Jsp Custom Actions

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 3,055
  • Pages: 90
JSP Custom Tags Keyton Weissinger Key Focus, Inc. [email protected] 27 March 2001 O’Reilly Conference on Enterprise Java Santa Clara, CA

Agenda, Part I • • • • •

Tags? Actions? Huh? Tag Interface Tag Attributes Tags and Scripting Variables BREAK

JSP Custom Tags


Agenda, Part II • • • • • •

Body Tags Nested Tags Iterating Tags Tags and the JSP Container Packaging and Deployment Wrap-up and Q&A

JSP Custom Tags


Tags? Actions? Huh?

A brief introduction to custom tags.

JSP Custom Tags


Definitions • A “tag” is an XML element that can be used in a JSP to incorporate functionality without using scriptlet code. • An “action” is the task performed by the tag.

JSP Custom Tags


Definitions, cont. • A “tag handler” is basically a JavaBean that implements the Tag interface and has property setter methods corresponding to each tag attribute. The JSP container uses this class to process the tag. • A “tag library” or “taglib” is a collection of one or more custom tags. JSP Custom Tags


Tag Syntax A custom tag consists of a start tag with a taglib-identifying prefix (possibly containing attributes), a body (which can be empty) and an end tag: The body contents… JSP Custom Tags


Alternate Tag Syntax If a tag does not contain any body contents, it can be used like this:

JSP Custom Tags


The <%@taglib%> Directive Before using a tag library, you must inform the JSP container about the tag library using the <%@taglib%> directive before the first use of a tag: <%@ taglib uri="/logtags" prefix="log" %>

The taglib directive also allows you to specify a prefix to use with a given tag library in its use in your JSP. JSP Custom Tags


Tag Libraries • One or more tags can be packaged together as a “tag library.” • A tag library is described in a tag library descriptor (.TLD) file. • Tags from different libraries can be called from the same JSP, but each must be declared separately with its own <%@taglib%> directive and must be uniquely identified with its own prefix. JSP Custom Tags


What Can Tags Do? A custom tag can: • Know about its JSP environment. • Perform simple tasks. • Perform formatting or other customization of output. • Introduce variables usable from scriptlets later in the JSP. • Work together either as nested pairs or separately. JSP Custom Tags


Why Are Tags Important? • Simplification of complex tasks across multiple JSPs in a web application. • Complex code hiding. • Design tool incorporation. • Portable to any JSP container. • Incorporation of functionality into JSPs not using Java as the scripting language. JSP Custom Tags


Tag Interface

All tag handler classes must implement the Tag interface. JSP Custom Tags


Tag Interface

public interface Tag { void setPageContext(PageContext pc) void setParent(Tag t) Tag getParent() int doStartTag() throws JspException int doEndTag() throws JspException void release() } JSP Custom Tags


Tag Interface Constants The Tag interface also includes the following constants: public final static public final static EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE public final static public final static

int SKIP_BODY = 0; int = 1; int SKIP_PAGE = 5; int EVAL_PAGE = 6;

JSP Custom Tags


Return Values int doStartTag() • SKIP_BODY • EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE int doEndTag() • SKIP_PAGE • EVAL_PAGE

JSP Custom Tags


TagSupport Class Additions In addition to those methods in Tag, the TagSupport class also provides the following: public static final Tag findAncestorWithClass(Tag from, Class klass) public void setId(String id) public String getId() public void setValue(String k, Object o) public Object getValue(String k) public void removeValue(String k) public Enumeration getValues() JSP Custom Tags


Tag Library Descriptor Files • The JSP container generates code in the JSP implementation class for a tag according to information you set in the TLD. • The TLD is an XML document. • It contains a single element for each tag in the library.

