Jrr Tolkien - Elven Phrases

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 22
The Grey Company Phrase Book 6/10/00


Elven Translation

A star shall shine on the hour of our meeting Good (day/morning/afternoon/evening) Greetings (everyone) Hail I am your servant It has been too long My heart sings to see thee Pleasure meeting you Well met You again?

Elen sila lumenn omentilmo ‘Quel (re/amrun/andune/undome) Vedui’ (il’er) Aaye Amin naa tualle Nae saian luume’ Cormamin lindua ele lle Saesa omentien lle Mae govannen Lle au'


Elven Translation

Don't talk about what you have done (or what you are going to do). (Do it and let it speak for itself.) Fair winds Farewell Good (day/afternoon/evening/night) Good hunting I hope it will be a long journey May the leaves of your life tree never turn brown May the wind fill your sails May thy paths be green and the breeze on thy back May your ways be green and golden My heart shall weep until it sees thee again Rest well Sleep well Sweet water and light laughter till next we meet Until later (then) Until next we meet Until then Until tomorrow (then)

Uuma quena en'mani lle ume (ri'mani lle umaya). (Uma ta ar'lava ta quena ten'irste'.) Vanya sulie Namaarie Quel (re/andune/lome/du) Quel fara Amin estela ta nauva anlema Aa’ lasser en lle coia orn n' omenta gurtha Aa’ i’sul nora lanne’lle Aa’ menle nauva calen ar’ ta hwesta e’ ale’quenle Aa’ menealle nauva calen ar’ malta Cormamin niuve tenna’ ta elea lle au’ Quel esta Quel kaima Lissenen ar’ maska’lalaith tenna’ lye omentuva Tenna’ telwan (san’) Tenna’ ento lye omenta Tenna’ san’ Tenna’ tul’re (san’)


Elven Translation

Ever is thy sight a joy You are a mighty warrior You are a skillful bowman You are beautiful You did well You look good Your beauty shines bright Your heart is that of the lion

Oio naa elealla alasse’ Lle naa belegohtar Lle naa curucuar Lle naa vanima Lle ume quel Lle maa quel Vanimle sila tiri Cormlle naa tanya tel’raa


Elven Translation

Cowardly dog(s) Feast of wolves (slain enemy) Gate bird(slain enemy) Go kiss an orc I hate you Listen to my laughter Much wind pours from your mouth Son of snakes (dishonest person) You are king in your imagination You disgust me You smell like a human You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny Your head is empty

Nadorhuan(rim) Mereth en draugrim Andodulin Auta miqula orqu Amin delotha lle Lasta lalaithamin Antolle ulua sulrim Utinu en lokirim Lle naa haran e’ nausalle Amin feuya ten’ lle Lle holma ve’ edan Lle n'vanima ar' lle atara lanneina Dolle naa lost

Common Questions

Elven Translation

Are you finished? Are you joking? Are you ready? Care for (a drink/some food)? Care for some (wine/mead/ale)? Could you cast (invis) on me? Do (you/they) understand (me)? Do I know you? Do you feel well? Do you need a drink of water? Do you need help? Do you promise? Do you speak elvish? Do you want to dance? Do you yield? How are you (doing) (today)? How long? How? Is there trouble?

Lle tela? Lle lakwenien? Lle desiel? Malia ten’ (yulna/vasa)? Malia ten’ (fion/laure/sereg)? Lle ista (amin quella) no’ amin? (Lle/Ron) rangwa (amin)? Amin sinta lle? Lle tyava quel? Lle anta yulna en alu? Lle anta amin tu? Lle vesta? Lle quena i’lambe tel’ Eldalie? Lle merna salk? Lle lava? Sut naa lle (umien) (sina re)? Sut an? Sut? Naa rashwe?


Long journey? Shall we go (hunting)? What are you doing? What did you say? What do you want (for it)? What happened? What have you been doing? What is it? What is that (thing)? What? What’s your name? When do (we/you) leave? When? Where (are/were) (you/you all/we) (from)? Where (are/were) you? Where are (we/you) going? Where are we meeting? Where did that come from? Where is the meeting? Where? Which one? Who (is/was) that? Who? Who’s leading? Why are you here? Why did you do that? Why do you want to know? Why?

