After he finished preaching, the hired assassins were set to strike but controversy arose among them. Some said He was a good man, others said he was not. Because of such controversy nothing was done to him. This was so because His time was not yet up. You should try to speak the truth at all times and accept your fault when you go wrong. Always speak the truth in all situations irrespective of how you are affected. By so doing, you are justified. If you are asked to state the purpose for which you are called into this kingdom, you would not be able to give the answer. In the same vein, if you are asked why your brothers at home are not called into this kingdom, you would not be able to give the correct answer. And your brothers who are not here do not know why they are not here either. BUT IT PLEASES ME TO INFORM YOU THAT, IT IS THE TRUTH THAT LED YOU INTO THIS KINGDOM, AND THOSE WHO CANNOT COME IN HERE ARE PREVENTED BY FALSEHOOD. THEY CLAIM TO BE RIGHTEOUS WHEREAS THEY ARE NOT.

BUT SINCE YOU HAVE ACCEPTED TO BE A SINNER AND BEG FOR FORGIVENESS, YOU ARE CALLED INTO THIS KINGDOM FOR SALVATION. YOUR BROTHERS OUTSIDE ARE KEPT FOR CONDEMNATION. Anyone who claims to be righteous has invariably made Our Lord Jesus Christ a liar. Hence, such a person has no share in the precious blood and good tidings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that, such a person is already condemned. BUT ANYONE WHO CONFESSES HIS SINS, BEGS GOD FOR FORGIVENESS AND ACCEPTS THAT CHRIST DIED FOR THE SINS OF MANKIND, IS SAVED. THIS EXPLAINS WHY WE ARE INDEBTED TO CHRIST. HE DIED FOR OUR SINS AND SO, IT IS INCUMBENT ON US TO TELL THE VERITABLE TRUTH AT ALL TIMES. This shows that we have tasted the love of Christ who died for our sake. Without Christ we would not have been saved. None could have saved himself. Therefore, we are indebted to Christ for leading us to salvation gratis. We all have been redeemed from sinfulness and falsehood which mark the kingdom of the devil and we are made righteous and true and this represents the kingdom of God. Recall what happened to Ananias and his wife Saphira for telling lies to the Apostles of God, Read Acts 5:1-10. Now the question is, was it not falsehood that killed Ananias and his wife, Saphira as stated in the text? That is exactly what happens in the world today. It is not uncommon to see the people of the world telling lies in order to implicate others and exonerate themselves. But my message to you is that you should always speak the truth because it is the only source of salvation. Read the



first lesson again.

FIRST BIBLE LESSON: EPHESIANS 4:25 "Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another." BROTHERHOOD IS TRUTH Beloved, have you now realized that the world does not love the truth, but Brotherhood has brought the truth into the world? So, stand firm by speaking the truth at all times. People complain that the world does not like Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. But I am telling you that the world likes Brotherhood but hates the truth in the fold. The world and the affairs of the world are founded on falsehood, hence, you see that while a particular government lasts in office, people will not complain of bad governance and embezzlement. But immediately such government is sacked, they would complain of its ills. The question is where were they during the tenure of that government? Here in Brotherhood, it is imperative that you tell the truth and keep all your promises. Always ensure that it is only the truth that proceeds out of your mouth. Recall that when the Jews and Pharisees planned to tempt Our Lord Jesus Christ, they brought before Him a woman who was caught in adultery. They asked Him what should be done to her, since He condemned stoning to death as a form of capital punishment for sinners, contrary to the laws of Moses. Christ immediately knew their thought and said to them: "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. (John 8:7).


Soon they all realized that they were sinners, hence nobody could first stone the woman. Then Christ lifted up his eyes and saw none but the woman left alone and He said to her, "Where are those thine accusers? She said, No man, Lord, And Our Lord Jesus Christ said to her, Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more." (John 8:11) But now, nobody accepts his faults nor see himself as a sinner. That is why if a woman whom you had committed adultery with is brought before you for judgment, as a judge, if you condemn her and the woman is not bold enough to say you were the one who had slept with her, it means you are covered with falsehood. Have you now realized how falsehood and sinfulness are at work in the world? THE TREE OF GOOD AND EVIL

The tree of good and evil, you may have read about in the Bible, is nothing but truth and falsehood. While the tree of good stands for Christ, the tree of evil represents Satan. Our Lord Jesus Christ was the embodiment of truth. That was why when He had audience with His disciples and someone approached Him and told Him that His mother and brethren were waiting for Him somewhere, He replied: "My mother and my brethren are those who hear the word of God, and do it." (Luke 8:21). Have you ever seen such truth in any part of this world? Who in the whole world understands the meaning of that statement? And who in the whole world is ready to speak such truth or practice it? Our Lord Jesus Christ is truth, hence everything He did was according to the directives of the Father. This was why Simon asked Him to show them the Father, and He replied thus: "Have I


been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father; Believest thou not that I am in the Father and in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the work. Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake." (John 14:9-11). You should always bear in mind that when you came into this world, you did not have even teeth, not to talk about things like land, money, children, houses, land, money, clothes, etc. But is it true that you can rely on these things? Did you come into world with any of these things? God is the sole owner of all things. So stop claiming ownership of any thing here on earth. Often, you pray God to bless you with a wife, husband, wisdom, money, children, houses, cars, and other earthly things. And after being blessed with these things you forget God completely and turn round to claim ownership. Are you a truthful person in this case? The word is God and it is God that speaks through you. Also, do not claim responsibility for anything. After all God does all things including speeches. And this goes to support the statement of Christ thus: "I can of my own self do nothing: as I hear I judge: and my judgment is just because I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father which hath sent me. (John 5:30). Do not ever claim to have done anything. Both the word you utter and the things you claim to do are from God. You are a mere channel through which these things are made possible. If you lay claim to these things, it an act of falsehood. You should tell the truth at all times so that all your affairs may be directed by God. WE ARE THE PRODUCTS OF GOD

We are God's husbandry, God uses man to carry out His divine duties. Thus man cannot live without the assistance of God. If in the past people were ignorant of the right thing, they should amend their ways and ensure that the truth is told at all times, for the owner of the vineyard is truthful. Many people often claim to see ghost, mermaid, witches, wizards, juju, and other vain things, against the teachings of God. Many also erroneously attribute the blessing God has bestowed on them to juju, witch doctors, or soothsayers. But is it true that the blessing is from any of these things you trust in? Is your action not a denial of God's presence? You should recall Pilate's question to Christ during His trial. Pilate asked Him thus: "Speakest thou not unto me? Knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and I have power to release thee? Jesus answered and said to him, "Thou couldest have no power at all against me except it were given thee from above." (John 19:10-11). Right now, do not attribute death, birth, prosperity, poverty, failure, success, or anything that happens in the world to man, ghost, mermaid, witches, or juju. You attribute your plight to evil forces because you are deeply in love with falsehood. To you God has no role to play in your life. Note that it is falsehood that has made you to glorify these things that do not exist. Take note of this gospel for it is out of great love that the Father is pleased to impart it to you today. Read the Second Bible Lesson again.