JSP Custom Tags


TLD Elements The TLD has the following elements: • The element contains all the other elements in the TLD. • • <jspversion/> • <shortname/>

JSP Custom Tags


TLD Elements, cont. The element contains a element for each tag in the library. The possible sub-elements of are as follows: • JSP Custom Tags


TLD Example 1.0 <jspversion>1.1 <shortname>logtags Log4J Wrapper Tags initLog com.oreilly.jsp.taglibs.logtags.InitLogTag Logging system initialization tag. JSP Custom Tags 21

Example Background • Log4j is an open source project. • Allows developers to fully control logging of an application. • Fully runtime configurable. • Gentle learning curve. • See http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/

JSP Custom Tags


Example Background • A category is a named entity that categorizes a part of the logging space. • An appender is a logging output destination. • A layout is a formatter for output to an appender. • Priority is the minimum level of messages to be logged for a category. JSP Custom Tags


Example Background root category1 category2 category 3

JSP Custom Tags

appender1 appender2 appender3 appender4



Simple Tag Demo

JSP Custom Tags


Tag Attributes A tag can have zero or more attributes. Attribute values provide information to the tag’s tag handler class at execution time. JSP Custom Tags


Tag Attributes • Each attribute has a corresponding setXxxx() method. • Each attribute value included in the tag triggers a call to its corresponding setter. No particular order. • The setter called can be determined by capitalizing the first letter of the attribute name and adding the word “set” as a prefix. JSP Custom Tags


Tag Attribute Setters would call setMessage(String pMessage) with the String value “test msg”

JSP Custom Tags


Attribute Data Types • The signature of the attribute setter method in the tag handler class dictates the data type expected for that attribute.

JSP Custom Tags


Tag Attribute Setters would call setOverride(boolean pOverride) with the boolean value true.

JSP Custom Tags


Tag Attribute Value Conversion Property Type

Conversion Method

• boolean or Boolean

• Boolean.valueOf(String)

• byte or Byte

• Byte.valueOf(String)

• char or Character

• String.charAt(int)

• double or Double

• Double.valueOf(String)

• int or Integer

• Integer.valueOf(String)

• float or Float

• Float.valueOf(String)

• long or Long

• Long.valueOf(String) JSP Custom Tags


JSP Container Call Sequence The JSP container call sequence goes as follows: • Instantiates tag handler. • Calls setup methods (setPageContext(), etc). • Calls each setXxxx() method depending on each attribute’s presence in the tag. • Calls doStartTag(). • Calls doEndTag(). JSP Custom Tags


Call Sequence Diagram <%@ taglib …%> Body contents.

1-> setPriority() 2-> doStartTag() 3-> doEndTag()

JSP Custom Tags


Runtime Attribute Values Attribute values can be the result of a runtime expression: <% Collection roomsCol = new ArrayList(); %> Element There is an element in the TLD for each attribute for each tag: message <required>true true

JSP Custom Tags


Example Background root category1 category2 category 3

JSP Custom Tags

appender1 appender2 appender3 appender4


Example Background A log4j category’s “priority” setting specifies the “level” required for a message to be logged for a given category: • Debug • Info • Warn • Error JSP Custom Tags • Fatal


Example Background Each category has methods corresponding to the various priorities. You use the appropriate method to log a message of a given priority for the category of interest: • myCat.debug(“Here’s a message.”); • myCat.info(“Here’s a message.”); • myCat.warn(“Here’s a message.”); • myCat.error(“Here’s a message.”); • myCat.fatal(“Here’s a message.”); JSP Custom Tags



Tag Attribute Demo

JSP Custom Tags


Tags and Scripting Variables

Tags can introduce variables that can be used later in a JSP scriptlet or another custom tag. JSP Custom Tags


Tag-Introduced Scripting Variables This mechanism allows your tag to introduce a variable that you can use in scriptlets later in the JSP: <% myCat.debug(“Hello!”); %> JSP Custom Tags


Introduction of Scripting Variables To have your tag introduce a scripting variable, you must perform the following steps: • Somewhere in your tag handler class you must add your variable to one of the JSP scopes. • Create a TagExtraInfo class for your tag handler class and reference it in your TLD. JSP Custom Tags


Creating a Scripting Variable From TagSupport base class: void setId(String id) { this.id = id; } From your tag’s doStartTag() method: Category rootCat = Category.getRoot(); pageContext.setAttribute(id, rootCat, Page.APPLICATION_SCOPE); JSP Custom Tags


TagExtraInfo Class public class CategoryTagExtraInfo extends TagExtraInfo { public VariableInfo[] getVariableInfo(TagData data) { return new VariableInfo[] { new VariableInfo( data.getAttributeString("id"), "org.apache.log4j.Category", true, VariableInfo.AT_END) }; } } JSP Custom Tags


Variable Scope Tags can introduce scripting variables with one of three scopes represented by the three VariableInfo constants, NESTED, AT_BEGIN, and AT_END. The following diagram explains these three scopes: NESTED





JSP Custom Tags


TLD Addition for TEI Class You must also add a element to your TLD: com.foo.CategoryTagExtraInfo

JSP Custom Tags


Example Background SimpleAppenderTag CategoryTag LogMessageTag JSP Custom Tags



Scripting Variable Demo

JSP Custom Tags



15 minutes.