An lema? Lle merna aut (farien)? Mani naa lle umien? Mani ume lle quena? Mani uma lle merna (ten’ ta)? Mani marte? Mani nae lle umien? Mani naa ta? Mani naa tanya (nat’)? Mani? Mani naa essa en lle? Iire (lye/lle) auta? Iire? Manke (naa/nae) (lle/llie/lye) (tuulo’)? Manke (naa/nae) lle? Manke naa (lye/lle) autien? Manke naa lye omentien? Manke tanya tuula? Manke naa i’omentien? Manke? Mani er? Ya (naa/nae) tanya? Ya? Ya auta yeste’? Mankoi naa lle sinome? Mankoi lle uma tanya? Mankoi lle irma sint? Mankoi?

Common Exclamations

Elven Translation

Ah! At last! By the sea and stars! Eek! Help (me)! (It is a) trap! Look! Now! Oh! Run (for it)! Stop (that)! That hurt!

A! Yallume! Ed’ i’ear ar’ elenea! Yee! Tua (amin)! (Ta naa) neuma! En! Sii’! Aiya! Rima (ten’ta)! Tampa (tanya)! Tanya awra!

Common Commands

Elven Translation


Be silent Camp here Circle around behind them Come here Come to (Longsaddle) Come, sit near the fire Don’t kill (it/him) Don’t worry Flank them Follow (them/it) Follow me Give it to me Go away Hide Hold onto this (for me) Hurry Kill (it/him) Look out / Be carefull! Memorize your spells (here) Rest here Take this Tell (us) the tale You go first

Dina Estolada sinome Mallen pelu e’ n’alaquel en’ sen Tula sinome Tula (Uialtum) Tula, hama neva i’naur N’ndengina (ta/ho) Uuma dela Ela sen Soora (sen/ta) Khila amin Ona ta a’amin Kela Nurta Tessa sina (ten’ amin) Asca Ndengina (ta/ho) Tira ten’ rashwe! Rina istorlle (sinome) Esta sinome Sana sina Kwentra (lye) i’narn Lle auta yeste’

Other Common Phrases

Elven Translation

(He/She) had too much (wine/mead/ale) (I/we) am yours to command (It was) my pleasure After (I/we) finish (here) Come, eat and drink of the feast Coming Don’t look for trouble, it will come to you Enjoy yourself Good luck Have a seat Hold this for me I (don’t) want it I (don't) doubt it I (don't) know I (don't) think so I agree (with you) I am thirsty I am worried about (him/her/them) I am your servant I don’t care I don't understand these humans I found it I have (an idea/no idea)

(Ro/Re) caele beika (fion/laure/sereg) (Amin/Lye) naa lle nai (Ta nae) amin saesa Ale’ (amin/lye) tela (sinome) Tula, vasa ar’ yulna en i’mereth Tulien Uuma ma’ ten’ rashwe, ta tuluva a’ lle Valina Quel marth Hama sinome Kwara sina ten’amin Amin (uuma) merna ta Amin (n')ruwa ta Amin (n')sinta Amin (n')nowa ikotane Amin weera (yassen lle) Amin fauka Amin dele ten’ (ho/he/sen) Amin naa tualle Amin uuma malia Amin n'rangwa edanea Amin utue ta Amin caela (noa/n’noa)


I know your strength in battle I love you I need to (rest/sleep) I see I shall treasure your gift in my heart I thought they would never leave I will go first I wish to speak I would like some (wine/mead/ale) I yield I’m going to bed I’m sorry If you wish It (is/was) my pleasure Looking (good/bad) My bow shall sing with your sword My pleasure No one does, don't worry about it Thank you That was (very) funny That was not good That will suffice The best Drow is a dead Drow The bones of our foes will gleam under the sun We will defeat them in battle Welcome my friend Welcome to my dwelling You deceived me You surprised me You’re welcome Your choice

Amin sinta thaliolle e dagor Amin mela lle Amin anta (est/kaim) Amin elea Amin harmuva onalle e' cormamin Amin nowe ron n'kelaya Amin nauva auta yeste’ Amin merna quen Amin irma (fion/laure/sereg) Amin lava Amin autien rath Amin hiraetha Manka lle merna Ta (naa/nae) seasamin Maien (quel/n’quel) Cuamin linduva yassen megrille Seasamin Uuner uma, n'dela no'ta Diola lle Tanya nae (sai) eina Tanya nae n’quel Tanya farnuva I'quelin Mori'Quessier naa ba Mori'Quessir I’narr en gothrim glinuva nuin I’anor Lye nuquernuva sen e dagor Creoso, mellonamin Creoso a’baramin Lle wethrine amin Lle fiose amin Lle creoso Detholalle