SECOND BIBLE LESSON: COLOSSIANS 3:9 "Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put

off the old man with his deeds." FLEE FROM FALSEHOOD The biblical snake you may have heard of is nothing but falsehood. The snake is the most crafty and deceitful animal. Craftiness and deceit are the marks of the old man, which according to the second lesson, was removed. So, make sure that at all times, you speak the truth for the truth shall set you free. The only acceptable order in this kingdom is speaking the truth at all times, not minding the situation you find yourself in. No matter the number of churches in a particular street, they are of no use because they operate under the influence of falsehood and ungodliness. The only place you can witness truth is in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. There is absolutely no truth in all the churches of the world. No matter their high sounding names, none is directed by the truth. It was because of this same hypocritical attitude that Our Lord Jesus Christ said, "The people of the world worship me with their lips but their hearts are far from me."(Mark 7:6) It is for this reason that you see many people on the street shouting the name of Jesus whereas their hearts are far away from Christ. Even while they continue to shout on this same name of Jesus, they kill, maim and plan all sorts of evil against their fellow men. There is none who may be rightly called a man of God. Some of you in this kingdom should count yourselves lucky because when you got baptized into the fold, you had not gone far into the ways of the world. And this is why I always say that you are the luckiest people. THE WORLD IS BLIND The people of this world are ignorant. This is why


they continue to uphold the traditions of their forefathers. They sacrifice to idols and observe other rituals. Right from today, you are charged not to live in falsehood. Do not tell lies to your fellow man. Make sure you put off the image of the old man with his deceits. Always speak the truth. During the ministry work of Our Lord Jesus Christ, He openly declared that He was not the doer of anything but the Father; that on His own He could do nothing at all. He was merely carrying out the Father's directives. And always, He would testify that He was sent by the Father. And I have been telling you that I do not exist but Jehovah God and His Christ. It is the Father who is at work. I cannot speak, because I do not have anything to say of my own. Jehovah God with His Christ are responsible for all things. He is truth, life, peace, and everything good. He bears witness of His glory. THE KINGDOM OF GOD This kingdom is not from this world, it is neither from the sun nor from the moon but directly from heaven. When you claim to be among those who started brotherhood, then I will ask you when you started your own Brotherhood, because this kingdom is the fulfillment of the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar as interpreted by Daniel. That in the days of those kings God will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor shall its sovereignty be surrendered to another race. That it shall break into pieces all other kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall reign forever. So beloved, this is that kingdom. It is not the kingdom of the world, Africa, Europe, America, or any particular race. So the whole world and fullness thereof belong to God.


HIS OTHER SHEEP And He has said that He has other sheep, which are not of this fold. That He will bring them into the fold and they shall hear his voice for there shall be one flock under one shepherd. No matter the circumstances under which you find yourself, do not fail to speak the truth. Always stand firm in truth. If somebody persuades you to take an oath, do not take it for it is satanic. In the same way, if you are told to take an oath from the bible, do not accept it for it is a great sin in the sight of God. It is a known fact that any person who is initiated into any secret cult would be asked to take an oath of allegiance so that he would not reveal the secret of the society. But if the person eventually reveals this secret, he is killed immediately. This will prove to you that anything that has to do with an oath taking is satanic. If you learn to speak the truth at all times, you will not be subjected to any sin. But any person that takes an oath over a certain act must surely repeat such an act, because it is the work of Satan. So, do not swear at all; neither by heaven: for it is God's throne, nor by the earth for it is His footstool. But let your communication be yes or no (Matt 5:34-37). This is the kingdom of God which does not require falsehood, taking of oath, craftiness, cunning behavior, or stealing. WHENEVER YOU COMMIT SIN, GO ON YOUR BENDED KNEES, AND PRAY FOR FORGIVENESS. ONCE YOU CONFESS YOUR SINS, YOU WILL BE FORGIVEN. If you fail to speak the truth at any given time, you are led by the devil. One of our spiritual choruses has it said loud and clear that: "Truth remains firm, He is at work, we have seen Him in this generation, and He is Olumba Olumba Obu." Whatever you embark upon,

without practicing the truth, is null and void. Anything outside the truth is not required here. So let truthfulness be your watchword, for this gospel has become the judgment to the whole world. Whoever fails to practice this truth, stands condemned. If you receive this gospel and practice it, you would be free from problems. So let it be known to you that at any point in time you commit sin, whether it is stealing, or telling of lies, you are perished except you repent. The scripture has warned us not to swear at all, neither by heaven for it is God's throne, nor by the earth, for it is His footstool; neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great king. Therefore it means that at any time you raise up your hand to swear, you have committed a deadly crime. So you are enjoined to flee from such practices. Oath taking has become the order of the day because even the government and armed robbers administer oath to their members. And whoever fails to live according to the terms of the oath suffers a consequence. So beloved, do not have anything to do with oath for it is of the devil. But always let your yes be yes and your no be no. Anything short of this is from the devil. And I know that this gospel is directly from God, and it will dwell richly in you. Take this message to the outside world. Let our golden text be read again.



GOLDEN TEXT: MATTHEW 5:34-37 "But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great king. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.

But let your communication be Yea, yea; Nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." DO NOT TAKE AN OATH: Once oath taking stops, there will be peace in the whole world. The problem emanates from this very act. So brethren, at all times try to avoid oath taking but say the truth . Falsehood is the source of all forms of sin. It leads to the death of innocent people. So right from this moment learn to speak the truth. Now when you swear by your head, can you create a strand of hair? Can you make your hair black or white? So you are told to let your communication be either yes or no; for anything short of this is evil. The reigning king in this era is Truth, and His word is true. For in truth He judges and makes war. Have you ever seen or heard of Christ giving an oath to anyone? Brotherhood is truth and so we do not swear by the Bible or anything else. We do not consult oracle, tell lies, or indulge in any sinful acts. And its foundation at all times is on truthfulness. So beloved, it is said that a stroke of the cane is sufficient for the wise. Let he who has ears to hear, hear. May the Father bless His Holy Words. Amen! THANK YOU FATHER.

ABORTION IS MURDER FIRST BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 5:18 "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."

SECOND BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 26:52 "Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword in his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." GOLDEN TEXT: JAMES 2:11 "For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law." Brethren, it is not so easy to undertake the work of God if you are unable to fast and pray. Even if you dance and



sing all day long; if you do not know how to pray, and you do not know how to fast, you cannot do the work of God. This is not the theme of our lesson which I want to reveal to you today. THOU SHALT NOT KILL It is to bring to your knowledge that all the law and prophets handed down to us stand forever though the world may pass away. For this reason you should not be misled by the fact that as long as Christ had shed His blood for the remission of sins that you have got a guarantee to commit any type of vice and you should know that if you steal, you have transgressed, and stand for judgement. He said," Do not kill." If you kill on grounds that Christ had shed His blood for us, you are guilty of a serious offence. This applies to any form of killing, be it done with a matchet, gun, or even with a stick, by strangulation, starvation, drowning, tying a person to a stake or tree in the bush until he gives up and dies; committing abortion or abetting in the act, simply because the woman involved is in school. Both of you commit the same offence and you both suffer equal penalty. You who, with an unwanted pregnancy, go in for D&C, commit the same offence as the one who kills with a gun or matchet. Should you consult a medical doctor to terminate your pregnancy by means of an injection, you and your doctor are murderers. Should any person prescribe tablets to be taken in order to put an end to the foetus in your womb, you and the person making the prescription commit the same offence as the one who kills by strangulation. Should a native doctor give you any compound by means of enema in order to abort, your punishment is as heavy as