JSP Custom Tags


Body Tags

Body Tags process their tag body contents. The body contents can contain JSP content. JSP Custom Tags


BodyTag Syntax An example call to a body tag:

There was a fatal exception. Time: <%=Calendar.getInstance().getTime()%>

JSP Custom Tags


BodyTag Interface public interface BodyTag extends Tag { public final static int EVAL_BODY_TAG = 2; void setBodyContent( BodyContent b); void doInitBody() throws JspException; int doAfterBody() throws JspException; JSP Custom Tags 52 }

BodyContent Class • The tag accesses its body contents through a BodyContent object which is set by the JSP container. • BodyContent is a subclass of JspWriter which is used to write content to the response body. • BodyContent also has several methods to manipulate (flush, clear, return as a string) the contents of the body. JSP Custom Tags


JSP Container Call Sequence The JSP container call sequence is different for a body tag than it is for a simple tag: • Instantiates tag handler, calls setup functions. • Calls setters. • JSP container calls doStartTag(). • Calls setBodyContent(). • Calls doInitBody(). • Calls doAfterBody(). • JSP container calls doEndTag(). JSP Custom Tags


Call Sequence Diagram <%@ taglib …%> Body contents.

1-> setPriority() 2-> doStartTag() 3->setBodyContent() 4-> doInitBody() 5-> doAfterBody() 6-> doEndTag()

JSP Custom Tags


BodyTag Methods • In most cases, it is not necessary to override the setBodyContent() method already provided in the BodyTagSupport base class. • Use the doInitBody() method to initialize any variables you need for the doAfterBody(). Again this is rarely needed. • The doAfterBody() is where you will do the real work of your body tag. JSP Custom Tags


BodyContent and out • BodyContent allows you to write to a JspWriter without interfering with the JspWriter affiliated with the JSP itself. • This allows you to write to an output buffer and decide whether or not to write the buffer’s content to the response stream after you have completed your tag’s processing. JSP Custom Tags


The out Variable <%@taglib%> ...

out = JspWriter (JSP) out = BodyContent (tag1) out = BodyContent (tag2)

out = BodyContent (tag1) out = JspWriter (JSP) JSP Custom Tags


The out Variable, Part 1 • At the beginning of a JSP, the JSP container sets the out variable to the JspWriter returned by the pageContext’s getOut() method. • The container experiences body tag 1. • Creation of Stack of JspWriters. • Place JSP out on stack. • Reset out to BodyContent for tag1.

JSP Custom Tags


The out Variable, Part 2 1. The JSP container experiences the second body tag, body tag 2, which is nested inside body tag 1. • Place out from body tag 1 onto stack. • Reset out to BodyContent for body tag 2. 2. The JSP container experiences the end of body tag 2. • Reset out to body tag 1’s BodyContent from stack. JSP Custom Tags


The out Variable, Part 3 1. The JSP container experiences the end of body tag 1. • Reset out to the JSP’s JspWriter object from stack.

JSP Custom Tags


The out Variable <%@taglib%>

out = JspWriter (JSP) out = BodyContent (tag1) out = BodyContent (tag2)

out = BodyContent (tag1) out = JspWriter (JSP) JSP Custom Tags


Output of Body Content If your tag’s body content should be output into the response body, you must use the writeOut() method of the BodyContent Object (from doEndTag()):

if (null != bodyContent) { JspWriter lastOut = bodyContent.getEnclosingWriter(); bodyContent.writeOut(lastOut); }

JSP Custom Tags


Return Values int doStartTag() • SKIP_BODY • EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE (NOT ALLOWED) • EVAL_BODY_TAG int doAfterBody() • EVAL_BODY_TAG • SKIP_BODY int doEndTag() • SKIP_PAGE • EVAL_PAGE JSP Custom Tags 64

BodyTag TLD Features To instruct the JSP container that the current tag is a body processing tag, you must set the element: • empty • tagdependent • JSP (default)

JSP Custom Tags



Body Tag Demo

JSP Custom Tags


Nested Tags Nested actions are tags that are processed as part of the tag body content. Typically these tags rely on certain properties of the surrounding tag. JSP Custom Tags


Nested Tags Nested tags can take two forms: • Nested tags may or may not use a variable introduced by the surrounding tag. • Some nested tags rely on their surrounding tags for some information without which it will not function. JSP Custom Tags



Nested Tag Demo

JSP Custom Tags


Iterating Tags

Tags can iterate over their bodies repeatedly until a condition is met. JSP Custom Tags


Iterating Tags Iterating tags differ from other body tags: • Iterating tags return EVAL_BODY_TAG from doAfterBody() until some condition is met.