Positive Endearments

Elven Translation

Ancient one(s) Bearded one(s) Foe of my foe Friend of my friend Friend(s) Little father (An adult male dwarf) Love of my life Lovely one(s) Loyal one(s) Lusty one(s) Mighty one(s) My beloved My champion My friend My friends

Yaaraer(ea) Spangaer(ea) Goth en gothamin Mellon en mellonamin Mellon(ea) Ai’ atar Mela en’ coiamin Lirimaer(ea) Voronwer(ea) rwalaer(ea) Beleger(ea) A’maelamin Aratoamin Mellonamin Melloneamin


My lady (familiar) My lady (non familiar) My lord (familiar) My lord (non familiar) My love Pure one(s) Short one(s) Tall one(s) Valiant one(s) Visionary Wise one(s)

Arwenamin Arwen en amin Heruamin Heru en amin Melamin Poikaer(ea) Aier(ea) Hallaer(ea) Astalder(ea) Elear Hodoer(ea)

Negative Endearments

Elven Translation

Abominable one(s) Angry one(s) Blood-sucker(s) Dark one(s) Deceitfull one(s) Disgusting one(s) Dreaded one(s) Evil one(s) Excessive one(s) Fearful one(s) Foul one(s) Hollow one(s) Hostile one(s) Icy one(s) Ill one(s) Impetous one(s) Lofty one(s) My foe(s) Old one(s) Silent one(s) Smelly one(s) Stern one(s) Tormented one(s) Unwilling one(s) Wide one(s)

Thaurer(ea) Ruthaer(ea) Agaryulnaer(ea) Morier(ea) Wethrinaer(ea) Feuyaer(ea) Gayaer(ea) ‘Ksher(ea) Beikaer(ea) Gorgaer(ea) Saurar(ea) Unguer(ea) Kotyaer(ea) Helkaer(ea) Engwarer(ea) Ascarer(ea) Taraer(ea) Goth(rim)amin Ianter(ea) Dinaer(ea) Usquener(ea) Telcoer(ea) Nwalmaer(ea) Avarier(ea) Lanner(ea)

Battle Cries

Elven Translation

Death to our foe(s) Death to the foe(s) of the Elves Death to the foe(s) of the Grey Company

Gurth goth(rim)lye Gurth goth(rim) Tel’Quessir Gurth goth(rim) Tel’ Mithrim


Have at thee! I will follow you to death and beyond

Caela ie'lle Amin khiluva lle a’ gurtha ar’ thar


Elven Translation

Berun (Ranger’s Bane) Crossergate (Path Crossing) Floodblest (Under River) Longsaddle (Twilight Valley) Luskan (Icy Beach) Neverwinter Neverwinter Islands (Isles of Gloom) Neverwinter Woods (Starlit woods) Nightsedge (Watchfull City) Port Llast (Ship Dwelling) Red Larch (Red Ridges) Sewers (Stained Water) Southwall The Lost Hills (The Wandering Hills) Triboar (City of Battle) Vilnask (Metal Soil) Westbridge (Dwarf Bridge) Windycliffes

Dagnir en taur’ohtar Menomenta Nuduin Uialtum Kheleksii N’hrive Tolea’ Fuin Silmataurea Anthatal Cairbara Caran Pinnath Waenen Harnram Tel’Ranaemyn Tal Dagore Tincokemen Naugiaur Sulcabedoo


Elven Translation

Brotherhood of Pathfinders Clan Axepeak (Flat Metal) Grey Knights of the Balance (Neutral warriors) KAAOS (Dark demi-gods) Knights of the Eternal Flame (KEF) The Black Wind (ITB) The Grey Company The Harpers (HG) The Night Masks The Shadow Alliance(The Grey Shadows) The Sun Guild (Sun Champions) Undead Lords (UDL)

Toror’ Taur’ohtarie Laara’tincoras Qualohtarie Morimaikarea Ohtar en Oionaaru Morsul Tel’Mithrim Nandaror Tel’Domeduathea Tel’Sindavathar Tel’Anor Arator Guinahiroo

New Spells

Elven Translation

Clumsy Create Food Feeblemind Heal

Lova tyelka Onta vasa Lova handasse Tanka harwar


Magic Arrow Night Sight Reactive Armor Weaken

Pilin en’ templa Elea ie’ dome Atost en’ entula orme Lova poldora

Agility Cunning Cure Harm Magic Trap Magic Untrap Protection Strength

Ama tyelka Ama handasse Poika tuulo’ ‘kshapsae Tyara harwar Neuma en’ templa Tyela neuma Vara tel’ Seldarine Ama poldora