that of a murderer, regardless of any excuses. Even if prayers are offered to you by a prophet in order to abort, both of you suffer, and you both stand before judgement. This is the means whereby every person has to save himself or herself. Maybe you do not want to use any of the aforementioned means to terminate a young embryo, and so you take to dry fasting. Because God knows your intention, if after days of dry fasting, the unwanted pregnancy is miscarried, you have committed abortion, and you are in the same shoe with those who use tablets, injections or kill by strangulation. Equally, if you steal another's belongings, you are of equal yoke with the person who aborts by means of D&C, dry fasting, or one who bludgeons any person to death, or the one who kills another person by poisoning. He who defiles the bed of another man, or any woman who is intimate with another woman's husband commits the same offence as that of the murderer and a thief. All those who look at the opposite sex with lust have incidentally offended in spirit. Therefore whatever punishment those ones may receive, you too will have to suffer the same. A liar suffers the same punishment with a murderer because he had inadvertently killed the person whom he deceived. There are many ways one can kill: one can kill by words or by the way one looks at someone. Those found guilty of such offenses suffer equal penalty with those that kill by gun or by abortion. By this you ought to understand that there are many ways to kill a rat. A rat could be killed by pouring hot water into the rat's hole or by thrusting a long iron rod into the hole, and the rat could also be killed with a stick. This is applicable to committing the sin of killing, by which any means can be applied.



It is indeed a pity that you never attained the knowledge of these things .Did Moses not say that he who kills must be killed? Our Lord Jesus Christ on the other hand said that he who is angry with brother is a murderer. When you are angry with your brother, you commit the same offence with the person who kills by poisoning, macheting and abortion, and you consequently suffer the same punishment. He who abuses another person kills with words, that person who pronounces woe on you and your father, calls you insane, is equally committing murder. The person suffers the same punishment with those who kill by committing abortion through different means or with a gun or by poisoning, since all these methods point to the termination of life. You might, out of frustration, commit suicide. Your punishment is equal with a murderer because you are one. Brethren, know that none of the law and the prophets shall pass away unfulfilled. It was because of this that Christ said,"Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."(Matt 5:18) A great many of you give thanks to God for not committing the sin of murder. But may I ask such people if they have never told lies. You may claim that you have never killed. But have you not stolen another person's property; have you not committed adultery and fornication; have you not indulged in concoction, have you not committed, or aided and abetted in abortion? All you have to understand about God's commandments is that they are interwoven in such a way that if you offend in any of them, you have to suffer the penalty which is death. If you tell lies, you kill, you commit abortion, you are angry, you have to die.

THE INTERWOVEN NATURE OF THE COMMANDMENTS He that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. He who told you not to kill, did He tell you not to tell lies? He who said that you should not tell lies, did He not tell you to honor your father and mother, did He tell you not to fornicate, not to bear false witness against your neighbor, as well as not to have another God beside Him? Is He not the one who tells you not to take the name of God in vain? I cannot understand why you do not conceive the intriguing case about the Commandments of God that once you offend in one you offend in all and death awaits you as the penalty. For instance, the motive behind any war is to destroy life. Hence, no matter how brave a soldier is, even if he returns home with wealth of any kind but fails to present his commander with a man's head, he deserves neither honor nor praise. It does not mean that everybody murders, kills with guns and matchet, strangulates, commits abortion, tells lies, steals, commits adultery and fornication. But the fact is that the violation of one of these commandments brings untold hardship, diverse afflictions. They will not be saved by lifting up their two palms to the sky, and calling on God as a witness that they have committed no serious offence like murder and stealing, with the exception of telling minor lies, being intimate with young girls and indulging in self defense concoctions. But I am telling you that you have offended in all the laws because the so-called minor or minimal sins are equivalent to killing by gun and poisoning. For this reason, you have to suffer to the extent others suffer. You must be punished for they are all the same thing.



After all you have heard that,"Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Yes, it is so, for none of the law and the prophets shall pass away, until they are fulfilled and judgement is executed. This is a mystery revealed. THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH It is often said that a thief or any offender should not be killed nor ill-treated. But you receive this with mixed feelings because you feel that once offenders are set free, they would feel encouraged to sin and would go home rejoicing. That is a fallacy because any person who commits an offence is already a dead person. All the Commandments served as instruments of judgement- "Do not steal. Do not commit adultery. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor. Have no other gods but me," to mention but a few. Should you offend in one, you stand judgement. That is all. The law as it is for the period of one hundred thousand years will execute its duty, and this continues forever. The law and the prophets will exist until when sin will no longer exist. He who commits sin is under the law. Some lament since they remain in suffering and anguish after feast celebration and fasting. This is so because you had already plunged yourself into sins, and it is too late to get rid of them. Some people are of the opinion that after indulging in sin, they will confess their sins; but I tell you that it is too late because once you sin, you must be punished. After you have committed adultery you make a confession. It is equally too late to escape the punishment, and this is why we have tribulations in the world. If Our Lord Jesus Christ did not come to reveal all these things, then die and shed His precious blood on Calvary Tree, you would have some excuse to commit sin. But on

the Cross He said,"It is finished." This means that we must love one another, because it is for this cause He shed His blood, and then resurrected, yet the entire world continues to live in sin. Have they any excuse on judgement day? All those who do good are not under the law because the law has no power over them, and as such they are free. It was for this reason that Our Lord Jesus Christ said,"A new law I give unto you, that ye love one another as I have loved you."



SIN IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH RIGHTEOUSNESS Whoever abstains from all sins is absolutely free from the law, and such a person is under grace. Our Lord Jesus Christ told the multitude that they should not think that He had anything against them. That Moses who was their father and whom they profess to know will pass judgement unto them. He assured them that Moses bore witness about Him for if they had believed in Moses they could have believed in Him (John 5:46). Therefore Brethren, the doctrine of Moses brought judgement to all those who violate the law. The teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ brings grace and salvation to humanity. That is why He teaches us not to commit sin, that we should love one another. Whosoever practises love is not under the law because he is justified. Disseminate this gospel to the whole world. God commanded saying that you should not drink nor offer drinks to others. If you do not drink but you offer drinks to people you have committed an offence. Should you give drinks to others, you suffer from the same punishment as those who kill by matchet or gun, by lies, fornication and adultery, and by words. I want to make all of you understand that once you break

any law, you have broken all the commandments. All the people who suffer and die do so because of the sins they have committed. You have heard when the scripture says that you should not worship idols as some of them did and died in thousands in one day. Let us not commit adultery as some committed adultery and died 23,000 in one day. It further says that we should not tempt the Lord, as some of them did and they were destroyed by the serpent. The wages of sin is death. It said that we should not murmur against God as some of them did and were destroyed by the destroyer (1 Cor 10:7-10). Do all these not prove to you that He who says that you should not commit adultery is the same person who says that you should not steal. If you do not commit adultery but you steal, you have violated the law. The law says honor your father and mother, "anybody that speaks evil of his father and mother let him die the death."(Mark 7:10) Alright, if you do not steal, you do not commit adultery but you speak evil words against your father and mother, you must die because you are a law offender. Brethren, if you practise the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ, by loving one another, you would no longer be under the law. The law will have no power over the person who practises the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ because he will not steal, hate fornicate, gossip, abuse, bully, commit abortion, and he will consequently be free from the law. When you deceive, on the strength that our Lord Jesus Christ died and shed His blood for the remission of sins, you fornicate, live a lawless life, you are dead. Brethren, this is why you suffer diverse problems, tribulation, death and anguish in the world; besides since you are under law, you continue to sin. Let our first lesson be read.


