Sample Question Paper
9113 3 Hours / 80 Marks
Seat No.
Q.1 Attempt any four of the following: a) Describe the following terms: i) Constructor. ii) finalize( ) method. b) Why java is more popular for internet programming. c) What is inheritance? What are its types? d) Explain priority of threads. e) Describe isAlive( ) and join( ) methods. f) Differentiate between applet and application.
Q.2 Attempt any three of the following: 12 a) What is JVM? Explain. b) Describe switch case statement with explain. c) What do you mean by dynamic method dispatch? d) Write a program which will find the sum of digits of a number entered by user. Q.3 Attempt any three of the following: 12 a) Describe the methods of inserting and deleting an element in a vector. b) Describe the following string class methods: i. equal( ) ii. compareTo( ) c) Explain how to create multilevel hierarchy with example. d) Explain what do you mean by packages? Q.4 Attempt any three of the following: 12 a) Explain the process of serialization? b) Write a program which will read number of lines and characters from a file? c) Write a program which will reverse a number given as command line argument? d) Explain how multiple inheritance is achieved in JAVA? e) Explain how interfaces are inherited? Q.5
Attempt any three of the following:
Java Programming (9113): Sample Question Paper.
12 1
a) What is thread? How to achieve multithreading? b) What is exception? How is it handled? c) Write a program to illustrate the use of try block with finally clause only? d) Explain how parameters are passed to applets? Q.6 Attempt any two of the following: 16 a) Write a program to create an applet which will display moving banner? b) Write a program to create 2 threads, where one thread will print odd numbers and other will print even numbers. c) Write a program to create a class point having variables X-co-ordinate and Y-co-ordinate. Declare the constructor and define 2 methods one will take input other will display output.
Java Programming (9113): Sample Question Paper.