Bless Fireball Magic Lock Poison Telekinesis Teleport Unlock Wall of Stone

Aman tel’ Seldarine Koron en’ naur Tangwa en’ templa Quanta yassen ‘kshapsa Bela ed’ templa Lema ed’ templa Panta tangwa Ram en’ ondo

Archcure Archprotection Curse Fire Field Greater Heal Lightning Mana Drain Recall

Poika tel’ taurninin Vara tel’ taurninin Thanga yassen templa Ram en’ naur Tanka tel’ taurnin Russe tuulo’ moriloomir Lova termara en’ templa Entula a’ moinayamen’

Blade Spirits Dispel Field Incognito Magic Reflection Mind Blast Paralyze Poison Field Summon Creature

Hyandae en’ luhta Men imya ram en’ templa Nurta I’ fea Entula en’ templa Pelekta yassen I’ handele Templa en’ tessa Ram en’ ‘kshapsa Yala onna

Dispel Energy Bolt Explosion Invisibility Mark Mass Curse Paralyze Field Reveal

‘Kshonna, wanya Faina templa Bragollach en’ templa Quella tuulo’ elea Yulma ten’ lemar en’ templa Thangarim yassen templa Ram en’ tessa Elea i’dolen

Chain Lightning

Tincya en’ russe tuulo’ moriloomir


Energy Field Flamestrike Gate Travel Mana Vampire Mass Dispel Meteor Swarm Polymorph

Ram en’ templa Pelekta yassen runya Lema ed’ ando en’ templa Sana termara en’ templa ‘Kshonnarim, wanya Runyalanta gonea Luhta kanta

Earthquake Energy Vortex Resurrection Summon Air Elemental Summon Daemon Summon Earth Elemental Summon Fire Elemental Summon Water Elemental

Tintila, kemen Pela en’ bela templa Entula tuulo’ i’ba Yala onna en’ vilya Yala rauko Yala onna en’ kemen Yala onna en’ naur Yala onna en’ alu

Old World Spells

Elven Translation

burning hands charm monster charm person cloudkill cone of cold dimension door dispel magic enlarge fear feeblemind fire shield (cold) fire shield (hot) Fireball Haste hold monster hold person ice storm invisibility invisibility 10’ lightning bolt Magic missile minor globe mirror image read magic shield sleep stinking cloud strength

naar cam nai uuvanimo turamin nai turamin loomi en gurth ring wing irma haeannon lietha guldur bragol alaa gorgamin amin vasa lle sinta naur tinchor ostring naur tinchor osturra bragollach tel’llach asca melloneamin n’tess uuvanimo n’tess gothamin khelek hurro’ amin quella lle quella lanta en’ kalale templa pilini’ pela tanya tempa aiguldur karn aduamin parm templa tengwa tinechor lanta kaima loomi tanya lirva amin bragol thalion


Compass directions

Elven Translation

East North South West

Rhun For Har Numen


Elven Translation

Archmage Assassin Bard Cleric Druid Illusionist Paladin Ranger Thief Warrior Wizard

Val’istar Sereg’wethrin Lindar Amandil Taur’amandil Ita’istar Nim’ohtar Taur’ohtar Cam’wethrin Ohtar Istar


Elven Translation

Centaur Cyclops Drow (Normal) Drow (When indicating respect) Dwarf Giant Gnome Gnome Gray elf Half-elf Halfling High elf Human Moon elf Orc Sea elf Silver elf Sunrise elf Sylvan elf

Rah’edan Ere norsa Tel'gothrim Mori’quessir Naugrim Norsa Nogoth Nogoth Mith’quessir Elandili Peredhil Cala’quessir Edan Ithil’quessir Glamhoth Ear’quessir Mith’quessir Amrun’quessir Taur’quessir

Days of the week

Elven Translation




Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Anarya Isilya Alduya Menelya Valanya Tarion


Elven Translation

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Narvinye Nenime Sulime Viresse Lotesse Narie Cermie Urime Yavannie Narquelie Hisime Ringare