First Bible Lesson: Matthew 5:18 “For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." When you say that Our Lord Jesus Christ destroyed all the laws and the prophets, I want you to prove in the scriptures where He destroyed all the laws. Was Our Lord Jesus Christ a fornicator or did he die so that you might commit abortion? Many people claim that they have never committed murder, but that they have only committed abortion three times. I am asking to know if a person who commits abortion has not committed murder? AIDING AND ABETTING EVIL This revelation is for both the whites and the blacks that whoever prevents pregnancy in any of its ramifications, commits murder, and has to die. Whoever kills by the sword, must also perish by the sword, therefore if you kill by abortion, you must also die by abortion. Brethren this case of abortion is so lightly conceived hence so many girls confess they committed abortion while they were at school. I am assuring you that all of you who commit sin and other vices are before the judgement seat of God. Whoever abets abortion is a number one murderer, because they are like those hiring people to wage war on their behalf monthly. These have to import, and call to aid, the hired people in their operation. In this case the importers, the exporters and those engaged in the war are all murderers, they have to suffer equal penalty. All the native and medical doctors who give out drugs and contraceptives for abortion are


equally murderers. They all must be killed. Do you know the mission of the child in the womb that you have killed by abortion? Were it to be that your mother committed abortion, how would you have been in existence? If the mother of John the Baptist aborted, who would have preached repentance? If Mary committed an abortion, how could salvation have come to us; who would have been a friend of sinners? Why are you afraid to kill with a gun and a matchet but you delight in committing abortion? ONE MAN ONE WIFE Many allege that they do not commit adultery but they are married to so many wives. Do you know that the first woman is the wife approved by God for you? With all the others your affairs with them is adulterous. God has said that we should not commit adultery. Those who marry more than one wife have committed an offence. Thus if you fall into the group of polygamist you have offended in all the commandments. Again the law says that if you marry one and she divorces you, stay as unmarried and if you marry another wife you have committed adultery. If both of them feel like coming together then they should reconcile or remarry. If you leave your former partner to marry a new one, you commit adultery and you are condemned. A woman is free to marry another man if the husband died so also the man, if his wife has died. Both must behave as children of God. Brethren, once you are married there is no separation or divorce. If conditions make it impossible for either the wife or the husband to continue with their marriage, then so long as the wife or husband lives, they must not marry another person otherwise they commit adultery. If either


the man or the woman has a desire for intimacy, both of them must reconcile and come together again. That is why Our Lord Jesus Christ, commenting on the statement that whoever shall put away his wife,saving for the cause of fornication causeth her to commit adultery and whoever shall marry her that is divorced commits adultery. In order that you may practise the instructions of God, you must live up to the commandments that says do not commit adultery. Some people marry twenty wives yet pretend that they have never committed adultery, but I tell you that you have committed adultery with nineteen women. Those who marry two wives commit adultery with their second wives. Brethren, sickness and all afflictions come to us because we break the commandments of God. You may, out of ignorance, say that such a commandment is no longer in existence, but I tell you that all the commandments of God must surely come to pass even though you do not perceive it. The law of Moses is the judgement of the whole world. Therefore, it is very necessary for us to follow after the law of Christ in order to have life. Brethren it is my duty to reveal to you openly that God does not destroy any of the laws He has given. CHRIST CAME TO CONFIRM THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS Christ is the Son of man, Son of God and God Himself. He spoke out Himself saying,"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass one jot or title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." If somebody advises you to marry as many wives as you like, commit abortion as often as you can, that Jesus by His death on the cross


had abrogated such a commandment, that person leads you into eternal destruction. The person who encourages you to fornicate, commit adultery or abortion will suffer as a murderer. Go and preach to the whole world that they should not commit murder, in whatever form, for all result in human killing. There are some women who do not want to be pregnant and therefore when they become intimate with a man they would not allow the blood to pass into them. They have committed murder. Some women have some contraceptives which they take after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy. They have also committed murder. Such people must also face the judgement of God. Many women do not love a particular man but they are attracted by his money. And so once she becomes intimate with the man she will take some contraceptives to prevent pregnancy, such women have also committed murder. I would like to reveal to you the wrath of God upon people who commit all these vices. Some men become intimate with women but do not want their blood to pass into them, such men have also committed murder. They are going straight to hell. MURDER IN DIVERSITY You all remember what happened to Judah and his children. The first son of Judah had a wife and he died and left her behind without an issue. Their father advised the second son to have affairs with his brother's wife in order to breed children into the family. I want to reveal to you the many ways of committing murder, I do not even talk of abortion. The second son felt that he should not allow his blood to pass into his brother's wife. For that reason he died on the spot because

he committed murder, because God has commanded saying,"Go ye and multiply," but he did not want the multiplication to continue. If the second son of Judah who had affairs with his brother's wife, and refused to allow his blood to pass into her died, what do you think will happen to a woman who is one or two months pregnant and then goes to abort. What will be her reward? It is certainly death. You who claim that you have never committed abortion, have you never wasted your blood on the ground to avoid pregnancy? Sometimes you say that you are a school girl or that you do not want a child, but you go to procure a contraceptive device for yourself. The blood you stored and later destroy makes you commit murder. Brethren, this is not the gospel you should laugh at but rather you should be weeping. Mourn, for this brings untold suffering to humanity. Some girls or women go to a juju priest for charms and concoctions to prevent pregnancy; they have all committed murder. If Our Lord Jesus Christ wanted to pass through the womb of a woman and come into this plane of manifest, all those who committed abortion or prevent pregnancies would have prevented Him. This is the time when priests, prophets, angels, and Saints of God pass through the wombs of women into the world, but you proceed to prevent them from coming to accomplish their assignment. By the time you waited to pass through the womb into the world, if you have been prevented, would you have come? The scriptures say that, "Woe unto a man who is the cause whereby his brother or sister stumbles and falls." Some girls or women who want to further their education



go into the hospital for D&C so that they may be free to commit adultery and fornication as they like. This is murder and they will not live long enough to enjoy their education. Such women cannot stay by themselves as the Virgin Mary, they use D&C to prevent pregnancy. Note that your father, mother, friend or relation who advises you to go for D&C is a murderer. Any judge who passes death sentence on any human being, no matter the nature of his offence is also a murderer. Anybody who kills must be killed. Why should you kill? Are you the one who created that person that you condemned to death? All the executioners are murderers. What are the causes of afflictions and tribulations in the world? It is because we are all sinners. There is no witch, juju, or demon. Brethren, I have no fellowship with vices which I have enumerated to you. In order to have eternal life, you are advised in your own interest not to involve yourself in any of these vices. Let the second lesson be read.

HE WHO COMMITS MURDER IS WORTHY OF DEATH Brethren, have you heard the text read out to you? Our Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest teacher. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the judge of the universe, of both the living and the dead, the good and the evil ones alike.

