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A MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF COMPOUND WORDS USED IN SPORT COLUMN OF “THE JAKARTA POST” NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED ON MARCH 2018 Angelia Jenita Tiara1, Budiman Th. Cicik Sophia2, Suwarti T. Sri3 English Education Study Program Faculty of Language and Arts Education University of PGRI Semarang email: [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT The objectives of the study were (1) to find out the compound words found in sports column of The Jakarta Post newspaper, (2) to find out the processes of compound words in sports column of The Jakarta Post newspaper, and (3) to find out the types of compound words in sports column of The Jakarta Post newspaper. The methodology of the research was qualitative research. The main source of this research was the English newspaper entitled The Jakarta Post. Some steps to analyze the data were reading the article in sports column of The Jakarta Post newspaper, finding the compound words, collecting the data of compound words found in tabular form, and identifying the processes and types of compounding. The analysis results showed that (1) Compound words consisted of compound noun, compound verb, and compound adjective. (2) The processes consisted of a) 80 compound nouns (78,4%) with the division as follows; N + N = N, V + N = N, N + V = N, ADJ + V = N, ADJ + N = N, PP + N = N, and V + PP = N, b) 13 compound verb (12,8%) with the division as follows; V + N = V, V + PP = V, and PP + V = V, c) 9 compound adjectives (8,8%) with the division as follows; N + ADJ = ADJ, V + ADJ = ADJ, ADJ + PP = ADJ, V + N = ADJ, ADJ + N = ADJ, and ADJ + V = ADJ. (3) The types of compound words found were endocentric compound and exocentric compound. Based on the results of this final project, the researcher suggests that this research can contribute as a media in Morphology teaching. Keyword: Morphology, Compound Word, Sport Column, Newspaper INTRODUCTION People try to communicate perfectly and completely. They want to give information as much as they can to the other. One of them is a journalist. The

journalist tries to give perfect, complete and accurate information for people. The accuracy of the article is determined by the sentences which refer to the word structure that grammatical and structural. However, words structure and sentence structure can lead to being ambiguous, even though they are grammatically correct. People may have the different interpretation of the meaning of the word. There are millions words used by people now. Every time people get more and more new word unless they know the way it happened. Besides, the word form has a deep relation with meaning. The meaning of the new word is influence by the process of forming a word. This process usually called word formation process. George Yule (2006) said that there are various of word formation process that may occur in a word, one of them is compounding. Compounding has its own regulated form. It is characterize by the systems which can determine some words combined called as compound words. English compound words cover parts of speech such as noun, adjective, and verb. Some words in newspaper have single word which actually composed from two words that combined into one word, called compound word. This set of words is the focus of the present study. Apart from the concept of compound words, investigating the meaning of compounds word in the newspaper is the challenging topic since the compound words are the creation word product of people and there is a process behind it. In addition, newspapers provide many compound words forms and types which are very helpful to the English Learner to collect and classify. Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested to conduct the research that is related to compound words. This research focuses on processes and types of compound words. Furthermore, this research entitled A Morphological Analysis of Compound Words Used in Sport Column of “The Jakarta Post” Newspaper Published on March 2018. Statements of the Problems Based on the background of the study which has explained above, the writer states the problems as follows: 1. What are the compound words found in sports column of The Jakarta Post newspaper published on March 2018? 2. What are the processes of compound words found in sports column of The Jakarta Post newspaper published on March 2018? 3. What are the types of compound words found in sports column of The Jakarta Post newspaper published on March 2018? Objectives of the Study Based on the statements of the problem above, the objectives of the study are: 1. To find out the compound words found in sports column The Jakarta Post newspaper published on March 2018.

2. To find out the processes of compound words in sports column of The Jakarta Post newspaper published on March 2018. 3. To find out the types of compound words in sports column of The Jakarta Post newspaper published on March 2018. Significances of the Study Based on my opinion, the significances of the study can be divided into four aspects, as follows: 1. For English learners This final project will be an alternative material source for English learners who study about word formation, so that they will know more about compound word, its meaning and what different of both words. 2. For English teacher Hopefully, it can use as their reference in teaching English in order to make students more understand about word formation especially compound word. 3. For readers The researcher expected this final project can enrich their knowledge about compound word and the types of compounding. 4. For other researchers It is expected that the other researcher will have understanding about word formation especially for compound word and the types of compounding. So, it can be graduating paper as a reference for further research about compound words. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Morphology Morphology as a part of linguistic study has a lot of definition from some expert. According to Geert Booij (2005:4), he said in his book entitles “The Grammar of Words” that Morphology is the sub discipline of linguistics that deals with such patterns. He explained further that the existence of such patterns also implies that words may have internal structure. Word Formation Based on George Yule (2006), he stated that there are various kind of word formation process that may occur in a word. The explanation ofword formation process is written below: a. Coinage Coinage is the invention of totally new term (Yule, 2006:53). The most typical sources are invented trade names for one company’s products that become general terms. For example: 1) Kleenex (facial tissue) (Yule, 2006:53)