Elven Translation

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve

er atta nelde kinta lempe enque otso tolto nerte kainen minque ratse


Elven Translation

Winter Solstice Spring Festival Vernal Equinox Autumnal Equinox Summer Solstace

Yenearsira Sheelala Ehtele’mele Yavieba Faradome


Officer Titles

Elven Translation

Captain Lieutenant Swordmaster Priest Chronicler Councilor

Nikerym Shaalth Megiltura Amandil Kiirar Turnar


Elven Translation

he her, hers him, his I, my, mine it, its she that them, their they this we, us, ours who you, yours you, yours (plural)

ro he ho amin ta re tanya sen ron sina lye ya lle llie


Elven Phrase

Common Translation

‘Ksher(ea) ‘Kshonna, wanya ‘Kshonnarim, wanya ‘Quel (re/amrun/undome) A! A’maelamin Aa’ i’sul nora lanne’lle Aa’ lasser en lle coia orn n' omenta gurtha Aa’ menealle nauva calen ar’ malta Aa’ menle nauva calen ar’ ta hwesta e’ ale’quenle Aaye Agaryulnaer(ea) Ai’ atar Aier(ea) Aiya! Alduya Ale’ (amin/lye) tela (sinome) Ama handasse Ama poldora Ama tyelka Aman tel’ Seldarine Amandil Amandil amin Amin (uuma) merna ta Amin anta (est/kaim) Amin autien rath Amin caela (noa/n’noa) Amin dele ten’ (ho/he/sen) Amin delotha lle Amin elea Amin estela ta nauva anlema Amin fauka Amin feuya ten’ lle Amin harmuva onalle e' cormamin Amin hiraetha Amin irma (fion/laure/sereg) Amin khiluva lle a’ gurtha ar’ thar Amin lava Amin mela lle Amin merna quen Amin n)ruwa ta Amin naa lle nai Amin naa tualle Amin nauva auta yeste’ Amin n'nowa ikotane Amin nowa ikotane Amin nowe ron n'kelaya

Evil one(s) Dispel Mass Dispel Good (day/morning/evening) Ah! My beloved May the wind fill your sails May the leaves of your life tree never turn brown May your ways be green and golden May thy paths be green and the breeze on thy back Hail Blood-sucker(s) Little father (An adult male dwarf) Short one(s) Oh! Thursday After (I/we) finish (here) Cunning Strength Agility Bless Cleric Priest I, my, mine I (don’t) want it I need to (rest/sleep) I’m going to bed I have (an idea/no idea) I am worried about (him/her/them) I hate you I see I hope it will be a long journey I am thirsty You disgust me I shall treasure your gift in my heart I’m sorry I would like some (wine/mead/ale) I will follow you to death and beyond I yield I love you I wish to speak I don't doubt it I am yours to command I am your servant I will go first I don't think so I think so I thought they would never leave


Amin n'rangwa edanea Amin n'sinta amin quella Amin ruwa ta Amin saesa Amin sinta Amin sinta lle? Amin sinta thaliolle e dagor Amin utue ta Amin uuma malia amin vasa lle sinta Amin weera (yassen lle) Amrun’quessir An lema? Anarya Andodulin Anthatal Antolle ulua sulrim Aratoamin Arwen en amin Arwenamin Asca asca melloneamin Ascarer(ea) Astalder(ea) Atost en’ entula orme atta Auta miqula orqu Avarier(ea) Beikaer(ea) Bela ed’ templa Beleger(ea) bragol alaa bragol thalion Bragollach en’ templa bragollach tel’llach Caela ie'lle Cairbara Cala’quessir Cam’wethrin Caran Pinnath Cermie Cormamin lindua ele lle Cormamin niuve tenna’ ta elea lle au’ Cormlle naa tanya tel’raa Creoso a’baramin Creoso, mellonamin Cuamin linduva yassen megrille Dagnir en taur’ohtar Desiel? Detholalle

I don't understand these humans I don't know invisibility I doubt it My pleasure I know Do I know you? I know your strength in battle I found it I don’t care feeblemind I agree (with you) Sunrise elf Long journey? Tuesday Gate bird(slain enemy) Nightsedge (Watchfull City) Much wind pours from your mouth My champion My lady (non familiar) My lady (familiar) Hurry Haste Impetous one(s) Valiant one(s) Reactive Armor two Go kiss an orc Unwilling one(s) Excessive one(s) Telekinesis Mighty one(s) enlarge strength Explosion Fireball Have at thee! Port Llast (Ship Dwelling) High elf Thief Red Larch (Red Ridges) July My heart sings to see thee My heart shall weep until it sees thee again Your heart is that of the lion Welcome to my dwelling Welcome my friend My bow will sing with your sword Berun (Ranger’s Bane) Ready? Your choice