In order that Our Lord Jesus Christ may save Peter and you, He advised him to put his sword into his sheath, for all those who go with the sword perish by the sword. Why do you wage war against one another? Why do you hide in the bush to fire a gun at your brother or sister? Why do you poison food or drink for your neighbor? Why do you commit abortion or help to procure drugs for abortion? Do you know that both of you have committed murder, and you must be killed? Why is it that you do not intend to go into the family way but you have affairs with a man? Later you commit abortion, therefore you must die, there is no need for you to live. What does the word of God say, that men should desist from argument, annoyance, anger and raise their holy hand in prayers to God. Women should not plait their hair or put on costly garments and gold for all these do not amount to the worshiping of the true God. It continues that women should submit to their husbands and a woman should not exercise power over a man. They should remain in silence before a man. For man was first created before a woman. And apart from that it is not a man that the snake deceived but a woman. That law was adjusted finally when Paul said women shall be saved because of child bearing. If they will stay in peace and in love. Then the question is with a woman who commits abortion what shall God use in saving her? Similarly, to a man who says that he would not allow his blood to pass into the uterus of a woman in order to prevent pregnancy, what shall God use to save such a man? Brethren do you see how the whole world has gone astray because even in the advanced nations of the world, they do not regard abortion as evil in the eyes of God. The scriptures says that as for a man who enters into the path of iniquity, Jehovah God and His Christ will allow



Second Bible Lesson: Matthew 26:52 "Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place; for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword."

him since that path would lead him into destruction. The scriptures say Ethiopia shall rise, this is the kingdom of God, therefore we must practise the word of God. THE NEW TESTAMENT COMPLEMENTS THE OLD TESTAMENT When you come across a place where these evils abound, preach this gospel because it is the cause of tribulation in the world. Why do you decide to commit suicide, because by so doing, you have committed murder. When you shoot yourself and die, you have murdered, or when you take poison and die, you have also committed murder. Do you see, this is the reason why many people claim that there is no God, because if God existed, He would redeem you from problems. The reason is that they have broken all the laws of God, and as a result they suffer. Our Lord Jesus said, “Put your sword into its sheath for whoever kills must be killed.” People run to different hospitals, native doctors, pray and fast to solve their various problems. The question is, “Have you not committed murder either by abortion or in whatever way or form you used to prevent pregnancy?” If the whole world should pray together so that God would take away this commandment, He will never heed such prayers until every jot of it is fulfilled. I thank God because the old and new testaments are interwoven. The Old Testament stands for judgement, while the New Testament reveals only one God. Therefore Brethren, we must be very careful because if we were to examine ourselves, we would not be judged.(1 Cor 11:31). Have you examined yourself? The law says woe unto any man who makes his brethren stumble and fall. If you put a woman in the family way and you later


abandon her to suffer and because of such suffering, she commits abortion, you also share in the murder. Brethren if you examine the amount of blood that comes out of a woman during abortion then you cannot say I have never shed blood. Ninety-nine percent of people who commit abortion die on the spot with the child. Tell the whole world to abandon all the instruments for killing, whether drugs, contraceptives or nuclear weapons. REFRAIN FROM FORNICATION AND ADULTERY You are told to refrain from adultery and fornication because one sin breeds another. It is said,"But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage; neither can they die anymore, for they are equal unto the angels, and are the children of the resurrection." (Luke 20:34-36). Such human beings have not a tag of sin. Do you see why the children of resurrection cannot marry or give in marriage? All those who for the sake of the kingdom disassociate themselves from marriage and giving in marriage are free from the judgement of God. It is also said,"These are they which were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are they which follow the lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb." (Revelation 14:4). Why do you murder people with the words of your mouth? If you murder any person with your words, get it clear in your mind that you too will be murdered with the words of the mouth. If you murder someone with anger you should also expect same from another person. If you murder someone through abuses know that you will be murdered through abuses. If you also murder one through


poison, know that you will be poisoned to death. Let all those who commit abortion know that they would, without any cause find their stomachs protruding, and whatever they do to effect remedy, will turn out to be detrimental. It is said, "Thou shalt not kill; Thou shalt not covet, and if there be any other commandment it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law."(Romans 13:910). ALL SINS LEAD TO DEATH If you sin against anybody you have murdered that person. If you backbite, lie against and look on one with an evil eye, know that you have committed murder and the repercussion is death. The word of God had clearly said,"Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer, and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him." (1 John 3:15). You say you have not committed abortion or fired a gun at any person and I ask whether you have not hated any person? If you have hated, you have murdered, then, you should die, for death is the repercussion for those who hate. People ask why a person baptized into Brotherhood of the Cross and Star should die; and I ask, does that person practise the actual teachings of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star? Have you not heard that whoever takes up the sword shall die by it? Now have your people not carried swords, guns, clubs, and other implements of war? Have you not used the words of your mouth to kill, and have you not returned violence for violence? Now that you have given in to vices, know that you are already dead.


YOU SHOULD NOT COMMIT ABORTION Wealth, educational achievements, and power are not pre-requisites for entry into Brotherhood; but love and adherence to the instructions of God. For this reason Brotherhood should not commit abortion or carry the sword or gun, and should not hate. Brotherhood has nothing to do with anything sinful. Brotherhood dwells in love. DO NOT DRINK Brotherhood does not drink and does not give people drinks because all these sinful acts lead to death. You all have seen this light; if one gives drinks to another or if one drinks wine, that person has exposed himself to the danger of death. Because of this repercussion, Brotherhood should not fornicate, commit adultery and abortion. These perfect teachings are what Brotherhood has brought to both blacks and whites, and if they both can comply, it is good. But if not, let them continue in their evil acts, and as long as they continue in sins, so will sins multiply. Brethren, as I do not intend to take you further let us hear the Golden Text, and listen attentively, you deaf and blind.

Golden Text: James 2: 11 "For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law." Brethren have you heard that? There is no begging in this matter. But blessed are those who hear the gospel and


practise same. The Holy Spirit has come to redeem the entire world, it has not come to destroy the world. This was why Our Lord Jesus Christ told Peter when he drew his sword and smote off the ear of the servant of the High Priest,"Put up again thy sword into his place, for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." It is said, “Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."(2 Timothy 3:13). You are told not to think evil of another person because whatever evil you think of your neighbor, expect the same from another person. If one is made a commander, he will remain a commander, and if one kills by the sword, by the same sword shall such a person be slain. Many people are fond of saying that they do not worship men, but they only worship the real God. However, fortunately for Brotherhood members and unfortunately for these other people, God has created man to rule over all other creations of His, and now I ask, what shall these people do? Adam was a man whom God destined to rule over heaven and earth, humanity, fishes in the water, animals in the bushes and birds of the air. Since it was destined for man to rule, whether the earth and heaven passes away, man must rule over all the creations of God. MAN IS DESTINED TO RULE OVER OTHER CREATIONS Wherever you go to the Spirit talks to you. Man fears his fellow human being, not the Spirit. You always believe that people go to invoke the spirits of others and I ask, is it not a human being that invokes the spirit, calls snakes and instructs the thunder where to go? All these things happen by the instructions of man; and has this not shown you that it is man who is destined to rule God's creations? You


who say that you will not worship man, should get this clear in your mind that you are already perished. These set of people are very unfortunate. The Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the King ,Prime Minister, President are all men but other men pay obeisance to them, and yet they say they would not worship man. Brethren, have you seen how the foolishness of man is revealed? Have you seen why those people who resist the rulership of the ones placed at the head suffer? When you are subjected to a Governor, Permanent Secretary or Commissioner, you resist him because you say he is a human being like you, and when you are subjected to punishment you call on God. You should suffer since you do not want him to exercise his authority over you. Do you know that God has placed these people there to head these positions? Mermaid, juju, witches and wizards are men, and God has placed them in their positions to effect a purpose of His creations. HONOUR ALL MEN You complain that you are hated by the village head, and at your place of work, but this is so because you are one of those people who say you will never worship man. Since God had placed that person to be your head at the work place, he has authority over you and whenever you disobey him, and he endorses your record adversely, you abuse him, the abuse goes to you first for disobeying and not respecting him as your head. ANGELS SERVE UNDER MAN All angels are under the command of man, no matter the size of the angel. The angel Gabriel is under the command of man, and let this be clear to you that


