Journal Responses 2

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JOURNAL RESPONSES By : Andreas Tirtohartono 9preIB/2

1st Newspaper

The Straits Times - Digital Life – Singapore Page 13 Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bring on the 3-D digital wave 5 Hollywood studios have agreed to pay US$ 1 billion++ to upgrade half of movie screens in North America into 3D. By next year, half of them will be released. But before getting ready to release the 3d movies, adding digital equipment is the first step to show 3d movies. Around 20 3d movies are set to hit theaters from now to 2010. The 3D technology uses a filter in front of a digital projector to polarize separate images for the left and right eyes. The audience needs to use polarized lenses to see. RealD, which is responsible for 97 per cent of the 3d add on technology, has more than 1500 contract to install the screens. So it proof those 3d movies aren’t fail product. My opinion, 3D movie will be popular because in 3D movie we can look at all side and it looks real. People already watched 2D movie for years. So, they will wait for 3D.

New Vocabulary 1. Celluloid

: Plastic made from camphor and cellulose nitrate; cinema film

a. Cinema 21 bought 25 3D celluloid films. 2. Signatory

: Party that has signed an agreement

a. The signatory between Walt Disney and Ubisoft has broken down.

2nd Newspaper

The Strait Times - Singapore Thursday, Oct 9 Page A22

China Sets Melamine in Dairy Food Melamine is usually used in producing plastic, but China added melamine in its dairy products to fool the quality control tests and make the protein appear richer. Why did China allow any melamine used in the dairy products? According to Mr. Wang (director-general of the health supervision bureau), it was impossible to have 0 levels and even the chemical can seep into food via packaging, so we allowed the use of melamine. The maximum amount of melamine for baby formula is 1 mg per kg. For liquid milk, milk powder and food products limit is 2.5 mg per kg. Guidelines in Hongkong and New Zealand say melamine in food products is considered safe at 2.5 parts per million or less. Even United States food and drug administration said that eating 2.5 parts per million of melamine would not raise health concerns. Now the number of sick and hospitalized babies because of this melamine case has been decreasing. So far, 27 people have been arrested in China because of the tainted milk scandal. I think, China government should think is melamine can be changed with other substance that not dangerous. Now China also has to be more accurate in its quality control system to get back other countries’ trust towards its products. New Vocabulary 1. Seep

: ooze out; percolate

a. The wall seep the split water. 2. Deliberate

: intentional; considered; careful

a. China deliberate investigates the milk case. 3. Taint

: spot or trace of decay; infection; corruption

a. Mr. Alex taints his boss belief because he corrupts the company money.

3rd Newspaper

The Strait Times - Singapore Wednesday, Oct 8, 2008 Page A21

India to Launch First Lunar Mission On Oct 22, India launched their first lunar mission from southern India. The spacecraft would carry 11 payloads, 5 from India and 6 from U.S, Europe and Bulgaria. It would be launched on board PSLV – C11. The mission was to orbit the Moon at an altitude of 100 km, aimed at mapping on a 3-D atlas of the moon through high – resolution remote sensing and map the surface’s chemical and mineral composition. The US Apollo programmed resulted in the only manned space flights to the moon, with six landings from 1969 to 1972. Last year, China had launched their lunar satellite after Japan had launched its Kaguya lunar orbiter. Last month, Chine sent an astronaut Zhai Zhigang which was embarked for a 15-minute space walk. Before the Lunar mission, India has done with other space program for a scientific research However, now it has begun for commercial. India has launched 16 satellites to orbit the earth, supporting telecommunications, TV broadcasting, earth observation, weather forecasting, remote education and health care. Nowadays, many countries explore the outer space for racing in producing a more high technology for the space exploration and answering their curiosity about space. The space exploration and the development of space technology have developed our knowledge about space. In addition, the space technology is also made to protect earth from destruction because of other space objects like meteor, other planets. Since a few years ago, NASA has developed more satellites to study about some space objects, identify and observe the orbit in order to detect the danger which could happen to our earth. NASA right now is trying to develop a space laser to protect earth from an invisible meteor which still cannot be detected so it will not crash earth, instead it be destroyed outside the earth’s atmosphere. New Vocabulary 1. Constellation

: Group of fixed stars; group of associated person

a. The space researcher is now observing the new star constellation which they found a year ago. 2. Embark

: Put or go on board a ship or aircraft; begin an enterprise

a. America embarked Mariner 1 to investigate Mars.