Dina Dinaer(ea) Diola lle Dolle naa lost Ear’quessir Ed’ i’ear ar’ elenea! Edan Ehtele’mele Ela sen Elandili Elea i’dolen Elea ie’ dome Elear Elen sila lumenn omentilmo Elenya En! Engwarer(ea) enque Entula a’ moinayamen’ Entula en’ templa Entula tuulo’ i’ba er Ere norsa Esta sinome Estolada sinome Faina templa Faradome Feuyaer(ea) For Gayaer(ea) Glamhoth Gorgaer(ea) gorgamin Goth en gothamin Goth(rim)amin Guinahiroo Gurth goth(rim) Tel’ Mithrim Gurth goth(rim) Tel’Quessir Gurth goth(rim)lye Hallaer(ea) Hama sinome Har Harnram he Helkaer(ea) Heru en amin Heruamin Hisime ho Hodoer(ea) Hyandae en’ luhta

Be silent Silent one(s) Thank you Your head is empty Sea elf By the sea and stars! Human Vernal Equinox Flank them Half-elf Reveal Night Sight Visionary A star shall shine on the hour of our meeting Monday Look! Ill one(s) six Recall Magic Reflection Resurrection one Cyclops Rest here Camp here Energy Bolt Summer Solstace Disgusting one(s) North Dreaded one(s) Orc Fearful one(s) fear Foe of my foe My foe(s) Undead Lords (UDL) Death to the foe(s) of the Grey Company Death to the foe(s) of the Elves Death to our foe(s) Tall one(s) Have a seat South Southwall her, hers Icy one(s) My lord (non familiar) My lord (familiar) November him, his Wise one(s) Blade Spirits


I’narr en gothrim glinuva nuin I’anor Ianter(ea) Iire (lye/lle) auta? Iire? I'quelin Mori'Quessier naa ba Mori'Quessir irma haeannon Isilya Istar Ita’istar Ithil’quessir kainen karn aduamin Kela khelek hurro’ Kheleksii Khila amin Kiirar kinta Koron en’ naur Kotyaer(ea) Kwara sina ten’amin Kwentra (lye) i’narn Laara’tincoras Lanner(ea) lanta en’ kalale lanta kaima Lasta lalaithamin Lema ed’ ando en’ templa Lema ed’ templa lempe lietha guldur Lindar Lirimaer(ea) Lissenen ar’ maska’lalaith tenna’ lye omentuva lle Lle anta amin tu? Lle anta yulna en alu? Lle au' Lle auta yeste’ Lle creoso Lle desiel? Lle fiose amin Lle holma ve’ edan Lle ista (amin quella) no’ amin? Lle lakwenien? Lle lava? Lle maa quel Lle merna aut (farien)? Lle merna salk? Lle naa belegohtar Lle naa curucuar

The bones of our foes will gleam under the sun Old one(s) When do (we/you) leave? When? The best Drow is a dead Drow dimension door Wednesday Wizard Illusionist Moon elf ten mirror image Go away ice storm Luskan (Icy Beach) Follow me Chronicler four Fireball Hostile one(s) Hold this for me Tell (us) the tale Clan Axepeak (Flat Metal) Wide one(s) lightning bolt sleep Listen to my laughter Gate Travel Teleport five dispel magic Bard Lovely one(s) Sweet water and light laughter till next we meet you, yours Do you need help? Do you need a drink of water? You again? You go first You’re welcome Are you ready? You surprised me You smell like a human Could you cast (invis) on me? Are you joking? Do you yield? You look good Shall we go (hunting)? Do you want to dance? You are a mighty warrior You are a skillful bowman


Lle naa haran e’ nausalle Lle naa vanima Lle n'vanima ar' lle atara lanneina lle quella Lle quena i’lambe tel’ Eldalie? Lle rangwa (amin)? Lle tela? Lle tyava quel? Lle ume quel Lle vesta? Lle wethrine amin llie loomi en gurth loomi tanya lirva amin Lotesse Lova handasse Lova poldora Lova termara en’ templa Lova tyelka Luhta kanta lye Lye naa lle nai Lye nuquernuva sen e dagor Mae govannen Maien (quel/n’quel) Malia ten’ (fion/laure/sereg)? Malia ten’ vasa? Malia ten’ yulna? Mallen pelu e’ n’alaquel en’ sen Mani er? Mani marte? Mani naa essa en lle? Mani naa lle umien? Mani naa ta? Mani naa tanya (nat’)? Mani nae lle umien? Mani uma lle merna (ten’ ta)? Mani ume lle quena? Mani? Manka lle merna Manke (naa/nae) (lle/llie/lye) (tuulo’)? Manke (naa/nae) lle? Manke naa (lye/lle) autien? Manke naa i’omentien? Manke naa lye omentien? Manke tanya tuula? Manke? Mankoi lle irma sint? Mankoi lle uma tanya? Mankoi naa lle sinome? Mankoi?