angels are meant to serve, even if they have twenty heads. Even if you see rocks bearing twenty faces or trees with twenty heads, do not be moved for it is man who is to use them as he likes, but let man stay in his foolishness and say that he will not worship a man of his own caliber. You can now see that the promise of God is true forever, and since God has destined man to rule His creations, it must be so forever, in spite of the sinfulness of man. Since God had also instructed that man should not commit murder, it must remain so and if you commit murder, there will be no forgiveness, for you must pay the price by being murdered too. If humanity had known God and His laws, they would not have murdered with swords, guns, drugs, evil utterances and through abortion also. Of the ten commandments, six of them belong to man and four belong to God. Honour your father and mother; and I ask, who is thy mother and father? Is it not man who is thy father and mother? Do not steal? Is it not said also that you must not cause one's depression? For if you cause one a depression you have murdered him. Do not commit adultery with another person's wife or husband, and if anyone commits this act, he or she has committed murder. Do not bear false witness, and if you say that one has severed another's head when he only got annoyed with his fellow man, you have committed murder. Do not covet, and if you kill your neighbour's goat, you have exposed yourself to sickness, the judgement of God. You will now see that wherever you go to, man remains the head, even in the thick forest and in the waters. But man continues to be treacherous to his fellow man, by saying he will send snakes, thunder and other things to kill his fellow man? Are they not men like you? They are your

fellow men. Man is a mermaid, juju, thunder and you still say that you do not value man. Now how do you come by life since you are a murderer and a transgressor of the law?



THE WORD OF GOD STANDS FOREVER You can now see that heaven and earth will pass away but not one jot of the laws and the prophets will pass away until all are fulfilled. Those who have no knowledge of the law will die if they offend the law and also those who know the law and do not abide by it, that same law shall be used in judging them. If you are a driver and you drive wrongly through a one way street, and when you are caught, you plead ignorance as your excuse ,that does not save you. IGNORANCE IS NO PLEA IN THE COURT OF JUSTICE Since you have offended the law, you are liable to the stipulated fine. That fine will teach you a lesson. It is good for humanity to observe implicitly the commandments of God. You should not under-rate any of God's commandments. As long as you live, He lives also, and His commandments also will continue to effect their duties. You will be devoid of problems if you observe the ten commandments of God. As I do not intend to be tedious unto you, one stroke of the cane is enough for the wise. Let those who have ears to hear, hear the word of God; and let God bless His Holy word. Amen. THANK YOU FATHER.

GOLDEN TEXT: EPHESIANS 4:30 “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.”




GOD IS SPIRIT: This gospel is a clarion call for mankind to sit up. Because this period is the era of the Holy Spirit, the era of God, you should put an end to unhealthy conversation. The problem facing the whole world emanates from the fact that man despises the Holy Spirit. The world is currently witnessing a spiritual warfare, (The Armageddon War). Whoever lacks the Holy Spirit is dead. God is a Spirit and Christ is Spirit. The Holy Spirit is now present on earth. What then is the reason why people of the world claim that God has not yet come? This knowledge of God as a Spirit eludes the world. This is the Era of the Reign of the Holy Spirit, and so let us all keep silent before Him. If you did not know how to control your tongue, it is high time you got to


know it, else it will force you into condemnation. Do not offend the Holy Spirit. You should always strive to please the Holy Spirit and work according to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. This promise of the Holy Spirit which was made by God to Abraham for the last days, has come to perfect manifestation in our time. This is the end of time, and the only reigning force is the Holy Spirit Himself. The reign of the Holy Spirit has no beginning nor an end. As a matter of fact, any one who has not received baptism has killed the Holy Spirit in him. Anyone who is not baptized has annoyed the Holy Spirit. Anyone who drinks has killed the Holy Spirit. A fornicator, murderer, a railer, an idolator, a slanderer, etc. all other evil doers have murdered the Holy Spirit in them. If you take medication, you have killed the Holy Spirit. By engaging in fighting, quarreling, and causing other forms of disorderliness you have killed the Spirit. And whosoever speaks ill against God has killed the Spirit. Recall the visit of Brother Paul to the Ephesians. He preached the word of God to them in the Synagogue for onwards of three months, yet he could not accomplish any remarkable task because the people hardened their hearts. They did not believe God but they rather spoke ill about the ways of God. Paul on realizing this, departed from them and went to the other parts of Asia where he was able to do more miraculous works. ( Acts 19:8-11). People claim that there is no more power of God in the world now. It is not possible for anyone who does not believe in the existence of the Holy Spirit to behold the power of God. Man engages in fighting, gossiping, cursing, hating and engaging in all kinds of evil practices. These unwholesome acts cannot portray you to be a believer of the Holy Spirit. This gospel serves as a last

warning to mankind that no one should kill the Holy Spirit. I charge you to spread this information to all the people of the world that they should desist from all forms of sinfulness. This is because sinfulness amounts to killing the Holy Spirit. Fornicators, idolators, railers, dupes, etc. have all killed the Holy Spirit. The lovers of food who worship food as God are not left out of this pathetic act of killing the Holy Spirit This set of people would do anything to have food. In this sense they see food as their god (Philippians 3:19). This accounts for the reason why fasting was introduced into the world system, among other doctrines. If you abide by these set of rules, and you do so sincerely too, the Spirit will not be bothered. He will be allowed to operate freely and to reign and rule accordingly.



THE ARMAGEDDON WAR: If you want the Spirit revitalized in you: YOU SHOULD FAST, CONFESS YOUR SINS AND REFRAIN FROM SIN, AND ALSO YOU SHOULD PRAY FERVENTLY. By doing these things you will surely witness great changes in your life, and above all things, everything will return to normal in your life. This is the process whereby many people are endowed with the Holy Spirit which indwells them. They later kill the Holy Spirit through medication and other vices. It is not surprising to hear somebody confess that he once had the Holy Spirit. If you ask the person where the Holy Spirit in him is, he will have nothing to show for it because he has killed it through unwholesome acts. In thinking about the material things of this life, you have killed the Holy Spirit. Remember that if you kill the Spirit in you, you are done for, and you have perished for that matter. This is the

Armageddon War and without the Spirit, you cannot fight or engage in it and be successful. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT IN YOU, IT MEANS YOU DO NOT HAVE A SHIELD. AT THIS STAGE YOU ARE NAKED AND YOU ARE PRONE TO PROBLEMS. AND IF YOU REALIZE THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT, THEN YOU MUST SEEK FOR HIM. IF THE HOLY SPIRIT DEPARTS FROM YOU, YOU NEED TO DILIGENTLY SEARCH FOR HIM, AND SEARCH FOR HIM WITH PENITENCE OR YOU CANNOT HAVE HIM RETURN TO YOU. Some people claim that they are children of God without knowing the implication of such claims. The question is what makes one a child of God when one does not have the Holy Spirit? A person is dead without the Holy Spirit.

himself/herself. And anyone who does not have the Holy Spirit is a wanted person, and is also a dead person. And anyone who says there is no Holy Spirit in existence, you should know that the person is dead. And such a statement in itself amounts to killing the Holy Spirit. No matter how healthy one is physically, if he does not have the Holy Spirit he is a dead person. Educational attainment and earthly positions are no guarantees to life. Without the Holy Spirit, you are dead.