4th Newspaper

The Straits Times - Singapore Wednesday, Oct 8, 2008 Page B

Starbucks under Fire Starbuck coffee chain which known for their environmentally friendly action has wasted million liters of water a day by leaving taps running all the time in their outlets. The Singapore Starbucks manager told that leaving taps running all the time kept utensils clean and prevented bacterial growth to ensure that we meet our own and local health standard. Mr. Peter Robinson, British environmental charity Waste Watch, concluded that leaving taps running all day is a shocking waste of water. He argued that leaving the taps for health was bonkers. British water companies and environmental groups have called the practice “wasteful” and “unnecessary” as it reportedly leads to 23.4 million liters every day at Starbucks outlets worldwide. Singapore’s National Environment Agency also said that running water does not remove micro – organisms adhering utensils, instead they could wash them by using soap and soaked them in a basin filled with water According to me, Starbucks gave reasons which do not make sense. The Starbucks manager took this problem too easily. If I were the Starbuck’s manage, I would try to handle this problem more seriously. Instead of wasting too much water, I prefer using soap to keep fulfill the health standard to letting the water tap run all day. New Vocabulary 1. Scathing

: witheringly scornful

a. The criticism was scathing Starbucks to close the store. 2. Purge

: make physically or spiritually clean; remove by cleansing

a. The water will purge the bacteria.

1st Magazine

Newsweek, Obama’s American dream November 17, 2008 Page 30 - 31

The Beginning of the Road At a certain age, kids want to figure out who they are. Barrack Obama’s life is complicated. When he was a child, he lived in Indonesia. They spoke different languages and ate strange foods like a dog meat, snake and roasted grasshopper. Obama’s mother is American but doesn’t look like him. She has white skin and long straight hair. Once, Barry (Barrack nickname) looked African people skin as illness. Then, he became worried. But his mom said that “to be black was to be the beneficiary of a great inheritance, a special density.” Then his mom told that his father is from the Luo people of Kenya and he looks like him. Since his childhood, Obama has passed a hard time. His father and mother got divorced. Then, his mother brought him to Indonesia. She married Indonesian people. Obama lived with them. When his mother has other child, she sent Obama to his mother. Obama had passed his hard time and now he became the president of USA. I think his childhood has shaped his strong personality like now. New Vocabulary 1. Complexion

: Appearance of the skin

a. His complexion is totally different from ours. 2. Decency

: Modest behavior

a. He got the most decency award from Cita Hati Christian School.

2nd Magazine

TIME November 17, 2008 Page 13

POSTCARD: KOGELO Barrack Obama (President of America) was a Kenyan American person. His family in Kenya supported him well. During the final Election Day, the Kenyan village gathered in the Barrack Obama Family house in Kenya. People in Kenya didn’t estimate that their descent can be the most influenced people. Barrack’s grandfather works in the field and lives well. People in Kenya didn’t have any word for cousin, neighbor, etc. They called each other brother, father, daughter, mother, grandpa, grandma, and so on. During the Election Day, the Kenyan believed that Obama could bring the world into one. Kenyan have strong relationship within each other. They always support each other. During the Election day, they watched TV together to witness the special moment when Obama finally became the first African American USA president. New Vocabulary 1. Wealth

: : Riches; being rich

a. May I have some of your wealth? 2. Witness

: Person giving sworn testimony

a. Witness should give the truth information according what they see.