You are king in your imagination You are beautiful You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny invisibility 10’ Do you speak elvish? Do you understand (me)? Are you finished? Do you feel well? You did well Do you promise? You deceived me you, yours (plural) cloudkill stinking cloud May Feeblemind Weaken Mana Drain Clumsy Polymorph we, us, ours We are yours to command We will defeat them in battle Well met Looking (good/bad) Care for some (wine/mead/ale)? Care for some food? Care for a drink? Circle around behind them Which one? What happened? What’s your name? What are you doing? What is it? What is that (thing)? What have you been doing? What do you want (for it)? What did you say? What? If you wish Where (are/were) (you/you all/we) (from)? Where (are/were) you? Where are (we/you) going? Where is the meeting? Where are we meeting? Where did that come from? Where? Why do you want to know? Why did you do that? Why are you here? Why?


Megiltura Mela en’ coiamin Melamin Mellon en mellonamin Mellon(ea) Mellonamin Melloneamin Men imya ram en’ templa Menelya Menomenta Mereth en draugrim minque Mith’quessir Mith’quessir Mori’quessir Morier(ea) Morimaikarea Morsul N’hrive N’ndengina (ta/ho) n’tess gothamin n’tess uuvanimo Naa rashwe? naar cam Nadorhuan(rim) Nae saian luume’ nai turamin nai uuvanimo turamin Namaarie Nandaror Narie Narquelie Narvinye Naugiaur Naugrim naur tinchor ostring naur tinchor osturra Ndengina (ta/ho) nelde Nenime nerte Neuma en’ templa Neuma! Nikerym Nim’ohtar Nogoth Nogoth Norsa Nuduin Numen Nurta

Swordmaster Love of my life My love Friend of my friend Friend(s) My friend My friends Dispel Field Friday Crossergate (Path Crossing) Feast of wolves (slain enemy) eleven Gray elf Silver elf Drow (When indicating respect) Dark one(s) KAAOS (Dark demi-gods) The Black Wind (ITB) Neverwinter Don’t kill (it/him) hold person hold monster Is there trouble? burning hands Cowardly dog(s) It has been too long charm person charm monster Farewell The Harpers (HG) June October January Westbridge (Dwarf Bridge) Dwarf fire shield (cold) fire shield (hot) Kill (it/him) three February nine Magic Trap Trap! Captain Paladin Gnome Gnome Giant Floodblest (Under River) West Hide


Nurta I’ fea Nwalmaer(ea) Ohtar Ohtar en Oionaaru Oio naa elealla alasse’ Ona ta a’amin Onta vasa otso Panta tangwa parm templa tengwa Pela en’ bela templa pela tanya tempa aiguldur Pelekta yassen I’ handele Pelekta yassen runya Peredhil Pilin en’ templa Poika tel’ taurninin Poika tuulo’ ‘kshapsae Poikaer(ea) Qualohtarie Quanta yassen ‘kshapsa Quel andune Quel du Quel esta Quel fara Quel kaima Quel lome Quel marth Quel re Quel undome Quella tuulo’ elea Rah’edan Ram en’ ‘kshapsa Ram en’ naur Ram en’ ondo Ram en’ templa Ram en’ tessa Rashwe? ratse re Re caele beika (fion/laure/sereg) Rhun Rima (ten’ta)! Rina istorlle (sinome) ring wing Ringare ro Ro caele beika (fion/laure/sereg) ron Ron rangwa (amin)? Runyalanta gonea

Incognito Tormented one(s) Warrior Knights of the Eternal Flame (KEF) Ever is thy sight a joy Give it to me Create Food seven Unlock read magic Energy Vortex minor globe Mind Blast Flamestrike Halfling Magic Arrow Archcure Cure Pure one(s) Grey Knights of the Balance (Neutral warriors) Poison Good afternoon Good night Rest well Good hunting Sleep well Good evening (Farewell) Good luck Good day Good evening (Greeting) Invisibility Centaur Poison Field Fire Field Wall of Stone Energy Field Paralyze Field Trouble? twelve she She had too much (wine/mead/ale) East Run (for it)! Memorize your spells (here) cone of cold December he He had too much (wine/mead/ale) they Do they understand (me)? Meteor Swarm