THE ONLY SOURCE OF LIFE: The gift of God is the Holy Spirit. But unfortunately, this has eluded the entire world. The so called big men of the world, the presidents, the governors, the Royal Highness etc. have killed the Holy Spirit as a result of their actions, thoughts, and words. The world does not want the Holy Spirit, yet it is the only source of life. For one to have life, one has to revitalize the Holy Spirit in him. This process is done through fasting, prayer, confession of sins and completely refraining from all manners of sin. In addition to this, one has to surrender oneself completely to God. One's religious belief and church do not mean anything and cannot fetch one salvation. The most important thing is the Holy Spirit. The most important question is, do you have the Holy Spirit? This is the question which everyone should ask

THE GIFT OF GOD: I am sounding this note of warning, and emphatically too, to all the creations of God, that you should not kill the Holy Spirit. You should let all your acquaintances know about this important message so that they may not feign ignorance of it. The gift of God is the Holy Spirit. It is very vital to human existence. This explains why Peter told his audience thus: REPENT, AND BE BAPTIZED EVERYONE OF YOU, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS AND YE SHALL RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST.(Acts 2:28). You have nothing to preach to any person who is in the flesh. The flesh is empty and is a dead object. Where there is no Spirit, life is completely absent. The Spirit is life. Anytime the Spirit enters into a dead person, it comes back to life. This accounts for the reason why the Holy Spirit is referred to as the life of the children of God. We should not boast of anything else. As the children of God, we should only boast of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the sole provider of all needs, and as such, we do not lack anything. There is a spiritual song in this fold which goes thus:



THE GREAT COMMANDER, THOU CREATED MAN, GIVE ME A BOOT WITH WHICH TO MARCH THE EARTH AND ALL THAT CREEPS THERE UPON. What does the boot referred to in this spiritual song mean? It is the Holy Spirit. You have the right and power to challenge the entire world without fear of defeat. The Holy Spirit is the most sophisticated weapon of war. There is also another spiritual song: THE GREATEST DOCTOR, LORD, DO NOT HESITATE TO COME TO US. The greatest doctor here is the Holy Spirit. Once He is with you, all evil powers will bow down, and nothing can challenge Him. It is as a result of the fact that we do not possess the Holy Spirit, that we keep on indulging in stealing, eating of animal flesh, falsehood, and other vices. If we were to have the Holy Spirit, we would have been free of vices and we would have been free of sins. Believing in the existence of ghosts, witches, foes, juju, etc. and our not having faith in God accounts for the reason why we do not have the Holy Spirit. Read our first lesson again.

RESIST NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT: Those who are of the flesh are really to be pitied, because such people have no life, and as such, they can neither speak, nor hear, nor see. The scripture has enjoined us that flesh and blood can never inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 15:50). Since the people of the world

are controlled by the flesh, they do not know where the abode of God is. That is why it is not uncommon to hear people professing that God is on the mountain, in the sky, in the forest, and other useless places. Those who claim they cannot abide by the desires of the Holy Spirit and so they decide to indulge in one sin or the other are not harming anyone else but themselves. This is because one indulges in sin, the Holy Spirit would depart from the one, leaving him empty. And once you are left empty, you are really in a pathetic situation. The Holy Spirit has come to lead us to the accurate knowledge of the truth. Therefore the flesh has nothing to offer here in the kingdom. We all should surrender ourselves to the directives of the Holy Spirit. We should make sure we do not contravene the directives of the Holy Spirit. You may recall that when Our Lord Jesus Christ was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, He did not contravene the orders of the Holy Spirit. Consequently, if the Holy Spirit directs us to go into the fire, the sea, or the thick forest, we should not raise any objection to that effect. This is because the Holy Spirit knows best. In the same vein, when the Holy Spirit directed Paul to go to Jerusalem, Paul did not contravene that order, even though he was told in the vision that he would be imprisoned at Jerusalem (Acts 21:3-15). Do not be allowed to be led by the flesh, because if you do so, you are condemned. No matter how risky the directives given you by the Holy Spirit maybe, do not resist nor contravene, but rather act accordingly. No problems can befall you so long as you are led by the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit directs you now to go to Lagos, do not resist, and do not relent your efforts because of lack



FIRST BIBLE LESSON: 1 THESSALONIANS 5:19 Quench not the Spirit.

of transportation fare, but just move, because before you know it, you would be surprised to see yourself being conveyed to Lagos without any charge. This is not the era of the flesh but this is the era of the Holy Spirit. That is the reason why it is imperative that we abide by all His injunctions and directives at all times. The Holy Spirit is He who sends someone on an errand and also takes charge of accomplishing the task by Himself, thereby giving glory to Himself. It is the Holy Spirit who is directly taking dominion over each and everyone of us, because this is the time of the Holy Spirit. We cannot control ourselves any longer. To avoid trouble, heed the instructions of the Holy Spirit. Wear the type of dress that the Holy Spirit permits. Avoid what He detests and uphold that which the Holy Spirit likes. Hebrews 8:10-13 “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws in their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.” Sequel to the biblical excerpt above, the Lord has promised not to leave the house of Israel desolate. In the same vein, the Holy Spirit does not leave us desolate, anyone who abides by the injunctions of the Holy Spirit is never left desolate. That is the reason why whenever the Holy Spirit indwells you, He rules over you and He goes

out no more, so long as you steadfastly abide by His injunctions. In such a situation you are bound to be free of problems and plights. But anyone who defies the injunctions of the Holy Spirit and engages in immoralities has himself to blame because the Holy Spirit will desert him, and he is bound to encounter a series of problems and plights in his life. This is the reason why one can prove beyond all reasonable doubts that those who suffer, lack the Holy Spirit, while those who enjoy, have Him.



PROVOKE NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT: It is said: “And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.” (Hebrews 12:5-6). From the excerpt above, we are made to understand that so long as God loves a person, He would make sure that He treats that person the way He (God), feels is good. Therefore it is pointless to flee from God's way because no matter where you are, He would come to you and treat you the way He feels is good. whenever you cry, lament, sigh and commit sin, you have provoked the Holy Spirit to anger. On this note you are therefore advised in your own interest to shun these things so that the Holy Spirit might not be provoked to anger. I am afraid of the Holy Spirit therefore you too should be afraid of Him. 1 Corinthians 11:31-32 has it that if we judge ourselves, God would not have judged us, for He chastises us so that we would not be condemned along with the world. Indeed you do have a spiritual song which has it

that the hands which I handle you with are very firm, for if I leave you, the foes would claim you. In the past days, God held our great grandfathers with a firm hand and, they did not have problems. But as soon as God left them, because of their disobedience, their problems then arose. Presently God is holding us firmly so that we may not perish. The way God handles us today is exactly how he handled David when he was found snatching a soldiers wife. The way God chastised David for the said wrong deed was so severe that He caused David's children to commit to incest, and this led to the killing of the boy who committed the incest with his half sister, Absalom's real sister. God has many ways of handling us. And to be handled in a good and well-mannered way, we need to abide by God's injunctions. For disobeying God, David's son, Absalom was caused by God to wage war against his father, David, in a bid to usurp his throne. All these were some of the punishment which God set aside for David for snatching a soldier's wife. The Holy Spirit is the Creator of heaven and earth, and as such, He has every right to deal with us accordingly. Therefore let us provoke him no more to anger. When we were in the flesh we were ignorant of this fact, but now that we are in the spirit, we have been made to know that it is disastrous to resist the Holy Spirit. Solomon had three hundred concubines and seven hundred wives, but there was a mermaid woman whom he was also interested in. Of course, he did this contrary to God's advice, and for refusing to take the directives of God, God punished him by rendering Babylon dormant till today. If you were not afraid of the Holy Spirit, you should do that now. Instead of fearing any man here on earth, you should