3rd Magazine

FORTUNE November 2008 Page S11

Asian Gateway Fukuoka is one of the cities in Japan. Fukuoya is a very beautiful city. It’s located on the north east corner of Kyushu, the most southerly of Japan’s four main islands. Not only the tourist that is drawn to the convenient location, overseas investors also like the world class is drawn to the convenient location, overseas investors also like the world class infrastructure, the local masher size, the 25000 graduates produced annually by 36 universities, and its low cost. Regional Governor has launched a range of projects designed to leverage the strengths of the region’s existing industrial duster to help foster next – generation industries, rate Huge income jobs and establish Fuoka as an Asian hub. One key field of research for the auto industry is the development of more environmentally-friendly vehicles. Fukuoya has a really well balanced lifestyle. Fuoka is rated no 17 a current magazines’ 2008. Top 25 live able cities list. Fukuoka can be a trendsetter for other cities around the world. The government tries to balance between the indrustrial growth and the other aspects of life. Hopefully, Surabaya someday can be as modern and balanced as Fukuoka. New Vocabulary 1. Thrive

: Prosper; flourish; grow rich

a. Susilo thrive to be a success man but the others not. 2. Hustle

: force; hurry

a. Alex hustle Ben to be quiet because Ben is so disturbing.

4th Magazine

Fortune November 2008 Page 72 - 73

Keeping Good Company in Tough Times Many companies now have to deal with the global economy crisis. Their stock exchange down, workers can’t get payment, etc. But in this crisis Vodafone (phone cellular company) never gives up. They say that they can stand until now so of course they can stand in a crisis situation. It seems that there are many companies that collapsed in this global economy crisis that estimated will be recovered in 2009. Company should have a good strategy to stay alive in this situation. I appreciate with Vodafone. Even they are in crisis, they do their best.

New Vocabulary 1. Halve

: Share equally between two

a. Alex halved the bread for me and Carol. 2. Core

: Central or most important

a. This is the core of satellite, if this core breaks so the satellite will

be destroyed.


The Twits by Roald Dahl

The Twits Mr. and Mrs. Twits are dirty and crazy couples. They never clean their bodies. They play tricks on each other. Mr. Twit put frog in the Mrs. Twit pillow so Mrs. Twit can’t sleep. Mrs. Twit changed the spaghetti with worms and put sauce at the top so Mr. Twit couldn’t recognize it. Mr. Twit avenges by made the Mrs. Twit stick longer then Mrs. Twit would think she became shorter. Mr. Twit suggested that Mrs. Twit needed to undergo treatment. The treatment used gas balloons and her leg was tied up in the land. Then, Mr. Twit cut the tie so Mrs. Twit flew away. That’s what the Twits did everyday to each other. What about their life? Mr. and Mrs. Twit’s life was so crazy and totally different from others. Their house didn’t have any windows. They had bird supper every Wednesday. So Mr. Twits put huge tight sticky glue on the tree branch. The bird that stucked there was cooked. Mr. Twits had monkeys; the monkeys must obey what Mr. Twits said. Usually Mr. Twits asked them to be upside down. They couldn’t move their position because Mr. Twits would know that. Once, Roly-Poly bird from African the same as the monkeys came. The monkeys told that the tree had hugged tight sticky glue. So the Roly Poly bird warned the others. Then Mr. Twits and Mrs. Twits couldn’t get their bird supper. They decided to buy guns. While they bought guns, the birds and the monkeys worked to make the Twits’ house upside down. When the Twits went back, they shot the birds but missed. The birds dropped the hug tight glue on their heads. The Twits touched it and went inside the house. They looked their house upside down. So, they turned upside down and never got back until they died.

The Twits is a funny novel but this funny novel could give a bad impact to children because many bullying actions were shown in the novel. The child who read it will do crazy things. This novel is very interesting but a bit confusing because at the beginning of the novel, it tells about how The Twits played tricks towards each other but the ending of the story tells about The Twits’ life. New Vocabulary 1. Shrinking

: Make or become smaller

a. I think your body is shrinking because last year you were taller

than me. 2. Rook

: black bird of the crow family nesting in colonies

a. I saw rooks eating hamburger there.

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