Russe tuulo’ moriloomir Ruthaer(ea) rwalaer(ea) Saesa omentien lle Sana sina Sana termara en’ templa Saurar(ea) Seasamin sen Sereg’wethrin Shaalth Sheelala Sii’ Silmataurea sina Soora (sen/ta) Spangaer(ea) Sulcabedoo Sulime Sut an? Sut naa lle (umien) (sina re)? Sut? ta Ta (naa/nae) seasamin Ta naa neuma! Ta naa seasamin Tal Dagore Tampa (tanya)! Tangwa en’ templa Tanka harwar Tanka tel’ taurnin tanya Tanya awra! Tanya farnuva Tanya nae (sai) eina Tanya nae n’quel Taraer(ea) Tarion Taur’amandil Taur’ohtar Taur’quessir Tel’Anor Arator Tel’Domeduathea Tel’Mithrim Tel’Ranaemyn Tel’Sindavathar Telcoer(ea) Tel'gothrim Templa en’ tessa templa pilini’ Tenna’ ento lye omenta

Lightning Angry one(s) Lusty one(s) Pleasure meeting you Take this Mana Vampire Foul one(s) My pleasure them, their Assassin Lieutenant Spring Festival Now! Neverwinter Woods (Starlit woods) this Follow (them/it) Bearded one(s) Windycliffes March How long? How are you (doing) (today)? How? it, its It (is/was) my pleasure It is a trap! It is my pleasure Triboar (City of Battle) Stop (that)! Magic Lock Heal Greater Heal that That hurt! That will suffice That was (very) funny That was not good Lofty one(s) Sunday Druid Ranger Sylvan elf The Sun Guild (Sun Champions) The Night Masks The Grey Company The Lost Hills (The Wandering Hills) The Shadow Alliance(The Grey Shadows) Stern one(s) Drow (Normal) Paralyze Magic missile Until next we meet


Tenna’ san’ Tenna’ telwan (san’) Tenna’ tul’re (san’) Tessa sina (ten’ amin) Thanga yassen templa Thangarim yassen templa Thaurer(ea) Tincokemen Tincya en’ russe tuulo’ moriloomir tinechor Tintila, kemen Tira ten’ rashwe! Tolea’ Fuin tolto Toror’ Taur’ohtarie Tua (amin)! Tula (Uialtum) Tula sinome Tula, hama neva i’naur Tula, vasa ar’ yulna en i’mereth Tulien Turnar Tyara harwar Tyela neuma Uialtum Unguer(ea) Urime Usquener(ea) Utinu en lokirim Uuma dela Uuma ma’ ten’ rashwe, ta tuluva a’ lle Uuma quena en'mani lle ume (ri'mani lle umaya). (Uma ta ar'lava ta quena ten'irste'.) Uuner uma, n'dela no'ta Val’istar Valanya Valina Vanimle sila tiri Vanya sulie Vara tel’ Seldarine Vara tel’ taurninin Vedui’ (il’er) Viresse Voronwer(ea) Waenen Wethrinaer(ea) Ya (naa/nae) tanya? Ya auta yeste’? Ya? Yaaraer(ea) Yala onna

Until then Until later (then) Until tomorrow (then) Hold onto this (for me) Curse Mass Curse Abominable one(s) Vilnask (Metal Soil) Chain Lightning shield Earthquake Look out / Be carefull! Neverwinter Islands (Isles of Gloom) eight Brotherhood of Pathfinders Help (me)! Come to (Longsaddle) Come here Come, sit near the fire Come, eat and drink of the feast Coming Councilor Harm Magic Untrap Longsaddle (Twilight Valley) Hollow one(s) August Smelly one(s) Son of snakes (dishonest person) Don’t worry Don’t look for trouble, it will come to you Don't talk about what you have done (or what you are going to do). (Do it and let it speak for itself.) No one does, don't worry about it Archmage Saturday Enjoy yourself Your beauty shines bright Fair winds Protection Archprotection Greetings (everyone) April Loyal one(s) Sewers (Stained Water) Deceitfull one(s) Who (is/was) that? Who’s leading? Who? Ancient one(s) Summon Creature


Yala onna en’ alu Yala onna en’ kemen Yala onna en’ naur Yala onna en’ vilya Yala rauko Yallume Yavannie Yavieba Yee! Yenearsira Yulma ten’ lemar en’ templa

Summon Water Elemental Summon Earth Elemental Summon Fire Elemental Summon Air Elemental Summon Daemon At last! September Autumnal Equinox Eek! Winter Solstice Mark

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