only fear God, the Holy Spirit, and do good at all times. Our Lord Jesus Christ was directed by God to go and liberate the lost sheep of Israel. That was the reason why when one woman saw Him and called for His aid for her sick child, Jesus the Christ replied that He was not sent for such a purpose, but to the houses of Israelites alone (Matthew 15 24-28/Mark 7:24-30). Our Lord Jesus Christ here knew what it entails to go contrary to the directives of the Holy Spirit. and He abided strictly by that. Having known the implications of disobeying the Holy Spirit, Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “I CAN OF MINE OWN SELF DO NOTHING: AS I HEAR I JUDGE: AND MY JUDGEMENT IS JUST: BECAUSE I SEEK NOT MINE OWN WILL BUT, THE WILL OF THE FATHER WHICH HATH SENT ME.”(John 5:30). Why not learn from Our Lord Jesus Christ? John the Baptist was assigned to baptize with water and to witness to whoever the Spirit would descend upon. The same will accomplish everything with the power of the Holy Spirit. Moreso, John was also commissioned to turn the hearts of the parents unto the children and the children to the parents. John held fast to his assignment, avoiding a detraction to worldly things. Our Lord Jesus Christ was specifically instructed to speak only in parables (Matt 13:34). Whether the disciples understood Christ or not, He continued to speak to the people according to what was assigned to Him. The problem which confronted Job was as a result of Jobs children. His children did not have the fear of God. Job fasted and prayed to God to change his children. They were worldly, drunk, atrocious and generally lawless. Whenever he fasted and prayed for his children, God would intercede. Prophet Eli also faced the same



problem, because his two children did not fear God. Prophet Eli did not chastise his children and as a result, God was not pleased with them. Whenever the Holy Spirit reveals anything to you, do not fail to say it out for the benefit of the others. I will not fail to reveal this truth to the world. This is because it is part of my assignment to do this. Let our Golden Text be read once again.


THE COMING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: I have not come as a preacher, pastor, visioner, prophet, angel, nor man, but I have come to practise the word of God. This is because there was none in the whole world who could practise the word of God. Whoever comes before me will surely witness the truth. It is said that the sight of a corpse forces tears out of the eyes of the mourner. Therefore once you see the corpse, you will surely shed tears. A preacher is not the doer of the word and the student is not a teacher. In the same vein, one who is a witness is not the actual person involved. But whoever puts into practice the word of Our Lord Jesus Christ, such a person is a teacher. Whatever name you like, you are free to call me, but the truth remains that I have come to practise the word of God to the letter. I do not come to seek for any worldly position at all because I know the whole world is empty. I do not come to the world in order to gain greetings and respect of anybody, rather I came to greet you. I HAVE COME TO EVANGELIZE THE WORLD THROUGH PRACTICAL EXAMPLES. IF I




GOLDEN TEXT: EPHESIANS 4:30 “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.”

THAT OTHERS MAY SEE THE LIGHT OF GOD IN YOU AND FOLLOW SUIT. I have no association with deceit, stealing, cunningness, fornication, murder, or any iota of sin. I IDENTIFY MYSELF WITH LOVE, PEACE, HUMILITY, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PATIENCE, JOY, HAPPINESS, TEMPERANCE, MEEKNESS, AND ALL OTHER GODLY VIRTUES. Whether you are black, white, woman, man, stranger or native, it is not my concern, and I do not regard you on the basis of what you regard yourself as. ALL I KNOW IS THAT WE ARE ALL ONE IN LOVE, I DO NOT ENJOIN YOU TO LOVE ME, BUT MY DUTY IS TO LOVE EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT CONSTITUTES PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY. YOU SHOULD AT ALL TIMES AVOID EVIL. YOU SHOULD PRACTISE WHAT I TEACH AND DO. DO NOT LOOK AT ANYBODY BUT ME. DO NOT LOOK AT AN ANGEL, A PASTOR, A DEACONESS, OR A STUDENT. LET YOUR ATTENTION BE FOCUSED ON LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU. All those who reject God's instructions, but continue to indulge in vices should be mindful of what is written in the scripture. See Ephesians 4:30 THE JUDGEMENT: All those who have fallen victims out of their refusal to adhere to God's instructions should blame themselves. The gospel you have heard is the judgement. If you move accordingly, you will be justified. That is the reason why Our Lord Jesus Christ said that if He did not come to dwell among you and do these great works, you would have got a defense, but since

He wrought the great miracles in your presence, you have no excuse. I HAVE NOT SENT ANYBODY TO REPRESENT ME IN TEACHING YOU WHAT IS DEMANDED OF YOU. BUT I HAVE COME BY MYSELF TO INSTRUCT YOU. It is for this reason that it is impossible for you to bribe me to stop preaching the word of God. I will rather choose to give you twenty million naira provided you allow me to continue preaching the word. If I should work at all times, why then do you sleep and become weary? Have you ever heard that Our Lord Jesus Christ, Peter, John, or any bishop donated any sum of money to their followers? What is the case here in this kingdom? In all functions, I do not fail to donate a substantial amount of money to grace the occasion, and I also preach to you. I provide you with the Holy Spirit, food, shelter, clothing, and I also sweep the floor for you. Have you ever witnessed or heard of such a person anywhere in the world? Have I not commanded you to go and do to others exactly what I do here? Have you done it? My assignment was to come and expose the nakedness of the whole world, and that, I have done. I am not the doer of this work, but the Holy Spirit. Therefore, you should stop grieving the Holy Spirit, but go and practice the word of God. It is iniquity that has brought problems to the whole world. People line up to salute the president or governor in a convoy of cars as a mark of honor. But now the situation is different. People are becoming more and more aware of the truth than before. The Holy Spirit has taught us much about equality of all peoples, irrespective of the office one occupies. All must co-exist in the love of one



another. The Holy Spirit governs with love, mercy, patience, truth, meekness, self-control, goodness and all virtues. He has nothing to do with frowning, arrogance, theft, killing, cheating, telling of lies, and all evils. Beloved, it is said that a stroke of the cane is sufficient for the wise. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen.

condemn anybody. You are further exhorted not to assassinate anybody’s character or become judgmental; for if you do, it will be counted for you as an act of unrighteousness. You are not God, and so must not judge at any level. All you are expected to do is to be peaceful, humble, and love one another. The era of holy wars and jihads happened because none could interpret the will of God then. Supreme Court judges, other judges, magistrates, presidents, governors, and chairmen of local areas should know that they have no right to judge or condemn anybody to death.

CLOSING STATEMENTS BY LEADER O. O. OBU Who is qualified to judge? It is only the Father and His Son who have the right to judge or suspend anybody. Judgement is meant for the Father and Son. It is part of my assignment to judge, rebuke, and reprove the governments and all the inhabitants of the world. In doing this, MY JUDGEMENT IS FINAL, and not subjected to the acceptance or disapproval of anybody or government throughout the world. God has not given anybody mandate to judge another person. He has not mandated anybody to condemn or punish another. He does not expect anybody to punish any man, irrespective of the offense. You are exhorted not to flog, abuse, castigate or



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