JSP Custom Tags


Example Background LogCollectionTag: • Takes a collection and the name of a message variable. • Iterates through the collection and creates a logging message for each object. • Creates a scripting variable to be used by a nested LogMessageTag. • Repeats until the end of the collection. JSP Custom Tags



Iterating Tag Demo

JSP Custom Tags


Tags and the JSP Container Discussion of the JSP implementation class created by the container for a JSP containing custom tags. JSP Custom Tags



JSP Implementation Class Demo JSP Custom Tags


Packaging and Deployment

Tag libraries are typically packaged together into a JAR file and deployed to a JSP container. JSP Custom Tags


Deployment: Three Options To deploy and use your tag library, you have three options: 3. Set the uri attribute of the taglib directive to the location of the TLD file. 4. Set the uri attribute of the taglib directive to the location of the JAR file. 5. Set the uri attribute of the taglib directive to a symbolic name set in the web.xml file.

JSP Custom Tags


Option One 1. Deploy your files: WEB-INF/ /classes *.class /tlds logtags.tld

2. In your JSP, set the uri attribute of the taglib directive to the location of the TLD file: <%@ taglib uri=“/WEB-INF/tlds/logtags.tld” prefix=“log” %> JSP Custom Tags


Option Two – File Setup To create a JAR file, first arrange the files in the following folder organization: META-INF/ taglib.tld com/ oreilly/ jsp/ taglibs/ logtags/ *.class JSP Custom Tags


Option Two – JAR Creation Change to the previously created folder (containing the META-INF and com folders) and execute the following:

jar cvf logtags.jar META-INF com

JSP Custom Tags


Option Two - Deployment Copy the JAR file to the lib sub-directory of WEB_INF folder for your JSP container:

WEB-INF/ lib/ logtags.jar

JSP Custom Tags


Option Two - Use In your JSP, set the uri attribute of the taglib directive to the location of your JAR file: <%@ taglib uri=“/WEB-INF/lib/logtags.jar” prefix=“log” %>

JSP Custom Tags


Option Three – Symbolic Name You can also create a symbolic name in a taglib element in your web application’s web.xml file: <web-app> /logtags /WEB-INF/tlds/logtags.tld JSP Custom Tags


Option Three – Symbolic Name Use To use a symbolic name in your JSP, just set the uri attribute of the taglib directive to the symbolic name: <%@ taglib uri=“/logtags” prefix=“log” %>

JSP Custom Tags



Deployment Demo

JSP Custom Tags


Review To create a tag library: 2. Create a tag handler class that implements Tag or BodyTag. 3. In the tag handler class create setters for each attribute your tag will use. 4. In the tag handler class place processing in the doStartTag, doEndTag, doInitBody and doAfterBody methods as needed. JSP Custom Tags


Review, cont. 1. Create a subclass of TagExtraInfo if your tag introduces a scripting variable for use later in the JSP. 2. In the TagExtraInfo subclass, add code for each variable introduced. 3. Compile your tag. 4. Create a tag library descriptor (TLD) file. 5. In the TLD file, add a element for each tag in your library. JSP Custom Tags


Review, cont. 1. Inside each element, set the appropriate sub-elements for attributes, etc. 2. Optionally create a JAR file using your tag handler classes and your TLD file. 3. Deploy your tag library into the appropriate subfolder of your web application. JSP Custom Tags


Review, cont. 1. For each tag library you wish to use in your JSP, use the <%@taglib%> directive to instruct the JSP container how to process your tags. 2. Use your tags in the JSP, being careful to include required attributes, etc. 3. Enjoy the accolades of those around you for being so smart as to use tag libraries! JSP Custom Tags


Wrap-up and Q&A


JSP Custom Tags


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