2) Teflon (frying pan) (Yule, 2006:53) b. Borrowing Borrowing is the process of taking over words from other languages (Yule, 2006:54). Throughout history, the English language has adopted a vast number of loan-words from other languages. For instance: 1) tycoon (Japanese) (Yule, 2006:54) 2) dope (Dutch) (Yule, 2006:54) c. Compounding Compounding is a process of joining two separate words to produce a single form (Yule, 2006:54). For example: 1) Fast food → fast (Adjective)+food (Noun) (Yule,2006:54) 2) Textbook → text (Noun)+ book (Noun) (Yule,2006:54) From these example above, the elements making up a compound can all typically occur as independent words elsewhere in the language. d. Blending Similar to compounding, this process combines two separate forms to produce a single new term (Yule, 2006:55). It takes only the beginning of one word and joins it to the end of the other word that is typically blending. For instance: 1) smog is from smoke and fog (Yule, 2006:55) 2) brunch is from breakfast and lunch (Yule, 2006:55). e. Clipping Clipping is a process of reducing some elements in a word, which occurs when a word of more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter form (Yule, 2006:55). For example: 1) ad (advertisement) (Yule, 2006:55) 2) flu (influenza) (Yule, 2006:55). 3) Paperclipped from ‘newspaper’ 4) Magclipped from ‘ magazine’ f. Back Formation Back Formation is a process that reduces a word of one type becomes a word of another type (Yule, 2006:56). For example: 1) donate is from donation (Yule, 2006:56) 2) worker is from work (Yule, 2006:56) g. Conversion Conversion is the process of forming words without changing the form of input word that function as base. For example:

1) We bottled the home (Yule, 2006:56) Derivation Derivation is the accomplished process by means of a large number of affixes of English language which are not usually given separate listings in dictionaries (Yule, 2006:57).A few example are the elements un-, mis-, -ful, - less which appear in unhappy, misrepresent, joyful, careless. For example: 1) Negative Prefix un- →Unhappy (Yule, 2006:57) mis→Misrepresent (Yule, 2006:57) 2) Suffix changes the word class (noun → adjective) -ism →Terrorism (Yule, 2006:57) -ish→ Boyish (Yule, 2006:57) i. Multiple Processes Multiple processes are the operation of more than one process in the creation of a particular word (Yule,06:58). It is necessary for the language users to make their own innovative words by using two or more formation processes. For example: 1) deli is from Germany → Borrowing (Yule, 2006:58) Deli (delicatessen) → clipping Compound Word According to Ingo Plag (2003), he explained that compounding is the combination of two words to form a new word. From the statement above, compounding is a process which combines two or more words which already exist to form a new word. A compound is a new word created by the word formation process of compounding. The combination of some that word creates a meaning of a word which is easier to comprehend, for example, eyeglasses and post office. But there are also some of them which create a new meaning. For example, pigtail (kuncir rambut), the meaning of pigtail itself is not the real meaning that is the tail of a pig. The other opinion came from Francis Katamba (2005:49), compound word is formed by combining two bases, which may be words in their own right, to form a new lexical item. it means compounding is the process to combining two bases or three to form a new meaning of words. Process of Compound Word According to Katamba (2005:49), he said in his book entitles “English Word” that there are three method of forming new lexical item to use compounding, i.e. process of compound noun, process of compound verb, and process of compound adjective. Types of Compound Word Martin and Andrea in their book entitled “Understanding Morphology” (2010), devides types of compounding into two types of compound words based on the different semantic relations between the head and modifier(s), they are endocentric compounds and exocentric compounds. h.

METHOD OF THE RESEARCH In this research the writer used "Descriptive Qualitative Research". Descriptive method is a kind of qualitative research of which the data was in the form of written and oral word. In another word, qualitative research has a number of the method. One of them was descriptive qualitative method. In this research, the researcher is the observer. In descriptive qualitative research, the researcher is the instrument This research used The Jakarta Post newspaper as the object. The writer chose the sample object of The Jakarta Post newspaper, one edition at first week, one edition at second weed, one edition at third week and one edition at fourth week in March 2018. In this research, the researcher is the observer. In descriptive qualitative research, the researcher is the instrument. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS Research Findings The result of analyzing compound words found in sports column of “The Jakarta Post” newspaper published on March 2018 was reported here. Furthermore, the researcher found 102 (one hundred and two) compound words. From 102 compound words, the compound words found were compound noun, compound verb, and compound adjective. The writer analyzed the processes of compound words i.e. compound noun, compound verb, and compound adjective used in sports column in “The Jakarta Post” newspaper published on March 2018. Then the writer identified the processes were mostly used in this sports column. For example; the compound word nickname was formed through the process nick (N) + name (N) which results in the formation of new words is nickname (N). Therefore, nickname include compound noun. In short, the research finding of processes of compound words described in the table below: Table 1 Percentage the Process of Compound Noun Found in Sports Column of The Jakarta Post Newspaper Processes of Compound Noun Noun + Noun = Noun Verb + Noun = Noun Noun + Verb = Noun

Total Sum 38 6 6

Percentage 47,5% 7,5% 7,5%

Adjective + Verb = Noun Adjective + Noun = Noun Preposition +Noun = Noun Verb +Preposition = Noun

1 15 3 11 80

Total Percentage of Compound Noun

1,25% 18,75% 3,75% 13,75% 100% 78,4%

Table 2 Percentage the Processes of Compound Verb Found in Sports Column of The Jakarta Post Newspaper Processes of Compound Verb Verb + Noun = Verb Preposition + Verb = Verb Verb + Preposition = Verb

Total Sum 1 3 9 13

Total Percentage of Compound Verb

Percentage 7,7% 23,1% 69,2% 100% 12,8%

Table 3 Percentage the Process of Compound Adjective Found in Sports Column of The Jakarta Post Newspaper Processes of Compound Adjective Noun + Adjective = Noun Verb + Adjective = Adjective Adjective + Preposition = Adjective Verb + Noun = Adjective Adjective + Noun = Adjective Adjective + Verb = Adjective Total Percentage of Compound Verb

Total Sum 2 1 1 1 3 1 9

Percentage 22,2% 11,1% 11,1% 11,1% 33,3% 11,1% 100% 8,8%

The table above describes the total percentage of compound words processes i.e. compound nouns, compound verbs and compound adjectives which were found in sport column of The Jakarta Post newspaper published on March 20018. From 102 data found, compound noun is the most kind of compound word found in this newspaper. The percentage of compound noun occurrence for about 78,4%, compound verb 12,8%, and the last compound adjective 8,8.

The researcher will analyzed the types of compound word used in sports column of “The Jakarta Post” newspaper published on March 2018. The analysis of each word was taken from Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Third Edition (1974). Then, the researcher identified which types were mostly used in this newspaper. For example; the types of compound word chairman. chairman (N)

chair (V)

man (N)

The compound word chairman comes from the words chair (V) and man (N). The meaning of chair is be in charge of a committee or a meeting, while man is human being; a person either male or female. Thus, chairman is understood as a person in charge of a committee. Based on the types, it is classified as Endocentric Compound, because this compound has man as the head, and chair as the modifier. In this case, man is modified by chair. So, it created a compound chairman which the meaning is restricted by the modifier that understood as chairman is a kind of man. Table 4 Total Percentage of Endocentric Compound and Exocentric Compound from the Whole Data Types of Compound Word Endocentric Compound Exocentric Compound

Total 65 37 102

Percentage 63,7% 36,3% 100%

Table 5 above describes the total percentage of compound words types i.e. endocentric compound and exocentric compound were found in sport column of The Jakarta Post newspaper published on March 20018. From 102 data found, endocentric compound is the most dominant type were found in this newspaper. The percentages of endocentric compound occurrence for about 63,7% and endocentric compound for about 36,3%. Discussions Compounding was the kind of word formation process which often appeared in the sports column of “The Jakarta Post” newspaper. That proved from the results of analysis conducted by the researcher who found compound noun, compound verb, and compound adjective.

The writer of “The Jakarta Post” newspaper prefer to used compound nouns rather than compound verbs or compound adjectives to make a news sentences in sport column which often appear in sports such as world cup, jump shot, and red card. It was compound nouns when viewed from the process of compound word. That’s why compound nouns process became a dominant process. The writer of “The Jakarta Post” newspaper often used an endocentric type to develop his ideas into sentences in sport column of newspaper because he wanted to further deepen the meaning of the sentence in his sports article. Therefore, endocentric compound was the dominant type in sport column of "The Jakarta Post" newspaper. This English newspaper can contribute to teaching Morphology. The lecturer can used English newspaper as a media for Morphology teaching especially the material about compounding. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Conclusion After analyzing the newspaper, the researcher makes the conclusion based on the statements of the problem as follows: 1. Compound words found in “The Jakarta Post” newspaper were compound noun, compound verb, and compound adjective. 2. The processes of compound words found in “The Jakarta Post” newspaper were compound noun with the division as follows; N + N = N, V + N = N, N + V = N, ADJ + V = N, ADJ + N = N, PP + N = N, and V + PP = N, compound verb with the division as follows; V + N = V, V + PP = V, and PP + V = V and compound adjective such as; N + ADJ = ADJ, V + ADJ = ADJ, ADJ + PP = ADJ, V + N = ADJ, ADJ + N = ADJ, and ADJ + V = ADJ. 3. The types of compound words found in “The Jakarta Post” newspaper were endocentric compound and exocentric compound. Suggestions Based on the explanation above, the researcher would like to present some suggestions related to the analysis in this study that might be useful for literature teaching. The suggestions are follows: 1. For English learners They can be used English newspaper to learn about compounding. 2. For English teacher Hopefully, this research finding can be used as their reference in teaching English in order to make students more understand about word formation especially compound word. 3. For readers The researcher expected this final project can enrich their knowledge about compound word and the types of compounding.

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